Obit Finder - checked 25 June 11 for Skuce/Skuse/Scuse/Skeuse/etc
The Daily British Whig
Monday, 4 August 1851
Letters remaining in the Post Office, Kingston, 1st August, 1851
Skuse, James
The Hamilton Gaztte
Thursday, April 28, 1853
St. George's Day.
Song by Mr. Skuce.
The Kingston Daily News
Friday, 27 January
An inquest was held by H. B. Bull, Esq., Coroner, and a Jury, on Sunday last, at Mr Skuce's tavern, on the body of a fine young man named John Mulvahill, who was killed Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock ...
The Hamilton Gazette
Monday, August 28, 1854 (Also in the 31 Aug)
List of Licences.
St. Mary's Ward
Skuce Isaac, York
The Provincial Freeman and Weekly Advertiser, Toronto, Ontario
Saturday, 21 April, 1855
Supposed Murder at Hamilton
We Learn from our Hamilton correspondent, that on Tueaday morning last, the body of a man, bearing numerous marks of violence, was found lying in the water in Burlington Bay, near the Suspension Bridge. The body was identified as that of a teamster, formerly in the employment of Nixson & Swales, wharfingers.
About two months since deceased was despatched with a load of goods to Wellington Square, and on his return, it appears he stopped for a short time at a tavern kept by a person named Skuce, immediately adjoining the Suspension Bridge; while there two men asked him if he would permit them to ride with him on his way home, which request was not granted, and an altercation ensued. Since that period no tidings have been received of him, his horses returning home without a driver. A quantity of money and a valuable watch remained on the body of the unfortunate man, a proof that he was not assaulted with intent to rob, but from malevolent feelings.—Globe, April 19th.
The Hamilton Gazette
Thursday, June 28, 1855
Found Drowned.—Nathan Cooper, a aged person, who had lived with the Hopkins family for a number of years, was found drowned in Burlington bay, near near Dundurn Castle on Sunday last. When the body was discovered it was almost in a state of nudity with the clothes having been torn off by the lumps of hard cemented gravel, whis is along the shore the action of the water causing it to be thown against them. The information being given to Coroner. But he ordered the body to be once removed to Skuce's Tavern, where an Inquest was held, but little was elicited, excepting identifying the body, and that the deceased had left Mr Sweyzee Hopkins about 2, or 3 days previous. The deceased was a sober quiet and inoffensive person, but during the last spring, showed more than his ordinary symptoms of derangement, yet not sufficient to have him confined. A verdict of found drowned was returned. Mr Hopkins took the body home for interment.
Weekly Dispatch and County of Elgin General Advertiser, St Thomas, Ontario
27 August 1857
Westminster, 31st January 1857
Messrs, MacPherson, Glasgow & Co.
Gents - We take pleasure in writing to certify that the Machine we bought of you last summer gave entire satisfation. The Separator is far superior to any other kind we ever saw, and the Horse Power deserves our best recommendation, for had it not been well constructed and very strong you would likely have had it to pass for old iron before now, but though it get an extremely hard tril it is now nearly as good as new, and verly likely to stand for a number of years yet. Y'rs truly
Timothy Kilbourne
Nathaniel Skuse
Semi-Weely Spectator, Hamilton
Saturday, 15 January 1859
Hamilton Police
Wednesday January 12, 1859
Eliza Skuce, an old offender, was chargedwith being drunk. Fined $2.
Commited in default.
Semi-Weely Spectator, Hamilton
Wednesday, 1 June 1859
Eliza Scuse was charged with stealing a hat from the Burlington
Mr McCracken identified his hat, which the prisoner had sold to a woman name Honors Wilson for 25 cents.
The prisoner, who is an old offender, was commited for trail at the Recorder's Court.
Ottawa Daily Citizen
Friday, 22 November 1861
Rueben Lawrence, William Lawrence, James Mathews, William Mathews, Joseph McGowan and Francis Skuse were indicted for a riot and assault upon Mark Bishoprick. The case arose out of a charivari. The Jury, after hearing the evidence, found Rueben Lawrence, Wm. Lawrence and Wm. Mathews, guilty of assault. Sentence was deferred.
The Hamilton Weekly Times
Friday, February 19, 1864
List of Letter
Ladies' List.
Skuce Mary Ann
The Daily British Whig
Saturday, 17 March 1866
List of Letters
Remaining in the Kingston Post Office, 15th March, 1866
Skuce Rebecca
Morning Telegraph, Saint John, New Brunswick
May 16 1868, Volume 26 Number 327
d. Friday, 15th inst., Charles E. SKUSE, age 23. Funeral Sunday 3 p.m. from residence of J.S. TURNER, Brussells St. ( St. John)
The Canadian Post
12 March 1875
On Thursday, the 25th of February, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Robert Walker, Omemee, Williot Elliott, School Teacher, to Maggie Skuce, both of Ops.
The Ottawa Daily Citizen
Wendesday, 6 September 1876
The Dominion Springs Hotel
Arrivals, September 4th.—
James Skuce
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, December 13, 1876
Skuse—Suddenly, in this city, on the 13th instant, Rebecca, eldest daughter of the late Mr George Beattie, and wife of Mr Henry Skuse, aged 46 years.
The funeral will take place from her mother's residence, No 66 1/2 Wolfe street, on Friday, 15th inst, at 2 30 p.m. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully requested to attend without further intimation.
The Woodstock Weekly Review, Woodstock, Ontario
18 May 1877
Daring Burglary
Midnight Deeds - Farmer's House in Westminster entered - inmates threatened with dead - $112 secured
Late on Saturday night or rather at an early hour on Sunday morning a most daring burlgary was committed at the residence of Mr. Skuse, 2nd con. of Westminster, just west of Oxford County. The only residents in the house were Mr. and Mrs. Skuse and a young girl. About 2am, the residents of the house were suddenly awakened by a series of sharp blows struck on some wooden substance. Mr. Skuse had barely time to ask his wife if she heard the noise, when three masked men, who had forced in one of the windows of the house, presented themselves at the bedside, each armed with a revolver. One of the rascals, in a husky and evidently disguised tone of voice, said, "Now, Mr.s Skuse, we want your money, and we won't do you any harm if you do not move." Thinking discretion the better part of valor, Mr. Skuse promised he would no, but in order to make sure of him, one of the robbers, revolver in hand, stodd sentry while the other couple went in search of wealth. The young girl heard the parley, but was too frightened to move. The scoundrels had therefore fill scope to exercise theri power. They ransacked the house, evidently to search of money only, and in this they were successful, arther they had brtoken open a drawer, from which they carried off over $112, nearly all in bills. They then left after threatening Mr. Skuse with instant death if he attempted to follow them. The alarm was not given, therefore, till late in the morning, and by that time, of course, the robbers had time to clear off with their booty. It is suspecte that they drove to and from the house, and that they came from a city direction. The residents in the neighborhoog have been greatly excited over this extraordinary outrage; and our informant says that every effort will be made to secure the arrest of the depredators.
Ottawa Daily Citizen
Tuesday, 24 July 1877
London, 24th.—The wife of Mr. John Skuse, of Westminster township, a settler in Middlesex of 45 years standing, is dead.
Essex Record, Windsor
20 May 1880
A Mystery Solved.—
and James Skuce, the two latter engineers in the employment of the Grest Western Railway Company here, and they identified the articles found on the corpse.
Ottawa Free Press
1881 January; Marriages
Jan 12, George HALL of North Attleboro, Massachusetts to, Maggie E. SKUCK / SKUCE ? of Ottawa.
The Brantford Daily Expositor
Wednesday, 19 January 1881
Mr B Skuse, of Lambeth, on rising a few mornings ago found in his pantaloons pocket a strange purse containing $100. How it got there is a mystery to him, and he calls for an owner.
The Kemptville Advance
Friday, 8 April 1881
Mr Thomas Skuce and wife, left for their future home at Bark Lake on the 6th inst. They have the best wishes of all their friends and acquaintances.
Fenelon Falls Gazette
23 April 1881
Somerville Council Proceedings
That the following persons be Path-Masters, Fence-Viewers and Pound-Keepers for the year 1881:—Division No. 2, John Skuce
Fenelon Falls Gazette
7 May 1881
In the township of Fenelon on Tuesday, May 3rd, Eliza, wife of Mr Richard Moore, Sr., aged 68 years.
Fenelon Falls Gazette
Saturday, 14 May 1881
Mrs Eliza Jane Moore.
"I head a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, belssed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them."
When the youthful mind is brought under the control of piety, the formation of an amiable character is frequently the happy result, enabling its possessors so to grow in grace and virtue, that death is not only the portal to eternity but to the skies.
Eliza Moore, whose maiden name was Skuse, was born in the parish of Dourous, county of Cork, Ireland, February 1st, 1813
and died in the township of Fenelon in the 68th year of her age. Her parents were devoted christians, and much respected in their native land. When young the deceased was the subject of deep religious feelings while sitting under the faithful inistry of the early Methodist ministers in Ireland. The seed of divine grave was sown, whcih afterwards yielded much previous fruit. In her youth she was never addicted to those follies which so generallly blight and wither all the good qualities and dispositions of young people; on the contrary, from her earliest days she was unusually predisposed to love God and cultivate her better and higher nature. About the year 1831 the good seed of the kingdom began to germinate, or rather to burst forth into life and action. She was then brought into the enjoyment of saving grace, engrafted into Christ the "living vine," made a partaker of his lovely likeness and an heir of eternal life. Her conversion was genuine, as her steady and noble deportment at all times testified. In the year 1835 she was married to Mr Richard Moore, with whom she lived in great affection for about 46 years. In the year 1847 she emigrated with her husband to Canada, and settled in the township of Cavan, Ont., where they resided 18 years. On her arrival in a new country she did not, as many do, lay aside religion and the cause they had esposed in their native land; but she continued a steady and devout follower of Christ, early identifying herself (with her kind husband) with th eMethodist Church. Her demonination attachment was not to be rquestioned, and but few were more alive to the interests of the Church than she. Mrs Moore was exceedingly and unchangeably kind to ministers. It was her highest ambition to make the servants of Christ at home while under her hospitable roof; and not only minsters, but all with whom she came in contact. In the year 1873 Mrs Moore and her husband moved to the township of Fenelon. About ten months ago the writer became acquainted with the deceased; during these months he has frequently had the pleasure of conversing with her on these high and important questions which conern our immortal spirits–that she was truly pious and conscientious, and that her love to Jesus was supreme and constant, he has not doubt.
Her remains were taken to the Fenelon Falls cemetery on Thursday a.m, May 5th, followed by a large number of her friends and neighbours. ...
Quebec Saturday Budget
March 25, 1882
On the morning of the 21st instant, of inflammation of the lungs, Arthur Donald Skuce, youngest son of Donald Fraser, aged 4 years and 15 days.
Fenelon Falls Gazette
Saturday, 21 October 1882
In the township of Somerville, on Tuesday, October 17th, the wife of Mr J. F. Sceusce of a son.
The Canadian Post
18 May 1883
Mount Horeb
School Report-The following pupils of Mount Horeb public school received the highest number of marks in their respective classes for the month of April.
Sid. Skuce
Fenelon Falls Gazette
Saturday, 14 June 1884
Skuce—Green.—At the Manse, Fenelon Falls, by the Rev. Wm. Lochead, on Wednesday, June 11th,
Mr Francis Skuce to Martha, eldest daughter of Mr John Green, all of Verulam.
Victoria Daily Colonist
Sunday Morning, July 12th, 1885
In the Supreme Court of British Columbia
Between Edward Skuse, Plaintiff, and James Sumner, Defendant.
Monday, the 22nd Day June, 1885
... Skuse's Hotel, at or near Lytton, British Columbia, ...
Victoria Daily Colonist
Wednesday Morning, September 16th, 1885
... E Skuse, Cisco, are at the Occidental.
The Victoria Warder
Friday, 12 February 1886
Mount Horeb
Mr William Skuce, sr., got his toes frozen so now he has to stop in the house more than he likes to. We understand he could not attend the entertainment the other night they were so painful.
Mr Richard Skuce, sr., is gone north to push his fortune.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, November 19, 1886
Special Notices
Carleton Billard Room is now opened in
Brown's Block, Wellington street, by Boulger & Skuce.
The Victoria Warder
4 February 1887
Mount Horeb
Accident.—As Mr Wm. Skuce Jr., was watering his colts, he received a severe kick on the chin, inflicting a very painful gash, causing intense pain, but now is in a a fair way of being around shortly.
Bury's Green
It is our pleasure to relate of this locaity the growth of the population. Mrs John Skuce of a daughter
Ottawa Daily Citizen
Friday, 5 August 1887
One of the wagons of the Robbins show came to grief yesterday by some iron work giving way. It was taken to the smithshop of Mr Skuce on Queen street, where it was promptly repaired.
The Montreal Star
Friday, June 22, 1888
Phillips-Skuce—At Hamilton, by Rev. R. J. Sutherland. James Phillips to Hattie Irene Skuce.
The Canadian Post
Friday, 21 September 1888
Skuce–Shaw.–On the 19th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Wm. Jonston, Mr Samuel Skuce, contractor, to Miss Lizzie, second daughter of Mr Henry Shaw, all of Ops.
The Montreal Star
Monday, September 24, 1888
Skuce-Shaw—At Ops, Ont., September 19, by Rev. Wm. Johnston, Samuel Skuce to Lizzie Shaw.
Brandon Sun
Thursday, 11 April 1889 (Also in Brandon Mail)
More Settlers
Saturday's Train a large one
Saturyday's train came from the east in two sections, largest ever brought into the city. The number of people aboard was surprising. Brandon got it's share, as will be seen on the list below.
Mrs R Skuce, family one Ont .... Brandon
R Skuce, family one .... Brandon
Montreal Daily Witness
Saturday, 13 April 1889
SKUCE–CHRISTIE – On Thursday, 11th April 1889, at the manse, Kemptville, by the Rev H. J. McDiarmid, Mr John Skuce, of Mountain, to Miss Agnes Christie, of Osgoode, Ont.
Toronto Daily Mail
Friday, February 21, 1890
WILSON–SKUCE — At St. Paul's church, by Rev. R.G. Moore, Mr Samuel Wilson, of Hamilton, to Miss Ida Skuce, of this city.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, February 25, 1890
Wilson-Skuce— At Toronto, by Rev. R.G. Moore, Samuel Wilson to Ida Skuce.
Toronto Daily Mail
Monday, March 3, 1890
At the Walker house:– Mr John Skuce, Winnipeg; ...
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, June 4, 1890
At London, May 31, Barnabas Skuse, Esq. aged 46 years.
The Victoria Warder
Friday, 10 October 1890
Mount Horeb
Another of our best girls, Miss Annie Skuce, of this village, has joined hands in the bands of matrimony, Mr Thos. Beatty of Cavanville, being the contractor. The happy couple went on a wedding tour to Toronto and other points south. We wish them a happy journey through life.
Sarnia Observer
Friday, October 24, 1890
Police Court.
George Skuce a 13 year old English boy was charged with vagrancy on Tuesday. He stated that he had no father or mother and up to within two weeks ago had been living with a man named James Smith at Petroles. Smith went away and left him about two weeks ago, and he had since been working on the tug Hattie Brown. He had left the tug on Monday and had no money. His Worship had him sent to Petroles with a letter to the Mayor of that place.
Montreal Daily Witness
Wednesday, January 7, 1891 (Also in the 8th, also in the Montreal Star on the 6th and 9th)
SKUCE–BARR. On December 31, 1890, at the Methodist Parsonage, North Gower, Ont., by the Rev. John Grenfell, Mr John Henry Skuce, of Wellington, Carleton Co., to Miss Cecilia Amelia Barr, of the same place, daughter of the late James Barr, Esq.
The Watchman
Thursday, March 26, 1891
County of Victoria
Return of Convictions
Made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Victoria, and filed in my Office for the quater ending March 10th, 1891. In pursuance of the Revised Statues, Ontario, Chap. 76, Sec. 5.
Town of Lindsay, Wm J Skuce, driving without bells, Feb 12 1891
The Canadian Post
Friday, March 27, 1891
North Manvers
Hymeneal.—Mr Richard Skuce of Mount Horeb and Miss Maitland of Omemee were united in the bonds of holy wedlock on Wednesday, March 18th. We understand the happy couple are going to farm in Fenelon township. We wish them a long and prosperous life.
Fenelon Galls Gazette
Friday, 26 June 1891
Skuce.—In the township of Verulam, on Monday, June 22nd, Mr Francis Skuce, aged 34 years, 9 months and 15 days.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 25 February 1892
Mr John Skuce general blacksmith, is doing a good business in this locality.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 14 July 1892
Reid' Mills.
(Last week's)
Mrs. T. Skuce, of Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. C. Skuce.
The Victoria Warder
Friday, 12 August 1892
Mount Horeb
Mr T.E. Skuce in some way while working with an axe gave his food a bad gash; we understand he had to get the wound stitched. Poor Tom has bad luck this hot weather.
The Skuce Bros.
have built a stone foundation under ther barn. The Lindsay Bros of Lindsay did the mason work, which reflects much credit on them as first-class work men.
Skuce Bros. and Robinson have everything in readiness to start threshing. They are the right men.
Fenelon Falls Gazette
Friday, 16 September 1892
Skuce.—In the township of Fenelon, on Saturday, September 10th, the wife of Mr Richard Skuce of a daughter.
The Canadian Post
Friday, 23 September 1892
Skuce–McMann.–By the Rev. Newton Hill, at the residence of the bride's mother, Reaboro, Thomas E Skuce of Ops to Sarah McMann.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 28 October
Miss. M. J. Skuce of Mountain visited friends here last week
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 2 March 1893
Mrs J Parks and Mrs Skuce recently had their infant children baptized by the Rev A. W. Whalley in the Episcopal Church.
The Watchman
Thursday, 2 March 1893
Building.—Postmaster Grandy will commence the erection of a new, birck, business block in the arly spring. Mr Sam Fox will supply the brick, and the woodwork will be done at Skuce's planing mill. When the building is completed it will be an ornament to the village.
The Watchman
Thursday, August 23, 1893
On Wednesday of last week Mr Skuce, residing in Emily, we believe, was thrown from his buggy on Lindsay-st., south of the railway crossing, and had his face cut, beside being otherwise bruised, owing the his horse shying . The animal attemptyed to run away, but Mr Skuce pluckily held on unitl it was secured by workmen from Fox's new building.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 9 October 1893
Mr Daniel Skuce has returned again to take charge of the painting department for Mr Henry Brynce.
The Watchman
Thursday, 22 February 1894
Bury's Green
Personals.—We are glad to say that Mrs Green and Mrs Skuce are recovering from their late sickness.
... .Mr Josiah Flett and Mr A Dunseath are also on the sick list.
Omemee Mirror
Friday, 23 February 1894
Mount Horeb
Thos Skuce is very low, but under medical treatment, we hope for a speedy recovery.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 20 April 1894
Bells Corner
April. 18. Mr Jas. Skuce, village black smith, has gone to Mosgrove. Mr A McGee an old resident of the Corners now occupies the forge vacated by Mr Skuce while the former will be greatly missed, as he was a good neighbor; the latter was heartily welcomed back.
The Evening Sentinel-Review, Woodstock, Ontario
Saturday, 21 April 1894
Mr. James Shinners of Woodstock spent last week with Mr. Thomas Skuse of West Oxford. - Ingersoll Chronicle
Omemee Mirror
Friday, 20 July 1894
Mount Horeb
Messrs Isaac Robinson and Matthew Skuce are home from the States. They are looking well and speak well ofthe land of the screaming eagle.
Fenelon Falls Gazette
Friday, 10 August 1894
Skuse — In the township of Fenelon, on Sunday, July 29th, the wife of Mr. Richard Skuse of a daughter.
The Montreal Star
Friday, August 24, 1894
Skuse, Aug. 19th, 1894. Jennie, eldest daughter of the late B. Skuse, aged 16 years and 6 months, at London, Ont.
Saint John Globe, Saint John, New Brunswick
September 28, 1894; Vol 94, No 1574
A little girl about 8 years of age was taken to the police station about noon today by some persons who found her cyring on the street. Her name she gave as Jessie SKUSE and she came from England over a year ago with a number of immigrant children. She was taken up by William VANWART who lives near Hampstead (Queens Co.) and up to Thursday lived at his farm happy and contented. This morn., the little girl says, Mr. and Mrs. Vanwart, brought her to the city by the steamer and took her directly to the office of Samuel Gardner, the immigration agent and, putting her box inside the door, they left her there. Mr. Gardner told her to run after them and she did so, but she missed them and lost her way. Mr. Gardner, when asked about the mater, said that he was in his office when the door opened; the man and woman left the little girl and box of clothes inside the door and ran away. Mr. Gardner has now taken charge of the child and says he will have no problem getting her a home. She is a remarkedly bright child for her years.
The Watchman
Thursday, 29 November 1894
Burys' Green
Personal.—Mr W Skuce, of Mt Horeb, paid this locality a short visit last week.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 28 December 1894
Mr Frank Skuce is recovering from a severe attack of rheumastism. During his illness, Mr Gamble of Carsonby, filled his place in the blacksmith shop
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 3 January 1895
Mr. F. Skuce, our genial blacksmith who was indipsoed for a few days is rapidly recovering under medical treatment.
The Victoria Wader
Friday, 18 January 1895
(Also in The Watchman, 17 Jan, and Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Jan)
Skuce—Flett.–At the manse, Fenelon Falls, by the Rev. M. McKionon, B.A, on Jan. 9th, 1895, Wesley Skuce of Mt. Horeb, to Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Joseph Flett, Esq., of Verulam.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 14 February 1895
Mrs T Skuce and daughter are the guests of Mr and Mrs Skuce here.
The Watchman
Thursday, 21 February 1895
North Manvers
Surprise Party.—The people of Mount Horeb neighborhood took advantage of Mr and Mrs Samuel Skuce, to show the respect they had for them by presenting them with a well filled purse on Tuesday evening, as Mr and Mrs S. Skuce are about to remove to Peterboro.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 7 March 1895
Reid's Mills
Miss Ida Skuce attended the holiness convention at Winchester last week.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 14 March 1895
Mr Skuce is visiting his son, Mr Jas. Skuce of this place.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 25 April 1895
Mr James Skuce's father is spending a few days here. He has been trying his luck fishing and brought home quite a string of fish on Monday evening.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 16 May 1895
Mr Grant of Kemptville spent Sunday with Mr Skuse
The village is being greatly enlarged this spring
Frank Skuse on the
corner of Main and Sommeil streets.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 16 May 1895
Mr. Grant of Kemptville was the guest of his sister, Mrs Frank Skuse, on Sunday last.
As the summer trotting season is at hand our horse trainers are bery busy. ... and Mr. Frank Skuse's chestnut, Kentucky Whip.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursdy, 23 May 1895
Mr and Mrs John Skuce and children of Carsonby were the guest of Mr Jas. Skuce last week
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 6 August 1895
Miss S. Boulger paid her aunt, Mrs J Skuce a flying visit last week. She afterwards left for North Gower to spend a couple of weeks.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 17 August 1895
August 14. - Miss J. Boulger and Miss E. Day have returned to Ottawa after spending a week at the residence of Jas. Skuce.
Masters John and Milton Skuce have gone to North Gower to spend a couple of days.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 22 August 1895
Reid's Mills
Miss Maria Skuce of Ottawa is visiting friends in this vicinity.
The Montreal Star
Friday, November 29, 1895
Skuce—In Hamilton, Ont, on Nov. 25th, Clara Skuce, aged 54 years.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 10 December 1895
It was Accidental
The Coroner's Jury looked into the Death of Easton
How the C.A.R. Brakeman Must Have Been Killed. The Evidence Went to Show that the Unfortunate Man Had Been Run Over.
First, testimony was recorded at to the sober and industrious character of the deceased, Messrs. George Vallilee and Thomas Skuce, two acquaintances, being examined in this connection.
Ottawa Daily Citizen
Saturday, 14 December 1895
Mr Grant, of Ventnor, is spending a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs Frank Skuce.
The Omemee Mirror
Thursday, 16 January 1896
Mount Horeb
Mrs W.J. Skuce presented her husband with a fine conservative voter last week.
Mr Bennett, also, has one added to his family.
The Canadian Post
Friday, 17 January 1896
Mount Horeb
Personal.- Mr and Mrs S Skuce have returned after a pleasant visit to Peterboro.
Miss Ida Skuce has left to take charge of her school in Cavan.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 27 January 1896
What might have proved a serious accident a few days go. When Mr Alex Powell of North Riden was driving his his lively team of cream colored ponies down Main street, the pole dropped and the horses took fright, Mr Powell was thrown out and dragged along between the wheels. Before going far the vehicle came in contact with the hitching-posts at the post-office two of which which were broken off. This has the effect of partly stopping them and they were quickly brought a standstill by Mr F Skuse who just then appeared on the scene. Strange to say Mr Powell escaped injury.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 29 February 1896
The dogs in the village are getting quite vicious. Master Milton Skuce and Mr. A. Gordon were bitten yesterday. Both dogs were shot.
The Omemee Mirror
Thursday, 5 March 1896
Mount Horeb
Mrs B Skuce is moving to Emily.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 18 May 1896
Mr Grant of Ventnor is the guest of Mrs F Skuce.
The Watchman
Thursday, 7 May 1896
Skuce.—At Mount Horeb, on the 28th April, the wife of Mr Skuce, of a daughter.
The Canadian Post
Friday, 24 July 1896
Samuel J Skuce, son of Mrs Richard Skuce, of Mount Horeb, died in Peterboro on Saturday evening of consumption. The funeral took place last Monday from the mother's residence, to Mount Horeb cemetery.
The Watchman
Thursday, 30 July 1896
Mount Horeb
Death.—Mr Samuel Skuce, formerly of this place, died in Peterboro on the 18th in his 36th year. He was a wholesouled Christian and follower of Christ in his every day walk in life. He showed to the world that he was a true Christian boy in every respect and now forms one of the happy throng at the right hand of Jesus. His remains were interred in the Mount Horeb cemetery followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. He leaves a widow and one son to mourn his loss. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones.
Personal.—Miss Elly Skuce is home after a visit of two weeks in Cavanville and Peterboro. She speaks highly of the above pleaces and enjoyed her visit very much, but we are glad to see her home once more.
The Canadian Post
Friday, 31 July 1896
Mount Horeb
Obit.—Died in Peterboro on the 18th, John Samuel Skuce, in his 35th year. He was a resident of Mt Horeb from childhood. His health failed him, and he then became a resident of Peterboro, where he gradually sank and died on the above date.
He was a true Christian and is now one of the celestial throng hapy in the Lord. He leaves a widow and one son to mourn his loss. We extend our sympathy to all friends. The funeral was very large; his remains were interred in the Mt Horeb cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 13 August 1896
The friends of Mr James Skuce will be pleased to hear that his little son Orville, is quite well again.
The Globe
Friday, August 27, 1896
First form—..., C. Skuse, ...
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 28 August, 1896
Miss Jennie Boulger, of Ottawa, is paying her sister, Mrs J Skuce, a visit.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 7 October 1896
Miss M Skuce, Hurdman's Bridge
The Watchman
Thursday, 8 October, 1896
Mount Horeb
Personal.—Miss Ella Skuce has gone to spend a lengthy visit in Hastings.
Mr Robert Ingrim of Buffalo is visiting his friend, W.J. Skuce.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 21 October 1896
Mr. McDonald has rented has rented his cottage on Queen street to Mr D Skuce. It has been thoroughly renovated.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 31 October 1896
Marriage of Mr D Skuce to a Navan Lady-Personals.
October 30.—Mr. D. Skuce left here Wednesday to be married to a charming young belle of Navan, Miss Bickerton. The ceremony took place at St Mary's Church. They started immediately on their wedding tour and will be absent for some time. On their return they will settle on Queen street. Mr. D. Skuce is very popular in this place. Guests were invited from Toronto, Brockville, Manotick, Montreal, Ottawa, Rockland and Cumberland. Mr and Mrs D. Skuce carry all the best wishes of this locality for future happiness and success in life.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 14 November 1896
Nov.13 —Mr Rodney of Ottawa is the guest of Mr Frank Skuse.
Ottawa Daily Citizen
Thursday, 3 December 1896
After an illness of eleven months,
Mrs Charles Skuce passed peacefully away to her reward on Thanksgiving
morning at 9 o'clock. The C.E. at
Reid's Mills, of which
Mrs Skuce was active member, have lost an earnest worker and one who was not ashamed to speak for the Master, whom she loved and served. She will be missed, but we know that our loss will be her gain. Her remains were interred in the burying ground here on Saturday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended. Rev. McAmmond preached from the text "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,"— 2 Cor., 5:10. Rev J. H. Higgins was present and took part in the service at the grave. Deceased was 44 years of age and leaves a husband and three daughters, the loss of a loving wife and an affectionate mother. It was very remarkable that all her brothers, six in number, were able to attend the funeral and act as pallbearers. The bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of the entire community.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 7 December, 1896
Mr F Skuce returned on Sunday from attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs Skuce of Reid's Mills.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 10 July 1897
Registered at the Dominion House for the week ending 8th July were ...
John Skuce and F Skuce, Carsonby; ...
The Montreal Star
Thursday, August 5, 1897
Skuce—In Mount Horeb, Ont., July 26, 1897, Isaac Skuce, aged 23 years.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 24 August 1897
Mrs. Miller, her daughter and Miss Snow Baulger, who have recently arrived from the eastern states are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Skuce.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 31 August 1897
Mr and Mrs Skuce and family have gone to spend a week with friends in North Gower.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 23 September 1895
Reid's Mills
Miss Maria Skuce of Ottawa is renewing acquantances and visiting her cousin, the Misses Skuce.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, April 5, 1897
Mr F Skuce has engaged a first class carriage maker, in the person of
Mr James Grant, of Ventnor.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, May 11, 1897
Messrs. Skuce and Grant have manufactured a large number of vehicles this spring, all the heavier ones having the wide tire.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, August 12, 1897
C.E. Picnic at Alymer.
The Christian Endeavor Societies of Ottawa will hold a monster union picnic at Queen's Park, Alymer, to-day. The Endeavor Societies of the Dominion, Bell street, McLeod street, West End and Eastern Methodist churches, Knox, Stewarton and Erskine Presbyterian churches, and the First Congregational church will be represented. The excursionists will go out on special Hull Alymer cars at ten o'clock, and will spent the day in sports and games. The committees having charge of the arrangements are: Transportations, Messrs. T.E. Chisnall and A.E. Revell; entertainment, Misses Way, Campbell, Skuce and McDonald; programme, Messrs. W.R. Greene, S.J. Jarvis and W. Kerr.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 2 December 1897
Mr Frederick Davis, well known in Hintonburgh and brother-in-law of Mr William Skuce, the blacksmith, died Tuesday morning in Manitoba where he went on a farmer's excursion two months ago. His body has been sent home, and will arrive in Ottawa tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock, and thence be conveyed to Cantley where interment will take place. Mr Davis was about twenty two years of age.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 7 December 1897
Miss Ida Wallace of North Gower, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs Skuce, last week.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 13 December 1897
Mr J Skuce's Residence Narrowly Escapes Destruction by Fire
Dec. 13—What might
have proved a serious fire occurred in the house of Mr. J. Skuce, but the timely assistance of the residents got it under control; Considerable damage was done to the kitchen, and the content, by water. The loss is fully covered by Insurance. Mills Bros. is at present repairing the damage.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 13 January 1898
The funeral of the late Bertha Skuce was largely attended on Friday morning. The remains were taken to the church where a very impressive discourse was delivered by Rev. Mr McAmmond from the text Luke 12:40 "Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not,"—this be a verse deceased had often quoted to warn her doubting companions. The C. E. Society showed their love for the departed member in the beautiful wreath placed in her casket. All about the calm sleeper was emblematic of the pure and spotless life she had lived which shall be complete in heaven.
Those who bore her to the grave were James McKeen, Lindsay
Allan, Geo.Wilson, James Clark, Hamilton Allan and Wm. Shaw. The deep heart-felt sympathy this community is extended to the bereaved father, sisters and friends in this sudden affliction.
May Godhelp us to meet her in a batter land where parting is unknown.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 9 February 1898
Feb.8 — We are sorry to hear that Mr D Skuce and his popular young wife are leaving our village. They will reside in Hintonburgh in the future.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, March 5, 1898
Is Thomas Lewis Guilty of Arson?
Committed for Trial on This Serious Charge.
William Skuce, John M Fuller and Lars Peterson were also at the fire, and described the buring of the building and how Lewis Acted.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, April 1 1898
Mrs Dan Skuce, formerly of Navan, gave a house warming Wednesday evening to a number of her friends in her new home on Centre street. A pleasant time was spent. The villagers hope Mr and Mrs Skuce will do well in the Burgh.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, April 1 1898
Mr Dan Skuce gave a social party to 24 of his Ottawa friends last night. A very enjoyable time was spent by all present.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 31 May 1898
Mr and Mrs D. Skuce are visiting in Navan
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 14 July
Miss Katie Skuce, of Friel street, Ottawa is visiting her aunt, Mrs D Skuce, Centre street.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, August 4, 1898
The young friends of Master Milton Skuce, will be sorry to learn that he is sick with diphtheria. He was removed to the hospital on Sunday.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, August 11, 1898
Mrs D. Skuce of Centre Street has been spending the last few days her sister, Mrs T. Skuce, Friel Street, Ottawa.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, August 13, 1898
Miss Snow Boulger, of Ottawa, is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt Mrs Skuce.
The Ottawa
Monday, September 12, 1898
Miss Emma Skuce was to Ottawa on a visit. She is home again.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 28 September 1898
Mr J.W. Rath has been employed by Mr. J. Skuce for the past year, has gone to Smith's Falls where he has accepted more lucrative position.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 14 December 1898
Miss Murial Skuce is the guest of her aunt Mrs James Skuce.
Master Lewis Skuce who has been laid up for the last few days is able to be about again.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 9 February
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wallace of North Gower and Mr. and Mrs. Brennon of Ottawa visited at Mr. Skuce's last week.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 4 March 1899
Misses M. and B. Blackburn, of Cantley, are visiting at the residence of Mr. Skuce, Center Street.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 9 March 1899
Mrs Rodney and her son Walter, of Ottawa, are the guest of Mr and Mrs Jas. Skuce.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, March 16, 1899
Miss T Breckerton, of March, is visiting Mrs D Skuce, of Center street.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, April 20, 1899
Mr and Mrs D Skuce, of Centre street, are visiting Mrs Bickerton, of Navan.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 3 July 1899
Wedding at Whitney
Whitney, Ont., July 1.—A quiet but very pretty wedding took place in the church in Whitney on June 28th. at 8 o'clock, when Miss Maria Skuce, of Whitney, and Mr. Charles Watson, of Ottawa, were united in marriage. The bride was assisted by Miss May Adams, of Ottawa, while the groom was supported by Mr. Eldridge Horn, of Whitney. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Rattray, Presbyterian minister, of Eganville. In the presence of a large number of guests. Miss Skuce's departure from the village is much to be regretted, as she was one of the most indefatigable workers in the church. After the wedding the Christian Endeavor society presented her with a feeling address, expressing regret at her leaving, but extending kind wishes for her future health and happiness. A reception was held at the residence of Mr. Alex. Tait, and Mr. and Mrs. Watson afterwards left for their future home in Ottawa, carrying with them the best wishes of their many friends.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 8 August 1899
Mr and Mrs Watson of Ottawa, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jas. Skuce
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 19 October
Mr and Mrs John Rodney, Thomas Skuce, James Skuce and Mr Tait of Ottawa, were guests of Thomas Skuce of Hallville for the past week.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, November 2, 1899
West Osgoode
Messrs Tom and James Skuce are visiting friends here.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 9 November
News of the District
Reids Mills
Mr and Mrs Tait are spending a couple of weeks at Chas. Skuce's
Chas. Skuce and Miss Ella are visiting relatives at Bank Lake.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 16 November 1899
Hintonburg Lady Believes
Engineereer Davis, Killed at Medicine
Hat is a Lost Relative
Engineer Davis, who was who was killed November 10, in an accident in the C.P.R. yards at Medicine Hat, N.WT., is thought by
Mrs. Wm. Skuce, Hintonburg, to be her brother, William J. Davis. He left the city eleven years ago, and has not been heard of since the C.P.R. strike of six or seven years ago. At that time he was a brakeman. Davis would be about thirty years old, five feet eight inches in height, of stout build, with red hair and blue eyes. Mrs. Skuce is anxious to get further particulars regarding the matter, and to learn if the victim of the accident is indeed her brother.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 21 December
Mrs Thos. Skuce has returned from visiting friends in Ottawa.
Miss Effie Skuce of Winchester
was the guest of her sister, Mrs Greoge, last week.
The Montreal Star
Friday, March 16, 1900
Miss Skuse, of Duluth, Minn., who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs J. A. Bell, will spent some weeks in Montreal.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, August 22, 1900
Mr James Daly has bought a house that is situated on Center street from Wm Skuce, and has moved into it.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, November 7, 1900
The son of Wm Skuce, Center street, convalescent. He has been confined for five weeks in the Contagious Diseases hospital with scarlet fever.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, November 28, 1900
Messrs Wm Skuce and M Sorley went up to Rideau yesterday on a hunting trip.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 25 January 1901
Mr and Mrs Jas. Skuce went to North Gower Wednesday to attend the wedding of Mr J W Rath
The Toronto Star
Saturday, March 16, 1901 / Wednesday, March 20, 1901 / Thursday, March 21, 1901
Teacher Wanted - For S.S. No 7 Jones County Renfrew; a small country school; for remainder of 1901; state salary, and apply to Richard Skuce, Barry's Bay, Ont.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, April 10, 1901
Deaths out of the City
Skuse- At London, on April 7, Ella Nixon, wife of Edward Skuse, aged 27 years
The Kemptville Telegram
Thursday, 2 May 1901
J.A. Skuce and family of near Hallville left on Thursday for Ogdensburg, N.Y., where they will make their home in the future.
Francis Skuce is the happy father of a fine baby boy.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 9 May 1901
Miss Ella Skuce gave a very enjoy able birthday party to her friends on the evening of the 29th ult.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 20 June 1901
Miss M. Meldrum of West Osgoode spent Wednesday evening at C. Skuce's.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 4 July 1901
Miss Ella May Skuce spent Friday at Osgoode Station.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 18 July 1901
Miss Ida Skuce returned on Monday from a weeks visit to Smith's Fall.
The Kemptville Telegram
Thursday, 15 August 1901
Mr Thos. Skuce is visiting
in Ottawa.
Mr George, of Ottawa, spent a few days at Mr F Skuce last week.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 7 November 1901
Reid's Mills
Messrs. Skuce and George of Ottawa spent Sunday at Chas. Skuce
Miss Minerva Wright of Kerr's Ridge visted at Mr Skuce's last week.
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, February 17, 1902
Skuce—On Thursday, Feb 13th, at 33 Center St, Hintonburg, to Mr and Mrs D Skuce, a son.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thurdsday, March 20, 1902
The many friends of Mrs W Skuce will be pleased to learn that she has recovered from illness.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 24 April 1902
Charles Skuce of Hallville met with a very painful accident while going to the funeral of Robert Clark, on Sunday last. The horse ran away and threw Mr Skuce and Samuel Hyndman out of the buggy, breaking Mr Skuce's leg and disclocating his ankle. He is being attended by Dr. Jamieson of Mountain.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, May 27, 1902
Driving Boers against Line
Baden Powell's Police Capture 1,161
Interesting Letter From Trooper C.
Bikerton who is With the
Mrs H.D. Skuce, 530 Maria has received an interesting letter from her brother, Trooper C. Bikerton with Baden Powell's mount police in South Africa.
The letter was written from Hoopstad, April 4th, shortly after he had returned from a round up of the Boers. On the night of March 24, the treck started when about 9,000 mounted men moved out from Commando's drift and spreading across the country try to drive the Boers against the line on the Vaal river in the vicinity of Klerksdorp. Sometimes the enemy were sighted far in advance, at other times they were surprised and captured. ...
<Article continues>
Ottawa Citizen
June 6, 1902
Lewis Skuce saved two lives
Young man and lady were in Peril at Britannia-on-the-Bay
Boat got into rapids when Oar Lock Snapped in Twain
Lewis Skuce, a fifteen-year-old lad living at Britannia, performed an act last night that probably saved two lives. So say those who were at the Britannia clubhouse last evening.
Young man and lady rented a rowboat and heedless of warnings, comenced to row acreoss the head of the rapids. When in the middle of the river the man discovered that the danger was not imaginary and set himself to row with all his strength. But before he could pull the boat beyong the danger line an oar-lock broke. Immediately the craft began to drift towards the rapids. The girl screamed and the man shouted. One of the first to perceive their peril was Lewis Skuce and he, without hesitation, jumped into his canoe and paddled out to the drifting boat. By dexterous managedment he succeeded in transferring the two people into his own frail bark and conveyed them to shore. Hardly had they landed when the girl fainted. Both she and the gentleman accompanying her were strangers and would not give their names. Mr. Skuce was given an ovaction by the crowd at the clubhouse when he brought his passengers to shore. Messrs. Charlie Scott and Wilfrid Harrison rescued the deserted boat.
Morning Telegram, Winnipeg
June 21, 1902
Page 1, Canadian
Mrs. Richard Skuce, of Stratford, jumped from an upper window and was killed.
St John Daily Sun, New Brunswich
Saturday, June 21, 1902
Canadian Briefs.
(Special to the Sun.)
Montreal, June 20.—Mrs Richard Skuce, an aged inmate of the House of Refugees at Stratford, jumped from an upper story window this morning and was instantly killed.
The Evening Record, Windsor
Saturday, June 21, 1902 (Similar to Ottawa Citzen article on 20 June)
Jumped to Death
Stratford, June 21.– Mrs
Richard Skuce, an aged inmate of the House of Refuge, jumped from an upper window yesterday morning, and when found was dead. No bones were broken, but she was killed by the shock. Deceased had been in poor health for some time, and being slightly deranged, has been under restraint, but in the temporary absence of her husband she went to her death as stated
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 19 February 1903
James McKeen and Miss Clara Swordfager of Osgoode Station spent Sunday at William Skuce's.
Ottawa Free Press
Monday, 13 July 1903
A Sad Holiday
Many are the expressions of sympathy for Mr and Mrs Daniel Skuce of Ottawa in the death of their young son, Charles Augusta,
who succumbed to an attack of scarlet ever while at Camp where the family had gone for a holiday.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 6 August 1903
Miss Katie Skuce returned to her home in Ottawa on Saturday.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 3 December 1903
Messrs Thomas, James and Daniel Skuce of Ottawa were the guest of Charles Skuce one day last week.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, December 29, 1903
Died in New York
A former Ottawan, who achieved distinction in New York, John Boulger, son of the late John Boulger, of 200 Friel street, died a few days ago, after a brief illness from pneumonia. The late Mr Boulger was 50 years of age, and was brought up in Ottawa. Thirty years ago he went to New York, and shortly afterwards became a lecturer in a large mechanical school. He was a prominent church worker and was president of the Bible class in a big Baptist church. He leaves a widow and daughter. The Ottawa relatives are Miss Boulger, 200 Friel street, Mrs. Thomas Skuce and James Skuce, sisters and George Boulger, brother.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 28 January 1904
The population of this village has been increased by one, a son at the home of J. H. Skuce, blacksmith.
Miss Maggie Barr has gone home after staying three weeks with her sister Mrs J. H. Skuce
Rod and Gun in Canada
March 1904
The Hamilton Gun Club.
On the left side of the road as you near the High Level Bridge going from the city, stands an old frame building totting to its fall, looking like a decrepit old man in a state of senile decay, untenanted and shorn of all its brightness, this was the hostelry of Isaac Skuce. It was a grand stopping place in its time, and was headquarters for hunters in those days. Skuce was a one-armed man. I think he had lost his right arm, but he was a great wing shot, nevertheless. He and the late Captain Baghott, who was a fine speciment of the English gentleman, were noted as being crack shots, and much game fell to their guns. Both have long since passed away, and let us hope they have been translated to a congenial place in the "Happy Hunting Grounds" beyond.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 24 March 1904
Mr and Mrs John Wallace of North Gower were guests at the home of Charles Skuce one day last week.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 7 April 1904
The marriage took place Tuesday in St. Alban's church by Rev. ?? Bogert, of Miss Snow Boulger to Mr Henry George Lyon, The bride, was given away by her father, wore a wedding dress of green boardcloth, trimmed with cream silk applique. Her cousin Miss Kate Skuce,
acted as bridesmaid and wore cream serge.
Mr. Milton Skuce, cousin of the bride, supported the groom. After the ceremony, which was witnessed or only the most intimate friends and near relations of both parties, supper was served at 196 Friel street, the home of Mr. Thomas Skuce, the bride's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon left on the evening train for a wedding trip in the States, and intend to take up their residence in Buffalo. The bride's traveling gown was of dark brown cloth, trimmed with medallion appimue. ne received large number of gifts, among them heirs a brown leather traveling satchel from her Sunday school class of St. Alban's, which she has taught for a long time.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, April 27, 1904
Skuce-Dawson at ... to Miss Dawson... daughter of John Dawson ....
(unreadable, poor scan)
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 3 May 1904
While lighting the kitchen fire to surprise her mother who was up town. Irene, the little six year old daughter of Mr Thos Skuce, 196 Friel street was painfully burned yesterday afternoon.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 1 June 1904
Mr and Mrs David Skuce and children of Ottawa, were guests at the home of Charles Skuce this week for a couple of days.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 3 August 1904
Reid's Mills, August 1
Mrs W. J. McKay and children and Miss Amelia McKay, of Pierce's Corners, were guests at the home of Charles Skuce the last of week.
Hallville, August 1
Miss Ida Skuce is spending the week at South Mountain.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 12 October 1904
Miss Aggie McConnell of Rideau Hill, spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Skuce.'
The Kemptville Advance
Wedbesday, 23 November 1904
Reid's Mills, November 22
Charles Skuce was in the Capital on Monday on business.
The Kemptville Advance
Wedbesday, 30 November 1904
Master Lester Skuce of Bark Lake is stopping with his uncle, Charles Skuce and is attending the Allen school.
The Kemptville Advance
Wedbesday, 14 December 1904
Miss Ella Skuce is spending the week with Miss Nora Reid of Kemptville
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 18 January 1905
W. W. Reid and Charles Skuce are sporting new cutters this winter
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 8 February 1905
Reid's Mills, January 31
Misss Ida Skuce is on the
sick list.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 8 March 1905
Reid's Mills, March 11
Miss Grace Bush of North Gower, is spending a week with her friend Miss Ella Skuce.
Miss Gertie Skuce visited her cousins, the Misses Skuce of this place, for a few days.
Mr and Mrs John Wallace, of North Gower, spent Saturday and Sunday at Charles Skuce.
While we regret the departure of our very popular and obliging neighbors, Mr, and Mrs W. A. Crawford, who have taken up their abode at Dalmeny, we welcome to our midst, Mr Thomas Skuce and family who have just arrived from Bark Lake, and who will once take possession of their farm about a mile and one half north of this village, lately vacated by W.A. Crawford. All wish both Mr. Skuce and Mr. Crawford every success in their new homes.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 12 April 1905
Reid's Mills, April 8
George Skuce of Fort William, Ont., spent last week among friends here.
Mr Thomas Skuce spent a couple of days last week in Arnprior.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 12 April 1905
Mr Laverty Caughey and his neice Miss Gertie Skuce, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Marlboro.
The Brandon Daily Sun
Thursday, May 25, 1905
The death occurred this morning of Gladys Elizabeth Skuce, 666 Tenth street. The deceased was eight years of age and the cause of death was pneumonia.
The funeral will take place from the deceased's parents' residence tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 12 July 1905
Reid's Mills, July 3
Miss Lulu Mussell, of Rideau Hill, is spending a few days with the Misses Skuce.
Hallville, July 3
Miss Ida Skuce of Ottawa, is at present spending a few days with her sister, Mrs E. George.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 19 July 1905
Reid's Mills, July 11
Misses Ella and Gertie Skuce, are spending the week with friends in
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 23 August 1905
Mr and Mrs Wm. Skuce of Hintonburg, spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr Charles Skuce's.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 30 August 1905
Miss Ida Skuce, who had been spending the past few weeks with friends in Morewood arrived home on Saturday last.
Brandon Daily Sun
13 to 19 September 1905
Frank Skuce, HorseShoer and General Blacksmith
(late of Carrick and Hardaker)
Begs to inform his friends, that he has opened a shop on Princess Avenue, between 9th and 10th Streets, where he will be glad to see them.
Hose Shoeing a Speciality
Special attention paid to lameness and interfering
Work highest - - Prices lowest
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 27 September 1905
Charles Skuce Dead
The funeral was held this morning of one of the the very oldest residents of Mountain township, the late charles Skuce of Hallville. His death occured on Monday, 25th inst. at 2 p.m after a long eventful career. A large family survives him.
After the obsequies at which the Rev. Arthur Starr-Jukes of South Mountain officiated, the remains were conveyed to Springhill Cemetery for interment.
The Advance extends condolences.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 29 November 1905
Miss Ida Skuce is visiting Kemptville at present.
The Kemptville Advance
Wednesday, 18 January 1905
W. W. Reid and Charles Skuce are sporting new cutters this winter
The Montreal Standard
September 8, 1906
A Canadian War Canoe Crew with a Very Successful Season's Record
Names of the Britannia War Canoe Crew, which has a great 1906 record:— M. Skuce (Stoke), ... Britannia Fours:— .. L. Skuce, M. Skuce, ... The Britannia Four also won the Canadian championship against all other clubs from this country.
Ottawa Citizen
October 10, 1906
Skuce wanted money back
Dan Skuce was before Judge Davison today on a charge of drunkenness. Skuce had no excuse and was fined the five dollars which he put up last night for bail.
"Can't I have my five dollars?" Skuce asked the court as Captain Campbell was escorting him from the court room.
"No, sir," was the prompt answer of the court.
"Well then, won't you give me ten cents?" was Skuce's parting appeal as the door of the court room swung to behind him.
Rob Sancnez was also before the City Justice on a charge of drunkenness and he was invited to sojourn for five days as a guest of the city.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 7 March 1907
Mr J. H. Skuce, of Carsonby, was in Kemptville yesterday
The Kemptville Telegram
Thursday, 7 May 1907
Miss Alma Johnson, of Kemptville, spent the first of the week at Mr C. Skuce's.
Morning Telegram, Winnipeg
May 28, 1907
Page 10
Baseball League Schdule Drawn
St. Charles vs St. Judes
P.S. Skuse, b Thomson .. .. .. 10
Morning Telegram, Winnipeg
June 15, 1907
Page 14
Championship in Today's Cricket
St. Charles vs. Winnipegs
.. T.S. Skuse ..
Morning Telegram, Winnipeg
June 17, 1907
Page 12
Winnipeg and St. Charles
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, July 24, 1907
On the Water
Milton Skuce, formerly of the Brits has gone to the West and will probably paddle under the colors of some Manitoba club.
Morning Telegram, Winnipeg
June 24, 1907
Page 5
.. , c Skuse, ..
Morning Telegram, Winnipeg
June 27, 1907
Page 9
Successful Students get reward of Season's Work
... Belva Lavinia Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, August 3, 1907
Many new arrivals at the Muskoka Lakeside Resorts
This weeks's arrivals at the Stratton House, Port Carling, include: ... Thomas G Skuse, Rochester; John Skuse, Clifton Springs; ...
Brandon Daily Sun
August 5, 1907
Miss Belva Skuce is visiting friends in Beresford.
The Kemptville Telegram
Thursday, 28 November 1907
Miss Skuce of Reids Mills spent a few days with her uncle, Mr John McIntyre.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 5 December 1907
Reids' Mills
Miss Bella Whiteside, of Metcalfe, is the guest of the Misses Skuce this week.
Miss Myrtle Christie of Hallville, is visiting her cousin Miss Gertie Skuce this week.
The Ottawa Citzen
Saturday, June 19, 1908
Mr D Skuce has now completed his new cottage and will probably soon have it rented.
Ottawa Free Press
Saturday, 11 July 1908
Skuce—On July 9, at 20 Primrose Avenue to Mr and Mrs D Skuce, a son, both well.
Ottawa Citizen
12 August 1908
Milt Skuce also has a crack crew entered for the Fall Fours championship of the Britannia Boating Club.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 1 April 1909
Mr. John A. Campbell of Ormond was a guest at the home of Mr. Chas. Skuce on Wednesday.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 8 July 1909
Reid's Mills, July 5
Miss Gertie Skuce who has very ill for the past week is improving rapidly.
Mr and Mrs Thomas Skuce spent all last week at Mr S. Mussells of Rideau Hill.
Ottawa Citizen
July 16, 1909
Woodroffe and Rover Park
Mrs. B. Miller and daughter, from Erie, Penn, and other guests were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. D. Skuce at Arbutus cottage on Wednesday afternoon. Dancing was enjoyed and a good time spent generally.
Brandon Daily Sun
August 2, 1909
Mr Frank Skuce, blacksmith, having been forced to move out of his old stand on Princess for the railway company, has gone to 147 7th street near Fire Hall where he hopes to merit a continuance of his customers.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, August 28, 1909
Woodroffe and River Park.
Miss Beryl Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs D Skuce was the hostess at a very enjoyable children's party last Wednesday. About ten of her little friends and relatives attended and amused themselves in different ways
till supper time, when refreshments of a substantial but attractive nature were served.
Ottawa Citizen
September 4, 1909
Woodroffe and River Park.
The Kilkare club intends to dissolve and go back to city life about the middle of the month, and the following is a list of a few families, with the dates which they have set for their home-going.
Mrs D Skuce, Arbutus cottage, in two or three weeks.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, September 21, 1909
Vestry Meeting
St Stephen's Church, Britannia is Active
The rector appointed Mr J Milton Skuce as rector's warden for the same term.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 28 October 1909
Reid's Mills, Oct. 26
Thomas Skuce and John Allan left today for Bark Lake.
Visitors at the home of Mr Charles Skuce this week were Mrs W. J. Mackey and Miss A. Mackey of Pierce's Corners, also Mr Milton Skuce and Miss Katie Skuce of Ottawa.
Brandon Daily Sun
November 16, 1909
Houses for Sale
For Sale—Good Six-Roomed house, corner of Van Horne and 10th street. Good well and shed, Lot Fences and treed. Bargain $2,500. Easy terms. Apply 663 10th street, or F D Skuce, blacksmith, 7th street.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 27 January 1910
Page 1
Our Reids' Mills correspondent sends us the following: Another of those interesting and most sacred of life's events, where a tiny golden circlet, representing a band of love, binds the lives of two people, took place on Wednesday, at "Appledore Farm" the home of Mr. Chas. Skuce. Precisely at high noon the father led his eldest daughter Ida Amelia to the parlor, whom under an evergreen arch prettily arranged with white flowers and ribbons and beneath an immense wedding bell he gave her into the keeping of Mr. Robert Tate of British Columbia. Rev. W. Raney of South Mountain was the officiating clergyman.
The bride and groom left by 4 p.m. train from Mountain en route for Montreal and Ottawa; the bride travelling in navy blue satin stripe ladles cloth. Princess dress and long coat with hat to match.
The grooms gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls, and to the organist a chain and locket set with pearls. The numerous gifts to the bride were useful and costly. In a short time Mr. and Mrs. Tate intend leaving for their future home in Merritt B. G. and thence they carry with them the kindest wishes of many friends.
Miss Gertrude Skuce presided at the organ and rendered " The arrival of the Bride" (March) in good style. The bride was very daintly attired in white satin-de chene with trimmings of embroidered net and applique wearing strain and carried a boquet of pink and carnations.
After congratulations the guests numbering about thirty, retired to the dining mom where a delightful dinner awaited them; the room and table being elegantly decorated in pink and white, with wreaths and festoons of similax and bows of ribbon.
Page 6
South Mountain
South Mountain, Jan. 24– Rev. W H. Raney officated at the wedding of Mr Tait and Miss Skuce of Reids'
Mills on Wednesday last.
Reids' Mills, Jan. 24.– Mr George A. Skuce of Fort William, Ont., is the guest of his sister Mrs Alex. Tate and will spent sometime visiting numberous friends in this locality.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 10 February 1910
Reid's Mills, Feb. 7
Miss Bella Whiteside of Metcalfe was the guest of her friend Miss Ella Skuce one day this week.
Mr Laverty Caughey and sister Mrs. Annie Skuce and her daughter Gertrude entertained about fifty young people at their home on Thursday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent in games and music, all coming away heartily satisfied with time spent.
Mr. George Skuce is at present spending a few days with friends in Metcalf.
Mr. John Skuce of Carsonby was ths guest of Mr. Chas. Skuce on Saturday.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 24 February 1910
Reids' Mills, 21—
Mr George Skuce and sister, Gertrude, were guests at Mr Joseph Reid's at Kemptville on Friday last.
Calgary Herald
Tuesday, 22 March
A snap—For the remainder of this month—I ahve decided to do horse shoeing at a low rate; terms cash. Hoping you will give me a call. Frank Skuce, Ninth avenue and Fifth street.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 31 March 1910
Reid's Mills, March 24
Miss Ruby McGregor, of Rideau Hill, was the guest of her friend, Miss Ella Skuce, the last of the week.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 19 May 1910
Mrs John Wallace of North Gower
North Gower reporter writes: After an illness of about six weeks Mrs. Wallace beloved wife of Mr. John Wallace passed away at the age of 68 years, on Friday May 13th. The funeral was held at 10 a. m. Sunday In the Methodist church. Rev. L. Conley conducted the service. The funeral cortege was one of the longest ever seen here, some one-hundred and twenty-five rigs being in line. Interment was made in the old cemetery here.
Mrs Wallace, formerly Miss Elisabeth Skuce of Reids' Mills, leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband, one son and one daughter. Her son, Mr. Benson Wallace, resides at home and her daughter, Mrs. Wm. J. Mackey of Marlboro besides a number of brothers end sisters. Mrs. R. J. Craig of this place and Mrs. Noble Fee of Marlboro are stepdaughters of the deceased.
The whole community join in extending to the bereaved ones their most sincere sympathy in the irreparable loss they have sustained.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, May 24, 1910
Wallace—At North Gower, Ont., on May 13th, Elizabeth Skuce, wife of John Wallace, aged 64 years.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 26 May 1910
Reid's Mills
Recent visitors at the home of Mr Charles Skuce were Mr and Mrs. George of Westboro and Mr. Milton J. Skuce of Britannia Bay.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 25 August 1910
Messrs. Jas. and Thos. Skuce, of Ottawa, were visiting with friends here the first of the week.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, September 13, 1910
Steamship Passenger Lists
The Lake Manitoba, of the C.P.R.. line, arrived at Montreal at nine o'clock last night. She sailed from Liverpool with 890 passengers of whom 328 were of the cabin, as follows:—
Skuce, Miss H., Skuce, Miss E., London
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, November 23, 1910
St. Alban's Juniors
The annual entertainment of the Girls' and Junior auxiliaries of St. Alban's church will be held tomorrow, Thursday evening, commencing at 7 o'clock in the school room. Those taking part in the affair are:
Work Table— Miss Bornw, Mrs Wimberly, Miss Stainton, Miss Edith Waller, Miss Irene Skuce.
Ice cream—
Miss Muriel Morgan, Miss Gertie Harcastle, Miss Gertie Merrick, Miss Muriel Skuce, Miss Sally Rolffenstein.
Miss Ethel Skuce, Miss Florie Hague, Miss Linnie Skuce, Miss Ethel Merrett, Miss Beatrice Staples.
Jack Horner pie— Miss Winnie Lambert, Master Willie Markwick as Jack. A laughable farce, "I Couldn't Help It," will be put on during the evening and some musial numbers. The funds raised by this entertainment will be used for missionary objects.
The Simcoe Reformer, Simcoe, Ontario
6 December 1910
Marriages: Louch - Skuce
At the Methodist parsonage, Port Rowan, by Rev. J. W. Schofield, on Tuesday, Dec 6th, 1910, Mr. Lloyd Louch, son of Mr. Geo. Louch, Clear Creek, to Miss Blanche Skuce, daughter of Mr. Harry Skuce, of Port Royal
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, December 8, 1910
Skuce—On Dec 5, 1910, to Mr and Mrs D Skuce, 12 Percy St, a son. Both well.
The Simcoe Reformer, Simcoe, Ontario
15 December 1910
Port Royal
Mrs. Fred Skuce will spend Christmas in Buffalo with her sister
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 23 March 1911
Reids' Mills, March 20
Gertrude Skuce is spending a week with friends in Marlborough.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, April 11, 1911
Canadians in London
The following is a list of Canadians who have called and registered at the London, England ,office of the Montreal Star, 17 Cockspur street, S.W., during the two weeks ending March 29th.
Mrs J. J. Skuse, Spokane, Wash., U.S.A.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 24 June 1911
A popular lady of Metcalfe, Ont., Miss Bella Whiteside was married on Tuesday of this week to George Skuce, a contractor, of Fort William. The ceremony was performed on the lawn at the bride's home. Rev E. Whiteside being the officiating clergyman. Miss Nettie Blair played the bridal march and vocal solos were rendered by Miss Alice Gibson of this city. Miss Laura Whiteside, the flower girl, received an opal ring from the groom. His gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls. From the choir of the Methodist church, of which the bride was a member, she received a silver tea service. Mr and Mrs Skuce will spend their honeymoon in Quebec and Montreal.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 29 June 1911
of those auspicious events which always can cause a flutter of excitement, occured on Tuesday evening,
June 20th, at the home of Mrs. James Whiteside, Metcalfe, when her youngest daughter, Belle, was united in the hold bonds of matrimony to Mr. George A. Skuce, at present Cochrane, Ont.
To the strains of Mendessohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Nettie Blair, the bride came leaning on the arm of her brother Mr. Jas. Whiteside, and attended only by little niece, Laura Whiteside, flower girl and marching through ... chain of daisies held by six liitle nieces and nephews of the bride.
The ceremony was performed
on the lawn by the bride's brother Rev. R.H. Whiteside. As all were in position Miss Alice Gibson sang in splendid voice, "O, Perfect Love." The ceremony over and congratulations bestowed, all repaired to the dining hall, where the guests numbering over one hundred were all seated together, enjoyed the good things prepared. At the conclusion of the wedding feast toasts were in order, Rev. R.H. Whiteside acting as Toast-Master. The speeches were interspersed by songs and recitations. The bridal couple were the recipients of the most beautiful and costly gifts, one five piece silver service donated by friends of the bride of the Methodist choir. The bride will be greatly missed. She filled an important place in the home and for years took the part as soloist in the choir, and was always in demand for concerts and entertainments by her fine voice.
The happy couple left on a trip for
Ottawa, Kemptville, Prescott, and Montreal, then going to Chochrane for a time, but will make their permament home in Fort William, Ont.
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 31, 1911
The Eastern Meet
Senior fours-1, Johnstone, Claffy, Glsborne, and May, O.C.C.; 2, Kendall, Coyle, Graham, and Clarke, N.E.C.C.; 3, Poulin, Atkinson, Stimson, and Skuce, B.B.C.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 24 August 1911
Reids' Mills, Aug. 21
Mr Edward Skuce of Bark Lake is visiting his many friends in this vicinity
The Toronto Star
Monday, September 11, 1911
Cairns Chuirch, Allansville, was the scene of a very pretty and fashionable wedding on Wednesday morning, Sept. 6, when Miss Margaret A, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bullen was united in the hold bond of matrimony to Mr. James Skuce, of Fenelon Falls. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Bishop, of Huntsville, under a wedding bell of marguerites.
To the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Beatrice Poudfoot, of Huntdsville, the groom entered the church with his brother, Mr. S Skuce, of Fenelon Falls, who acted as best man. Next came the bridesmaids, Misses Florence Skew and Rose Parkinson, both of Toronto, gowned in pale blue marquisette, with satin trimmings, and carrying pretty bouquets of pink and white sweet peas tied with satin ribbons.
The maid of honor, Miss Ethel Bullen, sister of the bride, then entered, wearing a gown of pale pink broche canton silk, with trimmings of lace and satin, and carrying blue and white sweet peas, and ferns, with streamers of pink satin ribbon.
Lastly came the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, wearing a beautifl empire gown of white satin de sole, crystal and pearl trimmings and the customary veil of Brussels net and weath of orange blossoms, and carrying an empire shower bouquet of bridal roses, and lily of the valley, and maiden hair fern.
After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of the bride's parents, where a reception was held, after which the happy couple left for Huntsville, where they took the 2 o'clock train for Lindsay and other points south.
The Huntsville Forester
Thursday, September 14, 1911
Cairn's church, Allansville, was the scene of a very pretty and fashionable wedding on Wednesday morning, September the sixth, when Miss Margaret A, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bullen was united in the holy bonds of matriony to Mr James J Skuce of Fenelon Falls.
The church was artistically decorated with white drapings, evergreens and flowers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr Bishop under a wedding bell of Marguerites. The ushers were Mr A Proudfoot and Mr W Bentley.
Immediately after the guests were seated, four ribbon bearers, Misses Mae Wilson and Evelyn Dutnalt and Masters W Wilson and E Rolfe entered the church. The two little girls gowned in white embroidered dresses and carrying little baskets of Marguerites walked up the aisle to the front of the church bearing the ends of the white satin streamers while the two little boys bearing the other ends of the streamers remained at the back of the church. Precisely at nine o'clock a.m. to the strains of the
wedding march played by Miss Beatrice Proudfoot the groom entered the church accompanied by his brother Mr S. Skuce who acted as groomsman. Next came the bridesmaids, Misses Florence Kew, and Rose Parkinson, gowned in pale blue marquisette with satin trimimings and carrying pretty boqueta of pink and white sweet peas tied with satin ribbon. The maid of honor Miss Ehtel Bullen sister of the bride then entered wearing a gown of pale pink "Broche" Canton silk with trimmings of lace and satin and carrying blue and white sweet peas and ferns with streamers of pink satin ribbon.
Lastly came the bride leaning on the arm of her father, and wearing a beautiful empire gown of white Satin-de-Soie
with crystal trimmings and pearls and the customary veile of Brussels net and wreath of Orange blossoms, and carrying an empire shower bouquet of bridal roses, lily of the valley and maiden hair ferns. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of the bride's parents where the reception was held. The dainty wedding breakfast was partaken of by about seventy guests after which the happy couple left for Huntsville where they took the train for Lindsay and other points south, the bride travelling in a pretty dress of grey with hat to match.
The gifts were both costly and numerous showing the high esteem
in which the youngle couple are held.
The guests from a distance were Miss Kew and Miss Parkinson of Toronto, Mrs W Dutnalt and daughter of Humber Bay.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 14 September 1911
A subscriber at Reids' Mills sends the following: The marriage of Ella May Skuce, youngest daughter of Mr Chas Skuce, Reids' Mills, to Geo. S. Duncan of Caintown, was solemnized at Hallville in the Methodist church, on Tuesday. 5th inst.
at 10.00 A.M. The Rev. Mr Millar, pastor officiated. Miss Gertrude Skuce, cousin of the bride, presided at the organ. The church was prettily decorated by friends of the bride at Hallville. The bride, who was given away by her father, was beautifly attired in a brown broadcloth and showing a champagne colored shiffon blouse over satin with a trim little travelling hat to match. She carried a boquet of cream and pink roses, and wore the grooms gift, a pearl and amethyst broach. Immediatley after the signing of the register by Mrs Hildred and Mr Lester Skuce, cousins of the bride, the happy couple left for Toronto, Niagara and other points, returning to Caintown where the groom has a house ??. Miss Gertrude Skuce was the recipient of a peral ring, Miss Hildred Skuce of a ... pin and Mr Lester Skuce of gold cuff links.
The Athens Reporter
20 September 1911
The marriage of Miss Ella May Skuce, youngest daughter of Mr Chas. Skuce, Reid's Mills, to Mr George S. Duncan, of Caintown, was solemnized at Hallville, in the Methodist church, on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, at 10.30 a.m.
Calgary Herald
Tuesday, 26 September 1911
At Calgary Hotels
Queens— E. Skuce, Redlands
Victoria Times Colonist
Friday, October 20, 1911
Provincial Elections Act
Victoria City Electoral District
Polling Division No II
The following persons on the ground that they have ceased to reside in the district for a period of six months:
Skuce, Harry, 721 Johnson St
Grain Growers' Guide
January 24, 1912, Page 27
[Advert containing news articles from another paper]
Losses by Lighting
Barnes burned in Different Sections of the Country
Farmres Lose Live Stock and Crops- Planing Mill at Niagara Falls and Large Stock of Lumber Destroyed- Other Fires.
(Special Despatch to the Globe.)
Lindsay, Sept. 15.-A more than ordinary electric storm, doing considerable damage, passed over this section this morning at about 1 o'clock in the rural districts. Several barns were destryoed by fire from lightining. Among others the following have been reported: The Barn of Nicholas ?? of Ops, containing the season's ?? ... by Mrs Shea, total loss; ... barns, crop and shorses beloning to Wm H Skuce of Mount Horeb. ...
Daily Building Record
Thursday, 28 March 1912
South Vancouver Permits
744—H A Skuse; 1-sto fr res; Rose st; F Graham $1600, Furnace
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 30 May 1912
Miss Scrim of Vancouver has been a recent guest of Miss Hildred Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, June 8, 1912
Wanted - Female teacher, for Jones School District No.7, holding district of third-class certificate, duties to commence on September 1, 1912, apply, stating experience and giving references, will give $350 per annum, secretary-treasurer, Richard Skuce, Bark Lake.
Edmonton Bulletin
3 Aug 1912 (Also printed in Western Globe, Aug 7, 1912)
The Successful Students in Standards Seven and Eight Examinations.
Standard Seven
Skuce, Ephesia
The Huntsville Forester
August 22, 1912
Mrs J.J. Skuce has returned to her home, Fenelon Falls, after spending some time with her parents, Mr and Mrs W Bullen.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 4 September 1912
BOULGER—At Britannia Bay, Sept 2nd, 1912, George Boulger, aged 70 years 10 Months, at the residence of his brother-in-law Mr James Skuce.
Funeral Wednesday, Sept 4th at 1 p.m. service being held in St. Alban's church at 2.30 p.m. thence to
Beechwood cemetery.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 5 September 1912
Reid's Mills, Sept 1
Mrs George Duncan has returned to her home in Caintown after spending some time here the guest of her father, Mr C Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, September 12, 1912
A Surprise Party
Miss Dorthy Edis, 574 Shaw street, and her friend Miss Alma Sturdy, Goerich, were given a suprise party Pregressive Cuchre was played, there being five tables, Miss Audrey Hicks and Mr. Leo Snyder won the prizes. The guests included ... Lou Skuce, Milton Skuce (Ottawa), ...
Ottawa Citizen
October 11, 1912
Dismissal of Police Officer
By this time the horse was careering wildly down the road. Mr. Bell got up with difficulty and was assisted by the girls into the home of Mr. Skuce, a blacksmith, who lives near by. He was in such bad shape that Mr. Skuce phoned for Dr. Graham. Irish and Graham returned to the city in the car they had taken from the garage and the girls were taken home by a friend. The horse ran home, where it was found later.
The Toronto World
Thursday, June 26, 1913
The marriage took place at 574 Shaw street on Wednesday evening of Mr. Lou Skuce and Miss Dorothy Edis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edis. Rev. M. Powell, rector of St. Barnabas, Riverdale, officated. The bride was gowned in white satin charmeuse, draped with brocaded silk crepe de cheue and caught with orange blossoms and tuile veil. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was Miss Elma Sturdy of Goderich, who wore pink sating, draped with silk embroidered marquisette, with mob cap to match and carrying red Richmond roses. The bridgeroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Milton Skuce, of Ottawa. The bridge wore the groom's gift, a gold watch bracelet. His gift to the bridesmaid was a pearl ring and to the best man a gold-handied umbrella. The bride's going-away suit was navy-blue lady cloth with Panama hat. Mr. and Mr.s Skuyce left on the 10 o'clock train for Montreal and will sail on the SS. Tunisian on Friday morning for England the continent. They will be away about two months. Among the out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. James Skuce of Britiannia, Miss Boulger, Miss Kate Skuce and Mr. Orval Skuce of Ottawa. Miss May Morrow, Miss and Mr. Platt of Goderich, and Mr. Harold Scott of Chicago, Miss Abbie Skuce of Vancouver.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, June 26, 1913
The home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Edis, in Shaw street, decorated with quantities of peonis, palms, and frens, at half-past fix o'clock last evening was the scene of the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. T L. (Lou) Skuce. The service was taken by Rev. Mr. Fowell, rector of St. Barnabas Church. Mr. Fisher played the wedding marches, Miss Alva Banks, and Mr. W.J. Kirkpatrick played violin selections. The bride, who was brought in and given away by her father, looked sweet and graceful, in a gown of white satin and creps de chine, with tuile veil and orange blossoms. She carried a shower of roses and lillies, and wore the groom's gift, a gold watch bracelet.
Miss Alma Sturdy, of Goderich, was bridemaid, in pink satin, veiled with ninon and mob cap, she carried deep red Richmond roses, and wore the groom's gift, a 5 stone pearl ring, Mr. Milton Skuce of Ottawa, attended his brother as best man.
Miss Marguerite Kirkpatrick, and Miss Marjorie Edis, in dainty frocks of lawn and lace, were flower girls.
Mrs. Edis held a a reception after the ceremony, wearing grey silk brocade veiled with mauve ninon. Mrs. Skuce was in black sating and lace.
Mr. and Mrs. Skuce left on the 10 o'clock train en route for England , the bride travelling in a navy blue suit, and Panama hat.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 5 July 1913
SKUCE-EDIS—At the home of the bride's parents, 724 Shaw St, Toronto, on Wednesday, June 26th, 1913, Miss Dorothy Edis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edis, to Mr. Thomas Lewis (Lou) Skuce, third son of Mr. and Mrs. James Skuce, Britannia Bay.
The Toronto World
Aug 8, 1913
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Skuce are in Paris this week. They will sail for home on Aug 18.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, September 2, 1913
Social and Personal
Mr. and Mrs Lou Skuce have returned from a two months trip abroad and have taken apartments in the Manhattan for the winter.
Peterboro Examiner, Peterborough, Ontario
September 1913
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Skuce of Reabro Thrown From Buggy When Horse Bolted
The Toronto Star
Friday, January 16, 1914 (Same article in Ottawa Journal 19 January)
Miss Ray Wiley, daughter of Mrs. S. A. Wiley, was united in marriage to Mr. Ruric Glen Skuce, of Saskatoon, son of Mr. J. J. Skuce, of Ottawa. Rev. Mr. J. E. Reid officated. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Dr. A. S. Wiley, of Buyffalo, looked lovely in a gown of ivory sating and duchess lace and carried bridal roses. Miss Edna Kiriug, of Berlin, niece of the bride, was maid of honor, and charming in pale blue sil crepe with gold shadow lace and carried pink roses. The groom's gift to her wsa a bar pin of pearls and peridots. Mr. Harold Kirlug, of Berlin, assisted the groom. During the signing of the register Mrs. J. K. Anderson, sister of the bride, sang "Unless," and Miss Lillian Kiring rendered Lonhengrin's bridal march. Mr. and Mrs. Skuce left for Ottawa. The bride wore a navy blue silk moire gown and navy hat with prume and a beaver coat and muff, the gift of the groom. On their return to Toronto Mrs. Skuce will receive her monther, on the 3rd of February, before leaving for their home in Saskatoon.
The Voice, Winnipeg
March 20, 1914
Page 5
The Trades and Labor Council
Official Roll
... Geo Skuces, sheet Metal Workers 31; ...
Daily British Whig, Kingston
Wednesday, 15 April 1914
Thomas Skuce's grain elevator at Reabow, Ont., was totally destroyed by fire with its contents.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 14 May 1914
Hallville, May 11
What happened to be an unfortunate accident occured Monday when one of Mr Francis Skuce's little lads went out to the wood shed and picked up the axe, and cut off the fore finger on the left hand. Dr O.C. Farrier was quickly summoned and the young lad was treated.
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, June 4, 1914
Skuce–Worden —On Wednesday, Jun 3, 1914, at McPhall Baptist church, the Rev B Goodfield, Lena, daughter of Mrs Geo Worden, of Ottawa, James Milton, son of Mr and Mrs James Skuce, of Britannia Bay.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday 6 June 1914
In McPhall Baptist church on Wednesday, June 3, Miss Lena Worden, youngest daughter of the late George Worden, Esq., of Sussex, N.B., and Mr. James Milton Skuce, son of Mr. J. Skuce, of Britannia, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at two o'clock by Rev. B. Goodfield, the bride wearing a smart tailored costume of King's blue crepe cloth, the coat opening on a blouse of white crepe de chine, and a large white hat trimmed with marguerites. She carried a lovely shower bouquet of rose and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was Miss Winnie Skuce, cousin of the groom, and her gown was of white ninon, with tunic of flowered pink ninon. She wore a large white hat faced with pink, and carried a large bouquet of pink roses. The best man was Mr. Orval Skuce, brother of the groom. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Alden Worden, and her sister, Miss Bertha Worden, played the wedding march.
A reception at the residence of the bride's mother, 14 Victoria street, followed the ceremony, about fifty guests being present. The rooms were fragrant with flowers. The fireplaces were banked with lilacs and honeysuckle, and the refreshment table was decorated with tall vases of marguerites and a cut glass cowl or sweet peas. Misses Eva and Myra Tilley, and Estie Edmunds served the refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Skuce left on the afternoon train for Boston, where the honeymoon will be spent. On their return they will take up residence at the Gladstone apartments. The bride received a great many presents in sterling silver, cut glass, cutlery, etc. From their associates in the department of marine and fisheries, where both had been engaged for some time, the bride and groom received a cabinet of sterling silver. From the Britannia Club, of which they are members, they received a silver entree dish.
The groom's gift to the bride was a necklace of turquoise and pearls. To the bridesmaid he gave a pearl brooch, and to the groomsman a pearl stick pin.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, August 27, 1914
Toronto Volunteers for Front
WM. Skuse, Hamilton, 26, Single, 19 A.M.C.
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 10 September 1914
At St. Alban's church onWednesday, September 9, at six o'clock, the marriage took place of Miss Katherine Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Skuce, to Mr Harold Clifford Shipman, both of this city, the ceremony being performed by Rev. T. J. Stiles, assisted by Ven. Archdeacon Bogert. The bride was gowned in a handsome costume of white satin charmeuse with a draped tunic trimmed with seed perls, the yoke and sleeves being a Carrickmacross lace. She wore a long veil fastended with orange blossoms and carried a boquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was Miss Ethel Skuce, sister of the bride, who wore a costume of pale blue chiffon over shadow lace, a black hat, and carried a boquet of Richmond roses. Mr Orval Skuce was best man and the ushers were Kirby Graham
and Charles Pease. Folllowing the ceremony a reception was hald at the home of the bride's parents, 200 Friel street, the bride's mother weaing a gown of black satin and white shadow lace, and a white hat with ostrich feather trimming. Mr and Mrs Shipan left on the eight o'clock train for Montreal en route to New York and Washington for a wedding trip, the bride traveling in a tailored suit of French blue velour cloth and a blue hat trimmed with silver roses.
The bride received a number of handsome gifts, among them being a silver tea service from the staff of the Royal Bank where she had been for some time engaged. The groom's gift to her was a string of pearls, and the brid's gift to the groom was a signet ring. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a coral and pearl pendant; to the groomsman he gave a silk umbrella and to the ushers pearl stick pins.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, September 12, 1914
Shipman—Skuce—On Sept 9th, 1914, at St Alban's Church by the Rev R Stiles, assisted by the Rev Archdeacon Bogert, Katherine E Skuce, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs T W Skuce to Harold C Shipman, both of Ottawa.
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, October 22, 1914
Short-Skuce—On Wednesday, Oct 21, by Rev Mr Morgan, at St Matthew's church, Florence Isabella Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Skuce to William Short, son of Mr and Mrs Ferguson Short, Both of Ottawa.
Skuce-Thayer—On Wednesday, Oct 14th, at St Luke's church, Ottawa, by the Rev W A Reade, Amy Thayer to Herbert Skuce, both of Ottawa.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 23 October 1914
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Matthias' Church on Wednesday afternoon, when the rector, the Rev. E.A. Anderson, M.A., assisted by REv. W.B. Morgan, B.A., B.D., vicar of St. Matthew's Church, united in holy matrimony Mr William Short, of Montreal, to Miss Florence Isabella, only daughter of Mr and Mrs William Skuce, of Ottawa.
The groom was supported by Mr Richard Handiside, and the
bride was attended by Miss Emily Pennick, whowas daintily attired in a pale pink crepe de chene silk dress, and wore a black picture hat trimmed with pink ostrich plumes, and carried a large bouquet of pink roses and carnations. The ushers were Mr William Skuce, brother of the bride, and Mr Orval Skuce, cousin of the bride.
The bride entered the church leaning on her father's arm and looked very charming in a dainty gown of white silk crepe de chene, trimmmed with seed perarls, and Chantilly lace. She wore
a veilwith orange blossoms, and carried a shoer bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley.
The bride's mother looked very graceful in a gown of amethyst silk.
The groom's gift to the bride wsa a gold bracelet; to the bridesmaid an amethyst pendant, and to the groomsman a pearl tie pin.
After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was partaken of at the bride's home, where about 75 guests were present.
The happy couple left on the 6.45 p.m. train for Montreal, where they will in future reside.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 29 October 1914
Carsbonby, Oct. 26th
Miss Lylia Skuce is visiting Ottawa friends at present.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 3 November 1914
Mrs J. Milton Skuce, formerly Miss Lena Worden, will receive for the first time since her marriage to-morrow afternoon at her apartment No 1 Gladstone Apartments.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 17 November 1914
Mrs Harold C Shipman, formerly Miss Katherine Skuce will receive for the first time since her marriage, to-morrow at the residence of her mother, Mrs T Skuce, 200 Friel Street
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 23, 1914
News Briefs
Four Vancouver men drowned in Pitt River. Returning from football match in automobile. Took wrong road and ran off dock. Eight men in car. One jumped, others rescued in water. Dead: Horace Skuce, Struthers Gunn, Alexander Burnett, Matthew Nevin.
Calgary Herald
7 April 1915
Miss Hester E. Skuce
The Toronto Star
Thursday, June 3, 1915
Skuce - On June the 3rd, to Mr and Mrs Lou Skuce, 149 Arlington avenue, a son.
The Daily Colonist, Victoria, BC
Wednesday, November 10, 1915
2nd C.M.R Members Given Commisions
Tpr P.S. Skuse, lieutenant, Hants Regiment
Daily British Whig, Kingston
Saturday, 8 January 1916
C. Skuce has come to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs George S. Duncan.
The Weekly Advance, Kemptville
Thursday, 27 January 1916
Carsonby Methodist church was the scene of a very pretty wedding, Lila Blanche, daughter of Mr. John Skuce, and Mr. Wellington Craig, son of Mr. Hugh Craig, both of Carsonby, were united in marriage, Rev. Galley, pastor, officiating.
The bride looked very youthful and charming in white silk with pearl trimmings, veil and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white roses. She was led to the altar by her father to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Coral Eastman. Miss Etta Young of Hazeldean, wearing maize silk, trimmed with white swansdown, and carrying a bouquet of pink roses, acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. L.Craig, brother of the groom, supported the groom. The church was tastefully decorated, was well filled. Messrs. Wilbert Craig and Oswald Eastman acted as ushers. After the marriage the guests repaired to the home of the bride, where over sixty guests partook of the waiting repast.
The bride and groom left on the afternoon train for Montreal amid the goodwishes of their many friends. They will reside in Carsonby.
The Brandon Daily Gun
Friday, May 5, 1916 (Also in the Victoria Daily Colonist, Calgary Herald)
Canadian Casualties
Died of Wounds
24182 Richard Skuce; kin at Craigmont, Ont.
Daily British Whig, Kingston
Thursday, 20 April 1916
Charles Skuce, who has spent the past winter with his daughter, Mrs George S. Duncan, has returned to his home near Ottawa.
Ottawa Citizen
June 13, 1916
Skuce-Morgan—In the Church of St Alban the Martyr, on June 7th, 1916, by the Rev T J Stilles, Lilly May, younger daughter of the late Thos Morgan and Mrs Morgan, of Ottawa to Pte William C Skuce, 139th Battalion, second son of Mr and Mrs William Skuce, of Ottawa.
Western Globe
Wednesday, July 12, 1916
Clive News
A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr Chas Bucknell on Tuesday, July 4th, at noon, when Mr Donald J Lonsberry, B.A., and Miss Ephesea Skuce, of Haynes, were united in marriage. W L Bradley, of Clive, officiated.
The happy couple left at once for Edmonton and Ontario. Mr Lonsberry takes Mr Crawford's place in Lacombe as assistant principal for the coming school year. A host of friends wish the newly married couple good luck, prosperity, and happiness.
Western Globe
Wednesday, July 19, 1916
Haynes News
Mr D J Lonsberry and Miss Eva Skuce were married at high noon on July 4th at the home of Mr C H Bucknell. Mr Lonsberry and bride have both been teaching in the vicinity of Haynes for the past two years. They will be greatly missed by their many friends, who all join in wishing them a happy married life.
The Ottawa Journal
Wedesday, 1 November 1916
Mr James Skuce
Mr James Skuce passed away yesterday at his late residence, Britannia Heights, in his 66th year.
Mr Skuce was widely known here in business circles. He had resided in Britannia for twenty years, having been born in the township of Mountain.
He is survived by his wife and four sons John and Orval of the Militia Department, Sgt.-Major Milton, of the 154th Highlanders, now overseas, and Lou, cartoonist the Toronto World.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock to Beechwood cemetery.
The Montreal Star
Saturday, November 4, 1916
Skuce—On October 31, at his late residence, Britannia Heights, Ottawa, James Skuce, in his 66th year. Funeral Thursday, November 2nd, at 2 p., from above residence to Beechwood Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Friday, November 17, 1916
Stuart Barker
The well-known Canadian baritone who has arranged the program for the Sportsmen's Patritoci Association recruiting meeting at the Hippodrome in aid of the 208th Battalion, next Sunday, Nov. 19. The following artists will appear: ... A noteable feature of the program will be the appearance of Lou Skuce, the Tornonto "World" cartoonist in a patrotic offering. ...
Daily British Whig
Saturday, 10 February 1917
Skuse—In Colburne, on Feb. 3rd, Elizabeth Skuse, widow of the late John Jamieson.
Brandon Daily Sun
February 12, 1917
Canadian Casualties
Killed in Action
216828 M Skuse, England
The Weekly Advance, Kemptville
Thursday, 2 August 1917
Mrs Somerville of Kemptville is the guest of her sister, Mrs J Skuce.
Victoria Daily Colonist
Thursday, August 9, 1917
Mrs A M Styles, of Winnipeg, is visiting the city, and is staying with her daughter, Mrs Skuce, of Wildwood Avenue.
Calgary Herald
Thursday, September 20, 1917
In the parlors of Knox church yesterday afternoon the Rev. A.W. R. Whiteman united in marriage Mrs Florence Martin and Mr George Sidney Skuce, both of Drumheller. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Skuce left for the mountains on a short honeymoon and will later return to Drumheller to make their home, where Mr Skuce is a prominent rancher.
The Globe
Friday, 2 November 1917
On Wednesday, October 31, at the Church of St John, Bowmanville, Ont., the marriage as solemnized of Letitia Jane Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex Riley of Wilberforce, Ont., and the Rev Percival Newman Knight, son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Knight of Boscombe, England . The Rev Wm F Wrixon of Wyebridge, Ont., officiated. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr Wilbert Skuce, and was attended by Miss Muriel Book of Port Perry, Ont. The groom was attended by the Rev H Wilkinson of Enniskillen, Ont. The wedding music was played by Miss Florence Book of Port Perry. The bride and groom left for Toronto en route for their future parish of Bolton and Tullamore, Ont.
The Montreal Star
Saturday, November 3, 1917
Skuce-Graham.—Mr and Mrs T. W. Skuce announce the engagement of their daugher, Margaret Lavinia, ??sst., Paymaster Thomas Kirby
Graham R.N.C.V.R., only son of the ... Mr and Mrs C.D. Graham. The wedding to take place this month.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, November 20, 1916
Another Ottawa Athelete Wounded
(Special to the Star.)
Ottawa, November 20.—In the official casualty list last night there appeared the name of Pte. James Milton Skuce, a well-known Ottawa athlete, who has been wounded in France. Pte Skuce enlisted two years ago and was for some time quartermaster in one of the district battalions. He went overseas as a seargeant, but reverted to the ranks in order to get into the fighting in France. He was through several of the heaviest engagements and had recently written stating that he was in good health. His wife, who resides at 46 McLarent street, received the official notification of her husband's injury. He was hit last week.
Pte Skuce will be remembered for his success with the Britannia Boating Club. He stroked the Britannia crew for several seasons and figured in several of its championship boats. He also paddled fours and tandems with equal sucess and was also an officer of the club. "Milt" was attached to the Marine Department and is brother of Lou Skuce, the Toronto World cartoonist. Many Ottawa friends will hope for his quick recovery.
Lethbridge Herald
Friday, November 23, 1917
The Rev P N Knight, of Boscombo, England , was married in St John's Church, Bowmanville, Ont., to Miss L J Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs A Riley, Wilberforce, Ont. Mr Knight has been appointed to the Mission of Bollon and Tullamore, in the Diocese of Toronto.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, December 29, 1917
Mr. Frank G. Freeman
Frank George Freeman, a well-known butcher of College street, passed away suddenly Thursday at his home. 1 Robert street. He attended business as usual, but complained of feeling unwell about 4 o'lcock in the afternoon. His death, resulting from paralysis, occured early in the evening. He was born in Oxfordshire, England , 65 years ago. He has been been 25 years in Toronto and lived on College street for 16 yeras. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Amy Freeman, and six children, Mrs. James See, Cooksville; Captain Margaret in the Salvation Army; Mrs. William Andrews, Mrs. William Skuce, Bugler George Freenman and Frank. One sister, Mrs Laura Smith, is in England and Mrs. Nellie Herman resides in Clinton.
Drumheller Review
Friday, 4 January 1918
Mrs Skuse, who has been spending a few months in California, arrived in town Wednesday, and will spend a short time on a visit here.
The Daily Colonist, Victoria, BC
Saturday, May 11, 1918
Red Cross Work
Hollywood Branch
...Misses Freda and Connie Skuce...
The Huntsville Forester
27 June 1918
Mr and Mrs James Skuce of Fenelon Falls were the guests of Mr and Mrs Robt Wilson, one day last week.
The Globe
Wednesday, 2 July 1918
Men off Belgic
N.S., July 1.—The steamer Belgic with upward of three thousand returning Canadian troops on board, docked at 6 o'clock this morning. The work of debarkation was begun at 6.20 and concluded in to house, the last train leaving at 9.25. The troops included the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th Reserve Battalions, Canadian Engineers, and were, for the most part, from Seaford Camp. They reported a pleasant and especially smooth passage.
The following arrived to-day by the Belgic. Where no post office address is given Toronto is the post-office.
...; W.W. Skuce, Barry's Bay; S. Skuce, Barry's Bay; ..
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, September 26, 1918
Mr. Daniel Skuce of Barry's Bay and Mr. Thomas Skuce, military police of Ottawa, visited with friends in this part recently.
The Toronto World
October 10, 1918
Producer is Ill
Being laid up with Spanish influenza. Lou Skuce, producer of "The Shrapnel Dodgers," has been unable to see his newest production, "Billet 13," at Loew's Theatre this week.
The Montreal Star
Monday, October 14, 1918
788627 E. E. Skuce, Barry's, Ont.
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, October 17, 1918
An interesting marriage took place in the Anglican church, Perth on Wednesday, October 9th, when the contracting parties, Miss Edna Skuce, second daughter of Mrs. Thos. Skuce of this place, and Mr Mornam Mussell o prosperous young farmer of Osgoode, were united in holy matrimony, by Rev. Mr Clayton. The groom's sister, Miss Anna Mussell, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr George Tate, cousin of the bride, acted as groomsman.
The bride was becomingly attired in travelling suit of blue opening over a blouse of white Georgette crepe, with stylish hat of sand strade and brown facing. The bridesmaid wore a suit of navy silk and hat to match. The happy couple will spend a week among friends at Smiths Falls, Merrickville and Ottawa, thence home, where the groom has a comfortable home in readiness. Very best wishes are extended by a large circle of friends.
Edmonton Bulletin
Monday, 28 Oct 1918
C.P.R. Steamer is Lost – All aboard Perish
William Scouse, of Seattle, who was lost, hoisted the first bucket of the fabulously rich gold gravel on Eldorado, the most noted of Yukon creeks.
William S. Scouse, Dawson Alaska
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, November 7, 1918
The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. Alex. Tate and his two children in the loss they sustained on Wednesday morning, October 30th, in the death of Mrs. Tate, who passed away in hospital at Brockville, after a brief illness from influenza. The remains were brought home on Thursday, interment taking place at the cemetery here. Deceased whose maiden name was Margaret Skuce, daughter of late John Skuce, was born at Bark Lake, 45 years ago, and came to this community with her parents when about two years of age. She married Alexander Tate of Nova Scotia and after residing some time at Whitney and Ottawa, moved to a farm here. Mrs. Tate was an active member of the Presbyterian church here and sang in the choir. She also was a member of the Womens Missionary Society and ably filled the office as president, for a few years. Her services will be greatly missed by the congregation. Being of bright and amiable disposition she made many friends in her field of labor, who deeply deplore her unexpected death and sympathize with the family in the loss they have sustained. She leaves to mourn her loss a loving husband, son and daughter, George and Viva, respectively; also five sisters and two brothers: Mrs. Robert Martin, Mrs. Robert Haney; Mrs. Herb Walton, Mrs. Charles Watson and Richard and George Skuce, all in the West, and Mrs. George Carlyle of this place.
Edmonton Bulletin
Monday, November 11, 1918 (Also in Calgary Hereald)
Honor Roll of Western Canada
Died of Wounds
F Skuce, Nesbitt, Man
Drumheller Review
Friday, 15 November 1918
Sid Skuce made a trip to Kinseilla, north of Edmonton, last week end for a few days, in connection with the death of Jack Bayne.
Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alberta
Tuesday, November 26, 1918
Advertisement - Kerosafe Lamp
F.T. Skuse
Macleod, Alta.
Calgary Herald
Saturday, 21 December 1918
Spiller - Skuce
A pretty home wedding was solemized at home of the bride's sister, Mrs J D Lonsberry,
High River, Wednesday, when Miss Hester A Skuce, third daughter of William Skuce, of Skiberdeen, Ireland, and John S Spiller, eldest son of the late John Spiller, formerly of Clonakilty, Cork, Ireland, were united in marriage by the Rev H E Gordon.
Mr and Mrs Siller will make their home in Calgary.
Calgary Herald
Wednesday Feb 26, 1919
Many More Vets are Expected to Reach here Soon
Empress of Britain, arriving in Halifax
Pte W. H. Skuce, 627 Sixth Ave W
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, May 15, 1919
Mr. Charles Skuce received a telegram on Tuesday, stating that the death of his son-in-law, Mr. Robert Tate, which occurred on Sunday, the 4th last, at Penticton, B.C. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two small children.
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, May 22, 1919
Mrs. Somerville, Carsbony
The death of Mrs. William Somerville, at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Skuce, which took place on May 6th, removed one whose life was the embodiment of kindness and love and her many friends will mourn the loss of her cheerful disposition and sunny smile. The deceased was born at North Gower, her maiden name being Margaret Barr. For some time past she had been making her home with her sister, Mrs. John Skuce. Recently she underwent an operation from the effects of which she never fully recovered, passing peacefully away on May 6th.
She was a memeber of the Methodist church, and the funeral, which was from her sisters residence to Carsonby Methodist church, was largely attended. The Rev. W. T. Brown of North Gower officiated and interment was made in Kars Methodist cemetery. Her husband predeceased her.
She leaves the following brothers and sisters to mourn her loss: William Barr of Oxford Mills; James Barr, of Glenboro, Man.; Mrs. John Skuce and Mrs. John Somerville, of Pleasant Valley.
Among relatives from a distance who attended were: William Barr and son, Murray, of Oxford Mills; Mr. and Mrs. John Somerville; Rev. E. E. Brownlee, Carp. Floral tributes were received from Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Craig, Mrs. Orville Skuce, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace. Mrs. J. Carson.
Her death has removed from the community one highly thought of for the Christian life she had lived and it might be said of her that she went about doing good, she having the true spirit of Christianity.
The Toronto Star
Friday, May 23, 1919
Shen's Hippodrome Next Week
... A favorite on any stage is Lou Skuce, the well known cartoonist, who will appear with a number of new and original cartoons. ..
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Thursday, 12 June 1919
A quiet marriage was solemnized on Tuesday afternoon, June 3, at the home of Mr Walter H Kennedy, Whitby, when their only daughter, Kathlyn Rogers, was united in marriage with Mr George Wilbert Skuce of Gravenhurst. Rev H Wilkinson, Enniskillen, brother-in-law of the groom, performed the ceremony. The wedding music was played by Miss Elsie Riley of Wilberforce. After luncheon the young couple motored to Toronto, taking the evening train for the coast, the bridge travelling in a suit of navy blue taffeta over a blouse of melon pink georgette with hat to match. On their return Mr and Mrs Skuce will reside in Gravenhust and will be at home after August 1st.
The Daily Colonist, Victoria, BC
Saturday, June 28, 1919
Margaret Jenkins School (Elementary)
Division V
To Senior Second Reader—Freda Skuce
Division I
To High School—Connie J Skuce
The Morrisburg Leader
Friday, 25 July 1919
Sucessful Canadidates
Junior High School Entrance Dundas
Annie Skuce
The Chesterville Record
Thursday, 31 July 1919
High School Entrance Dundas
Sucessful Candidates
Annie Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, December 6, 1919
Vanity' Fair Coach
The four Vanity Fair ladies, who toured the city yesterday in an old-fashioned state coach. They are: On top, left to right, Miss Dorothy Smith, Miss Ivy Malson. At the back, Mrs. Lou Skuce, and inside looking out, Miss Margaret McNeil.
The Winchester Press
Thursday, 11 December 1919
Miss Cecil Skuce, of Hallville, spent part of last week with Mrs Geo. Lannin.
Claresholm Review-Advertiser, Alberta
Friday, February 20, 1920
Weekly School Report Grades VIII to XII
Grade IX — Geometry — Olive Skuce, 81
The Waterdown Review
20 May 1920
The death of Mrs F.J. Crooker, an old and highly respected resident of this vicinty, occurred on Thursday, May 13th at the home of her daughter, Mrs S. Frank Smith.
Deceased, whose maiden name was Martha Jane Skuce, was born in England 83 years ago, and came to Canada with her parents when a child. She was married in Hamilton to Mr F. J. Crooker and for a number of years lived at Millgrove. Since the death of her husband eight years ago she has made her home with her daughter here. The funeral took place on Saturday last to Millgrove cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, June 9, 1920
Industrial League
At Leaside - Can. Nat. Ry. v. Can Kodak. Referee: J. F. Skuse, 73 Ravina crescent.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 15, 1920
Willys to Appeal T and DFA Decision
The Robertson Cup Games to Commence Next Saturday - Double-Header at Varsity
Dom. Transport v. UVL Referee J. F. Scuse
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 22, 1920
Games for Saturday
Third Division
Brampton v. G.A.C. Referee. Skuce
The Toronto Star
Thursday, August 5, 1920
Little Girls Toiled Hard
... Elsie Scuse, ...
Irma Times, Alberta
August 6, 1920, Page 8
Sid Skuse reports a fairly good price for his horses which he shipped to Edmonton and sold on July 21st. He took up 250 head and will probably take more later.
Ottawa Citizen
September 4, 1920
Beatty—Skuce—Mr and Mrs Dnaiel Beatty of Westboro, announce the engagement of their daughter. Bessie Graham, to Mr George Orval Skuce, son of the late James Skuce and Mrs Skuce of Britannia Bay. The marriage will take place in Sept.
Ottawa Citizen
September 25, 1920
Skuce—Beatty—On Sept 22, 1920 at All Saints church, Westboro, by Col. the Rev R H Steacy, Bessie Graham, daughter of Mr and Mrs D Beatty, to George Orval, youngest son of the late James and Mrs Skuce of Britannia Bay.
Ottawa Citizen
October 21, 1920
Skuce—Stratton—Mr and Mrs Dan Skuce announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Beryl Edith, to Richard Howard, son of Mr and Mrs T E Stratton, both of Ottawa. Wedding to take place Oct 28, 1920.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 30 December 1920
Millars Corner
Mrs T. Skuce accompanied by Miss Hildred and Ecklin, of Reid's Mills, spent Christmas at the home of Mr Dan Skuce.
The Canadian Churchman
30 December 1920
Upwards of 150 people attended the annual Sunday School entertainment of the Parish Guild of St. Stephen's, Westboro', Ont., on December 21st. Prizes and presents were distrbuted to the children during the evening. The gathering was presided over by Mr O. Skuce, Sunday School superintendent. Mr T. Gibson and Mr G. Train, wardens of All Saints', Westboro', were also present.
Ottawa Citizen
15 April 1921
Skuce—On Wednesday, April 13, 1921 to Mr and Mrs Wm C Skuce, 15 Elm St, a daughter.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 28 July 1921
Reid's Mills
(Too late for last week.)
Mr Ambrose Skuce has taken possession of the garage at Osgoode, formerly owned by B. Reid.
Mr and Mrs. Geo Duncan, Chas. and Doris, accompanied by the laters sister, Mrs. Ida Tate, Bert and Arthur visted at the home of Mr John Skuce, of Kars, on Sunday last.
Edmonton Bulletin
1 August 1921
The following students were successful in passing the recent junior commercial examination in Canada history and Civics:
Olive Georgina Skuce
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, September 15, 1921
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Duncan attended the Bradley and Skuce wedding on Wednesday evening last, at the home of the laters parents Mr. and Mr John Skuce, of Kars.
The Toronto Star
Monday, 26 September 1921
Oslers Win at Ottawa
... Skuce ...
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 29 September 1921
Millars Corners
Messrs. Thos and Walton Skuce have returned to Barry's Bay, after visiting their uncle, Mr D Skuce.
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, October 27, 1921
Mrs. Ida Tate and children, who have spent the last few months with her father, Mr. Chas. Skuce and sister, Mrs. Duncan, left on Tuesday last enroute to her home in B. C.
Peterboro Examiner, Peterborough, Ontario
December 1921
Mount Horeb Woman Killed When Buggy Hit by Train - Mrs. Skuce
Regina Leader-Post
Dec 21, 1921 (Shorter version also in the Strathmore Standard, same day)
Woman Killed when Buggy hit by Train
Lindsay, Ont., Dec. 20 - Mrs Wm Skuce, 60 years of age, was killed and her husband was seriously injured, when their horse and buggy was struck by a Canadian Pacific train running from Toronto to Bobcaygeon, at Potter's Corner, near here today. The horse was carried about 75 feet along the track.
The Globe
Wednesday, December 21, 1921
Train Kills Woman, Injures Husband
Hits Buggy Near Lindsay, Carrying the Top More Than 500 Feet
Lindsay, Dec 20—C.P.R. train No 723, from Toronto to Bobcaygeon, struck a horse and buggy at the Pottery Corners, one mile south of Lindsay, at 11.50 this morning, one occupant of the buggy, Mrs Wm Skuce of Mouth Horeb, being killed and the other, her husband, seriously injured
The horse as carried about 75 feet along the track, and the top of the buggy, in which the victims were hemmed, was carried more than 500 feet.
Mrs Skuce was picked up unconscious, lying in a pool of blood, and died in a few minutes. The couple were in their sixtids, and well known. Mr Skuce is in the hospital here.
The Strathmore Standard
Wednesday, December 21, 1921
To-Day's World News
Lindsay, Ont—Mrs William Skuce, sixty years, was killed when hose and buggy was bstruck by CPR train. Horse was carried 75 feet along track.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 2 February 1922
Mrs L Skuce and daughter, Hildred, spent a few days of last week with friends at Millar's Corner.
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta
May 25, 1922
Mrs W Skuce, who recently arrived in Canada from Ireland, and who has since been visiting in Calgary, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs D J Lonsberry.
Calgary Herald
Tuesday, 18 July 1922
Mrs Harold Casson and her little daughter Miss Cleo Casson are the guests of Mrs J. M Skuce, 46 McLaren Street, Ottawa.
The Regina Leader-Post
Thursday, 27 July 1922
Racing at the Provincial Exhibition
R.G. Skuce, Nutana, Sask.
The Winchester Press
Thursday, 27 July 1922
Child Killed
Little boy got father's gun and it went off accidently
A very sad accident occured on Thursday of last week in the Hallville section, not far from Mountain Station, when the little child of Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce was killed under most tragic circumstances. It would appear that two little children, Melvin, aged 5 and Eddie, aged 7 years had been left alone in the house, while the mother and two older children went berry picking, and the father was hoeing in an adjoining field. When the older child, Eddie was out feeding the chickens, the child Melvin climed on the table and got down his father's gun, which was loaded with shot. Eddie heard the report of the gun and running to the house found the little one lying on the floor dead, shot through the lungs, and the exploded gun lying on the table. How the child got the gun will never be known. The sad accident cast a gloom over the community.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 10 August 1922
Millar's Corners
Mrs D Skuce and the Miss Mildred and Annie are visiting friends at Barry's Bay.
Reid's Mills
Miss Clark, of Toronto, is the guest at the home of Mr Leslie Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Monday, October 16, 1922 / Tuesday, October 17, 1922
Pantages Now Playing
Lou Skuce
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 16 November 1922
Mr and Mrs Eric Skuce are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Skuce.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 30 November 1922
H. R. Sawdon and W. Henderson attended Mr. Daniel Skuce's auction sale, at Millars Corners, Wednesday. Nov. 22.
Van Allans Corners
A number from here attended the sale at D. Skuce's, Oxford Station, on Wednesday.
Millars Corners
Mr and Mrs D. Skuce and family are leaving this week for the new home at Pembroke.
Reid's Mills (Too late for last week)
Mr Daniel Skuce of Millar's Corners, who is motoring to Pembroke in a short time,
made a farwell visit the later part of this week, with his mother Mrs. Chas. Skuce and other friends in this part.
Mr Ambrose Skuce of Kars High School, spent the week-end at his home.
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, March 29, 1923
Skuce-At Salvation Army Hospital on Wed, March 28, 1928, to Mr and Mrs G O Skuce, Britannia Bay, a boy.
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 30 Apr 1923
Oakes—Skuce — ... by Rev Canon.... on Saturday, 27th ... Oakes, of Montreal, to Nellie eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs F A Skuce.
(mostly unreadable)
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 17 May 1923
Entered into Rest
Charles Skuce
Sunday evening, May 6th, the angel of death called at the home of Mr George Duncan, Reid's Mill, and peacefully ended the life on earth, of an aged and highly respected resident of this community in the person of Mr Charles Skuce. Mr Skuce was born in Mountain Township, near Hallville, seventy-six years ago, and while still a lad, moved to Bark Lake, Ont., with his parents, Richard and Amelia Skuce.
After spending some time there and having grown to manhood, and the time had come when he yearned to have a home of his own, he returned forty-seven years ago to the vicinity of his birth and purchased the farm in Osgoode township, where he has since lived and until the end came. Shortly after settling on his farm, Mr Skuce was united in marriage to Miss Katherine Skuce, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Skuce, of Mountain, who predeceased him twenty-six years ago. To this union three daughters were born, Ida (Mr. Tate of Pentiction, B.C.), who ably assisted her father keep the home together after her mothers death; Bertha, who was called home a few short months after her mother; and Mrs Geo. Duncan, who is residing on the old homestead and cared for her father in his last days.
The deceased has been in failing health for the past two years, being troubled with a weak heart and chronic bronchitis, but not murmuring or complaing he waited to call on his Master, which came so quietly and claimed one who was a quiet citizen, a good neighbor and one who wished for all that was pure and honest.
The funeral was held on Wednesday, May 9th, at 2 p.m., from his late residence to Knox Prebyterian church, where his pastor, Rev. A. Hinton, of Mountain Methodist Chrcuh, of which deceased was a member, assisted by Rev. James Clark, pastor of Knox church, paid a very fitting tribute to his life, speaking from the words, "Let me die the death of the righteous and let my end be like unto His." Mr. Hinton also rendered a solo, a favorite selection of Mr Skuce, " Wonderful Peace."
The remains were carried and laid to rest in the family plot, adjoining the chuch by first cousins of deceased, namely: Messrs. John Allen, W.H. Allen, D.M. Allen, D.R. Allen, W.J. Allen, Sr. and D.H. Allen. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family, and to the brothers and sisters of deceased.
A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Charles Skuce, which took place at Reid's Mills last Wednesday.
The Morrisburg Leader
Friday, 13 July 1923
Entrance Results
North Mountain—
Lena Skuce
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 31 January 1924
Reid's Mills
Mr and Mrs Lester Skuce were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Geo Duncan.
Allan's Corner
Mr F Skuce, Hallville, was in town on Monday.
Kemptville Advance
Thursday, April 17, 1924
The sympathy of the community is extended Mrs. Annie Skuce in the death of her sister, Miss Marjory Caughey, of Oxford.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 24 April 1924
Dr Ecklin Skuce was in Toronto for a few days.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 1 May 1924
In loving memory of Mr. Skuce, who died May 6th, 1923
A year has passed,
how we have missed yon
Friends may think the wound has healed But they little know the sorrow Deep within our hearts concealed.
Inserted by daughters, Ida and Ella
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 19 June 1924
Mr and Mrs. Daniel Skuce, and little Margaret were recent guests at the home of Mr George Duncan.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 23 June 1924 (Also in Ottawa Journal)
For Miss Skuce
Mrs. Orval Skuce entertained at her home Saturday afternoon at a delightfully arranged tea and miscelaneous shower in honor of Miss Irene Skuce, who marriage takes place shortly.
The gifts were carried in a beautifully decorated car, drawn by little Miss Jean Fowley and Master Eldon Skuce, dressed as bride and groom, respectively.
June flowers of mauve and white were used effectively as decorations.
Mrs Ira Fowler, Mrs W Winthrop and Mrs Kirby Graham presided at the tea table.
The Montreal Star
Thursday, July 3, 1924
Society at the Capital
The wedding took place last night at half-past seven o'clock in St. Albans Church, of Miss Irene Bertha Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs T. W. Skuce, to Mr. J. Eric T. Smaridge of Toronto, son o fthe late Thomas G. Smaridge and Mrs Smaridge, of South-Devon, England. The church was decorated with white flowers and ferns and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. B. Morgan, rector of Russell, and a cousin of the bride. Mr. E. Hueson was at the organ and during the signing of the register, Miss Gladys Carleton sang "Because." The bride was given away by her father, and wore a gown of pearl grey georgette embroidered in crystal, with a touch of purple pansies, a hat of purple georgette trimed with pansies, and she carried a Colonial bouquet. She was attended by her sister, Miss Murel Skuce, of Detroit, who wore a gown of emerald green crepe de chine with a leghorn hat trimmed with a scarf of green to match her dress and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and mauve peas. Mr Maynard Skuce, a cousin of the bride, was best man and the ushers were the bride's brother Mr Orville Skuce and Mr George Lyon. Following a reception Mr and Mrs Smaridge left for their home in Toronto, the bride travelling in a smart costume of black broadcloth with touches of white, a black and white hat and black and white scarf.
The Athens Reporter
28 August 1924
Mr Skuce, of Omemee, is visting his son B. Skuce.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 4 December 1924
Dr Skuce, dentist, has opened an office at North Gower and is there Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of every week.
Calgary Daily Herald
14 April 1925
Guides Are Guest at Social Affair
... The winning team include ... Guide Edith Skuce ...
Mrs Ira Fowler, Mrs W Winthrop and Mrs Kirby Graham presided at the tea table.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 17 April 1925
Skuce—At a local hospital on Tuesday, April 16, 1925. Lavinia Boulger, beloved wife of Thomas Walter Skuce, 200 Friel St., in her 65th year. Funeral from above address on Saturday, April 18 at 1.45 p.m. to St Albon's Church. Service in the church at 2 p.m. Interment at Beechwood cemetery.
Calgary Herald
27 April 1925
Examination Results Crescent Heights High
Grade X (10)
Edith Skuce, 73
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Thursday, December 17, 1925
At the Parsonage, Janetville, December 2, by Rev R.M. Patterson, Cecil Laverne, son of William and the late Mrs Skuce, Manvers, and Mabel Alzena, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thos. Parks, Ops Township.
Calgary Herald
24 Dec 1925
Crescent Heights High School Christmas Report
Grade IX (A) Full Course
M. Skuce, 73
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 31 December 1925
Reid's Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duncan and children, also Mrs Annie Skuce, Mr and Mrs Will Carlyle, jr., and children joined a large dinner party at the home of Mr. Norman Mussell, Rideau Hill.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 21 January 1926
Vanallan's Corner
Mrs. K. Skuce has returned home, after spending the past month in Antwerp, N.Y.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 20 May 1926
Reid's Mills
Mrs Skuce, Mr and Mrs Geordie Carlyle and children were guests of friends at Rideau Hill, on Sunday.
Mr. C. A. Skuce, of Veterinary College, Guelph, has returned for the holidays with his brother, Mr Lester Skuce.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 15 June, 1926
Skuce-Kilrea Wedding St. Matthew's Church
One Hundred Guests at Ceremony and Reception
A most charming wedding ceremony took place at St. Matthew's Anglican church this afternoon at two o'clock when Miss Lydia M Kilrea, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kilrea, was united in marriage with Mr. William W. Skuce of Schenectady, N.Y., formerly of Ottawa, son of Mrs. W. Skuce or Ottawa, and the late Mr. Skuce.
Rev Canon George S. Anderson rector of St. Matthew's officiated and Mr Edmund Sharpe presided at the organ playing the wedding music in pleasing style. A vocal solo. Because, was contributed during the service by Mrs. S. Currie.
For this occasion the interior of the sacred edifice had been especially adorned with ferns, palms, clusters of white lilacs and other blooms. The pews occupied by the guests were also marked with white blooms, tied with tuile.
Accompanied by her brother, Mr. John Kilrea, who later gave her in marriage, the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Sadie Kilrea and by Miss Elsie Smith as bridesmaids, Mr. Edward Skuce, a brother of the groom, was best man, and those who officiated as ushers were Messrs. Hector and Walter Kilrea, brother of the bride, and Messrs. Andrew and Jack Skuce, brothers of the groom.
An exquisitely designed gown of white crepe meteor adorned with clusters of orange blossoms was worn by the bride. The folds of the long flowing veil were held in place on the head with a coronet of orange blossoms and the bride carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley.
The bridesmaids were dressed daintily in crepe de chine, Miss Kilrea being in mauve and Miss Smith in peach color. These dresses were adorned with hand-made French flowers. Miss Kilrea wore a mauve tuile hat and Miss Smith's hat was a picture model in black. Arm bouquets of rosebuds were carried.
Mrs Kilrea, mother of the bride, was in a gown of black satin trimmed with lace and she wore a black mohair hat. Mrs. Skuce, the groom's mother was wearing a gray crepe gown and her hat of black had touches of gray in trimming.
Later a reception at which a buffet luncheon was served, was held for one hundred guests at the home of the bride's parents at 275 Laurier avenue west. The out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and Mr and Mrs. Samuel Rothwell, all of Navan, Ont.; Mr and Mrs. Ed Armstrong, Mr. Tom Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sparks, all of Vars, Ont.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Skuce left on a motor trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other cities and will proceed to their home in Schenectady. For traveling the bride wore a fawn dress with touches of blue and a fawn coat and hat.
Calgary Herald
Tursday, 13 July 1926
the 10th Company Girl Guides
.. Edith Skuce ..
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 26 September 1926
Reids Mills
Miss Annie Wood, of Marvelville, was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Lester Skuce.
The Winchester Press
Thursday, 9 December 1926
Frank Skuce, employed by Leo Loughlin, Mountain Township, about seven miles from here, while hunting foxes one day last week, came across a black bear, which he shot. The animal was brought to town and was on exhibition at a local butcher shop. It weighed in the neighborhood of two hundred pounds. Kemptville Advance.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 6 January 1927
The heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended Mr. and Mrs Lester Skuce in the death of their baby daughter, Muriel, which occurred on Christmas morning. The baby was in poor health for a couple weeks previous, when pneumonia develope and medical aid was of no avail. Muriel was bout 14 month old. Funeral service was conducted Monday afternoon in the Anglican Church, Osgood, by the Rev. Gardiner. Interment at the Anglican cemetery.
The Border Cities Star, Windsor
Saturyday, 22 January 1927
A Brand new Feature by a well-known Canadian Artist, will be started in the Border Cities Star next Monday, January 24.
The title is "Cash and Carrie." and its author is Mr Lou Skuce.
More than thirty of the leading newspapers of North America have purchased territorial rights to this feature and it gives every promose of being one of the biggest successes of the newspaper comic field in many a long day.
Start following the adventures of "Cash and Carrie" in The Star on Monday.
The Toronto Star
Friday, January 28, 1927 / Monday, January 31, 1927 / Wednesday, February 2, 1927 / Friday, February 4, 1927 / Saturday, February 5, 1927 / Wednesday, February 9, 1927 / Monday, February 14, 1927 / Wednesday, February 16, 1927 / Thursday, February 17, 1927 / Friday, February 18, 1927
Cash and Carrie - By Lou Skuce
Lethbridge Herald
Tuesday, February 1, 1927
Mr W Skuce, of Portland, Oregon, was the guest of his sister, Mrs D J Lonsberry, while en route from Calgary to his home.
The Globe
Friday, February 4, 1927
Orange Lodge Officers
Lindsay, Feb 2—(Special.)—At the annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of Victoria, the following officers were elected: County Master, W Bro, J. J. Skuce, Beaverton; ...
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 22 July 1927
Woodroffe Resident Knocked down by Car
Frank Skuce now patient in Civic Hospital
Thrown to the pavement on the Richmond road, near Woodroffe, when struck by a motor car, Frank Skuce, popular resident of Woodroffe, was painfully injured about the head and body and is a patient at the Civic hospital. Dr. L.L. Derby, who is attending him, however, does not consider his condition serious. The auto by which he was knocked down was driven by Leonard Burrill, of Ottawa West.
Mr. Skuce was crossing the Richmond road, apparently to catch a street car, when the auto drove out of Roxborough avenue. He evidently became confused and stepped against the car. According to witnesses he was rolled along the pavement for a few feet and when the car was brought to a stop one of the rear wheels was just about to run onto his body.
He was picked up in a stunned condition and taken to the hospital where he was attended by Dr. Derby. The doctor said he does not think that there are any bones broken but that an X-ray examination has been made definitely to ascertain this. A report of the examination has been made definitely to ascertain this. A report of the examination, however, has not yet been made.
Ottawa Citizen
16 August 1927
Mrs. Edwin Meadows, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. William Skuce, 5 Irving avenue, has left for her home in Honolulu, Hawaii, by way of Vancouver.
The Montreal Star
Saturday, August 20, 1927
At the Capital
Mrs Edwin Meadows, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs William Skuce, has left for Vancouver, B.C., from where she will sail for her home in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 10 November 1927
Oxford Mills
Mrs L Skuce, of Osgoode, is the guest at home of her son, Mr Lester Skuce.
Mrs John Skuce, Kars, spent a few days of last week at the home of Mr George Duncan.
Ottawa Citizen
13 February 1928
In Anglican Churches
... ; an altar cloth, in memory of the late James Skuce, presented by his wife and sons; ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, March 28, 1928
A quiet wedding solemnized in Toronto on Monday at the Church of the Epiphany, Parksdale, was that of Miss Eleanor Evelyn Skuce, daughter of Mrs. Edith Skuce and the late Edward Skuce of Barry's Bay, Ontario, who became the bride of Mr Arthur See of Cambridge, England and Toronto. Mr W. J Burrell acted as best man. The bride was given away by Mr. W. Green of Toronto and Mrs. W. Green acted as matron of honor. The bride looked lovely in an ensemble of powder blue flat crepe with hat to match and a corsage of pink roses. The matron of honor wore a French beaded dress with a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. See left immediately after the ceremony for a motor trip through the States, and on their return will reside in Toronto. The bride is a cousin of Lou Skuce, the writer.
The Ottawa Citizen, Ontario
July 9, 1928
John Dawson
The funeral of the late John Dawson, victim of a fatal fall from a verandah at his home, 283 Albert street, on July first, was held this morning at 8:45 o'clock from his late residence to St. Patrick's Roman Catholic church. There, attended by many former friends of the late Mr. Dawson who had lived in this city for more than fifty years, a high requiem mass was chanted after which the cortege proceeded to Notre Dame cemetery where burial was made.
Widespread sorrow was expressed at the passing of the former militia man both by the number of floral and spiritual offerings received from his many friends in and around Ottawa and also by the number of messages of sympathy which were extended to his two daughters, Miss Minnie Dawson and Mrs. John Skuce, who were the chief mourners.
The Montreal Star
Monday, August 27, 1928
At the Capital
The marriage of Miss Roxanna Carrier, only child of Mr and Mrs M. W. Carrier, to Mr Milton Edward Bond, eldest son of Mrs Bond and the late Milton Bond, of Ottawa, took place quietly on Saturday afternoon in St. John's Church, the Rev. Canon Gorman performing the ceremony. The bride wore a costume of white organdie trimmed with yellow over a white silk and lace slip, and a large yellow mohair hat, and she carried a bouquet of yellow roses, and lilies-of-the valley.
The only attendant was a small cousin, Miss Drucilla Skuce, in pale green georgette over yellow, with hat of green and a Colonial bouquet of rosebuds and lilies of the valley. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs J. M. Skuce, and later Mr and Mrs Bond left for the Thousand Islands, the bride wearing a costume of beige angora jersey over green flat crepe and a green hat. They will reside at 169 Laurier avenue on their return.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 14, 1928
Death of Mrs. Skuce
Was Wife of Lou Skuce, Well Known Cartoonist
The death occurred yesterday of Mrs. T. L. Skuce, wife of Lou Skuce, the Mail and Empire cartoonist, at her residence, 190 Oakwood Ave., Mrs. Skuce was an Anglican and greatly interested in charity work. She was a prominent member of St. Michael's and All Angel's church. She was also active in the Oakwood Club.
The deceased was born and educated in Petrolla, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edis, and was married in 1913. For the past 18 years she has been a resident of this city. Her husband, Lou, a fifteen year old daughter, Pauline, her parents, now living in Toronto, and a brother Dr. John Edis, of Swastika, survive.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, January 23, 1929
Cigarettes Advert -> Lou Skuce
The Globe
Monday, 22 July 1929
Skuce—In a motor accident, On Saturday, July 20, 1929, Thomas Edward Skuce, beloved husband of Sarah McMann, Reaboro'.
Funeral on Tuesday, July 23rd, to Horeb Cemetery at 3 p.m.
The Stouffville Sun-Tribute
Thursday, July 25, 1929
Thomas Skuce, aged 60, killed when car hit buggy.
The Globe
Friday, 26 July 1929
Taximan Careless, Verdict at Inquest
Jurors Find Speed Excessive at Time of Omemee Fatality
Buggy Caught in Pocket
(Special Despatch to the Globe)
Lindsay, July 25—Coronation Hall, Omemee, was crowded this afternoon at the inquest into the death of Thomas Skuse, who as killed Saturday night. The jury found that Skuce came to his death by Ivan Sutton, taxi driver of Peterboro', death being to careless driving and excessive speed.
Sutton blamed defective lights and defective brakes for the accident, as well as the glare of lights from an approaching car. Skuce, in his buggy could not be seen, as he pocketed in the little dip in the road by two cars. He and the horse were carried on the top of Sutton's car for several car lengths, while the buggy as turned over and clung to the Peterboro' car for 147 feet. Sutton said he could see only 15 to 20 feet ahead.
Testify as to Lights.
Another taxi driver, Davis, said he drove the same car as Sutton and the lights shone ahead 50 or 70 feet. Dunsford, the owner of the taxi car, said they were good lights at 25 feet away.
Sutton said that he as going under 30 miles an hour. Harry Phalen of Peterboro', another occupant of the car, said hen the saw the object ahead he ducked his head. The Sutton car was traveling at 35 miles an hour.
Detective Morden of C.N.R. said that the Sutton car had passed him on the Omemee Road, and had crowded him to a standstill. While he traveled 2-1/2 miles the Sutton car had traveled 3-1/2 miles.
Measurements by Police.
Measurements by Provincial Constable Weatherall of Lindsay indicated that it as 96 feet 5 inches from the place where Skuce had been hit to the place here his body was found. It was 148 feet 8 inches from where Skuce's body was picked up to where the Sutton car came to a halt after running into another car and wrecking both, he testified.
Robert Bryans of Omemee stated that hen he passed Skuce on the road the red tail light on the Skuce buggy was lighted.
Arch. Reid of Peterboro' said that after the accident he had tested the brakes of the car and found that when the service brakes were pressed to within an inch of the floor the wheels of the car could not be moved.
The Montreal Star
Friday, July 26, 1929
Cause of Death
Lindsay, Ont., July 26,—(C.P.)—The death of Thomas Skuce, Reaboro farmer, killed when his buggy was struck by a taxicab driven by Ivan C. Sutton, 21, was due to Sutton's careless driving and excessive speed, a coroner's jury decided her last night.
The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville
Thursday, 1 August 1929
Mr Roy McMann, Toronto, Mr and Mrs Cleveland McMann and Mrs Fred Baker were in Lindsay last week attending the funeral of their uncle, Thos. Skuce, who was instantly killed on the Peterboro-Lindsay Highway.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, October 25, 1929
Skuce—At Dr Caven's Private Hospital, on Wednesday, October 23rd, 1929, to Mr and Mrs G O Skuce, a daughter.
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 25, 1929
Nurse Badly Hurt
Miss M. D. Skuce is Victim of Hit-and-Run Autoist—Suspect Held
Nurse Injured
Miss Mildred D Skuce, a graduate nurse of the Toronto East General hospital, was seriously injured Saturday night when she was struck down by a hit-and-run motorist as she attempted to board a street car at Myrtle Cres. on the Hamilton highway at Long Branch.
Miss Skuce, who had been visiting her brother, Dr. E. D. Skuce of Long Branch, was rushed to Toronto East General hospital, where she is in a critical condition. She has a fractured skull and broken left leg.
Thirty-five minutes after the accident, Constables Fred Shaw and Kid of the New Toronto police, arrested Francis Euchesneau, Burlington Ave., Long Branch. Euchesneau is alleged to have been in a drunken condition. He is accused of being intoxicated while operating a motor car.
The Montreal Star
Monday, November 25, 1929
Smashed Skull to Save Crowd
After flights on Port Meadow, Oxford, on Sunday evening, Edgar Skuce, director of Humphrey and Co., of Abingdon, found that he had to choose between collision with a crowd of people and a steep and dangerous landing. He chose to risk his own life, and his machine crased and he fractured his skull and suffered other injuries.
S. Buckle, of Abingdon, his passenger, jumped from the machine and received only slight injuries.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 28 November 1929
Actons Corners
Mr. Lester Skuce was very urgently called to Toronto on Sunday as his sister, Nurse Skuce, met with a serious motor accident and is lying in a very critical condition at present. Her speedy recovery is greatly desired by a host of friends in this part, as Miss Skuce made her home at Osgoode prior to going to Toronto last spring.
Friends of Miss Hildred Skuce, formerly of Osgoode, now residing in Toronto; will regret to learn that she was struck by a motor car, when about to board a street car, last Saturday. She was taken to the General Hospital and her injuries include a fractured skull and broken leg.
The Toronto Star
Friday, January 3, 1930
Injured Nurse is Weaker
Struck by a motor car as she alighted from a street car nearly a month ago. Miss Mildred Skuce, nurse at Toronto East General hospital, and sister of Dr. Skuce, Long Branch, is gradually growing weaker, reports from the hospital indicate. Francis Chaltaunce, Long Branch, driver of the motor car, is out on $10,000 bail and will appear again before Magistrate Douglas Davidson on a charge of criminal negligence on January 6.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, January 15, 1930
In coma eight weeks Nurse may yet recover
Miss Midel Skuce Injured by Motorist, Struggles for Life
Unconscious for nearly eight weeks and battling against almost insurmountable odds, Miss Mildred Skuce, nurse at the Toronto East General hospital, who was injured by a motor car, is believed to have a chance for recovery.
Medical authorities at the hospital marvel at the fight she is waging. Only at long intervals does she show any definite sign of life and this is to murmur weakly for a friend.
Miss Skuce was struck by a car on November 24 as she was about to board a radial.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, February 4, 1930
Nurse Recovering
Motorist Remanded
Mimico, Jan. 4. - Francis Duchesneau, Long Branch, was further remanded by Magistrate Davidson to March 4 on a charge of occasioning bodily harm when his automobile hit Nurse Helen B. Skuce on Nov 23 last. Highway Traffic Officer Fred Shaw said he had a report that Miss Skuce would probably be out of the hospital in three or four week's time. The bail of $4,000 stands.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario
26 February 1930
Page 8, C7
Robert Ingram Skuse, 67th year (born Belleville), died at Ingersoll
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, March 5, 1930
Injured Nurse's Recovery is considered remarkable
Hope was Abandoned for Miss Skuce, Severely hurt in Auto Accident.
Skull Was Broken
The remarkable recovery of Miss Mildred Skuce, 20 year old nurse of Toronto East General hospital, in that institution is considered an unusual and outstanding medical case in Toronto, if not in all Canada . Last November Miss Skuce was struck down by an automobile on the Lake Shore Rd., when she was attempting to board a street car. She sustained a serious fracture of the skull and a severely crushed left leg, and for ten weeks following the accident she was unconscious.
Little hope was held out for her, yet she survived the ordeal, and doctors while they waited, watched and hoped kept her alive by injecting glucose and saline in her veins.
The young nurse had been out to visit her brother, Dr. E.D. Skuce, a dentist, on the Lake Shore Rd. at Long Branch, when she was returning to Toronto and the accident occurred.
As one of her doctors told the Star to-day, nothing could be done for the injured girl on account of her injuries. "We were hampered by her mental condition," he said "She was in a state of unconsciousness bordering on a delirium making it impossible for us to give her an anesthetic."
Several times throughout the ten long weeks, she regained consciousness only to lapse back again after a short interval. The bone of her leg had been almost pulverized and could not be set in a plaster cast.
As the days passed, however, the fractured skull began to weave itself together. The bone in the leg also grew together. The patient could not take any food by mouth, so doctors fed her through her veins. A needle containing glucose and saline was injected into the skin, and thus the spark of life was kept alive.
About three weeks ago Miss Skuce recovered consciousness and shortly after she was able to take liquid foods. To-day she is still being watched, but her medical attendants are beginning to breathe more freely. She is recovering so rapidly.
The Globe
Wednesday, March 5, 1930
Motorist if Remanded till Victim Recovers
Mimico, March 4—Francis Duchesneau of Long Branch, who was arrested on Nov 23 charged with negligent driving so as to cause bodily harm to Helen B Skuce, a nurse at the Toronto East General Hospital, and who has been remanded from time to time owing to the condition of Miss Skuce, as today given a further remand until April 8, by which time it is expected that the victim will have recovered to appear as a witness.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, March 29, 1930
Miss Skuce Better
Has had stiff Battle for Life since Accident
Admitted to the Toronto East General hospital four months ago suffering from serious head and back injuries from which it was feared she would not recover. Miss Mildred Skuce, a nurse, has improved so much that attending doctors state that she is on the high road to a complete recovery.
Miss Skuce was injured on the Lake Shore Dr. last November when in stepping out on to the road to board a street car she was struck down by a speeding motor car.
The Toronto Star
Friday, May 2, 1930
Nurse's recovery interest doctors
Miss Mildred Skuce now able to use Crutches
Making a remarkable recovery, Miss Mildred Skuce, 20-year-old nurse of Toronto East General hospital, victim of an alleged hit and run motorist on the Lake Shore Rd. last November, has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital on crutches.
Her recovery is considered by medical men as one of the most unusual and outstanding medical cases in Toronto, if not in all of Canada .
Miss Skuce had been out visiting her brother, Dr. E. D. Skuce, a dentist, on the Lake Shore Rd. near Long Branch and was about to board a street car to return to her duties at the Toronto East General hospital when a hit and run motorist struck her, causing a fractured skull and a severely crushed leg. For ten weeks following the accident she lay in the hospital unconscious.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 3, 1930
Educational Administration
Skuce, Edna J., North Bay; Skuce, L., North Bay
The Toronto Star
Thursday, July 3, 1930
Long Branch Legion has field Day
... committee in charge consisted of ... Dr. E. D. Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 4, 1930
Cartoon: "A meal worth waiting for" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 11, 1930
Cartoon: "The Lid is Off for 1930" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, November 1, 1930
Cartoon: "Call your shots" - Lou Skuce
The Huntsville Forester
November 20, 1930
Mr Wm. Bullen is visiting with his daughter, Mrs Skuce of Beaverton.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, November 22, 1930
Cartoon: "Can the Tiger be Lassooed" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, December 9, 1930
Cartoon: "The Poppy Fund Show" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, December 24, 1930
Cartoon: "A Well-Filled Christmas Stocking" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 26, 1930
Cartoon: "One of the Greatest Badminton Players" - Lou Skuce
Ottawa Citizen
December 31, 1930
St. Stephen's Sunday School Entertainment
... recitations, Eldon B. Skuce, ... Marguerite Skuce ... Eldon Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, January 3, 1931
Cartoon: "A new Fistic Luminary" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, February 28, 1931
Cartoon: "Everything but the Cups" - Lou Skuce
Calgary Daily Herald
Friday, March 6, 1931; Page 23
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized Saturday, February 28, at 6 o'clock, in Crescent Heights United Church, when Olive Georgina, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Skuce was united in marriage with Mr Reginald G Hicks, eldest son of the late Rev James Hicks and Mrs Hicks of Vancouver. The Rev Brown officated.
The bride, who entered the church with her father, who gave her in marriage, was lovely in a gown of powder blue crepe back satin with matching hat and slippers. She carried a beautiful bouquet of Ophelia roses.
Miss Edith Skuce, sister of the bride, was her only attendant, chosing for the occasion a becoming frock of maize georgette with hat to match. Her bouquet was of Laddie carnations. Mr H B Henderson acted as groomsman.
After the ceremony a reception for the immediate relatives was held at the home of Mrs J Spiller, sister of the bride.
Mr and Mrs Hicks left later for Vancouver, Seattle and Portland, where their honeymoon will be spent. They will make their home in this city.
The Toronto Star
Friday, March 20, 1931
Cartoon: "A New Satellite" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 9, 1931
Cartoon: "Known to the Racing Men" - Lou Skuce
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 7 April 1931
The funeral of Miss Minnie Dawsonwas held his morning from the parlors of Brady and Harris, 375 Lisgar
street, and was attended by relatives
and many friends. Requiem nigh mass was chanted in St. Patrick's
Church by Rev. Father Edgar Brennan, and interment was in Botre Dame
Miss Dawson was a well-known resident of Ottawa and and her death is the occasion of great regret by the many friends she had gained during
her life here. The chief mourners were her sister, Mrs J.H. Skuce; a niece Miss Viola Skuce; nephews, Roy Skuce and Master James Skuce, all of Ottawa.
The many spiritual and beautiful floral offering received were testimony of the high regard in which Miss Dawson was held by her many friends.
DAWSON- At a local hospital, on Saturday, April 4, 1931, Minnie Dawson, beloved sister of Mrs. J.H.
Skuce, of this city. Funeral on
Tuesday the 7th instant, at 7.45 a.m. from Brady Harris Funeral
Home, 385 Lisgard St., to St Patrick's church
for requiem high at 8 o'clock. Interment at Notre
Dame cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 30, 1931
Trent Councillor
James Skuce, a councillor from the township of Thorah, was brought to Lindsay hospital, suffering from blood poisoning which developed from an abrasion on the hand.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 9, 1931
Education College Result Announced
Educational Psychology- ... Edna J. Skuce, Sudbury ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, July 24, 1931
Boy Scout Pow-Wow
... G. Orval Skuce ...
The Globe
Friday, August 21, 1931
Teachers Wanted
Sudbury—Male Principal anted for two-roomed schnool; salary $1,100. Apply, stating qualifications, experience and recent Inspectors' names and addresses, to L Skuce, I.P.S., Sudbury, Ontario.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, May 26, 1932
Harness Horses
The fifteen trotting representatives are ... R.T. Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 28, 1932
List of Prize Winners in Proverbs Tie-Breaker Contest
Contestants with six out of twelve or fewer correct receive $1.00 each, as follows:
Skuce, Miss Wilma B., 570 Albert St., Peterboro, Ont.
The Winchester Press
Thursday, 7 July 1932
North Mountain Consolidated School Promotions
A to Jr Pr.
Effie Skuce
Sr. III to Jr. IV
Rose Skuce
Ottawa Citizen
3 August 1932
Mrs. James Skuce and her son, Jim, have returned home from Toronto where they spent the past month.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, August 31, 1932
Harness Horses
R.T. Skuce, Western Canada, stopped his three-year-old around 2.22
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario
17 Sept 1932
A son, 2 September 1932 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Skuce
The Simcoe Reformer
Sept 1932
SKUCE- On Thursday Sept 1, 1932 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Skuce, Clear Creek, a son.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, October 11, 1932
Love Letter Goes Wrong
Sudbury, Ont. Oct. 11- Mrs L. Skuce, wife of the inspector of Sudbury schools, opened a letter addressed to her husband. She found "a beautiful piece of poetry which meant: I love you truly." A school teacher had inadvertently place a letter to her fiance in the wrong envelope.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, October 26, 1932
A wedding of interest in Ottawa and Toronto was quietly solemnized in Ottawa when Miss Ruth Kipling Fraser, daughter of Mr. W. A. Fraser, and the late Mrs. Fraser, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Lewis Skuce, son of Mrs. Skuce and the late Mr. James Skuce. Mr. and Mrs. Skuce will live in Toronto.
Georgetown Hearld
Wednesday, 2 Nov 1932
Skuce-Fraser—On Saturday, Oct 15th, the marriage of Ruth Kipling youngest daughter of Mr W A Fraser, and the late mrs Fraser, to Thomas Lewis, son of Mrs James Skuce and the late Mr Skuce, Toronto.
Ottawa Citizen
November 22, 1932
Miss Nelda Klotz bride of R. Skuce
Rev. A.P. Menzies Officiated at Home Wedding
An early winter wedding ceremony was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, 20 River street, Westboro, this afternoon, when Thusnedla Louise Klotz, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Klotz, was united in marriage to Mr. Richard Skuce, of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Trenton, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Skuce, of Ottawa.
Rev. A.P. Menzies, pastor of the Westboro United church, officiated, and as the bride entered the drawing room accompanied by her father, the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin was played by Mr. Cecil Skuce, who presided at the piano. At the conlcusion of the ceremony, Mendelsshohn's Wedding March was rendered.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride was unattended. She wore a brown crepe and satin dress effectively designed with a brown hat of the same material and carried an arm bouquuet of Talisman roses.
Mrs. Klotz, mother of the bride, wore a gown of black georgette with crystal ornaments.
Mrs. Skuce, the groom's mother, was wearing a gown of black crepe with a small black velvet hat.
Immediately following the ceremony a small reception was held and a buffet luncheon served. Later Mr. and Mrs. Skuce left by motor for Toronot, and Belleville, to take up residence in the latter place. For traveliing the bride wore a brown wool sports dress trimmed with white angora. Her coat of brown cloth was trimmed with wolf fur and she wore a smort hat of brown felt.
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, November 23, 1939
The marriage of Miss Thursnelda Louise Klotz, daughter of Dr. and Mrs J.E. Klotz, to Mr. Richard A. Skuce, of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Trenton, son of Mr and Mrs D. Skuce of Ottawa, took place yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. E. Lindsay, rector of St. Luke's Church and the wedding marches were played by the bridegroom's brother, Mr Cecil Skuce. The bridge was given in marriage by her father and wore a dress of brown crepe and satin with a hat and shoes to match, and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses and lilies of the valley, which was held by little Miss Patricia Soper, the bride's cousin, during the betrothal part of the service. Both bride and groom were unattended. Mrs. Klotz, mother of the bride, was wearing a gown of black velvet and georgette with a black hat and corsage bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs Skuce, mother of the bridegroom wore a model of black crepe and velvet with a black hat and corsage bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs James Jackson, grandmother of the bride, was gowned in black and a black hat. After an informal reception Mr and Mrs Skuce left for Toronto and western Ontario, the bride travelling in a sports dress of brown with a top coat of the same shade trimmed with fox fur, and a brown felt hat. After their wedding tour they will reside in Belleville. Mr Carl Klotz, brother of the bride, who is a student at Queen's University, Kingston, was among those present.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, November 26, 1932
Old Time Stuff
He Was a Pioneer on White's Ridge
Father of Thomas Skuce, of Ottawa, Was One of the Earliest Settlers of Mountain Township. Family All Gravitated to Ottawa. Skuce Brothers Were Wall Known Blacksmiths. A Large Piece of Plumabo.
It is just 81 years ago since the first settler located on the White's Ridge portion of Mountain twonship. That settler was Thomas Skuce, from Cork, Ireland , father of Mr. Thos W Skuce, owner of Elm apartment, 200 Friel street. White's Ridge was high land which the pine and oak had been stripped by a lumber operator named White.
White's Ridge lay about 3 miles west of the present village of Vernon. But of course at that time Vernon had not even been dreamed of. Vernon was then part of the forest. To reach his new home mr Skuce had to travel over the rough shanty roads that had been left by the lumbermen.
Soon after the Skuce family settled on the Ridge, there came the families of Robert McConnell, David Irvine, Esbyn Campbell and William Carlyle. Descendants of William Carlyle are still on the Ridge. Some of them are residents of Ottawa. Others live in Vernon. After a few years. Mr Skuce, the pioneer, moved from the Ridge to the sixth concession.
Came to Ottawa
Nearly all the sons of Mr Skuce found their way to Ottawa. James, John, William, George, Frank, Thomas and Dan all came to Ottawa to live. Five of the brother followed the occupation of blacksmithing. Thomas and Dan followed carriage painting.
Thomas Skuce came to Ottawa in 1873, at the age of 19. One of his first occupations was that of coachman for teh late E.B.Eddy. He stayed with Mr Eddy for four years. Then he went to work for W H Walker, the Ottawa layer, who had extensive plumbago interests
Wonderfully Rich
The Walker mines were wonderfully rich. Mr Skuce says that in 1876 Mr Walker sent to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia a piece of pure plumbago which exceeded a hundred pounds in weight.
Mr Walker was a member of the legal firm of Walker, McIntyre and Ferguson of 34 Elgin street. A F McIntyre and Alex Ferguson were prominent in the legal profession.
Mr T W Skuce now leads the retired life. He is a great admirer of the Old Time Stuff. Mr Skuce was a painter here for over 40 years
Tragic Death of Child in Mountain Township in 1859
Little Annie Montgomery left Aunt's home to go to her own-Had to cross Swamp Path-was never seen again-Neighbors searched for two weeks-bit of her clothing found-story as told in verse by a cousin.
One of the stories which a visitor to Mountain township is sure to hear is that which related to the tragic fate of Annie Maria Montgomery, aged 10 years and 11 months, who lost her life in the great swamp in Mountain township in the year 1859. Some four or five years ago the Old Time Stuff carried a brief reference to this sad story. Today further details of the tragedy are provided by Mr T W Skuce, of 200 Friel street. When he was a boy Mr Skuce's home was in Mountain and his family lived only a few miles from that of the Montgomery family.
Mr Skuce was only five years old when little Annie Montgomery got lost in the swamp, but he remembers distinctly the excitment that prevailed at the time, and some of the incidents which occured during the two weeks which the search for the child lasted. His father, Thomas Skuce, was one of the hundreds who took part in the search.
(continues about incident, no further details on Skuce)
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, December 5, 1932
SKUCE—At his residence, 200 Friel St., on Monday, Dec 5th, 1932. Thomas Walter Skuce in his 79th year. Funeral from above address on Wednesday 7th inst. for service at St Alban's Anglican church at 3.30pm. Interment at Beechwood cemetery.
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 8 December 1932
..., and Mr Lester Skuce are serving on the jury in Ottawa this week.
The Winchester Press
Thursday, 29 December 1932
Report of the North Mountain Consolidated School
Jr. Pr - Effie Skuce
Jr. IV
- Rose Skuce 61
Calgary Herald
1932, Births (around 4 sept 1932)
HICKS - Mr. And Mrs. R.G. Hicks announce the birth of a son ?? on Sunday, September 4, 1932 at the General hospital. Before her marriage Mrs. Hicks was Miss Olive Skuce
Calgary Herald
1932, Article
SKUCE, Syd, Pioneer Livery burns; M....(find rest of article)
The Toronto Star
Thursday, March 2, 1933
[Adverisment for Lou Skuce]
The Toronto Star
Friday, March 17, 1933
The toronto Theosophical Society will hold its annual St. Patrick's masquerade ball to-night at Columbus Hall. The judging of costumes will be held by ... Mrs. Lou Skuce, cartoonist. ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, March 29, 1933
Harness Horses
Another three-year-old pacer that is headed for the Futurity, and according to report received, the boys will have to consider, is one being trained at Saskatoon, Sask., owned by R.G. Skuce, who is no stranger down here, as he has been a contender twice in the rich classic. The name of this youngster is Roy Todd andcredited with a mile last fall in 2.22 and a quarter in 33 seconds.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 1 April 1933
The Blacksmiths Made their Own Shoe Nails
One of the old residents of of Hintonburg is Mr William Skuce of 5 Irving avenue. He has lived in Hintonburg over 40 years.
Mr Skuce came to Ottawa with several brothers in the year 1871, when 13 years of age. After several experiences he went into the blacksmithing business on Queen street near the Windsor hotel.
When Mr Skuce started in business, blacksmiths made their own horseshoe nails from Swedish iron. Later the nails come to them in the rough from the forges and they pointed them.
When Mr Skuce was in his prime he weighed 225 pounds and could easily handle any horse however troublesome.
When Mr Skuce went to the Burg 42 years ago he had a shop on Wellington street, near Byers' hotel.
Mr Skuce spent several years of his life in the North West. He used to shoe
broncos there. How, in his seventies, Mr Skuce is leading the retired life.
Mrs James A Davis, Cantley, Found Lost Son in Strange Way
Story as told by Her Daughter, Mrs William Skuce, of 5 Irving Avenue—Mother and Son Met Many Years After Out in Alberta—Mother Was Hard to Convince as to Son's Identity.
Mrs Wm Skuce, 5 Irving avenue, tells of a strange experience which her mother, Mrs James A Davis, of Cantley, had. The story illustraes the adage that truth is often stranger than fiction.
After the death of Mr Davis, about 45 years ago, the family moved to the Northwest—to Alberta. One son, William, had left home before the family moved from Cantley. He went to the Rockies. The boy, then 21, wrote a few letters home. Then the correspondence ceased, and the boy was relegated to the list of the lost.
One day about 40 years ago, a stranger appeared in a certain Alberta town near which Mrs Davis lived. He asked about the chances of picking up some good land cheap. He was told that Mrs James A Davis, a few miles away, might sell as she would like to go back East.
Stranhger Started.
When the name "Mrs James A Davis" was mentioned the stranger started.
"Back East," he asked. "What part?" The rancher replied that so far as he knew the Davis family had come from the Gatineau country.
"That might be my mother," he said. He started at once for the Davis ranch. The stranger knew Mrs Davis at once, but it took him half an hour or more to convince his mother that he was her son. He had grown bigger and older. (He was only 21 when he left home.) The man had to tell a lot of things abou tthe arly days at the old home on the Gatineau before the old lady would take him to her arms as her long-lost son, and then she had a good cry.
Wm Davis was then living in San Francisco. He induced
his mother to go to California. She died there about nine years ago.
There are no Davises in Cantley
now. The William Davis who was one of the chief actors in this story was a ...ader in San Francisco.
Ottawa Citizen
April 15, 1933
Intermediate Section
V. - Frieda Skuce, 15 Elm Street. Ottawa, age 11, author of the Lost Doll, Simplicity and directness are shown in this little story as the author is younger than the others mentioned, and I expect that with increasing years and experience she will take a higher place in this. Not very much happens in the story but it is pleasantly and cleary told.
The Globe
Saturday, 27 May 1933
The Sundridge Summer School on Lake Bernard will open July 3. The subjects of the Upper School will be taught by competent and experienced teachers; last year's students obtained standing in over 90 per cent. of the papers written; home cooking, boating, swimming, tennis, softball. Write for the annoucement to (Mrs.) E. J. Skuce, B.A., B Paed., Sudbury, Ont.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, June 22, 1933
Social notes
Mr. and Mrs. F R. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Skuce, Mr. H. Mowatte and Miss Mowatte of Toronto were at the Seigniory Club ( Lucerne-in-Quebec) recently.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 27, 1933
Out of town guests included ... Mr and Mrs L Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, July 13, 1933
Advert for Plymouth automobile - Lou Skuce (includes picture)
The Toronto Star
Thursday, July 13, 1933
James Anderson wed to Miss F.B. Fraser
Reception after Ceremony at home of Mrs. Lou Skuce
A wedding of muhc interest to-day was that of Miss Frances Beatrice Fraser, daughter of Mr W. A. Fraser, well-known Canadian writer, to Mr. James Anderson of Toronto (recently of Bristish Columbia). The ceremony took place quietly at Grace Church-on-the-Hill, Canon J, Broughall officating.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father wore peach triple sheer crepe, with hat of egg-shell maline and carried talisman roses. Her dress was long-fitted and flaring, with short puffed sleeves. Attending her was her twin sister, Miss Elsie Fraser, who wore peach organes, with white puffed sleeves and white hat, carrying summer flowers. Her dress was made on long simple lines.
Pamela Little, niece of the bride was flower girl. She wore flowered net, long and bouffant, with peach crepe hat inpoke bonnet style and carried summer flwoer. Mr. Grant Mahoot was best man. Soft music was played by the organist, Mr. Langlois, throughout the ceremony and during the signing of the register.
A reception was held after the ceremony at the home of Mrs. Lou Skuce, Delisle Ave. Those receing were Mrs. F.H. Little and Mrs. Skuce, the latter wearing yellow triple sheere crepe, with matching hat. For going away, the bride wore an ensemble of delphinium blue crepe, with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Anderosn will make their home in Toronto.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, August 2, 1933
Island Mardi Gras opens with Parade
... twenty boys and girls from the Ontario College of Music, who will do variety dancing under the direction of Miss Skuce; ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, September 2, 1933
Completes Dancing Course
Miss Pauline Skuce recently completed a ten-weeks' summer course in dancing at Centre Island for the Ontario College of Music. She has gone to Montreal for a holiday. She is daughter of the well-known newspaper artist, Lou Skuce.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, November 30, 1933
Egan—On November 29th, John Egan, beloved husband of Jessie Skuse, aged 54. Funeral from Seale & Son Chapel, 2182 St. Catherine St., Saturday, December 2nd, to St. Anthony's Church for service at 8:40 a.m.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, February 7, 1934
Skuce—At his residence, 37 Clarendon Ave, Ottawa. Daniel Howard Skuce, beloved husband of Sarah Bickerton, aged 68 years. Funeral from the above address on Friday, February 9 at 2pm for service at St Martin's Anglican church, Woodroffe, at 2:30pm. Body will be placed in Pinecrest cemetery vault for burial at Navan, Ont. in the spring.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, March 22, 1934
Harness Horses
R.C. Skuce, Saskatoon, expects to be here again this fall, which will make his third attempt to win the classic. Back in 1929 he brought the pacer Louis Axworthy down and was rewarded by winning second money to Keendale. In 1932 he again appeared on the scene, but this time with a trotter, Lewis Todd, and altough he had to again be conent with second money he made a better showing than on the previous occasion.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, April 14, 1934
Skuce - At St. Michael's Hospital on Saturday, April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lou Skuce (nee Ruth Kipling Fraser), a daughter.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, July 21, 1934
Horse racing
Lewis Todd, b.h., by Lou Axworthy (Skuce)
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, August 29, 1934
Entires for CNE Trot, Pace Races
Lewis Todd, R.G. Skuce, Saskatoon, Sask.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, September 4, 1934
Star Fresh Air Fund
Proceeds of a concert held at the Island Aquatic Club by pupils of Pat Skuce. $20
The Kemptville Weekly Advance
Thursday, 13 September 1934
Reids Mills
Dr. C. A. Skuce, Montreal and Dr. E. D. Skuce and son of Toronto were guests at the home of their brother, Mr. Lester Skuce and other friends in this part.
Acton Free Press
December 6, 1934
Justices of Peace Appointed
York County—Dr E D Skuce, Long Branch
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 14, 1934
Ontario College of Music. Music elocution, dancing, piano: Mrs. Russell Smith (principal); elocution, dramatics, by Ann Caryl; dancing by Pat Skuce; branch opening Yonge-Bloor.
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 14, 1934
Pupils show dances
Parentes, Friends entertained by Miss Pat Skuce's Class
An evening of dance was given Friday by the pupils of Miss Pat Skuce at Foresters' Hall. The first part of the pgoram was given over to solo dances by the pupils, and outstanding number being "Tapperette" by Joan Turland. "The Cornhuskers' Ball" brough enjoyment to friends and parents of the young dancers.
"Aliuce in Wonderland," the opening scene of part two, was cleverly acted, and Miss Skuce's "Modernesque," danced to Liebestraume, closed and enjoyable evening. Miss Edythe Wood and Master Ellis McLintock were assisting artists, and Mrs. E. Dinsmore was at the piano. Mr. Walter Powell was violin accompanist.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, February 20, 1935
A Lou Skuce Comic Scribbler free with each purchase of Minty's Tooth Paste, Price 23¢
The Toronto Star
Saturday, June 1, 1935
Children are Clever in Music, Song, Dance
100 Take Part in Ontariio College of Music Spring Recital
Costuming added to the effects achieved by clever lighting in novel dance arrangements. "The Slave." danced to "The Volga Boat Song" by Miss Pat Skuce, member of the faculty, was particularly striking.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, June 19, 1935
Wedding Anniversary
Hallville, June 18. - On Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skuce of Hallville entertained a number of friends to six o'clock dinner in honor of their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary.
About thirty-five guests were present for dinner, including several members of their family. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Skuce entertained about seventy guests to a dance and buffet lunch. The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful gifts.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Saturday, July 13, 1935
Happy Birthdays
July 6. Eileen Skuce, 839 Third Street, east, Saskatoon.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, July 31, 1935 / Thursday, August 1, 1935 / Friday, August 2, 1935
"Wase Falls Camp," on Lake Nippissing, furnished cottages for rent, 3 miles from quintuplete, 1/2 mile from highway. C.L. Skuce, Callander.
The Toronto Star
Friday, November 8, 1935
Misses Marguerite Skuce and Betty Gibson of Queen's university were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Raper.
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 25, 1935
Skuce - On Sunday, November 24, 1035, at St. Michael's hospital, to Mr. and Mrs Lou Skuce, 35 Crescent road, a daughter.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, December 24, 1935
No Man's Land of Sports, by Alexandrine Gibb
... Lou Skuce, who needs no introduction here; ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, February 26, 1936
Cartoon: "Topsy-Turvy Sports" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Monday, March 9, 1936
The marriage took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.L Skuce on March 4, ...
Ottawa Citizen
May 15, 1936
Remember when-?
William Skuce had a blacksmith shop on the south side of Queen street, between Metcalfe and O'Connor streets.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, June 6, 1936
Miss Patrica Skuce, Toronto danseuse, who has been appointed dance directory of the Island Aquatic Association.
Ottawa Citizen
June 20, 1936
The Ride to Fairlyland
By Iona Florence Skuce, 19 Louisa Street, Ottawa, seven years old (Awarded second place in junior class in Story Contest)
The Toronto Star
Saturday, July 4, 1936
... Miss Ruth Skuce played organ music ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, July 10, 1936
Hotel Guests hold star Fund Benefit
... Miss Pat Skuse.
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 20, 1936 / Sunday, July 26, 1936
Wasi Falk Camp - Cottages, cabins for August. Excellent fishing. Boats. Chas. Skuce Callander.
Ottawa Citizen
10 August 1936
Mayor Acts to Honor Ottawa's Olympic Victor
Amyot's trip to Berlin was made possible through a $200 check from the Britannia Boating Club and also $25 in cash from the same source. Club members at the same time gave him a travelling bag. The Canadian Canoe Assocation gave $100. Nothing was contributed by the Olympic committee towards his expenses.
Frank Skuce, commodore of the Britannia Boating Club, said that Frank Amyot is fulfilling the hopes of his host of admirers in Ottawa and, indeed, throughout Canada , had brought the Capital a signal honor.
The Montreal Gazzette
10 September 1936
Tangible Trubute Paid Frank Amyot
Ottawa Mayor Presents Canada's Lone Olympic Winner with over $1000
Frank Skuce, commodore of Amyot's club, the Britannia Boating Club, propsing the toast to Amyot, painted a picture of the day on which the guest of honor had stood on the victor's said at Berlin and watched his country's flag riuse over the flags of other nations.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, September 3, 1936
Harness Horses
There was a little work at the Exhibition track yesterday morning the majority of the horses being only jogged. Roy Skuce stepped his three-year-old pacer Worthy Direct a few miles with the best one in 2.20, which will be his final work of any consequence prior to the Futurity.
The Huntsville Forester
September 17, 1936
Mr and Mrs H Bullen attended the silver wedding anniversary at Beaverton of that later's sister, Mrs J Skuce, and Mr Skuce. We wish the happy couple many more prosperous years together and much happiness.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, September 26, 1936
Leaders of Sport see Marsh Trophy Presented
Among those present at the presentation were ... Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, October 8, 1936
Intrigues Broadway
Juneau, Alaska - Don Skuse returned here and declared he was stopped by every traffic cop on Broadway and Fifth Ave., New York, but not for infractions. The policemen spotted his Alaska license plates and wanted to learn something about the territory.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 17, 1936
SEE - At St. Joseph's Hospital, on Friday October 16th, Arhur See, beloved husband of Evelyn Skuce.
Funeral from his late residence, 68 Eighth street, New Toronto, for ervice at the Century United Church, New Toronto, at 2pm Monday, October 19th. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 31, 1936
Cartoon: "Look Who's Here!" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Saturday, November 14, 1936
Cartoon: "On the Trail of the Lonesome Twine" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 16, 1936
... scurried the black cats of Lou Skuce into the hockey alleys.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 18, 1936
Cartoon: "Ridin' for a Fall?" - Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 11, 1936
Benefit Concert will Aid Kiddies
... the program will contain numbers by Pat Skuce, ...
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 17 May 1937
At the Ranges
Ottawa Garrison Rifle Association held its first spoon shot on Saturday and seferal good scores were registered.
Second class by S.Q.M.S. Skuce with 97.
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, May 18, 1937
Alaska Man to Wed
Mr Donald W Skuse and Miss Lillian Caroline Howson.
Whose engagement is announced, the marriage is to take place on June 12. Miss Howson is the daughter of Mrs Howson and the late Charles Benjamin Howson, Norwood, and Mr Skuse is a resident of Juneau, Alaska.–Photo of Miss Howson by Ashley & Crippen.
Regina Leader-Post
May 20, 1937
Saskatoon Man Badly Hurt in Ontario
Winchester, Ont., May 20 - George Skuce, 55, who came here six months ago from Saskatoon to start a blacksmith business, was critically injured Wednesday night when struck by an automobile as he was walking on the highway with his wife.
Skuce suffered face and head wounds and internal inuries. His wife was not injured.
The Morrisburg Leader
Friday, 21 May 1937
Winchester Man Hit by Automobile
Struck by an automobile as he was walking along the Ottawa-Morrisburg highway near his home in Winchester, George Skuce, 55, blacksmith, was knocked to the roadway and critically injured. He was rushed to his home where he was found to be suffering from face and head wounds and internal injuries.
The automobile was by Orval Bell of Winchester and was proceeding in the same direction as Mr Skuce, who was accompanied by his wife. Mrs Skuce was thrown in to the ditch but was not injured. Mr Bell stated after the accident, which happened about 9.15 p.m. that it was raining at the time and he was partially blinded by the lights of approaching cars. He said he did not see the couple walking on the highway and the first intimatio n he had of the accident was when he heard or felt his car strike something. He stopped and picked up the injured man and took him to his home where Doctors J.J. McKendry and Peter McLaughlin of Winchester gave first aid. From the first little hope
was held for the injured man as he was severly cut about the face and body.
Mr Skuce went to Winchester six months ago from Saskatoon with his wife and daughter Roberta and started in the blacksmith business. Three weeks ago his shop burned down int he fire that destroyed part of the main business section of the town. Mr Skuce had completed arrangements to open a new blacksmith shop this week and was on his way home from a beighbor's with his tools which had been stored there since the fire.
The accident was investigated by Traffic Officer Eugene Rose of Morrisburg.
The Globe and Mail / The Toronto Star
Monday, June 14, 1937 / Tuesday, June 15, 1937
At Humbercrest United Church, the ceremony took place on Saturday morning, uniting in marriage Lillian Caroline, daughter of Mrs Howson and the late Charles B Howson of Norwood, and Donald Wesley Skuse, son of the late Charles J and Mrs Skuse. Rev T W Hazelwood officiating.
Wearing a costume of melody pink crepe with matching hat and bron accessories, and corsage of sweet peas and valley lillies, the bride was attended by Mrs Scott McClement, her cousin, who wore a blue crepe ensemble and white accessories, and corsage of Talisman roses. Mr Scott McClement as best man.
After the wedding breakfast at the Park Plaza Hotel, the bride and groom left for Los Angeles and Old Mexico, and after their honeymoon will reside in Juneau, Alaska.
The Huntsville Forester
June 17, 1937
Miss Iona Bullen is home after spending a while with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Jas. Skuce, at Beaverton.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, August 10, 1937
Skuce—At a local hosptial on Tuesday August 10th, 1937. William Skuce of 5 Irving avenue in his 80th year. Funeral from the parlors of A E Veitch and Son 354 Parkdale avenue on Thursday. 12th inst, for service at St Matthias' church at 2.30pm. Interment at Pinecrest cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 10 August 1937
Page 6
William Skuce Dies at Age of 79 Years
One of Ottawa's oldrest blacksmiths and carriage builders, William Skuce, of 5 Irving avenue, died at a local hospital early this morning, at the age of 79 years. He had been in business more than 48 years in Ottawa. Mr Skuce was ill nearly a year.
He was born at Osgoode, son of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Skuce. Coming to Ottawa at the age of 13 years, he had made his home here ever since. For many years he conducted his blacksmith and carriage business on Queen street, up to the time of his retirement 18 years ago.
Mr Skuce was a member of St Matthias Church, having been connected with the parish ever since the present church was built.
He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Isabella Davis, by four sons, Herbert, with the C.N.R., William, of the Printing Bureau, Maynard, in the garage business, and Harry, with the C.P.R., and one daughter, Mrs William Short, also of Ottawa.
There also survive a number of grandchildren, two brothers, Jack Skuce, at Kars, and Frank Skuce, in Courtland, Maine, and a sister, Mrs William Hall, of North Attleboro, Me.
Funeral arragements have not been made.
The Kemptville Advance
Thursday, 9 September 1937
Reid's Mills
Mr and Mrs Leslie Skuce and family motored to Bark Lake on Thursday last, returning on Sunday.
Ottawa Citizen
October 14, 1937
Lou Skuce and Wife uninjured in the Crash
(Special to the Evening Citizen)
Morrisburg. Oct. 14 - Lou Skuce, Toronto cartoonist, and his wife escaped injury at 10.45 o'clock this morning when their automobile left highway No. 2 six miles east of here, jumped a ditch and ended against a wire pole. Mr. and Mrs. Skuce were returning to Toronto from Cornwall.
It is believed that Mrs. Skuce suffered a fainting spell and when her husband turned to her he lost control of the automobile, which was badly damaged when it hit the pole. Mr. and Mrs. skuce were brought here by a passing motorist and plan to continue their journey by train tonight.
Mr. Skuce is a former Ottawan and has many friends in the Capital
The Toronto Star
Thursday, October 14, 1937
Lou Skuce hurt in Crash
Morrisburg, Oct. 14 - Lou Skuce, Toronto cartoonist, was slightly injured east of Morrisburg to-day when his car left the highway and broke off a telephone pole.
The Globe and Mail
Friday, October 15, 1937
Lou Skuce Escapes Injury in Accident
Morrisburg, Oct 14 (CP).— Lou Skuce, Toronto cartoonist and his wife, escaped injury today when their car left the highway, six miles east of here, jumped a ditch and crashed against a pole. They were returning to Toronto from Cornwall. It was believed Mrs Skuce took a fainting spell and when her husband turned to her he lost control of the car.
Montreal Gazette
30 October 1937
Lou Skuce, famous Canadian cartoonist, is appearing in person currently at Loew's Theatre. Skuce, who is leaving shortly for a career in England , combines drawing ability with a keen sense of showmanship, and his facile and brilliant drawings have won him acclaim in the leading vaudeville houses of the United States . Lou Skuce is well-known as an artist of comic strips and was at one time cartoonist for the Toronto Mail and Empire, now the Globe and Mail.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, December 11, 1937
Christmas Fantasy staged by Dancers
... Miss Pat Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, January 5, 1938
Reeve Gets Acclamation
Beaverton, Jan 5 - Reeve Red Clayton was re-elected by acclamation here yesterday. Counccillors for 1938 are: Thomas Harrison, Clifford Ross, J. J. Skuce and William Miller.
The Lethbridge Herald
Tuesday, 18 January 1838
Mrs William Skuce and Mrs. J. P. Stiller returned to their homes in Calgary Monday evening after spending a few days in the city, the guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs D. J. Lonsberry, and Mr Lonsberry.
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, March 23, 1938
Rev. H Wilkinson
At St. Nicholl Hospital, Peterborough, Sunday, March 19th, the death occurrsed of Rev. Harry Wilkinson, Minister of Bridgeworth United Church Circuit, in his 51st year. The funeral took place on Tuesday, March 21st, with interment at Lindsay, Ont. Mr Wilkinson was a brother-in-law of Mr G.W. Skuce of Bracebridge.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 14, 1938 / Monday, April 18, 1938 / Wednesday, April 20, 1938
Advert, for Eaton's
See Lou Skuce make Magic Pictures
The Winnipeg Tribune
Monday, April 18, 1938
Mr and Mrs H G Skuse, 96 Kildare ave, west, celebrated the 38th anniversary of their wedding
Mr and Mrs Skuse were married at the parish church of Stoke-next-Guildford, Surrey, England, on April 15, 1910 by Rev Mr Warner. Mrs Skuse's maiden name was Miss L E Blakek, of Southhampton. Mr Skuce came to Canada in 1911 and settling at Portage la Prairie was followed a year later by Mrs Skuse and members of the family. They have resided in Transcone since 1916 and until his retirement in 1936 on pension, Mr Skuse was employed in the stores department of the C.N.R. shops. Mr and MRs Skuse are associated with the Odd Fellow movement. Mr Skuse being a member of Transcona Lodge No 81 and Mrs Skuse a member of Confidence Rebekah No 40. They have two children, Arthur of Brandon, and Mrs M A Baxter, Goodlands, Man.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, May 18, 1938
Of 236 Trout seized one only legal size
... Of 236 speckeld trout seized from a party of five at Callander by Game Officer E.L. Skuce, of Powassan, only one was of legal size of 7 inches. The others were from 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 inches long. ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 21, 1938
... Then he showed us a cigar stand of wood in the shape of a goose, sent by Lou Skuce, the cartoonist. ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 28, 1938
Holds Dance Recital
Pat Skuce's Fourth Annual Showing Introduces Novelties
A gay array of costumes, and soft lights decorated the state at Northern Vocational school Friday for Pat Skuce's fourth annual dance recital.
In one of the numbers, "Babes in the Woods", Miss Skuce interpreted the fanciful dream of the "Woodcutter's Babes".
Pat Skuce's assistant, Ellenor Gaston, danced two numbers, a heel-and-toe tap, and "Controlled Grace". Miss Skuce danced the "Valse de Convert", arranged by H.A. Mosher.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 1 June 1938
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Boucher of Plainfield, N.J., with their young son, Kerry, will arrived today to spend the summer months at their cottage at Woodroffe. Mrs. Boucher was formerly Miss Marguerite Skuce of Ottawa.
Ottawa Citizen
11 June 1938
Cantley Settlers carried Lighted Torches at Night
Cantley, on the east side of the Gatineau river, opposite Kirk's Ferry, has a history dating back nearly ninety years. Tough not an anthorirty on the pioneer days in that district, Mrs. Isabella Skuce, of 5 Irving avenue, is able to throw some interesting light on conditions there sixty and more years ago.
Mrs. Skuce was born in Cantley sixty-nine year ago- at a time when that district was still dotted with log cabins surrounded by blackened stumps in the midst of scanty clearings. The wives of the settlers were still using the old spinning wheels and making practically all the clothing for their families; wolves and wolverines were still stalking the land and keeping people awake at nights with their incessant howling, and, according to Mrs. Skuce, it was dangerous to venture out at night without a lighted torch to scare the wolves away - real pioneere conditions, and less then seventy years ago.
Was Landmark
Mrs. Skuce's father was the late James Davis, who for a time in the early seventies kept store and post office in the village, and in later years kept a store in New Edinburgh, on Creighton street near the corner of Sussex. His father, the late William Davis, came to these parts from Wales in the early part of the nineteenth century and sometime in the forties settled on the outskirts of what is now the village of Cantley. The log shanty erected by this pioneer settler stood as a landmark until the year 1892, when it was destroyed by fire.
Mrs. Skuce recalls that among the early settlers within a mile on each side of the village were: John Milks (who came from Eardley), Lemuel Allen, Fred Davis, John Brown, Donald Gow, Robert Brown, Isaac Smith, James Shields, John Fleming (family all gone), James Hogan, James Patterson, David Blackburn, David Thompson, Tony Holmes, George Prudhomme, grandfather of Rev. Father Geo D. Prudhomme of Ottawa, and others. There are traditions also of a Mr. Cantley, a far back settler after whom the village was named, though very little is known about him or his descendants. In any event there are no Cantleys in the district now, nor were there any in Mrs. Skuce's girlhood days.
At the time Mrs. Skuce was born there was one store in the village of Cantley. It was kept by George Brown, father of Mr. Christie Brown of Ottawa. Later another store was kept by Alexander Prudhomme, who was also the first postmaster of the village.
Had Sawmill
For many years Cantley boasted a sawmill. It was located on Blackburn creek, and was run by John Blackburn, son of Andrew, the pioneeer, Andrew Blackburn was also the father of the late Robert Blackburn of New Edinburgh, and of the late Andrew Blackburn, farmer of Kirk's Perry.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 21, 1938
Halton County
L. Skuce appointed Halton Inspector
Sudbury Educator Succeeds J.M. Denyes— Will Reside at Milton
Milton, June 21. - L. Skuce of Sudbury has been appointed Halton county public school inspector to succeed J.M. Denyes, who is retiring, it was announced today. For the past eight years, Mr. Skuce has been inspector of District Division Six of Sudbury. Before his inspecting position in Sudbury Mr. Skuce taught at North Bay high school. Before that he was principal of North Bay public school.
The new inspector is an arts graduate of Queen's University and took his bachelor of pedagogy degree at the University of Toronto. His wife is also a bachelor of pedagogy from Toronto University and was formerly and instructress at North Bay nromal school.
Mr. Skuce said last night that he takes up his duties in Halton after Sept. 1. He and his wife visited Milton yesterday in an effort to find a new home.
Ottawa Citizen
August 11, 1938
Truck Driver is to face charge of Reckless Driving
The injured were:
William Skuce, 205 Flora street, driver of the car, who sustained a possible fractured skull. In the Civic Hosptial, his condition is critical.
William "Billy" Skuce, Jr., aged three, son of the driver of the car, suffered cuts to head and face.
Eleanor Skuce, aged 11, a daughter of William Skuce, suffered a sprained ankle. Following medical attention she was allowed to go home.
The Montreal Star
Thursday, August 11, 1938
Car-Crash in Rain injures Occupants
Ottawa, Aug. 11 — (C.P.) — William Skuce was in critical condition in hospital here today suffering from injuries received early today when the automobile he was driving crashed into the rear of a truck on the highway 20 miles outh of here.
William, his four-year-old son, and Thomas Donaldson, passengers in Skuce's car, were also brought to hospital here. All three were uncoscious when admitted, Skuce received a possible fracture of the skull and Donaldson head injuries and a broken jaw. Skuce's son was cut about the head and face.
According to reports of police who investigated, the crash occured on a sharp curve and during a heavy downpour of rain.
The Toronto Star
Friday, October 7, 1938
... L.L Skuce, newly appointed public school inspector for Halton county, outlined the essentials for sucess in teaching. ...
Ottawa Citizen
November 17, 1938
Charge Dismissed
On October 27th an automobile driven by Thomas Skuce of Osgoode entering Carling avenue from Sherwood Driver, was in collision with an automobile driven west on Carling avenue by Ald. David McMillan. The alderman's car was turned over and suffered damage to the extent of $250. The Skuce car also was damaged considerably. Alderman McMillan was shaken up but was not seriously injured. Mr and Mrs Skuce said their car was brought to a stop before entering Carling avenue and at that time the McMillan car was some distance away. Ald. McMillan and a woman who was driving east on Carling said the Skuce car was not stopped before entering the Carling avenue but that neither car was going at a fast rate of speed.
Skuce was charged with driving in a manner dangerous to the public. Magistrate Strike said that there was nothing to suggest that the witnesses on either side were telling anything but what they thought was the truth. Before making a conviction he said he must be satisfied beyond resonable doubt and he could not say he was. He dismissed the charge remarking that the onus doubtless would have to be placed by a civil court action.
The Toronto Star
Friday, November 25, 1938
Advert for GM
Lou Skuce in his "Cartoonoscope" screen-show
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, January 11, 1939
Instructor in Music is Viewed as Need
Kingergarden Class and Wider use of High School rooms also Proposed
... Mr. Skuce.
Winnipeg Free Press
Sunday, January 23, 1939
George H Skuse, Pioneer, Buried
Funeral srevices for George Henry Skuse, pioneer resident of Trancona, who died aged 57, on Janury 16, in S4 Boniface hospital, were held Tuesday at Binkley's funeral home, Transcona. Rev T D Conlin officiated assisted by Transcona Odd Fellows lodge No 61. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery. Pallbearers included W Fuller, J Mitchell, J Marson, E Young, L May and S Simpson.
Born in Southsea, Hants, England . Mr Skuse came to Canada in 1913 settling first at Portage la Prairie. In 1916 he moved to Transcona where he went to work for the Canadian National railways. He worked with the company until 1936, when he retired.
Mr Skuse was a charter member of Dorothy K lo0dge Division 142 C.B.R.E. and of Transcona lodge 61, I.O.O.F.
Surviving are his wife; one son, Arthur, of Brandon, and one daughter, Mrs A M Baxter, of Goodlands, Man.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, January 26, 1939
Elections ordered
... The election was ordered by Public School Inspector L. Skuce following a complaint that the last election was irregular. ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, February 1, 1939
Orr again elected Pine Grove Trustee
... A show of hands or a standing vote is all that is necessary, Mr. Skuce revealed. ...
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, 23 March 1938
Page 7
Rev. H. Wilkinson
At St. Nichol Hospital, Peterborough, Sunday, March 19th, the death occurred of Rev. Harry Wilkinson, Minister of Bridgeworth United Church Circuit, in his 51st year. The funeral took place on Tuesday, March 21st, with interment at Lindsay, On.t Mr Wilkinson was a brother-in-law of Mr G.W. Skuce of Bracebridge.
Page 8
Mr G. W. Skuce was called to Peterborough on Sunday, owing to the death of his brother-in-law, Rev. H. Wilkinson.
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 21, 1939
Waltz Swing or Jutterbug
Lou Skuce known cartoonist
The Toronto Star
Thursday, May 18, 1939
Offer free trucks to Milton Children
Get Half Holiday June 7 see King and Queen at Hamilton
... Halton Public School Inspector L. L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, June 6, 1939
Oppose School Area to Discuss it Later
... L.L. Skuce ...
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 3 July, 1939; Page 3
Frank Allan Skuce Dies Suddenly At Britannia Camp
Frank Allan Skuce, auditor in the Income Tax Division of the Department of National Revenue, well-known sportsman, ex-Commodore, and life member of the Britannia Boating Club, died suddenly on Saturday night about 11 o'clock at his Summer camp near the clubhouse. He was 60 years old.
Mr Skuce had been ailing for some time, but his death was quite unexpected. The news of it came as a particular shock to the members of the sailing crews who left on Saturday afternoon for the annual race from Britannia Bay to Quyon, and back, and only learned of the loss of their club colleague on their return on Sunday. Mr Skuce was commodore of the club for five years; He retired last Fall on account of failing health. He had also served the club's secretary-treasurer for four years and had been a member of the directorate. In recognition of his services he had been made a life member, of the club. He was formerly a member of the Glebe Curling Club, enjoyed a game of golf, and in his day was an oarsman and swimmer.
Born in Kerry County, Ireland, Mr Skuce was a son of the late Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce. He came to Canada in 1913 with his wife and family to settle, having previously visited the Dominion. They lived in Montreal where he enlisted with the 60th Battalion of the C.E.F. on the outbreak of the Great War. He served through out the war with his battalion and with the machine gun school. On his return to Canada he joined the staff of the Income Tax Division 1 where he had served until his death. He was an Anglican in religion.
Surviving him are his widow, of 208 Branson avenue, formerly Miss Nora A Mackesy, whom he married in Ireland; four daughters, Mrs E A Oakes, 18 Grove avenue; Mrs. James Mercer, Cooper street; Misses Marjorie and Esther, at home; two sons, Frank, of Syracuse, NY, and Charles, at home; two brothers, William and Charles, and two sisters, Mrs Godsell, and Miss May Skuce, all of Cork, Ireland, and four grandchildren. Funeral service will be conducted on Tuesday, at 2 pm. at the Hulse and Playfair Limited, funeral chapel, McLeod street by Rev, W B Morgan, rector of St Stephen's Church, Britannia Bay. Burial will be at Pinecrest cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, July 3, 1939
Skuce—At his summer home Britannia, on Saturday, July 1, 1939 Frank Allan Skuce, husband of Nora Mackesy, in his 61st year. Resting at Hule and Playfair Ltd. 315 McLeod St, where service will be held in the chapel on Tuesday, the 4th inst at 2 pm. Interment in Pinecrest cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 4 July 1939
Frank A Skuce is Widely Mourned
Promient citizens of the Capital, representing governmental, civic and sports circles, gathered yesterday afternoon in the funeral chapel of Hulse and Playfair limited, 315 McLeod street, to revere and honor the memory of Frank A Skuce, highly regarded Ottawa sportsman and immediate past president of the Britannia Boating Club, who died on Saturday.
Rev W B Morgan of St Martin's Anglican church, Woodroffe, officated at the service at two o'clock, after which the cortege proceeded to Pinecrest cemetery where burial took place.
Among those present to pay tribute were Mayor Stanley Lewis; Ben Cook, commodore, Britannia Boating Club, and P.V. Hincks, Robert Steele, Harry Burwash, Allan Jacques, James Scott, F W Carson, and may other presenting the club; Charles Heney, Albion Club, and Harold Starr.
A large representation form the income tax division, Department of National Revenue, where Mr Skuce was an auditor, was also present, headed by C Fraiser Elliot, K C, commissioner of income tax T W Bullock, chief auditor, and W S Fisher, K C, chief solicitor.
Chief mourners and survivors, in addition to his widow, the former Nora Mackesy, were four daughters, Mrs Edward Oakes, Mrs James Mercer, and Miss Marjorie and Miss Esther Skuce, all of Ottawa; two sons, Frank of Syracuse, NY, and Charles Skuce of Ottawa; two brother Charles and William Skuce, and two sisters, Mrs Godsell and Miss May Skuce, all of Cork, Ireland.
Included in the large number of floral tributes received were prieces from the staff of the Royal Trust Company; Ottawa branch, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ; directors and members, Britannia Boating Club, and employes, income tax division, Department of National Revenue.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 5 July 1939
Page 4
RCMP "K" Division Captures Revolver Title
Lance-Corporal Skuce of the Ottawa RCMP led his team with 283 points.
Page 15
Frank A Skuce is Widely Mourned
Prominent citizens of the Capital, representing govermental, civic and sports circles, gathered yesterday afternoon in the funeral Chap of Hulse and Playfair admited, 315 McLeod street, to revere and honor the memory of Frank A Skuce, highly regarded Ottawa sportman and immediate past president of the Britannia Boating Club, who died on Saturday,
Rev. W. B. Morgan of St. Martin's Anglican church, Woodroffe, officiated at the service at two o'clock, after which the cortege proceeded to Pinecrest cemetery where burial took place.
Among those present to pay tribute were Mayor Stanley Lewis; Ben Book, commodore, Britannia Boating Club, and P.V. Hinchks, Robert Steele, Harry Burwash, Allan Jacques, James Scott, F.W. Parson, and many others representing the club: Charles Heney, Albion Club, and Harold Starr.
A large representation from the income tax division, Department of National Revenue, where Mr. Skuce was an auditor, was also present, headed by C. Fraser Elliotte K C., commissioner of income tax, T.W. Bullock, chief auditor, and W.S. Fisher. K.C., chief solicitor.
Chief mourners and survivors in addition to his widow, the former Nora Mackesy, were four daughters, Mrs. Edward Oakes, Mrs. James Mercer, and Miss Marjorie and Miss Esther Skuce, all of Ottawa; two sons, Frank of Syracuse, N.Y., and Charles Skuce of Ottawa; two brothers Charles and William Skuce, and two sisters, Mrs. Godsell and Miss May Skuce, all of Cork, Ireland.
Included in the large number of floral tributes received were pieces from the staff of the Royal Trust Company; Ottawa branch. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ; directors and members, Britannia Boating Club, and employees, income tax division, Department of National Revenue.
The Huntsville Forester
October 12, 1939
Messers. Glen and Leonard Bullen spent the week-end in Beaverton, the guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Skuce.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, October 25, 1939
Skuce—At Ottawa Civic Hosptial on Thursday, October 26, 1939, to Mr and Mrs G O Skuce, Britannia Bay, a son.
The Toronto Star
Monday, December 4, 1939
How the Boys took it
This rash act completed a picture only an artist like Lou Skuce could paint. ...
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, December 9, 1939; Page 11
In the Sport World
Awarded to those who have represented the school on the tennis team for two years: Cliff McDiarmid, Lloyd Skuce, Bill McRae, Jim Skuce.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 14 December 1939
Fifty Years of Scouting
The Skuce family at Britannia has given 50 years of service to scouting, and is still going strong. G. Orval Skuce has been 29 years in the movement and is cubmaster of the 10th Britannia Group. On the right is Eldon, 18, who has served 10 years and now is a rover squire in the 10th. On the left is Lloyd, 16, and nine years in the movement. He is now patrol leader with the 10th. In front is Margaret, 10, who has been in the brownies two years.
The Toronto Star
Monday, December 18, 1939
December Bride-To-Be
Miss Pauline (Pat) Skuce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Skuce, Toronto, will become the bride of Ralph Hurd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurd, Kirland Lake, Dec. 26.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, December 26, 1939
Pauline Skuce Bridge of R Hurd Tonight
Daughter of Lou Skuce goes to Altar in Church of the Messiah
A Christmas setting will be used in the Church of the Messiah this evening for the marriage of Miss Pauline (Pat) Skuce, daughter of Lou Skuce and the late Mrs. Skuce, to Ralph Hurd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurd of Kirkland Lake. Rev. W.R. Sprule will officiate.
The bride will be given in marriage by her father and will wear a quaint old fashioned gown of white muslin made with ruffled skirt and short puff sleeves. Her shoulder veil will fall from a headdress of orange blossoms and she will carry a bouquet of roses and lillies of the valley.
Mrs. Edythe Wood, as the matron of honor, will wear an old fashioned gown of pink net with matching small hat trimmed with pearls and will carry a bouquet of roses. John Skuce, brother of the bride, will be groomsman. At the reception following the ceremony the bride's stepmother. Mrs Skuce, will receive, wearing a gown of white flowered crepe with a corsage of red roses. Mrs. H.A. Mosher will pour tea and Mrs. Wood will sing during the reception. The couple will reside in Kickland Lake.
The Toronto Star
Monday, January 22, 1940
Finds firemen at Home
When Lou Skuce, cartoonist, returned to his home on Alvine Ave., Sunday morning he found the vicinity blocked with fire appartus and discovered that the fire was in his home. A short circuit in basement wiring cased the blaze, according to firemen who estimated damage at $100.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, April 30, 1940
Norway H. and S.
J. F. Skuce outlined the course of violin classes being held in the school.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, March 15, 1940
Immediately following the evening play, Don Hewer, E.O.S.S.A., basketball convener presented the Queen's Trophy, emblematic of the title, to Lloyd Skuce, captain of the Nepean team. The cup was donated by the Athletic Board of Control to Queen's University in 1931.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 26 March 1940
Junior Eastern Ontario Secondary Schools Association basketball championship.... Lloyd Skuce
(captain), ...
Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 23 May 1940, Page 3
Mrs M D Brennan Dies in Hospital
Many friends will learn with regret of the death at a local hospital on Wednesday of Mrs Michael D Brennan, resident of Ottawa for many years. She had been ill for some time. Born at Winchester, she was the former Elizabeth Ida Rodney, a daughter of the late John Rodney and his wife, Mary Skuce. She came to Ottawa with her parents and had lived here since. She worshipped at St Patrick's Church. Surviving are her husband, one son, John C Brennan, and a daughter, Miss Mildred Brennan, both of Ottawa: three brothers. Robert, Thomas and Wesley Rodney, all of Ottawa, a granddaughter, Audrey Brennan, and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held on Saturday from the residence, 635 MacLaren street, at 8.40 a.m., to St Patrick's Church for solemn requiem high mass at nine o'clock. Burial will be in Notre Dame cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 17, 1940 / Wednesday, June 19, 1940 / Thursday, June 20, 1940
Algonquin Park
Furnished Cottage, safe sand beach, boat, tennis, near paved highway, no hay fever, reasonably. L. Skuce, Sundridge
Ottawa Citizen
June 27, 1940
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beatty Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beatty of Wetsboro began the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary yesterday morning by attending Holy Communion in All Saint's Anglican church, Westboro, at eight o'clock. Col. the Rev. R. H. Steacy, rector, celebrated communion and congratulated the couple.
Mrs. Beatty was presented with a Dominion Life Membership of the Woman's Association of the Curch of England by the members of her family in the afternoon. Mrs. R.E. Wodehouse, Domion president of the W.A., made the presentation and Miss Amy Macnab, diocesan president, pinned the life membership pin to Mrs. Beatty's frock. Mr. Beatty was presented with a cane from the family, by little Miss Margaret Skuce. Little Beverley Beatty presented Mr. and Mrs. Beatty with a basket or roses from their grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Beatty received a host of relatives and friends during the afternoon. Mrs. Beatty was wearing a navy blue and white printed sheer ensemble and a shoulder bouquet of Sunset roses. Several of their gransosn opened the door to the guests. Rt. Rev. Robert Jefferson, Bishop of Ottawa, and Mrs. Jefferson, attended the reception.
Members of the executive of the Diocesan Boartd attended in a body as did members of Mrs. Beatty's branch of the W.A. in the Westboro. During the day, cards and telegrams of congratulation were received by the happy couple, as well as several bouquets of flowers.
The tea table was centered with a wedding cake which was adorned with the same golden bell used on their wedding cake 50 years ago.
Presiding at the tea table were: Mrs. R.H. Steacy, Mrs. F.W. Pooler, Mrs. G. Kenyon, Mrs. J.A. McDonald, Mrs. B. Hubbell, Mrs. Helena Young, Mrs. W.F. Fenton, Mrs. Grace Richardson, Mrs. W. Fred Bell, Mrs. H. B. Younghusband, Mrs. J.A. Leach, Mrs. H.P. Hudson, Mrs. James Skuce, Mrs. R. Brown, Misses A. Low, J. Monson, Minnie Scott and F. Richardson.
The assistants were: Mrs. Osborne Beatty, Mrs. Lloyd Beatty, Mrs. Gardiner Beatty, Mrs. G. Orval Skuce, Mrs. Claude Auld, Misses Marjorie, Betty and Shirley Beatty, Jean Fowley, Margaret Skuce, Jean Morrison, Bertha O'Neil, Evelyn Downey, Myrtle Younghusband, and Florence Meagher.
Cocal solos were sung by Miss Dorotyh Cowan and a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Beatty was proposed by the rector of All Saints' church, Westboro, Col. the Rev. R.H. Steacy.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, July 4, 1940
Quits Alaska just once finds future bride here
Courtship of Charles Skuse and Isabel Duncan spans 3,500 Miles - Japan Looks like closest Enemy in North
Islington, July 4 - The old adage about love conquering distance has a living exponent in Charles Skuse of Juneau Alaska. On Saturday, Mr. Skuse will marry Miss Isabel Duncan of Bloor St., Islington after a courtship that bridged a gap of 3,500 miles.
Charles is the second in the Skuse family to come all the way to Ontario for a bride. He came here in May of last year with his brother, who was marrying an Ontario girl, a friend of Miss Duncan. Mr Skuse returned to Alaska but he knew he had found the girl he wanted.
"I never throught I'd run into anything so important as meeting my future wife on that trip," he said. "It was the first time I had been out of Alaska and I just wanted a good time."
The future Mrs. Skuse is not in the least perturbed about going to far-off territory. For one thing she will see her girld friend, married to Mr Skuse's brother, and she has met other Juneau people who have visited here.
A new truck will carry the couple back to their Alaska home. Mr Skuse bought Alaska license plates before he left home.
There is a trong pro-British feeling in the section of Alaska near Juneau, he said. "The feeling seems to be that the US should get in the war on the side of the Allies," said the visitor.
"No, we don't fear invasion form the Russians," he added. "The people are more worried about trouble with Japan . In a war between the US and that country, we would be right in the line of invasion."
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 8, 1940
Bridal Pair Start Long Alaska Trip
Isabel Duncan wed to Charles J Skuse
Isabel Duncan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Archibald Duncan, Islington, wore a smart dress of pink suede lace over taffeta and a corsage of roses when she was married Saturday in her home on Bloor St to Charles J skuse, son of the late Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse of Alaska.
The bride's cousin, Miss Ethel Bray, only attendant, wore a powder blue lace frock over matching taffeta and a corsage of pink roses. Rev. Bruce Millar officated, and Mrs. Jack Rogers played the wedding music. Scott McLemot was best man. Roses, peonies and delphiniums were used for decorations, and roses centred the tea tables. The bride was given in marriage by her father.
Mrs. Duncan received with the bride and bridegroom at the reception, wearing a heaven blue gown of lace and crepe with corsage of roses. The wedding trip is to be taken by motor through the middle states to the home of Mr and Mrs Skuse in Alaska. The bride travelled in a navy blue crepe dress, blue hat and navy accessories. Mr Skuse arrived a week ago for his wedding, and the return journey will take some time.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 22 July 1940
NORTH GOWER, July 21.—(Special.)—An interesting wedding ceremony was solemnized at noon Saturday, at the home of Mr and Mrs Wellington H. Craig, Carsonby, when their second daughter, Miss Valma Blanche, was united in marriage to Mr Melvin Ross McEwan, of City View, son of Mr and Mrs Hammond McEden, of Carsonby.
Rev. H.M. Servage, of Pembroke United Church, and formerly of North Gower, officiated.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a becoming miracle-crepe dress of heaven blue with white accessories and carried a bouqiet of Talisman roses and carnations.
As the bride entered the drawing room, her cousin, Miss Gwen Craig, of Carsonby, played Mendelsshon's Wedding March. The couple were unattended.
Miss Beatrice Sadler and Mrs Cedric McEwen, cousin of the bridegroom, acted as witnesses.
During the signing of the register, Miss Craig also sang "My Happy Day".
A reception was afterwards held at the home of Mrs and Mrs Craig, when about 20 guests were present, including parents of the bride and bridegroom and the bride's grandparents, Mr and Mrs John Skuce, of Carsonby.
Later, the happy couple left by motoro for Belleville and other points west, the bride travelling in a smart white linen suit with white accessories.
On their return they will reside at City View.
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, August 12, 1940
Mrs. John Hawley
The funeral service for the late Mrs. John Hawley, who died on Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maynard Skuce, was conducted on Saturday afternoon in the chapel of Hulse and Playfair Limited by the Rev W L Hisey. Mr McGillivray of the Metropolitan Tabernacle sang a solo.
Interment was in Pinecrest cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Monday, August 12, 1940
Even chance given Farmer Wounded at Pistol Match
Same Bullet Hits Windsor Policeman in Strange North York Accident
Empy Shell Cause
Nine blood transfusions have been given in a dramatic fight for the life of John F Turnbull, 47, Orillia farmer. With a .45 calibre revolver bullet through the body, he is one of two men seriously wounded in one of the strangest accidents ever to occur in an international revolver competition. The other is Constable James McLaughlan, 33, of Windsor, less dangerously wounded when the same bullet passed through his side. They were shooting in a match sponsored by the Forest Hill Police and Firemen's association at Maryvale farm Saturday.
The bullet was from the service revolver of Corp. W W Skuce, crack shot of the RCMP, headquarters staff, Ottawa, and member of this year's Dominion revolver championship team. Skuce, who was firing from No. 13 position, was struck on the neck by a hot
<Picture - PC James McLaughlan>
cartidge case ejected from the .38 calibre automatic pistol fired on his left by Turnbull.
Instinctively Corp Skuce swing in the direction from which he had been struck.
"I thought I had been shot in the neck — that it was a bullet that struck me," he said " I grabbed for my neck and staggered back out of line" His pistol discharged, and a bullet from the weapon, which he had already levelled for shooting at the target, passed through Constable McLaughlan's side, grazing a rib, and entered Turnbull's abdomen.
Thinks Gun Fell
Whether reflect action from the hot sting on his neck caused the marksman, with nerves already tense, to pull the trigger, or wheather the gun dropped from his hand and exploded on striking the ground, is not certain.
"I have no recollection of discharging it," sad Corpiral Skuce, "I am under the impression it exploded when falling. When I felt the sharp, hot blow on the side of my neck I thought it was a bullet and that I had been shot. I grabbed for my neck and staggered back out of line. The next thing I realized my revolver was on the ground and the two boys at my left were at my feet, wounded. Anyone who received a very sharp, hot blow on the neck like that would have done the same thing—grab for his neck."
The accident occurred in the first match of the meet, and the contestants had fired one shot. Turnbull was not firing in the same competition as McLaughlin and Skuce. He was shooting at what is known as a re-entry target, but was standing in the No. 11 position in the same line of competitors.
Turnbull is given a 50-50 chance of recovery by surgeons at Toronto East General hospital. Yesterday he was so weak that repeated blood transusions had to be given. By radio, telephone and teletype police officers in Tornoto and suburbs were asked to respond with blood donations. Volunteers beseiged the hosptial. Two of the transfusions were given by his sons, James and Norman.
Dr Leslie Black is credited with saving Turnbull's life. His treatment, given at the spot, kept a faint pulse beating until he could be rushed to hosptial, where the slug was removed. Mrs Turnbull and sons raced by car from Orillia, and remained with his for the night.
"Purely Accidental"
H. S. McCready, deputy commissioner of provincial police, said 15 marksmen were lined up on the range when the accident happened. Turnbull, in No 11, fired at the target with his automatic. The ejected empty flew over McLaughlin's head to strike Corp Skuce in the neck. "The whole thing was purely accidental" said McCready.
Dr. Black, one of the competitors, gave prompt medical treatment to both men, and officers were sent to call ambulances. The remoteness of the locality in North York delayed arrival of the amublance, and Turnbull was taken to Toronto East General hospital, and McLaughlin to Toronto General hospital in private cars.
Inspector Hammond of the Ontario provincial police, conducted the investigation, assisted by Acting Chief John Harrison of North York.
"I have been shooting since I was 10 years old, and have been in the RCMP Headquarters Revolver club nine years, and never before had an accident," said Corp Skuce, "It was very, very unfortunate thing. I was still carrying the red mark on my neck Saturday night. There were members of several police forces there, and they agreed the wounding of these boys was purely accidental."
In touch with Doctor
"I am deeply affected about the whole thing, but my only concern is that Turnbull recover," Corp Skuce said. "I left with the doctor the name of a friend of mine so I would know how everything was going," Skuce said. Skuce said it was only after the accident he found out the hot shell came from an automatic. Two RCMP teams of three men each competed in Saturday's contest.
"We were shooting at 20 yeras in one of the main matches," said McLaughlan, from his hospital bed, "I had just fired the first round of the relay when suddenly I felt a wave of pain. It was just as if a bomb had exploded and caught me in the middle. I didn't lose consciousness, but I fell, and they brought me to the hospital. That's all I remember"
"The manner in which the accident occurred is the only way anyone could be hurt at such a well-organized meet," said Flying Officer C J Colling, one of the contestants and an expert shot, "The layout of the range is ideal and range discipline was excellent. An accident such as this could have happened even at Bisley." His statement was echoed by Flight-Lt T Cresswell, also a contestant.
"It is the first time dad was ever in a shooting accident," said Norman Turnbull, 16-year-old son of the injured man. "He has won many trophies with his marksmanship."
Among them is a plaque Mr Turnbull won at a Dominion marksmen's shooting meet, and another won at the Midland Rifle association meet.
First Village Shoot
<*?? Article ref Corp W.W. Skuce of the Ottawa RCMP; continues for another 6 paragraphs; 3 more subarticles, including pictures>
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, August 13, 1940
Accidentally Shot Two
When an ejected shell struck his neck, Corporal W.W. Skuce, crack shot of the RCMP, accidentally discharged his revolver. The bullet glanced off the rib of a man standing next to him and lodged itself in the abdomen of John F. Turnbull, Orillia farmer, critically injuring him. The men were participating in a revolver contest.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, August 17, 1940
Bullet drills 2 marksmen in pistol range accident
Shell Ejected from Automatic Hits Competitor on Neck - Gun Roars as he Turns
Both Bably Hurt
John F Turnbull of Orillia, and Constable James McLaughlan, Windsor, were victims of one of the strangest accidebts recorded in Canada while the Forest Hill police were conducting a shooting match.
Corp W. W. Skuce, crack shot of the RCMP staff at Ottawa, and member of this year's Dominion revolver championship team, was on the firing line. ...
Ottawa Citizen
August 22, 1940
Late Lucinda Hawley left $25,617 Estate
By the will of the late Lucinda Hawley, of Woodroffe, who died August 8th, and which was filed for probate in surrogate court this morning, an estate valued at $25,617 is disposed of.
The estate is made up of the following assets: real estate, $3,100; household goods, clothing, etc., $185; mortages, $819; securities for money, $16,922; cash on hand, $22.45; cash in bank, $4,568.
Mrs. Phyllis Skuce, a daughter is left a property at 380 Lewis street, while the residue of the estate is divided between Mrs. Skuce and another daughter, Florence Hawley, also of Ottawa. Florence Hawley also receives one-third of the residue and Mrs. Skuce two-thirds of the residue. Maynard Skuce and Robert Barnett are named executors.
The Vancouver Sun
August 30, 1940
Hilda Emily May, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Skuse, and Eric Percival Anderson, second son of Mr and Mrs G.H. Anderson, were married at the Brighouse Unit Church on the evening of August 21 by Rev. Charles Finnemore.
The bride was attended by Misses Eunice Anderson and Sally Murphy and tiny Floralee Rolston as flower girl. Mr Herbert Edward Skuse was best man for his sister's groom and the ushers were Messrs. Henry Anderson and Bob Johnson.
Exquisite flowered lace in panels was inset in the lovely marquisette bridal gown bordered with ruffles. A halo of lace and orange blossoms held her bridal veil and she carried deep red roses. The maids wore period frocks of sheer in blue and peach with crownless turbans of self material and the wee flower girl was in yellow net with a poke bonnet and colonial bouquet.
Mrs. Charles Dick played the nuptial musis and Mr. J Pawson sang "Because."
The bride's mother was wearing a hostess gown of orchid sheer with rosebuds at the shoulder to receive her guests at Lansdowne clubhouse, assisted by the groom's mother in turqoise lace with pink roses.
Mrs. J Pawson and Mrs. H Gosling presided at the tea table and Mrs. J E. Leith cut the ices. Serviteurs included Mmes. W Clapham, Art Skuse, Henry Anderson, Roy Sharecross, Ronal Marshall, Archie Inkster, William Duran, Guy Calbeck, Ray Parsons, Misses Betty Barr, Doris Duckett, Janert McPherson, Mary Morris and Melva Magar, Mr Harry Gosling proposed the bride's health.
The bride changed to a dusty pink and pale blue travelling enseble furred in beige with gardenias for her honeymoon in the Interior. They will live in a new home at Brighouse.
The Toronto Star
Friday, October 11, 1940
Annual Convention held by Teachers
Oakville, Oct. 11. - ... L. L. Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 26, 1940
Cartoon: "Saturday Night, Canada 's Hockey Night" - Lou Skuce
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, November 7, 1940
Many Happy Returns
Thursday, November 7
Sylvia Isobel Skuce, 46 Bertrand street, Ottawa
The Toronto Star
Friday, November 8, 1940
Mrs. A. C. Matheson, wife of Corp. Matheson of the 48th Highlanders, is visiting in Ottawa, the guest of Mrs. Harry Skuce, Irving Ave.
Ottawa Citizen
December 12, 1940
Nepean High Students Receive Year's Awards
Diplomas Presented.
Graduation diplomas: ... James Skuce, Lloyd Skuce ...
The Bracebridge Gazette
December 26, 1940
Mr Kennedy Skuce of Toronto University is home for Christmas.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, December 31, 1940 (Similar article in Ottawa Journal 31 Dec 1940 and Montreal Gazette 6 Jan 1941)
The marriage of Miss Carolyn Marie Ellery, daughter of Mrs. Jane P. Ellery of San Franscisco and the late Mr. Ellery, to Flight Seargeant Edgar Thomas Skuce, son of Mrs. P.J. Pennock of Florida and the late Mr. Daniel Skuce of Ottawa, took place at half past two o'clock on Sunday afternoon in St. John's Anglican church. Rev. Northcote R Burke officiated.
An afternoon dress of black crepe, fashioned on Grecian lines, with a turban of matching material trimmed with Persian lamb, was worn by the bride. She wore on her shoulder a spray of white baby chrysanthemums.
The bride was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. G.V. Boucher.Leading Aircraftman Gilbert Boucher, brother-in-law of the groom, was best man.
The bridesmaid had chosen a frock of navy blue lace and a wide-brimmed hat of coral. Her waist corsage was of Briarcliffe roses.
A small reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Boucher and later the bride and groom left for Montreal where they will take up residence.
For traveliing the bride was wearing a woolen frock of Roman stripe over which she wore a Persian lamb coat, with matching hat and muff.
Mrs. Skuce, prior to her marriage, was a well known equestrian and owner of many prize horses.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 3 January 1941
Carsonby Couple Married 50 Years
NORTH GOWER, Jan. 2. — (Special) — Mr and Mrs John Skuce, of Carsonby, celebrated their holden wedding anniversary on Tuesday when numberous relatives called shortly before noon and have a surprise party in their honor.
Dinner was served when the bridge of 50 years ago cut the large wedding-cake. On behalf of Mrs Skuce, Mr Skuce made a fitting reply of thanks.
The wedding was
solemnized on December 31, 1890, in the Methodist parsonage her by Rev. Mr. Crane.
Mr Skuce was born near Reid's Mills in Osgoode Township, and Mrs Skuce was the former Miss Amelia Barr, of North Gower. They settled at Kars, where Mr Skuce conducted a blacksmith shop. On moving to Carsonby, Mr Skuce operated a farm as well as following his trade. Some years ago, they farmed at Osgoode and returned to Carsonby in 1937.
The couple, who are both 78, are still hale and active and have received numberous message of congratulation.
Their family of two sons and two daughters are all living. They are, Euric, of Saskatoon; Forest, in Ottawa; Mrs. Wellington Craig, Carsonby and Mrs Ernest Bradley, of Edwards, Ont. They have also eight grandchildren.
The Montreal Star
Monday, January 6, 1941
Hosewoman is Married
Miss Ellery, of Lachute, United to Flight Sergeant Skuce
The marriage of Miss Carolyn Marie Ellery, of Lachute, Que., daughter of Mrs J.P. Ellery, of San Francisco, California, and the late Mr. Ellery, to Flight Sergeant Edgar Thomas Skuce, of No. 11 Technical Detachment, Montreal, son of Mrs. P. J. Pennock, of Florida, and the late Daniel Skuce, of Ottawa, took place on Sunday, December 29, in St. John's Anglican Church, Ottawa, Rev. Northcote R. Burke officiating.
The bride was attended by Mrs. G. V. Boucher, sister of the bridegroom, and the best man was Leading Aircraftman G. V. Boucher.
The bride wore an afternoon dress of black crepe on Grecian lines with turban of
matching material trimmed with Persian lamb, and wore a spray of white baby 'mums at the shoulder. The matron of honor was in a gown of navy blue lace and a wide brummed hat of coral felt, with corsage bouquet of Briarcliffe roses.
A small reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Boucher and later the bridal couple left for Montreal where they are residing. For travelling the bride was wearing
a Roman striped woolen frock over which she wore a Persian lamb coat with matching hat.
Mrs Skuce is well known in Ottawa as an equestrienne and owner of prize horses.
The Calgary Herald
Wednesday, January 8, 1941
Skuce—Jan 8th, William, aged 78 years, beloved husband of Mrs Hester A Skuce, Suite 6, Rossmore Apts. Services at "The Little Chapel On the Corner." Friday, at 2. Mr A Webb and Mr J E Reid officating. Jacques Funeral Home. No flowers by request.
The Calgary Herald
Wednesday, January 8, 1941
William Skuce
William Skuce, aged 78, died at his residence of Suite 6, Rosemore partments this morning following a lenghty illness.
Born at Ballydehob, Cork, Ireland, he had lived in Calgary for the past 18 years. Mr Skuce was a retired grocery merchant. He was a member of the Christian's Meeting, Gospel hall.
Surving are his wife, Hester A. Skuce, of Calgary; six daughters, Mrs W.A. Ross, of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. D.J. Lounsberry, of Lethbridge; Mrs. J.S. Spiller, of Calgary; Mrs R.G. Hicks, of Piapot, Sask.; Mrs Norman Webb, and Miss Millicent Skuce, both of Calgary; two sons, William H., of Ridgefield, Washington, S. Ernest Skuce, of Cork County, Ireland; two sisters and one brother in Ireland; three grandsons and 11 grand-daughters.
Funderal services will be conducted at Jacques funeral home on Friday, at 2 o'clock. A. Webb and J.E. Reid will officiate. Burial will be in Burnsland cemtery.
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta
Thursday, January 9, 1941
Dies At Calgary
William Skuce, aged 78 years, died at his Calgary home on Wednesday. Born in Ballydehob, Cork, Ireland , he had lived in Calgary for 18 years. He was the father of D J Lonsberry of Lethbridge. Funeral services will be conducted in Calgary on Friday.
The Toronto Star
Friday, January 31, 1941
Can. Boy Air Cadets Hold Grant Banquet
... Lou Skuce ...
The Huntsville Forester
February 13, 1941
Mr Walter Skuce of Powassan was visiting Mrs Leslie Boudarick last week.
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, February 20, 1941
Mr Kennedy Skuce of Trinity College, Toronto, was home for the weekend.
The Toronto Star
Monday, March 10, 1941
Arts Club States Saturday Dansant
... Mr and Mrs Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 25, 1941
Mrs. Ryland new elected Ontario I.O.D.E. President
Other officers elected were: ... Mrs L.L. Skuce, Milton, assistant; ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, May 1, 1941
Society Highlights
... Mrs. Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, May 7, 1941
Mosher Pupils win Laurels in Recital
In addition to those mentioned the following took part in the program: .. Nancy Skuce, Sandra Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, June 13, 1941
Classified, Algonquin Park
Clean, furnished cottage, month or season; safe sand beach. Sundridge, Lake Bernard, wood, ice. No poison ivy or hay fever. Reasonable. Apply L L Skuce, Milton.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, June 19, 1941
Honor Course Results for First Year Arts
Law, Class III
Skuce K (Phys. Td)
The Toronto Star
Friday, June 20, 1941
49 Ontario Fliers Grads in Wireless
E. B. Skuce, Britannia Bay
Ottawa Citizen
June 20, 1941
Page 2
Young Athlete
L.A.C. Eldon Beatty Skuce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Skuce of Britannia Heights, is 19 years old and was resident oF Britannia Heights all his life. he attended Grant Consolidated School, with two years at each of Nepean High School and Ottawa technical High School where he was prominent in basketball and other sports. He was also pitcher for the Britannia softball team and member of the Cubs, Boy Scouts and Rovers in the 10th group. For his proficiency at swimming he was awarded a cup.
Page 3
Music - Miss Mitchell's Pupils
... Eleanor Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 7, 1941
Ethel Audrey Hanks bride of H N Stacey
... Miss Ruth Skuse played the wedding music ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, August 2, 1941
George Wodehouse Weds Jane Toller
.. Cecil Skuce played the wedding music. ...
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 14 August 1941
Miss Drusilla Skuce returned from a recent visit to Halifax.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 16 August 1941
Boy Scout News
Last Saturday saw the concluson of the Summer camping season at Camp Opemikon, the Ottawa district campsite at Christie Lake. The composite camps operated by the Ottawa District have taken the form of a one-week period for cubs under the direction of Cubmaster Orval Skuce
The Toronto Star
Monday, August 25, 1941
15,000 are thrilled by Massed bands
One of the highlights of the evening was a unique exhibition of drawing by Cartoonist Lou Skuce, Drawing silhouettes on the glass of a projector, the figures were thrown on to a hugh white screen in the back of the stage.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 25, 1941
Thousands Jam into Park watch War Drive Display
Cartoonist Lou Skuce received an ovation as his animated drawings took shape on the screen. The crowd laughed and cheered as Musolini was depicted as the world's "Fascist" runner.
The Toronto Star
Friday, October 31, 1941
Oakville H. and S.
... L..L Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 3, 1941
.. formal opening of the Arts club was held Saturday afternnoon. .. Mrs Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 19, 1941
Speaks at H and S Meet
.. L. E. Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, November 22, 1941
Pilot-Officer Ross Gray Weds Diana L MacBrien
Cecil Skuce played the organ music through the ceremony.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, December 9, 1941
Miss Marjorie Henry show Water Colors
.. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, December 10, 1941
Find Children still use Radial Bridge
... L.L. Skuce ..
The Toronto Star
Thursday, December 11, 1941
Society Highlights
... Mrs. Lou Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 26, 1941
Sheriff is Elected Canadian Club Head
... L.L Skuce, as vice-president;...
The Toronto Star
Friday, January 23, 1942
Society Highlights
... Mrs. Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, January 31, 1942
Society Highlights
A St. Valentine dineer will be heald at the Arts Club, ...
... Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, February 5, 1942
Society Highlights
... Mrs. Lou Skuce ...
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, February 12, 1942
Kennedy Skuce of the R.C.A.F. was with his parents, Mr and Mrs G.W. Skuce over the week-end.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, March 3, 1942
Mrs. L.L. Skuce Chapter Regent
John Milton I.O.D.E. Group Reports Activities
Milton, March 3- Mrs. L.L Skuce was elected regent of John Milton Chapter, IODE., at the annual meeting at the home of Mrs. M.E. Gowland. ...
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, March 10, 1942
Would urge pupils to conserve books
... Inspector Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, April 13, 1942
On Saturday, April 11th, 1942, in Olivet Baptist church by the Reverand J K Holland, Dorothy Grace youngest daughter of Mrs Denham and the late Mr Howard Denham to Frederick Henry Skuce, eldest son of Mr and Mrs William Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Monday, April 20, 1942
Dorothy G. Denham wed to F. H. Skuce
Rev J.K Holland Officates at Ceremony in Olivet Baptist Church
Olvet Baptist church, decorated with srping flowers, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Dorothy Grace Denham, youngest daughter of Mrs. Denham and the late Howard Denham, became the bride of Frederick Henry Skuce, eldest son of Mr and Mrs William Skuce. Rev J.K. Holland officated. Miss Alma Burfield played the wedding music and during the signing of the register Miss Ann Murray sang.
The bride given in marriage by Mr. Thomas Campbell, wore a white faille taffeta gown made on princess lines, a pleated halo with finger-tip veil and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. The matron of honr, the bride's sister, Mr. E.G. Higgs, wore a chenille patterned pink taffeta gown and carried a bouquet of roses. Miss Margaret Guppy and Miss Edith Denham were bridesmaids and were gowned alike in chenille patterned blue taffeta and tulle illusion headdress and wore silver lockets, gifts from the bride. George Skuce, brother of the groom, was best man and ushers were Seward Lay and Warren Bracken. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride. The bride's mother wore a black and white printed dress with a corsage of white carnations and sweetpeas. The groom's mother wore a navy blue dress with a corsage of red roses and sweetpeas. After the reception the couple left on a trip to Chatham and London. The bride wore a turqoise wool dress with brown accessories for the trip, and a gold locket, a gift from the groom. They will reside in Toronto.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, April 22, 1942
Page 2
Five I.O.D.E. centres for Soldiers opened
... Mrs L L Skuce of Milton ...
Page 22
I.O.D.E entertains for Mrs. Matthews
... Mrs L L Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 24, 1942
Re-Elect Mrs. New Ontario I.O.D.E. Head
... Mrs. L.L Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, April 29, 1942
Skuce Newlyweds
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skuce were married April 11 in Olivet Baptist church. The bride was formerly Miss Dorothy G Denham, youngest daughter of Mrs. Denham and the late Howard Denham. The groom is the eldest son of Mr and Mrs. William Skuce.
The Winnipeg Evening Tribune, Winnipeg, Manitoba
May 30, 1942
Page 19
Mrs. Skuce Life Saving Body Prexy
At the annual general meeting of the Manitoba branch of the Royal Life Saving society, Mrs. George Skuce was elected president, suceeding Leo D. Best who had held the office during the past three years. Miss Hilda M. Hine was appointed vice-president and Sydney C. Lloyd was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
<more, however non-relavent>
The Toronto Star
Friday, June 5, 1942
Mrs. W.B. Horkins again I.O.D.E Head
... Mrs. L L Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, June 27, 1942
Page 25
White and pink carnations are decorating St. Cuthbert's Anglican church, Leaside, for the wedding this evening of Ellenor Frances Gaston, Fairfield Rd., daughter of Samuel Gaston and the late Mrs. Gaston, to John Lewis Skuce, son of Lou Skuce and the late Mrs. Skuce. Rev. P.M. Lamb is officiating, with Mr Baker at the organ. Mrs. Edythe Wood will sing. The bride, given in marriage by her brother Benhamin Gaston, will be in white sheer with silk jacket, long veil held by orange blossoms and bouquet of pink roses. Miss Lois Anderson is the bridesmaid, in turquoise sheer with matching headdress and coral roses. Groomsman is Claude S Hamilton and ushers will be Ralph Hurd., Jr., Niagara Falls, and Harvey Croft. The reception is to be at the home of the bride's brother, Benjamin Gaston. Mrs Gaston receiving in a blue gown with pink roses. The wedding trip will be to Niagara Falls, the bride going away in a blue gabardine suit with navy accessories. They will live in Toronto.
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 29, 1942
Page 7
Tragalgar Teacher Tendered Farewell
... L.L Skuce of Milton ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 29, 1942
Steps out of Comic Strip aids British Bomb Victims
... Lou Skuce will entertain with some up-to-the-minute cartoons. ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 29, 1942
Gala Sunnyside Carnival will help Bomb Victims
... and Lou Skuce and his popular cartoons.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, July 4, 1942
... Mrs. P. Skuse was the soloist at the organ. ...
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, July 9, 1942
Last Thursday Kennedy Skuce of the R.C.A.F., Victoriaville, Que., arrived home on leave. He expects to be transferred to Malton, Ont.
Kennedy Skuce
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, August 25, 1942
Airman to Sing
... and cartoons by Lou Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, August 27, 1942
'Dagwood' Makes Big Hit Before Sunnyside Throng
Celebrities aplenty
... and Lou Skuce, internationally known cartoonist.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario, Canada
22 September 1942
Daughter of Lorne Skuce, Sept 5
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 10, 1942
Graduate of Malton sees pupils 'Winged'
Some of the Graduates
The graduates included the following air bombers:
K. Skuce, Bracebridge, Ont.;
The Bracebridge Gazette
October 15, 1942
Page 1
Kennedy Skuce Wins Commision
Since the item at page 7, column 1, was put into type, Kennedy Skuce has received an official telegram from Ottawa informing him that he has been awarded a commission. He is now, therefore, a pilot officer in the R.C.A.F.
Pilot Officer Skuce has been transferred to Mountain View, near Belleville.
Page 7
Graduates as Air Bomber
Last Friday, Kennedy Skuce, of Bracebridge, graduated as a Sergeant Air Bomber at No. 1 Air Observers' School, R.C.A.F., Malton, Ont.
The Toronto Star
Friday, November 6, 1942
Plan County-Wide Hunt for Salvage
... L.L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, December 5, 1942
Autumn flowers and palms were used to decorate Olivet Baptist church for the wedding Saturday of Eith Irene Denham, daughter of Mrs. Denham and the late Howard Denham, to Aircraftman Clarence (Mack) Macklam Thorne, R.C.A.F., son of Mr and Mrs Clarence Thorne, ... ... Matron of honor was Mrs. Fred Skuce, sister of the bride, ...
Toronto Daily Star
Wednesday, December 16, 1942
One Airman Killed, 8 Missing Abroad
Missing After Air Operations
Skuce, Eldon Beatty, sergeant, R74182, G.O. Skuce (father) Britannia Heights, Ont.
Ottawa Journal
Friday, 1 January 1943
Mrs William Skuce Dies in 75th Year
Mrs William Skuce, of 79 Echo Drive, died on Thursday in her 75th
year after a lengthy perod of ill health. She was born at Fort Stewart, Ont., daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George Towns, and received her education there. Mrs Skuce attended St Matthew's Anglican Chuch. Her husband, William Skuce, predeceased her several years ago. Surviving is one brother, Arron Towns, of Barry's Bay; one daughter, Mrs J.C. MacLaurin, of Ottawa; four sons, A.E. Skuce, W.W. Skuce, J.E. and C.E. Skuce, all of Ottawa, in addition to six grandchildren. Funeral service will be held from the home of her son, Andrew, 79 Echo Drive, on Saturday, to St Matthew's Anglican Church for service at 10 am. Interment in Pinecrest cemetery.
Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 2 January 1943
SKUCE—At a local hospital, on Thursday, December 31, 1942, Frances Towns, beloved wife of William Skuce. In her 75th year. Funeral from home of her son, Andrew, 79 Echo Drive, on Saturday, January 2, 1943 to St Matthew's Anglican Church for service at ten a.m. Interment Pinecrest cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 11 February 1943
R.C.A.F List Reveals Eldon Skuce Prisoner
Seargeant Wireless Air Gunner Eldon Beatty Skuce of Ottawa, previously reported missing, is now officially reported a prisoner of war.
Late last month, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Skuce of Britannia Heights, were notified that their son was a prisoner of war in Italy . Official confirmation was made in last night's R.C.A.F casualty list.
The 21-year-old Ottawa boy had made more than 40 flights over enemy territory before he was reported missing in the Middle East after air operations November 5. He had been serving on that battle front since February of that year.
Ottawa Citizen
February 16, 1943
Britannia Resident Marks 90th Birthday.
Celebrating her 90th birthday yesterday, Mrs. Margaret Skuce received friends at her home at Britannia Heights. Among the guests was her sister, Miss Jennie Boulger, who is in her 86th year.
Mrs. Skuce, daughter of the late John and Katharine Boulger, was born in Ottawa, living at 200 Friel street until her marriage to James Skuce. Before moving to Britannia Heights 50 years ago, she resided at Bell's Corners.
She has four sons, John, Milton and Orval of Ottawa and Lewis of Toronto; seven grandsons, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.Five grandsons and one grand-daughter are in the armed forces, James of the R.C.A.F. has returned from overseas to serve in Canada; Eldon, R.C.A.F., is a prisoner of war in Italy; John and Lloyd are training in Canada in the R.C.A.F., Roy is in the R.C.O.C., and Durscilla in the R.C.A.F. (W.D.)
Taking an active interest in church work of St. Stephen's church, Britannia, where she is a member. Mrs. Skuce is an ardent Red Cross knitter and worker.
The Regina Leader-Post
Thursday, 25 Febryary 1943
YORKTON.— Holy Trinity church, Feb. 20 was scene of a pretty wedding when Doris Skuce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Skuce, Stoughton, became the bride of William Temple Damant, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Damant, Yorkton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Grazier and the wedding march was played by Prof. George. The bride, given in marriage by Roland Knight, wore a convoy blue crepe dress and a corsage ...
The Globe and Mail
Friday, March 12, 1943
Ontario Girls are Graduated
Sixteen Ontario girls graduated from No 2 Composite Training School here yesterday in one of the largest graduating exercises since the school was opened.
..., Margaret Skuce of Ottawa, ...
Ottawa Citizen
April 6, 1943
Airman Now Prisoner Sends Greetings Home
Mr. and Mrs. G. Orval Skuce of Britannia Heights have received the first message from their son, Sergeant Wireless Air Gunner Eldon Beatty Skuce, since he was taken prisoner in Italy in December, 1942.
The message was received a few days ago and read simply, "A Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year." Dated December 19, it was in their son's own handwriting and came from the Italian prison camp through the Vatican , reaching Mr. and Mrs. Skuce by way of the apostolic delegate in Ottawa.
"It wasn't much of a message," said Mr. Skuce, "but it meant a great deal to us."
Daring 21-year-old Sgt. Skuce, who made more than 40 flights over enemy territory, was reported missing in the Middle East after air operations on November 5, 1942. His parents were informed late in January that he was a prisoner of war in Italy .
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, April 20, 1943
Page 20
Red Cross British Victims Fund
Mr. L.L. Skuce, Inspector, Halton County - $390.51
Page 22
Adopt RCN Ship Crews IODE Chapters Advised
... Mrs L. L Skuce, Milton, ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 22, 1943
Urge using hoes by Day Knitting Needles by Night
... Mrs L. L Skuce, Milton, ...
Ottawa Journal
Monday, May 3, 1943
Mrs William Skuce
Following a lengthy illness, Isabella Wilhelm Skuce died at her residence, 5 Irving avenue, on Sunday in her 77th year.
She was born in Ottawa in 1867 and spent all her life in and around the Capital. She was married to William Skuce, who predeceased her in 1937.
Mrs Skuce attended St Matthia's Anglican church and was an honorary life member of the Crustal chapter L.O.B.A. No 12, and belonged to the True Blues.
Surviving are four sons, J Herbet, of Westboro, William C and Harold Thomas, of Ottawa, and John Maynard in the R.C.A.M.C.; one daughter, Mrs William Short, of Ottawa; three brothers, William of San Francisco, Christopher of
Detroit, and George of Portage la Prairie; two sisters, Annie and Margaret of Los Angeles; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The body is resting at the parlors of A.E. Veitch and Son, Parkdale avenue at Gladstone from where it will be taken at 2.45 pm. Tuesday to St. Matthias' church, where Rev. W.B. Morgan will conduct services at three o'clock. Interment will be at Pinecrest cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Friday, May 21, 1943
Red Cross British Victims Fund
Mr. L.L. Skuce, Inspector, (Additional) - $6
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, June 2, 1943
Dr Charles A Skuce Buried at Kars
RUSSELL, Ont, June 2. (Special) The funeral of Dr. Chas. A. Skuce, veterinary surgeon, highly respected resident of this place, formerly of Ottawa, was held from his late residence on Tuesday, at 2 pm. Service was conducted by Rev. J. L. Bradley, of Russell Anglican Church. Dr. Skuce died at his late residence Sunday morning after a short illness. He was a son of the late Thos. Skuce and Elizabeth Skuce. Dr. Skuce was with the Department of Agriculture, Health of Animals branch, Ottawa, for 13 years. Survivors include his widow, the former Alvina Jones; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skuce, and Hildred Skuce, all of Russell; two brothers, Lester Skuce, of Osgoode Station, and Dr. E. D. Skuce, of Sudbury, Ont. Interment was in Kars cemetery. Floral offerings were beautiful and many.
The Globe and Mail
Saturday, 5 June 1943
Milton: Protestant teacher for Nassagaeya School Area, schools between Guelph and Hamilton, in Halton County, Salary $1,100.00, preference given to holders of certificates in Manual Training. Household Science and Music. Apply, giving name of last inspector, particulars to L L Skuce, P.S.I., Milton, Ont.
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 7, 1943
... Miss Ruth Skuce was at the Organ. ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, June 23, 1943
Schools to close on Friday in Three Suburban districts
.. L.L. Skuce, Milton. ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, June 25, 1943
See shortage of Teachers forcing schools to close
.. L.L. Skuce, Milton. ...
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Thursday, 1 July 1943
Miss Skuce has gone to Winnipeg to live with her sister.
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 5, 1943
Society Highlights
Guests from Toronto registered at the Muskoka Beach Inn, Gravenhurst, for the next week include: ...Mr and Mrs Lou Skuce and family. ..
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, July 15, 1943
Kennedy Skuce has been promoted to Flying Officer. Congratulations. Kennedy is still in the West.
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, July 22, 1943
A letter was to be sent to Mrs. Skuce expressing sympathy to her in the loss of her father.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 9 August 1943
Mrs Daniel Beatty Dies in 78th Year
A prominent church worker at All Saints' Anglican Church in Westboro and a Dominion life member of the Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. Daniel Beatty died at her residence, 381 Winona avenue, Westboro, on Sunday. She was in her 78th year, and had been ill for the past year.
The former Lumira Elizabeth Richardson, she was born at March, Ont, the daughter of the late Gardner Richardson and his wife, the late Mary Jane Maldowney. Fifty-three years ago she married Daniel Beatty at Hazeldean and lived at Shirley's Bay until 1913, when they moved to Westboro. Mr. and Mrs, Beatty celebrated their golden wedding anniversary three years ago.
Mrs. Beatty taught a Bible class for 25 years, was president of the Women's Auxiliary for 11 years, a member of the Women's Guild, and engaged in philanthropic work.
In addition to her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. Ira Fowler, Ottawa, and Mrs. Orval Skuce, of Britannia Height; three sons, Lloyd, Osborne and Gardner, all of Ottawa. Of ten grandchildren, four are in the armed forces. Eldon Beatty Skuce is a prisoner of war in Italy: Lloyd Skuce is over seas with the R.C.A.F.; Gordon Fowler with the R.C.A.F. in Canada, and Earle Beatty with the R.C.N.V.R on the Pacific Coast.
The body is resting at her late residence, from where the funeral will be held on Tuesday to All Saints Church, Westboro, for service at two o'clock. Interment will be in South March cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 23 August, 1943
Mrs Beatty Leaves Estate of $20,300
The five children and husband of the late Mrs Lumira Elizabeth Beatty of Westboro, who died August 8, share alike in her estate of $30,348.48, each receiving $2 - 216.50 according to a will filed for probate in the Carleton County Court. Other beneficiares are 11 granchilddren who each receive $604.50, the Rector and Wardens of All Saints' Anglican Church, Westboro, a legacy of $200, and one grandniece, Mrs Myrtle Machln, who receives $200. The estate is made up of real estate, $5,000, mortgages, $8,020, cash $1,708, and bonds $5,618. Her husband, Daniel Beatty, lives at 381 Winona avenue, and the children are: Mrs Mabel Fowler, 27 Julian avenuel Mrs Bessie Skuce, Britannia Heights; Lloyd Beaty, 151 Hinton avenue; Cecil O Beatty, 381 Winona avenue, and T G Beatty, 624 Glasstone avenue. The grandchildren are: Gordon A Fowley, and Helen J Fowley, 27 Julian avenue; Eldon B Skuce, Lloyd M Skuce, Daniel J Skuce and Margaret L Skuce, Britannia Heights; Elizabeth Beatty, 151 Hinton avenuel Lawrence E Beatty, Shirley V Beatty, Beverly J Beatty, 624 Gladstone avenue, and Mary M Derby, 381 Winona avenue.
Winnipeg Free Press
Saturday, September 11, 1943
Mr and Mrs H B Johnson, Otterburne, Man annouce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Glayds Aileen, to Cpl James R Skuce, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J R Skuce, Britannia Heights, Ont. The wedding will take place Sunday, Sept 19 in the home of the bride's parents at 6.30 p.m.
Winnipeg Free Press
Wednesday, September 28, 1943
The marriage of Gladys Aileen, oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H B Johnson, Otterburne, Man., to Cpl James B Skuce RCAF son of Mr and Mrs J R Skuce, Britannia Heights, Ont, was solemnized at 4 pm, Sept 17, at the home of the bride's parents, Hon. George Taylor officiated.
The bride chose white wool crepe with a chpel veil and carried American Beauty Roses.
Miss Durtz Fisher, of Winnipeg, attened the bride and wore a dress of aqua blue wool crepe with a white hat. She carried Talisman roses.
The bridegroom was attended by Cpl R D Johnson, RCAF, brother of the bride.
Mr and Mrs Skuce will reside in Victoria. For travelling the bride wore a tailored suit of green wool.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 3, 1943
Wins County Honors in Quiz for Loan
... L.L. Skuce, public school inspector, was chairman.
The Toronto Star
Monday, December 6, 1943
Conn's Friends Remember him
Tom Melville, an oldish gentleman whose life has largely been spent in the atmosphere of hockey, and Lou Skuce, an illustrator of note, drew a document over which Melville presided in the Garden's press room Saturday night. ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, December 8, 1943
Most Schools reopening as Flu Wanes in Suburbs
... L.L. Skuce, county inspector. ...
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 27 December 1943
Meanest Thief Steals Gifts From Ottawa Christmas Tree
Exhibiting a spirit in violation of th meaning of Christmas, thieves went on the rampage in Ottawa over the week0end. Five break-ins occurreed over the holidays. In one, loss alone amounted to $5,000.
After attending a movie Christmas Eve, Mr and Mrs Maynard J. Skuce, 380 Lewis street, came home to find that two rifles and a quantity of ammunition, two rings, and a cash box containing bonds, war savings certificates, and $10 in cash had been stolen. Total value of the loot was said to be $5,000 with the greatest part of it being made up of Victory Bonds.
The thief entered through a side kitchen window on the ground floor. He did not take any of the Christmas gifts that were in the house. Detectives Stoneman and Ubald Sauve investigated.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, February 3, 1944
Little Misses Nancy and Sanda Skuce were flower girls in long gowns of pale blue organdy over pale blue taffeta.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, February 10, 1944
Fathers present 'A Day at Hodgon'
... Art period was under Lou Skuce, who gave sketches. ...
The Globe and Mail
Saturday, 26 February 1944
Bellefair United Church announces the appointment of Miss Ruth Skuce, A.C.C.O, as organist and choirleader, Miss Skuce, recently organist of St Aidan's Church, is one of the most outstanding women organists, chosen by the Casavant recital to play at Eaton Auditorium.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, April 4, 1944
One School Area for Trafalgar Township urged
... L.L Skuce, ... (large article with Mr Skuce indicating need for new district)
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, April 4, 1944
IODE asks curb on sales of Strychnine-Content Pills
... Mrs. L.L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 20, 1944
I.O.D.E Asks curb on sales of Stykchnine-Content Pills
... Miss L. L. Skuse, Milton; ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 20, 1944
... addressed by Rev. Harvey Skuse of St. John's ( Norway ) church. ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 6, 1944
Lindsay, May 6 - Miss Lorna Elizabeth Reeds, Reg. N. Toronto was married to Harley Douglas Iler, Toronto in Cambridge Street Baptist church here today. ...
.. and ushers were Earl Iler, groom's brother and Eric Skuce, bride's cousin ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, May 15, 1944
SKUCE - L.A.C. and Mrs. John Skuce (nee Eilenor Gaston), 102 Lawrence Ave E., are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Jo-Anne Darlene, on Thursday, May 11, 1944, at the Private Patients' Pavillion, Toronto Western hospital. Mother and baby both doing well.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, September 19, 1944 / Wednesday, September 20, 1944
SKUCE - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skuce (nee Dorothy Denham) are happy to announce the arrival of their son Frederick Howard (Ricky), on Monday, Sept 18, 1944 at Private Patients' Pavillion, Toronto General hospital. Mother and son doing well.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, September 20, 1944 / Thursday, September 21, 1944
Page 32, Advert for Eaton's
"Community on Parade"
Lou Skuce, cartoonist
Ottawa Citizen
September 27, 1944
A mew Scout medal has been authroized by Dominion H.Q.. It is for "long and efficient service as a Scouter with a minimum of 10 years' service." Many Ottawa Scouters may qualify for this award and applications have been made for District Cubmaster Orval Skuce, 34 years' service; ... ... These Scouters have given their services entirely within the Ottawa district.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, November 21, 1944
Society Highlights
... Mrs. L.L Skuce, Ottawa, ...
Ottawa Journal
Saturday, December 30, 1944
In memoriam
SKUCE. Fond and loving memory of a-dear mother, Frances Skuce, who passed away December 31. 1942. What would we give her hand to clasp. Her patient face to see; To hear her voice, to see her smile–As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day we'll meet again. Beyond the toil and strife. And clasp each other's hand once more In Heaven that happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Skuce and daughter, Frances.
SKUCE In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Francis Skuce, who passed away December 31, 1942. In my heart your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true. There's not a day, dear mother, I do not think of you.
SKUCE In fond and loving memory of my dearest mother, Mrs. F. Skuce, who passed away December 31, 1942. When shadows were falling And snow was softly drifting down You went to heed His call. I miss you every day, dear mother. But at twilight on a Wintery day I miss you most of all.
Daughter, Lottie, and son-in-law, Charles.
St. Thomas Times- Journal, Ontario, Canada
2 January 1945
Mrs Stanley Pearson, nee Elizabeth Marie Skuce, 36 years, daughter of Harry Skuce; sister of Mrs Monty Wilson, Mrs Carmel Countryman, Mrs Roy Healy, Mrs Lloyd Louch and William Skuce.
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, January 8, 1945
Mrs. Thomas Graham
A Lifelong resident of Ottawa, Mrs. Thomas K. Graham of 200 Friel street, died in hospital this morning in her 53rd year.
The former Margaret L. Skuce, she was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Skuce. A member of the Church of St. Alban the Martyr, she was associated with the Women's Auxiliary of that church for some years.
Surviving in addition to her husband are: three daughters, Mrs. A.D. Baker of Ottawa; Mrs. K.G. Johnston of Souris, Man., and Lavinia Graham at home, and three sisters, Mrs. Katharine Shipman, Miss Muriel J. Skuce and Mrs. J. E. T. Smaridge of Ottawa.
The body is resting at the home, form where the funeral will be held on Wednesday afternoon to the Church of St. Alban the Martyr for service at 1.30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. L. G. Bruce. Burial will be at Beechwood cemetery.
Winnipeg Free Press
Thursday, February 8, 1945
Air Veterans Become Pilots
No 7 Bombing and Gunner school, Paulson, as wireless air gunners: ...
James Skuce, Otterburne.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 12 March 1945
Page 10
The marriage of Josephine Ottenbrite, daughter of Mr and Mrs J Ottenbrite, of Whitby, to LAC. Lloyd M Skuce, R.C.A.F., son of Mr and Mrs G.O. Skuce, of Britannia Heights, took place Friday afternoon in the Church of St. Clement's, North Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon W.G. Nicholson. The young couple spent the week-end at the home of the bridgegroom's parents where a reception for near relatives and friends was held Saturday evening. LAC. Skuce has been posted to Moncton.
Page 18
Skuce-Ottenbrite — On Friday, March 9, 1945 at Toronto, Ont, by Rev Canon WG Nicholson, Rector of St Clement's Church, Josephine daughter of Mr and Mrs J Ottenbrite of Whitby, Ont. to LAC L. M. Skuce, R.C.A.F. son of Mr and Mrs G.O. Skuce of Britannia, Ont.
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, March 14, 1945
Student Wounded
Ottawa, March 14—(C.P.)— Calvin Skuce, 17-year-old Ottawa technical high school student yesterday was accidentally shot and wounded in the left shoulder during recess by a bullet fired by a 14-year-old schoolmate. It was understood Skuce brought a revolved to school and was shwoing it to his companion when the accident occurred. Hospital authorities said his condition was not serious.
The Toronto Star
Monday, April 2, 1945
Easter Excitement at Royal York Dance
... Alva Skuce, ...
The Ottawa Citizen, Ontario
April 9, 1945
Skuce - On Monday, April 9, 1945, in hospital, Harriet (Hattie) Dawson, in her 62nd year, beloved wife of J.H. Skuce, Britannia Bay. Resting in the drawing room chapel of the Brady and Harris residence, 375 Lisgar St., Funeral Wednesday morning, Aprill 11, at 7.40 to St. George's church, Ottawa West, for solemn mass of requiem at 8 o'clock. Burial Notre Dame cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 9 April 1945
Mrs J H Skuce Dies in Hospital
Mrs Harriet Skuce, wife of J H Skuce, of the Department of Munitions and Supply, died early this morning at Ottawa Civic Hospital in her 62nd year. Mrs Skuce had been ill for the past five months.
Born in Ottawa, the former Harriet (Hattie) Dawson, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Dawson, Mrs Skuce received her education at Kent street school. Prior to her marriage in 1905 to Mr Skuce, she worked for the American Bank Note Company. A devout Roman Catholic, she attended St Patrick's Church for many years, but since moving to Britannia, she had attended St George's Church.
Surviving in addition to her husband are two sons, Kilroy (Roy) Skuce, of Britannia Bay, and James Skuce, R.C.A.F., Paulson, Man.; and one daughter, Mrs L P (Viola) Valiquette, of Toronto. Mrs Skuce's only sister, Miss Minnie Dawson, predeceased her in 1931.
The body is at the Brady and Harris funeral home until the funeral which will be held at 7.40 o'lcock Wednesday morning to St. George's Church for requiem high mass at eight o'clock. Interment will be in Notre Dame cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 20, 1945
$379,00 was spent by IODE in 1944
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, April 21, 1945
Mrs. Lionel Millen Ontario IODE Head
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, ...
Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, Ontario
Saturday, 5 May 1945
Formerly Prisoners 23 Fliers now Safe
Skuce, Eldon Beatty, W.O: G.O. Skuce (father), Britannia Heights
The Essex Free Press, Essex, Ontario
Friday, July 6, 1945
Life for Eldon Skuce, a member of the R.C.A.F., now in a prisoner-of-war camp in Germany , was made a lot brighter a few weeks ago. As he stood watching several truck-loads of new prisoners unloading at Stalag 357, he heard the cheery call. "Hi ya. Eldon." He looked up into the face of Bryan Cassidy, who had been a fellow member of the 10th Ottawa Troop of Boy Scouts at Britannia. Incidentally, Eldon's father is Scoutmaster of the Troop now.
Blairmore Enterprise
August 24, 1945 (Same in Irma Times, Sept 7; Chinook Advance, August 30; Crossfield Chronicle, Sept 7; and Gleichen Call, August 22)
Even better than a hole-in-one was the fact that two Powell River, BC, residents got perfect 29 hands in cribbage, Hugh Scouse, being one, ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, September 7, 1945 / Saturday, September 8, 1945
Free Stage Show, Sunnyside Beach
Lou Skuce
The Toronto Star
Monday, September 10, 1945
Concert raises $240 to aid Camp Fund
A highlight was the caricatures drawn and reflected upon the screen by Lou Skuce, well-known entertainer and cartoonist.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 24 September 1945
Couple Observe Silver Wedding
Mr and Mrs G. O. Skuce Slice held a reception at their home at Britannia Heights on Saturday afternoon and evening from four until eight o'clock for relatives and friends on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary.
The tea tale was attractive with purple asters and pink gladioli and white tapers.
Those presiding at t he tea table were Mrs. R. H. Steacy, Mrs. W. B. Morgan, Mrs F. L. Poulin, Mrs. T. L. Skuce, Mrs H.E. Haughton, Mrs R. Ira Fraser, Mrs. K Shipman, Mrs. Gardiner Beattie, Mrs. W. H. oare, Mrs J. Smaridge, Mrs. W. E. Caven and Mrs Arthur Ward.
The Sixers 10th Brigade, Boy Scouts, who looked after the door, presented Mrs Skuce with a Service Badge.
Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Skuce and Misses Nancy and Sandra Skuce, Miss Elsie Fraser, of Toronto.
Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, Ontario
Friday Sept 28 1945
Lou Skuce overcome by Coal Gas Fumes
Lou Skuce, Toronto cartoonist, is in critical condition at St. Michael's hospital suffering from coal gas fumes. He was overcome in his home on Roehampton Ave. early today. The fumes, police stated, came from a defective furnace.
Mrs. Skuce also was overcome, but after treatment was able to go home. Sandra Skuce, nine, and Nancy Skuce, 11, children of Mr. and Mrs. Skuce, were sleeping in another room and escaped the effects of the fumes, which were starting to filter under the door when their aunt, Miss E. M. Fraser, sister of Mrs. Skuce, aroused them and took them into the street.
"My sister called me, saying she was ill," said Miss Fraser. "I went into their bedroom. Mr. Skuce was flat on his face. Then Mrs. Skuce collapsed. I called police."
Patrol Sergt. Albert Russell and Constable David Jarvis of North Toronto station rendered first aid and had Mr. and Mrs. Skuce taken to the hospital.
Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, Ontario
Monday, 1 October 1945
Skuce Recovers from Fumes
Lou Skuce, cartoonist, who was overcome by coal gas fumes in his North Toronto home early Friday, was dischaged from hospital and returned to his home yesterday, hospital officals said today.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 7 November, 1945
Many Happy Returns
Wednesday, November 7
Sylvia Skuce, 37 Primrose street, Ottawa
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, November 13, 1945
Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, Municipal chapter General meeting, Friday evening, Nov 16 at 7.30, 180 Lowther Ave. Speaker Mrs. L L Skuce, Provincial Educational Secretary
Ottawa Citizen
November 15, 1945
Mrs. Lydia Skuce
(sister of Staff Sgt Kilrea)
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 19, 1945
Universal Education is said key to peace
Mrs. L.L. Skuce ....
Ottawa Journal
Monday, 31 Dec 1945
Skuce—In fond and loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs William Skuce, who passed away December 31, 1942.
Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain; To have, to love, and then to part is the greatest sorrow of one's heart
The years may wipe out many things, but this they wipe out never—
The memory of those happy days, when we were all together.
—Son Andy and May.
Skuce—In fond and loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs F Skuce, who passed away December 31, 1942
Many lonely heartaches
Often a silent tear
But always a beautiful memory
Of a mother I loved so dear
—Daughter Lottie, Son-in-law Charles, Grandsons Gordon and Bud.
Skuce—In fond a loving memory of a dear grandmother who passed away December 31, 1942
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear grandmother that we do not think of you.
—Alfie and Frankie
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 2 January 1946
(Also in Montreal Star, same day)
167 From Ottawa Area Honored by King In New Year's Awards to Armed Forces
Skuce, Richard Augustus, Squadron Ldr, Mrs. R.A. Skuce (wife), General Delivery Trenton Ont. (address on enlistment, Ottawa).
Calgary Herald
January 19, 1946
Drumheller Pioneer Dies
George Sidney Skuce, 74, of Drumheller, president of the Drumheller Pioneers and Oldtimers' Association, died Wednesday in the Hold Cross Hospital in Calgary.
Mr. Skuce was born in Peterborough, Ont., and came to Drumheller in 1910. For many years he was agent in Drumheller for the North Star Oil Co.
He is survived by his wife Florence; one daughter, Mrs. E.J. Hooker, and two grandchildren, all of Drumheller.
The body was forwarded to Drumheller for services and burial.
Calgary Herald
January 19, 1946
George Skuce
Funeral service for George Sidney Skuce, 74, president of the Drumheller Pioneers' and Oldtimers' Association who died Wednesday in the Holy Cross hospital will be held Sunday afternoon in Drumheller. Burial will be in Drumheller. Leyden's funeral home is in charge.
Mr. Skuce settled in what is now the city of Drumheller when it was homestead land. He arrived here before the railway and the discovery of coal in the district.
He operated the first livery barn in this area when livery barns were still a thriving business. Lumber to build his first barn was floated down the Red River from Red Deer and was retrieved from the water at the ferry which was discarded on the erection of the Stauffer bridge which spand the river on the Calgary-Saskatoon highway.
The deceased prioneer was prominent in the Oldtimer's Association here and an authority on the growth of the Goose Lake line area. For the past few years he had operated a service station here.
The Drumheller Mail, Drumheller, Alberta
Thursday, January 24, 1946
Sid Skuce Opened Drumheller's First Business in 1910
Came to West Manitoba in 1896 and Resided in California for Eight Years; Came here in 1906
Funeral services for George Siudney Skuce were conducted in the Chapel in the Valley, Sunday afternoon, Janary 20, in the presence of a large number of old-timers and friends.
Rev. W.H. Moss, M.A., B.D., was the officiating minister and hymns sung were "Peace, Perfect Peace" and "Rock of Ages." There was a profusion of floral tributes arranged around the casket and chapel.
Beloved husband of Florence Skuce, of 501 First Street West, Drumheller, the late Mr. Skuce died in Calgary on January 16, at the age of 74 years and 18 days. A native of Peterborough, Ontario, he had resided in the Drumheller district for 41 years.
Pall-bearers were: Messrs. L. Parge, A. Hoffman, M.G. Gourlay, H. Schorn, S. Rastall and Art Parge
Interment was in Drumheller cemetery, Winter's Funderal Home directing arragements
First Businessman
Sid Skuce enjoyed the distinction of being first businessman in Drumheller, camping at the Red Deer river in the Fall of 1910 and starting in the livery business in tents. Shortly afterward he added temporary premises constructed of half tent and half tumber, in which he conducted a small restaurant business. However, this was not Mr. Skuce's first appearance in this district.
He came west in 1896, locating for one year in Manitoba, and then went to California, where for seven years he was engaged in fruit ranching in Imperial Valley, and then for one year worked at hog ranching. Having been in touch with Jim Beattie, another pioneer of this district, Sid Skuce decided to strike out for Drumheller (before it was Drumheller). He was met at Gleichen by Mr. Beattie and the two drove across the prairie and arrived here in firve days. This was in the early parrt of 1905 and Messrs. Skuce and Beattie entered a ranch partnership.
When the C.P.R. opened the land for sale, Mr. Skuce built a log shack and barn in 1909 at Newcastle, and Beattie and the two drove across the following year commenced contracting, breaking land for the farmers in the Strathmore discrict. In the fall of 1910, he camped near the river here and started his livery and restaurant business.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, February 13, 1946
County Approves High School Area
... L.L. Skuce, public school inspector for Halton county. ...
The Ottawa Citizen, Ontario
February 16, 1946
Skuce — In hospital on Saturday, February 16, 1946, Marilyn Gayle, only daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. Delmar Skuce of 209 Arlington Ave., aged 5 years. Resting at Hulse and Playfair Ltd, 315 McLeod St., where service will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday, the 19th inst., at 2 pm. Interment Pinecrest cemetery.
Winnipeg Free Press
Tuesday, February 19, 1946
Skuce, Marilyn Gayle — On February 16, 1946, at ottawa, Ontario Marilyn Gayle, only daughter of Sergeant and Mrs Delmer Skuce, aged 5 years. Service and interment in Ottawa, Tuesday afternoon, February 19.
Ottawa Citizen
February 21, 1946
Card of Thanks
Skuce - We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciations for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our many friends in the recent loss of our beloved daughter, Marilyn Gayle Skuce. We especially thank the Rev. A. O. Lloyd. - Sgt. and Mrs. D. W. Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, March 9, 1946
Joint IODE meet held in Oakville
... Mrs. L.L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, March 29, 1946
What happens when a flock of Toronto entertainers-practically all of them-get together? ... Lou Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, April 8, 1946
1000 are expected at IODE Gathering
... Mrs L. L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 11, 1946
Many War Brides assisted by IODE
... Mrs L. L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 12, 1946
Chapter re-elects Mrs. Lionel Millen
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, Milton; ...
Winnipeg Free Press
Monday, July 6, 1946
John Weldon Jackson, 72, of Jodgson, Man. died June 30 at his residence. The funeral service was held July 2 in St Phillips church, with Rev E Smith officiating. Burial was made in the local cemetery. Born in Nova Scotia, he moved to Hodgson several years ago. Mr Jackson is survived by his widow Kathleenl two sons, John of Sinclair and Walter of Hodgson, a step-son O H Peln, of Hodson, and a step-daughter, Mrs R Skuce, of Brandon. Also surviving are two brothers, W H Jackson and Charles Jackson of Lorneville, N.S., and three sisters, Mrs A Sutherland, of Seattle Wash., Mrs H Ogden, of New Brunswick, and Mrs May Grene of Borteville. The pallbearers were A Adams, Thomas Truthwaite, Henry Truthwaite, Horace Truthewaite, Jacob Truthwaite and Allen McDonald.
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 15, 1946
Kicks, Yells, Rolls from Cab as 2 Shots fired in Kidnap
Ottawa, ...
William Skuce, who lived nearby, was hammering up ivy to his cottage, and believing there had been an accident, ran to the scene with the hammer in his hand. The two men then made off in opposite directions.
Skuce told constables, "I was never so surprised in my life. There was a man lying on the roadway beside a car, his legs braced against the door, and two men were struggling to get him back inside. One of the men dropped a gun from his pocket, and as I approached he picked it up and ran away."
The Globe and Mail
Monday, 15 Jul 1946
Two held for Robbing, Trussing Taxi Owner
Ottawa, July 14 (CP).—...
The taxicab owner escaped when the cab stopped at a traffic light at Britannia, about five miles west of Ottawa, by kicking open a door and rolling onto the street.
The two men attempted to put him back in the taxi but ran off in different directions when William Skuce, a resident approached.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, July 17, 1946
Lake Nipissing - Wassi Falls
4-5-roomed furnished cottages. August and September; boats, weekly rates. Write Mrs D. Skuce, Collander P.O., Ont.
Winnipeg Free Press
Friday, August 9, 1946
The home of Mr and Mrs R Skuce, Brandon was the scene of a wedding July 30, when their eldest daughter, Kathleen Margaret, was united in marriage to Franklin Cecil Jacobs, youngest son of Mr and Mrs E J Jacobs, Louder, Man. Rev A J Radley officiated, Miss Kay Reddon of Hargraves, Man, played the wedding music.
The bride wore ivory stain with fitted bodice, net yoke and lily point sleeves. Her full lenght veil was held by a pleated headdress of matching statin. She carried Premier roses and white sweet peas.
The bdiral attendnats were Miss Eileen Muir, of Margaret, Man as maid of honor and Miss Anne Skuce, sister of the bride. Jack Jacobs, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.
A lawn reception was held following the ceremony. Following a motor trip in Banff, the couple will reside at Warren, Man.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, September 21, 1946
IODE has $73.401 for War Memorial
... Mrs. L.L. Skuce, ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, October 5, 1946
Society Highlights
... Mrs. L.L. Skuce, Milton; ...
Ottawa Citizen
Sunday, October 6, 1946
Pay Final Tribute to James M. Skuce
Funeral service for James Milton Skuce, MM, age 63, of 390 Frank street who died unexpectedly on Monday, were held on Wednesday afternoon at the Hulse and Playfair parlor, 315 McLeod street.
The service was largely attended. Among those noticed at the funeral were Mayor Stanley Lewis; W. E. Haughton, KC, Capt. Geo. Rosser, DA; Cecil Morrrison; T.L. Walker, representing the Dept. of Transport; R.F. Pratt, local manager; A. Bell, Cecil Joynt; R.E. Edey; Frank Boyce and Miss A. Bellander, all form the local branch Unemployment Insurance Office where the late Mr. Skuce was employed.
Attending form out of town were his brother T.L. "Lou" Skuce well known cartoonist of Toronto, his wife and children; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyon and son Louis form Syracuse, N.Y.
Rev W. B. Morgan of St. Stephen's Church, Britannia, conducted the service, assisted by the Rev. Grigg of Sioux Lookout. Interment was at Beechwood cemetery.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario
November 5, 1946
Son of Fred Skuce, 23 Oct
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 4 December 1946
Mrs James Skuce Dies in 93rd Year
Many friends will learn with regret of the death Tuesday of Mrs Margaret Skuce, widow of James Skuce, at her home at Britannia Heights, following a short illness. She was in her 93rd year.
The former, Margaret Boulger, she was born in Ottawa and lived in the city until 53 years ago when she took up residence at Britannia Heights. Her husband, James Skuce, to whom she was married in Ottawa 66 years ago, died in 1916.
Active in church work, Mrs. Skuce was a member of St. Alban's Anglican Church, while living in Ottawa, and after moving to Britannia Heights she attended St. Stephen's Anglican Church. She was also a member of the Red Cross.
Surviving are three sons, John Howard and George Orval, both of Britannia Heights, Thomas Lewis (Lou) of Toronto; a sister, Miss Jane Boulger, of Ottawa; 12 granchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Another son, James Milton Skuce, died suddenly last October.
The body is at Hulse and Playfair Limited where Rev. W.B. Morgan will conduct the service in the chapel Thursday at 3 p.m.
Interment will be in Beechwood cemetery.
The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, December 4, 1946
Lou Skuce Bereaved
Ottawa, Dec 3 (CP)—Mrs Margaret Skuce, 93, mother of Lou Skuce, Toronto cartoonist, died at her home at near-by Britannia Heights today. Funeral services will be held Thursday.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, December 5, 1946
Skuce—On Tuesday, Dec 3, 1946 at her home, Britannia Heights, Margaret Boulger, widow of James Skuce, in her 93rd year. Resting at Hulse and Playfair Ltd 311 McLeod Street, where service will be held in the chapel on Thursday, the 5th inst, at 2 pm. Interment in Beechwood cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 6 December 1946
Many Attend Funeral Mrs James Skuce
Many residents of Ottawa and the Nepean township area were present Thursday afternoon to pay trubute to the memory of Mrs James Skuce, widely known Britannia resident, when her funeral was held from Hulse and Playfair Limited.
Service was conducted in the chapel by Rev. W.B. Morgan and interment was in Beechwood cemetery.
The former Margaret Boulger, Mrs Skuce was born in Ottawa, nearly 93 years ago. Her busband, James Skuce, died in 1916. Mrs Skuce's death followed a short illness.
She is survived by her three sons, John Howard and Grorge Orval, both of Britannia Heights, Thomas Lewis (Lou) Skuce, well known Toronto newspaper cartoonist; a sister, Miss Jane Bougler of Ottawa; 12 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. A son, James Milton Skuce, died suddenly last October.
Among the large number of persons attending the funeral services were T.K. Graham, W.E. Haughton, KC; Councillor Frank Boyce of Woodroffe, Cecil Morrison, Archie Atchison, Charles Russell, Captain J.A. Holt, J.A Pelletier.
C.E. Compton, Charles Olmsted, C.M. Goddard, George White, A.C. Hunter, W.W. Skuce, William Skuce, Thomas Saunders, F.W. Pooler, I. Fowler, C. McDiarmid, Harold Merrill, G.P. Gardner, Herbert Skuce, R.H. Cummings.
R.W. Winthrop, J.A. Connolly, L.T. White, Charles A. Cooke, R.W. Marshall, Frank Perry, M. Wahab, T.E. Walker, H.B. Moffatt, Jr., Gordon Foy, Lt. Commander
Allan Beddoe and many others.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, January 15, 1947
Name T. Marshall, Oakville to Scan Teachers' Salaries
L.L Skuce, inspector for Halton county, ...
Winnipeg Free Press
Saturday, January 18, 1947
William Skuce
Brandon, Man.—The funeral service was held Friday at 2 p.m. in the family home, for William Skuce, 89, pioneer resident of the Nesbitt district, who died in Brandon, Jan 10. Burial was made in the Minnewawa cemetery. Born in Melville, Ont., Mr Skuce cam to the Nesbitt district in 1886, farming there for the past 60 years. He is survived by four sons, George, of Vancouver, BC, Arnold and Albert, at home, and Richard, of Brandon and one daughter, Mrs John Harding, of Nesbitt. Mrs Skuce died in 1904, and one son Frank, was killed in action during the first world war.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario
13 September 1947
Mrs Evelyn Skuce, 77 years, Sept 10, widow of Frank Skuce
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, February 25, 1947
John Fisher Pupils sing way to Triple-Tro Honors
Music-Minded Youngsters
... Nancy Skuce
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, April 16, 1947
Provincial IODE spent $177,783 in aid of Schools
... Mrs. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 17, 1947
Provincial Chapter Holds Annual Meet
... Mrs. L. I. Skuce, Milton; ...
The Toronto Star
Saturday, April 26, 1947
The season's final Sunday Evening musicale at Red Cross lodge, Christie St., will be under the direction of Olive Flint, ATCM Thirdy artists will participate in the program. The Beaux Arts string tro will be instrumentalists, and the Skuce sisters will dance, accompanied by Marge Lobraico. Mrs O.A. Hutton and Kay Griffin will receive.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, 27 May, 1947
Page 16, C2
Mrs W H Graham, nee Hannah Skuse, May 26
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, May 28, 1947
.. Mrs. L. L. Skuce, Milton; ...
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 24 June 1947
Skuce, Mrs Amelia—On Monday, June 23, 1947, at her home, Carsonby, Ont., Amelia Barr, beloved wife of John H Skuce in her 85th year. Funeral service at the home Wednesday, 1.30 p.m. Interment Riedeau Vale, Kars.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 1 July 1947
Following are the Camp Packs for 1947:
White Pack— Orval Skuce in charge, as Akela;
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 5 July 1947
Skuce, John H. — On Friday, July 4, 1947, at home, Carsonby, John Skuce, husband of the late Amelia Barr, in his 85th year. Funeral Monday at above address, 2 p.m. Interment Rideau Vale, Kars.
Lethbridge Herald
July 16, 1947
Renews Acquaintances
Milk River—(HNS)— N C. Shaver of Oshawa, Ont, accompanied by his nephew C Skuce, wife and two children, were visitors at the Madge homes in Milk River and at Waterton Lakes for a few days. They were enroute to visit Mr Shaver's brother in Vancouver, BC. While in Milk River Mr Shaver renewed acquaintances with many of his old friends, as several years age he was in charge of oil drilling operations on the Madge farm east of town.
The Toronto Star
Friday, August 1, 1947
... Mrs. Lou Skuce.
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, August 21, 1947
Mr Kennedy Skuce of New York is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs W Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, August 26, 1947
DUNCAN, Archibald Miller - On Tueday, Aug 26, 1947, at his residence, Billor St., Islington, Ontario, Archibald Miller Duncan, beloved husband of Annie M Duncan and dear father of Mrs. Charles Skuse (Isabel), Juneau Alaska. Resting at the Butler Funeral Home, Dundas St., Islington, for service Thursday, 2p.m. Interment Park Lawn cemetery, Norwood, Ont. papers please copy.
Calgary Herald
Wednesday, August 27, 1947
Mrs John Spiller
Mrs John S Spiller, formerly of Calgary, died Monday at her home in Victoria. Services and burials will be held in Victoria.
Born in Ireland, Mrs Spiller came to Calgary in 1911 and took her nurses' training at General hospital. She was a member of North Hill United church and of various church organizations, and a member of the General hospital Nurses' Alumni Association. She moved to Victoria on her husband's retirement five years ago.
Surviving are three
daughters, Mrs Clarence Baker of Vancouver, Joan and Betty of Victoria; one son, Jack of Victoria; her mother, Mrs William Skuce, of Calgary; five sisters, Mrs G.F. Gate and Mrs N.G Webb, both of Calgary, Mrs W.A. Ross of Portland, Ore., Mrs D.J. Lonsberry of Lethbridge, and Mrs. R. G. Hicks of Winnipeg; two brothers, William Skuce of Vancouver, Wash., and Ernest Skuce, of Ireland.
The Toronto Star
Friday, September 19, 1947
Woodgreen United church was the scene of the wedding of Olive Carol Dear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Dear, and George William Skuce, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Skuce, Rev. Ray McCleary officated. The bride wore a gown of white slipper satin, and her full length veil was caught by a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white gladioli and baby 'mums. Mrs. S. Woolhead was her sister's matron of honor and Mrs. J. Dear was bridesmaid. They wore similar gowns of white crepe with silver trim. Diana Dear and Shirley Anne Chester were flower girls, wearing frocks of pink and blue nylon over taffeta. The groomsman, and the ushers were Warren Bracken and Jack Dear. The bride's mother received in mauve, assisted by the mother of the groom, wearing pearl gray.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, 7 November 1947
John Howard Skuce Dies in 66th Year
A member of the Department of Munitions and Supply during World War II, John Howard Skuce, of Britannia Heights, died Thursday in an Ottawa hospital after a lengthy illness. He was in his 66th year.
Born in Ottawa, he was the son of the late Mr and Mrs James Skuce and eceived his education at Lisgar Collegiate. He was married at Ottawa in 1904
to th eformer Harriet Dawson, who predeceased him in 1945.
Mr Skuce was for many years an accountant by prfesssion. Following five years' service with the Munitions and Supply Department during the war he retired two years ago. He was a member of St. Stephen's Church.
Surviving are two sons, J.K. Skuce, Ottawa, and J.R. Skuce, Winnipeg; a daughter. Louis P. Valiquet, Mountain View, Ont.; two brothers, Orval Skuce, Britannia Heights, and Lewis (Lou) Skuce, well-known cartoonist, Toronto, and six grandchildren.
The body is at Hulse and Playfair and the service will be conducted there on Saturday at 2 p.m. by Rev. W.B. Morgan.
Interment will be made in Beechwood cemetery.
The Ottawa Citizen
Nov 8, 1947
Skuce — At a local hospital, on Thursday, November 6, 1947, John Howard Skuce, husband of the late Harriet Dawson, of Britannia Heights, in his 66th year. Resting at Huise and Playfair Limited, 315 McLeod street, where service will be held in the chapel on Saturday. November 8, at 2 p.m. Interment Beechwood cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, November 11, 1947 (Article as well in the Ottawa Journal on the 10th of November)
Many Attend Funeral of John Howard Skuce
Representatives from the Department of Transport and a large number of friends paid fitting tribute to the memory of John Howard Skuce, who died in hospital Thursday at the funeral service held Saturday afternoon.
The funeral service was conducted in the parlors of Hulse and Playfair, Ltd., at 2 p.m. Internment was in Beechwood cemetery.
Among those noticed at the funeral were: Reeve Harry Parslow, E.H. McLlellan, representing the Department of Transport: S.L Conroy, Post Office depertment; E.W. Haughton, KC; John Smaridge, W.J. Irvine, T.K., Graham, M.E. Wahab, G. Fraser, C.R. MacLaurin, William Dempsey, Jack Adamson, T. Earl Walker, R.W. Marchal, N.E. Cohoon, Michael Valiquet, J.H. Watson, R. Holt, P. McD. Veale, Harold Beardsley, R.L. Beardsley, Don Beardsley, A. A. Jackson, Lloyd Beatty, Osborne Beatty, Ira Fowler, Canadian Bank Note Company.
Irma Times
December 5, 1947, Page 4
"Ignorance is the disease which stamps doom on a people or on a world." — Mrs L L Skuce.
The Ottawa Journal
Friday, January 2, 1948
Barry's Bay, Jan 1 (Special). Warned that their home was on fire by an electric light fixture dropping from the ceiling while they were having New Year's Day dinner, Lloyd Skuce and his family escaped with only the clothes that they were wearing and $10,000 damage was caused in the fire which destryoed the large double frame house. Mr Skuce and his family occupied one side of the house and Wesley Blaney and his family, the other half. The Blaney's suffereed about $2,000 dame when they lost most of thier belongings. They managed to have some of the furniture downstairs, but it was damaged by snow and water and their loss is only partially covered by insurance. Although the double house was partially insured by Mr Skuce, he said insurance would not be enough to build the shell ofht home which had recently been redocreated and fully furnished. The fire was believed to have started in the attic from the chimney but was not discovered until approximately 1.45pm when the light fixture fell in the dining room. For some time the home, grocery store and restaurant owned by Frank Yanthas and valued at $15,000 was in danger, but the resilient work of volunteer fire fighter who used snow and water and wet blankets on the windows, saved the building. Some damage is believed to have been done by water to the floors and furniture.
The Globe and Mail
Friday, January 2, 1948
Light Fixture Drops on Dinner as Home Burns
Barry's Bay, Ont., Jan 1 (CP).—Abruptly warned that their home was on fire when an electric light fixture dropped from the ceiling into the middle of their New Year's Day dinner, Lloyd Skuce and his family fled from thei home today, escaping with only the clothes they were wearing.
Damage was estimated at $10,000 when the two-story double frame house in which the Skuces lived was razed by the fire.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario, Canada
5 January 1948
Page 5, C1
Mrs Edmund Dewar, nee Skuse, 63rd year, Jan 4
The Toronto Star
Friday, February 6, 1948
'Skid' Skuce scores pair for Police Club
"Skid" Skuce came up with a pair of goals last night as Long Branch Boys Police club downed Long Branch "Y" 5 to 1 in a lakeshore hockey leagure game. Joe Hilliard and Teddy Reeve sank single goals for the winners and Marshall got the other along with an assit. "Pop" Smythe bagged the "Y" marker.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, February 11, 1948
Marshall Bags Four in Police Club Score
... Skuce ...
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario, Canada
12 February 1948
Mrs L L Skuce
Ottawa Citizen
February 17, 1948
Skuce - In loving memory of our dear little daughter, Marilyn Gayle who passed away February 16, 1946. Her sunny smile is not forgotten.
- Mother and dad.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, April 14, 1948
Education is seen First Defence Line
... Mrs. L. L. Skuce, of Milton; ...
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 12 April 1948
Pretty Wedding at St Paul's Lutheran Church
Mr and Mrs Eldon Skuce sign the register following their wedding on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Skuce is the former Miss Audrey Kritsch, daughter of the late Mr and MRs A W Kritsch, and niece of Mr and MRs J F Messerschmidt. The bridgeroom is the son of Mr and MRs G O Skuce, of Britannia.—(Photo by Little.)
Audry Kritsch is April Bride
At two o'clock on Saturday afternoon in St Paul's Lutheran Church, the wedding took place of Miss Audrey Kritsch, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs A W Kritsch, of Ottawa, and Mr Eldon Skuce, son of Mr an dMrs G O Skuce, of Britannia,. Rev G H Raedke officiated. Mrs H Bacher played the organ music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Florence Mentzel,
Given in marriage by her uncle, Mr J F Messerschmidt, the bride was attended by her sister, Mrs K Likeness, as matron-of-honor, and by two bridesmaids, Miss Goldie Gary and Miss Shirley Maguire. Mr Lloyd Skuce, uncle of the bridegroom, was best man and the ushers were Mr Don Chapper and Mr Spencer Cummings.
The bride wore a gown of ivory slipper satin, designed with a alace apron, and flounces of lace with tiny satin rosettes. The bodice had a long sleeves ending in points over the hands and a sweetheart neckline. Orange blossoms held in place her long veil and she carried an arm bouquet of American Beauty roses.
Following a reception at 346 Driveway, Mr and MRs Skuce left to motor to New York. Going away the bride wore a black tailored suit bound in sating, and a black and white straw hat, trimmed with gardenias. They will take up residence in Ottawa.
Out-of-town guests included Mr and Mrs Lou Skuce, Toronto, Sqdn Ldr and Mrs Valiquet, Trenton; Miss Margaret Cockburn, Mr Douglas Cockburn, Delhi, Ont.; Mr and Mrs Graham Runnells, Miss Yvonne Newsome, Montreal; Miss Myrtle Younghusband, Dunrobin; Mr and Mrs H Lyons, Syracuse.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 15, 1948
800 Women Attend Annual IODE Meet
... Mrs Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 16, 1948
IODE Meet Elects Province Councillors
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, Milton; ...
The Calgary Herald
Monday, April 19, 1948
Skuce —April 18, at the residence of her daughter Mrs George F Gate, 1811 Kensington Road. Mrs Hester Ann Skuce, aged 83 years. The remains are resting at "The Little Chapel on the Corner." Ammoucments later by Jacques Funeral Home.
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta
Tuesday, April 20, 1948
Page 13
Skuce—Word has been received in the city of the death of Mrs Hester Ann Skuce, 83, who passed away in Calgary on Sunday, April 18. She is the mother of Mrs D J Lonsberry of the city. Funreal services are being held Wednesday at 1:30pm in Jacques' chapel, Calgary, with J E Reed and A Graham officiating. Interment will follow in the family plot, Burnsland cemetery.
Four other daughters survive besides Mrs Lonsberry. They are: Mrs W A Ross, Portland, Oregon; Mrs R G Hicks, Winnipeg; and Mrs M G Webb and Mrs G F Gale, both of Calgary. Two sons, William of Vancouver, Wash., and Ernest of Belfast, Ireland, survice, and 16 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Her husband William, predeceased her in Calgary in 1941.
Page 15
Mrs D J Lonsberry has been in Calgary for the past week where her mother, Mrs H A Skuce, passed away on Sunday following a lengthy illness. Funeral services will be held in Calgary on Wednesday.
The Toronto Star
Friday, April 23, 1948
Hired Warden to Fly Furs Chased by Plane, Nabbed
Pembroke, April 23 - "All air service serivce piolets are deputy game wardens," E. L. Skuce, fish and wild life specialist for the department of lands and forests, explained today, commenting on the arrest of a Barry's Bay merchant, Charles Murray, on a charge of having illegally $1,700 worthof Beaver pelts.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, April 24, 1948
Hires Warden to Fly Furst, Nabbed by Second Aircraft
... E. L. Skuce, overseer
The Ottawa Citizen
May 22, 1948
Pennock - In a local hospital on Saturday, May 22, 1948. Philemon James Pennock, beloved husband of Sarah Skuce, formerly Sarah Bickerton and the of the late Margaret Duke by first marriage in his 70th year. Resting at the Tubman funferal home. 403 Richmond Rd., Westboro. Funeral service at St. Martin's church, Woodroffe, on Tuesday, May 25 at 3pm. Interment at Beechwood cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
May 26, 1948
P. K. Pennock
Many friends and relatives gathered at St. Martin's church, Woodroffe, Tuesday afternoon to pay final tribute to Philemon James Pennock, World War 1 Veteran and former civil servant, who died here Saturday. Rev. W.B. Morgan conducted the services with the assistance of Orval Skuce, nephew of Mr. Pennock. Cecil Skuce, a step-son was organist.
Chief mourners at the simple ceremony were Mrs. Pennock, widow of the deceased, and his two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Bond and Mrs. William Sharp, both of Ottawa.
Those attending included G.S. McGillivray, who represented the Department of Veteran's Affairs; Major Charles Omstead, W.B. Pennock, H.A. Kelly, William B. Chipman, E.H.B. Harrison, J. Y. Gerard, W.C. Mills, R.H. Moore, Reeve of Richmond.
R.A. Skuce, E.T. Skuce, R.A. Bradley, G.W. Poapst, Herbert Boucher, Robert Bond, Borden Hoobs, H. Wall, Thomas Saunders, George E. Pennock, Paul Dufour, Lawrence Butler.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, May 29, 1948
... Mrs. L. L. Skuce, Milton.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 17 June 1948
The ladies of St Stephen's Guild, Britannia, held their annual garden-party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Powell, Britannia. The guests were received by the president Mrs. G. O. Skuce, and Mrs. Powell. ...
The Ottawa Journal
Wdnesday, 23 June 1948
SKUCE—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs John H Skuce, who passed away on June 23, 1947.
The folling stream of life rolls on,
But still the vacant chair
Recalls the love, the voice, the smile
Of one who once sat there.
—Mr and Mrs H.W. Craig and Family.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, July 24, 1948
Speaking on Sport
Lou Skuce, an artist who is still active, could do you a nice job, ...
Ottawa Citizen
2 August, 1948
At St. Luke's
Orville Skuce, lay reader of Britannia, conducted the services at St Luke's church in place of Rev Serson Clark, pastor who has started his vacation. Kendall McNeil, lay reader, will be in charger of services for the next four Sundays.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, August 7, 1948
SKUCE- Mr. and Mrs. George Skuce (nee Olive Carol Dear), proudly annouce the birth of their daughter, Nancy Carol, at the Grace hospital, Saturday, Aug 7, 1948
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario, Canada
12 August 1948
Page 10
c4 Married - Robert Eugene Skuce, son of Lorne Skuce to Betty Frances Howe, daughter of Joseph Howe, Aug 7
The Toronto Star
Thursday, October 7, 1948
Ratepayers favor 4-Room linbrook School Addition
L.L. Skuce, public school inspector, ...
Ottawa Citizen
Nov 13, 1948
Maynard Skuce, wishes to annouce he has re-opened his Automotive repair garage at 24 Florence street, after having served 6 years with the Armed Forces.
Ottawa Citizen
Nov 16, 1948
Andrew Skuce to Charles Brownlee, Patrick McKeown, and Thomas Shipman, Echo Drive, $6,500.
The Bracebridge Gazette
Thursday, November 18, 1948
..., Mr G.W. Skuce, the courteous and efficient C.N.R. Bracebridge Station Master, ...
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 22 November 1948
District Commissioned Medals of merit or good services to scounting:
Orval Skuce (35 years)
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 31, 1948
Mosher Pupils Dance in Holiday Recital
... Nancy and Sandra Skuce and Joan Rouse made a big hit with an advanced tap routine....
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 31, 1948
IODE Offers Scholarship to Bright Indian Student
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, of Milton; ..
Boxoffice Magazine
27 January 1949
Page 97
Victoria, BC
.. Douglas Lewis, Sovereign Films booker, has annouced his engagement to Ruth Skuse of Victoria...
The Globe and Mail
Friday, 4 February 1949
Juveniles Play Tie
Jimmy's Taxi and Coulson HC battled to a 1-1 tie in a THL juvenile game last night at Ravina Rink. Skuce scored the lone goal form Jimmy's, while Harood was Coulson's marksman.
The Montreal Star
Saturday, Februrary 12, 1949
Lt.-Col H. J. Webb
Col. H. J. Webb dies, Aged 68
Business man had many Interests.
Lt. Col. H.J. Webb, former vice precident of the Bathurst Power and Paper Co. Ltd, died at the Royal Victoria Hospital today, in his 69th year. Funderal arrangements will be announced later.
Born at Iffley, Oxon, England, on on September 3 1880, he was the son the late Edward Webb and Sarah Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, April 14, 1949
Page 28
English-Speaking Nations called most Influential
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, of Milton; ..
Page 29
Ontario Chapters Elect Councillors
... Mrs L. L. Skuce, of Milton; ..
Ottawa Citizen
April 29, 1949
To marry in June - Miss Eleanor Roberta Skuce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Skuce and Thomas F. Glynn, eldest son of T. E. Glynn, of Saskatoon, whose engagement is announced today. Their marriage will take place in St. Matthew's Anglican church June 11.
The Toronto Star
Monday, May 16, 1949
Couple's Third Fire 'Hard to Start Over'
Lobo, Ont., Mary 16-(CP)-Seventy-two-year old Eli Skuse and his wife, Nettie, were left with only the clothes they were wearing and their car when fire destroyed their farmhouse here Friday.
It was the third time since they married 47 year ago that fire had brought them heavy loss. Their home was not insured.
"At my age you don't have the kick to start again," Mr. Skuse said. But he and his wife already have talked about going back. For the present they are making their home with their daughter, Mrs. Alice Gording.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, June 3, 1949
Thomas Glynn, whose marriage to Miss Eleanor Skuce takes place Saturday, was guest of honor when his friends entertained for him Saturday evening at the home of Jack Kilraie. Mr. Glynn was presented with a gift.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, June 11, 1949 (Similar article in the Ottawa Journal)
Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Glynn of Saskatoon are in Ottawa, for the wedding of their son, Thomas F. Glynn, to Miss Eleanor R. Skuce, today. Miss Gwen Glynn and Miss Ada Goodman of Winnipeg are also in Ottawa for the wedding.
Ottawa Citizen
June 13, 1949
Mr and Mrs. A. George, Mrs. William Fowley and Miss Marilyn Fowley of Schenectedy, NY, arrived in Ottawa Friday to attend the Glynn-Skuce wedding.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, June 14, 1949
Western Canada Honeymoon for Saturday Newlyweds
A honeymoon trip to Montreal then to Western Canada centers, including Saskatoon, Calgary and Banf, follows the wedding Saturday of Eleanor Skuce and Thomas F Glynn
Rev T E Downey officated at the double ring ceremony in St Matthew's Anglican church for the daughter of Mr and Mrs William W Skuce and the son of T E Glynn of Saskatoon.
Wedding music was played by Dr John W Bearder, and Miss Freda Lyon was soloist. Peonies, iris, white lilac and lupins decorated the church for th eoccasion.
Mr Skuce gave his daughter in marriage. Her honor attendants were Mrs R P Rennie and Miss Helen Carson, and Miss Pat Tupper was bridesmaid, Miss Sonia Frraser was flower girl.
Wilf Muldoon served as best man, and ushers were G S Kelly, R J Auger and R P Rennie of Montreal.
The bride's gown of blush satin was fashioned with scalloped sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice and long-skirt ending in a flounce and extending into a long train. A coronet of matching braided satin held her train-length veil of nylon illusion, and she carried a cascade bouquet of Johnna Hill roses.
A reception was hel at the home of the bride's parents.
Travelling, Mrs Glynn wore a cream gabardine suit with green accessories and a corsage bouquet of pink Pinnochio.
The couple will reside in Gleneagle during the summer.
Out-of-town guests include Mr and Mrs T E Gylnn of Saskatoon; Miss Gwen Glyn and Miss Ada Goodman of Winnipeg; Mrs E Towns, Mrs F Fowler, Miss Mariyln Fowler, and Mr and Mrs A George of Schenectady, Nyl Mr and Mrs A Muldoon of Kemptville; Mr and Mrs Charles McKay of Torontol Mr and Mrs S Zarbatany and Mr and Mrs R P Rennie of Montreal, and H Kilrea of Detroit, Mich.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, June 15, 1949
Ask Board shift deadline on School Starting Age
... L.L. Skuce, the public school inspector ...
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, June 15, 1949
$1400 Scholarship is offered by IODE
.... Mrs. L.L. Skuce ...
The Toronto Star
Friday, July 15, 1949
Name Weatherstone as School Chairman
... L.L. Skuce, the public school inspector for Halton county, ...
The Toronto Star
Monday, September 19, 1949
Wins I.O.D.E scholarship
Mrs. L.L. Skuse, provincial educational secretary, IODE, ancounces the IODE provincial scholarship of $1400 for 1949 has been awarded to Paul D Revey, Hamilton.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, December 13, 1949
Skuce —on Saturday, December 10, 1949 at the Grace Hospital, to Mr and Mrs Lloyd M Skuce, a boy. Both doing well.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, January 17, 1950
Skuce—To Mr and Mrs Eldon B Skuce (nee Audry Kritsch) at the Ottawa Civic Hospital on Sunday, January 15, 1950, a son. Both well.
The Toronto Star
Friday, February 24, 1950
Pick Pakenham Girl ' Miss Civil Service'
... and Margaret Skuce of mines and technical surveys.
... Only home-town winner in the trio was Miss Skuce, who was born at Britannia, an Ottawa suburb.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, February 25, 1950 (Calgary Herald, 28 Feb)
Blonde Income Tax Clerk Crowned "Miss Civil Service"
... Margaret Skuce
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, June 28, 1950
Mrs Mary Skuce: Died in Michigan
Veneration of Mrs Mary A Skuce was held recently in Ferndale, Mich. Mrs Skuce had resided there for the past 17 years and died June 20, in her 78th year. Chief mourners were two sons, James E, of Toronto; Howard F, of Callander; two daughter, Mrs Mildred Powell, Ferndale, Mich., and Mrs Ann Anderson, Lanark, Ont. The service was conducted by Rev F Perry and burial was made in Oakview cemtery, Ferndale.
Winnipeg Free Press
Thursday, July 27, 1950
Bankes—On July 24, 1950, at the Winnipeg General Hospital, Charles Gordon Bankes, late of 179 Logan Ave, aged 67 years. Funeral service was held at 11 a.m, Thursday July 27, in Morton? Brothers Funeral Home, Broadway at Edmonton, Interment at the Brookside cemetery.
*Nee Skuce
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 28 August 1950
Retiring Rector Honored by Friends
The congregation and friends of St. Stephen's Church, Britannia, joined in the presentation of a purse to Rev. W. B. Morggan, rector of the parish for many years, who has retired due to ill health.
The presentations was made at the rectory Sunday by a delegation from the congregation of St. Stephen's Church, headed by Orval Skuce, in appreciation of Mr. Morgan's long and faithful ministry.
Mrs. Morgan was present with a bouquet of flowers by Mary Bedingfield, on behalf of those present.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 19 September 1950 (Also 20th issue)
Skuce, Lena– At a local hospital on Monday, September 18, 1950, Lena Worden, wife of the late James Milton Skuce of 26 James Street in her 66th year. Resting at Hulse and Playfair, 315 McLeod Steet. Service in the chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. Intermnet Pinecrest Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, 12 October 1950
Mrs. G. Fugelsang of S. Army Passes
Mrs. Margaret Fugelsang, 59 (nee Margaret Freeman), wife of Major George Fugelsang, Marinette, Wis, died in Mayo Clinic hospital, Rochester, Minn, Wednesday, after a brief illness.
Mrs. Fugelsang was for 40 years a Salvation Army officer. She entered the Army college at Toronto in 1910, and was stationed here for four years, before going to British Columbia. She served in Vancouver, Edmonth, Regina and Winnipeg. Four years ago she and her husband were transferred to the US . They were in Chicago two years, then moved to Marinette.
Surviving in addition to her husband, are one daughter, Astrid, her mother, Mrs. Frank Freeman, three sisters, Mrs. Eva See, Mrs. Cora Andrews and Mrs. Amy Skuce, all of Toronto, two brothers Frank of Toronto and George of Chicago.
Funeral service will be held in Chicago Friday.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, November 4, 1950
Hamilton, Nov.4—Laidlaw United church, with Rev. J.A. Tuer officiating, was the setting for the marriage of Phyllis Audrey Skuse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Skuse, to Stanley Warren White, of Woodstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard White, Hamilton. White satin and lace fashioned the bride's gown. Her veil fell from a bonnet of satin and lace and she carried lillies and stephanotis. A trio fo attendants, in taffeta gowns and matching feathers in their hair, and carrying basket bouquets of 'mums and lilies were: Shirley Skuce, the bride's sister, in pale gray, and Mary Egan and Elizabeth White, in fuchsia, Gwendolyn Richdale was in flower girl's frock of blue taffeta, and carried a nosegay. Ralph James was best man. Guests were ushered by Kenneth E Skuse and Leigh White, brothers of the bride and groom. After a honeymoon in the States, the couple are to live in Woodstock. Going away, the bride wore a black print fock, and black accessories.
Gleaner Extracts, Canada
10 May 1951
Elizabeth Mary Blitho, beloved wife of the late John Welburn, and beloved mother of Mrs. Hayman, Mrs. Morehouse, and Mrs. Parker, all of Montreal Québec. Died at the residence of her son Lawrence of Huntingdon, where she had made her home the last number of years. She was in her 93rd year. The deceased was formerly Mary Jane Blythe of Lostus, Yorkshire, England . Shortly after her marriage to the late John Welborn, of England , who predeceased for 26 years ago, they immigrated to Canada and resided in Harrington, later moving to Namur, where Mr. Welborn died April 29th, 1925, whereupon Mrs. Welborn decided to reside in Huntingdon. She leaves to mourn, a loving mother and sister, 7 daughter's, four son's and one sister, Mabel, Mrs. Thomas Leggett of Namur, Hilda, Mrs. Harry Steen of sand Andre Avellin, Annie, Mrs. Forrest Skuce of Ottawa, Alice, Mrs. Joseph Moorehouse of East Greenfield, Dollie, Mrs. Sedge Hayman, Mrs. Clifford Parker, of Ville St Laurent, Hazel, Mrs. William O'Connor of Huntingdon, Willie of Howick, Herbert of Herdman Québec, and Jack of Huntingdon, also her loving sister, Mrs. Thomas Ward of Carlin How, Yorkshire England. Funeral services were held in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Huntingdon Québec, service conducted by the Rev. R. D. McLean. Interment in the Huntingdon Cemetery.
[One place in paper, Blitho, and another, Blythe??]
The Toronto Star
Friday, June 1, 1951 / Saturday, June 2, 1951
The public trustee as administator of the estate of Harold Lyle Skuce offers for sale Lots 155 and 156 range south B Township of Sherwood County of Renfrew on Trout Lake, near Barry's Bay, Ontario and to be approximately 1 and 2.5 acres. This property is composed of two summer cottages, one home, a one storey frame building with a screened-in veranda and containing 4 rooms, the other cottage is one storey frame building, contraining 3 rooms. Both cottages are partially furnished and will be sold en bloc, along with a canoe, a square stern boat and two punts. Please forward offers of purchase to the Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall Toronto, Ontario, including 100% certified deposits. Terms cash. Please contact Mr. Thomas Skuce, Barry's Bay, Ontario, for appointment to inspect the premises. Please quote reference CR 3254.
The Globe and Mail
Thursday, 9 Aug 1951 / Friday, 10 Aug 1951
On Stage Sunnyside
Pat Rafferty and Charlie Jeeves
Nancy and Sandra Skuce
Four All Stars
The Globe and Mail
Monday, 20 Aug 1951
YES! Sunnyside's Open
On Stage 8:30 p.m.
Canada 's Greatest Cartoonist
Lou Skuce
The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, 21 Nov 1951
Lou Skuce, Cartoonist was Noted Enterainer
Lou Skuce is dead. The little man with the facile pen and keen wit who entertained and delighted people throughout the English speaking orld with his sport cartoons and other drawings died yesterday at his Chestnut Park Rd home. He was 65.
His death ended an era in Canadian newspaper work. He was the last of the cartoonists who had made his drawings synonomous with sport. His synbol, a good with a Macawber-like hat perched on its head at a rakish angle, was as well-knon as its originator. Lou was working on a cartoon for the Bell Syndicate of New York City and his latest batch of drawings was en route to the syndicate's office when he died. Among his greatest works were the murals he drew for the Toronto Men's Press Club. These drawings, which illustrate vignettes of club life and humorously depict the evolution of the printed word from the stone Age up to today's giant printing presses, cover the walls of one room. They were show shown throughout the Dominion by news-reel and various publications. Lou drew them all in the living room of his home, without plan but by calling upon his vast experience and retentive memory.
He as also famous for his cartoonagraph, a machine which projected onto a screen in vivid fashion the free-handed drawings he put on the board from the floor of the auditorium in which he was working.
This phase of his work never lost its appeal to his audience and it was only a few months ago that he was going his act at the Casino Theatre in downton Toronto. He performed at the Adelph Theatre, London, Eng. ; The Roxy Theatre, New York City, and in many Canadian movie houses.
During the First World War he as with the psychological warfare branch of the National Defense Department, Ottawa. In the Second World War, he produced goverment posters and utilized his cartoonograph to promote Victory Bond Sales.
Lou was as versatile as he was brilliant. In his youth he was a champion athlete; in his later years he was a playwright, an actor and a painter of landscaqpes and portraits.
He won world and Canadian honors for paddling while a member of the Britannia Club, Ottawa. He also paddled for the Parkdale Canoe Club and won numerous cups. He played rugby and hockey. It as this background of sport that enabled him to turn out detailed, accurate cartoons for the sports pages.
While living in New York he became interested in the theatre and embarked upon both playwriting and acting. One of his better known plays was Bill of 13. It was from associations formed in New York that he became interested in the American Guild of Variety Artists. At the time of his death he was chairman of the Toronto Chapter of AVGA.
Born in Ottawa, he starting his cartooning career with the Ottawa Journal. Moving to Toronto, he was employed by the Toronto World, the Star, the Mail and Empire; and for 14 years was art editor of the Sunday World. For the past 15 years he has been free-lancing.
He leaves his wife, the former Kipling Fraser; three daughters, Nancy, Sandra and Mrs Ralph Hurd; a son, John, and one brother, L. Orval G. Skuce, Ottawa. Burial will take place in Ottawa.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 21, 1951
Won Fame as Cartoonist Lou Skuce passes at 65
Lou Skuce, the little man who drew himself into the hearts of Canadians and the world died yesterday at his home on Chestnut Pard Rd. He was 65
His symbol a long-necked goose with a large sloppy hat, perched on its head at a rakish angle, was as well-known as Skuce himself. At the time of his death he was working on a cartoon for the Bell Syndicate of New York, and his latest baton of sketches was en route to the syndicate's office.
Press Club Murals
Among his greatest works' were the murals he drew for the Toronto Men's Press club. These giant pictures, which cover the walls of one room, illustrate vignettes of club life, and humorously depict the evolution of printing from the Stone Age to the monstrous printing presses of today.
The drawings were shown throughout the Dominion by newsreel and various publications, Lou drew them all in the living-room of him home without a plan, by calling on his vast experience and retentive mind.
He was also made famous for his cartoonagraph, a projection machine which flashed on to a screen the free-hand drawings he put on a board from the floor of the auditorium in which he was working.
The cartoonagraph was very popular with audiences. A few months age he performed his act at the Casino theatre in downtown Toronto. His drawings were seen by theatre-goers in the Adelphi threatre, London, Eng. , the Roxy thretre, New York city, and in many Canadian movie houses. He also used his cartoonagraph to entertain troops during World War II.
In his youth, Lou was a champion athlete, and in his later years a playwright, an actor and a painter of landscapes and portraits.
Paddling for the Britannia club, Ottawa, and Parkdale Canoe club, Lou won world and Canadian honors.
In New York City he became interested in the theatre and turned his hand to playwriting and acting. One of his better plays was "Bill of 13." He was interested in the American Guild of Variety Artists and at his death was chairman of the Toronto chapter of A.G.V.A.
Born in Ottawa, Lou Skuce started his career with the Ottawa Journal. Later he moved to Toronto where he worked with the Toronto World, The Mail and Empire, The Star, and for 14 years was an editor of the Sunday World. For the part 15 years he has been free-lancing.
He is survived by his widow, the former Kipling Fraser; three daughters, Nancy, Sandra and Pat, Mrs. Ralph Hurd; a son John, and one brother, L Orval G. Skuce, Ottawa.
Resting in the A.W Miles Funeral chapel, St Clair Ave., the interment will take place Friday at Beechwood cemetery, Ottawa.
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, November 21, 1951
Lou Skuce, 65, Artist, Dies
Ottawa-born Cartoonist Won Wide Fame
Toronoto, Nov. 21 — (C.P.) —
Lou Skuce, 65, who entertained and delighted persons throughout the English-speaking world with sport cartoons and other drawings died yesterday at this drawing board. His symbol, a goose with a hat perched on its head at a raking angle, was a well-known as its originator.
The Ottawa-born Skuce was working on a cartoon for th eBell Syndicate of New uyork when he died. His latest batch of drawings was on its way to the syndicate's office.
During the First World War he was with the Psychological War-branch of the National Defence Department. In the Second World War, he produced Government posters and help promote the sale of Victory Bonds.
In his youth he was an athlete, in his later years a playwrite, an actor and a painter of landscapes and portaits.
He won world and Canadian honors for paddling while a member of the Britannia Club in Ottawa. He also paddles for th Parkdale Canoe Club and won numerous cups. He played rugby and hockey. This background
of sport enabled him to turn out detailed, accurate cartoons for the sport pages.
While living in New York, he became interested in the theatre and started writing plays and acting in them.
One of his best-known plays was "Bill of 13." From associations formed in New York he became interested in the American Guild of Variety Artists. At the time of his death he was chairman of its Toronto chapter.
He started his cartooning career with the Ottawa Journal. After moving to Toronto, he worked forthe old Toronto World, the Star, and the Mail and Empire (later combined with the Glove to form the Glove and Mail), and for 14 years was art editor of the old Sunday World. For the
last 15 years he free-lanced.
He also was famous for his cartoonagraph, a machine which projected onto a screen from the floor
of an auditorium the clever drawings he turned out on his board. He used the device in his Victory Bond promotions.
His performances with the cartoonagraph never lost their appear for those who saw them. Only a few months ago, he did his act at a downtown theatre here. He also performed at various times at the Adelphi theatre in London, England, at New York's Roxy theatre and in many Canadian movie houses.
Surviving besides his widow, the former Kipling Fraser, are a son, John; three daughters, Nancy, Sandra, and Mrs Ralph Hurd; and a brother, Orval G. Skuce, of Ottawa. Burial will be in Ottawa.
Boxoffice Magazine
1 December 1951
Page 88
Ottawa, Ont
Lou J. Skuce, 65, a native of Ottawa who gained fame as an artist, actor, playwright and athlete, died from a heart attack in Toronto. His funeral was held here. He had appeared as an entertainer in many theatres of Canada , the States and England . At the time of his death, a number of his drawings were being delivered to the Bell syndicate in New York.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 31 December 1951
SKUCE—In loving memory of Mrs. Frances Skuce, who passed December 31, 1942.
A leaf in a book of memories
Is gently turned today;
Our thoughts of you dear mother
Are never far away.
—Daughter Lottie
and Son-in-Law Charles.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, March 12, 1952
Barbara M Kimpton H G K Leech's Bride
... ushers .. and Antony Skuce, Montreal. ...
Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, May 15, 1952
Edward Skuce World War I Veteran Dead
A veteran of the First World war, Edward Ernest Skuce died yesterday at the home of his brother, John Skuce, 27 Clegg Street. He was 57.
Mr Skuce had been employed as an electrical welder for a number of years. He attended the Church of the Ascension.
Born at Barry's Bay, Ont., he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Skuce.
Surviving are, three brothers, John, Andrew and William of Ottawa; and a sister, Mrs. Charles MacLaurin of Ottawa.
The body is resting at Hulse and Playfair, Limited. 335 McLeod Street, from where the funeral will be held on Friday to the Church of the Ascension, for service at 11 a.m. Rev. Richard Crossley will officiate. Burial will be in Pinecrest Cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 3 June 1952
In Willowdale, Ontario, on Saturday, May 31, 1952, Margaret Drucilla Skuce to Norman James Blackler.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 4 June 1952
Newlyweds Plan Home in Ottawa
Planning to make their home in Ottawa are bridal couple Mr
and Mrs Norman James Blackler, who were unitied in marriage at the home of the bride's cousin Mrs D. G. Belland of
Willowdale, Ont.
The bride is the former Miss Margaret Drucilla Skuce.
Mixed Spring flowers and
white tapers formed the setting
for the ceremony performed by
Rev H. B. Burwell.
The bride, given in marriage by her cousin Ted Bond, wore
a dress of French blue lace with
an accordion-pleated skirt and
a peplum jacket. Her shell-shaped hat was a woven straw
and she carried a nosegay of forget-me-nots, purple violas and lily-of-the-valley.
Miss Lenore Archibald
attended the bride and G. G. Belland was best man for the groom.
The newlyweds left on a honeymoon trip to southern Ontario, the bride wear a dressmaker suit of grey wool with
navy blue accessories.
Miss Ellen Purkiss of Ottawa was among the out-of-town guests.
The Ottawa Journal
Thuesday, 15 April 1952
Find Body Forest Skuce in River
A body, identified as that of a 56-year-old Ottawa man, Forest Skuce,
489 Kent street, missing form his home since December last, was found floasting in the Ottawa river a short distance east of Rockland at 4:45 p.m. Monday.
Discovery of the Ottawa man's body was made by a Rockland East muskrat trapper, Rheal Laroche, as he worked along the swollen river. It had lodged in a group of Spring-flooded bushes.
Provincial Constables Stan Barr and Bill Wiulson, of Rockland, were called to investigate. Coroner Dr. W.C. Tweedie, of Rockland, was summonded. An inquest is unlikely.
The Ottawa man's wife, Mrs Alice Skuce, reported his
disappearance to Hull police last December. He was last seen alive on the Chaudiere bridge.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, June 16, 1952
Helen Beatrice Skuce is Bride Of Mr. Thomas Everett Moore
Joined ia a double ring ceremony at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon at St. Paul's Anglican Church at Osgoode, Miss Helen Beatrice Skuce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lester Skuce, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Everett Moore, son of Mrs. Joseph H. Martin and the late Mr. W. Charles Moore. Rev. F. A. Cook officiated and bskket of peonies and spiraes decorated the church. Miss Doris Nixon played the organ music. Her father gave the bride in marriage and she was attended by Miss Barbara Roberta as bridesmaid. Mr. James E. Moore was best man for his brother, and the ushers were Mr. Stanley Duncan, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Jack Moore, brother of the bridegroom. The bride wore a gown of ... ... Travelling to Quebec City on their wedding trip Mrs. Tucker wore a gold colored suit with tan and green accessories. On their return the couple will take up residence in Ottawa.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, January 27, 1953
Wood's Hat Trick Paces Bolton Win
Nobleton, Jan. 27 - .... Schomber Sodbusters ... Keith Skuce ...
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 14 May 1953
SKUCE— In fond and loving memory of Edward Skuce, who passed away May 14, 1952.
Loved in life, in death remembered.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, July 28, 1953
A's Sign 17-Year-Old
Ottawa, July 28— Bill Skuce, 17-year-old high school pitcher, was signed to a contract with the Ottawa Athletics today for a 1954 tryout.
(very large article)
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 12 September 1953
Miss Margaret Lumira Skuce and Mr Melville Langdon Johnson, BSc, Mechanical Enginerring, whose engagement is announced by Miss Skuce's parents, Mr and Mrs G Orval Skuce. Mr Johnston is the son of Mr and Mrs Melville C Johnson. The marriage will take place in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the later part of September.
The Forester, Huntsville, Ontario
Thursday, October 15, 1953
Bracebridge – Carl Schultz, of Uterson, has been appointed Canadian National Railways agent at Bracebridge, following the retirement of the former agent there, G.W. Skuce.
The Regina Leader-Post
Tuesday, 10 November 1953
Mrs. W. T. Hall of Fillmore arrived in Regina by plane after attending the marriage of her son Robert Gordon Hall to Miss Bertha May Skuce of Omemee, Ont. She was met at the airport by Mr. Hall.
Ottawa Citizen
20 Nov, 1953
Daniel Beatty Old Resident Dies, Aged 92
Daniel Beatty, one of Ottawa's oldest residents, died yesterday at his home, 381 Winona Avenue at the age of 92.
Mr. Beatty at one time operated a grocery, flour and feed store in Westboro. He also had been a trustee in Westboro for a number of years.
Born at Shirley's Bay, he was a son of the late Thomas Beatty and Eliza Graham. He received his education in local schools and in 1890 married the former Lumira Elizabeth Richardson, who predeceased him in 1943.
The couple celebrated their golden wedding in 1940.
Mr. Beatty had operated a dairy farm until 1913, when he moved to Westboro and operated his store.
A life member of Ionic Lodge A.F. and A.M. of Westboro, he was also a member of Independent Order of Foresters and a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge.
Surviving are three sons, Lloyd, Osborne and Gardiner, all of Ottawa; two daughters, Mrs. Ira Fowley and Mrs. Orval Skuce, both of Ottawa; 11 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.
The body is at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond Road, from where the funeral will be held on Saturday to All Saints Anglican Church, Westboro, at 3.15p.m. Rev. D.M. Christie will officiate.
Interment will be at St. John's Cemetery, South March.
TheRegina Leader-Post
Thursday, 3 December 1953
Fillmore (Special) - Christ church Anglican was the scene of the marriage of Bertha May Skuce and Robert Gordon Hall Oct 17 with Rev. A.W. Smith officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Skuce of Omemee, Ont., and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Hall of Fillmore.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white net and lace over sating with lilypoint sleeves and a rounded neckline. Her finger-tip net veil misted from a tieara of seed pearls and rhinestones and she carried a white prayerbook topped by red roses.
Bridal attandants were her three sisters, Mrs. Stewart Peel, Mrs Budd Bates, and Miss Margaret Skuce. Melville Windrem was best man and ushers were Maurice Bell and Neil Skuce. Milburn Jones played the wedding music and Ronal Magahay was soloist.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents.
Mr and Mrs Hall will reside at Fillmore.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, December 29, 1953
Barney Skuse died
London, Ont., Dec. 29 -(CP)- Clifford (Barney) Skuse, 41, sales manager for Webster Air Equipment Co. Ltd. died yesterday at his home here. He worked for the company for 10 years.
Otttawa Citizen
26 April 1954
Duncan, Ella May—At Reid's Mills, Ontario, on Sunday, April 25, 1954, Ella May Skuce, beloved wife of George S Duncan in her 69th year. Resting at her late residence. Funeral srevice will be held in Reid's Mills United Church, on Wednesday, April 28, at 2 p.m. Interment in adjoining cemetery.
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario
17 May 1954
Cadet Capt Peter Skuce
St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ontario
3 July 1954
Peter Skuce, son of Edward Skuce of Aylmer
The Chilliwack Progress
Wednesday, August 18, 1954
Const. and Mrs G W Skuce
Groom in Famed Scarled and Gold
Rae McLeod's Wedding One of Colour and Beauty
A beautiful wedding in scarley, silver and white took place Auust 10 when Rae Maureen McLeod, only daughter of Mr and Edward M McLeod, 222 Spadina avenue became the bride of Constable Gilbert Wood Skuce, RCMP, only son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Lester Skuce, Osgoode, Ontario.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 9 May 1955
Mrs G.O. Skuce Head Alumnae
Mrs G.O. Skuce was relected president of the Lady Stanley Institute Alumnae at the annual meeting held recently in the lecture room of the Royal Ottawa Sanitorium. ...
The Vancouver Sun
Wedneday, 12 October 1955
Mr. and Mrs. Burpee MacLennan announce the engagement of their only daughter, Joan Marie, to Mr. William Aldworth Skuce, second son of Mrs. W. J. Skuce and the late Mr. Skuce of Bessbrook, Ireland. The wedding will take place November 19, 1955, at 3 p.m. in Canadian Memorial United Church, Rev. James G. Gorwill officiating.
The Vancouver Sun
Monday, 21 November 1955
'Ireland is the honeymoon destination of William Aldworth Skuce and his bride the former Joan Marie MacLennan who
were married Saturday at 3 p.m. in Canadian Memorial chapel. Rev. J. G. Gorwill officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Burpee MacLennan and the groom is the son Mrs. W. J. Skuce of Mount Charles South, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, and the late W. J. Skuce.
For her wedding the bride chose a gown of white satin brocade, the neckline
of the bodice edged with pearls. A crown of pearls held her fingertip veil.
Bridal attendants, Miss Renee Olsen, Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Diane Bettschen were in afternoon - length satin dresses of kelly green.
John Black was best man and Phillip Morris and Donald MacLennan were ushers.
The Montreal Star
Friday, February 17, 1956
U.S. Goliath of the Air Lanes Arrives in Montreal to Undergo Tests with the RCAF
Wing Commander Richard Skuce, RCAF, centre, greets pilots Col. Robert E. Lee, right and Major Jay Brown, lafter they landed the U.S. Air Force B-47 Jet bomber at Cartierville Airport, following a 1,280-mile flight from Wichita, Kan.
Winnipeg Free Press
June 4, 1956
Miss Charlotte E Skuce, 87, of 1 Bayview apartments, died Sunday in Princess Eizabeth hospital. She had lived in Manitoba since 1907. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs Ida E Williams and Mrs James Walker. Funeral services will be at 2.30 pm. Wednesday in Mordue Borthers funeral home. Rev George Dyker officating. The body will be taken to Lindsay, Ont., for burial.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 6 June 1956
Bill Skuce Whiffs 16 St. Johns Players When Ottawa Saints Win in 13 Innings
Bill Skuce
The Toronto Star
Monday, July 9, 1956
London Man dies in N.Y.
New York, July 9 - John Skuse, 41, of London, Ont. died early today in the apartment of a friend, police reported. Doctors at Bellevue hospital said death was due apparently to natural causes.
Ottawa Citizen
20 Nov, 1956
Miss E Boulger Passes, Aged 99
One of the oldest residents of Ottawa, Miss Eliza Jane Boulger, of 200 Friel Street, died in hospital on Saturday following a lengthy illness.
She was 99 years old.
Miss Boulger was a life-long resident of Ottawa and the oldest member of St. Alban the Martyr Anglican Church.
She was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Boulger.
Mrs. Boulger's sole surviving relatives are two nephews, Orval Skuce, Ottawa, and George Boulger, Greville, Pa.; and five nieces, Mrs. Katherine E. Shipman, Miss Muriel Skuce and Mrs John Smaridge, all of Ottawa, Mrs. Harry Lyon, Syracuse, NY, and Miss Mary Boulger, New York City.
The body is at Hulse and Playfair Ltd., 315 McLeod Street, where service will be held in the chapel on Tuesday at 1.30p.m. Rev. C. L. G. Bruce, rector of St. Alban's Church will officiate. Burial will be in Beechwood Cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, December 29, 1956
Women Society, Ottawa '56.
..., Mrs Orval Skuce, ..
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, March 25, 1957
Mrs P J Pennock Dead at Age 81
An area native, and resident of the Ottawa district all her life. Mrs Sarah Pennock died in hospital Friday after a long … . Born in Navan, …Married the late Daniel H Skuce in 1894, and he predeceased her in 1934. She was later married to Philemon J Pennock, who died in ??. She was a member of the Martin Anglican Church, Woodroffe, … member of the church Women Auxiliary. She is survived by four sons, Cecel B Skuce, Ottawa; Richard A Skuce and Edgat T Skuce, both of Montreal, and Walter C Skuce, Washington, DC; one step-son, Arthur Pennock, with the Canadian Army in Belgium; two daughters, Mr ?? Boucher (Marguerite), Aylmer; Mr O J Dekoning (Beryl), Rutherford, NJ; two step-daughters, Mr ?? Bond (Phyllis), and Mr William ….
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 26 March 1957
Mrs J Herbert Skuce Died Suddently
Mrs Amy Skuce, the wife of Mr J Herbert Skuce, of 404 Eaton avenue, died suddenly yesterday. Mrs Skuce was a resident of Ottawa for 42 years and well known at All Saints Church, Westboro, to her work with the Altar ?? and the "Watch Us" Club. Born in Wright, Que. Mrs Skuce moved to Ottawa after her marriage there. She was the daughter of the late William H Thayer and his wife Mary Shaver. Surviving besides her husband are one sister, Mrs Thomas McCord, of Ottawa, and one brother Charles Thayer, of Stanley's Corners. The funeral will be Thursday to the chapel of Hulse and Playfair's funeral home. ?? McLeod street, for service at 3 pm. Rev W D M Christie officiating. Interment will be in Capital Memorial Gardens.
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, July 3, 1957
SKUCE. To Tony and Janet (nee Allen), a daughter, on July 2nd, 1957, at the Catherine Booth Hospital. Both well.
The Vancouver Sun
Thursday, July 4, 1957
Irish Visitors
Mrs M.E. Skuce with her daughter, Mrs W.A. Forbes and grandson Alan, of Bessbrook County Armagh, Ireland,
have arrived to spend six weeks here. They are guests of Mrs Skuce's son and daughter in-law, Mr and Mrs William Skuce.
The Port Hope Evening Guide
Monday, July 15, 1957
Mr and Mrs Bruce Davidson and Mr and Mrs Lloyd George and infant son, of Cobourg, were guests of Mr and Mrs Isaac Skuce during the weekend.
The Port Hope Evening Guide
Monday, July 22, 1957
Mrs Isaac Skuce spent Wednesday with her daughters, Mrs Bruce Davidson and Mrs Lloyd George, Cobourg.
The Port Hope Evening Guide
Tuesday, July 23, 1957
Mr Isaac Skuce spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs Wesley Skuce, and brother, Mr Henry Skuce at Lindsay.
Portage la Prairie Leader
Thursday, January 9, 1958
Mr and Mrs F Jacobs and family spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs P Skuce of Carrol, Man.
Miss Kay Jacobs spent the holdidats visitinger her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Skuce of Carrol.
The Chilliwack Progress, BC
5 March 1958
Born—To Constable and Mrs G W Skuce (nee Rae McLeod) on March 1, 1958, at the Princeton Hospital, Princeton, BC, a son, Douglas Gilbert, 6 lbs 12 ozs.
Portage la Prairie Leader
Thursday, March 13, 1958
Mr and Mrs Frank Jacobs were Sunday visitors with Mr Jacobs' parents, Mr and Mrs R Skuce of Carrol. Mrs Jacobs received word that her uncle, Mr A Skuce had passed away suddenly in Brandon General Hosptial.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Saturday, March 29, 1958
Skuce, Rachel (Ray)—Beloved wife of Ruric Glen ( Roy) Skuce passed away suddenly on March 27, having been ill for the past year. Mrs Skuce came to Saskatoon in 1912 from Toronto, where she was born. She leaves to mourn her husband and one daughter, Beverly. Funeral service will be held form the chapel of McKague's Funeral Home on Tuesday, April 1 at 3 p.m. and burial will be made in Woodlawn Cemetery.
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Thursday, 10 April 1958
Sympathy is extended to Mr Willard Skuce of Fleetwood on the death of his wife.
The Globe and Mail
Saturday, June 14, 1958
Music Calendar
Sunnypoint Crescent, Stop 17, Kingston Rd.—2.30 p.m.—Ruth Skuse, piano teacher, presents an open air piano recital.
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 30, 1958
Round table now second in Earnings
In Inglewood, Calif., Annie-La-San, ridden by Bill Skuse, triumphed in the $38,700 Vanity handicap, running the mile and one-eight in 1:50 and returning $8.20, $5 and $3.43
Edmonton Journal
July 14, 1958
Honeymoon in England
Robertson United Church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Marilyn Dawn Sampson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sampson of Edmonton, and Mr. Gordon Robert Skuse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skuse of Gloucester, England
Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a slipper-length gown of lace and tulle over bridal satin, with matching bolero. The gown was embroidered with pearls. A crown of pearl sequins held in place her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses.
Rev. J.W. Bainbridge performed the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. R.A. Bishop, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Eleanor Samis, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid and Lori Lynn Olson was flower girl.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
July 14, 1958
To Hospital; Auto Upset
A non-collision accident near Delisle sent a Saskatoon man to hospital Sunday night with fractured ribs and lacerations to the face.
Ruric Skuce of 521 First Street, east, was inkured when his car drove into the ditch and over-turned approximately five miles south of Delisle on Highway 7.
Mr Skuce was blinded by the headlights of an approaching vehicle and drove into the ditch. The car then overturned and came to rest on the roof. RCMP headquarters in Saskatoon said that the car was a total wreck.
Mr Skuce was taken to Delisle hospital where he spent the night. He was expected to be released today.
The accident happened at 10.45 o'clock Sunday night.
August 14, 1958
Following are the officers and Board of Directors for the Beiseker Lions Club for the year ending June 20th, 1959: ..
Immediate Past President is Allan E Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 17, 1958
DEAR, Frederick G - At the Scarborough General hospital, on Friday Nov 14, 1958, Frederick G Dear, in his 76th year beloved husband of Lavinia Reith Willis, 49 S Quentin St, dear father of Violet (Mrs. T Jacobs), Rose (Mrs. M Daniels), Toronto, Helen (Mrs S Woolhead), Stouffville; Olive (Mrs G Skuce), Duncan and Jack Dear, Toronto. dear brother of Alexander Dear, Resting at the Sherrin funeral home, 874 Kingston Rd (at Beech Ave), Toronto from 7pm, Saturday. Service in the chapel Monday, 11am. Interment Pine Hills cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
February 25, 1959
Skuce to Try Again
That the Third time may be the charm for young Nelson Skuce, Ottawa's lone representative in professional baseball ranks.
Skuce, son of Bill Skuce, himself a one-time baseball star locally, reports to Toronto Maple Leafs' camp shortly for his third bid in the game as a pitcher.
Last season Skuce played Class D ball and hopes to make Class C, if not better, this year. It is difficult for a Canadian to break into pro baseball, particularly as a pitcher, but his many friends in the Capital will wish him well.
The Toronto Star
Friday, March 6, 1959
SHORT, Mrs Florence - On Thursday, March 5, 1959, in Ottawa hospital, Florence Isabella Skuce, widow of William E Short, of 508 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa, in her 67th year. Resting at Hulse and Playfair Ltd. 315 McLeod St. Ottawa. Srervice in the chapel Monday 3pm. Interment Pinecrest cemetery.
Nanaimo Daily News
Thursday, 23 April 1959
Mr and Mrs H. Mills of Nanaimo wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Julia Madeline (Judy) to RCMP Constable Neil Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs W Skuce of Omemee, Ontario. The wedding to take place Saturday, May 23 Haliburton St. United Church.
Calgary Herald
Wednesday, 13 May 1959
Marauding Bear Shot
REABORO, Ont. (CP) — Farmer Elmer Skuce, 65, killed
with one shotgun blast Saturday night a 250-pound male bear which he said had wreched 38 hives in his apiary near this village ...
Nanaimo Daily News
Wednesday, 27 May 1959
MRS. NEIL SKUCE (nee Judy Mills) Gown by Jean Burns April
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, June 1, 1959
Skuce-Lineger—Mrs William Lineger of Russell, Ont., annouced the marriage of their daughter, Nan Ruth to Herbert Nelson Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs W Skuce, 198 W?? Ave, Ottawa, on Thursday May 23, 1959 in Trinity Anglican Church, Cornwall, Ont.
The Regina Leader-Port
Thursday, June 11, 1959
For failing to proceed as directed by a traffic policeman at Board and South Railway streets cost Patrick Skuce, 2258 Osler street, a fine of $15 and costs.
The Berrie Examiner
23 June, 1959
Wed in First Ceremony At Petch'es Beach Church
In the first marriage ceremony held at Petche's Beach Anglican Church, Rev A W Downer united in marriage Miss Elfrieda Steffanie Marshall, daughter of Mrs Steffanie Marshall, Collingwood, and Lester Thomas Skuce,. The groom is the son of Dr and Mrs Ecelin Daniel Squce, Collingwood.
The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Eric Lees. She wore a white tiered gown of nylon Chantilly lace with satin underskirt. Her fingertip veil fell from a pearl tiara and she carried a white Bible with a spray of red roses.
Maid of honor, Miss Lynda Skuce, sister of the groom, wore a gown of primrose yellow chiffon. She wore a cap of white feathers.
Groomsman was William M Skuce, brother of the groom. Finley Cook was the organist.
To receive her guests at the church hall reception, the bride's mother, Mrs Marshall, chose a Copenhagen blue lace sheath with green satin underskirt. The groom's mother, Mrs Skuce, wore a beige lace sheath with green accessories.
Out-of-town wedding guests were Mrs Mildred Skuce, Ottawa; John Grassle, Toronto, and Mr and Mrs C Jones, Toronto.
For her wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore a white wool rayon suit with rust accessories. The newlyweds will reside in Haney, BC.
The Montreal Star
Thurdsday, August 13, 1959
Folland, Hilda L. Suddently at St. Albans, Vermont, on August 12th, 1959, Hilda L. Skuse, beloved wife of Reginald John Folland, dear mother of Betty (Mrs J. Devine) and Dennis. Funeral service at the Armstrong Chapel, 3426 Park Ave, Sat., August 1th, at 10 a.m. Interment Veterans' Plot, Lakeview Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 4, 1959
Sorenson Assaulted in Jockeys' Quarters
... Jockeys William Skuse and Bennie Sorenson were each fined for fighting after the fourth race.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 13 November 1959
G. H. Fairfield
Kemptville (Special)—
George Henry Fairfield died suddenly at his home on North Street here at the age of 78.
Born at Iroquois and educated at Kemptville, he was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Felix Fairfield. In 1901 he married the former Effie May Skuce, who predeceased him in 1938.
Before coming to Kemptville in 1917 he was a resident of Hallville, and was employed as an engineer with the McMaster Lumber Company of Kemptville for erveral years prior to retirement.
He is survived by two sons, Arnold, of Kemptville, and Harold, of Renfrew; two daughters, Miss Floella Fairfield, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs Herman Christie, of Kemptville; one brother, Ernest, of Peterborough, and nine grandchildren.
The body rested at the Rolston Funeral Home here, and the funeral was held this morning to Holy Cross Church, where Rev. F.P. Quinn celebrated requiem mass. Interment was in the parish cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, November 16 1959
Skuce, Leslie Ann — Suddenly, in hospital, at Trenton, Ont., on Sunday, November 15, 1959, Leslie Ann Skuce, aged 6 years, beloved daughter of Flt. Lieut. and Mrs Eldon B Skuce .Resting at Hulse and Playfair Ltd., 313 McLeod St. Service in chapel on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Interment Beechwood cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Monday, November 23, 1959
Progressing is Derby Threat
...jockey Bill Skuse ...
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, 24 November 1959
Returned recently from a two-month trip abroad is Miss Jean Skuse, who spent time in Paris, then toured in Germany and Switzerland .
Aylmer Express Newspaper, Ontario
November 26, 1959, Page 6, C5
Born - son to R. D. Peter & Sheila Diane SKUCE (nee McFADDEN), Nov. 22
The Toronto Star
Saturday, November 28, 1959
Fair Ground Results
Fifth Race
First Crop (Skuse)
The Toronto Star
Monday, December 7, 1959
Fair Ground Results
Third Race
Colonel Pat (Skuse)
The Toronto Star
Monday, December 14, 1959
Fighting Hodse Pays Long Price
... Charlie Boy, ridden by William Skuse, ...
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 31 December 1959
Skuce — In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Mrs Frances Skuce who passed away December 31, 1942.
Surrounded by friend we are lonesome.
In the midst of our joys we are blue
With a smile on our face a heartache
— Andy, Mae, Frances, and Cherelyn
The Globe and Mail
Friday, 15 January 1960
Board Opposes Oral French for Trafalgar
Trafalgar, Jan 14 — The Trafalgar Township Public School Board tonight announced it has decided against introducing oral French in the school system.
The board's action followed a report by its superintendent, Lorne Skuce, that opposed the French course. The board's action was taken in the face of strong support from township parents' organizations for oral French.
Mr Skuce's objection was based on the difficulty in obtaining qualififed teachers. His report stated it would be impossible to introduce the course ithout disrupting the present curriculum established by the Department of Eductation. Mr Skuce said the department has not evolved a program that would permit French to be substituted for an existing subject.
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 28 January 1960
... Mrs G Orval Skuce ...
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 10 February 1960
Mrs Honora Skuce Dies in 87th Year
Mrs Honara Skuce, 318 Cooper street, died in Ottawa Civic Hospital following an illness of two weeks. She was 86.
Born in Buttevant, Ireland, November 24, 1873m sge was the former Honora Mackesy, daughter of John Mackesy and Mary Welch.
She was married in Ireland to Frank Skuce, who died in Ottawa in 1939. She and her husband came to Canada over 50 years ago and made their home in Ottawa.
Mrs Skuce attended St Theresa's and St Patrick's Churches.
Surviving are two sons, Charles of Ottawa and Frank of Buffalo; four daughers, Mrs Edward Oakes (Nellie), Mrs Joseph Mercer (Maureen), Mrs Claude Glidden (Marjorie and Mrs Harodl Starr (Esther), all of Ottawa; three sisters, two in Ireland and one in Syracuse; six grandsons and seven great-grandchildren.
A private funeral was held form the Whalen funeral home to St. Patrick's Church, where requien high
mass was celebrated by Rev. Michael A. Hurtubise.
Burial was in Notre Dame cemetery, where the graveside prayers were said by Rev. Paul Baxter.
Calgary Herald
March 16, 1960
Seven-Year Joy Ride
Nuneaton, England
(Reuters)-William Skuse left his wife and children here seven years ago, riding away on his brother-in-law's bicycle.
Skuse, 42, returned home last week, and appeared in court Tuesday-charged with stealing the bicycle.
He was conditionally discharged on payment of 15 shillings ($2) in costs.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Saturday, 26 March 1960
SKUCE — IN LOVING MEMORY OF (Ray) Rachel Skuce, who passed away March 27, 1958.
Our lips cannot tell how we miss her,
Our heart cannot tell what to say
God only knows how we miss her,
In a home that is lonesome today.
—Remembered by her husband and daughter.
Ottawa Citizen
March 26, 1960
Edward Oakes
Edward Oakes, Col. by Towers, died in Ottawa Civic Hosptial Wednesday.
He was born in Winchester, England , and came to Canada in 1912. He had residedin Ottawa for the part 40 years. Previously to this he lived in Montreal. A Civil Servant, he was employed with the Department of Revenue and at the time of his retirement was secretary to the Board of Referes under the Excess Profits Tax Act. He wsa a long time resident of Ottawa South and made his summer residence at the Rideau Lakes. He was a former member of Trinity Anglican Church.
He was a verteran of the First World War and served overseas with the 1st Division. He married Nellie Skuce in Ottawa 37 years ago. She survives.
In addition to his widow he leaves three sons, Edward, of Toronto, and Alan and Frank of Ottawa. There are three brothers, George and Bruce of Montreal, and William of Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. Robert Stokes, Vancouver. Seven grandchildren also survice.
Funeral service was held on Friday at Hulse and Playfair Funeral Chapel with Canon E. Osborne officiating. Interment was in Pinecrest Cemetery.
The Regina Leader-Post
April 20, 1960
Last Rights held in Stoughton
Weyburn (Special)—Funeral service of Eva May Kyle, 70, of 612 Lansdowne Ave, Saskatoon, who died in Weyburn Union hospital April 15, was held form the Stoughton Grace United church April 20 with Rev F Clarkson officiating. Burial was in Stoughton cemetery.
Mrs Kyle was born at Ethel, Ont. and came to Saskachewan in 1950, residing in Saskatoon the past few years. At the time of her sudden illness, she was visiting her daughter in the Froude district.
Besides her husband, William, Mrs Kyle is survived by one son, William Ralph of Saskatoon, one daughter, Mrs Mildred Lorraine Skuce of Froude.
Weyburn Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
The Regina Leader-Post
Wednesday, 4 May 1960
STOUGHTON (Special) - Funeral service was held in the United church for Richard Donaldson Skuce, 83, Rev. B. Clarkson officiating. Burial was in Stoughton cemetery. Weyburn Funeral home was in charge of arrangements.
Born at Mountain, Ont., Mr Skuce moved to Nesbitt, Man. in his early youth and then to Stoughton in 1900, where he homesteaded and lived all his life. In 1904 he married Janet Sturgeon.
Besides his wife, he is survived by five sons, Lyle, Usherville; Bill and John, Froude; Elmer, at home, and Allan, Beiseker, Alta., three daughters, Mrs. Bill Damant, Moose Jawl Mrs Alex Graham and Mrs Walter Donnelly, Stoughton; 22 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He was predeceased by a daughter, Mrs. Everett Tindall, in 1942.
Bracebridge Herald-Gazette
Thursday, June 30, 1960
Mr and Mrs G. W. Skuce and Mr Kennedy Skuce, of Oshawa, visited briefly in town Saturday.
Bracebridge Herald-Gazette
Thursday, September 1, 1960
Forty Years Ago
G Wilbur Skuce, of the railway station staff at Gravenhurst, was appointed to be station agent at Bracebridge, his duties to start September 15th.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, November 16, 1960
SKUCE, James E - On Tues 15 1960 at his late redsidence, 170 Delta St. Alderwood, James E Skuce, dearly beloved husband of Georgina P Wagner and loving father of Beryl (Mrs J Barr) Elmonte, Calif. and Keith Bothwell, Ont. Resting at the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd, 930 Lakeshore Rd (at 14th St), New Toronto, for service in the chapel on Wed evening at 930 o'clock, then to McIntyre funeral home, Eganville. Interment St John's Anglican cemetery, Eganville.
The Toronto Star
Friday, December 30, 1960
Mrs. Lou Skuce
Mrs. Kipling Fraser Skuce, 62, widow of Lou Skuce, who for many years was a Toronto newspaper cartoonist, died suddenly in hospital yesterday.
Mrs. Skuce, a grandaughter of Rudyard Kipling and daughter of Canadian author W A Fraser, is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Richard (Sandra) Howell and Mrs William ( Nancy) Garden Jr, both of Toronto.
Funeral service will be held from the Trull funeral home. Yonge St., at 2p.m. Saturday.
[Note: Ref Wikipedia, William Alexander Fraser and Rudyard Kipling were about the same age, both authors, and had correspondence; believe the Star didn't fact check]
The Montreal Star
Friday, December 30, 1960
Mrs K.S. Skuce
Torntonto, Dec. 30—(CP)— Mrs Kipling Fraser Skuce, 62, widow of Lou Skuce, for many years a Toronto cartoonist, died suddenly yesterday.
She was a grand-daughter of Rudyard Kilping and daughter of W. A. Fraser, well-known Canadian author.
Calgary Herald
Monday, 18 September 1961
Gregory Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs Alan Skuce of Beiseker was riding his bicylce along the street. At the intersection he drove into the truck which was...
The Toronto Star
Friday, 15 December 1961
Jo-Anne Skuce of Glenlea Air Rangers received her Gold Cord at Downsview public school Monday. Jo-Anne's grandfather was the late cartoonist, Lou Skuce.
The Globe and Mail
Thursday, 8 March 1962
Fireman Pinned
Hamilton, March 7— A firemn as pinned by a falling steel beam tonight as a $100,000 two-alarm fire roared through the south shed of the Cole Lumber Co Ltd yard on Lawrence Ave.
Kenneth Skuse of the Sanford Ave Fire Station was taken to Hamilton Generl Hospital after other firement released him and dragged him to safety. Officials said Mr Skuse received injuries to his chest and left arm. His condition is good.
The Chilliwack Progress
Wednesday, 25 April 1962
Skuce—Born to Corporal and Mrs Gilbert W Skuce (nee Rae McLeod) April 20, at Gray Nuns Hospital, Regina, a son. Kevan David, a brother for Douglas.
Nanaimo Daily News
Wednesday, 23 May 1962
Skuce – Mr and Mrs. N. W. Skuce (nee Judy Mills) wish to announce the birth of a son, Todd William, at Prince Rupert General Hospital, on May 11, 1962.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
1 June, 1962
Sulkies Prepare for 1st Start of Season
The only major owner still in the city is former blacksmith Roy Skuce, who has a five-horse stable, three of which will start at Regina.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 11 September 1962
Skuce - O'Meara
On Saturday, September 8, 1962, at
St. Basils Church, by Reverend Father Sylvester, Judy
Ann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs John O'Meara to Alan
David, son of Mr and Mrs
Cecil Skuce.
The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, 31 October 1962
30 Planes will hunt for Missing Aircraft
"We never give up home. People sometimes survive for days and days," Flight Lieutenant Eldon Skuce of the RCAF Trenton base said yesterday.
He said rescuers had received six or eight reports from persons who throught they had heard the plane in the Scarboro Bluffs area, and other reports from Bancroft and Mosport.
All the reports were checked without avail, he added.
The Ottawa Citizen
18 December, 1962
Skuce, Frances - In Cardinal on Saturday, December 15, 1962, Frances Fawcett, beloved wife of Bert Skuce; beloved sister of Ida Fawcett and the late Melbourne Fawcett, of Ottawa. Funeral and interment was held Tuesday.
Ottawa Journal
Monday, March 25, 1963
Skuce Cecil B. — Suddenly in hospital on Monday, March 25, 1963, Cecil Bickerton Skuce beloved husband of Oneahta Legge, and father of Cecil Jr., Alan, Mrs Stanley Johnston (Marjorie Ann), Mrs George Beamish (Sylvia), also 6 grandchildren, all of Ottawa; and brother of Walter, Maryland, U.S.A.; Richard of Ottawa; Edgar, St Eustache, Que.; Beryl of Rutherford, NJ, and Marguerite. Resting Hulse and Playfair West Chapel, 1098 Byron Avenue, between Woodroffe and Compton. Service Tuesday 2 p.m. Interment Pinecrest cemetery.
The Simcoe Reformer
Thursday, 18 April 1963
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skuce and girls were Sunday guests of Mrs. Skuce's father, Mr. Freeland of Walsh. Mrs Skuce and daughters remained for a few days.
The Simcoe Reformer
Friday, 30 April 1963
Clear Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skuce spent the weekend with relatives in Oshawa and Ajax, Murray Freeland, Pat and Marilyn Skuce returning to their homes after a vacation here.
Lethbridge Herald
June 21, 1963
Skuse Service at Cranbrook
Cranbrook, BC (HNS)— Funeral service took place Tuesday at McPherson Funeral Chapel for Thomas Skuse of Yahk who died at St Eugene Hospital.
He was born in Wales 86 years ago, and had lived in the Yahk area for many years, prospecting, logging and on road work. He has no relatives in the district. Burial in the General Cemetery followed the service by Rev R W S Brown.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 7 March 1964
... around Ottawa
Mrs John Cooney was in charge of the meeting of the Elmdale West Ladies Progressive Conservative GRoup, which was held at the home of Mrs Orval Skuce. The speaker, Mrs G R Burland spoke on "Women in Politics." She was thanked by Mrs Compton.
The Drumheller Mail, Drumheller, Alberta
Wednesday, 11 March 1964
Florence Skuce passed away on March 7th
Mrs. Florence Skuce passed away March 7th, longtime resident of Drumheller.
Born in England 85 years ago, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Florence Hooker of Drumheller.
Rev. P. Kline conducted services from the Chapel in the Valley, March 11th, at 2:30pm. Internment followed in Drumheller Cemetery with Winter's Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
The Globe and Mail
Friday, 14 May 1965
Knight, Reverend Percival Newman
Suddenly in Cobourg, at the family residence, 12 Coverdale St., on Wednesday, May 12, 1965, Rev P. N. Knight beloved husband of Letitia Jane Skuce, dear father of Isabel (Mrs. M J Hallas) Hamilton, and Ruth (Mrs E A Nixon) Toronto, Frederick Francis, Port Credit. Rev Knight is resting at the James M Blacklock Funeral Home, Grafton until 10:30am. Saturday, May 15, after which the cortege will leave for St Peters Anglican Church, Cobourg for service at 11 a.m. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery, Bolton, Ont.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, January 12, 1966
HEALEY Neva May - On Monday Afternoon, January 10, 1966, at her home, 39 De Forest Rd, Swansea, Neva May Skuce, dearly loved wife of Roy Healey, loving mother of Mrs. J Demoster (Florence) and Arthur Healey, dear grandmother of William, Nancy and Charles Demoster, Jm and Joan Healey, sister of Mrs. Lloyd Louch (Blanche) and Mrs. C Countryman (Helen). Resting at the Ryan O??ffe Funferal Home, 1693 Dundas St W (just west of Dufferin). Funeral Thursday 830 am to St. Helen's Church for Requiem Mass at 9 o'clock. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, June 1, 1966 // Thursday, June 2, 1966
SKUCE, Elsie Eleanor - At Riverdale Hospital Toronto, on Wed June 1 1966, Elsie Eleanor Skuce (former teacher Glen Rush Public School, Toronto), daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Allan Skuce, Pewassan, Ont. Miss Skuce will be resting at the Paul Funeral Home, after Thursday noon. Funeral arragements incomplete.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, June 2, 1966 // Friday, June 3, 1966
Late Death / Death
SKUCE, Elsie Eleanor - At Riverside Hospital Toronto on Wednesday June 1, 1966, Elsie Elanor Skuce, daughter of the late Allan and Mary Skuce, Powassan, dear sister of Laure (Mrs. H O Reed), Iroquois Falls, Margaret (Mrs. Maurice Malowney), Toronto. Sydney, Harry and John of Powassan. Charles of Collander, Herbert of Ganges, BC, and Edwin of Aylmer, Ontario. Resting at the Paul Funeral Home, Powassan. Service is St. Mary's Anglican Church on Sat at 2pm, intermnet, Powassan Uniion Cemetery
The Globe and Mail
Monday, October 24, 1966
2 cars collide
Mr Upton-Day and Edson Skuce, 22, of Winchester were taken to Ottawa Civic Hospital in serious condition with multiple injuries.
Gulf Islands Driftwood
Thursday, January 26th, 1967
Mr and Mrs Sam Young and their daughter Loretta from Wyoming were visitors last week at the home of Mr Young's mother, Mrs H Skuce and Mr Skuce.
The Toronto Star
Wednesday, May 17, 1967
HAWKINS, Esther Winnifred - Suddenly on Mon May 15, 1967, at Toronto, Ester W Flower, beloveed wife of Joseph Hawkins of Weston Rd., dear mother of Mrs. R. Skuce (Carol), Mrs. F McQuin (Jacqueline), Edward Bray and Mrs G Falirs?? (Nora); grandmother of Sharon and Waynn Alexander, Resting at Brown Bros Chapel, 1812 Elington Ave. W. (at Dufferin St.), Leaving Chapel 2.30pm Thurs, for services at 3pm, at the Church of the Good Shephered Anglican (Eglinton Ave. West at Weston Rd.) Mount Dennis, Interment Prospect Cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
May 29, 1967
SKUCE - Randy happily announces the safe arrival of his baby sister, born Monday, May 29, 1967, at The Ottawa Civic Hospital. Proud parents are Alan and Judy (nee O'Meara). Mother and baby are fine. 18
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 3 June 1967
Mr and Mrs Gus Halwardson of Miami Springs annouce the engagement of their daughter Carla Margaret, to Daniel James Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs G Orval Skuce of Ottawa. The bride-elect graduated from Miami Jackson High School, Mr Skuce from Nepean High School. Both have worked with the program of Moral Re-Armament extensively in the United States . She has been a public relations director for the Sing-Out musical "Up with People" ... involving thousands of students. The couple plan a summer wedding.
Acton Free Press
5 July 1967
pg 9
Skuce, Mrs Edna J — At Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, July 2, 1967, Edna J Skuce, dearly beloved wife of Lorne Skuce and mother of Carol Todd Skuce and John and Larry Todd.
A private funeral service was held in Lindsay on Tuesday, July 4. Interment in the Skuce Family Plot, Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. Anyone wishing to pay tribute to the late Mrs Skuce, is invited to make a contribution to the Canadian Cancer Society.
pg 12
Mrs Skuce dies
Mrs Lorne (Edna J) Skuce of Oakville died Sunday and private funeral service was on Tuesday in Lindsay. She was the wife of a former school inspector here.
The Georgetown Herald
Thursday, 20 July 1967
Trust Manager's Wife
Well-Known Resident
Well-known in this districts, Mrs Edna J Skuce died on July 2 in Oakville-Trafalgar hospital.
Her busband, Lorne, who retired from his positon as public school inspector in Halton county some years ago is now manager of the Milton branch of Halton Peet Turst & Savings Companby. They lived for years in Milton and lately in Oakville.
Besides her husband she leaves a daughter Carol Todd Skuce and two sons, John and Larry Todd.
A private funeral service was held in Lindsay with interment in the Skuce family plot there.
Ottawa Journal
Thursday, September 28, 1967
Mr and Mrs Daniel James Skuce
For Slocum, NY, was the setting on Saturday, Sept 9, 1967, for the wedding of Carla Margaret Halwardson and Mr Daniel James Skuce. The 11 a.m. ceremony was performed outdoors by Rev. Rodney Usher-Wilson in the presence of 800 guests from all parts of the world.
The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Gus Halwardson, Miami Springs, and the bridgegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs G Orval Skuce of Ottawa. Mr and Mrs Skuce both work with the program of Moral Re-Armament.
Nanaimo Daily News
Saturday, 30 March 1968
A baptism of interest to Nanaimo residents took place recently in New Westminster when the infant son of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Corporal Neil Skuce and Mrs Skuce was christened Kyle Harry. Dr. G. B. Switzer officiated. Among those present were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Jackson of Kamloops, paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. L Skuce of Omemee, Ontario, Julia and Todd Skuce and family friends.
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, 4 June 1968
Estate sale. Beautiful 2 year old, 3 bedroom, French Provincial style home, 3,100sq ft, attached 2 car garage, on Niagara River Parkway. Lot 259'x 218'x371' at rear. Well landscaped, many extras, library enclosed pation, 2 fireplaces, etc. Call E D Skuce, Guaranty Trust Co, Rltrs. 424 Queen, Niagara Falls, Ont. 354-7437
Winnipeg Free Press
August 6, 1968
Williams, Frank Skuce, 56, of 199 Colony Street, Suite 17.
Frank Skuce Williams
Suddenly on August 2, 1968 at Falcon Lake, M Frank S Williams, aged 56, beloved husband of Mrs Gertrude Williams (nee Stephanson) of Ste 17-199 Colony Street. Funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 7 at the Gardiner Guneral Home, 178 Kennedy St at York Dr. George F Dyker officiating. Service will conclude in the chapel. Cremation to follow. Mr Willaims was employed for a number of years with Airmatic Industrial Supply Company. Besides his wife, Mr Williams is survived by one sonl Barrie of Winnieg, two brotherl Harold of West Newton, Pa and Kenneth of Elizabeth, Pa.
The Regina Leader-Post
Wednesday, 4 September
SKUCE—Tuesday, September 3, 1968, Mrs. Janet Skuce of Stoughton, Sask., aged 87 years. Predeceased by her husband Richard in 1960, a daughter, Bernice, in 1942, her parents, five brothers and a sister. Mrs Skuce is survived by five sons, Lyle of Lintlaw, Sask., William of Froude, Sask., Allan of Reiseker, Alta., Elmer and John of Stoughton, three daughters Mrs William Damant (Doris) Moose Jaw, Mrs Alex Graham (Helen) and Mrs Walter Donnnelly (Lois) of Stoughton, two sisters Louisa Sturgeon of Shawville, Quebec, Mrs, Catherine Honey of Regina; 22 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Funeral services to be conducted by the Rev. K. B. Clarkson or Grace United Church, Stoughton. Arrangements in in care of Ferguson Funeral Home, Weyburn. In lieu of flowers gifts to Grace United Church, Sloughton, memorial fund would be appreciated.
The Toronto Star
Tuesday, 10 September 1968
Life suspensions sought for jockey and owner
Vancouver (CP) - ... They recommended lifetime suspension of Bill Skuse, 29, of Richmond, ..
The Ottawa Journal
Thursday, 1 May 1969
Gliddon, Margaret Mary
In hospital, Tuesday, April 29, 1969, Margery Skuce, beloved wife of Claude Gliddon of Fitzroy Harbour; sister of Mrs Nellie Oakes, Mrs Maureen Mercer, Mrs Harold Starr, and Charles Skuce. The service was held at Veitch-Draper Ltd Parkdale Avenue, on Thursday at 2 pm. Interment was in Pinecrest cemetery.
Acton Free Press
2 July 1969
Skuce, Lorne — Suddenly, at Sundridge, on Monday, June 23, 1969, Lorne Skuce, husband of the late Edna Joy Skuce; dear father of Carol Todd Skuce and John and Larry Tiodd.
A family funeral service was held on Thursday at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay. Interment in the Skuce Family Plot, Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay.
The Acton Free Press
Wendesday, 25 June 1969
Former inspector L. L. Skuce dies
<picture on right>
L. L. Skuce active in education in Halton County from 1938 until his retirement, died suddenly at his Sundridge cottage Monday evening.
Following his retirement from education wokr he was with the Halton and Peel Trust and Savings Company and was manager of the Milton Bnrach from 1964 until 1968 when was was appointed a special representative.
Mr Skuce came to Halton County and worked from Milton as Inspector of Public Schools from September 1938 until 1958 when he was appointed Superintendent of Trafalgar Township Public Schools. When Oakville and Trafalgar merged in 1962 he was baned superintendent and continued in
that position until his retirement in December 1963. The Lorne Skuce Public School in Oakville was named in his honor.
In the fall of 1964 he was named manager of hte newly opened branch of Halton
and Peel Trust in Milton and continued until 1968 when he was appointed special representative and business development officer.
Mrs Skuce predeceased Mr Skuce in 1967.
Well known throughout the county, Mr Skuce was also active in the Oakville branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. He was also a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Oakville and the Masonic Lodge.
The Globe and Mail
Friday, June 27, 1969
Skuce, Lorne
Suddenly at Sundridge on Monday, June 23, 1969, Lorne Skuce, husband of the late Edna Joy Skuce, dear father of Carol Todd Skuce and John and Larry Todd. Family funeral service was held in Lindsay on Thursday. Interment in the Skuce family plot, Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. Anyone wishing to pay tribute to the late Mr Skuce should make a contribution to the Ontario HeartFoundation.
Acton Free Press
July 2, 1969
Skuce, Lorne —Suddenly, at Sundrige, on Monday, June 23, 1969, Lorne Skuce, husband of the late Edna Joy Skuce; dear father of Carol Todd Skuce and John and Larry Todd.
A family funeral service was held on Thursday at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay. Interment in the Skuce Family Plot, Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay.
Georgetown Herald
Thursday, 3 July 1969
Trust Firm Official was Prominent in Education
L L Skuce, active in education in Halton County from 1938 until his retirement, died suddenly at his Sundridge cottage Monday evening, June 23rd.
Following his retirement from education work he was with the Halton and Peel Trust and Savings Company and was manager of the Milton Branch from 1964 until 1968 when he was appointed a special representative.
Mr Skuce came to Halton County and worked from Milton as Inspector of Public Schools from September, 1933 until 1958 when he was appointed Superintendent of Trafalgar Township Public Schools. When Oakville and Trafalgar merged in 1962 he was named superintendent and continued in the position until his retirement in December, 1963. The Lorne Skuce Public School in Oakville was named in his honor.
In the fall of 1964 he was named manager of the newly opened branch of Halton and Peel Trust, in Milton and continued until 1968 when he was appointed special representative and business development officer.
Mrs Skuce predeceased Mr Skuce in 1967.
Well known throughout the county, Mr Skuce was also active in the Oakville branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. He was also a member of Knox Prebyterian Church, Oakville, and th eMasonic lodge.
A private funeral service was held at Lindsay with interment at Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay.
Steinbach Carillon News
11 September, 1969
Mrs Jim Skuce of Ottawa, visiting relatives in Manitoba, paid a short visit to Dominion City after 20 years. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs Jarry Johnston, her sisters, Mrs Jack Hamblin of Morris and Bernice Johnston, Niverville. They called on Mrs Annie Timlick, Mrs I Scott, Miss F M Macdonald, and Mr and Mrs G Brad. Mrs Skuce was formerly Gladys Johnston and boarded at the home of Miss Macdonald and Mrs Timlick when she attended the former Dominion City High School.
The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, November 19, 1969
Notice to Creditors and others
In the estate of Leander Lorne Skuce, the late of 1487 Lakeshore Road est, in the town of Oakville, in the County of Halton, Exectutive, deceased.
All persons having claims against the Estate of Leander Lorne Skuce, late of the Ton of Oakville, in the County of Halton, Excecutive, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of June, 1969, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal representatives of the said deceased on or before the 30th day of December, 1969, full particulars of their claims, immediately after the said date the said personal representatives ill distribute teh assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claimsof which they shall then have notice.
Dates at Oakville, Ontario, this 30th day of October,1969.
(Miss) Carol (Todd) Skuce and Halton & Peel Trust & Savings Company, 282 Lakeshore Rd East, Oakville, Ontario, Executors By Messrs. Sharpe & Nichols, Barristers, etc. 207 Mary Street, Milton, Ontario.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 30 January 1970
Graham, T. Kirby
Suddenly at his residence 735 Bernard St., on Thursday, January 29, 1970, T. Kirby Graham, husband of the late Lavinia Skuce, in his 78th year; father of Mrs Douglas Baker (Shirley), Mrs Kenneth Johnson (Betty) and Mrs Patrick Lafontaine (Joan) of Ottawa; 8 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild; brother of Mrs Walter Turnball (Helen) of Ottawa. Resting Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod St. Service Saturday at 10 a.m. Interment Beechwood Cemetery. Please omit flowers.
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Wednesday, 25 February 1970
Mrs Willard Skuce is a patient in Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, suffering from a broken hip.
The Montreal Star
Wednesday, April 22, 1970
Mr and Mrs Homer Dodds, of North Hero, Vt., announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr John Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Sidney E Skuse of LaSalle, Que. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 1, at St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero, Vt.
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Wednesday, 27 May 1970
Setting was St John's Anglican Church
Mr and Mrs Frederick Howard Skuce, shown in the above photo, chose Saturday
afternoon, May 9th., 1970, for their marriage in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Miss Kathy Lynn Redstone daughter of Mr and Mrs George Wilmot Redstone of Courtice, and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Henry Skuce of Willowdale.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, June 27, 1970
Among the congratulatory messages received by Mr. and Mrs. Orval Skuce on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary were those from the Governor-General, and Mrs. Roland Michener, and Prime Minister Trudeau. Out-of-town guests who attended a party for the Couple were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skuce and Mr Christopher Skuce, all of Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Skuce, Chicago; Miss Elva Skuce, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce, Toronto; Mrs. John Harrison, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Valiquet and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ottenbrite, Oshawa.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 13 June 1970
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Skuce will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 20, 1970. Their family has extended an invitation to friends, relatives and neighbors' to call at their home 88 Reid Avenue, Ottawa, on Saturday, from 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Celebrating with the couple will be their two sons, Lloyd from Vancouver, and Daniel from Chicago, and their daughter, Mrs. Melville Johnson, Ottawa. Their eldest son Eldon is in Africa. Also attending will be 11 grandchildren.
The Regina Leader-Post
Tuesday, 28 July 1970
Bride-to-be presented corsage, gifts
Gargden flowers and pink and while streamers decorated the room at a shower honoring Miss Judi Damant of Moose Jaw, August bride-elect, in the home of Mrs. R. J. Stankov. Co-hostesses were Mrs. R. Reilly and Miss Janet Haney. Corsages were presented the bride-to-be and her mother, Mrs. W. Damant of Moose Jaw. Gifts were presented the bride-to-be by her cousins Misses Wendy Donnelly of Stoughton and Lisa Stankov. Guests included Miss Judy Dechaine, Mrs. W. Donnelly, Mrs. A. Graham, Mrs. W. Goudy, Mrs. C. McLean, Mrs. W. Skuce, Mrs. P. Skuce and Mrs. J. Skuce, all of Stoughton; Mrs. G. Haney of Chaplin, Mrs. L. Skuce of Lintlaw, Mrs. D. Martens, Debbie and Chandra, all of Ottawa; Mrs. W. Donnelly, Mrs. G. Foss, Mrs. C. Haney and Mrs. L. Wood, all of Regina.
The Huntsville Forester
Thursday, October 8, 1970
Also while in Powassan Miss Demaine paid a short call on Mrs Ethel Skuce, who was the former Mrs H. E. Demaine of Powassan.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 21 December 1970 (Also in the Ottawa Journal)
MUSSELL, Edna Amelia — In hospital on Sunday, Dec. 20, 1970, Edna Amelia Skuce, beloved wife of Norman C. Mussell, in her 76th year; dear mother of Audrey (Mrs. Carson Taylor), of Osgoode; Lorna (Mrs, JHames O'Rourke), Gerta (Mrs. John Dagg), both of Ottawa; Gertrude (Mrs. Ken Salter) and grandmother of Rhonda and Robert, all of Noerth Gower. Resting at the Cummings Funeral Home, North Gower. Funeral service will be held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Osgoode. Interment Elmview cemetery, Kars.
The Vancouver Sun
Friday, 12 March, 1971
Skuce —William Alderworth, of Vancouver, B.C., March 11, 1971, in his 44th year.
Survived by his loving wife, Joan, his son Michael, his 2 daughters, Maureen and Pamela, at home; his mother Mrs M.E., Skuce, his sister J.E.A. Forbes, 2 brothers, Canon F.J.L. Skuce and Dr. A.A. Skuce, all of Ireland. Memorial service will be held Saturday March
13, at 1 p.m., in Marpole United Church 67th Ave. W., and Hudson St., Vancouver. Rev. Dr. A. Anderson officiating, In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the B.C. Cancer Foundation would be appreciated. Arrangements through the Memorial Society of B.C., and First Memorial Services Ltd
The Globe and Mail
Saturday, May 22, 1971
Delegates from the United Nations Association in Canada defended their plea for a larger development assistance budget before the Commons External Affairs Committee. With ... Robert Skuce ...
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 31 May 1971
Skuce, James Herbert
In Hospital on Sunday, May 30, 1971, James Herbet Skuce, of 246 Byron Avenue, in his 83rd year, beloved husband of Margaret Parker (formerly Mrs Brown), brother of Maynard. Resting Wagent Radmore Stewart Funeral Home, r 1319 Willington Street. Service in the chapel, Wednesday, 11 am. Interment Capital Memoiral Gardens.
The Ottawa Jorunal
Monday, 3 January 1972
Skuce, Muriel
In hospital, Dec 30, 1971, Muriel Jennie Skuce, sister of Mrs John Smaridge (Irene), aunt of Thoma and Eric Smaridge, Margaret Johnson, Thomas Shipman, Shirley Baker, Betty ... Johnson and Joan Lafontaine, great nieces, and nephews. Funeral serivce was held at Hulse and Playfair Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street on Friday mroning. Interment Beechwood cemetery.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 15 February 1972
Skuce, G. Orval — Suddenly in Tucson, Arizona, Friday, Feb. 11. 1972, Orval Skuce, age 79, 908-A - 2055 Carling Ave., beloved husband of Bessie Beatty, dear father of Eldon, Kenya, Lloyd, Vancouver; Mrs Melville Johnston (Margaret), Ottawa and Dan, Tucson. Resting at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond Road at Roosevelt upon arrival in Ottawa. Funeral arragements later.
The Globe and Mail
Wed, March 1, 1972
British beer made a target in US Boycott
One phase of the boycott has already been organized said Frank Skuse, a 38-year-old native of County Cork, who is heading a group called the British Beer Boycott Committee.
Mr Skuse, a barman, said his committee had made contact with all the approximately 8,500 bars and restaurants in the New York area with an appeal to halt sales of British beer. Like the over-all boycott, the action is intended to continue indefinitely.
The Amherstburg Echo
Wednesday, 10 May 1972
A skating family — Mrs Glen Skuce (Nancy Barclay) trained the skaters, produced and designed costumes for her 7th ice show at Acton. This is the fourth show for Bobby Skuce, aged 7 and the third for Susie, aged 5. Two year old Timmy skates also but his mother was too busy to prepare him for the show this year.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 15 May 1972
Fowler, Mabel — In hospital on Monday, May 15, 1972, Mabel Beatty, in her 82nd year, beloved wife of the late Ira Fowley, dear mother of Ogrdon and Jean (Mrs. J. G. Runnells), sister of Mrs. G.O. Skuce, Osborne and Gardiner. Resting at the Weagant Radmore Stwart Funeral Home, 1319 Wellington St. Service in St. Matthias Anglican Church, Parkdale at the Queensway, Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment Pinecrest cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Heart Fund, 119 Sparks St. or the Canadian Cancer Society, 386 MacLaren St.
The Toronto Star
Friday, May 19, 1972 // Saturday, May 20, 1972
SKUCE- Rick & Kathy proudly annouce the arrival of their son, Sean Eric, 8 lbs 6 oz, at East General Hosptial, on Thurs, May 18, 1972. Happy grandparents are George & Doris Redstone and Fred & Dorothy Skuce. Great-gransparents are Syd Gott, Mary Denham & Amy Skuce, Mother & baby are doing well.
The Canadian Statesman
Wednesday, 16 August 1972
On Saturday, August 5th, Mr and Mrs Carl Smith were guests at their nephew's wedding in Omemee. The bride was the former Nancy Joyce of Omemee. Mr and Mrs Henry Skuce were married in the Anglican Church in Omemee and the reception followed in the church basement.
The Globe and Mail
Monday, 27 Nov 1972 / Tuesday, 28 Nov, 1972 (also Ottawa Journal)
Skuce, Lilly May
On Saturday, November 25, 1972, in Ottawa after a brief illness in the hospital, Lilly May Morgan, age 82 years, wife of the late William Christopher Skuce, dear mother of Iona, Elva, Frieda, (Mrs R F Driscoll) and Delmar, sister of Muriel D'Aoust. Survived by 4 grand-children and 1 great-grandchild. Resting at Hulse and Playfair West Chapel, Ottawa. Funeral Tuesday 10 a.m.. Interment Ottawa.
The Ottawa Journal
Saturday, 23 June 1973
Skuce, Margaret — In Hospital on Thursday, June 21, 1973, Margaret Parker, formerly of 246 Byron Ave, in her 81st year, beloved wife of James Herbert Skuce, predeceased by her first husband Adam Brown, dear mother of John G C Brown, of Kemptville, Douglas Brown, of Ottawa, and Mrs Violet Darion, of Montreal, also survived by 13 grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Resting at Weagant Radmore Stewart Funeral Home, 1319 Wellington Street, between Holland and Island Park Drive, where friends may call after 7 pm, Saturday. Service in the chapel Mondat at 10 am. Interment South Gower cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Saturday, December 7, 1973
Dear, Jack Frederick — On Thursday, December 6, 1973, at the Scarborough General Hosptial, Jack Frederick, in his 47th year, husban of Marion Williams, dear father of Diana Jones, Linda Coe, Margaret and Michael, loved by 9 grandchildren, brother of Duncan Willows, Rose (Mrs H Daniels), Mrs Helen Woolhead, Violet (Mrs T Jacobs) and Olive (Mrs G Skuce). Resting at the Giffen-Mack Chapel, 2570 Dan?? Ave, at Main St subway after 1 pm Saturday. Service Saturday at 2 pm. Cremation. Memorial donations to a charity of your choice would be appreciated.
The Acton Free Press
Wednesday, January 23, 1974
Florence Scuse
Tuesday, Jan 16, was the funeral date of Florence Scuse who diued Jan 14 at the Wellington Terrace home for the aged in Elora, at the age of 80 years.
Mrs Scuse, predeceased several years earlier by her husband, was laid to rest in the Coningsby vault for Inter transference to the Everton cemetery. Her pallbearers were all relatives and included John Lytle Jr, Acton; Murray Dickson, Guelph; Severeno Franchetto, Guelph; William MacDonald, Action; George Forrest, Action, and Robert Forrest, Belwood.
Born in England on Nov 3, 1893, she came to Canada and was married in Guelph. She was predeceased by her brother Leonard Steele and is survived by two others, George and William Steele, of R.R. 3 Rockwood, and was predeceased by sisters Edith, (Mrs A Harrington), Guelph, and Beatrice (Mrs Fred Cunningham), Acton.
Survived by her children Beatrice, (Mrs Max Hoffman), Port Credit; Dorothy, ( Mrs Bill Forest), Rockwood, and James Scuse of Orillia, she is also survived by several grand and great-grandchildren.
Rev Ralph Williams of the Rockwood United Church officated at the service at the Rumley-Shoemaker funeral home in Acton.
Brandon Sun
Friday, April 19, 1974 / Monday, April 22, 1974
Skuce: The death of Kathleen Frances Skuce, Souris, Man., 73, occurred in the Souris District Hospital on Thursday, April 11, 1974, after a short illness. Mrs Skuce was born and educated in Winnipeg, and has since lived in Nesbitt, Brandon, Carroll and Souris. She married Richard Skuce on Nov 4 1920, in Foxwarren, and they moved to the Souris district in 1968. Surviving are: four daughters, Mrs Roy Logan (Shirley), Carroll, Man.; Mrs Norman Spain (Anne), Bunclody, Man.; Mrs Frank Jacobs (Margaret), Boissevain, Man.; Miss Thelma Skuce, Winnipeg, Man,; two grandsons, Brian and Barry Jacobs; seven granddaughters, Kathleen and Donns Jacobs, Mrs Howards Carvers (Myrna), Lauree Spain, Brena Lynn and Lee-Anne Logan, two stepbrothers, Bently Jackson, Sinclair, Man., and Walter Jackson, Hodgson, Man. She was predeceased by one brother, Harold Hodgson, Man, in 1970. Funeral services were held April 13 at 2 o'clock from Diehl's Funeral Chapel, Rev Alan Armstrong officiating. Interment was in Minnewawa cemetery. Pallbearers were Mr Jim Stamp, Mrs Wilf Brown, Mrs Bill Turner, Mrs Rob Franklin, Mr Mel Logan and Mrs Harvey Bartley.
Ottawa Journal
Saturday, June 8, 1974
Craig, Lila Blanche—In hospital on Friday, June 7, 1974. Lila Blanche Skuce of Carsonby, in her 83rd year. Beloved wife of Hugh Wellington Craig, dear mother of Orvilla (Mrs Horace Brownlee) and Velma (Mrs Melvin McEween), both of North Gower; Evelyn (Mrs Ward Casey) and Glenn, both of Ottawa. Sister of Orvilla (Mrs Ernest Bradley), of Bowmanville and Ruric, of Saskatoon, Sask. Predeceased by one brother, Forest Skuce. Also survived by eight grand-children and five great-grandchildren. Resting at the Cummings Funeral Home, North Gower where freidnds will be received after 7.30 p.m. this evening and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Funeral service will be on Monday at 11 a.m. in Carsonby United Church. Interment Rideau Vale cemetery.
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, August 6, 1974
Ottawa's Wilf Black, using a 100-year-old rifle, captured the Snider match at the opening of the dominion of Canada Rifle Association annual meet. Another Ottawa man, 78-year-old John Skuse, finished second in the event, which was completed on the weekend. Black also finished second to Ottawa's Vern Pedersen in the muzzle-loader match. The meet, which ends this Sunday, has attracted more than 450 competitors from Canada , Britain , Australia , the United States and Zambia .
The Amherstburg Echo
Wednesday, 25 September 1974
At St. Anthony of Padua Church, Harrow, Saturday September 21, 1974, Gillian Barbara, daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert C Skuce, Harrow, and Richard C Lamoure, son of Mr and Mrs Eugene Lamoure, Harrow.
The Simcoe Reformer, Simcoe, Ontario
Thursday, 24 October 1974
November wedding bells
Both families annouce the forthcoming marriage of Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lapp, to David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skuce. The wedding will take place on Nov. 9 at Old Windham United Church, Simcoe.
The Ottawa Journal
Monday, 2 December 1974
Skuce, Frank James —In hospital on Sat., Nov 30, 1974, Frank James Skuce of Ormond in his 74th year, son of the late Frank and Belle Skuce and brother of Lena (Mrs Russell Hoy) Osgoode, Anne (Mrs Clifford White), Alexandria Bay, NY, DSick of Hilton, NY, John and Edward of Winceshter; Lorne of Ormond; Rose (Mrs John D Campbell) Vernon; predeceased by his sister Cecil Declare and by brother Melvin. Resting at the Vice and Craig Ltd Funeral Home. 505 Church St, Winchester where service will be held on Tues., Dec 3 at 1.30 pm. Interment Reid's Mills cemetery. Memorial donations to Wincehster District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary or the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated.
Ottawa Journal
Friday, March 14, 1975
Skuce, Mary — Suddenly in her home, 33 Patterson Ave., on Thursday, March 13, 1975, Mary Devine in her 69th year, beloved wife of Andy Skuce; dearest mother of Frances; beloved grandmother of Cherlyn and great-grandmother of Rhonda; sister of Peter Devince, Earl Devine, Anne Devine, Mrs Helen Murphy, Georgina Gow and Irene Harps. Resting at Hulse and Playfair Central Chapel, 315 McLeod St Service in the chapel on Saturday at 10 a.m. Interment Pinecrest cemetery.
Brandon Sun
Saturday, May 10, 1975
Skuce: Thelma Marion, 45 years old, daughter of Richard and the late Mrs Skuce of Souris, passed away in the Boissevain Hospital May 9. Funeral services will be held from Dieh's Funeral Chapel, Souris, on Monday, May 12 at 2 p.m. Interment will be in the Minnewawa Cemetery. In lieu of flowers conributions gratefully accepted to the heart foundation.
The Toronto Star
Friday, May 16, 1975
Skuce, Ellenor F — (nee Gaston) — At Wellesley Hosptial on Thursday May 15, 1975, Ellneor F Skuce, beloved wife of John L Skuce. Dear mother of Jo-Anne (Mrs D Kluey) and Dorothy (Mrs C Catalano). Dear sister of Benhamin, Thomas and Marguerite. Resting at the Ward Funeral Home 2315 Waston Rd. (north of Lawrence Ave) Weston, serice in the chapel Saturday 10 am. Interment Highland Memory Gardens.
Steinbach Carillon
Wednesday, May 26, 1976
Pat Haban accompanied by sister Berniece Johnson of Niverville, flew to Edmonton on Fri., May 14 and spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs H B Johnson, and helped her celebrate her 83rd birthday.
Two of Pat's sisters from BC, Mrs Don Oberg of Penticton and Mrs Jim Skuce of Okanogan joined them for the celebration.
The Canadian Statesman
Wednesday, 9 July 1975
Mr and Mrs Willard Skuce have left their farm home and are now living in Lindsay on Jefferson Blvd. We wish them much happiness in their new home.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, January 27, 1976
Skuse, John and Joanne (nee Sears) proudly announce the borth of their first child, a boy, 7 lbs, 11-1/2 ozs., on January 22nd, 1976, at the Lakeshore General Hospital. Both well. Special thanks to Doctor Barron and the Hospital staff.
The Toronto Star
Tues, July 13, 1976
Skuce, Dorothy Grace — On Monday, July 12, 1976, Dorothy dearly beloved wife of Fred and dear mother of Rick, dear daughter of Mrs Mary Denham and the late Howard Denham, dear sister of Margaret (Mrs E Higgs) and Edith (Mrs C M Thorne), loving grandmother of Sean and Krista. Friends may call at the Jerrett "Willowdale" Chapel, 4661 Yonge St (just north of 401 Hwy) after 7 pm on Tuesday Funderal srevice on Thursday at 1pm Interment Resthaven Memorial Gardens.
The Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, November 9, 1976
SKUCE, Thomas Lester On Sunday, November 7, 1976. Suddenly at his residence, 2707 Priscllla St., Ottawa. Thomas Lester Skuce, formerly of Osgoode, Ont., In his 86th year. Beloved husband of Mary Wood, dearly loved father of Helen (Mrs. Everett Moore), Ottawa and Gilbert W. Skuce, Coquitlam, B.C. Predeceased by daughter Muriel; dear grandfather of Valerie and Richard Moore and Douglas and Kevin Skuce, dear brother of Miss Hildred B. Skuce. Predeceased by one sister Edna (Mrs. Norman Mussell) and 2 brothers, Dr. E. D. Skuce and Dr. C. A. Skuce. Resting at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond Rd. at Roosevelt where friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. A private service will be held on Wednesday. Interment Elmview cemetery, Kars. In lieu of flowers those desiring may make memorial donations to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, Suite 1, 120 Holland Ave.
Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 10 January 1977
Hoy, George Russell - In hospital on Sunday, January 9, 1977 George Russell Hoy, of Osgoode, in his 78th year, beloved husband of Lena Gertude Skuce; dear father of Earl, Kemptville; Mrs Douglas Stewart (Helen), Metcalfe; Mrs Maynard Meldrum (Velma), Ottawa; Clifford, of Toronto; Walter of Osgoode; Mrs Kenneth Stanley (Barbara) Ottawa. Predeceased by son Gordon; also survivied by 14 grandchildren. Resting at the Vice and Graig Ltd., Funeral Home, 505 Church St., Winchester where friends may call Tuesday from 3 p.m. where funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Reid's Mills cemetery.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 30 May 1977
Mr and Mrs
Ronald W Fahey are plased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sheila Marie to Dean Karl Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs Eldon B Skuce.
The wedding will take place Saturday, July 9, 1977 at 4 p.m, in St. Mary's Church, Bayswater Ave., Ottawa.
The Montreal Star
Tuesday, August 23, 1977
Skuse, John and Joanne (nee Sears), prudnly announce the borth of their son, on August 18th, 1977, at the Lakeshore General Hospital, a brother for Jeffrey.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Thursday, 29 September 1977
SKUCE—The passing of Beverley Skuce (Dick) age 49 years of Rural Saskatoon, occurred in a local hispital on Monday, September 26th, 1977. The Funeral Service will be held on Friday, September 30th at 1:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Leslie Krober from Park Funeral Chapel, 311 Thurd Avenue North. Courtesy parking north o fthe Chapel. Surviving are: her husband William and her parents: Mr and Mrs Roy Skuce of Saskatoon. Interment will take place in Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements are in care of Park Funeral Chapel.
The Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 24 May 1978
GLYNN — Rick and Janie proudly announce the birth of Matthew Richard, 8 lbs. 14 ozs., at 2:12 p.m. May 12th, 1978. First grandchild for Mr and Mrs T.F. Glynn and scond for Mr and Mrs T.J. Higgerty. First great grandchild for Mrs. W Skuce.
Brandon Sun
Saturday, July 8, 1978
Skuce: The death of Mrs May Constance Skuce of 915 Twelfth Street, occurred in the city on July 6, 1978. Mrs Skuce was born at Wapella, Sask. and lived in the Nesbitt district from 1929 until coming to Brandon in 1952. Surviving are: a son Frank of Portage la Praire, a daughrters Mrs C Frankow (Doris) of Ottawa and six grandchildren. Three sisters also survive; Mrs Liullian White, Red Lake, Ont., Mrs Ivy Fenwick of Winnipeg and Mrs Violet Crawford of Brandon. Mrs Skuce was predeceased by her husband Albert in 1970 and by a brother Jack in 1971. Funeral service will be held at the Brockie-Donovan Chapel on Monday, July 10, 1978, at 11 a.m. Interment will be in the family plot, Minnewawa cemetery. Rev William Brown o fSt Matthew's Cathedral will officiate. Friends who wish may donate to the Canadian Cancer Society, 217 Tenth Street, Brandon.
Ottawa Journal
19 September 1978
SIMSER, Robert James.
In hospital on Sunday, September 17, 1978. Robert James Simser of Hallville in his 67th year. Beloved husband of the late Effie Edna Skuce. Dear father of Phyllis of Williamsburg; Roger of Thunder Bay; Barbara (Mrs. Junior Barton) of Amherstburg; Marilyn (Mrs. David Campbell) of Perth; Dale of Kemptville; Sandra (Mrs. Lyle Sullivan) of Spencerville; James and Allen and Nancy (Mrs. Donald Billings) all of Mountain; Patsy (Mrs. James Sullivan) and Mrs. Audrey Dillabough, both of Winchester. Resting at the Vice and Craig Funeral Home Inc., 505 Church Street. Winchester where service will be held on Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment Reid's Mills cemetery.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Tues, 3 October 1978
SKUCE—The death of Ruric (Roy) Skuce, age 88 years of 521 First Street, East, Saskatoon occurred in a local hospital on October 2nd, 1978. The Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, October 5th, 1978 at 1:30 p.m. from the Chapel of KcKague's Funeral Home conducted by Rev. M.J. Hindmarsh. Surviving are: his loving wife Nell; one sister Mrs Orvilla Bradly of Bowmanville, Ontario. Also several nieces and nephews. Mr Skuce predeceased by his first wife Ray in 1960, one daughter Beverley Skuce in 1977; one sister Lila Craig in 1974 and one brother. Mr Skuce was born March 10th, 1890 in Carsonby, Ontario and came to Askatoon in 1910. He set up a blacksmith ship in that year and continued in that occupation until retiring in 1965. Mr Skuce was an avid horseman and won the First Colt Futurity Award in Toronto in 1930 with his horse Axworthy Todd. He was chaplain of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 2263 of Saskatoon in 1912. He was also a former member of the Masonic Order. Interment will be made in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. Guest parking directly south of the Funeral Home, Third Avenue and 20th Street.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Friday, 6 October 1978
SKUCE—The Funeral Service of Ruric (Roy) Skuce, who died on October 2nd, 1978 was held from the Chapel of McKague's Funeral Home on October 5th at 1:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. M.J. Hindmarsh. Honorary Pallbearers were: Dr. Ross Wheaton, Murray Jordan, John Evans, Wes Brown, Wilbur Brown, Jack Gordon, Jess Ringrose, Jock Blacklock. Active Pallbearers were: Ivar Remman, Garnie Devitt, Bruce Jones, Lin Galbraith, Scott Gray, Roger Heidgerken. Interment took place in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.
Nanaimo Daily News
Wednesday, 1 November 1978
Over 80
Richard Skuce, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday, was born and raised on a farm at Glengarriff, one of the beauty spots of Southern Ireland.
He left school at the age of 16 and worked on the home farm for some years before deciding to travel elsewhere. His next move was to the coal mines of South Wales, where at the age of 18 he entered the Myrther Vale coal mine. In what was known as the 'second down level' he spent over three years.
Now tired of mining he decided to emigrate to the prairies of Western Canada, and arrived at Brandon Manitoba in May of 1909, where he worked on a farm that summer. In November after he was no longer wanted he with three other lads hit out for Saskatchewan in search of Government free Homesteads. There was an arrangement with the government: if you could exist and carry out the required work and improvements within three years, you could claim 160 acres for $10. This he did in the Tramping Lake district.
During those early years he worked on road construction, railroad, or farm Jobs, as the situation, or weather, made it possible.
In 1916 his girl schoolchum made her way from Ireland across the Atlantic Ocean, filled with mines and enemy submarines, and in December of that year they were married and settled on a farm in the Maidstone District, Sask., where they lived for several years before moving to Saskatoon, purchased a home and lived quietly until the second war broke out.
Although he was 51 Richard Skuce, (Dick) to all at the complex, Joined the R.C.N.V.R. and spent the war years along the East Coast until his discharge in 1945. For the next 17 years he worked in a branch of The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce before moving to Victoria.
After the passing of his wife Marie, Dick eventually met and married his present wife, Jessie, moving to Nanaimo.
Since coming to Nanaimo, Dick and his wife have taken up carpet bowling, five-pin bowling, dancing and any other activity that youngsters of their age can take part in.
From his former marriage to Marie Cooper, Dick has one daughter Eileen, who lives at Moose Jaw, Sask.
Richard Skuce
The Toronto Star
December 15, 1978
Wilson, Louisa Mary At South Muskoka Memorial Hosptial, Bracebridge, on Wednesday, December 13, 1978, in her 105th year. Beloved wife of the late Robert Wilson and dear mother of May Wilson of Skelton Lake, and the late Bill Wilson, dear sister of Mrs Ethel Vincent of Toronto, and Margaret Skuce of Bracebridge. Resting at the Reynolds Funderal Home, Bracebridge, from Friday afternoon. Complete service in the chapel on Saturday, December 16 at 1:30. Spring interment Stepehenson Township Cemetery. Huntsville.
The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville
Wednesday, 7 March 1979
Bradley — At St. Petersburg, Florida, Monday, March 5th, 1979, Enest W Bradley, aged 82 years, beloved husband of Orvilla Skuce, dear father of Norma (Mrs Don Clarke), Pickering, and Elva (Mrs Ken Hockin), Bowmanville, loved grandfather of Kerry, Kirk and Karen Clarke, Lee Anne, Bradley and Jill Hockin. Friends may call at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, after 2 pm., on Wednesaday. Funeral service on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Legion sercice Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Ottawa Citizen
21 March 1979
Duncan, George Stewart
In hospital on Friday, March 16, 1979, in his 99th year. Husband of the late Ella May Skuce and dear father of Charles of Reid's Mills, Stanley of Ottawa and Doris (Mrs. Charles McKenzie) of Ottawa, and brother Fred of Victoria. Also survived by 5 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Friends may call at the Tubman Cummings Funeral Home, North Gower, on Saturday form 7 to 10 p.m.m and on Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 10 p.m. Srevice in the funeral home on Monday at 2 p.m. Spring interment Reid's Mills Cemetery.
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, 1 May 1979
List of candidates across Canada in May 22 federal election.
Metro, Beaches
Judi Skuce (Rhino)
Ottawa Journal
Wednesday, 23 May 1979
SKUCE, Mary Mabel
In hospital, Tuesday, May 22, 1979, Mary Mabel Billings, of RH2, Mountain, in her 72nd year, widow of Samuel Richard Skuce. Dear mother of William, Samuel, and Mabel, all of Mountain. Predeceased by one daughter, Effie Simser, survived by 11 grandchildren, 22 greatgrandchildren, by brothers Fred Billings and Donald Billings, both of Winchester. James Billings of Ottawa, and by sisters Melinde Rutherford of Morrisburg, Delia Criag, of Kemptville; Rachel Dillabough, of Winchester, Lillian Sargent, of Chesterville. Resting at Vice and Craig Funeral Home Inc., 505 Church Street, Winchester, where service will be held on Thursday, May 21, at 2 p.m. Interment Reid's Mills Cemetery.
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 12 June 1979
Skuce, Charles Alan
On Saturday, June 9, 1979, at a local hospital, husband of the late Irene Holden. Survived by three sisters, Mrs Edward Oakes, Mrs James Mercer, and Mrs Harold Starr. A private funeral service was held from Hulse and Payfair on Tuesday, June 12, 1979 at the request of the deceased.
The Toronto Star
6/7 August 1979
SKUCE —Henry and Nancy (nee Joyce) proudly announce the arrival on July 26, 1979 of a daughter, Heather Nicole, 6 lbs. 11ozs. Granddaughter for Bob and Doreen Skuce and John and Marg Joyce of Omemee, Ont. Special thanks to Dr Wood and nurses on Maternity at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay.
The Toronto Star
6 September 1979
Gray, Dr Harold E —At St Michael's Hospital, Tronto on Tuesday, September 4, 1979. Dr Harold E Gray, beloved husband of Lilliam (Billie) McKay Gray, dear father of Heather E Skuce of Pakenham, Ontario and Robert W Gray of Thunder Bay. Remembered lovingly by his grandchildren. Friends may call at the Russell-Morden Chapel of the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds St, Oakville on Thursday from 7-9 pm. A private family service and interment will be held on Friday, September 6. Memorial donations to the Ontario Heart Fund would be sincerely appreciated.
Ottawa Journal
Monday, 29 October 1979
Skuce, Ronald Gordon
In Alberta on Thursday, October 25 1979, Ronald Gordon Skuce, age 33, son of James and Gladys Skuce, brother of David, Leonard, Alana, Dwight, Joel and Mitchell. Resting at Hulse and Playfair West Chapel 1098 Byron Ave.
Service in the chapel on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Cremation Pinecrest.
Ottawa Journal
Tuesday, 29 April 1980
Hoy, Ida
On Sunday, April 27, 1980, Ida Skuce, age 93, of Mountain R.R. 2, widow of Alexander Hoy; dear mother of Nelson, Calgary; Orton, Edmonton; Edwin, Kemptville; Lyle, Carstairs, Alta.; Sherman and Mrs Maurice Hyndman (Mildred), Mountain, R.R. 2; Mrs Irvine Murdock (Verna), Oshawa; Mrs Robert Makepeace (Lila), Brockville; and Mrs Keith Weedmark (Hilda), Kemptville, R.R. 4. Resting Rolston Funeral Home, Kemptville, on Tuesday from 2-9 p.m. Service in the chapel on Wednesday, at 2 p.m. interment South Gower.
Ottawa Citizen
30 June 1980
Skuce - Marsha and Nelson are happy to announce the birth of their son, Michael, 8 lbs. 6 oz, at the Ottawa Civic Hosptial on Wednesday, June 25, 1980. A brother for Mark. Thanks to Dr. Dudley and Civic caseroom staff.
The Chesterville Record
Wenesday, 16 July 1980
Thomas Allan Simser dies accidentally at 25
Thomas Allan Simser of Mountain died in an accident Fri., July 4 at Big Gull Lake, Clarendon Township. Mr Simser, a labourer, was 25 years old.
Born October 27, 1954 in Winchester Mr Simser was the son of Robert Jas. and Effie (Skuce) Simser.
Mr Simser is survived by his wife, Betty Markell; son Allan Gordon Robert; brothers: James of Mountain; Roger of Thunder Bay; Dale of South Mountain; sisters: Phyllis of Williamsburg; Barbara (Mrs Barton) of Amherstburg, Audry (Mrs Dillabough) of Smiths Falls; Patsy (Mrs Sullivan) of Winchester; Nancy (Mrs Billings) of Mountain; Mariyln (Mrs Campbell) of Perth; Sandra (Mrs Sullivan) of South Mountain.
Predeceasing Mr Simser are his parents.
Funeral services were held at the Vice and Craig Funeral Home, Winchester, Tues., July 8 at 2pm. Rev William E. Hare officated. Interment was at Reids Mills Cemetery. Pallbearers were David Van Stoken, James Dillabough, David Markell, Kenneth Racine, Paul Markell and Richard Sloan.
The Toronto Star
Sunday, November 2, 1980
Riley, William Alexander (RCAF Wireless Instructor 1939-1945) —At Scarborough General Hospital on Saturday, November 1, 1980, William A Riley of Markham, beloved husband of Nora Flynn Dear, father of Michael, Brother of Elsie (Mrs C Ashman) of Indianna and Ernie of Leroy, Saskatchewan, and the late Letitia Knight, Mary Wilkinson and Wilbert Skuce Dear, brother in-law of Rachel Flynn. The family will receive friends on Monday 2-5 and 7-9 pm at the Dixon-Garland Funeral Home, 166 Main St (Hwy 48) Markham. Service in the chapel on Tuesday at 2pm. Interment Elmwood Cemetery, Markham.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 27 April 1981
Mr and Mrs Richard Rothwell with to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Mardi, to Joel Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs J Skuce, Okanagan Falls, BC.
The marriage will take place May 23rd at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Ottawa.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 5 August 1981
SMITH, Frances G. (Skuce)
Suddenly in Truro, N.S., on Monday, August 3, 1981, Frances (Fran) Smith; beloved daughter of Andrew B. Skuce and the late Mary V. Skuce; mother of Cherelyn (Mrs. Stanley Bryanton) and grandmother of Rhonda. Resting at Mattatall Funeral Home, 55 Young Street, Truro, N.S. Funeral Friday at 2 p.m. Anyone wishing may donate to the Ontario Heart Fund.
North Bay Nugget, Ontario
Saturday, 8 August 1981
Howard Fletcher Skuce
Callander resident, Howard Fletcher Skuce died August 4, 1981 in his 76th year.
Howard Fletcher Skuce was the son of the late James and Mary Alice Skuce, Pembroke. Survived by one sister, Anne, Toronto; predeceased by Mildred, Deboragh and James; lovingly remembered by Eunice and Gilbert Sabouris and family and Mrs Walton Skuce and family of Callander.
Private serice was conducted from the Pail Funeral Home, Powassen, Thursday morning, August 6 by Rev. D. Woodward. Interment was in Callander Cemetery.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, September 26, 1981
Starr, Harold W.J.
At his residence, Friday, September
25, 1981; survived by his wife, Esther Skuce; son, Barry; daughter-in-law, Molly; and grandchildren, Jeffrey, Danny and Kerry. Friends may call at the Kelly Funeral Home, 585 Somerset St. (centre town), from 2 to 4 and 7 tos 9 p.m. Sunday. Funeral to Ste. Theresa's Church, for Mass at 10 a.m. Interment Parish Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice appreciated.
The Toronto Star
Monday, 22 March 1982
Wilson, David Thomas — Passed away at Sunnybrook Medical Centre on Friday, March 19, 1982. David Thomas Wilson beloved husband of Lena. Dear father of David and daughter-in-law Joan. Loving grandfather of Andy, Heather and Wendy. Dear brother of Queen Skuce, Nan Demoster, Tess Pratt, Margaret Rennie, Jan Jones, Alex and Doug. Resting at the Murray E Newbigging Funeral Home, 733 Mt Pleasant Rd (at Eglinton Ave) from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Monday. Funeral service in the chapel on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. No flowers please. If desired donations to the Foundation Office of the Hospital for Sick Children would be appreciated.
The Amherstburg Echo
Wednesday, 25 August 1982
20 Years Ago
Nancy Barclay and Glen Skuce were married on August 25th at the Latter Day Saints Church by Elder Rigby Leighton
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 23 November 1982
Valiquet, Viola Skuce.
At the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, November 21, 1982, Viola Skuce Valiquet, in her 77th year. Beloved wife of Louis P. (Lou) Valiquet. Dear mother of Mrs. Ron Gipp (Anne-Marie) of Trenton and Michael of Ottawa. Sister of James Skuce of Okanagan Falls, B.C. and Roy Skuce of Ottawa. Also survived by 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, 124 King Street East, Oshawa. Mass of Christian Burial was held in St. Gregory's Church, Oshawa, Tuesday, November 23 at 10 a.m. Cremation. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.
Winnipeg Free Press
Tuesday, December 7, 1982
Cavers—Howard and Myrtle are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Leah Maria, on Monday, November 29, 1982 at 2:33 p.m weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. Pround grandparents are Mr and Mrs N Spain of Buncloy and Mr and Mrs Roy Cavers of Souris. Proud great-grandparent is Mr R Skuce of Boissevain. Special thanks to Dr I W Chang, Dr Bulst and the staff of the St Boniface Hospital.
The Globe and Mail
Saturday, 7 May 1983
Fast Würms
Kim Kozzi/ Napo B./David Skuse
Opening Today 3-5
The Ydessa Gallery
334 Queen Street West
Tues. thru Sat. 12-5
The Flyer, Ottawa
June 1983, Page 3
Letters... We get Letters!
Skuce Family Remembered in Carling/Poulin Housing
Dear Editor:
Please extend my gratitude and thanks to the citizens of Britannia for retaining the name "Skuce" Street. During Charlotte Whitton's first term as Mayer, she has the street named "Skuce".
As one of her committee working with Alderman Frank Boyce, and due to the very large majority vote from the West End polls, she was elected Mayor. Much kidding was received because of a woman becoming Mayor!
My grateful thanks to Mayor Marion Dewar who so thoughtfully passed my letter on to Alderman Marlene Catterall. My sincere thanks to her and many old friends like Eva Taylor. Is it gratifying to know that the next street was named after her.
James Skuce built his home and blacksmith shop there in 1905. The property was expropriated in 1959 by the City. The late Orval Skuce started a boys' club in Britannia, which later became Cubs and Scouts. He spent 35 years training boys, many of whom are still Britannia residents and who well remember him as their leader. He was very active in all community work in the area. The Skuce family were well known for their active part in the Britannia Canoe Club, winning many trophies.
A complete history of the Skuce family, with pictures, has been placed in the National Archives.
Most sincerely,
Bessie G. Skuce.
The Flyer, Ottawa
June 1983, Page 5
James Skuce
James Skuce and wife at home, intersection of Highways 15 and 17, with nieces Ethel, Muriel and Vinnie.
Photo taken about 1907.
The Vancouver Sun
Aug 9, 1983
Murphy—In Vancouver aged 97 years. Catherine Murphy, passed away August 9, 1983. She is survived by her daughter, Sally Skuse, sons, John, Patrick and William, also by grandchildren, and many other family members. Funeral service to be held on Friday, August 12 at 12 noon from St Peter and Paul Rioman Catholic Church, 38th & Carter, Vancouver, followedd by interment at Ocean View Burial Park, Mount Pleasant. Simmons & McBride directors.
The Toronto Star
14 September 1983
Skuce, Robert Edgar — Suddenly in the General Hosptial, Stratford, Ontario on Tuesday, September 6, 1983, Robert Edgar Skuce of 93 Sargint St, Stratford. In his 56th year. Beloved husband of Carol Bray. Beloved son of Mrs Amy Skuce of Country Meadows, Brunner. Dear father of Mrs John (Patricia) Harris, Sarnia, Mrs David (Marilyn) Richard of Parson, BC, Mrs Brian (Sharon) Bray of Tumbler of Tumbler Ridge, BC, Mrs Tom (Wynn) Gardiner of Mississauga. Also survived by 2 brothers Frederick and George and 4 grandchildren. Friends were received at the Heinbuck Funeral Home, 156 Albert St, Stratford. The funderal service was held at St Paul's Anglican Church, Stratford on Saturday, September 10, 1983. Cremation followed.
Ottawa Citizen
2 November 1983
Beatty, Cecil Osborne
In hosptial on Monday, October 31, 1983, Osborne Beatty of 195 Holland Avenue, aged 85 years. Beloved father of Marjory (Mrs. Earl Derby). Dear brother of Gardner and Mrs. Bessie Skuce. Loving grandfather of Daniel of Thompson, Manitoba, Randolf of Calgary, Alberta and Mardy Elizabeth of Edmonton. Also survived by 6 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond Road (between Island Park Drive and Woodroffe Avenue), form 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday Funeral service in the chapel Friday at 1 p.m. Interment St. John's Cemetery, South March.
Montreal Gazette
5 January 1984
Skuse, Terry. In fond memory of a wonderful boss Mr. Terry Skuse who passed away January 5, 1983.
"He is not dead, as long as we remember him."
Sadly missed by Sylvia.
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, January 10, 1984
Mr and Mrs Peter Skuce
Sylvia McPhee as married at noon on the day of New Year's Eve, known as Hogmanay to the Scots.
Sylvia is the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Douglas McPhee of London, Ont.
She as wed to Peter Skuce, son of Mrs Skuce, of Aylmer, and the late Edward Skuce.
It was her first marriage, the bridegroom is a divorcé.
They are both education officers with the Ontario Ministry of Educaation.
The ceremony was in the Anglican Church of the Redeemer and officiating was the curate, Rev Kevin Flynn.
The homily was delivered by Rev Bernard MacPhie, of Australia , who's studying at Harvard University.
He and the bride are members of the Macfee Clan, which has 57 accepted versions of the surname — from McHaffie to MacDuffie to Guffie to Cathy.
The bride wore pale grey with inserts of matching lace. Her maid of honor as her sister, Jean McPhee, from Ottawa, where she's a transport information officer with the Dept of Transport.
Bridesmaids were the bride's niece, Margaret Ann Riggin, and the groom's daughters, Mary Ellen and Karen Skuce.
Allen Skuce was his father's best man; ushers were John Grindon of Aylmer and the bride's nephew, Ronald Cusson of Burlington, Ont.
The reception was across the street from the church at the Park Plaza Hotel, and so everyone was piped across Avenue Road by William Cockburn, a piper with the Toronto Scottish Regiment.
Ian McHaffie, another of the bride's clansmen, proposed the toast to her.
Mr and Mrs Skuce are having a honeymoon in England and Egypt here on this very day they're cruising down the Nile.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 10 January 1984
Skuce, Edith
In hospital on January 7, 1984, Edith Skuce; beloved wife of the late Thomas Harold Skuce; sister of Stanley and Clifford Kinnear; predeceased by sister Mrs. Mable Elliott and brothers Austin and Calvin Kinnear; also survived by niece Mrs. Joan Gallipeau and nephew William Elliott. A private family Service was held at Veitch-Draper Ltd., 453 Parkdale Avenue at Gladstone at her request. Canon John Baycroft officiating. Donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 26 January 1984
SKUCE —Donna and Ed are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child, Shawna Christina, 5 lbs. 10 oz. on January 18, 1984. Proud grandparents are Edward and Sybil Skuce and Carmel Napier. Special thanks to Dr. Puddicombe and the expert caseroom staff at the Ottawa Civic Hospital.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 26 July 1984
SKUCE —Lyle and Karen (nee Mackie) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Melissa Lynn on July 23, 1984, weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz. A granddaughter for Gerald and Bonnie Mackie, Metcalfe, Ontario and Edward and Sybil Skuce, Winchester, Ontario. Special thanks are extended to Doctor David Flowers, Wincester, Doctor Held and nursing staff at the Grace Hospital.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 4 October 1984
Skuce, Hildred Beatrice
At Carleton Lodge on Tuesday, October 2, 1984, in her 92nd year, (formerly of Osgoode), predeceased by 3 Brothers, Lester, Dr. E. D. Skuce and Dr. C.A. Skuce and 1 sister Edna (Mrs. Norman C. Mussell). Survived by several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Tubman-Cummings Funeral Home, North Gower, on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Funeral Service will be held at the Funeral Home on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Elmview Cemetery, Kars.
Montreal Gazette
Monday, 28 Jan 1985
Sabini — Lino and Debbie (nee Skuse) are thrilled to annouce the arrival of their triplets, David Renato, Justin Terence and Erica Elisabeth, on January 17, 1985, at the Royal Victoria Hosptial. Proud grandmothers are Mrs. Maria Sabini and Mrs. Angela Skuse. Sadly missed grandfathers the late Messrs. Renato Sabini and Terence Skuse. Thanks to the nurses on 6 East, the excellent caseroom staff, the nurses on 7 East, Dr. Usher and the premature baby unit staff, and a very special thanks to Dr. Boris Yule.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 25 February 1985
Skuce, Norma Gertrude
On Monday, February 25, 1985, Norma Donaldson; beloved wife of John Skuce. Dear mother of Jack. Loving grandmother of Kelly-Anne. Sister of Jean, Ann, Edna, Martin, Lorne, Thomas, Wilbert and James. Friends may call at Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street, on Monday 7 to 9 and Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Funeral Service at Church of the Ascension, 253 Echo Drive, on Monday at 9 a.m. Interment Pinecrest Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Friday, July 26, 1985
Devins, David Li?? - At Uxbridge Hospital on Thursday, July 25, 1985, David Devins, beloved husband of Hazel Bowman, in his 89th year. Father of Patricia (McPhee), Mrs Robin Skuce of Scarborough, Ray of Lindsay, Sylvia (Mrs Robert Alexander) of Unionville, grandfather of eleven and great grandfather of three. Resting at the Funderal Home of Low & Low, Uxbridge for service in the chapel on Saturday, July 27, 1985 at 11 am. Interment Uxbridge Cemetery.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 18 October 1985
It's a BOY!
SKUCE —Chris and Terri are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child, Adam Christopher, born October 12, 1985 at 8:51 p.m., weighing 8 lbs. 10 oz. Special thanks to Dr. Muggah and staff at the Civic Hospital.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 25 February 1986
In loving memory of Norma Skuce who passed away February 25. 1985. Dear mother, now thy work is o'er, Thy willing hands will toil no more; A loving mother, kind and true. No one on earth we'll find like you.
the family.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 14 July 1986
Skuce, Edward G.
Suddenly on Friday, July 11, 1986, Edward G. Skuce of Winchester, in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Sybil I. Brown. Dear father of Margaret (Mrs. William Jones), Ottawa; Erwin of Winchester; Edson of Stittsville; Shelva (Mrs. Ernest Johnston), Nepean; Gordon of Vancouver; Lyle of Winchester. Loved by 10 grandchildren. Brother of John and Lorme, both of Winchester; Richard of Hilton, N.Y.; Anne White of Florida; Lena Hoy of Osgoode; Rose (Mrs. John Campbell), Metcalfe; predeceased by brother Frank and sister Cecil Declare. Resting at the J.R. Vice Funeral Home Inc., 505 Church Street, Winchester, where friends may call from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and where Service will be held on Tuesday, July 15 at 1:30 p.m. Interment Springhill Cemetery. Donations to the Winchester Hospital Auxiliary Fund would be appreciated.
The Vancouver Sun
Wednesday, 6 August 1986
Skuse - Arthur Henry in Vancouver on August 3, 1986. Survived by his loving wife Margaret, son, Stan of Campbell River, daughter, Mrs Ruth Sinai in Hawaii, 5 grandchildren. A late member of Crown Lodge No 163 AF & AM Vancouver. A private family service will be held Chapel of Chimes, Harron Bros, in charge of arrangements.
The Regina Leader-Post
Monday, 18 August 1986
Mrs. Lorraine Skuce, Stoughton, Saskatchewan, passed away in Regina Plains Health Centre, Saturday, August 16, 1986, age 70 years. Funeral Service will be held on Tuesday, August 19, 1986, at 2:00 p.m. from Grace United Church, Stoughton, Saskatchewan, with Rev. B. Clarkson officiating. In lieu of flowers donations may be given to the Diabetic Association. Mrs. Skuce leaves to mourn her husband, John, Stoughton, Sask.; sons: James and his wife, Sharlie, Radville, Sask., Robert and his wife, Joyce, Shaunavon, Sask.; and one daughter, Mary Lou Foss and her husband, Garry, Regina, Sask.; grandchildren: Jarrad and Kyle, Teresa, Tena and Robert Skuce and Grant and Jana Foss. Arrangements by Weyburn Funeral Home, Howard and Bill Ferguson, Wevburn, Sask.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 3 September 1986
Skuce, Eldon B. (Skid)
In hospital at Carleton Place, Ontario on Monday, September 1, 1986, age 65 years; beloved husband of Audrey Mary Knisch. Dear father of Mark and Matthew, both of Calgary; Dean of Ottawa; Rosemary, Cecily and Pamela. Predeceased by Leslie and Aby Skuce. Son of Bessie Skuce and the late George Orval Skuce. Grandfather of Nathaniel and Megan. Brother of Lloyd, Vancouver; Daniel, Toronto and Margaret Johnston of Bala, Ontario. Retired RCAF and prisoner of war 1942. Friends may call at Hulse and Playfair, West Chapel 1098 Byron Avenue (est of Woodroffe). Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Service at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, 930 Walson Avenue, Ottawa. Thursday 11 am. Interment Beechwood Cemetery. Donations may be sent to World Vision of Canada, Box 2500, Streetsville P.O. Mississauga, Ontario.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 6 September 1986
Johnston, Melville Langdon
In hospital, Toronto, September 4, 1986, Melville Johnstone, noted pianist and orchestra leader. Lifetime member of the Musicians Union and former employee of the Federal Department of Industry. Beloved son of Elizabeth (Betty) and the late Melville C Johnston. Loving husband of Margaret Skuce of Bala and father of James Montgomery, Melville Russell of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Stephen Orville of Bala, Ontario. Brother of Orville Murray and his wife June. Salso survived by 4 nephews and nieces, all of Gravenhurst, Ontario. A memorial service will be held Monday, September 8, in the Anglican Church, Bala, Ontario.
The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, July 21, 1987 / Wednesday, July 22, 1987
Skuce — Mark and Marie (nee Litchfield) are pleased to announce the arrival of their first son, Peter Charlton, on Wednesday, July 15, 1987, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Proud grandparents are Millie Litchfield, Aundry and Alan Shine and Robin and Pat Skuce. Special thanks to Doctor E Lyons and the staff at Mount Sinai Hospital.
The Toronto Star
11 September 1987
Higgs, Margaret — The family regrets to announce the passing of Margaret Higgs at Humber Memorial Hosptial on September 9, 1987. Dearly beloved wife of the late Eric. Dear daughter of the late Howard and Mary Denham. Loving sister of Edith Thorne and the late Dorothy Skuce. Loving grandmother Eric, Jonathan, Jennifer and David. Dear aunt of Rick Skuce, Gerry Thorne and Lorraine Clark. Loving great aunt of eight. The family will receive friends at the Turner & Porter Yorke Chapel, 2357 Bloor St. W at Windermere near the Jane subway from 7-9pm Thursday and 2-5 and 7-9 pm Friday. Funeral service Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment Resthaven Memorial Gardens.
Nanaimo Daily News
Saturday, 23 January 1988
SKUCE — Richard (Dick) Skuce passed away in Nanaimo Hospital, Thursday, January 21st, 1988. Born at County Cork, Ireland, Mr. Skuce had been a resident of Nanaimo for the past 15 years and was 99 years of age. He is survived by his wife Jessie at home; 1 daughter Eileen Zamulinski, Saskatoon; 1 sister Alice at Victoria. Funeral services will be held in the Chapel of Mount Benson Funeral Directors, 125 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, B.C., Tuesday afternoon, January 26th, at 1 p.m..
The Victoria Times Colonist
Tuesday, 1 March 1988
SKUCE — Richard (Dick) Skuce, passed away in the Dutferin Place Extended Care Unit of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, on Thursday, January 21, 1988, 38 days before his 100th birthday. Born in County Cork, Ireland, in the ancestral family farm home in the Dernafulla area, Mr. Skuce emigrated to Canada in 1909. From 1909 to 1962 he made his home mostly in Saskatchewan farming, naval service in the Second World War and subsequent bank employment in Saskatoon. Richard retired to Victoria, B.C. Ten years later his wife, Maria Catherine Cooper, died. They had been married 55 years. His last 15 years were spent in Nanaimo, B.C., married to Jessie Neilson. He was predeceased by his parents, Thomas James Skuce and Catherine Gosnell; by four brothers; John, Thomas James, William Daniel, and Francis (Frank) who homesteaded with "Dick"; by one sister, Elizabeth Anne (Lily), and two nephews, Charles Skuce, and Paul Skuce. He is survived by his wife, Jessie, Nanaimo, B.C.; his daughter, Eileen Winifred Zamulinski, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; his two sisters, Alice Frances Switzer, Victoria, B.C.; and Martha Jane Harman, Co. Cork, Ireland; by one brother, Joseph. North Tonawanda, New York, U.S.A.; and by 16 nieces and nephews. The funeral service for Richard Skuce was held in the chapel of Mount Benson Funeral Chaoel, 125 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, B.C., at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 26, The shared service was begun bv Rev. Warren H. Bruleigh, minister of St. Andrew's united Church. Hymns were "Morning Has Broken" — a Gaelic melody — and "Amazing Grace". The Union Jack flag draped the coffin. Rev. Bruleigh s comforting message of thankfulness for Richard's long life was followed by the service of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No 10, Their bugler sounded Taps and Reveille; secretary-manager, Colin A. Murcheson gave the eulogy; honourary pall bearers paid tribute with poppies. Friends accepted the invitation to go to the family home for refreshments after the funeral service. Cremation. Interment was made in the family plot in the Hatley Memorial Gardens, 2050 Sooke Road, Victoria, B.C.
Calgary Herald
Wednesday, 20 April 1988
SKUCE – Catherine Georgina Skuce of Hailey, Idaho, beloved daughter of Allan and Bertha Skuce of Beiseker, passed away on January 12, 1988 after an airplane accident. Catherine is survived by two brothers, Douglas, and his wife Linda and their children, Corinne and Corwin of Calgary and Gregory and Sally of Dawson City, Yukon. Born on December 7, 1944 in Manitoba, Catherine lived most of her school years in Beiseker. She resided in Banff a short time before leaving Canada to make her home in the United States. Funeral Services will be held in Hailey, Idaho on Saturday, April 23, 1988.
The Toronto Star
Monday, June 20, 1988
Goff, Frank Thomas — At the Community Memorial Hosptial in Port Perry on Sunday, June 19, 1988. In his 69th year. Dearly loved husband of Barbara Bruce Son-in-law of Elsie and Tony D??rdo, Brother of Doris (Mrs George Redstone) of Whitby, uncle of Frank Patterson of Sudbury, Cathy Skuce of Sutton and Wendy Redstone of Whitby. Friends may call at the Wagg-McDermott-Pangbaker Funeral Home in Port Perry (985-2171) on Wednesday, June 22 from 12 noon until time of service at 2 p.m interment St John's Cemetery, Blackstock. If desired, a donation may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario.
Brandon Sun
Thursday, June 23, 1988
Skuce: Richard at 97 years old died in the Evergreen Place, Boissevain, Man., June 22, 1988. Funeral services ill be held from Diehl's Funeral Chapel, Souris on Friday, June 24 at 2pm. Interment to follow in the Minnewawa cemetery, Nesbitt, Man. If friends so desire, contributions gratefully accepted to Evergreen Place, or Westview Lodge, Boissevain,, Man. Arragements are with Diehl's Funeral Home, Souris, Man.
Brandon Sun
Wednesday, July 5, 1988 / Thursday, July 6, 1988
Skuce: The death of Richard Skuce occurred in Evergreen Place, Boissevain, Man., on Wednesday, Jun e22, 1988. He was born in Oakland Municipality on April 6, 1891. On Nov 4, 1920, he married Kathleen Frances Peto of Winnipeg, who predeceased him in 1974. He worked for over 40 years for the Dept of Highways, living in Nesbitt, Carroll and Brandon, moving to Souris in 1968. In 1981 he moved to Westview Lodge, Boissevain and later to Evergreen Place. Surviving are three daughters: Mrs Frank Jacobs (Margaret), Boissevain; Mrs Norm Spain (anne), Bunclody; Mrs Roy Logan (Shirley), Carroll; two grandson: Brian and Barry Jacobs, Winnipeg; seven granddaughters: Kathleen HVal (Jacobs), Calgary, Alta.; Myrna Cavers (Spain), Winnipeg; Lauree Gradidge (Spain), Kelowna, BC; Donna Ballance (Jacobs), Winnipeg; Brenda Couvier (Logan), Dauphin; Lynn Butler (Logan), Brandon; Lee-Anne Kruk (Logan), Russell; four great-grandchildren; Leah and Allison Cavers, Travis Couvier and Jason Gradige; one sister, Mrs Bertha Harding, Wawanesa. He was predeceased by a daughter Themla in 1975 and four brothers, George, Arnott, Albert and Frank. Funeral services were held June 24 from Diehl's Funeral Chapel, Souris, Rev Don McIntyre officiating. Interment was in Minnewawa cemetery. Pallbearers were: Mel Logan, gransons: Brian and Barry Jacobs, grandsons-in-law: Howard Cavers, Darryl Ballance and Jim Butler.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 31 March 1989
SKUCE —Lyle and Karen (nee Mackie) are happy to announce the safe arrival of their son, Derrek Matthew, born March 29, 1989, at 7:20 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. A new brother for Melissa and a new grandson for Gerald and Bonnie Mackie, Metcalfe, Ontario, and Sybil Skuce, Winchester, Ontario. Thanks are extended to Dr. Dudley and caseroom nurses Sarah, Janet and Ann at the Ottawa Civic Hospital
The Regina Leader-Post
Monday, 1 May 1989
SKUCE— Funeral Services for the late William Sturgeon Skuce, age 83 years will be held on Monday, May 1, 1989, at 3:30 p.m. from the Grace United Church, Stoughton, Sask. Rev. B. Clarkson officiating. Interment will follow in Stoughton Cemetery, Stoughton, Sask. William was predeceased by his parents, John and Janet Skuce; one brother, Lyle; one sister, Bernice Tyndall; and a granddaughter, Nora Gillian McLeod. He leaves to mourn his wife, Nora, Stoughton; two sons: Dennis (Vivian) Skuce, Saskatoon, Donald (Betty) Skuce, Saskatoon; three daughters: Donna (Rod) McLeod, Thunder Bay, Ont., Joan (Bryan) Small, Harrison Hot Springs, B.C., Marcia (William) Goudy, Stoughton; three brothers: Elmer Skuce, Stoughton, John (Hazel) Skuce, Stoughton, Allan (Bertha) Skuce, Calgary, Alta.; three sisters: Helen Graham, Stoughton, Lois (Walter) Donnelley, Stoughton, Doris (Bill) Dammant, Moose Jaw; he also leaves 22 grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Those wishing to express their sympathy may donate to the Huntington Society, or a charity of their choice. Arrangements in care of Hastings-Dionne Funeral Home, Weyburn, Sask.
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 12 May 1989
Blacker, Norman James
In hospital on Tuesday, May 9, 1989, age
78 years; husband of Margaret Drucilla Skuce. Father of Gary, Deborah, Michael (husand of Susan), James, and grandfather of Stephen, Kristen and Ryan. Brother of Audrey
Groves of Vancouver and the late Stanley. Friends may call at the Memorial Funderal Home, 584 Somerset Street West, Saturday 9 to 11 a.m. Cremation and interment Beechwood Cemetery.
The Toronto Star
Thursday, May 25, 1989
Gray, Lillian Mae — Peacefully at home in Ottawa on Sunday, May 21, 1989, in her 92nd year. Lilian McKay, beloved wife of the late Harold Elliott Gray. Dear mother of Heather E Dennis and the late Robert W Gray. Lovingly remembered by her granddaughter Dana L Mason, Kingston; Deirdre A Mason and Jennifer P Skuce, both of Ottawa great grandchildren Megan and Keven. Predeceased by her beloved grandson Kevin Gray Mason. Friends may call at Hulse & Playfair Central Chapel, 315 McLeod St, Ottawa on Wednesday 10-12 noon. Private family serivce, in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society, Ottawa Chapter.
The Globe and Mail
Friday, June 30, 1989
Skuce — Marie and Mark are pleased to announce the arrival of their second son, Samuel Philip, born Tuesday, June 27, 1989 weighing 8 lbs 2 ozs. Many thanks to Dr E Lyons and nurses Joan Macintosh and Nancy Schottle and staff at Mount Sinai Hospital.
The Victoria Times Colonist
Tuesday, 3 April 1990
SWITZER — Alice Frances (nee Skuce), peacefully, on April 1, 1990, In Victoria. Born in 1892 In County Cork, Ireland and predeceased by her husband, William Charles in April, 1961; and by her brothers, Richard, Frank, William, Thomas and John; sisters, Martha and Lillian. She is survived by her brother, Reverend Joseph Skuce (Lillian) of New York, U.S.A.; her daughters, Gladys Swltzer and Frances Jamieson (John); three grandchildren, Clint, Lenora and Shane; five great-grandchildren, Kyle, Keith, David, Marc and Sara, all of Victoria; also her niece, Eileen Zamulinski of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and many other nieces and nephews and their families. Funeral service will be conducted from McCall Bros. Family Chapel, 1400 Vancouver Street, on Thursday, April 5 at 1:00 p.m. with the Reverend K. R. Hillmer officiating. Interment to follow at Hatley Memorial Gardens. Flowers are gratefully declined, tributes may be made to the Canadian Bible Society, National Office, Suite 100, 10 Camforth Road, Toronto, Ontario, M4A 9Z9.
The Toronto Star
Monday, April 30, 1990
Thompson, Dorothy Anne nee Skuce — After a lengthy illness at her home on Saturday, April 28, 1990. Dorothy, beloved wife of Gary Douglas. Loving mother of Jeremy and Liza Lee Catalano. Loved daughter of John L "Bud" and the late Ellenor Skuce. Dear sister of Jo-Anne D Kluey. Resting at the Ward Funeral Home, 2035 Weston Rd (nother of Lawrence Ave), Weston, on Monday from 2-4 and 6-9, then Tuesday from 9 am until service time. Funeral service in the chapel on Tuesday at 1pm. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. For those who wish, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family.
The Toronto Star
Monday, August 13, 1990
Bosco Baby!
Ward/Levy-Ward — Philip, Anne, and big brother Gregory welcome with love, Melissa Constance Victoria Ward (a.k.a. Bosco), born August 10 1990, at Credit Valley Hospital. Grandparents are Victor and Rene Levy, Mississauga, and Donna Ward of Markham. A great grandchild for Dorothy Skuce, Scarborough, and Connie Ward, of Perth, Scotland . Our sincere thanks to the labor and delivery staff, Dr Donald Black and Credit Valley OB-GYN Association, Dr Led Rossiter, Dr Peter Clarke, and Kim and Linda from the Diabetic Education Unit. Love and thanks to co-coach, Auntie Gail Watson.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 23 April 1991
Skuce, Mary McRuer
On Monday, April 22, 1991 at the Township of Osgoode Care Centre, Mary M, Wood in her 96th year. Beloved wife of the late Thomas Lester Skuce, formerly of Osgoode, Ontario. Dear mother of Helen (Mrs. Everett Moore) of Ottawa and Gilbert W. Skuce, Coquitlam. B.C. Predeceased by her daughter Muriel. Loving grandmother ol Valerie (Tremblay) and Richard Moore. Douglas and Kevin Skuce. Great-grandmother of Adam and Samantha Tremblay, Michelle and Steven Skuce, Survived by her sisters Mrs. Flora Fader, Miss Anne Wood and Mabel (Mrs. Gerald Brunton). Predeceased by sisters Margaret, Alice, Agnes (Mrs. J.O. Swerdfager) and 1 brother William L. Wood. Friends may call at the Tubman Funeral Home, Westboro Chapel, 403 Richmond Road at Roosevelt, on Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 12 noon until time of service. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Chapel. Interment Elmview Cemetery, Kars, Donations in her memory to the Township of Osgoode Care Centre, R.R. No. 3, Metcalfe, Ontario.
Almaguin News, East Parry South, Ontario
22 April 1992
Visiting at Easter: at Mr and Mrs John Skuce's home - Gerald and Dorothy Skuce and daughter, Johanna of Toronto.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 7 August 1992
Skuce, John Herbert
Suddenly on Thursday, August 6, 1992, John Herbert Skuce of Winchester, in his 85th year. Beloved husband of Viola MacGregor. Dear father of Albert (Linda) of Vernon, Hilda (Doug Thomas) of Greely and Carl (Johanne) of Brinston. Grandfather of Barry, Ron and Donna Skuce, Jeff and Brenda Thomas, and Peter, Robert and Miranda Skuce. Brother of Lena Hoy of Metcalfe, Anne White of Florida, Lorne of Ormond, Rose (John Campbell) of R.R. 1, Winchester and the late Melvin, Cecile Declaire, Frank, Edward and Richard. Resting at the Duncan Funeral Home, 2371 Highway 31 (between Scrivens Drive and Metcalfe Corner), from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday where service will be held on Saturday at 11 a.m. Interment Spring Hill Cemetery.
Nanaimo Daily News
Friday, 28 August 1992
SKUCE – Mrs. Jessie Skuce passed away in Kiwanis Lodge, Wednesday evening, August 26th, 1992. Born at Swettenham, Cheshire, England, Mrs. Skuce had been a resident of Nanaimo Since 1960 and was 94 years of age. Predeceased by her husband Peter Ferguson: Nanaimo, Irene and husband Larry Repp; Victoria, sons Jeffrey and wife Jacqueline Cunliffe: in Wales, Brian and wife Kitty Cunliffe: Toronto, 14 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren. Mrs. Skuce was a life member of Bowen Park Seniors, an avid bowler, dancer and gardener. Funeral services wll be held in the Chapel of Mount Benson Funeral Directors, 125 Wallace Street, Na naimo, B.C., Saturday afternoon, August 29th at 1:00 P.M. followed by cremation.
The Daily Sentinel Review, Woodstock
Friday, Sept 18, 1992
Hayes - At Cedarwood Village Nursing Home. 500 Queensway West, Comcoe, on Thursday September 17, 1992, Helen (Baese) Hayes, of Cedarwood Village, in her 73rd year. Predeceased by her Husband Harold Hayes, in 1987. Survived by three sisters Margaret Harris and her husband bill of Port Rowan, Ann Wiens and her husband Peter of RR1 Port Rowan, Marie Neuman and her husban Peter of RR3 Port Rowan, by two brothers John Baese and his wife Elsie of RR3 Port Rowan, Peter Baese and his wife Mary of Port Rowan. Also survived by several nieces and nephews and one brother in law Fred Skuce of RR3 Port Rowan. Predeceased by two sisters Velma Skuce and Sara Wiens and by two brothers Henry and John Baese and by two nieces Arlene Mudford and Marie Newman. The late Helen Hayes is resting at the Ostrander's Funderal Home, Clark Chapel, Port Rowan, for funeral service on Saturday at 2p.m. with Rev. Peter Klassen of the Port Rowan Community Church officiating. Intermnetnt at the Bayview Cemetery. Memorial donations to any charity of your choice gratefully appreciated. Public visitations to commence today at 2p.m.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 20 October 1992
Skuce, James
In hospital on Sunday, October 18, 1992, in his 72nd year. James Richard Skuce, beloved husband ol Gladys Skuce. Loving father of David, Leonard, Alana, Dwight, Joel, Mitchell and the late Ronald. At his request, no visitation or service.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 12 March 1993
Skuce, Phyllis
Peacefully at Island Lodge, on Wednesday, March 10, 1993. in her 93rd year. Phyllis Claire Skuce (nee Hawley), beloved wife of John Maynard Skuce and loving mother of Calvin and his wife. Penny. Friends may attend a Memorial Service at the Rideau Veteran's Chapel, 363 Smyth Road, on Tuesday, March 16, at 3 p.m., Padre Brian Brown officiating. Cremation and interment at Pinecrest Cemetery at a later date. No flowers by request.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 21 June 1993
HOY, Lena
(Member of Rebekah Lodge - Osgoode and L.O B, Lodge - Osgoode)
On Saturday, June 19, 1993, Lena Skuce of Osgoode Township, in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the late Russell George Hoy. Dear mother of Earl (Nancy) of Kemptville. Helen (Douglas Stewart) of Metcalfe, Velma (Maynard Meldrum) of Osgoode, Clifford of Ottawa, Walter (Korrie) of Osgoode. Barbara Stanley (Gary Scharf) of Gloucester and the late Gordon. Loved by 14 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Sister of Anne White of Florida. Lorne Skuce of Ormand, Rose (John Campbell) of R.R. 1, Winchester and the late Melvin, John, Frank. Edward, Richard Skuce and Cecile Declaire. Resting at the Duncan Funeral Home. 2371 Highway 31 (between Scrivens Drive and Metcalfe Corner) from 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday, where service will be held on Monday at 2 p.m. Interment Reid's Mills Cemetery. Donations to the Winchester & District Memorial Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Fund or the Township of Osgoode Care Centre would be most appreciated.
The Toronto Star
26 July 1993
Page A18
Skuce, Amy Susan — On Saturday, July 24, 1994 at her residence, St. Raphael's Nursing Home, Kitchener, Amy Skuce, formerly of Toronto. She was born in Toronto 96 years ago, a daughter of the late Frank and May (Bateman) Freeman. Loving wife of William Leslie Skuce who predeceased her in 1956. Loving mother of Frederick and his wife Ruth of New Hamburg, George and his wife Olive of Burlington. Ever remembered by four grand-children and a number of great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by one son Robert and one daughter Edith, and two brothers George and Frank. There will be a graveside service at Prospect Cemetery, Toronto on Tuesday, July 27 at 11 a.m. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to St. Raphael's Nursing Home, Kitchener.
The Ottawa Citizen, Ontario
24 November 1993
Page A1
Nelson Skuce
Back in the 1970s, the Citizen dropped the reference to Ottawa in its masthead at the top of the front page. The idea was to appeal to suburban readers. A decade or so later, Nelson Skuce, the paper's director of design, managed to have it put back.
His argument was something like this: Ottawa is the name of the nation's capital city; the Citizen is the newspaper in the capital. So, say so.
Such reasoning reflected Skuce's deep sense of connection to the city of his birth. That connection was severed Tuesday with Skuce's death from leukemia. He was 56.
"He understood the connection between a newspaper and its town better than any newspaper executive I've ever known, said Gordon Fisher, the paper's general manager.
Skuce was born in Ottawa in 1937. He was a star athlete in high school, and briefly played professional baseball. But he returned home to launch a 36-year journalism career with the Ottawa Journal in 1957. He spent 10 years there as a reporter and assistant city editor.
After a short stint in public relations at the University of Ottawa, he joined the Citizen in 1968 as a desk editor. By 1976 he was managing editor.
He became director of design in 1987, winning several awards for the paper over the next few years.
Skuce is survived by his wife Marsha, children Michael, 13, and Mark, 16, and adult children Tim, Peter, and Jennifer. The funeral will be held Thursday.
Larger than life: Skuce's passion for life touched all he did, B3
The Globe and Mail
25 November 1993
Obituary / Nelson Skuce
Editor became design director
Editor became design director
Ottawa — Nelson Skuce, director of design of the Ottawa Citizen, died Tuesday of leukemia. He was 56.
Mr Skuce as born in Ottawa and was a star high-school athlete. He had a brief career in professional baseball before joining the Ottawa Journal in 1957. He spent 10 years there as a reporter and assistant city editor.
He worked for two years in the public-relations department of the University of Ottawa before joining the Citizen in 1968 as a desk editor. He rose through the ranks of assistant city editor, city editor and chief news editor before being named manging editor in 1976. In 1985, he was elected president of the Canadian Managing Editors' Conference.
He was named the Citizen's director of design in 1987.
Mr Skuce leaves his wife Marsha, and children Michael, 13, and Mark, 16, three adult children, Tim, Peter, and Jennifer, brother Bill and sister Elenor.
A funeral service was scheduled for 10 a.m. today in Ottawa at St Martin's Anglican Church.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, 25 November 1993
Skuce, Nelson
On Tuesday, November 23, 1993, at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, Robert Nelson Skuce, age 56. Beloved husband of Marsha. Devoted father of Jennifer, Tim, Peter, Mark and Michael. Cherished son of Lydia and the late W.W. Skuce. Dear brother of Eleanor and her husband, Thomas Glynn, and Bill and his wife, Houri. Sadly missed uncle of Randy, Ricky, Greg and Corey Glynn, Anisa Skuce and Phillip and Michael Knudson. Nelson was a career journalist who rose to senior positions in the Editorial Departments of the Ottawa Journal and the Ottawa Citizen, where he was Director of Graphics and Design. Friends may call at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street, on Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Service to be held at 10 a m. Thursday at St. Martin's Anglican Church, 2120 Prince Charles Road, Rev. Robert Heard officiating. Interment at Capital Memorial Gardens on Highway 16. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Ottawa Civic Hospital Foundation.
Ottawa Citizen
5 January 1994
Gone, but not to be forgotten
They belong at the rink, the ballpark, the stadium. But lately the sad truth is, if you're looking for a member of the local sports community, try Hulse and Playfair. It's standing room only at the funeral parlor.
In the past week, the sports village of the nation's capital lost two giants. Gord Hamilton and Bill Cowley.
Gordie was the heart and soul of the Ottawa-Nepean Canadians Sports Club, but so much more. Cowley, an NHL Hall of Famer, was the finest playmaker of his era, a two-time Hart Trophy winner as the NHL's most valuable player, and an original partner of the Ottawa 67's.
You're supposed to say nice things about people who pass away, but it was never so easy as with Gord Hamilton and Bill Cowley. Just tell the truth.
The sports community and, especially, the Hamilton family are pleased to see the end of 1993, a year that took brothers Bruce and Gord, their mother, Ethel and their first cousin, Nelson Skuce, who worked at this newspaper but breathed baseball.
Gordie Ham, 49, died one day after Christmas. Cowley, 81, the former Boston Bruin great, died on New Year's Eve and was buried Tuesday.
"I'm just a big baby, I guess, but when I went to Bill's wake, there were tears in my eyes, said Lally Lalonde, a local sports icon in his own right. Lalonde played for a senior city league team coached by Cowley in the '40s.
"I feel a great loss. He was as nice a man as I've ever met in my life, the most memorable person I've ever met in sport. Being a star NHLer never went to his head. He was Bill Cowley, your friend.
They had this in common, Cowley and Hamilton, a low profile for their kind works. Cowley used to be kidded for clinging to the first dollar he ever earned, but friends in need knew another side to the man.
We've had a week to spin Gordie Ham's good deeds and a week is not enough. A boy needed a ball glove, a pair of skates, Gordie found the way. As often as not, the pocket he reached for was his own. But financial support for athletes in need was just part of the Hamilton story.
Gordie was about people. A certain single mother couldn't afford figure skating lessons for her son. The sports club paid for the lessons. Gordie would take the kid out for lunch, listen to his problems. He was coach, mentor, father figure.
Long before the 1988 Olympic silver medal was a twinkle in Liz Manley's eyes, Manley didn't have the means to get to the rink for practice. Gordie, that closet figure skating fan, arranged a rental car.
`It hasn't sunk in yet'
"I still don't feel like Gordie's gone, said Shawn O'Connor, a pitcher for the Ottawa-Nepean Canadians senior baseball team and one of many under Hamilton's wing. "It hasn't sunk in yet. It's hard to put into words what he meant. He was always there for you. The ball season is going to be awful. It won't seem like a home game without big Gordie watching from the press box and then going back to the club and hearing him analyse our performance.
It was Gordie who recruited 10,000 names, at a buck each, on a telegram that landed in Howard Darwin's lap 10 minutes before Ottawa's presentation to the International League expansion committee.
It was Gordie who dreamed up the idea of $5 deposits as a show of faith, with the promise of the first three games free; and it was Gordie who scrambled to scare up tickets for all who responded.
"Gordie's biggest fault, said Darwin, "was that he didn't know how to say no. And later he'd say, `It seemed like a good idea at the time.'
He was a big man, Gord Hamilton and, as Brian Kilrea said, the biggest part of Gordie was his heart. You don't replace people like Gord and Bruce Hamilton, Nelson Skuce or Bill Cowley. Neither do you forget them.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 4 February 1994
Skuce, Bessie Graham, R.N.
Peacefully on Wednesday, February 2, 1994. Bessie Beatty, in her 99th year, wife of the late Orval Skuce. Dear mother of Lloyd and his wife, Josey of Vancouver, Daniel of Toronto and the Reverend Margaret Johnston, wife of the late Mel Johnston of Muskoka. Predeceased by son, Eldon Skuce, husband of Audrey. Sister of Gardiner Beatty and predeceased by brothers, Osborne and Lloyd Beatty and sister, Mabel Fowler. Loving grandmother of 15 and great-grandmother of 18. Mrs. Skuce had over 60 years devoted service to St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Dominion Life Member of the Women's Institute, graduate of Lady Stanley Institute, Life Member of Grace Hospital Auxiliary, Past Board Member of the Ottawa Local Council of Women. Life Member of Britannia Women's Institute, Nursed at High River Albert General Hospital. Friends may call at the Tubman Funeral Home, Westboro Chapel, 403 Richmond Road at Roosevelt, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. Funeral service in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, 930 Watson Avenue, Ottawa, Saturday, 10 a.m. Interment Pinecrest Cemetery. Friends desiring, may make memorial donations to the Canadian Bible Society or the Primates World Relief and Development Fund.
Acton Free Press
2 March 1994
Baxter, Alexander McLaren — (former Vice Principal of Georgetown District High School) on Friday, February 25, 1994 at the Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital, Long Term Care. Alexander Baxter of Georgetown, husband of the late Maisie Vera Skuse, in his 87th year. Loved father of Blake and his wife Marilyn of Georgetown and Duncan and his wife Jacqueline of Kitchener. Proud grandfather of Larry of Kitchener, Lorene Taylor of B.C. and great-grandfather of Michael of B.C. Dear brother of Verna and her husband Joseph Hyde of Toronto and Odel Elliott of Minden. Friends were received at the J.S. Jones and Son Funeral Home, Georgetown, Ontario.
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, May 26, 1994
Skuce, Andy
Peacefully at Lachute, Quebec on Tuesday, May 24, 1994, in his 92nd year. Andrew Bell Skuce, beloved husband of the late Mary Devine. Dear father of the late Frances Georgina Smith. Loving grandfather of Cherelyn Bryanton (John McCaig), great-grandfather of Rhonda Shabot (Patrick) and great-greatgrandfather of Patrick Andrew Shabot. Friends may call at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street, on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Graveside Service will be held at Pinecrest Cemetery on Friday, May 27th, at 11a.m.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 15 August 1994
Skuce, John Robin
In Toronto, Thursday, August 11 , 1994, age 56. Son of Dolly and the late Sam Skuce of Northern Ireland. Brother of Wendy Spratt, of Northern Ireland. Beloved father of Mark, Patrick, Tony and Jennifer Skuce. Grandfather of Peter, Sam, Charelton, Rowland and Violet. Visitation Monday, August 15, 7 to 9 p.m., the Ward Funeral Home, Brampton Chapel, 52 Main Street South, Brampton, Ontario. Service Tuesday, August 16, 12 noon. Robin's sense of humour, entrepreneurial spirit and vitality will be remembered and missed by all who knew and loved him.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 29 August 1994
Skuce, Mark Eldon
On Saturday, August 27, 1994, at the age of 44 years. Mark Skuce, beloved son of Audrey and the late Eldon "Skid" Skuce. Loving brother of Dean and his wife, Sheila, Rosemary and her husband, Dan, Matthew and his wife, Gerri, Cecily and Pamela. Survived by many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Tubman Funeral Home, Westlawn Chapel, 3440 Richmond Road, Nepean (between Bayshore and Baseline), on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Service will be held at Faith Lutheran Church, 43 Meadowlands Drive West, on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Interment at Beechwood Cemetery.
North Bay Nugget
Tuesday, 30 August 1994
Winnifred Rebecca "Winnie" Skuce
The funeral service for Winnifred Rebecca "Winnie" Skuce was conducted by Reverend Judy Hare on Tuesday August 23 1994 at the Paul Funeral Home, Powassan. Organist Shirley Loy played "All The Way The Saviour Leads Me The Lord Is My Shepherd and How Great Thou Art" Enid Paul delivered a poetry reading.
Mrs Skuce died peacefully at North Bay Civic Hospital on Saturday August 20, 1994 in her 81st year. She will be dearly remembered by her children Gary Skuce and his wife Norma and Lorna Topps and her husband Don, all of Powassan. Also survived by three grandchildren Peter and Heather Topps and Edward Skuce. Predeceased by her husband Harry Skuce in 1974 and by her sisters Blanche Livermore, Gladys Scott and Doris McFadden.
Winnie was bom in Balderson, Ontario to Alexander and Ellen Scott (nee Caldwell) on May 15, 1913. When she was two years old her family moved to Powassan and ran a creamery on the Purdon Line. Winnie lived at home until she married Harry Skuce on June 12, 1937. She and Harry bought a farm on the English Line (now called Concession 8) in 1945 and lived there until they sold it to Gary and moved into town in 1967. After Harry died in 1974, Winnie continued to live in their house on the North Hill up until three years ago, when she moved to the Pines.
Home, family, friends and music were her passion. If she had all of these things her needs were met. Winnie was very talented and played piano by ear. She also enjoyed singing hymns with her family and friends. Being a lifetime member of the UCW Winnie also played at their meetings as well as at Eastholme, the Golden Sunshine Club and at Maple Hill School. She was a quiet and humble person as well as very giving and loving and will always be held dear in the hearts of all who knew her. Casket bearers for Mrs Skuce were Bill Warner, Bob Loy, Gerald Skuce, Lloyd Anderson, Reg Topham and Clare Piper. Interment took place at Powassan Union Cemetery.
Almaguin News, East Parry South, Ontario
? September 1994
Winnifred R Skuce
Powassan: The funeral service for Winnifred Rebecca "Winnie" Skuce sas conducted by Rev. Judy Hare on Tuesday, August 23, 1994 at the Paul Funeral Home, Powassan.
Organist Shirley Loy played 'All the Way the Saviour Leads Me', the Lord Is My Shepherd' and 'How Great Thou Art'. Enid Paul delivered a poetry reading.
Mrs Skuce died peacefully at North Bay Civic Hospital on Saturday, August 20, in her 81st year.
She will be dearly remembered by her children, Gary Skuce and his wife, Norma, and Lorna Topps and her husband, Don, all of Powassan. She is also survived by three grandchildren, Peter and Heather Topps and Edward Skuce. Predecesed by her husband Harry Skuce in 1974 and by her sisters, Blanche Livermore, Gladys Scott and Doris McFadden.
Winnie was born in Balderson, Ontario to Aexander and Ellen Scott (nee Caldwell) on May 15, 1913. When she was two years old her family moved to Powassan and ran a creamery on the Purdon Line.
Winnie lived at home until she married Harry Skuce on June 12, 1937. She and Harry bought a farm on the English Line (now called Concession #8) in 1945 and lived there until they sold it to Gary and moved into town in 1967.
After Harry died in 1974, Winnie continued to live in their house on the North Hill up until three years ago when she moved to the Pines.
Home, family, friends and music were her passion. If she had all of these things, her needs were met. Winnie was very talented and played piano by ear. She also enjoyed singing hymns with her family and friends. Being a lifetime member of the U.C.W., Winnie also played at their meetings as well as at Eastholme, the Golden Sunshine Club, and at Maple Hill School. She was quiet and humble person as well as very giving and loving and will always be held dear in the hearts of all who knew her.
Casket bearers for Mrs Skuce were Bill Warner, Bob Loy, Gerald Skuce, Llod Anderson, Reg Topham and Clare Piper.
Interment took place at Powassan Union Cemetery.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 4 November
Starr, Esther (Skuce)
On November 2, 1994, wife of the late Harold Starr. Survived by one son, Barry, daughter-in-law, Molly, grandchildren Jeffrey, Danny and Kerry. Sister of Mrs. E. Oakes (Nellie) and Mrs. J. Mercer (Maureen). As requested Private Service. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Ottawa Boys and Girls Club.
Calgary Herald
Monday, 11 March 1996 (Also in 9/10 edition)
SKUCE — Mr Allan Skuce of the Bethany Care Centre, beloved husband of Mrs Bertha Skuce of Beiseker, passed away at the Foothills Hospital on March 7, 1996 at the age of 85 years. Funeral Services will be held at the Chapel of Mountain View Cemetery and Funeral Home (17 Avenue S.E. at Garden Road), on Monday, March 11, 1996 at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Keith G. Syer officiating. Interment to follow at Mountain View Memorial Gardens. If friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Huntington Society of Canada, 722 - 16 Avenue N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2E 6V7. Arrangements in care of McInns & Holloway Funeral Homes 'Crowfoot Chapel', 82 Crofoot Circle N.W.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 27 March 1996
Skuce, Sybil I.
Suddenly at the Ottawa Civic Hospital on Monday, March 25, 1996, Sybil Isabelle Brown of Winchester, Ontario, in her 76th year. Predeceased by parents, Robert Brown and Margaret Rainey and husband, Edward Skuce. Dearly loved mother of Margaret Jones (William) of Ottawa, Erwin Skuce (Betty) of Winchester, Edson Skuce of Ottawa, Shelba Johnston of Nepean, Gordon Skuce (Gail) of Vancouver, B.C. and Lyle Skuce (Karen) of Winchester. Dearly loved Granny to 13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Survived by sisters, Anna Sumerville and Ileen Armstrong (Winchester), Mary Stewart (Chesterville), Verda Clements (Newington) and Phyllis McAuley (Metcalfe). Predeceased by sister, Greta Lobb and brothers, Stanley Brown and Robert Brown. Sadly missed by many friends especially her neighbours at the Millview Apartments in Winchester. Resting at the Daniels Funeral Homes Inc., 505 Church St., Winchester, where family will receive friends Tuesday, 7 to 9, and Wednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral service will be held at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Winchester, on Thursday, March 28, 1996, at 11 a.m. Spring interment, Springhill Cemetery. Donations to the Ottawa Heart Institute would be appreciated
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 1 June 1996
Skuce, Richard Augustus
Peacefully at home in Victoria on Monday, May 27, 1996, Richard Augustus Skuce, in his 87th year. Beloved husband of Nelda Louise Skuce. Cherished father of Murray Skuce (Suzanne Poohkay) of Vancouver and Douglas Skuce (Ingrid Meyer) of Ottawa. Dear brother of Marguerite Boucher of Ottawa. Loving grandfather of Mitchell and Kirsten. Family shall celebrate Dick's precious memory in Ottawa on evening of the 8th of June. Friends may telephone or write to Nelda at the home of Douglas Skuce, 313 Cunningham Ave, Ottawa, K1H 6B1 - 526-3732. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society.
The Ottawa Citizen
Wendesday, 9 October 1996
Skuce, Viola Dinah
In hospital on Monday, October 7, 1996, Viola MacGregor of Winchester in her 84th year. Beloved wife of the late John Herbert Skuce. Dear mother of Albert (Linda) of Vernon, Hilda (Doug Thomas of Greely and Carl (Johanne) Hamsville. Grandmother of Barry (Josee), Ron (Nathalie) and Donna Skuce, Jeff and Brenda Thomas and Peter, Robert and Miranda Skuce. Great-grandmother of Jonathan. Sister of the late Gilbert and Horace. Resting at the Duncan Funeral Home, Chapel & Reception Centre, 2371 Highway 31, (between Scrivens Drive and Metcalfe Corner) from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral Thursday in the chapel for service at 2 p.m. Interment Spring Hill Cemetery Donations to the charity of your choice would be most appreciated.
Lethbridge Herald
Monday, 23 December 1996
Iona Skuce, 68, remembers a living Christmas gift that got turned away. Her father, William Christopher Skuce, was a sharpshooter with the Princess Louise Guards. He won the silver cup for 20 years at the Connaught Rifle Range.
One year he brought home a live Christmas goose, on a leash.
"It walked in the front door and down the hall into the kitchen of our home," says Skuce. "It was saying honk honk' all the way, in a very friendly fashion.
"We had to give it away because nobody wanted to eat that nice goose for Christmas dinner at our home."
The story has an interesting post-script, says Skuce.
Lou Skuce, her father's cousin, was a cartoonist for the Toronto Sun and he adopted the goose as his pen-name, signing all his cartoons with "Skuce's Goose."
He drew a mural of the goose at the Toronto Press Club.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 4 April 1997
SKUCE, John Maynard
On March 30, 1997, at the Perley and Rideau Veterans Residence, aged 97 years. Husband of the late Phyllis Hawley. Dearly beloved father of John Calvin Skuce (Penny). Veteran of both World Wars, Member of Legion Montgomery Branch 351, Member of Masonic Lodge 177 Builders. Funeral service will be held at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street, on Saturday, April 5, at 2 p.m. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Perley and Rideau Veterans Residence.
The Ottawa Citizen, Ontario
5 April 1997
John Maynard Skuce
Veteran showed generous spirit
In 1917, at the age of 17, John Maynard Skuce tried to join the army. When officials found out he was under age, they kicked him out, only to have him re-enlist a half year later. The First World War ended before he could get overseas.
Mr. Skuce joined the army again in 1939 and this time served overseas in the medical corps, making him a veteran of two major wars.
Mr. Skuce died March 30 in his sleep at the age of 97 at the Perley and Rideau Veterans Residence.
Mr. Skuce was born in Ottawa in 1900. Before he joined the army, he worked with this father at their blacksmith shop on Irving Avenue. He and his father shod horses and repaired wagons.
At the end of the first war, he travelled to Detroit to work at the Ford Motor plant. But he left his sweetheart, Phyllis Hawley, in Ottawa. He asked her to join him in Detroit but she refused. She was too attached to the city and didn't want to leave her mother.
Mr. Skuce returned to Ottawa with a brand new Ford truck, a wedding gift from the company, and the marriage took place in 1926. They had one son, Calvin Skuce, who still lives in Ottawa.
After returning from the States, Mr. Skuce ran his own business. He owned two garages in Ottawa, one on Florence Street and the other on Kent . His son says he loved to repair old cars.
``You wouldn't know how many old cars we had around,'' said Calvin Skuce. His father would fix them up and the family would use them until ``something new came along.''
Times were tough and often Mr. Skuce's customers couldn't pay. When it came time to settle their bills, he'd ask them how much they thought the work was worth. Penny Skuce, Calvin's wife, says that's why he was never a rich man; he was always owed more than he was ever paid. Calvin Skuce remembers his father coming home sometimes with only a few dollars in his pocket.
In his later years, Mr. Skuce worked at Canadian Tire, keeping up his interest in cars.
In the late 1970s, Mr. Skuce sang with a group called the Keynotes at the Montgomery Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. There were about 10 people in the group and Mr. Skuce loved to be on stage, sing and tell jokes.
He entered the veterans residence in 1989. Carol Waldron, the nursing unit manager on Mr. Skuce's floor, says she remembers him as a quiet man who always had a smile on his face.
While he became frail in his old age, he still enjoyed going out in his wheelchair. He especially enjoyed visits from Princess, his son's toy poodle.
A funeral service will be held at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair and McGarry, 315 McLeod St., today at 2 p.m.
The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Thursday, 7 August 1997
Eileen Winnifred Zamulinski (nee Skuce) has passed away in St Paul's Hospital at the age of 77 years. Her lost days were peaceful. She very much enjoyed the visits of friends and family members. She was made particularly happy by the presence of her nephew, Brian, who travelled from Malaysia to be with her. Eileen was predeceased by her father, Richard Skuce in 1988; by her mother, Maria Catherine Skuce (nee Cooper) in 1972; and by her husband, Paul in 1975. She is survived by many, both friends and relatives, who love her and who will miss her greatly. Eileen was born in North Battleford on July 6, 1920 and grew up in the rural centres on the Prairies. She served in the Royal Canadian Air Force (Women's Division) from 1942 to 1945. She had been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion since 1946. Eileen was a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, earning her B. Ed. in 1952 and her BSc.(HEc) in 1953. She taught home economics from 1953 until 1975. During retirement, Eileen pursued her Interest in genealogy and spent time investigating her Irish origins. Eileen was a member ot the Anglican Church and attended regularly at St. John's Cathedral. Flowers are declined. Instead, donations in memory of Eileen to a charity of the donors' choice are welcome. There will be a Memorial Service with Legion rites at St. John's Anglican Cathedral on Saturday, August 9 at 2 00 p m.
Green and White, University of Saskatchewan
Fall 1997
In Memoriam
(1952) Eileen Winnifred Zamulinski (Skuce), BEd'52, BHSc'53, of Saskatoon, SK, d. July 27, 1997.
(Query article for Ira Bannan Skuce, Wednesday May 27, 1998 in Omemee, Ontario)
The Vancouver Sun
Tuesday, November 4, 1997
Skuce - Lloyd Milton, passed away peacefully on November 2, 1997 in his Vancouver home at the age of 74. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife Josephine; children: Allan (Lorna), Chris (Terri), Teri, John (Maureen); six grandsons, two granddaughters; sister, Margaret; brother, Dan; and extended family and friends. Prayers will be held Wednesday, November 5, 8:00 P.M. at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 2776 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver, where Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Thursday, November 6, 1:00 P.M. Fr. D Potts, Celebrant. Private interment. In lieu of flwoers, a donation would be appreciated to the charity of one's choice or the Canadian Cancer Society 565 West 10 Avenue, Vancouver, BC. V5Z 4J4.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 5 January 1998
Skuce, Lorne Ambrose
(Born Hallville, September 30, 1914, Died Winchester, January 4, 1998). Resident of Dundas Manor since September 18, 1995, formerly of Ormond (since 1973), in his 84th year. Son of the late Frank and Clara Belle (Doran) Skuce. Predeceased by sisters Cecile Declaire, Lena Hoy and Anne White and by brothers Frank, John, Richard, Edward and Melvin Skuce. Survived by one sister Rose Campbell and by several nieces and nephews. Resting at the Duncan Funeral Home, Chapel and Reception Centre, 2371 Highway 31, (between Scrivens Drive and Metcalfe Corner) from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday. Funeral Tuesday in the Chapel for service at 1 p.m. Interment Reid's Mills Cemetery. Donations to the Winchester & District Memorial Hospital would be most appreciated.
The Winchester Press
Wednesday, 21 January 1998
Lorna Ambrose Skuce
Lorne Ambrose Skuce died on Sun., Jan. 4 at the Dundas Manor, Winchester. He was 83.
Mr Skuce was born at Hallville on Sept. 30, 1914 to the late Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce. He lived in the Vernon-Ormand area all his adult life.
He is survived by one sister, Rose Campbell, and several nieces and nephews. Mr Skuce was predeceased by sisters Cecile Declaire, Lena Hoy and Anne White, and by brothers Frank, John, Richard, Edward and Melvin.
Funeral services were held at the Duncan Funeral Home on Tues., Jan. 6 with Reverend Stephen Neil officiating. Interment was in the family plot at Reids Mills Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Brian Moloughney, George Oschmann, Earl Hoy, Walter Hoy, Carl Skuce and Ron Skuce.
The Ottawa Citizen
Monday, 9 March 1998
Mercer, Norah Maureen
Born Cork Ireland 1904. Peacefully in hospital Sunday, March 8, 1998. Daughter of the late Norah and Frank Skuce. Beloved wife of the late Captain James Wilson Mercer. Mother of James Lawrence and Donald James (Sheila Sparks). Loving grandmother of Carla, Douglas and Kirk. Survived by cherished sister Nell Oakes and pre-deceased by her sisters Margorie Gliddon, Ester Starr and brothers Frank and Charles. Private funeral arrangements entrusted to Tubman Funeral Homes.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 26 May 1998
Skuce, Albert Gordon (Ab)
Suddenly on Monday, May 25, 1998, Albert Skuce of Vernon in his 57th year. Beloved husband of Linda (Rice). Dear father of Barry (Josee), Ron (Nathalie) and Donna Skuce. Loving grandfather of Jonathan. Son of the late John and Viola (MacGregor) Skuce. Brother of Hilda (Doug Thomas) of Greely and Carl (Johanne) of Hainsville. Resting at the Duncan Funeral Home, Chapel and Reception Centre, 2371 Highway 31, (between Scrivens Drive and Metcalfe Corner) from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral Wednesday in the Chapel for service at 1 p.m. Interment Spring Hill Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation would be most appreciated.
The Regina Leader-Post
Monday, 20 July 1998
George "Elmer" Skuce, late ot Stoughton, SK, passed away July 17, 1998 at the age of 90 years. Memorial service will be held at 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at Grace United Church, Stoughton, SK. Rev. Jann Sampson officiating. Interment at Stoughton Cemetery, Stoughton, SK. Donations can be made to the Newhope Pioneer Lodge, Stoughton, SK. or Grate United Church, Stoughton, SK. Arrangements entrusted to Fletcher Funeral Chapels, Weyburn, SK.
The Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 23 January
KLOTZ, Claire Evelyn (Peggie) (nee Franklyn)
Quietly at the Ottawa Heart Institute, on Thursday, January 21, 1999, in her 84th year, Claire (Peggie) Klotz. Beloved wife ot the late Cart otto Paul Kiotz. Dear mother of Derek (Wendy) of Calgary, Brian (Linda) of Ottawa and Randall of Ottawa. Dear grandmother ot Kathenne, Elizabeth and Christopher of Calgary. Dear sister-in-law of Nelda Skuce of Ottawa. Beloved aunt of Douglas Skuce (Ingrid) of Ottawa and Murray Skuce of Vancouver. Friends may visit at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street, on Monday, January 25, 1999, From 3 p.m until service time in the chapel on Monday at 4 p.m, As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to the Civic Foundation ot the Ottawa Hospital, co 1053 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9.
Weyburn Review, Saskatchewan
22 September 1999 (Also in The Regina Leader Post, 15 Sept)
John Donaldson Skuce
John Donaldson Skuce, a dual citizen of Brandon, MB and Stoughton, SK, passed away at Hillcrest Place, Brandon, on Sunday, September 12, 1999. John was born April 16, 1918 at his parent's homestead in Stoughton. He received his education at Walton School. During his lifetime, John farmed with his parents as well as in Northern Saskatchewan. He worked as a long shoreman on the Great Lakes and later served in the air force during the 2nd world war. John also trained as a mechanic and custom combined in the U.S. John operated a garage in Heward and Stoughton. He was employed as Shop Foreman for Augey Bus Co., Stoughton. John was a founding member of the Stoughton Lions Club. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, the Odd Fellows, United Church and was a Mason and 4-H leader. He enjoyed bestowing the skills he knew best on to his grandchildren. John is survived by his loving wife, Hazel (nee Short, Patmore); son James (Doreen) of Weyburn and his children Jarrad (Kristy) and Kyle daughter Mary Lou Foss of Montmartre and children Grant (Joanne) and Travis, and Jana (Tim) and Alayna; son Robert (Joyce) of Moose Jaw and children Teresa, Teena (Craig) and Rob. Also surviving are sisters: Helen Graham, Doris Damant and Lois Donnelly; sisters-in-law Alice, Nora and Bertha and numerous nieces and nephews. John was predeceased by his first wife Lorraine; son-in-law Garry Foss; parents Richard and Janet; brothers Lyle, Bill, Elmer and Allan; sister Bernice; nieces Katherine and Joan; brothers-in-law Alex Graham and Bill Damant. A memorial service was held at Grace United Church, Stoughton, on Friday, September 17 with Rev. Jann Sampson officiating. All in attendance were considered honorary pallbearers. A private interment followed in the Stoughton cemetery. Donations in memory of John may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Arrangements were in care of Brockie Donovan, Brandon.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 18 April 2000
Skuce, Lydia
Entered peacfully into the nearer presence of God on Sunday April 16, 2000. Lydia Maria Skuce (Kilrea). Widow of William W Skuce (former S/Sgt, RCMP). Born May 10, 1903 in Navan, Ontario. Beloved mother of Eleanor (wife of Thomas Glynn), William (husband of Houri) and the late Nelson Skuce (husband oh Marsha). Derly loved grandmother of Randall, Richard, Gregory and Corey Gylnn; Jennifer, Timothy and Peter Skuce; Ansla Skuce; Mark and Michael Skuce. Dearest G.G. to Sheldon Nelson, Matthew, Amanda, Sam and Lydia Maggie-Rene. Dear mum to Nan Linegar. Sister of Roberta Armstrong of London, Ontario. Predeceased by sisters Lotte (Mellor), Sarah (MacK-ay), Emma (MacNeil), Ethel (Hamilton), Vera (Chambers) and brothers Robert, John, Hector, Walter, Arthur and Kenneth Kilrea. Friends may visit at the West Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 150 Woodroffe at Richmond Road, on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Wednesday from 9:30 to 1 1 :30 a.m. Funeral Service at St. Martin Anglican Church, 2120 Prince Charles Road, on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Capital Memorial Gardens. For those wishing, donations may be made to the St. Martin Church Organ Fund.
St Petersburg Times, Ontario
2 June 2000
BROESLER, JOHN D. SR., 85, of Inverness, died Wednesday (May 31, 2000). Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., he came here 36 years ago from Hicksville, N.Y. He was a retired plumber and member of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Inverness. Survivors include a son, John D. Jr., Inverness; three daughters, Jeanne Gullo, Homosassa, Judith Skuce and Jane, both of Inverness; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Hooper Funeral Homes, Inverness.
(Query article for Margaret Ethel Elvira Jackson, nee ??, Saturday, October 7, 2000 in Lindsay, Ontario)
Weyburn Review, Saskatchewan
15 November 2000 (Also in The Regina Leader-Post, 8 Nov)
Doris Kathryn Damant
On Sunday, November 5, 2000, Doris Kathryn Damant (Skuce) passed away peacefully at the age of 80 years. Doris was born in Stoughton on June 18, 1920. Doris was the second youngest of nine children raised by Janet and Richard (R.D.) Skuce on their homestead south of Stoughton. A bit of a tomboy at heart, Doris loved to ride her horse Patches and play ball in her youth. She played the violin made by her brother John. She completed grade 12 in Stoughton and then moved to Regina to pursue a business diploma at Reliance. On February 20, 1943 she married William (Bill) Temple Damant in Yorkton. Doris worked in Regina for Imperial Life before marrying Bill and moving to Moose Jaw. In the 1960's Doris did books for the Capital Theatre; following this she assisted Bill in their business, The Modern Dental Lab. She had a sport for both seasons; golf in the summer and bowling in the winter. She loved to entertain both young and old in their home at 884 Monk. The barbecue knew no seasons: it could turnout a turkey for Thanksgiving or a mid winter steak. The celebration of family milestones was very important to Doris. She and Bill were the momentum behind a wonderful 25th anniversary celebration for daughter Judi and son-in-law Don. Doris and Bill celebrated their 45th and 50th anniversaries in the company of many family and friends. She loved life and the people she shared special times with. She tackled personal challenges such as her fight with Tuberculosis and Huntington's with a determined spirit. Until the last two days of her life her blue eyes twinkled and her smile greeted those who visited. Doris was predeceased by her parents Richard and Janet Skuce; her husband Bill Damant; one sister Bernice; five brothers: Lyle, Bill, Allan, Elmer and John, one sister-in-law Lorraine; four brothers-in-law: Everett, Maurice, Alex and Harold. She is survived by one daughter Judi (Don) Park of Winnipeg, MB; two sisters Helen Graham of Stoughton, Lois (Walter) Donnelly of Stoughton; six sisters-in-law: Alice Skuce of Calgary, AB, Nora Skuce of Stoughton, Bertha Skuce of Beiscker, AB, Hazel Skuce of Brandon, MB, Marjorie Bridge of Vancouver, BC and Bernice McWilliams of Vancouver, BC; many nieces and nephews each of whom were her favorite. Memorial service was held on Wednesday, November 8, 2:00 p.m. from the Grace United Church, Stoughton with Rev. Jann Sampson officiating. Interment followed in the Stoughton Cemetery. All her nieces and nephews were considered honorary pallbearers. Donations may be made in memory of Doris to the Huntington Society of Canada, 151 Frederick St., Suite 400, Kitchener, ON. N2H 2M2 or Newhope Pioneer Lodge, Stoughton, SK S0G 4T0. Arrangements in care of Hastings-Dionne Funeral Home Inc., Weyburn.
The Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 9 March 2001
Skuce, Oneahta Evelyn
(nee LEGGE)
Peacefully at Laurier Manor on Thursday, March 8, 2001 in her 88th year. Beloved wife of the late Cecil Daniel Bickerton Skuce (1963). Loving mother of Cecil Edward Skuce (Margaret), Alan Skuce (Judy), Marjorie Johnston (Stan), Sylvia Isobel Lawson (William). Dear sister of Isobel Simons of Ottawa and the late Frank Legge of Toronto. Also survived by 10 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Friends may visit at the West Chapel of Hulse Playfair & McGarry, 150 Woodroffe Ave. at Richmond Rd. Friday 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2001 at St. Michael & All Angels Anglican Church, 2112 Belair Dr. Ottawa at 11 am. Followed by cremation. Donations to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Canada, Heart and Stroke Foundation or charity of your choice would be appreciated.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 4 May 2002 (Also in the Times Colonist, Victoria on 3 May)
Skuce, Thusnela Louise (nee Klotz)
March 17, 1908 - April 27, 2002
Nel liked to say that she was a lucky person; lucky because many small things gave her much pleasure through the day: the scent of hyacinth, a note from a friend, music she loved. These, in turn, sparked fond memories of all those she loved and laughed with. A romantic through and through, she sang to Bizet and dreamed by Clair de Lune. Yes, she would say, of herself: "...a grasshopper, not an ant". She enjoyed a good G&T or two before dinner. She loved to party with Dick (Richard Augustus Skuce), the man she met, loved and married. So many good years they had, so many fine evenings with friends through almost seventy years together. Nel was always open to emotion and tenderness in others. Wonder and curiosity were constant companions for her. Her instincts for honesty of feeling and the beauty of the simple and the heartfelt remain, her true gifts to us all. Her sons, Murray (Suzanne) and Doug (Ingrid) and grandchildren, Mitchell and Kirsten, will remember and shall pass on her love. Marguerite Boucher, Dick's sister, shall be thinking of her, as would her dear friend and sister-in-law, Claire (Peggy) Klotz, were she still with us. Family and friends will gather to remember Nelda at Pinecrest Cemetery, Ottawa, May 18th at 2 p.m. and go on to Doug's (ph. ). Please join us. No flowers, please. Donations to The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario or to the charity of choice.
Times Colonist, Victoria
Saturday, May 25, 2002
SKUSE — Lilian Carolyn, who was born in Ontario on March 7, 1903, and passed away in Victoria on May 22, 2002. Lilian was predeceased by her husband Don in 1986 and is survived by her nephew Ted Tisdale of Fairbanks, Alaska. Lilian was a nurse at Toronto General Hospital, at which time she married Don and moved to Juneau, Alaska, where she resided until their retirement to Victoria in 1960. Funeral Service will be held in 'The Lady Chapel' at Christ Church Cathedral, 911 Quadra Street, Victoria, on Monday, May 27, at 3:00 p.m., Very Reverend J. van Norstrand Wright and Reverend Pam Orman officiating. Cremation entrusted to Hatley Memorial Gardens, Victoria, B.C.
The Huntsville Forester
5 November 2002
Gifts from the Heart
In October 2002 the Huntsville Hospital Foundation received In Memoriam gifts in fond remembrance of...
Kathleen Skuce
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 17 December 2002
Nell Skuce Oakes
At Ottawa on Saturday, December 14, 2002. Born in Cork, Ireland , 1902. Daughter of Frank and Norah Skuce. Beloved wife of the late Edward Oakes and mother of Edward H. Oakes (Patricia Silver) and Frank G. Oakes (Barbara Kniewasser). Predeceased by her son Alan and his wife Patricia MacDonell. Grandmother of Daniel, Geoffrey, Tim and Robert Oakes, Catherine Beattie, Jane Gough, Nora Hanna, Nancy S. Oakes ( Ottawa), Andrew, Ted and John Oakes and Nancy Oakes ( Toronto). Predeceased by her sisters Marjorie Gliddon, Maureen Mercer and Esther Starr and brothers Frank and Charles Skuce. Private funeral arrangements. Contributions to the Glebe Centre would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements entrusted to Cole Funeral Services.
Peterborough Examiner
11 January 2003
HOLLOWAY, Elsie M. - At The Elliott in Guelph on Friday, January 10, 2003, Elsie (Scuse) formerly of St. John’s Centre, Peterborough in her 92nd year, wife of the late Bernard Holloway. Loving mother of Darlene and her husband Ron Fallan of Guelph, Paul and his wife Christine of Peterborough and Grandmother of Ann Gerth (nee Fallan), Mary Fallan and Alison and Stephen Holloway. Dear cousin of The Rev. Canon Harvey J. Scuse and his wife Dorothy of Agincourt and Ruth Scuse of White Rock, B.C. Funeral Service will be held at St. John’s Anglican Church, Peterborough on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. The Rev. Gordon Finney officiating. Visitation one hour prior to service. Interment Little Lake Cemetery. Memorial Donations to the Memorial Fund at St. John’s Anglican Church, Peterborough would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements entrusted to the HENDREN FUNERAL HOME, Lakefield. Friends may sign the on-line book of condolences at
Ottawa Citizen
17 May 2004
Ingrid left us peacefully on Sunday March 16 at the Maycourt Hospice after a long battle with metastatic breast cancer. Her family was by her side. Ingrids family was her centre. The three most beautiful days of her life were her wedding day to Douglas Skuce in 1986, and the births of her most beloved children, Mitchell (1989) and Kirsten (1990). Ingrid was the cherished daughter of Erich and Priska Meyer of Hamilton, Ontario, originally from Austria , who instilled in her a love of family and of knowledge, and a strong work ethic. Sister of Peter (Wendy), aunt of Kevin and Steven, great-niece of Gabriele Tatschl (Bernhard) in Austria, sister-in-law of Murray (Susanne Pookay), and pre-deceased by parents-in-law Richard and Nelda Skuce. Ingrid grew up in Hamilton, receiving a B.A. in French and German from McMaster University (1979). She subsequently earned an M.A. in Translation (1982) and Ph.D. in Linguistics (1987) from the Universit de Montral. Ingrid joined the School of Translation and interpretation, University of Ottawa, as a professor in 1983, and until her later illness was an enthusiastic teacher of many hundreds of students there. Aside from her love of family and academics, Ingrid found deep satisfaction in volunteering with Reach to Recovery, and paddling on Breast Cancer Actions Busting Out dragon boating team. The family extends their deepest thanks to the medical professionals at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre, particularly Dr. Stan Gertler, the nurses in CTU, and the staff in the bloodwork lab. We are deeply appreciative of Dr. Louise Coulombe who lovingly guided Ingrid through her final days. The family will receive Ingrids friends at Hulse, Playfair and McGarry, 315 McLeod St. (corner OConnor), May 18, 2:30-4:30, and 7:00-9:00. Memorial service to be held at The Metropolitan Bible Church (Bank at Gladstone) May 20, 2:30-4:00. Catered reception to follow. Private cremation and burial. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the The Maycourt Hospice or the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre.
Campbell River Courier Islander
19 May 2004
SKUSE Faye Nanette, date of death 12 May 2004, age 73
The Lindsay Post
Monday, June 7, 2004
Betty Skuce
SKUCE Betty Eva Entered into rest at the Caressant Care Nursing Home in Lindsay on Thursday, June 3, 204. Betty Davey, in her 78th year, was the faithful wife of Russell Skuce. Dear sister of Bill Davey of Head Lake and predeceased by twin brother Jim Davey and sister Grace Poast. Caring aunt to eight nieces and two nephews. Mrs. Skuce will be resting at the MACKEY FUNERAL HOME, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service in the chapel on Monday, June 7th at 2:00 p.m. Interment at Mt. Horeb Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Heritage Christian School, Lindsay.
The Montreal Gazette
Friday, 9 July 2004
SKUSE, Nora. It is with much sadness we share the news of the passing of 'Nanora' on June 23, 2004. She died peacefully in her sleep at the age of eighty-three years. Loving mother of daughter Anne, and husband Michael Little, grandchildren Jonathan Little and Amanda (Mandy) and husband Willie Elkerton, and great-granddaughter, Emma. She is survived by her Step brother Eric Brooks and wife Margaret, and half sister (Alice) Sam Robertson as well as numerous other close family relatives in England . Nora was born in Newhey, Lancashire, she was a WRAF Balloon Operator during WWII, and worked as a Civil Servant until her retirement in 1982. She immigrated to St. Bruno in 1983 and became a valued pianist for several dance studios and local churches. We hope that friends will join us for a service of Celebration for her Life, on September 3, 2004 at 11 a.m., in Mount Bruno United Church, 25 Lakeview Ave., St. Bruno. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to a charity of your choice. Our thanks to the doctors, nurses and hospital professionals at The Royal Victoria Hospital.
Vancouver Sun and/or The Province
8 August to 10 August 2004
SKUSE, Aimee Lucille, passed away quietly in Richmond Hospital, on December 1, 2004. Survived by her brother, Bill; sister, Georgette; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral Services will be held on Thursday, December 09th, at 11:00 a.m., at St. Paul's Parish, 8251 St. Albans Road, Richmond, B.C. Interment will take place in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burnaby. We will always love and miss you Aimee.
The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 5 October 2004
Profile of Iona Skuce.
Canada 's first female prime minister pre-dated Kim Campbell by several decades.
She wasn't elected (just like Ms. Campbell) and her tenure was only a day long (slightly shorter than Ms. Campbell's), but Iona Skuce made history.
OK, she wasn't actually prime minister of the whole country. But, in 1950, she was the first woman to serve as prime minister of the model parliament at Carleton College, forerunner of Carleton University.
Almost half a century later, Ms. Skuce, who still lives in Ottawa, clearly remembers the reaction of her fellow students: "What do you want to do that for?"
At the time, she thought she wanted to pursue politics as a career. Instead, she joined the federal public service. Moving up the ranks was a challenge, she recalls. Despite doing well on written tests, she was denied jobs. When she asked about why she was rated "not personally suitable" after the oral exams, she discovered the phrase was code for "because you're a woman."
She did go on to serve as a trade and commerce officer, specializing in trade negotiations, export marketing, trade policy and international economic relations. Before retiring almost 15 years ago, Ms. Skuce headed many Canadian delegations to international conferences on economic and development issues.
As a 21-year-old student, Iona Skuce served as the first female prime minister in the model parliament at Carleton College, forerunner of Carleton University. Iona Skuce, 71, in front of a painting of herself on Parliament Hill, retired after a 35-year career in the public service.
Fair Haven Funeral Home (annoucement)?
4 December 2004
Mrs. Amiee Lucille Skuse (née Bissonnette) December 04, 1922 - December 01, 2004. Funeral arrangements by Richmond Funeral Home
Passed away quietly in Richmond Hospital on December 1, 2004. Survived by her brother, Bill, sister, Georgette, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral Services will be held on Thursday, December 9, 2004
at 11:00 a.m. at St. Paul's Parish, 8251 St. Alban's Road, Richmond, B.C. Interment will take place in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burnaby.
We will always love and miss you Amiee.
Winchester Press, Ontario
Sadly, on Tuesday, March 15, 2005, Kane Skuce shortly after his birth. Cherished son of Jonie Wicks and Robert Skuce. Beloved grandchild of Joanne and Carl Skuce and Jill Wicks (late Walter). A private burial will take place in the spring. Arrangement entrusted to the Duncan Funeral Home.
Peterborough Examiner
31 March 2005
SIMONSEN, Ove Christian - Peacefully on March 29, 2005 at Peterborough Regional Health Centre in his 100th year. Beloved husband and best friend of Mary Skuce (nee Lawson) and the late Mary Isabel Dines. Dear step father of Don Skuce (Karen) and Rosemary Menard. Loving step grandfather of Laura Menard. Ove leaves behind one nephew, Oscar Jessen in Canada and nieces and nephews too numerous to mention in Denmark . He was an employee of Canadian General Electric for 30 years. As a member of the Independent Order Of Oddfellows for 60 years, he held office as Noble Grand and District Deputy Grand Master. He was a past Grand Monarch of the Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans and he was a member of the Golden Link Rebekah Lodge #81. He was a member of the Masonic Order, Peterborough Lodge #155. He was an active member of George Street United Church during which time he was an elder for 30 years. He was also a member of the A.O.T.S. Men's Club. Friends will be received at the COMSTOCK FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION CENTRE, 356 Rubidge Street on Friday, April 1st from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. An Oddfellows service will be held on Friday at 6:45 p.m. A funeral service will be held in the chapel on Saturday, April 2nd at 10:30 a.m., Reverend Karen Ptolemy-Stam officiating. Interment Rosemount Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations to George Street United Church would be appreciated by the family.
London Free Press // Sarnia Observer // North Bay Nugget
16 May // 16-22 May // 17 May 2005
Edwin Allen "Al" Skuce
Edwin Allen "Al" SKUCE passed away peacefully at his home in Sarnia, on Thursday, May 12, 2005, at the age of 71 years. Much loved husband of Catherine "Kay" (BROOKS) SKUCE. Dear father of Ronald DERUSH, Richard (Susan) DERUSH and Cheryl (Dan) MOORE, all of Sarnia. Brother of Peter SKUCE of London. Much loved grandfather "Gramps" to Jennifer, Robert, Kevin and Mark. Special uncle of Allen, Mary Ellen and Karen. Al will be sadly missed by many Friends and his beloved dog and walking companion Bailey. Predeceased by his parents Edwin (1971) and Muriel (2001) SKUCE. A private Family Service has been held with Captains Dale and Debbie STEWARD of the Salvation Army officiating. As an expression of sympathy memorial donations may be made to the Sarnia Humane Society, Salvation Army or your favorite charity by calling the Stewart Funeral Home, 519-383-7121
The Lindsay Post
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Skuce, Ruth
Ruth M. Retired Teacher - Entered into rest suddenly at Toronto General Hospital, Toronto on Saturday, June 25th, 2005 in her 77th year. Ruth nee Armstrong was the dearly beloved wife of Glen for 56 years. Devoted mother of Bob and his wife Lynn, Judi, and Cathy and her husband Jim Fisher. Loved sister of Marie and her husband Ken Harrison, and Lois Jennings. Cherished grandmother of Jami, Patt, Jeff and Matt. Ruth had a passion for music and quilting and she will be missed by many nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Visitation at the MACKEY FUNERAL HOME, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral service in the chapel on Friday, July 1st at 2:00 p.m. Interment at Janetville Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Janetville United Church would be appreciated by the family.
Hamilton News
July 2, 2005
SKUSE, Mark Edward - (CFP, CLU, FLML, ALHC, RHU, ON) March 20, 1957 - June 30, 2005 Received into God's Kingdom. Will be sadly missed by his wife and best friend Brenda Skuse (Veltman); children Nicholas, Jeremy, Kareena and David; parents Ross and Joyce Skuse, and parents-in-law Ben and Henny Veltman; sister Beth Gutter (Ed); brother Stephen Skuse (Wendy); sister-in-law Amy Bradley (Steven) and Shari Veltman; nieces and nephews Christopher, Karli, Jennifer and Keegan. Special thanks to Mark's wide range of friends and colleagues and to Reverend Dr. Stephan Hopkins, Dr. Steven Hadcock and C.C.A.C. who have been a great support throughout his life. Visitation will take place at the MARLATT FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION CENTRE, 615 Main St. E. (east of Sanford) on Monday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service will be held at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, 320 Charlton Avenue West (at Locke St.) on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 10 a.m. Reception to follow church service. Interment at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Donations made to St. John the Evangelist Church would be appreciated by Mark and his family. At Mark's request, no flowers please.
Calgary Herald
8 to 9 July, 2005
SKUCE— Bertha May, 1914-2005 Bertha May Skuce of Calgary, formerly of Beiseker, passed away on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at the age of 91 years. Bertha was born in Pathlow, SK on June 3, 1914 and she married Allan Skuce on November 12, 1941 and they farmed in Dunrea, MB. In 1950 they moved to Beiseker where Allan was P & H Elevator Agent. In 1999 she moved to the Rockyview Lodge in Crossfield, AB then transferred to the Bow Crest Nursing Home in 2002 where she remained under the loving care of the staff until her passing. Bertha was a long-time member of the Rebecca Lodge and the United Church in Beiseker, AB. Bertha is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Doug and Linda of Calgary, and Greg Skuce and Sally Robinson of Whitehorse, YT; her grandchildren, Corwin and Tracy Skuce of Beiseker, AB, Corinne and Dave Fisher of Calgary, and Lisa and Carlos Wlodarczyk of Long Beach, CA; great-grandchildren, Charlotte Fisher, Jaqueline Wlodarczyk and Spencer Wlodarczyk. She was predeceased by her husband Allan, March 7, 1996; daughter Katherine, January 12, 1988; three sisters, Elizabeth Brisbin, Margaret Serviss and Shirley Tait; and a brother, Jim Tait. Funeral Services will be held in the "Chapel" at Mountain View Funeral Home (17 Avenue S.E. and Garden Road) on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. Graveside Service to follow at Mountain View Memorial Gardens. Forward condolences through . If friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Alzheimer Society of Calgary, No. 201, 222 - 58 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2H 2S3 (Telephone 403-290-0110). In living memory of Bertha Skuce, a tree will be planted at Fletcher Park, Airdrie, AB by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES, Park Memorial Chapel, 5008 ELBOW DRIVE S.W. Telephone: 403-243-8200. 266265
Oshawa This Week
9 September 2005
SKUCE, Clare Garfield
Peacefully at home on Wednesday, September 7th, 2005. Much loved husband and best friend of Betty (nee Molloy). Loving father of Sarah and Ken. Beloved son of William and Marguerite. Dear brother of Christine and her husband Bryan Brown. Uncle of Melissa and Calvin. Son-in-law of Billie O’Neil. He will be sadly missed by his aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE “Thornton Chapel” 847 King St. West (905-721-1234) for visitation on Saturday, September 10th from 1:00 P.M. until time of Memorial Service in the Chapel at 3:00 P.M. Memorial donations to Minden Hospital or Kedron Church would be appreciated.
Globe & Mail // Victoria Times-Colonist
26-29 Oct 2005 // 28/29 Oct 2005
A bright light that touched the lives of so many people around the world has faded. The presence of Dan in all of our lives was both a gift and miracle. Dan's parents, Bessie and Or val, were in their mid-40s when Dan made his entrance on October 26th, 1939. From his birthplace in Ottawa to his passing in Victoria, Dan's journey became what he affectionately called 'The Ride.' During the 40s and 50s, Dan's ride was spent in his neighbourhood of Nepean, playing sports and being doted upon by his much older brothers Eldon and Lloyd. He also shared an admiration for his sister Margaret ( Johnston) - his only surviving family member. The nomad in Dan surfaced in the 60s and 70s when he helped start an organization called 'Up With People' and began traveling the world staging shows of peace during times of war. Dan detested violence and war in any form. Dan left UWP in 1976 to reside in Toronto and start the evolution of what he believed was his most meaningful contribution during his life. Dan and his wife Carla, were blessed with three children, Traci (Jim), Nikki (Facundo) and Ryan (Mili). The incredible love and support Dan provided his children gifted them with the confidence and stability to continue his legacy of love in their own careers and relationships. Dan's family rooted him into the corporate world with contributions in the area of marketing with both Mary Kay and Electrolux. In the mid-80s, during his time as VP of Meetings & Events for Carlson Marketing Group, he met his soul mate and final life partner, Hedy. Their good fortune to be able to work together for the past 20 years took them across the globe, adding to their treasured collection of incredible friends and spectacular memories. During this time, his love of golf peaked and Dan fulfilled the dream of playing on the Old Course at St. Andrews. The culmination of Dan's ride was the pride he enjoyed as a grandfather to his grandsons, Seamus and Emile. Priority of family and love for his children and grandchildren is what brought him out to the West Coast to settle in Victoria during these past five years. The legend of Dan Skuce will live on in all that have played a part in his life. It was Dan's ability to live his life for the moment and his enviable love and enjoyment of life that he will best be remembered for. He sought only the great good and potential in everyone he met and every situation he encountered. Even with his diagnosis of terminal melanoma in January 2004, he never gave into the disease. A number of tributes had been planned for Dan during the month of October that unfortunately did not take place as he prepared for his final exit on Friday, October 21st, 2005. In lieu of a memorial ser vice, Dan would want everyone to celebrate him in their own way. In lieu of flowers, Dan's children have asked for donations to be made to One Sky (; the Red Cross through donation of blood; the Victoria Hospice; the BC Cancer Agency or the charity of your choice. Danny Boy...the pipes are calling. The summer 's gone. `Tis you must go and I must bide. I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me. Daniel James are loved more than ever and you will be missed dearly. Thank you for sharing the great blessing of your life with us. First Memorial Funeral Services 1155 Fort Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3K9 250-384-5512
Ottawa Citizen
7 to 8 March, 2006
Delmar Skuce passed away peacefully at the Picton Hospital in Picton, Ontario on Sunday, February 26, 2006. Delmar was a map librarian for the Civic Service for 35 years. He was predeceased by his wife Doris. He is survived by his son Bryan, daughter-in-law Carol, granddaughter Tanya and great-grandson Nolan Skuce. He is also survived by his 3 sisters, Iona, Frieda and Elva plus numerous nieces and nephews. A private interment occurred on Friday, March 3, 2006 in the family plot at Pinecrest Cemetery in Ottawa. As an expression of sympathy, the family would appreciate memorial donations to the charity of your choice or Archives and Collections (ACS) Society, P.O. Box 125, Picton, Ont. K0K 2T0. Canada . 1-613-476-1177.
The Lindsay Post
Friday, June 23, 2006
Ruth M. Skuce
SKUCE, Ruth M. - July 31st, 1928 - June 25th, 2005. With tender love and deep regret We who loved you will never forget. ~ Wes and Muriel
The New Tanner, Acton, Ontario
Thursday, July 6 , 2006
Forrest, Dorothy Florence — At Guelph Hospital, on Monday, July 3, 2006. Dorothy F (Scuse) Forrest, in her 86th year, beloved wife of the late William Forrest (1985). Dear mother of Phyllis McDonald and her husband Bill of Alberta, George and his wife Barbara of Acton, Sharon, Franchetto and her husband Severino of Guelph, Kathy Pharoah and her husband Don of Cambridge, Leonard of Guelph, Les and his wife Cathy of Fergus, and the late Robert (1976). Loved grandmother of 18 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Dear sister of the late James Scuse and Beatrice Hoffman. Resting at the Gilbert MacIntyre and Son Funeral Home, Dublin Chapel, 252 Dublin Street North, Guelph (Tuesday 7-9 p.m.) where funeral service will be held in the chapel on Wednesday afternoon, July 5th at 2:00 o'clock with Lieut.-Colonel Wayne Pritchett of the Salvation Army officiating, followed by cremation. Interment of ashes Everton Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Lung Association or the Arthritis Society would be appreciated by the family (cards available at the funeral home 519-822-4731 or send condolences at
The Standard, St Catharines, Ontario
12 July 2006
MORRIS, Phyllis (nee Skuse) - At North Bay General Hospital on Monday July 10th 2006 at the age of 80 years. Beloved wife of 47 years to J. Leslie Morris. Dear mother of Jim (Mary) of Manotick and Bob (Shennon) of St.Catharines. She will be sadly missed by her 4 grandchildren, Samantha, Stefanie, Kristin and Jonathan. Family receiving friends at HILLSIDE FUNERAL SERVICES 362 Airport Rd, North Bay on Wednesday July 12 from 7 until 9 p.m. Funeral service Thursday July 13 at 11 a.m. at the funeral home. Interment Friday July 14th at Pleasantview Memorial Gardens Fonthill at 2 p.m. Donations to the MS Society or the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of Phyllis will be gratefully acknowledged by her family.
The Lindsay Post
Monday, March 19, 2007
Doreen Mary Skuce
SKUCE, Doreen Mary - Entered into rest at the Ross Memorial Hospital Lindsay on Saturday, March 17, 2007. Doreen Smith in her 81st year was the beloved wife of Robert. Loving mother of Henry Skuce of Omemee, Marilyn Lambert and her husband Harold of Cloyne, Anne Richmond of Peterborough, Clifton Skuce and his wife Donna of Omemee, Ken Skuce and his wife Diane of Lindsay, Donna Sisson and her husband Jamie of Bobcaygeon, and Cheryl Sharp and her husband Graham of Lacombe, Alberta. Fondly remembered by her 17 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Dear sister of Bruce Smith of Bethany. Predeceased by siblings Gordon Smith, Mae Neils, Earl Smith, Jean Bowen and Carl Smith. Fondly remembered by her many nieces and nephews, her brother and sister in laws and their families. Visitation will be held at the MACKEY FUNERAL HOME, 33 Peel Street Lindsay, on Tuesday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service to be held at the Christ Church Anglican, Omemee on Wednesday March 21st at 2:00 p.m. Interment to follow at Emily Cemetery. If desired memorial donations to the Christ Church Omemee.
North Bay Nugget
Saturday, April 21, 2007
SKUCE, Garry Caldwell - Suddenly at his home on April 19, 2007, at the age of 67. Garry was predeceased by his wife Norma Irene (Phillips) 1945-2001. He was the dear father of Edward (Melissa) and brother of Lorna Topps (Don) all of Powassan. Garry will be fondly remembered by friends, neighbours on the English Line and several nieces and nephews. The family will receive visitors at the PAUL FUNERAL HOME on Monday from 2 to 3 pm. The funeral service will be conducted on Monday at 3 pm in the funeral home chapel. Interment at Powassan Union Cemetery. If desired, donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. For more information or to make a donation please call the Paul Funeral Home (705) 724-2024
Kelowna Daily Courier, BC
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Skuce, Gordon Melvin
Passed away peacefully and suddenly on March 8, 2007 at the age of 57. He will be missed and remembered by his loving wife, Gail of 34 years; his two daughters, Leanne (Calem) and Lisa; granddaughter, Naomi and dog Jack. Gordon will also be missed by his sisters and brothers, Marg (Bill), Erwin (Betty), Edson (Joling), Shelva, Lyle (Karen) and his many nieces and nephews. A celebration of life tea will be held on Saturday, March 17, 2007 from 1pm to 4pm at 4725 14th Ave., Okanagan Falls. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Arrangements in care of EVERDEN RUST FUNERAL SERVICES, 493-4112.
Winchester Press, Ontario
Gordon Melvin Skuce passed away peacefully and suddenly in Penticton, BC on March 8, 2007. He was 57.
He will be sadly missed by Gail, his loving wife of 34 years, his two daughters Leanne (Callum), Lisa, and granddaughter Naomi. He was predeceased by his parents Edward and Sybil Skuce. He will also be missed by his brothers and sisters: Margaret Jones (Bill), Erwin Skuce (Betty), Edson Skuce (Joling), Shelva Johnston, and Lyle Skuce (Karen). He is survived by his many nieces and nephews.
A memorial gathering was held at his home in Okanagan Falls, BC. The family would appreciate memorial donations to be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Diabetes Association.
The Regina Leader-Post
9 June 2007
GOUDY-Marcia Jean of Stoughton, passed away on Tuesday May 29, 2007 at the age of 68. She was predeceased by her father, William Skuce; sister, Joan Small; grandson, Benjamin Procknow. Marcia will be lovingly remembered by her husband, William R. (Bill) Goudy, Stoughton, SK; seven children, Laura (Lester Lodoen), Fox Valley, Brian (Cindy Carswell), Drayton Valley, Bruce, Toronto, Wanda Huber, Sherwood Park, Doug (Christy), Stoughton, Jenny (Herb Procknow), Viking, Joyce (Miles Molstad), Airdrie; twelve grandchildren, Elise & Royce Lodoen, Nathan & Scott Huber, Billy, Jackson & Carter Goudy, Alex & Clarke Procknow, Reagan, Rachelle & Jenna Goudy; her mother, Nora Skuce, Stoughton; sister, Donna (Rod McLeod), Lethbridge; brothers, Dennis Skuce (Vivian) and Donald Skuce (Betty), Saskatoon; parents-in-law, Robert & Isabelle Goudy, Stoughton and their families, as well as numerous relatives and friends. A memorial service was held on Saturday, June 2, 2007 at 2:00 P.M. from the Stoughton Town Hall, Stoughton, SK. Interment followed in Stoughton Cemetery. Donations may be made in memory of Marcia to the Ovarian Cancer Canada , Suite 106, 110-11th Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 0X5 or to the Stoughton & District Volunteer Ambulance Inc., Box 300, Stoughton, SK S0G 4T0 Arrangements entrusted to Fletcher Funeral Chapel Ltd., Weyburn & Stoughton
Weyburn Review, Saskatchewan
13 June 2007
Marcia Jean Goudy of Stoughton, passed away on Tuesday May 29, 2007 at the age of 68. She was predeceased by her father, William Skuce; sister, Joan Small; grandson, Benjamin Procknow.
Marcia will be lovingly remembered by her husband, William R. (Bill) Goudy, Stoughton; seven children, Laura (Lester Lodoen), Fox Valley, AB; Brian (Cindy Carswell), Drayton Valley, AB; Bruce, Toronto, ON; Wanda Huber, Sherwood Park, AB; Doug (Christy), Stoughton, Jenny (Herb Procknow), Viking, AB; Joyce (Miles Molstad), Airdrie, AB; 12 grandchildren, Elise and Royce Lodoen, Nathan & Scott Huber, Billy, Jackson and Carter Goudy, Alex and Clarke Procknow, Reagan, Rachelle and Jenna Goudy; her mother, Nora Skuce, Stoughton; sister, Donna (Rod McLeod), Lethbridge, AB; brothers, Dennis Skuce (Vivian) and Donald Skuce (Betty), Saskatoon; parents-in-law, Robert and Isabelle Goudy, Stoughton and their families, as well as numerous relatives and friends. A memorial service was held
on Saturday, June 2 at 2:00 p.m. from the Stoughton Town Hall, Stoughton. Interment followed in Stoughton Cemetery. Donations may be made in memory of Marcia to Ovarian Cancer Canada , Suite 106, 110-11th Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 0X5 or to the Stoughton & District Volunteer Ambulance Inc., Box 300, Stoughton, SK S0G 4T0. Arrangements entrusted to Fletcher Funeral Chapel Ltd., Weyburn and Stoughton, (842-5432 & 457-2566).
The Lindsay Post
Friday, June 22, 2007
Ruth M. Skuce SKUCE, Ruth M.
In loving memory of Ruth June 25th, 2005 Gone but not forgotten, We who loved you will never forget. - Wes and Muriel
The Lindsay Post
28 August 2007
SISSON, James Donald Glenn - (Retired from Red Stallion Hockey Club) - Entered into rest after a short struggle with cancer at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay on Sunday, August 26th, 2007. Jamie in his 45th year was the beloved husband of Donna (nee Skuce). Proud and adored dad of Ryan and Samantha. Treasured son of Gloria (nee Reynolds) and the late Glenn Sisson. Cherished brother of Rick Sisson. Fondly remembered by his many relatives and friends. Visitation at the MACKEY FUNERAL HOME, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay on Thursday from 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Cremation to follow. Private family interment at Maple Lake Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial donations to the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada or the Ross Memorial Hospital Palliative Care Unit would be appreciated by the family.
The Lindsay Post
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Skuce, George – Peacefully at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay with his family by his side on Sunday, December 23rd, 2007, George went to be with his Lord. George Skuce, in his 84th year, was the beloved son of the late Elmer and Levada Skuce (nee Burke). Loving brother of Russell and Enid, both of Lindsay, and the late Eric (1973). Dear uncle of Don Skuce of Peterborough and Rosemary Menard of Toronto. Visitation will be held at the MACKEY FUNERAL HOME, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay, on Wednesday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. The funeral will be held in the chapel on Thursday, December 27th at 1:30 p.m. Interment at Riverside Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation, Mill Stream Bible Camp, or the Heritage Christian School would be appreciated by the family.
Montreal Gazette
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Skuse, Terence F. (Memoriam) — IN MEMORIAM Terence F. Skuse Nov. 28th, 1932 - Jan. 5th 1983 25 Years, In Loving Memory ... Taken from us 25 years ago ... In so many ways, it feels like even more than a life time. You never had the chance to meet any of our 8 beautiful grandchildren. Adam, Jordan , David, Justin, Erica, Sarah, Jeremy & Jonah. Yet each and every one of their lives, you have touched and inspired. Not a day goes by without a thought of you - and they never met you. What a legacy you left for us and them. We love you today and always ... You will always be... FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS Gone, but NEVER forgotten - missed more than you could ever have imagined ... Until we meet again, your always devoted Angela Geoffrey & Marion, Debbie & Lino & Jennifer
Peterborough Examiner
25 February 2008
BROWN, Mrs. Nola Marie - Surrounded by the love of her family and friends at Peterborough Regional Health Centre, on Friday February 22, 2008 in her 72nd year. Youngest daughter of David & Diane (nee Skuce) Wilson. Beloved wife of Charles (Chuck) Brown. Dear mother of Rodney Brown of Ripley, Wanda Brown-Maxfield (David) of Sarnia, Chris Brown of Borden and Ian Brown (Mira) of Tiverton. Loving grandmother of James and Dustin, Ben, Sarah and Erich, Mikuta, Cyprian and Camea. Dear sister of Sheila Clark (late Bill) of Owen Sound, Elda Cook (Whitney) of Deep River. Sister-in-law to Marg Tynkaluk (Bill) and June Davis (late Charlie) both of Toronto. Predeceased by her sisters Alta, Greta, Rhea, Olga, Ora and her brothers Donald, Archie, Kelly and Barry. Lovingly remembered by all of her nieces and nephews. Nola will be remembered for her involvement with Civic Hospital Nurses Alumnae, Beta Epsilon Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, Peterborough Chapter of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, Peterborough Ladies Sales and Advertising, Girls Guides of Canada, Telecare, Community Care and for her dedication to her chosen careers in both nursing and business. Nola was an avid reader and enjoyed curling, gardening and the great outdoors. Nola's faith was absolute in her life long dedication to her community, The United Church of Canada and especially to her family. Friends will be received at the COMSTOCK FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION CENTRE , 356 Rubidge Street, from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Tuesday and 1- 2 pm Wednesday at Westdale United Church. The service will be held at WESTDALE UNITED CHURCH, 1509 Sherbrooke Street W., on Wednesday February 27, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. The Reverend Bradley Weeks and the Reverend Lynda Hodgins will be officiating. In memory of Mrs. Brown donations to the Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough would be appreciated by the family.
March, 2008
Skuse, William
Passed away at his home in Danville on Friday March 14th, 2008, surrounded by his loving family, following a battle with pulmonary fibrosis. Beloved husband of 53 years of Elizabeth Lane, and cherished father of Judy, Danville, QC, the late Baby Brenda, and of Sylvia (Laird Lyster) of St.Hubert, QC. Loving grandfather of Amanda and Andrew Lyster. Son of the late James Skuse and Emily Young, and brother of the late Violet (late Albert Farwell). William will be sadly missed by his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, several nieces, nephews and friends. Resting at the Dupuis Funeral Home, 145 Daniel Johnson St., Danville (819) 564-1750 \ where friends may visit on Monday March 17th from 7 to 9 PM and on Tuesday from 1 to 2 PM. A funeral service will be held in the funeral home on Tuesday at 2:00 PM with the Rev. Andrew O’Donnell officiating. Interment in the Danville Protestant Cemetery. The family would like to thank Doctors Vincent and Martel, and the Asbestos CLSC, Palliative home healthcare team, for the excellent service they provided. Donations to the Asbestos CLSC or the Quebec Pulmonary association would be greatly appreciated by the family.
The Ottawa Citizen
17 to 20 May 2008
Elva Skuce
SKUCE, Elva May Born Ottawa Civic Hospital, 11 September 1917. Died Ottawa General Hospital peacefully from heart failure in intensive care on Thursday, May 15, 2008. Graduate of Glebe Collegiate and Willis Business College. Member of St. Matthew's Anglican Parish, Federal Government Department of Defence & Department of External Affairs. Representative in New York City, Lisbon, Portugal, New Delhi, India, Washington D.C. Member of Ottawa Historical Society, the National Arts Centre, the National Gallery and the Irish Society. Survived by sisters Iona Florence Skuce and Frieda Lillian Driscoll. Friends are invited to visit at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry Funeral Home, 315 McLeod Street, Ottawa, on Wednesday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. A funeral service will be held in the Chapel on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. In memoriam donations to the Ottawa Humane Society would be appreciated by the family.
The Lindsay Post
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
SKUCE, Ruth M - JUNE 25th, 2005. With tender love and deep regret, We who loved you will never forget. - Wes and Muriel
Simcoe Reformer
9 July 2008
GRAY, MARGUERITE -- of Talbot Road, Delhi, passed away at the Norfolk General Hospital, Simcoe, on Monday, July 7, 2008, in her 91st year. Marguerite was born in St. Thomas, Ontario; December 2, 1917, and was educated in St. Petersburg, Florida, which later she returned to often to enjoy her winters. She came to Delhi in 1937 and entered into the family business, Delhi Foundry & Farm Machinery Ltd. She was a member of the Delhi United Church, member of Delhi Chapter No. 226, Order of the Eastern Star and was a member of the White Shrine, Brantford. The former Marguerite Francis Cockburn. Beloved wife of the late Lester Allan Gray (1972). Cherished daughter of the late Hugh Cockburn (1962) and the late Belva (Skuce) Cockburn (1974). Dearest sister of the late Douglas Cockburn (1992). Also survived by several nieces, nephews and cousins and will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Friends may call at the MURPHY FUNERAL HOME, Delhi, for visitation on Thursday from 3:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and for Order of the Eastern Star Service at 6:45 p.m. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Friday, July 11, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. with LPM. Cheryl Fitch officiating. Interment in Delhi Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice will be gratefully acknowledged by the family.
Simcoe Reformer
2 October 2008
ANSLEY, RUSSELL WILLIAM "BILL" -- passed away, suddenly, on Wednesday, October 1, 2008, at the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, Bill Ansley of Brownsville and formerly of Port Rowan in his 80th year. Dear father of Beth and husband John Skuce of Long Point, Mark Ansley of Burlington, and Brett Ansley of St. Williams. Stepfather of Reg Wilson and wife Phoebe of London, Nancy and husband Stan Ptaszek of Burlington, Susan and husband Raymond Fair of London, Bruce Wilson and wife Marlene of Wilsonville and Laura and husband Robert Burnett of Harrowsmith. Sadly missed by his six granddaughters, three great-grandsons and 13 step-grandchildren and five step-great-grandchildren. He will be remembered by his sisters Joan Priestley of Alvarado, Texas, and Molly Clarke of St. Catharines and brother Lynn and wife Cherrie of Niagara Falls and sister-in-law Monika Ansley of Toronto. Predeceased by 1st wife Margaret Abraham (1983), 2nd wife Irene Pike ( Wilson) (November 28, 2007), his son Russell (1972) and his brother Neil. Bill retired as the Long Point Light House Keeper and was a member of the Full Gospel Fellowship in Simcoe. Relatives and friends may call at the JEFFREY W. GLENDINNING FUNERAL HOME, 36 Front St., Port Rowan, on Friday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral Service will be conducted in the Clark Chapel of the funeral home on Saturday, October 4, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. Rev. David Clarke officiating. Interment in Bayview Cemetery, Port Rowan. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Full Gospel Fellowship, Simcoe, or the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto or London, (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family.
Standard Freeholder
Oct 25, 2008
35 Glens died at Passchendaele
James Milton Skuce
Lance Corporal James Milton Skuce, a civil servant living in Ottawa, enlisted with the 154th in April 1916. At the Battle of Passchendaele, he served with the 2nd (eastern Ontario) Battalion. He showed great courage and determination in leading troops against an enemy position. At one point during the attack, their advance was threatened by a German machine gun. Skuce and a small party of soldiers turned the flank, attacked the enemy, killed a large number of German troops and captured seven prisoners. As the Canadians made progress towards victory, Skuce covered his platoon with machine-gun fire and succeeded in dispersing a nest of enemy snipers threatening the front line. He was awarded the military medal for bravery in the field. He was later wounded during the war, but eventually made the rank of Company Sergeant Major.
Winchester Press, Ontario
Dec 2008
Sam Skuce of Hallville, passed away peacefully at the Winchester District Memorial Hospital on Mon., Dec. 1, 2008. He was 71.
He was the beloved son of the late Samuel and Mary Skuce. He was the loving brother of Mabel Skuce (Ben Cox), and was predeceased by William Skuce and Effie Simser. He was the dear uncle of many nieces and nephews.
Sam will rest at the Byers Funeral Home in South Mountain on Wed., Dec. 3 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. The funeral service will be held in the chapel of the funeral home on Thurs., Dec. 4 at 11 am, followed by interment at Reids Mills Cemetery.
By family request, donations may be made to Winchester District Memorial Hospital.
Simcoe Reformer
5 Feb 2009
NEUMANN, MARIE (BAESE) -- with heavy hearts but loving memories we announce the passing of Marie Neumann in her 97th year. Loving wife of the late Peter Neumann (1994). Cherished Mother of Walter and Marj, dearest Grandmother of Paul and Jenny Neumann, Charlene and Myron Graves and great-grandson Kyle Neumann. Survived by her sister Anne Wiens (Peter 2006), Brother John and Elsie Baese, sister-in-law Mary Baese (Peter 1998), sister-in-law Susan Hildebrand (Peter 2005). Predeceased by sisters Sara Wiens (1981), Velma Skuce (1989), Helen Hayes (1992) and Marg Harris (2006). Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9pm. A private family service will be conducted with Interment in Fairview Cemetery, Port Rowan. With Marie's love of children, please make any donations to the sunshine Foundation.
Toronto Star
February 9 to February 10, 2009
SCUSE, The Reverend Canon Harvey J. — Peacefully on February 7, 2009. Retired priest of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Beloved husband of Dorothy (Ross), brother of Ruth Scuse and father of David, Michael and Paul. The family will be available to visit with friends at St. Jude's Anglican Church (10 Howarth Ave.), Scarborough on Thursday, February 12 from noon followed by the funeral at 1 p.m. with a reception following. Arrangements entrusted to the Ward Funeral Home, Weston, 416-241-4618.
The Observer, Sarnia, Ontario
10 February 2009
PEEL, G. Stuart “Stu“ – It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Stu Peel of Head Lake, Norland on Sunday, February 8, 2009 at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay.
It was hard to let you go, but you knew it was time. . .
Stu was the founder of Peel Marine, Lakefield and operated the Marine until 1971. He will be remembered as a skilled woodworker his whole life. Loved and missed by his wife of 58 years, Barbara (Skuce). Dad is remembered by his daughters Lynn Peel (Chris Bullerdick), Louise Ruypers (Bert) and daughter-inlaw Myrna Peel. Loving Poppa of Sarah Peel Li, Guy Peel and Jason Ruypers. Stu will be dearly missed by his special great granddaughter Julia Li. Survived by his sister Evelyn McCarthy and his treasured nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents Guy and Laurita (nee Cusack), sister Helen Twist, brother John Peel and his son Dan Peel. A Celebration of Stu's Life will be held at THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOMES, LAKEFIELD CHAPEL, on Wednesday February 11, 2009 from 3:00 - 7:00 PM. Memorial donations may be made to the Lakefield Primary Healthcare Campaign, Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay or the charity of your choice as expressions of sympathy. Friends may arrange flowers, send condolences or make donations at or by calling 652-3355.
Simcoe Reformer
30 March 2009
SKUCE, FREDERICK GEORGE -- passed away peacefully at his residence on Friday March 27, 2009, Fred Skuce of Port Royal in his 84th year. Dear husband of the late Velma (Baese) who passed away April 15, 1989. Dear father of Wayne & Sue, Jerry, John & Beth, Steve & Eva, Barbara & her husband Ross Moulton, all of Port Rowan. Loving grandfather of Danny & Kate Skuce, Bill & Shannon Moulton, Tracy & Jason Reese, Lisa & Ryan Irvine, Velma, Brittany, Samantha and Joshua Skuce. Great grandfather of Tyler, Nolan, Preston, Kaitlyn and Dawson. Survived by his brother Edward & his wife Ada Skuce and his sister Judie Skuce all of Port Rowan. Predeceased by his brothers Don and Robert & his wife Betty Skuce. Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Monday from 7-9p.m.. A Private Family Funeral Service will be conducted with Pastor Ralph Teigrob officiating. Interment in Fairview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Kidney Foundation or the Heart & Stroke Foundation (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family.
Calgary Herald / Saskatoon StarPhoenix
23/24 June 2009
SKUCE , Todd Robert June 4, 1969 - June 20, 2009. It is with deep love and incredible memories that the family of Todd Robert Skuce announces his unexpected passing on Saturday, June 20, 2009 in Calgary, Alberta. Todd will be lovingly remembered by Sam, his wife of sixteen years (soulmate for twenty-three), his daughters McCrory and Campbell and son McAuley; his parents Betty and Don Skuce; brother Rick Skuce and children Aedyn, Abigail and Addison; grandmother Nora Skuce; parents-in-law Jim and Rose-Anne McCrory; brother and sister-in-law Jamie and Seanine McCrory; aunt-in-law Gussie Dubetz and numerous uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. Todd was passionate about his family, friends and golf. He loved adventure, at home or when traveling. Fly fishing, cycling, playing at the park with the kids, coaching soccer, being a brilliant engineer and an extremely decent human being were just part of what made him amazing. Todd will be profoundly missed by all who knew and loved him. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church (1307 - 14 Street S.W., Calgary, Alberta) with Rev. Edmund Vargas celebrant. Condolences may be forwarded to the family by visiting . If friends so desire, in lieu of flowers, memorial tributes in Todd's honour may be made directly to the Huntington's Society, the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation, or the Mustard Seed Street Ministry. Arrangements entrusted to LEYDEN'S FUNERAL HOME, RECEPTION & CREMATION CENTRE, 304 - 18 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2S 0C3. Phone: 403-228-4422.
July 2009
Robert "Bob" Driscoll
Passed away at Kitcherner-Waterloo Health Centre of Grand River Hospital, surrounded by family, on Saturday, July 11, 2009. Robert James Driscoll of Kitchener, at the age of 54.
Dear father to daughter, Terra Driscoll; sons, Locque Driscoll and his partner Lisa and Marcus Driscoll. Survived by his mother, Frieda Driscoll and two sisters, Lee and husband Terry Watt, and Joanne McAuley. Lovingly remembered by Karen Locke, his extended family, and many friends.
Predeceased by his father, Robert Forrest Driscoll; son, Forrest and daughter, Fern.
Cremation has taken place. A memorial service will be held in the chapel of the Erb & Good Family Funeral Home, 171 King St. S., Waterloo on Saturday, July 18, 2009 at 4 pm. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service from 3-4 pm, Saturday. A reception will follow the service at the funeral home.
Ashrae Insights
July/August 2009
Todd Robert Skuce
Associate Member; 40; By #5 6120 11 th Street SE, Calgary AB, T2H 2L7, Canada ; joined ASHRAE in 1997. His service includes all offices in the Southern Alberta Chapter, including president in 2003-04. He received a Chapter Service Award in 2007.
London Free Press, London, Ontario
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
SKUSE, Eleanor Marion (nee Darnell)
Passed away suddenly but peacefully, after a brief battle with cancer, at her residence in London, Ontario on Sunday, August 30, 2009 in her 75th year. Beloved wife of Warren Ellis Skuse. Dear mother of Andrew Skuse (spouse Jeannie Cruden) and Patrick Skuse (wife Ingrid Skuse) of London. Proud grandmother to Ava Elizabeth Julia Skuse and Ella Isabel Victoria Skuse. Dear sister of Dean Darnell (wife Jo Ann) of Workworth, and Florence Darnell of Whitby (husband deceased Donald McClure). Pre-deceased by father Rev. Fred Darnell and mother Margaret Elizabeth Darnell. Eleanor was a graduate of Beck Collegiate, the London Teachers College, and the University of Western Ontario. Her natural desire to educate led to a life-long and rewarding career as an elementary teacher and librarian which began in Kitchener, and continued in London and Mississauga until she retired in 1998. During her time in London she also worked as a real estate agent for 10 years. She moved back to London again in 1998 and briefly resumed her educational work as a part-time tutor/manager, then retired to devote her time to her family, grandchildren, and gardening. She was also an avid booster of the London Humane Society. Family and friends may call on Wednesday from 2:00- 4:00 and 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the WESTVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL, 709 Wonderland Road North, where the funeral service will be conducted on Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. Private family interment at Woodland Cemetery. Contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society or the London Humane Society would be gratefully acknowledged. Online condolences accepted at
The Regina Leader-Post
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Lois Elizabeth Donnelly, 1922-2009
It is with great sadness that Lois' family announces her sudden passing in Estevan, SK on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at the age of 87 years. Lois was predeceased by her parents, Richard and Janet Skuce; husband Walter; two sisters, Doris (Bill) Damant and Bernice (Everett) Tyndall; five brothers, Lyle, Bill, Elmer, Allan (Bertha) and John; sister-inlaw Lorraine Skuce and brother-in-law Alex Graham. She is survived by her loving family, who will miss her dearly: children, Glenn (JoAnne) Donnelly, Garry (Sandra) Donnelly and Wendy (Brock) Rush; grandchildren, Katherine and Alix Donnelly, Curtis, Craig, Linnea and Richard Donnelly, Alecia and Robyn Rush, Melissa (Brad) Gall and Sam (Sara) Hall; sister Helen Graham; sisters-inlaw, Hazel Skuce, Nora Skuce, Alice Skuce and Betty Wood, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial service for Lois will be held on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. in Grace United Church, Stoughton, with Deborah Laforet officiating. Interment will follow in the Stoughton Town Cemetery. Those so wishing may make donations to the Stoughton & District Volunteer Ambulance or the Stoughton Fire Department in Lois' memory. Messages of condolence may be forwarded to the family by visiting
Green and White, University of Saskatchewan
Fall 2009
In Memoriam
(1994) SKUCE, Todd Robert, BE'94, of Calgary, AB, d. June 23, 2009.
Ottawa Citizen
6 and 7 November 2009
SMARIDGE, Eric "Buzz" Peacefully at the Peter D. Clark Centre, Ottawa, on Thursday, November 5, 2009, at the age of 82. Beloved husband of Shirley (formerly Grandmaitre, nee Green), and the late Sarah Joan Smaridge (Stratton). Loving father of Steven (predeceased), Paul (Marilyn), Ralph (Carol), Todd (Ruth), and loving step-father of Linda Reaume (Claude), Jane Lackey (Bob), and Donna Pantalone (Jim). Proud grandfather and step-grandfather of Alexandra, Samuel, Steven, Christopher, Ryan, and Nicholas. Predeceased by parents Sgt.Major John Eric Thomas Smaridge of R.C.M.P., and Irene Bertha Skuce, and brother Tom. Friends are invited to visit at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street (at O'Connor), from 3-7 pm Monday, November 9. The Funeral Service will be held in the chapel on Tuesday, November 10 at 11 am. The family wish to express their sincere thanks to nursing staff of Peter D. Clark, Elm House, for their kindness and care while Buzz was a resident. Contributions in Buzz's memory to the Parkinsons Foundation of Canada would be greatly appreciated.
Barry's Bay This Week
November 2009
We will remember them
Two Skuces, both called Richard, also perished in that war. They were cousins. Richard F. Skuce of Craigmont died in 1916 at the Battle of the St. Eloi Craters, part of the Ypres Salient in Belgium . Richard R., who was from the Bark Lake area, was killed around Vimy Ridge in June, 1917.
The Globe and Mail
15 December 2009
3,127 Great Career Decisions
These CA students have all passed the 2009 Uniform Evaluation (UFE) one of the world's most challenging profressional examinations. Congratulations to Canada 's future business leaders.
Megan Skuce, Calgary
Wincester Press
December, 2009
Elizabeth "Betty" Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson passed away at the Dundas Manor on Tues., Dec. 22, 2009. She was 88.
She was born on Aug. 22, 1921 in Ottawa to her parents, Kirby and Lavinia (nee Skuce) Graham. On July 18, 1942, she married Kenneth Johnson, who predeceased her in 1995. Together they had three sons, Richard (Kimberly), Peter (Mary), and Michael ( Lynn). She will be greatly missed by her grandchildren Jennifer, Jared, Paige, and Kirby; Phil, Kelly, Pam, and Christopher; and Keith, Kevin, Andrea, Chris, and Katherine, as well as her 11 great-grandchildren, and daughters-in-law Arlene Johnson and Heather Johnson. She is predeceased by her sister, Shirley Baker, and is survived by her sister, Joan Lafontaine.
A memorial service will take place at a later date at the Anglican Parish of North Dundas.
Memorial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation are appreciated.
Arrangements have been entrusted to the Winchester Funeral Home (613-774-2120).
Simcoe Reformer
19 Dec 2009
DEARDEN, Melvyn Leonard "Melby"
Passed away peacefully surrounded by family and friends on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at his residence in Port Rowan in his 77th year. Beloved husband of Joan Skuce with whom he shared 32 years together. Dear father of Randy and wife Kathy of RR#3 Port Rowan, Michael of Port Elgin and Leanne of Port Elgin and Danny Skuce and wife Kathy of Delhi. Sadly missed by his 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Dear brother of Jean and her husband Jack VanHolst of Parksville, B.C. Predeceased by his son Rick, daughter Patti and by his best friend Buddy. Mel operated Mel's Auto Body for several years and the Meltrail Trailers for 20 years. He was an avid Nascar fan and fisherman (especially Alaska). Relatives and friends called at the Jeffrey W Glendinning Funeral Home, 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Monday from 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service will be conducted in the Clark Chapel of the funeral home on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. Pastor Chuck Mayo officiating. Interment in Fairview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Children's Wish Foundation or the Heart and Stroke Foundation (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences at
Ottawa Citizen / Winchester Press
23 Dec 2009
JOHNSON, Elizabeth "Betty"
Passed away on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at the Dundas Manor in her 89th year. She was born on August 22, 1921 in Ottawa to her parents Kirby and Lavinia (nee Skuce) Graham. On July 18, 1942 she married Kenneth Johnson who predeceased her in 1995. Together they had three sons, Richard (Kimberly), Peter (Mary), and Michael (Lynn). She will be greatly missed by her grandchildren Jennifer, Jared, Paige, and Kirby; Phil, Kelly, Pam, and Christopher; and Keith, Kevin, Andrea, Chris, and Katherine, as well as her 11 great-grandchildren and daughters-in-law Arlene Johnson and Heather Johnson. She is predeceased by her sister Shirley Baker and is survived by her sister Joan Lafontaine. A memorial service will take place at a later date at the Anglican Parish of North Dundas.Memorial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation are appreciated. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Winchester Funeral Home (613-774-2120).
Brandon Sun
February 2010
McCRORY, Pauline Alva McCrory (nee Campbell). It is with sadness we announce the sudden passing of our dear mother on Monday, February 15, 2010. She will forever remain in the memory of her family, her son James (Rose Anne), daughters, Linda Wass (Robert), Carolyn Bumstead (William), Mary Lou Doyle, (Larry). Grandchildren, Samantha McCrory, Jamie McCrory (Seanine), Kevin Wass (Kim), Geoff Bumstead, Patrick Doyle (Sheri), Kelly Doyle; Great grandchildren, McCrory Skuce, McAuley Skuce, Campbell Skuce, Robert Wass, Geoffrey Wass, Danika Bumstead, Makenna Bumstead, Madison Doyle, Finian Doyle. Pauline was predeceased by her husband James, parents Cecil and Alva Campbell, sister Chickie Harrison, granddaughter Shannon Wass and grandson Todd Skuce. Pauline was born in Brandon on April 8, 1922 and grew up in the east end of Brandon, attending King George and Earl Haig schools. At a young age, she was active in sports and the Dr. Schubert Youth Choir. As a teenager, she began working at the Metropolitan Store. Romance began, young James McCrory of Rideau Street and Pauline became a pair skating at the East End Community Rink. In 1940 Jim was “called up” for the Forces and he joined the Air Force. They were married September 20, 1940. They were first stationed at St. Thomas and then Dunville, Ontario. After the war Pauline resided in many locations due to Jim’s employment with John Deere; Winnipeg, Swan River, Wynyard and Dauphin, returning to Brandon in 1974. Jim died of cancer in 1975. Pauline returned to the work force and worked for Shirley’s Card Shop in Shopper’s Mall for many years. Music and her church were always a big part of her life. She was a founding member of St. James Presbyterian Church in Dauphin and choir member. She was a member at Westwood Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg and First Presbyterian Church in Brandon. Pauline was a member of the Ladies Shrine Club, Brandon. Pauline’s hobbies included knitting, baking, playing cards and visiting with friends. She formed many friendships over the years with her vibrant personality and winning smile. Our family would like to thank Dr. Groves, Home Care Staff and all who helped Pauline through her declining health, Norma Jean Coates and her extended family, Arlene Robertson and her many dear friends. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in honour of Mom, to the First Presbyterian Church Foundation, 339-12th Street, Brandon, Manitoba, R7A 4M3. Memories Chapel and Pre-Planning Centre, 727-0330.
Peterborough This Week
1 March 2010
SKUCE, Russell Lloyd ~ Went to be with his Lord suddenly, at the Peterborough Regional Health Center in Peterborough on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 in his 81st year. Russell was the beloved husband of the late Betty Davey. Loving brother to Enid Skuce and predeceased by his parents Elmer and Levada Skuce (nee Burke) and brothers Eric and George. Dear uncle of Don Skuce and Rosemary Menard. Visitation at the Mackey Funeral Home, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay on Sunday from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service on Monday, February 22nd at the Fairview Baptist Church, 130 Colborne Street West, Lindsay at 11:00 a.m. Spring interment at Mt. Horeb Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Ross Memorial Hospital, Mill Stream Bible Camp. or the Heritage Christian School would be appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to the Mackey Funeral Home, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay. Online condolences and donations may be made at
London Free Press, London, Ontario
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
SKUSE, Warren E
Passed away peacefully after a battle with leukemia at Victoria Hospital on Sunday, April 4th, 2010, Warren E. Skuse, of London, in his 76th year. Beloved husband of the late Eleanor Marion (nee Darnell) Skuse (2009). Dear father of Andrew Skuse and Patrick Skuse and his wife Ingrid Skuse, all of London. Proud grandfather to Ava Elizabeth Julia Skuse and Ella Isabel Victoria Skuse. Dear brother-in-law of Dean Darnell and his wife Jo Ann, of Brighton, and Florence Darnell, of Whitby. In 1961 he met Eleanor, the love of his life, and is now reunited with her. Warren's career in the plumbing industry began in the 50's with Emco of London. His career took him and his family to Vancouver, BC for 10 years, then back to his home in Ontario. Along the way he made many life-long friends. Family and friends may call on Wednesday from 2:00 - 4:00 and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the WESTVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL, 709 Wonderland Road North, where the funeral service will be conducted on Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. Private family interment at Woodland Cemetery. Contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society will be gratefully acknowledged. Online condolences accepted at
The Ottawa Citizen
22 April 2010
BOUCHER, Sarah Marguerite "Maggie" (Nee Skuce) Passed away peacefully on April 17, 2010 at the age of 93. Beloved wife of the late Gilbert. Dear mother of Kerry (Alison), Byron (Ruth) and Linda. Loved grandmother to 7 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren. A graveside service will be held at Pinecrest Cemetery, 2500 Baseline Rd. on Friday April 23, 2010 at 2:30 p.m. followed by a reception at the Pinecrest Reception Centre. Many thanks to Maritza and the staff at Starwood Nursing Home. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Extendicare Starwood.
The Regina Leader-Post
22 May 2010
Helen Janet Graham (nee Skuce) October 20, 1914 to May 20, 2010
Helen Graham of Stoughton, SK passed away on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at the age of 95 years. A memorial service will be held in Grace United Church, Stoughton on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. with Deborah Laforet officiating. A private family interment will follow in the Stoughton Town Cemetery. Those so wishing may make donations to Grace United Church, Stoughton or Newhope Pioneer Lodge, Stoughton in Helen's memory. Messages of condolence may be forwarded to the family by visiting
Calgary Herald
June 19, 2010
June 19, 2009. His smiling way and pleasant face are such a pleasure to recall, He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, never to part again.
The Regina Leader-Post
26 June 2010
Helen Janet Graham (nee Skuce)
(October 20, 1914 - May 20, 2010)
Helen Graham of Stoughton, SK passed away on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at the age of 95 years. Born on her parents homestead south of Stoughton, SK the last surviving member of nine children born to parents Richard Donaldson Skuce and Janet (Sturgeon) Skuce. Mom was child number six. She attended Walton School and married Alex Graham on October 7, 1938. They lived on the farm Southwest of Stoughton for 32 years. It was operated as a mixed farming operation for the majority of those years. In 1972, Mom and Dad moved to Stoughton. Mom was a member of the Walton Homemakers and the United Church Women. Her home was open to all.
Helen was predeceased by her husband, our dad, Alex Graham on January 12, 1982; siblings and spouses, Lyle, William, Elmer, Bernice (Everett) Tindall, Allan (Bertha), John (Lorraine) Skuce, Doris (Bill) Damant and Lois (Walter) Donnelly. She was also predeceased by dad’s family: in-laws, John & Margaret (Pringle) Graham, Verna (Tony) Dumouchel, Jessie (Millard) Hutchinson, George (Marie) Graham and Bill (Jean) Graham.
She is survived by her loving family, who will miss her dearly; daughter Bonita (Earl) Slimmon of Heward, SK and sons, Barry (Donna) Graham of Harris, SK and Garth (Judy) Graham of Stoughton. She sadly leaves behind grandchildren and great grandchildren: Lisa (Bryan) Gould – Spencer & Hannah, Scott Stankov (Kara) – Kurtis & Kaitlin and Kara’s children Riley, Braydon & Skylar, Dawn (Etienne) Patenaude – Joren, Claire & Brenna, Kari (Kevin) Patenaude – Karley, Quinn & Ben, Jody (Kevin) Papp – Carter & Cooper, Stacey (Kirk) Tanner – Jaxon & Rhett and Randy (Bobbie-Jo) Graham – Sam & Presley. Mom is also survived by her sisters-in-law, Nora Skuce, Hazel Skuce and Alice Skuce and Margaret (Bert) Mack, as well as a host of nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be held in Grace United Church, Stoughton on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. with Deborah Laforet officiating. A family interment will follow in the Stoughton Town Cemetery. Honourary pallbearers are Helen’s grandchildren and great grandchildren. Donations in memory of mom may be made to Grace United Church, Stoughton or Newhope Pioneer Lodge, Stoughton. Special thanks to all the staff of Newhope Pioneer Lodge for the outstanding care and compassion for mom and her family.
The Lindsay Post
Friday, July 9, 2010
Will be celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday July 7th with a small family dinner in Paris, Ontario. Please send best wishes only. Congratulations from Roy, Ann and Andrew.
Weyburn Review, Saskatchewan
14 July 2010 (Also in the Saskatchewan Leader-Post)
Helen Janet Graham (nee Skuce); October 20, 1914 – May 20, 2010
Helen Graham of Stoughton passed away on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at the age of 95 years. Born on her parents’ homestead south of Stoughton, th last surviving member of nine children born to parents Richard Donaldson Skuce and Janet (Sturgeon) Skuce. Mom was child number six. She attended Walton School and married Alex Graham on October 7, 1938. They lived on the farm southwest of Stoughton for 32 years. It was operated as a mixed farming operation for the majority of those years. In 1972, mom and dad moved to Stoughton. Mom was a member of the Walton Homemakers and the United Church Women. Her home was open to all. Helen was predeceased by her husband, our dad, Alex Graham on January 12, 1982: siblings and spouses, Lyle, William, Elmer, Bernice ( Everett) Tindall, Allan (Bertha), John ( Lorraine) Skuce, Doris (Bill) Damant and Lois (Walter) Donnelly. She was also predeceased by dad’s family: in-laws, John and Margaret (Pringle) Graham, Verna (Tony) Dumouchel, Jessie (Millard) Hutchinson, George (Marie) Graham and Bill (Jean) Graham. She is survived by her loving family, who will miss her dearly; daughter Bonnita (Earl) Slimmon of Heward, and sons, Barry (Donna) Graham of Harris and Garth (Judy) Graham of Stoughton. She sadly leaves behind grandchildren and great grandchildren: Lisa ( Bryan) Gould – Spencer and Hannah; Scott Stankov (Kara) – Kurtis and Kaitlin and Kara’s children Riley, Braydon and Skylar; Dawn (Etienne) Patenaude – Joren, Claire and Brenna; Kari (Kevin) Patenaude–Karley, Quinn and Ben; Jody (Kevin) Papp–Carter and Cooper; Stacey (Kirk) Tanner–Jaxon and Rhett; and Randy (Bobbie-Jo) Graham–Sam and Presley. Mom is also survived by her sisters-in-law Nora Skuce, Hazel Skuce and Alice Skuce and sister-in-law Margaret (Bert) Mack, as well as a host of nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held in Grace United Church, Stoughton on Wednesday, June 30 at 2:00 pm with Deborah Laforet officiating. A family interment will follow in the Stoughton Town Cemetery. Honourary pallbearers were Helen’s grandchildren and great grandchildren. Donations in memory of mom may be made to Grace United Church, Stoughton or Newhope Pioneer Lodge, Stoughton. Special thanks to all the staff of Newhope Pioneer Lodge for the outstanding care and compassion for mom and her family. Messages of condolence may be forwarded to the family by visiting Arrangements entrusted to Hall Funeral Services.
Barry's Bay This Week
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Peacefully at St. Francis Memorial Hospital, Barry's Bay on Saturday August 14, 2010, aged 94 years. Ethel Cybulskie, wife of the late Tom Skuce. Mother of Wayne and Harold (predeceased 1982). Cherished Grandmother of Tom, Holly, Doug, Tina, Kelly, Trudy, Julie, Peter and Lori. Ethel is also survived by 14 loving great grandchildren and her sister Lillian. Predeceased by her brothers Stanley and John Ernest, also her sister Josie. Ethel rested at O'Reilly Funeral Home, Barry's Bay on Monday August 16. Mass of Christian Burial at St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church, Barry's Bay on Tuesday August 17 at 10:30 a.m. Interment in Parish Cemetery. Donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be accepted by family.
Calgary Herald / Calgary Sun
27-29 August, 2010
SKUCE, Alice Virginia (nee Pottle)
Alice Virginia Skuce passed away peacefully at the Aspen Ridge Lodge in Didsbury on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at the age of 93 years. Alice is lovingly remembered by her son Patrick Skuce, daughter Norma Macdonald, sons Richard Skuce and Bryce Skuce; grandchildren Joseph Skuce, Michael Skuce, Tracy Macdonald, Sherry Fifield, Duncan Macdonald and Amy James; great-grandchildren Jessica and Victoria Skuce, Starla and Jagger Fifield, Keegan Anderson and Jasper and Marinna James; seven sisters, five brothers and numerous extended family. Alice was predeceased by her husband Lyle Skuce, great-grandson Henry Anderson, four brothers and two sisters. The family would like to thank the staff of the Aspen Ridge Lodge for their care and compassion towards their mother. A Memorial Service will be held at FOSTER'S GARDEN CHAPEL, 3220 - 4 Street N.W., Calgary (across from Queen's Park Cemetery) on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made directly to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta, No. 200, 119 - 14 Street N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1Z6 or the Kidney Foundation of Canada and Southern Alberta, 6007 - 1A Street S.W., Calgary, AB T2H 0G5. Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family via the website . FOSTER'S GARDEN CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORIUM. Telephone: 403-297-0888 Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial. May 29, 1917 - August 24, 2010
The Toronto Star
17 October 2010
MILANESE, Jean Elizabeth - Passed away at Etobicoke General Hospital on Thursday, October 14, 2010. Born on July 10, 1938 in Barry's Bay, Ontario. The youngest of three daughters of Harold Lyle Skuce and Lila Murl Hamilton. Survived by her loving husband Duilio Vincenzo Milanese, daughter Stefani Lila Milanese and son Dino Andrea Milanese. Proud and loving grandmother of Alexandre, Olivier, and Vanessa Roberge-Milanese. Also survived by sisters Dorothea Zigelstein and Phyliss Wiebe, brothers-in-law Harry Zigelstein and Nino Milanese, son-in-law Thomas Bergman and daughter-in- law Brigitte Roberge. You graced us with your smile and warm soul for far too short a time. Thank you for all the love you gave us. We all love and miss you. Until we meet again. Family and friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home 'Brampton Chapel', 52 Main Street South, (Hwy. 10) Brampton, on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, October 18th at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, 66A Main Street South, Brampton at 10 a.m. Cremation to follow at Assumption Crematorium.
Simcoe Reformer
Monday, November 29, 2010
SKUCE, Gerald Leslie “Jerry” - passed away suddenly at his residence on Thursday November 25, 2010, Jerry Skuce of RR#3, Port Rowan in his 63rd year.
Dear brother of Wayne & Sue, John & Beth, Steve & Eva, Barbara & her husband Ross Moulton, all of Port Rowan. Special uncle to Danny & Kate Skuce, Bill & Shannon Moulton, Tracy & Jason Reese, Lisa & Ryan Irvine, Velma, Brittany, Samantha and Joshua Skuce. Great uncle of Tyler, Nolan, Preston, Kaitlyn, Dawson and Nicholas
Predeceased by his parents Fred & Velma (Baese) Skuce.
Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home, 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Monday from 7-9p.m.. A Private Family Funeral Service will be conducted with Pastor Ralph Teigrob officiating. Interment in Fairview Cemetery, Port Rowan.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Kidney Foundation (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
The Simcoe Reformer, Simcoe, Ontario
Nov/Dec?? 2010
SKUCE, Gerald Leslie (Jerry)
Passed away suddenly at his residence on Thursday, November 25th, 2010, Jerry Skuce, of RR#3 Port Rowan, in his 63rd year. Dear brother of Wayne & Sue, John & Beth, Steve & Eva, Barbara & her husband Ross Moulton, all of Port Rowan. Special uncle to Danny & Kate Skuce, Bill & Shannon Moulton, Tracy & Jason Reese, Lisa & Ryan Irvine, Velma, Brittany, Samantha and Joshua Skuce. Great uncle of Tyler, Nolan, Preston, Kaitlyn, Dawson and Nicholas. Predeceased by his parents Fred & Velma (Baese) Skuce. Relatives and friends may call at the JEFFREY W. GLENDINNING FUNERAL HOME, 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Monday from 7-9p.m. A Private Family Funeral Service will be conducted with Pastor Ralph Teigrob officiating. Interment in Fairview Cemetery, Port Rowan. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Kidney Foundation (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
Vancouver Sun and/or The Province
February 18, 2011
SKUCE, Daniel Stewart
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Dan Skuce, son, brother and uncle after a long and brave battle with kidney disease. He is survived by his mother Elfi Redpath, sisters Leslie, Mercedes, Lisa and father Bill. He also leaves behind step-sisters Michelle, Tarryl, Carey and Nicole, niece Denise and nephews Patrick and Keiran. Dan was predeceased by his father Les. Dan was born in Maple Ridge and lived in Vancouver and North Vancouver, graduating from Windsor Secondary school. The family is grateful for the support given by friends and neighbors and the care given by the staff at St. Paul's Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital, the Port Moody Dialysis Clinic and the Kidney Foundation of British Columbia. Donations may be made to the Kidney Foundation of B.C. in the name of Dan Skuce. Condolences may be sent to,
Simcoe Reformer
Friday, January 27, 2012
SKUCE, Fredrick Wayne
Passed away on Thursday September 29, 2011, Wayne Skuce of RR#3, Port Rowan in his 65th year.
Beloved husband of Susan (nee Wall) whom he married June 10, 1995. Father of Danny & wife Kathy of Delhi. Step-father of Lisa and husband Pete Giesbrecht of Straffordville. Dear brother of John & Beth, Steve & Eva, Barbara & her husband Ross Moulton, all of Port Rowan. Grandpa to Dawson, Kaitlyn, Josh, Jordan and Alyssa.
Predeceased by his parents Fred & Velma (Baese) Skuce and by brother Jerry.
Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home, 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Monday from 7-9p.m.. Private Family Service will be conducted with Pastor Ralph Teigrob officiating. Interment in Fairview Cemetery, Port Rowan.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Diabetic Association (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
Simcoe Reformer
Thursday January 26, 2012
SKUCE, Ada Marie (Freeland)
assed away peacefully at the Norfolk General Hospital, Simcoe on Thursday January 26, 2012. Ada Skuce of RR#3 Port Rowan in her 80th year.
Beloved wife of Edward “Ted” Skuce whom she married July 15, 1951. Loving mother of Thelma & husband Guy Hazen of RR#3 Port Rowan, Debbie & husband Joe Clapdorp of RR#2 St. Williams, Daniel Taylor and Barb Shelley of Port Rowan, Fred Taylor of Port Dover, and Karen Skuce and Rick Coderre of RR#2 Simcoe. Sadly missed by her grandchildren Jeff & Tracy, Tom & Andria, Lauren, Dylan and great-grandchildren Jocelyn, Jaclyn and Myles.
Predeceased by her brother Charles Freeland, sisters Ina Freeland and Bertha Wilson
Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Sunday from 1-4pm. Funeral Service will be conducted in the Clark Chapel of the funeral home on Monday January 30, 2012 at 11:00am. Interment later in Langton Baptist Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
Veritas, RMC, Kingston, Ontario
January 2012, Issue 5 (Also published in Ottawa Citizen, 28 Jan to 1 Feb)
3696 Mike Valiquet passed away Friday, 27 January at the Queensway General Hospital in Ottawa. He entered CMR in 1952 as a member of the first class there and subsequently graduated from RMC in 1957. The funeral will be held on Thursday, 02 February at Saint Patrick’s Church, Fallowfield, Barhaven, Ontario.
VALIQUET, Michael Ian – RMC 3696 M.I.T. M.Sc.
Mike passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family at the Queensway Carleton Hospital on Friday, January 27, 2012. He is survived by his loving wife Helen (McCalla) and his beloved children; Timothy (Leslie) of Santa Ana, CA, Richard (Colleen), Michelle, and John ( Lynn) all of Ottawa. His eight grandchildren were his pride and joy; Patrick (Claudia), Christopher ( Elizabeth), Daniel (Jenny), Peter, Jacqueline, Danielle, Madeleine and Genny. Autumn was his adored great-grandchild. Mike is also survived by his only sister Anne Marie, her husband Ron Gipp and their family. His McCalla in-laws, Bruce (Clara), James, and John (Joan) were also special friends. His many cousins, nieces, and nephews often gathered at Mike and Helen’s home. He was predeceased by his parents Louis and Viola (Skuce), his brother Peter, and his great- grandson Gabriel. Special thanks to The Ottawa Hospitals, Civic, General and Heart Institute; Queensway-Carleton Hospital, West End Villa, and his wonderful doctors, nurses and caregivers who kept him with us for a terrific life. A Mass in Memory will be held at St. Patrick’s Church (Fallowfield), 15 Steeple Hill Cres., on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:00 am. Reception to follow in the Church Hall. Spring interment at Notre Dame Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, memorial donations may be made to The Ottawa Hospital Foundation.
Simcoe Reformer
Monday, February 13, 2012
SKUCE: Edward “Ted” Stanley - passed away peacefully surrounded by his family at Norview Lodges Simcoe, on Thursday February 9, 2012 , Ted Skuce of RR#3 Port Rowan in his 82nd year.
Beloved husband of the late Ada Skuce who predeceased him on January 26, 2012. Loving father of Thelma & husband Guy Hazen of RR#3 Port Rowan, Debbie & husband Joe Clapdorp of RR#2 St. Williams, Daniel Taylor and Barb Shelly of Port Rowan, Fred Taylor of Port Dover, Karen Skuce and Rick Coderre of RR#2 Simcoe. Sadly missed by his grandchildren Jeff & Tracy, Tom & Andria, Lauren, Dylan and great-grandchildren Jocelyn, Jaclyn and Myles. Survived by his sister Judy Skuce of Port Rowan. He will be fondly remembered by many nieces and nephews.
Predeceased by his brothers Fred, Robert, Don and infant brother Ross.
Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home, 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service will be conducted in the Clark Chapel of the funeral home on Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 1:00p.m. Interment later in Langton Baptist Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Alzheimer’s Society/ Lewy Body Dementia (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
Hamilton News
Monday, March 26, 2012
SKUSE, Carolyn Ann — With great sadness we announce the passing of Carolyn Skuse at Hamilton General Hospital on Friday, March 23, 2012 in her 63rd year.
Wife to Wayne. Dear and loving mother of Sarah Skuse of Stoney Creek, Troy (Julie) Skuse of Burlington, and Trevor (Irena) Skuse of Stoney Creek. Doting Gramma of Damian, Katarina and Nikita.
Sadly missed by siblings Katherine (Ted) Faulknor, Chuck (Johanna) George, Jim George, Rick (Amanda) George, Michelle Watkins, and Greg (Heather) Wellstood. Fondly remembered by many family and friends. Predeceased by sister Jane and sister-in-law Carmen.
Cremation has taken place. Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2012 in Stoney Creek.
If desired, donations to the Children’s Wish Foundation would be sincerely appreciated.
The Kingston Whig Standard
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
SKUCE, Roy Nelson - Peacefully at his residence Loon Lake Saturday June 9, 2012 Roy Skuce in his 69th year. Beloved husband of Jeannie (Traynor). Dear father of Danny (Shari), Crosby; Robin (Mark) Mann, Kinburn. Fondly loved by grandchildren Alicia, Kaitlyn of Kitchener, Scott and Sean of Crosby, Hunter and Troy of Kinburn. Brother of Glenda Skuce of Barry's Bay. Sadly missed and always remembered by the A.N.T. families. Friends will be received at LYONS FUNERAL HOME Westport Friday June 15 from 2-4 and 7-9 PM where a funeral service will be conducted Saturday June 16 at 11:00 AM Donations to the Westport Food Bank or Bayshore Homecare would be appreciated by the family.
Vancouer Sun/The Province
Thursday, August 9, 2012
SKUCE, Josephine Leontina — Passed away peacefully on August 5, 2012 in St. James Cottage Hospice, Vancouver at the age of 89. Predeceased by Lloyd Milton Skuce, she will be lovingly remembered by her children, Allan (Lorna), Chris (Terri), Teri (Ian); grandsons, Isaak (Liz), Cory ( Shari), Conrad (Nicole), Damon, Luke and Adam and great-grandchildren, Sarah, Alexander and Andrew; also her brothers, Wilf (Olga), Ray (Nancy), Jamie (Joan) and Joseph and sister-in-law, Margaret Johnston. She had a strong will, was loving and warm-hearted and loved to laugh. Catholic Mass will be celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church, 3778 W. 28th Ave., Vancouver on Friday, August 10, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. with Father Ken Bernard as Celebrant. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to a charity of your choice.
Northern Life, Sudbury, Ontario
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Frances Theresa (Corbett) Skuce
In loving memory of Frances Theresa (Corbett) Skuce, 72 years. Passed away Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 at Health Sciences North. Beloved wife of Edmund Skuce predeceased 1986. Loving mother of Deborah Ramakko (Brian), William, Michael (Janet), Kimberley Ganzini (Ross) and Paul (Terri). (Arrangements entrusted to the Lougheed Funeral Home.)
Simcoe Reformer
Thursday, November 29, 2012 (Also published, same day, in Brantford Expositor)
Skuce, Deidra Ena Diane
Passed away suddenly at the Norfolk General Hospital, Simcoe on Tuesday November 27, 2012, Deidra Skuce of Simcoe in her 47th year.
Beloved partner of Danniel Emsley of Simcoe. Step mother of Daniel Dumbelton and George Emsley both of Brantford. Loving daughter of Judie Skuce of Port Rowan. Dear sister of Donna & husband Kerry Gates of Port Rowan, Donald Skuce of Port Rowan and Danny Skuce of Simcoe. Sadly missed by her nieces Jennifer and Haley and nephew Michael.
Predeceased by her father Roy Schott.
Relatives and friends may call at the Jeffrey W. Glendinning Funeral Home, 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Friday from 2-4 & 7-9pm. Funeral Service will be conducted in the Clark Chapel of the funeral home on Saturday December 1, 2012 at 1:00pm
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Diabetic Association (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
Byers Funderal Home
14 December 2012
Pearl Francis Skuce
April 19, 1932 to December 14, 2012
Peacefully at the Dundas Manor on Friday December 14, 2012 Pearl Skuce in her 81st year of Mountain. Beloved wife of the late Willy. Loving mother of Linda Geddes (Ralph). Cherished Nanny of Penny, Jenny and great-grandchildren Tyler, Tianna and A’Veyah. Dear sister of Grace, Tommy, Theresa and predeceased by Eathen (Rasty), Oliver (Finn), Orval (Killer), Ernie, Acil (Nick), Blanche and Arthur (Gump).
Interment Reids Mills Cemetery.
The Montreal Gazette
January 5, 2013
Terence F. Skuse
November 28, 1932 - January 5, 1983
Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather
To the world you were just oneto us you were the world
Forever in our hearts
Angela, Geoff and Marion, Debbie and Lino,J ennifer and your grandchildren
Dignity Memorial
Monday, January 28, 2013
Skuce, Peter
It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Peter Edward Skuce after a lengthy battle and complications with diabetes at Grand River Hospital on January 28, 2013. He will be sadly missed by his mother, Marg (Skuce) Scott, his two sisters, Julia McNamara (Glenn), and Laura Jones. Father of Christine, Ellisa and Nicole, uncle of Tasha, Travis, Spencer, Taylor, Konner, Shaelyn and Aden. As per Peters wishes, no viewing or memorial service will be held in Kitchener. Cremation has taken place and at his request, his remains will be put to rest alongside his father, Harold, and grandparents at a later date at St. Hedwig's Cemetery in Barry's Bay. In lieu of flowers, for those who wish, donations can be made to the Renal Centre at Grand River Hospital or the Humane Society.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, February 2, 2013
SKUCE, Audrey Augusta Mary (nee Kritsch)
Peacefully and with great dignity, Audrey died at home on Thursday, January 31, 2013 with her family by her side. Beloved wife of Eldon (Skid) Skuce. Loving mother of Charlotte, Mark, Dean (Sheila), Leslie, Rosemary, Matthew (Gerri), Cecily and Pamela. Loving grandmother of Nathan (Torie), David, Megan, Michael, Christopher and Sarah. Proud great-grandmother of William, Lucas and Parker.
Celebration of Life Service is to be held on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 11 a.m. at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 43 Meadowlands Drive West, Nepean, Ontario.
At Audrey's strong request please no flowers, a donation to one of her two favourite charities, the Lutheran Bible Translators or Voice of the Martyrs would be greatly appreciated. Condolences, donations and tributes may be made at
Audrey's "life is hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3)
The Daily Graphic, Portage la Prairie
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
SKUCE, Grace (nee Galloway) - With deepest sympathy we announce the peaceful passing of Grace Skuce on Sunday, March 17, 2013 at the age of 79 years. Grace is survived by her husband Frank; son Rick and daughter-in-law Maria of Prince George; grandchildren Ryan of Vancouver, Chad of Prince George and Amber of Grand Prairie and brother Harold (Francis) Galloway of Rocky Mountain House, AB. She is predeceased by her son Randy and brothers Ross Galloway and Don Galloway. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at McKenzies Portage Funeral Chapel, 56 Royal Rd. S. Portage la Prairie, at 1:00 pm, led by Rev. Marg Scott. Private family interment will follow at Hillside Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers as expressions of sympathy, donations may be made in Grace's memory to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba - Portage Office, 103 Wilkinson Crescent, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1A7. A tree will be planted in memory and cared for by McKENZIES PORTAGE FUNERAL CHAPEL
April 2013
Hall, Hertha Mary (nee: Skuce)
Hertha Hall, late of Fillmore passed away April 19, 2013, at the age of 85 years. Hertha was predeceased by her parents; William and Bertha Skuce; her sister, Norma Bates; brothers, Ira and Neil Skuce and several brothers and sisters-in-law. Hertha is survived by her loving husband, who she was married to for 60 years, Robert "Bert" Hall ; daughter Eileen Hall and her husband Danny Quevillon and granddaughter Helen. Her brothers and sisters: Barb Peel, Margaret and Alex Ruth, Robert Skuce, Dick and Hilda Skuce. Brother and sisters-in-law Dorthy Duthie, Blanche Pfund, Rhoda Hall, Lloyd Hall and Shirley Grohs as well as many nieces, nephews and friends.
A Funeral Service of Remembrance for Hertha will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. from Fillmore United Church, Fillmore, SK with Rev. Ann White officiating. All in attendance are considered Honorary Pallbearers. Interment will follow at Fillmore Cemetery, Fillmore, SK
For friends so wishing, in lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Hertha may be made to Fillmore Union Health Center, P.O Box 246, Fillmore, SK, S0G 1N0
Winchester Press
Saturday, 8 June, 2013 (Smaller Version also published in the Ottawa Citizen)
Rose Olive Campbell (nee Skuce) passed away peacefully on Fri., June 7, 2013. She was 93.
She was the loving wife of the late John D. Campbell of Vernon. She was the dear mother of Mary (Floyd Fisher) of Ormond, and Margaret Anne Campbell of Windsor. She was the proud Granny of Donald Fisher of London, Ont., and Peter John Fisher (Toni) of Georgetown, Ont., and the great-grandmother of Connor Fisher.
Rose was born into a proud Irish family in the Hallville area. The youngest of a family of 10, she was predeceased by nine brothers and sisters. Her hobbies were quilting, sewing, and cooking. When visiting Rose, her first priority was making sure you enjoyed refreshments with her and her family.
Her life was filled with volunteering, whether helping at the Red Cross meetings in Metcalfe, attending Farm Forum meetings, assisting as an associate leader in the local 4-H club, the Winchester blood donor clinics, or just helping a friend. One of the last few original members of the Winchester District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary created in 1948, she served twice as its president, and in 1988, was made an Ontario Life Member by the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario. A great promoter of agriculture, she served on the Ontario Federation of Agriculture as chairperson of the Women’s Committee, and worked as a Dairy Princess Coordinator here in Eastern Ontario. For many years, she was an active member and executive member of the Vernon Women’s Institute.
The funeral was held in the chapel of the Daley Family Funeral Home in Metcalfe on Mon., June 10 followed by interment at Reid’s Mills Cemetery. The pallbearers were Walter Hoy, Lyle Skuce, Erwin Skuce, Edson Skuce, Arnold Declare, and Bernard Dertinger.
The family would like to thank the Winchester District Memorial Hospital for the kindness and care these last few years, as well as the St. Jacques Nursing Home. A special thanks to the many who came to visit Mother over these many years – many have commented that her warm smile and kindness will long be remembered.
Ottawa Citizen
11 August 2013
Ralph Delcare
Peacefully at the Maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie on August 8, 2013 at the age 77. Son of the late Stewart Declare and the late Cecil Skuce. Beloved husband of Pauline Parent. Dear father of Kim, Steve (Laura), David (Jackie), Brian (Joanne) and Andrew (Jill). Cherished grandfather of Josh, Lindsay, Adam, Joey, Jason, Kelsey, Emily, Tyler, Celina, Amanda, Jennifer, Vanessa, Kyle, Chelsey and Nicolas. Fondly remembered by many brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and friends. Predeceased by many brothers and sisters. A Memorial Service will be held on August 17, 2013 at 11 a.m. in the Aylmer United Church, 164, rue Principale, Gatineau ( Aylmer). In lieu of flowers, donations to Maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie would be greatly appreciated.
The Province
Friday, 6 December 2013
Frank Pecenka, 92, of Chilliwack, BC passed away on November 23, 2013. Born in Vienna, Austria on December 7, 1921, Frank had an indomitable spirit. During WWII, he survived 3 plane crashes, and both a POW and a forced labour camp. His future brother-in-law Heinrich Kolecko was a fellow POW. Frank married Ann Kolecko in 1947. He came to Canada in 1954 and worked many years as Director of Technical Support Services for the Ministry of Health until retirement in 1986. He is survived by son Frank (Gwyn) Pecenka, granddaughters, Mrs. Sheri (Chris) Rempel and Mrs. Nicole (Conrad) Skuce, and great- grandchildren, Andrew and Amelia Mae Skuce. He is predeceased by his wife Ann. May he find peace in their reunion.
Ottawa Citizen
2 January 2014
HYNDMAN, Mildred Beryl of Kemptville, peacefully at Bayfield Manor on Monday, December 30th, in her 103rd year.
Mildred Beryl Hoy was born in Hallville, Ontario on July 10, 1911 and was the eldest daughter of the late Alexander and Ida (Skuce) Hoy. She worked a brief time in Ottawa, then returned to Hallville where she married Maurice Earl Hyndman. She also resided in Mountain, ON and Kemptville, ON. Millie was the beloved mother of Bruce Hyndman (Betty), Portland, ON; proud and loving grandmother of Mark Hyndman (Pamela), Kemptville and Christopher Hyndman, Barrhaven; dear great-grandmother of Ryan, Nathan, Jaxon, Mason and Aidan. Millie is also survived by her youngest sister, Hilda Weedmark of Burritts Rapids and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by Maurice Hyndman; her brothers Nelson, Orton, Lyle, Edwin (Andy) and Sherman Hoy and her sisters Verna Murdock and Lila Makepeace. To respect the specific request of Mrs. Hyndman there will be no visitation and no funeral. A graveside service will be held at South Gower Cemetery in the spring at the time of interment, date to be determined. The family of Mrs. Hyndman extend their deepest gratitude and appreciation to the caring management and staff of Bayfield Manor in Kemptville for their kindness and love while caring for Millie.
Sarnia Obeserver
Saturday, 1 March 2014
SKUCE, Catherine - Catherine (Kay) (n.Brooks), passed away peacefully with her family by her side, at Twin Lakes Terrace on Wednesday February 26, 2014, at the age of 92. She was the beloved wife of the late Allen (2005) and the loving mother of Cheryl (Dan) Moore, Richard (Susan) DeRush, and Ron DeRush. Very much loved grandma of Jennifer DeRush, Robert (Tammy) DeRush, Kevin Moore and Mark Moore. Great grandma of Aaron DeRush. Mom loved to sew, garden, cook, and look after her many pets over the years and made the best lemon pie and shortbread cookies ever. She loved her family and always put them before herself. She was a generous and giving lady. She is now re-united with her greatly missed husband Al. Cremation has taken place and a private family interment will take place at a later date. If so desired, donations may be made to the Sarnia Humane Society or the Alzheimer's Society or the charity of your choice. The family would like to thank the kind and caring staff of Twin Lakes Terrace for their compassion and friendship during mom's stay. Remembrances and condolences may be expressed to the family online in "Catherine's Guestbook" at Arrangements entrusted to McCORMACK FUNERAL HOME – Stewart Chapel, 254 George Street, Sarnia. Mom, your memory will be kept in our hearts forever. "May the winds of love blow softly and whisper so you will hear, that we'll always love and miss you and wish you were still here"
Simcoe Reformer
Monday, March 17, 2014 (Also printed Friday, March 21st in Tillsonburg News)
SKUCE, Margaret Elizabeth "Beth" (nee Ansley) - Passed away peacefully with her family at her side on Friday March 14, 2014 at the Norfolk General Hospital. Beth Skuce of Long Point in her 60th year. Beloved wife of John Skuce whom she married October 27, 1973. Loving mother of Tracy & husband Jason Reese of RR#4 Langton, Lisa and husband Ryan Irvine of Stratford. Cherished grandmother of Tyler, Nolan, Preston and Izzy. Dear sister of Brett Ansley of St. Williams and Mark Ansley. Beth was a member of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Rowan, a member of the Long Point Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. She was the founding and current Chairperson of the Port Rowan Bayfest Committee. Relatives and friends may call at the JEFFREY W. GLENDINNING FUNERAL HOME 36 Front St., Port Rowan on Tuesday from 2-4 & 7-9pm. Funeral Service will be conducted in the Clark Chapel of the funeral home on Wednesday March 19, 2014 at 1:00p.m. Interment in Bayview Cemetery, Port Rowan. An Eastern Star Service will be conducted at the Funeral Home on Tuesday evening at 6:30pm under the auspice of the Long Point Chapter. In lieu of flowers, donations to St. John's Anglican Church, the Lung Association or Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto (cheques accepted) would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences can be sent at
Pembroke Daily Observer
Thursday, 22 May 2014
PEARCE, Carol — At The Pembroke Regional Hospital on Saturday May 17, 2014 in her 76th year. Carol Pearce (nee Walker) of Pembroke beloved wife of the late John Pearce. Loved mother of Tom Skuce (Judy), Holly Skuce and Doug Skuce. Dear sister of Gayle Cullin (late Frederick) and the late Katheryn Lewis (late Bill). Dear aunt of Doug Cullin (Kirsten). Daughter of the late Roy and Margaret (nee Sewell) Wilston. Friends are invited to attend a Service to Celebrate Carols' Life in the Chapel of the Murphy Funeral Home, 296 Isabella Street, Pembroke on Friday at 10:30 a.m. Interment Zion United Cemetery. In memory of Carol, donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated.
June, 2014
September 29, 1948- June 16, 2014
John Robert Shiels a longtime resident of Jubilee Lodge passed away peacefully the morning of June 16, 2014. He was predeceased by his parents Robert & Isabel Shiels and Lloyd & Josephine Skuce, cousins Isabelle Campbell and Velma Reed. He is survived by his two daughters, Margaret & Morgan Shiels. His brothers Allan (Lorna) Skuce, Chris (Terri) Skuce and Doug Greenwood, sister Teri (Ian) Moul and mother in-law Margaret Storey. He is also survived by cousins; Margaret Herder, Sheryl, Shelly, Margie, Barb and Barbie Conway. He will be forever loved and missed. Memorial service for John will be held on Friday, July 4th, 2014 at 2:00pm at St. Michaels Anglican Church with Rev. Glenn Stone officiating.
Peterborough This Week
21 August 2014
SKUCE, Glen ~ Passed away peacefully at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at the age of 87. Beloved husband of the late Ruth Skuce (2005). Loving father of Bob (Lynn) of Lindsay, Judi (Marilyn) of Owen Sound and Cathy (Jim) of Janetville. Grampa of Jami (Sean Bolster), Patt, Jeff (Erin) and Matt (Emma). Great Grampa of Forrest and Emett Bolster. Survived by his sister Muriel (the late Wes Oliver) and brother Jack Magahay (Joan). The family will receive friends at PARKER FUNERAL HOME , 19 Moose Road, Lindsay on Friday, August 22 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm and on Saturday, August 23 from 1:00 pm until time of funeral service at 2:00 pm. Reception to follow. Interment at Janetville Cemetery later.
The Province
Friday, 5 December 2014
SKUCE, Donna Bernice (nee Davison)
April 16, 1939 – November 29, 2014
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dear mother, Nan, sister, aunt and loving friend to many, after a sudden illness. Donna passed away peacefully with her family by her side. She is survived by her son Vance (Jackie); daughters, Paula, Leslie (Pat), Mercedes (Kathy), Lisa ( Gary); granddaughter Shayla; brother Jim ( Alma), and niece Eleanor. She is predeceased by her loving husband Les Skuce, son Danny and sister Dorothy.
Donna was a dedicated loving mother, confidant, generous, caring friend to many. Her greatest joy was her garden, cooking and baking for friends and family, and cutting hair. She spent her lifetime as a hairstylist and was still working two days a week up until her sudden illness. No service by request. In lieu of flowers, donations to Christine Morrison Hospice, Mission, BC would be greatly appreciated.
The family would like to thank Ridge Meadows Hospital emergency staff, 3N, and Christine Morrison Hospice for all their loving care of our mom; and a special thanks to mom's angel Christine McDonald for being there when mom needed her.
The Morrisburg Leader
28 January 2015
A lifetime resident of the area, Phyllis Simser passed away suddenly at the Winchester District Memorial Hospital on Monday January 19, 2015. She was 71.
Phyllis was born in Mountain Township, on March 11, 1943, to her parents Robert and Effie Simser (nee Skuce).
Phyllis is survived by her daughters Kate Gray (Barry) and Laurie Barkley (Gary) both of Williamsburg.
She will be lovingly remembered by her grandchildren Nathan Kerr (Kaitlin), Maria Gray, Julie and Crystal Barkley, Melissa McKiel (Sean) and Lisa Turner and by her great-grandchildren Rose, Emmitt, Madilynn, Easton and Ainsleigh.
She is also survived by nine brothers and sisters and many nieces and nephews.
Phyllis was predeceased by her lifetime companion Garnet Stata, her daughter Linda Turner, and by two brothers and one sister.
Friends called at the Marsden and McLaughlin Funeral Home, Williamsburg on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A private family interment was held at the New Union Cemetery in Williamsburg.
Pallbearers were Barry Gray, Nathan Kerr, Gary Barkley and Jonathon Moore.
Donations to the charity of your choice would be gratefully acknowledged by the family. Online condolences may be made at\
Ottawa Citizen
Friday, 13 February 2015
Bill Skuce
Loving husband of Houri Falahi, father of Anisa and grandpa of Ahdiya. Brother of Eleanor (Glynn) and brother of the late Nelson. In Sooke, BC on February 11, 2015. Funeral arragments entrusted to Sands Funeral Home, Victoria, BC.
Victoria Times Colonist
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Skuce, William (Bill) Passed away peacefully in his home in Sooke BC on February 10th, 2015 with his beloved wife Houri by his side and loving daughter Anisa, son-in-law Andrew and granddaughter Ahdiyeh nearby. Born in Ottawa on August 30th, 1935, Bill was a wonderful, accomplished artist and a patient and encouraging teacher. He was joyful, loving, kind and a loyal friend who always had time for a good chat especially if it was art or baseball. He was deeply devoted to the teachings of the Baha'i Faith and had dedicated his life to serving its core principle of the oneness of humanity. He will be dearly missed by his immediate family, sister Eleanor and his nephews Randy, Ricky, Greg, Corey Glynn, Michael, Mark, Tim and Peter and niece Jennifer Skuce and the many friends he made all over the world. A memorial service will be held Monday February 16th, 10:30am at Sands Funeral Home in Victoria.
Victoria Times Colonist
Saturday, 21 March 2015
John "Jack" Spiller, brother, husband, father, friend, Major (retired), Royal Canadian Air Force and Elder Emeritus of the Presbyterian Church, died peacefully on March 3, 2015, one day after his 91st birthday. Jack was a man of integrity, who touched many lives with his kindness and leadership. He was proud of his Irish heritage.
Jack was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, until his late teens, when his family moved to Victoria, British Columbia. There, he met his future wife, Isabelle "Ella" Spiller, and within three months, proposed. They were married on June 30, 1949. Jack epitomized the vows of "in sickness and in health" with his loving care of Ella following her debilitating stroke in 2001, even continuing to travel throughout the U.S. and Canada until 2007.
Jack was a World War II veteran, initially trained as a pilot. After the war, he was a radar control officer, with postings to bases across Canada , Metz, France , and Syracuse, New York. He retired from the RCAF in 1973 as the Commanding Officer of the Air Weapons Control and Countermeasures School, in North Bay, Ontario. After his first retirement, Jack and Ella remained in North Bay, where he taught high school for a few years. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Sociology at Nipissing College, then a satellite campus of Laurentian University, in 1975. Following teaching, he entered real estate, until his final retirement at the age of 72.
Jack is survived by his daughter, Laura, his sister, Betty Chater, in Victoria, British Columbia, and his sister-in-law, Betty Marr, in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is also survived by nieces and nephews: David and Valerie Chater, Christopher and Lucha Chater, Tim and Jennine Chater, Michael and Helma Chater, Anne and Ken Mathie, Kathie Mikkelsen, Bill Baker and Barb and Tony Klmychuk.
Jack was predeceased by his wife, Ella (2011), his infant daughter, Judith Barbara (1954), and his parents, Hester Anne (Skuce) and John Samuel Spiller, in 1947 and 1950, respectively. He was also predeceased by his sisters, Jean Spiller and Aileen Baker, and his brother-in-laws, Clarence Baker and Garry Chater.
The family wishes to thank the staff at Roseview Manor for the professional, kind and compassionate care extended to Jack. As well, appreciation is extended to the staff of the Empire Living Centre in North Bay, Ontario and Eastholme, in Powassan, Ontario, where Jack and Ella lived prior to relocating to Thunder Bay, Ontario in 2010 to be near their daughter, Laura. Gratitude is also extended to family, colleagues and friends for their caring and support.
Jack will be laid to rest beside his wife, Ella, in Royal Oak Cemetery in Victoria, British Columbia, in the late spring. Everest Funeral Chapel, 299 Waverley Street at Algoma in care of arrangements. If friends wish, memorial donations may be made to the Foundation of Children's Centre Thunder Bay or a charity of their choice.
Oshawa This Week
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
SKUCE, William Clarence — (Retired Employee of General Motors Canada). Passed away peacefully with family by his side at the Lakeridge Health Oshawa on Sunday, April 5th, 2015 in his 87th year. Dearly beloved husband of Marguerite (nee Trevail) of 65 years. Loving father of the late Clare Skuce (Betty) and Chris Brown ( Bryan). Cherished grandfather of Sarah, Ken Skuce (Katie), and Melissa Andrew (Dale), Calvin Brown and great grandfather of Lochlan. Dear brother of Glen Skuce (Joanne Pritchard) and late sister Helen Brown. Sadly missed by many nieces and nephews. Special thank you to Ona for being a lifelong friend to Marguerite and William. William will be remembered as an avid hunter and outdoors man. Memorial visitation will be held at Courtice Funeral Chapel, 1587 Highway 2, Courtice, (905-432-8484) on Thursday April 9th, from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm, and on Friday from 12:00 noon until time of service in the chapel at 1:00 pm. Donations may be made in memory of William to the Kedron United Church.
Toronto Star
Monday, 11 May 2015
Donna Marion Louise Ward (nee Skuce)
Peacefully on May 7, 2015, after a hard-fought battle with lung cancer and COPD, at age 77. Beloved wife of Mu Tandjung and cherished mother of Philip Ward (Anne Levy-Ward) and the late Cindy Haywood (Mark). Adored grandmother of Gregory Ward, Sarah Haywood (Ben Ganske), Ben Haywood and Melissa Ward. Loving step-mother of David Tandjung (Dewi) and sister of Myrna Skuce and Murray Skuce (Shirley). Caring aunt of Arlene Gause, Marilyn McKever and Cheryl Peschutter. Sincere thanks to the ICU staff at Scarborough Grace Hospital for their care and kindness. Friends may call at the Turner & Porter Yorke Chapel, 2357 Bloor St. W., at Windermere, east of the Jane subway, on Wednesday, May 13th from 6-8 p.m. The Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Thursday, May 14th at 11 a.m. If desired, remembrances may be made to the Scarborough (Grace) Hospital, Birchmount Campus.
Waterloo Record
4 July 2015
DRISCOLL, Frieda Of Kitchener, Ontario died peacefully on July 1, 2015 at the age of 94. She was born in Ottawa on April 13, 1921 to Lily and Bill Skuce joining siblings Delmar, Elva and Iona. Frieda worked for the Federal Government as a secretary until she married Robert Forrest Driscoll and moved to Kitchener in 1952. Frieda worked 20 years for Kitchener Parks and Recreation at Breithaupt Centre until she retired in 1984. She was an avid gardener and her gardens still survive at her beloved "Glengarriff" cottage on Lake Conestoga. Frieda also enjoyed travelling, her canoe, kayak, and hiking. She loved people, pets and poker! Frieda is survived by her daughters Joanne McAuley, Lee Watt (Terry), and daughter-in-law, Karen Locque, along with numerous grandchildren, and great-grand- children. She was predeceased by her son, Bob Driscoll in 2009. A private family service was held.
The Province
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Joan Marie Skuce
September 7 1933 - July 13 2015
Love by her children Maureen, Michael and Pamela, family & friends.
Joan treasured her granddaughters Siobhan & Michaela; she was proud of them and their achievements. Her daughter-in-law Michele was a great comfort and help to her, especially in later years.
Joan married William Skuce in 1951. Despite being widowed in 1971, she remained close to his family in Ireland and will be missed by her many nieces and nephews there.
Joan was elder sister to Don MacLennan (predeceased) and dear aunt to Doug & Ann, great-aunt to Logan. Her sister-in-law, Margaret MacLennan, was a great friend and especially supportive over the past years to Joan and her children.
Joan had many friends and friendships lasting many years. Of note, her friendship with Leonora (Spalt) lasted over 50 years and they are much loved "aunts" to each other's children.
A memorial service to celebrate Joan's life will be held at Ryerson United Church, Vancouver, on July 23 at 11am.
Donations may be made to Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
Peterborough Examiner
Monday, December 14, 2015
SKUCE, Robert Arthur - Entered into rest at Caressant Care Nursing Home, Mary Street in Lindsay on Friday, December 11, 2015. Robert, in his 92nd year, was the beloved husband of the late Doreen Smith (2007). Loving father of Henry Skuce (Linda) of Lindsay, Marilyn Lambert (Harold) of Cloyne, Ann Richmond (Pete Taylor) of Peterborough, Clifton Skuce (Donna) of Omemee, Ken Skuce (Diane) of Lindsay, Donna Sisson (Mike Penney) of Burnt River, and Cheryl Sharp of Lacombe, Alberta. Fondly remembered by his 17 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. Dear brother of Richard Skuce, Margaret Ruth, and Barbara Peel. Predeceased by Neil, Norma, Ira and Hertha. Visitation will be held at the Mackey Funeral Home, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay on Wednesday from 2:00 – 4:00 & 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Funeral Service will be held at Christ Church Anglican, 62 King Street East, Omemee on Thursday, December 17th at 2:00 p.m. Interment to follow at Emily Cemetery, Omemee. If desired, memorial donations to Down Syndrome Peterborough, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #497, Omemee or the Christ Church Anglican, Omemee. Comrades of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #497, Omemee and visiting comrades are asked to assemble at the Funeral Home on Wednesday night at 3:45 p.m. for a 4:00 p.m. Legion Service.
Peterborough Examiner
Thursday, December 24, 2015
SKUCE, Richard James - Passed away on Friday, December 18, 2015 in his 98th year at Brantford General Hospital. Survived by his beloved wife of 70 years Hilda (nee: Howden), his son Roy Skuce, daughter-in-law Ann Geary and his grandson Andrew Skuce all of Paris, ON. Also survived by his sisters Barbara Peel and Margaret Ruth. Predeceased by his siblings, Ira, Neil, Norma and Hertha. He survived his brother Robert, 91 by one week. Also survived by his sister-in-law Edna Howden. Dick served with Princess Patricia Light Infantry during WWII during the Italian campaign and the liberation of Holland. He was the owner of Frazerville Elevators for many years. He and Hilda moved to a retirement home in Paris, ON in 2007 from Peterborough. A long Loving life! A visitation and gathering will be held in the BENSON SHIELDS FUNERAL HOME (35 King Street West in Millbrook) on Tuesday, December 29th from 1-3pm. A Graveside service will take place at Rosemount Memorial Gardens at 3:30pm. In memory of Richard, memorial donations to a charity of your choice may be made in person at the service or by visiting "Rest In Peace Old Soldier"
Brandford Expositor
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Richard James Skuce
Passed away on Friday December 18, 2015 in his 98th year at Brantford General Hospital. Survived by his beloved wife of 70 years Hilda (nee Howden), his son Roy Skuce, daughter in law Ann Geary and his grandson Andrew Skuce all of Paris, Ontario. Also survived by his sisters Barbara Peel and Margaret Ruth. Predeceased by his siblings, Ira, Neil, Norma and Hertha. He survived his brother Robert (91) by one week. Dick served with Princess Patricia Light Infantry during WWII during the Italian campaign and the liberation of Holland. He was the owner of Frazerville Elevators for many years. He and Hilda moved to a retirement home in Paris, Ontario in 2007 from Peterborough. Richard was buried in Peterborough on Tuesday December 29, 2015 surrounded by his family. "Rest in Peace Old Soldier"
Peterborough Examiner
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Hilda Jean Skuce (nee Howden) passed away peacefully on Monday, May 9, 2016 at Telfer Place Long Term Care, Paris, ON in her 98th year. Predeceased by her beloved husband of 70 years, Richard Skuce in December, 2015. Sadly missed by her son, Roy Skuce, daughter in law Ann Geary and grandson Andrew Skuce, all of Paris. Predeceased by her sister Oda Quigley, and brothers Ernest Howden and Clayton Howden. Survived by her sister in law, Edna Howden and many nieces and nephews. Hilda was a” bomb girl “ munitions inspector in the CGE plant in Peterborough during WW II. Hilda and Dick married in 1945, when he returned from overseas service and farmed in Omemee before moving to Peterborough in 1956. She was a housekeeper in residences of Trent University for many years. She and Dick moved to Telfer Place Retirement Home in Paris in 2007. A long and loving life. Many thanks for the compassionate care by Dr. Williams, and the staffs of Brantford General Hospital and Telfer Place Long Term Care.
Brandford Expositor
Thursday, 12 May 2016
SKUCE, Hilda (nee Howden) - Formerly of Peterborough, passed away peacefully in her 98th year on Monday, May 9, 2016 at Telfer Place Long Term Care, Paris, ON. Predeceased by her beloved husband of 70 years, Richard Skuce in December, 2015. Sadly missed by her son, Roy Skuce, daughter-in-law Ann Geary and grandson Andrew Skuce, all of Paris. Predeceased by her sister Oda Quigley, and brothers Ernest Howden and Clayton Howden. Survived by her sister-in-law, Edna Howden, and many nieces and nephews. Many thanks for the compassionate care by Dr. Williams, and the staffs of Brantford General Hospital and Telfer Place Long Term Care. Lunch and visitation will be held at BENSON SHIELDS FUNERAL HOME , 35 King Street West in Millbrook, Thursday, May 12, noon to 1:30pm.
Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, 23 July 2016
Iona Florence Skuce
At the Peter D. Clark Long Term Care Home, Ottawa, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016, at age 87 years. Daughter of the late William Skuce and Lilly Morgan. Predeceased by her sisters Elva and Frieda and brother Delmar. Will be fondly remembered by many nieces and nephews; and many dear friends. Friends are invited to visit at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street (at O'Connor) on Wednesday, July 27 after 12 noon, until time of the Funeral Service in the Chapel at 1 p.m
SKUCE, Judy Ann (Gibb) - Passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2017. Will be forever loved and deeply missed by her husband and best friend, Tom and by her extended family and many friends. Cremation. A celebration in memory of Judy will be held at the family residence and will be announced as details become available.
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
10 October
Donald Robert Skuce
January 16, 1945 - October 8, 2017
Beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend died suddely on October
8, 2017 at age 72. Don will be lovingly remembered by Betty, his wife of 50 years; son Rick – children, Aedyn, Abigail and Addison; daughter-in-law Sam – children McCrory, McAuley and Campbell; mother Nora; brother Dennis (Vivian), brothers-in-law Bill Goudy (Irene), Rod McLeod, Pete (Eloise) Lukoni, Bill (Marj) Lukoni, sister-in-law Pauline Beer; many cousins, nieces and nephews, and friends. He was predeceased by his son Todd, his father Bill, his three sisters Marcia Goudy, Donna McLeod, Joan Small and his parents-in-law Paul and Bella Lukoni.
Don graduated from the U of S as a Mechanical Engineer, and spent many years employed in the potash industry. Don loved to bike, play slowpitch and volleyball, which he did until his Huntington's condition became worse. Don was known for his great sense of humour and always had a smile on his face, especially when his grandchildren visited. Don was so proud to accomplish the Sask Walk from Uranium City to the US-Canada border in 2005. Don will be profoundly missed by all who knew him.
A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at Windsor Chapel (704 Windsor Street). Memorial tributes in Don's honour may be made directly to the Huntington's Society of Canada (151 Frederick St, Suite 400, Kitchener, ON N2H 2M2). Arrangements in care of John Schachtel - Mourning Glory Funeral Services.
Toronto Star
26 October 2017
SKUCE, Donald
It is with a sad heart that the family of Donald Edward Skuce announce his passing at the age of 68 from a sudden illness on Monday, October 23, 2017 at Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Ontario. Don was the beloved husband to wife, Angie and proud father to Joseph and Ben. He was predeceased by his parents, Walton and Gertrude Skuce and his sister Beverly (Percy) Rowlandson. He is survived by his sisters, Eunice (late Gilbert) Sabourin and Muriel (Bob) Laronde. He was a loving uncle to his many nieces and nephews.
Growing up in Callander, Ontario, Don was an athlete with a competitive spirit and a love for hockey. This love continued throughout his life leading him to support local sports and hockey at many levels. In his twenty-five years at the helm of Modern Sales Co-op, he steered the Buying Group to prosperity. He led the development and execution of a marketing and distribution strategy benefiting Modern Sales members from Coast to Coast.
Don's family will receive relatives and friends at the Steckley - Gooderham Funeral Home, 201 Minet's Point Road, Barrie, Ontario on Saturday, October 28, 2017. Visitation is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Service at 1 p.m. Reception to follow. There will be a Memorial / Irish Wake on Friday, November 10, 2017 from 2-5 p.m. at the Barrie Molson Centre, 555 Bayview Drive, Barrie, Ontario. In Don's memory, donations may be made to Barrie Minor Hockey Association, RVH Foundation or Heart & Stroke Foundation and are appreciated by the family.
November 10, 2017
Skuce, Murray Charles
Murray died suddenly while hunting, on Monday, November 6, 2017, in his 78th year. He was the beloved husband of Shirley Dawn (Johnston) of Astorville. Murray was the loving father of Arlene Gause (Doug) of Brantford, Marilyn McKever (Harry Pring) of Waterloo, Cheryl Peschutter (Bob) of Orillia and step-father of Kim Hamilton (Chris Bechard) of North Bay, Terry Constable of North Bay, and Jamie-Lyn Bergen (Sean) of Innisfail, AB. He will be fondly remembered by 11 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and his nieces, nephews and friends. Murray is survived by his sister Myrna Skuce of Corbeil and was predeceased by his parents Dorothy (Fudge) and Charles Skuce, and his sister Donna Ward. The family will receive visitors from 2 – 4 & 7 – 9 pm on Sunday, November 12, 2017 at the Paul Funeral Home, Powassan. The funeral service will be conducted at 11 am on Monday, November 13 in the funeral home chapel. Spring interment will take place at Callander Union Cemetery. If desired, donations in memory of Murray to Nipissing Serenity Hospice (cheques only please) are suggested. To make a donation, leave condolences or for more information please contact the Paul Funeral Home, Powassan.
Edmonton Journal
10 March 2018
SKUCE, Gordon Richard
Passed away on Friday, February 23, 2018 at the age of 72 Years.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Tuesday, March 13 at 2:00 p.m. Trinity Funeral Home Chapel.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the WIN house.
Langley Advance Times
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
November 21, 1938 – December 7, 2018
Lorna Russell Allan (80), of Langley, BC, passed away while surrounded by family on December 7th, 2018.
Born in Glasgow, Scotland on November 21, 1938, daughter of John Allan and Abigail Russell, she was Scots through and through. She was an academic with degrees in Geography and the Arts, an avid gardener eager to volunteer and share her expertise, a finder of treasures and keeper of lost things, and a lover of nature – hill walking in particular.
Survived by her husband of 43 years, Allan Skuce, her children, Isaak, Conrad (Nicole), and Damon Skuce, grandchildren Sarah, Alexander, Andrew, and Amelia. Also survived by her brother, John Russell Allan of Scotland, and her niece, Liz Allan.
Ottawa Citizen
Saturday, 8 June 2019
GLYNN, Eleanor Roberta (Skuce)
Following a long and happy life, Eleanor passed away peacefully at the Carlingwood Retirement Community on Monday, June 3, 2019 in her 92nd year.
Eleanor Roberta Glynn was born in Schenectady, NY and immigrated back to Canada with her parents Bill and Lydia (Kilrea) in 1931. She was the widow of Thomas F. Glynn and loving mother of Randy (Pam Grundy), Richard, Gregory (Trisse Loxley) and Corey (Karen Wright). Dearest Grandma of Matthew (Amy), Amanda (Braden), Sam and Maggie-Rene and Great-Grandma of Ellie and Noah Glynn, and Owen and Isla Mercer.
Eleanor was predeceased by her two brothers; Bill (Houri Falahi) and Nelson (Marsha Skuce) and will always be "Auntie El" to Jennifer, Tim, Peter, Mark and Michael Skuce, and Anisa Newell. Great-Aunt to Aneesa, Gabriel, Sheldon, Kailey, Dylan, Neil, Adrian, Joshua, Bronwyn and Ahdiyeh.
Eleanor was exceptionally devoted to her husband Tom, her family, friends and the Anglican church. Stories of her family were eagerly shared whenever anyone came to visit. Over the years, Eleanor was actively involved in parish life, donating her time, leadership and creative skills to dozens of church events: directing a Summer Camp for Girls, the annual fundraising Bazaar and authoring a Christmas pageant, to name only a few.
Born in New York and raised, married and settled in Ottawa - with seven years in Toronto - Eleanor's network of friends and family is impressive. In a roomful of people, she could quickly, easily and accurately find relationships and common ground. Throughout her life, Eleanor made and kept wonderful friends.
Eleanor loved sports - particularly Major League Baseball and Hockey - often debating strategy from the perspective of the coaches and managers. She shared a passion for music with our Dad and it was rare not to hear a backdrop of music playing in her homes. Eleanor was also skilled at crafts, an avid reader, a sharp card player and a crack shot.
Her father grew up near Barry's Bay, Ontario and the love of that area was deeply ingrained in our mother. Most summers featured visits to the family cottage with lots of time in and around the lake, happily enjoying the outdoors. Later in life she and Tom discovered the joy of travel and in particular, they cherished time spent with friends in beautiful Barbados.
Quick to remember your name, your relationships, your birthday and your favourite food and drinks, "El" was a powerful half of a loving marriage that built a warm and inviting home that left family, friends and visitors feeling cared-for and happy.
Our family is truly grateful for the amazing and dedicated care that Mom received from the staff of the Carlingwood Retirement Community, the Ottawa Hospital and the Ottawa Regional Palliative team. A Service in her honour will be held on Saturday, June 15, at 10:30 a.m. at St. Martin's Anglican Church, 2120 Prince Charles Road, Ottawa. A Reception will follow. For those wishing, donations to St. Martin's Anglican Church would be appreciated.
Weyburn Review
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Nora J. Skuce, 1912–2019.
Nora Jean Skuce (nee Adams) passed away peacefully on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at Newhope Pioneer Lodge, Stoughton, Sask. Nora was born October 18, 1912 on the family farm south of Stoughton. She will be lovingly remembered by her son Dennis (Vivian) Skuce & family; sons-in-law: Bill (Marcia) Goudy & family; Rod (Donna) McLeod & family; Joan Small's family; daughter-in-law Betty (Donald) Skuce & family; as well as many nieces, nephews and other family members. Nora was predeceased by her husband William Sturgeon Skuce; parents: Marshall and Mary Adams; siblings: Myrtle, Nellie, Robert, Kathleen, Vera, James, Joe and Margaret; children; Marcia Goudy, Donna McLeod, Joan Small, Donald Skuce; grandchildren; Todd Robert Skuce, Nora Gillian McLeod; great grandchildren; Rachelle Goudy, Rachel Hunter, Benjamin Procknow. Nora (Mom) was always the teacher; whether she was in the school room, in the kitchen at home, or in the garden or in the barn. We were told that when the school children came to visit at the Lodge her face would light up thinking of the small minds there to teach the wonders of the world. She was a stubborn, ferocious, loving wife while caring for her husband Bill throughout his long illness. She cared deeply for her children and their families; always supporting them in their many endeavors. She was a grand lady; Matriarch of the family; a loving caring Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Great Great Grandmother, Aunt, Sister, Daughter and Wife. We will cherish her Memory. The Family would like to thank the staff at Newhope Pioneer Lodge for their loving care of Nora during her time there. Their kindness was obvious in the contentment and well-being of Nora. The Funeral Service was held on Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, Stoughton, SK with Rev. Elizabeth Goodson officiating. Interment took place at the Stoughton Town Cemetery immediately following the service; lunch followed at the Legion. If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Huntington Society of Canada, 151 Frederick Street, Suite 400, Kitchener, ON, N2H 2M2 in memory of Nora. Yvonne Clark at Hall Funeral Services, Estevan assisted Nora's family.
Peterborough Examiner
Monday, 18 November 2019
SKUCE, Enid Lenore
Enid went to be with her Lord at the Ross Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at the age of 87. Enid is predeceased by her loving parents Elmer and Levada (nee Burke) Skuce, and her siblings Eric, Russell, and George. Enid is survived by niece Rosemary Menard and predeceased by her nephew Don Skuce. Enid devoted over 35 years of her life to the Gospel Ministry in France. Since her retirement from Crossworld (UFM), Enid pursued her love of nature in her travels to many countries of the world. A visitation will take place on Thursday, November 21 at Fairview Baptist Church, 130 Colborne Street West, Lindsay from 12:00 until time of funeral service at 1:00 p.m. If desired, a memorial donation to the Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation, Crossworld, Millstream Bible Camp or a charity of your choice would be appreciated.
The Sudbury Star
30 June 2020
SKUCE, Michael
In loving memory of Michael "Mike" Thomas Skuce, 56 years, passed away peacefully on Friday, June 26th, 2020 at his home surrounded by his family. Beloved father of Samantha (Jesse), Jennifer (Jack) and Jessica. Cherished son of Edmund and Frances (Corbett) Skuce both predeceased. Loving brother of Deborah, Bill, Kimberley and Paul. Mike will be sadly missed by Steve and the Buzzy's Gang. Mike wanted to thank all his friends for their love and support to his family. Mike was born in Sudbury, he retired after many years of service as the manager of the Northbury Hotel. He was proud to be a Past President of the Rotary Club of Sudbury, a Paul Harris Fellow and Past President of the Knights of Columbus Council 5005. Mike had a passion for golf, was a gifted musician and enjoyed a cold beer. He will be sadly missed but always remembered as a kind, caring and good man.
At Mike's request, there will be no visitation or service. Cremation at the Park Lawn Crematorium. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Rotary Foundation would be appreciated. (Arrangements entrusted to the LOUGHEED FUNERAL HOME).
The Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Johnston, Marjorie
It is with great sorrow that we announce the loss of Marjorie Johnston (nee Skuce) at the age of 85. Marjorie passed away peacefully on July 9, 2020 at the Queensway Carleton Hospital after a long battle with a debilitating illness. For 66 years, Marjorie was the loving wife and best friend to Stanley Johnston. Pround mother to Joe (January 2005), Leslie (Miles) and Greg. Devoted grandmother to Jamie Lee, Tyler, Carson and Daeva, and great-grandmother ot Portia, Autumn and River. Beloved sister to Sylvia (Lawson), Cecil and Alan. She will be missed by many nieces, nephews and close friends. Funeral service will be held at Pinecrest Cemetery on Sunday, September 6 at 2p.m., Due to COVID-19 limited to immediate family only. If you so desire, donations can be made to your favourite charity in Marjorie's memory.
The Otawa Citizen
Saturday, 18 September 2021
Skuce, Randell "Randy"
Facilities Supervisor,
City of Ottawa
It is with profound sadness that we share the passing of our beloved Randy at the age of 57. Randy took his last brath, at home, with his loving wife Kim at his side and in the arms of his only son Jake who as his pride and joy. He will be sadly missed by all of his family and friends, including his parents Alan and Judy Skuce, his sister Nancy (Andrew), Kim's parents David and Donna Howell, sisters-in-law Karen (Reg), and Kathy, and brother-in-law Dave (Nadia). He also leaves many loving nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins, and of course his faithful dog Charlei who will also miss his gentle soul. His courageous battle against cancer lasted many years and he will always be our hero. Randy's memory will be in our hearts and souls forever. A service to celebrate Randy's life will be held at Capital Funeral Home and Cemetery, 3700 Prince of Wales Drive on Friday, September 24, 2021 at 12:30 p.m., a limited number of spaces will be available and friends are asked to preregister. Information to register for the service, required guide lines as well as a live stream option, to donate or share memories, may be found on Randy's tribute page at In lien of flowers donations to the Canadian Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (CNETS) would be appreciated.
Toronto Star
Saturday, 12 February
Peacefully with family by her side on February 8, 2022 at Creek Way Village, in her 96th year. Predeceased by her husband George Skuce. Loving mother of Nancy Leighton and husband Fred. Cherished Nana of Cory and Miranda and Great-Nana of Carroll-Anne and Jackson. Special thank you to Creek Way Village for their care, love and support. Cremation has taken place and a private family service will be held at a later date. For those who wish, donations in memory of Olive may be made to Brain Injury Services Hamilton, (HIRO).
Westport, Ont
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Skuce: Mary Geraldine (Jeannie)
Suddenly at Smiths Falls Hospital on August 24, 2022. Predeceased by her husband Roy Skuce. Dear mother of Dan (Shari) and Robin (Mark). Fondly remembered by her 6 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Sister of Noreen Donovan, Dorothy McCann, John Traynor and Pat McNichols. Predeceased by parents Mary and Howard Traynor, brothers Gerry, Mike, Frank, Leo, Robert, Tommy and sisters Theresa, Rosie, Margie and Joannie. Fondly remembered by her A.N.T. family.
Byers Funeral Home
Posted 7 February 2023
Suddenly at the Kemptville District Hospital on Friday February 3, 2023, Mabel Skuce age 79 of Mountain. Beloved spouse of the late Ben Cox. Predeceased by her parents Mary (Billings) and Samuel Skuce and her siblings Effie (Robert) Simser, Willie (Pearl) Skuce, and Sam Skuce. Cherished aunt of many nieces and nephews. Mabel will rest at the Byers Funeral Home, 2990 Church Street, South Mountain (613-989-3836) on Friday February 10, 2023 from 1 p.m. until time of Funeral Service in the Chapel at 2 p.m. Interment Reids Mills Cemetery. Donations in Memory of Mabel may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Legion Magazine
Last Post: Death Notices
Name |
Rank |
Unit |
Service Period |
Location |
Date of Death |
Age |
Date Published |
Scouse, C.M. |
Royal Canadian Air Force |
Winnipeg, Manitoba |
5 Nov 2007 |
74 |
Mar/Apr 2008 |
Skewes, E.W |
Pte |
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps |
WW2 |
Dundas, Ontario |
30 Jan 2003 |
85 |
Nov/Dec 2003 |
Skewes, Robert |
Royal Hamilton Light Infantry |
WW2 |
Waterdown, Ontario |
5 Nov 1992 |
70 |
July/Aug 1993 |
Skuce, John |
WW2 |
Stoughton, Saskatchewan |
1999 |
81 |
Website only DNQs |
Skuce, John |
Royal Canadian Air Force |
WW2 |
Stoughton, Saskatchewan |
9 Sept 1999 |
83 |
Nov/Dec 2000 |
Skuce, Richard |
C/PO |
Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve |
WW2 |
Nanaimo, BC |
21 Jan 1988 |
May 1988 |
Skuse, Kathleen |
Leading Aircraftwoman |
Women's Auxiliary Air Force |
WW2 |
Lachine, Quebec |
8 May 1989 |
69 |
Sept 1989 |
Skuse, Diney E |
Aircaftman 2nd Class |
WW2 |
Lachine, Quebec |
16 Aug 1995 |
Jan 1996 |
Skuce, Robert A |
Trooper |
8th Canadian Rconnaissance Regiment, 14th Canadian Hussars |
Omemee, Ontario |
11 Dec 2015 |
91 |
Mar 2016 |
Items below, find articles / clean up / Complete
Calgary Herald
8/9 July 2005
SKUCE, Bertha May 1914 - 2005 Bertha May Skuce of Calgary, formerly of Beiseker, passed away on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at the age of 91 years.
Ottawa Citizen
7/8 Mar 2006
Delmar Skuce passed away peacefully at the Picton Hospital in Picton, Ontario on Sunday, February 26, 2006. Delmar was a map librarian for ....
Toronto Star
9/10 Feb 2009
Scuse, Reverend Harvey - SCUSE, The Reverend Canon Harvey J. - Peacefully on February 7, 2009. Retired priest of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Beloved husband of Dorothy ...
Following are newspaper clipping from the collection of the late Bessie Beatty Skuce:
1982 (Ottawa Citizen not available on Google News Archive)
Valiquet, Viola Skuce
At the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, November 21, 1982, Viola Skuce Valiquet, in her 77th year. Beloved wife of Louis P (Lou) Valiquet. Dear mother of Mrs Ron Gipp (Anne-Marie) of Tenton and Michael of Ottawa. Sister of James Skuce of Okanagan Falls, BC and Roy Skuce of Ottawa. Also survived by 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, 124 King Street East, Oshawa. Mass of Christian Burial was held in St Gregory's Church, Oshawa, Tuesday, November 23 at 10 a.m. Cremation Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.
Valiquet, Louis Philippe (Lou)
At the family residence, Oshawa on Saturday, December 11, 1982, Louis P (Lou) Valiquet in his 72nd year. Beloved husband of the late Viola Skuce. Dear father of Mrs Ron Gipp Anne-Marie) of Trenton and Michael of Ottawa. Dear brother of Mrs Lucille Gosset of Montrel; Mrs Alex Robilliard (Marie) of Ottawa; John Valiquet of Ottawa. Also survived by 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, 123 King St. East, Oshawa with Mass of Christian Burial in Assumption of Notre Dame Church, Tuesday, December 14 at 10 a.m. Cremation. Memorial donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated.
1 November 1916 (Ottawa Citizen not available on Google News Archive)
Late James Skuce
The death occurred yesterday at his late residence, Britannia Heights, of James Skuce, in his 66th year. Deceased, who was born in the Township of Mountain, had been a resident of Britannia for the past 22 years, where he conducted a business during that time, and was widely known in Ottawa and district. Beside a widow, there survive four sons, John, of the militia department, Sergt Major Milton of the 154th Highlands, now overseas; Lou, of the Toronto Wold staff, and Orval, of the milita department.
The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from his late residence to Beachwood cemetery.
1989 (Ottawa Citizen not available on Google News Archive)
Blacker, Norman James
In hospital on Tuesday, May 9, 1989, age 79 years; husband of Margaret Drucilla Skuce. Father of Gary, Deborah, Michal (husband of Susan) and James, and grandfather of Stephen, Kirsten and Ryan. Brother of Audrey Groves of Vancouver and the late Stanley. Friends may call at the Memorial Funeral Home, 584 Somerset Street West, Saturday 9 to 11 a.m. Cremation and interment Beechwood cemetery.
Skuce-Edis—At the home of the bride's parents, 724 Shaw St., Toronto, on Wednesday, June 25th, 1913, Miss Dorothy Edis, only daughter of Mr and Mrs John Edis, to Mr Thomas Lewis (Lou) Skuce, third son of Mr and Mrs James Skuce, Britannia Bay.
?? abt6 Feb 1934 -- not in 10, 12, or 13 feb... saturday was 10 Feb
Pay Last Honors to John Howard Skuce
Final tribute to the memory of John Howard Skuce was paid Saturday at the Hulse and Playfair chapel when Rev W B Morgan conducted the impressive funeral service. The chapel was crowded with many friends from government departments.
Mr Skuce died Thursday in hospital after a lengthy illness. He lived at Britannia Heights and attended St Stephen's Church. An accountant, Mr Skuce served with the Department of Munitions and Supply during World War II, and retired two years ago.
The funeral cortege proceeded from the chapel to Beechwood cemetery for burial.
Mr Skuce is survived by two sons, J K Skuce, of Ottawa, and J R Skuce, Winnipeg; one daughter, Mrs Louis P Valiquet, Mountain View; two brothers, Orval Skuce, Britannia Heights, and Lewis (Lou) Skuce, well known Toronto cartoonist, and six grandchildren.
Mrs J H Skuce Dies in Hospital
Mrs Harriet Skuce, wife of J H Skuce, of the Department of Munitions and Supply, died early this morning at Ottawa Civic Hospital in her 62nd year. Mrs Skuce had been ill for the past five months.
Born in Ottawa, the former Harriet (Hattie) Dawson, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Dawson, Mrs Skuce received her education at Kent street school. Prior to her marriage in 1905 to Mr Skuce, she worked for the American Bank Note Company. A devout Roman Catholic, she attended St Patrick's Church for many years, but since moving to Britannia, she had attended St George's Church.
Surviving in addition to her husband are two sons, Kilroy (Roy) Skuce, of Britannia Bay, and James Skuce, R.C.A.F., Paulson, Man.; and one daughter, Mrs L P (Viola) Valiquette, of Toronto. Mrs Skuce's only sister, Miss Minnie Dawson, predeceased her in 1931.
The body is at the Brady and Harris funeral home until the funeral which will be held at 7.40 o'clock Wednesday morning to St George's Church for requiem high mass at eight o'clock. Interment will be in Notre Dame cemetery.
Skuce, Ronald Gordon
In Alberta on Thursday, October 25, 1979, Ronald Gordon Skuce, age 33, son of James and Gladys Skuce; brother of David, LEonard, Alana, Dwight, Joel and Mitchell. Resting at Hulse and Playfair West Chapel, 1098 Byron Ave. Service in the chapel on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Cremation Pinecrest.
Ottawa Citizen
Devonshire School
Day of Memories
It was a day of memories Wednesday when former pupils returned to Devonshire Public School to celebrate its 70ths abbuversary. Trying on a school T-shirst is Del Skuce, a pupil in 1932-33. Helping him is Alice Butler who attended Devonshire from 1918-1921, returning as a teacher in 1935-36. It was her first visitit to the Beezehill Avenue school since her teaching days there. She taught and was a principal at other Ottawa schools before retiring.
Bradley, Ernest W—At St Petersburg, Florida on Monday, March 5, 1979, Ernest W Bradley of Bowmanville, age 82 years, beloved husband of Orvilla Skuce; dear father of Norma (Mrs Don Clarke), Pickering; and Elva (Mrs Ken Hockin), Bowmanville; loved grandfather of Kerry, Kirk and Karen Clarke, Lee Anne, Bradley and Jill Hockin. Friends may call at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville after 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Service in the chapel on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville cemetery.
Bradley, Orvilla
At Bowmanville Hospital Wednesday, March 5, 1980, Orvilla Skuce, in her 83rd year, wife of the late Ernest Bradley; dear mother of Norma (Mrs Don Clarke) Pickering; and Elva (Mrs Ken Hockin), Bowmanville; loved grandmother of Kerry, Kirk and Karen Clark, Lee Anne, Bradley and Jill Hockin. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Friday at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery.
Craig, Hugh Wellington—At Carleton Lodge on Monday, April 23, 1979, in his 91st year, H Wellington Craig, Honorary Member Carsonby L.O.L., beloved husband of the late Lila Blanche Skuce; dear father of Orvilla (Mrs Horace Brownlee) and Velma (Mrs Melvin McEwen), both of North Gower; Mrs Evelyn Casey and Glenn Craig, both of Ottawa; brother of Orphia (Mrs Osborne Nixon), of Ottawa; predeceased by brothers Collingwood and Lansdownel also survived by 7 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Fridens may call at the Tubman Cummings Funeral Home, North Gower on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 10. Funeral service will be held at the Carsonby United Church on Wednesdaty at 2 p.m. Interment Rideauvale Cemetery.
Craig, Lila Blanche—In hospital on Friday, June 7, 1974 Lila Blanche Skuce, of Carsonby, in her 84rd year. Beloved wife of Hugh Wellington Craig, dear mother of Orvilla (Mrs Horace Brownlee) and Velma (Mrs Melvin McEween), both of North Gower; Evelyn (Mrs Ward Casey) and Glenn, both of Ottawa. Sister of Orvilla (Mrs Ernest Bradley), of Bormanville and Ruric, of Saskatoon, Sask. Predeceased by one brother, Forest Skuce. Also survived by eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Resting at the Cummings Funeral Home, North Gower where friends will be received after 7.30 p.m. this evening and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Funeral service will be on Monday at 11 a.m. in Carsonby United Church. Interment Rideau Vale cemetery.
?? February 1934
Daniel Howard Skuce
The death of Daniel Howard Skuce, formerly a well-known resident of Woodroffe and prominent member of St Martin's Anglican Church there, occurred yesterday at his residence, 37 Clarendon avenue.
Mr Skuce was born at Osgoode, a son of the late Thomas Skuce, who came to this district in the early part of the 19th century from Ireland . Mr Skuce had lived in Ottawa and Woodroffe all his life.
Surviving are his widow, formerly Sarah Bickerton; four sons, Cecil Bickerton Skuce, of Ottawa; Walter Charles, of Schenectady, N.Y.; Richard Augustus, of the R.C.A.F., Trenton and Thomas Edgar, of Ottawa; two daughters, Mr J G de Koning, of Rutherford, N.J., and Miss Marguerite S Skuce, of Ottawa; five brothers, William, 5 Irving avenue, Ottawa; Frank, of Cortland, Ont.; John, of Kars; George of Saskatoon, and Samuel of Hallville; and five sisters, Mrs George Hall, Battleboro, Mass.; Mrs Willard Millar, Schenectady; Mrs Alex Hoy, Hallville; Mrs J Fairfield, Kemptville, and Mrs Edward Gilpin, of Los Angeles, Calif.
The funeral will be held from 37 Clarendon avenue at 2 p.m. Friday, to St Martin's church, Woodroffe, for a service at 2.30. The body will remain at Pinecrest cemetery vault until Spring, when interment will be made at Navan.
Hoy, Ida
On Sunday, April 27, 1980, Ida Skuce, age 93, of Mountain, R.R. 2, widow of Alexander Hoy, dear mother, of Nelson, Calgary; Orton, Edmonton; Edwin, Kemptville; Lyle. Carstairs, Alta; Sherman and Mrs Maurice Hyndman (Mildred), Mountain, R.R. 2; Mrs Irvine Murdock (Verna), Oshawa; Mrs Robert Makepeace (Lila), Brockville; and Mrs Keith Weedmark (Hilda), Kemptville, R.R. 4. Resting Rolston Funeral Home, Keptville, on Tuesday from 2-9 p.m. Service in the Chapel on Wednesday, at 2 p.m. Interment South Gower.
Calgary Herald
Hester A Skuce
Ottawa Free Press - 1881 Marriages (January-June):
Jan 12, George HALL of North Attleboro, Massachusetts to, Maggie E. SKUCE of Ottawa.
Newspaper Database
Skuce William, Ops Pineer 81 Year, 1914 Obit
Skuce Cecil, Died at Mount Horeb 1926 Death
Skuce Elmer, to Levanda Burke, Reaboro, 1920 Wedding
Skuce Isaace, Diead at Ops Twp, 1897 Death
Skuce James J. of Verulam Twp, Orange Lodge, 1921, Presentation
Skuce James, Lindsay, 1910, Obituary
Skuce Matthew to Helena Stewart, Peterborough, 1906, Wedding
Skuce Mrs. James, Died Ops Twp, 1892 Death
Skuce Mrs. Richard, nee Magee, Peterboroough 1917 Obituary
Skuce Mrs. William Died at Ops Twp 1886 Death
Skuce Mrs. William, nee Magaugher Died at Ops Twp 1913 Death
Skuce Mrs. Willaim, nee Moor, Peterborough 1919 Obit
Skuce Mrs. William, Tran Accident, Ops Twp, 1921 Death
Skuce Richard J. at Wyoming, 1919 Obit
Skuce Richard J. Died at Wyoming, Ex Mount Horeb, 1919 Obituary
Skuce Richard, Emily Twp 1915 Obituary
Skuce Samuel J. Died at Peterorough Buried Mount Horeb 1896 Death
Skuce Samuel Died at Peterborough Ex Ops Twp, 1896 Death
Skuce Wesley, Ops Twp 1917 Obituary
Skuce Willia, Ops Twp 1914 Obituary
Obituary Index (1946+)
Name |
Newspaper |
Date |
Page |
Skuce, Beverly |
StarPhoenix |
29 September 1977 |
25 |
Skuce, Maria Catherine |
StarPhoenix |
21 March 1972 |
17 |
Skuce, Rachel |
StarPhoenix |
29 March 1958 |
31 |
Skuce, Richard. "Dick" |
StarPhoenix |
5 February 1988 |
C1 |
Skuce, Ruric. "
Roy" |
StarPhoenix |
3 October 1978 |
34 |
The Province
SKUCE, Elva May. , born 1917-09-11, died 2008-05-15, age 90
Alberta and BC Obituary 2005
SKUCE, Bertha May, Calgary, 2005-07-06, age 91
Calgary Herald
6 May 2003
Edith Eileen, died 2 May 2003, age 95. Husband Norman (d.2004), born Ireland . Nee Skuce [Find proper article, doesn't seem right]
St Thomas Times Journal
17 September 1932, Page 11, C8
Birth – a son, 2 September 1932 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Skuce
St Thomas Times Journal
22 September 1942. Page 7, C8
Born - Daughter of Lorne Skuce, Sept 5
St Thomas Times Journal
26 June 1944, Page 6, C6
Died - Mrs William B. Moore, nee Edith Holmes, 71st year, June 25; sister of Mrs Lillie Trehune and Leslie Holmes and the late Mrs Harry Scuse
St Thomas Times Journal
2 January 1945, Page 3, C2
Died - Mrs Stanley Pearson, nee Elizabeth Marie Skuce, 36 years, daughter of Harry Skuce; sister of Mrs Monty Wilson, Mrs Carmel Countryman, Mrs Roy Healy, Mrs Lloyd Louch and William Skuce
St Thomas Times Journal
5 November 1946, Page 7, C7
Born - son of Fred Skuce, 23 Oct
27 May 1947, 2nd section
Page 16, C2
Died - Mrs W. H. Graham, nee Hannah Skuse, May 26
St Thomas Times Journal
24 July 1947, 2nd section, Page 10, C2
Engagement - Rev Harvey Scuse to Dorothy Eleanor Ross, daughter of C. E. Ross - July 26
St Thomas Times Journal
5 January 1948, Page 5, C1
Died - Mrs Edmund Dewar, nee Skuse, 63rd year Jan 4
St Thomas Times Journal
12 February 1948, Page 1, C2
Photo - Mrs Don Loucks; Mrs M. S. Somers; Mrs L. L. Skuce
St Thomas Times Journal
4 January 1958, Page 10 C6
Died - Donald Wayne Skuce, 27th year, son of Lorne Skuce
St Thomas Times Journal
12 August 1948, Page 10, C4
Married - Robert Eugene Skuce, son of Lorne Skuce to Betty Frances Howe, daughter of Joseph Howe, Aug 7
St Thomas Times Journal
9 March 1949
Page 7, C6
Born – Skuce, a dau to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Skuce, 2 Mar 1949
St Thomas Times Journal
12 September 1947, 2nd section, Page 10, C4
Married - Skue-Deer in Toronto
Source: Aylmer Express Newspaper, Ontario ?
Skuce, E. L., Anniversary, 6 Sep 67, 1, 4, 35th
Skuce, Mary Ellen E., Birth, 24 May 61, 6, 6, 7 May
Skuce , Edwin Lawrence, Death, 12 May 71, 13
Source: LFP?
Thursday, August 17, 1995
SKUCE, Betty, 66, Port Rowan
Saturday, May 31, 1997
STEVENS, Georgina (Skuce) (nee Wayner), 91, London
August 9 - 15, 2004
HOFFMAN, Beatrice (Scuse), 80, London, August 12, A MILLARD GEORGE FUNERAL HOME LTD Published in LFP: 8/13/2004