Old Fulton NY Newspapers (As of 29 Sept 2013, for Skuce/Skuse, no variations)
New York Historical Newspapers (Last checked 26 June 2011)
chroniclingamerica.loc.gov (transcription program has issues)
NY Heritage Digital Collection (newspapers)
Newport Mercury, Rhode Island
April 22, 1776
All persons having any claims on the estate of William Skuce,
deceased, represented insolvent, are desired to bring them in to the subscribers, appointed commisioners to receive the same, within months, the time allowed by the Town-council of Newport.
Peter Wanton
Daniel Smith
Daily Advertiser, New York
May 9, 1799
Charles Skuce
Daily Advertiser, New York
May 11, 1799
Charles Skuce
Unknown newspaper
March 19, 1814
William ?
"tuesday, march 15. the petition of William
Palmyra Register, New York
January 7, 1818 (Reprinted on the 14, 18 & 21st)
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the court
of common pleas for the county of Ontario, I have seized and taken the
goods and chattels lands and tenements of Charles Skuse together with
about two acres of land lying in the town of Phelps, bounded, bounded
north by the highway, east, south and west by Mr Sheekles land, all
of which I shall expose for sale at public vendue at H N Warren's Inn,
in the village of Palmyra, on the 14th day of February next, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon.
National Gazette
May 17, 1825
A Pirate Caught.—Yesterday, a sea-faring man of the name John L Skeese, was brought up to the police under the following cirumstances. ...
Geneva Gazette
Wednesday, August 10, 1836
In Phelps, on the 4th ult. Mr Philetus Skuse, to Miss Maria Rogers.
Geneva Courier
Tuesday Evening, October 26, 1841
On the 21st inst, by Elder Miller, Mr Charles Skuse, to Miss Ann Saunders.
At the same time and place, by the same, Mr Joseph Boyes, to Miss Mary Saunders, all of Phelps.
Geneva Gazette
Friday, March 9, 1849
In Phelps, on the 14th ult., Sarah Ann Skuse, aged 6 years 4 months
and 23 days—and on the 22d ult., Lucinda Rebecca Skuse, aged 1 year
8 months and 20 days—daughters of Philetus S. Skuse.
Ontario County Messenger
January 30, 1850
DIED - In Phelps, on the 20th inst., Mr. Charles Skuse, in the 83d
year of his age.
Geneva Gazette, New York
Feb 1, 1850
DIED - In Phelps, Jan. 20, Mr. Charles Skuse, in the 82d year of his
Springfield Daily Republican, Massachusetts
Saturday, February 2, 1850
List of Letters, Springfield Post Office
Skuce, Edward
Public Ledger, Pennsylannia
Saturday, November 19, 1853
Skuse Cath'e B
The Geneva Gazette
Friday Morning, January 13, 1854
Listo of Letter remaining in the Post Office at Geneva, NY., Jan 13, 1854
Ladies List
Skuce, Mary A
Daily Alta California
Thursday Morning, December 15, 1854
List of Letters remaining in the San Francisco Post Office, December 14, 1854
Skuce James
Geneva Daily Gazete
December 22, 1854
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Geneva, NY, December 15, 1854:
Ladies' List
Skuse Mary
New York Herald
Sunday, June 15, 1856
10th Ward Young Men's Democratic Club—The above club will hold a meeting at Strass' Hotel, 54 Ludlow street, on Monday evening, June 16, at 8 o'clock. All citizens favorable to the Cincinnati nominations are respectfully requested to attend and renrol their names. An electrion for permanent officers will be held.
Thos Skuse, Chairman Pro tem
John Kuyser, Secretary
Geneva Gazette
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Geneva, NY
Skuse Thomas
Weekly Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California
Saturday, August 15, 1857
The following last years' delingquents stricken from assessment roll.
Edward Skuse... $2.90
Hudson Daily Star, NY
Monday, June 7, 1858
The body of the woman found in the mill race at Rochester is identified as that of Rosanna McGuckan, and circumstances are revealed by the Coroner's investigation which indicate that she was murdered. A man named Skuse has been arrested on suspicion.
The Roman Citizen
Wednesday, June 9, 1858
The body of a female found in a mill race at Rochester, and has been identified as that of Rosana McGukan of that city. A man named Thomas Skuse has been arrested on charge of compassing her death. The woman disappeared on the 4th of Cemeber last, but in a city like Rochester, where such things are common, of course it created no excitement. Skuse was intimate with her and was seen in her company previous to her disappearance.
Sacramento Daily Union
Friday Morning, July 16, 1858
New York
A new Rochester mystery is now occupying the attention of the citizens, to the dame of the murderer Ira Stout. The body of a Mrs McGuckan has been found in the river, and a man named Skuse is susspected of knowing something of her death. They appear, according to the Rochester papers, to be a nice set. Mrs McGuckan left her husband at Brockport, and had been "straying round" somewhat promiscuously with Skuse and others in Rochester. Skuse was the last preson seen with her in life. He denies all knowledge of her fate, and it seems likely that she got drunk, fell into the water and was drowned.
New York Evening Express
Tuesday Evening, October 12, 1858
City Politics
Judiciary Conventions
Tenth Ward—Thomas Skuce
New York Herald
November 24, 1859
Thomas Skuse
Commercial Advertiser
December 1, 1860
Passengers Sailed
In the steamship City of Baltimore, for Liverpool—
... Dr. Fred Skues, ..., Mrs Skues, ... —36, and 166 in the Steerage.
Public Ledger, Pennsylannia
November 25, 1861
Skuse Thos W
Union and Advertiser, Rochester
Friday Evening, January 24, 1862
Police Court.—Thomas Skuse was arrested for stealing a pair of skates.
The Evening Express, Rochester
January 25, 1862
Discharged—The boy Skuse, arrested yesterday for stealing skates, was discharged, there being no evidence of theft. He excused himself on the ground that the skates were rightfully purchased.
New York Herald-Tribune, New York
May 23, 1862
George Skuce, No. 13 Chambers-st.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania
Saturday, December 20, 1862
The Battle of Fredericksburg, VA
List of Killed and Wounded
In Harewood Hospital, Washington
Jas Skuce, F, 186 N Y
Lockport Daily Journal
Friday Evening, July 31, 1863
The Draft
Complete List of Conscripts for the 29th Congressional District
Genesee County
Drawn July 29, 1863
Wethersfield—John L Skuse
Spirtit of the Times, Batavia
Saturday, August 8, 1863
Wyoming County Conscripts
John L Skuse
The Daily Tribune
Saturday, January 16, 1864
City Government
A communication was received from the City Inspector, nominating the following persons as Health Wardens:
Tenth Ward—Asa H Bogart, Assistant Health-Warden, in place of Thos W Skuse.
New York Evening Express
Friday Evening, February 12, 1864
Coucilman Brice moved that the Committee on Finance be discharged from the further considerations of report of Committee on Finance of Board of Aldermen, with resolution that the Comptroller be directed to draw his warrant in favor of James Skuse, for the sum of $250, to be in full payment for loss of horse, cart and harness from the dumping-ground, foot of Roosevelt street, the amount to be charged to the account of Donations.
New York Dispatch
Sunday, March 13, 1864
City Government
Proceedings of the Common Council
Resolved, that the Comtrpoller be and his is herby authorized and directed to draw his warrant in favor of James Skuse, for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be in full payment for loss of horse, cart and harness, from dumping ground foot of Roosevelt street, the amount to be charged to the account of "Donations".
Providence Evening Press
September 10, 1864
Skuce Fanny
New York Dispatch
August 28, 1864
Resolved, that Thomas W Skuse and Mr Coombs be and they are herby permitted to erect a tent in the Park for the purpose of recruiting
for Hancock's Second Army Corps, such permission to remain only during the preasure of the Common Council.
New York Times
October 27, 1864
List of Letters
Remaining Unclaimed in the New-York Post-office, Saturday, Oct. 29, 1864.
Gentleman's List
Skuse C. E.
Watkins Express
Thursday, November 30, 1865
List of Letters
Remaining in the post office at Watkins, State of New York, on the 30th day of November, 1865.
Skuse P. S.
New York Evening Herald
Monday Evening, December 4, 1865
Charter Election
Councilman Candidates
Fifth District
Mozart—Thomas W Skuse, ...
Utica Morning Herald
Friday, January 4, 1867
A boy named John Skuse, living on Ontario street, Rochester, was knocked down and run over near the corner of Andrews and North streets, on the ??, by the carlessness of the driver of a fast horse. He was severly injured.
Daily Alta California
Saturday Morning, October 26, 1867
Arrival of the Constitution
The Steamship Consitution, Captain Parker, from Panama, via way ports, arrived at her berth last evening, October 25th. Following are her memoranda, passenger list, etc.:
Mrs Skuse & Child
Providence Evening Press
September 23, 1867
Skuce-Thurber—In Pawtucket, 22d instant. the Rev. S W. Field, Mr John Skuce of Warick and Miss Ardelia C Thurber of Pawtucket.
The New York Evening Express
Saturday Evening, September 28, 1867
City Politics
Tenth Ward—Delegates—... Thomas Skuse.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco
26 October 1867
Arrival of the Constitution
The steamship Constitution, Captain Parker, from Panama, via way ports, arrived at her berth last evening. October 25th. Following are her memoranda, passenger list, etc.:
Mrs Skuse & Child,
Geneva Daily Gazette
May 15, 1868
List of Petit Jurors drawn to serve at the County Court and Court of Sessions to be held at Canandaigun commencing on Monday, June 8, 1868:
Charles Skuse, Phelps
Janesville Gazette, Wisconsin
Friday, July 3, 1868
A Terrific Thunder Shower.— This vicinity was visited last night by a terrific thunder shower of several hours' duration. Rain fell in great quanitites, and the rail of thunder and vivid dashes of lightning were quite too sublime for persons of weak nerves. Wheather any permanent injury to crops was done we are not aware, though considerable heavy grain was ?ed. About two miles east of Emerald Grove the house of a widow woman by the name of Skuse, was struck, and her three children considerably injured. Her eldest daughter, a child of ten years, it is though ?? survive. The other two, aged respectively eight and five years, are likely to recover. The bed they were sleeping was set on fire, but the mother extinguised the flames before she called assistance from the neighbors.
Geneva Gazette
15 May 1868
List of Petit Jurors drawn to serve at the County Court
and Court of Sessions to be held at Canandaigua commencing on Monday,
June 8, 1868:
Charles Skuse — Phelps
The Daily Register, Hudson, NY
Friday, July 17, 1868
Boy Drowned
Yesterday afternoon a sad accident occurred at Athens, resulting in
the drowning of a son of Mr. N Scouse, aged about eleven years. It appears
that young Scouse, with several other boys went to the Swallow Rock,
about five o'clock, for the purpose of bathing. None of them could swim,
and the unfortunate lad was drawn beyond his depth by the steamboat
Union, which was passing and before assistance could reach him, was
drowned. Mr. Warren Howland, Agent of the Knickerbocker Ice Co, and
Mr. Avery, the Assistant Agent, were quickly on the spot, and commenced
diving for the drowned boy, and continued it, without success, for about
an hour. The body was recovered by means of grappling irons, in charge
of Mr. Pater Taylor, at half past six last evening.
Schenectady Daily Evening Star
Saturday, March 13, 1869
Mary Scouse, of Hudson, partook too liberally of the "crathur,"
Tuesday went to bed and died.
(*Note: Craythur - Irish word for Whiskey)
Jamestown Journal
April 30, 1869
Matrimony Notice
Marshall—Skuse - At the Rectory of St. Luke's Church in
this village, by the Rev. Levi W. Norton on the 15th inst., Wm Henry
Marshall, Esq., of New York City, and Miss Lizzie Skuse of Rochester,
Irish American Weekly
September 4, 1869
... Adelaide Skuse, ...
Olean Times Herald
Thursday, August 28, 1969
Charles G Skuce Sr
Ingram, Pa. – Charles G Skuce Sr of 30 Lindshaw Ave., died Tuesday (Aug. 26. 1969) of an apparent heart attack at Oakland, Md.
Funeral services will be held today (Aug. 28. 1969) at 8 p.m. at the Joseph H Herschberger Funeral Home, 170 Noble Ave., Crafton, Pa. Graveside commital services will be held Friday (Aug. 29. 1969) at 1:30 p.m. in Chestnut Hill Cemetery at Portville, N.Y.
Mr Skuce was born at Weston's Mills, N.Y., June 21, 1889, a son of Frank and Amanda Kaler Skuce. He had lived most of his life in England and was a retired Pennsylvania Railroad employee.
Surviving are a son, the Rev Charles G Skuce Jr, of Canonsburg, Pa.; a daughter, Mrs John C (Edna) Brownlee of
Altoona, Pa.; five grandchildren and a great-grandson; a sister, Miss Grace I Skuce of Ingram.
Local arragements are under the direction of the Halwig Funeral Home Inc., Olean.
San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday, September 15, 1869
Official List of Letters
Gentlemen's List
Skuce F
The Charleston Daily News
Friday, November 5, 1869
Hotel Arrivals-November 4
Charleston Hotel
John Skuse, Baltimore
Rochester Union and Advertiser
May 3, 1870
The Skuce Accident—Saturday we noticed briefly an accident which occurred near Newark, Wayne county, the previous evening, to John, son of Richard Skuse, who resides in Ontario street. It appears that the lad fell from a car in a train, about a mile this side of Newark, and had his right arm and leg crushed by the wheels of the cars. The accident was unnoticed by any one on the train, and the suffered laid in the ditch by the side of the track until morning, when he was removed to Newark and physicians called to attend him. Finding that amputation of the limbs would be necessary, he was brought to the house of his father and the operation there performed by Drs Bennett and Peer. His left leg was broken just above the knee. Yesterday the lad was doing as well as could be expected aster sustaining such terrible injuries. He was on his way to Syracuse at the time in search of work. His departure was unknown to his friends.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
May 5, 1870
The Skuse Accident.—Editors Rochester Union: An article in your paper of the 2d inst., relating to the accident to John Skuse, is calculated to convey a false impression. The facts are these: John, with a comrade, were stealling a ride on a freight train, (passing Newark between 9 and 10pm) and intended going to Clyde and return on an emigrant train reaching Rochester in the latter part of the night. The boys had chosen a Hudson River freight car which has a little platform at each end about a foot and a half wife; John occuping one of these platforms at one end of the car, and his comrade the other. A little east of East Palmyrs the train gave a sudden jerk and threw John off, the cars passing over him.
Some time between four and five o'clock in the morning he succedded in making himself heard at a house upon a hill south of the track, about eighty rods distant. Young John Frey hastended to his relief, and soon had him in his house making him as comfortable as was in the power of the whole family. Frederick Frey drive to Newark immediately, and called Dr Omeroy to attend him. Dr Pomeroy invited drs Coventry, Nutten and Bridggs to assit him in doing whatever might be found necessary.
On examination it was found necessary to remove the right leg below the knee, and left arm above the elbow. Stimulants were administered and all necessary steps taken preparatory to amputating the limbs, and at 11am the young man was in a satisfactory condition for the operation; but it was deemed best to wait for some member of the family who was expected. His brother soon arrived. Soon after a telegram was received from his father, Mr Richard Skuse, not to let the doctors cut off anything, but send the boy home. This order of course was obeyed promptly though reluctantly, knowing that the poor boy's chances for recovery would be lessened by the delay and removal. His broken and shatted limbs were carefully and tenderly wrapped up, a strecher constructed, and the boy placed upon and taken to the railroad track, when some of the railroad people kindly stopped a train and took him on, with Dr Briggs, who accompanied him, to his home, where he arrived in a much better condition than could have been expected, owing much no doubt to the Doctor's careful attendance. In conclusion, permit me to say that the doctos of Newark did not sent the young man home because they discovered that amputation was necessary (as your article would seem to imply), but because the father would not permit them to do what they feel competent to do any day and what they would have been most happy to do in this unfortunate boy's case for humanity's sake, if for no other.
C G Pomeroy
Note.—The publication of the rogegoing seems to be due to the physicians of Newark. The reported was not aware of all the facts, although what he wrote was not intended as a reflection upon the surgeons who attended the unfortunate boy at Newark. They did their duty promptly and humanely and are entitled to the tanks of the community. They would have been commended had they paid no attention to the order of the parent, who seems to have given it recklessly and without any care as to the life of his boy.
Rochester Daily Democrat, Rochester, NY
May 31, 1870
Page 4
Charles Skuse was arrested last night by Policeman Garret for striking
a man with a beer tumbler in a saloon on North street. The officer had
difficulty with Skuse, but he brought him to his senses by the use of
the club.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
Tuesday Evening, May 31, 1870
A Tough Case.—Last night a chap named Charles Skuse assaulted a man in a beer saloon in North st., and, it is claimed, stabbed him in the arm. Skuse was arrested by Policeman Garrett, whom he resisted violently, but the officer used his club on his head with sufficient power to quiet him. Skuse is a hard case and delights in getting into trouble and fighting Policement. He once struck Policeman Dukelow on the head with a stone, injuring him seriously. He was indicted for the offence, but has never been brought to trial. It is hoped that he will be put where he cannot exercise his fighting propenalties with so much freedom.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
Monday Evening, June 20, 1870
A chap named Skuse was arrested with a companion whose name has escaped our recollection yesterday in the northeastern part of the city by Policeman Burchell for being drunk and disorderly. A friend of Skuse attempted to release the prisoners, but Burchell was too much for all three, and he locked up his men. They had not been disposed of when our report closed.
Buffalo Daily Courier, NY
Friday Morning, Nov 4, 1870
Eleventh Ward Politics - At a meeting of the Young Men's Replublican
club, of the Eleventh ward, held at the house of Mr. P. Battels, last
evening. Mr. Battels in the bair, that gentlemen addressed the meeting.
He was followed by Mr. Skuce, who spoke at length and to the satisfaction
of all present and closed amid great applause.
Fifteen new members joined the club on this occasion; and subsequently
it was resolved: That every member of the organization shall vote for
Hon. William Williams, for representative in congress, and John H. Vought,
Esq., for member of assembly from the third assembly district.
The Emporia News, Kansas
March 31, 1871
Skuse—Scott—At Emporia, Lyon county, Kansas. March 23d, 1871, by Rev A M Averill, Mr Charples S Skuse to Miss Emma H Scott.
Patriot, Pennsylvannia
August 9, 1871
A little girl, the daughter of Col. Skuse, commandant
of the Plaeus, coming into the saloon, stumbled over the trapdoor, and
the candle was upset, a terrible...
The Daily Courier, Syracuse, NY
Monday Morning, February 26, 1872 (Similar article in the Sandy Creeks News, March 1, 1872)
In the Toils? of the Snarers.
The Young Girls in the Power of Corn-Doctoring Villains.
(From the Oswego Press of Saturday)
Last Monday two men calling themselves George and Thomas Skuce arrived in this city, put up at the Fitzhugh house, and ?? ?? as "corn doctors." They were accompanied by two young girls, whom they left at the Farmer's hotel where they engaged rooms for them.
Thursday night these girls, who say they live in Auburn, and who ?? each other respectively as "Carrie" and "Mate", allege that the Skuces tried to ?? them to go to the Fitzhugh hotel, and occupy the rooms with them. The girl "Mate" refused, and the other girl, who was at first inclined to accede, finally refused. The Skuces (pretty?? ??) then got angrey, and George slapped "Mate" and handled her very roughly. She went to police station No 1 and swore out a warrant against him, but on returning to the hotel found both the men had left town to go to the dance at Minette??.
Yesterday morning Mr Stacy of the Fitzhugh house swore out a warrant against the Skuces for violation of the hotel law, alleging that they owed him $20?? for board. The warrant was put in the hands of officer Gillins, who found the men at Fulton yesterday afternnon as they were about leaving on a southward bound train. He brought them here, and this morning they settled or secured their Fithugh house bill.
Last night one of the girls applied to one of the police officers (Gillins) for protection. She said that Skuces the refused to pay their board and fare out of town, and they had nowhere to go. They were allowed to stay by the station house last night, and this morning Chief Baker notified the Clerk of the Commision of Public Charity, and he had the Skuces arrested for bringing paupers into town. They settled by paying the girls' board the the Farmer's Hotel and depositing in the Chief's hands money to transport them to thei homes in Auburn.
The girl "Carrie" is sixteen yeard old, and the other eighteen. They have not the appearance of utterly abandoned ??, and the former seems to feel quite keenly the disgrace of her situation. She had fared most severly in the affair, the fellows having seemed to have secured complete control over her. They state that they fell in with the Skuces while passing through the train in Auburn depot Monday evening.
The girl "Mate" had met them before in Auburn, and they asked the girls to go with them to Syracuse, and they would pay their fare back on the return train. Arrived in Syracurse, the Skuces refused to give them money to go back with, and they saw no way but to come to Oswego with them, they promising to give them money to return with when they arrived here. When they got here they refused them money adn the rest of the story is told above. They allege that the Skuces tried to hire them out for ?? purposes to other men while here, and that they tried the same practice with a ?? girl who was at the Farmer's Hotel, but failed in their villanous designs.
The girls furnished with through tickets to Auburn and were sent off at 12:00. They say their parents have no iden where they are, but suppose them to be visiting friends at a station between Syracuse and Auburn.
Geneva Courier
Wednesday, February 19, 1873
Skuse—In Geneva, on Sunday the 16th Instant, Charles S Scuse, Jr., In the 26th year of his age.
The Sun, NY
February 22, 1873
Apollo Hall Primaries
First Ward
James Skuse
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
February 28, 1873
Fourteeth Ward
Francis N Skuse, was nominated for the office of alderman. Mr Skuse has been a resident of the locality now comprising the fourteeth and sixth wards for thirty-five years, and he is, therefore, well known to his constituents. He has often been solicited to accept positions of public responsibility, but always declined in favor of others. He is a large real estate owner and has the interest of his ward as well as the whole city at heart. Mr Skuse will be triumphantly elected, and he will perform the duties of his office intelligently and faithfully.
The Brockport Republic
March 27, 1873
Grand Jurors
Francis W W Skuse, 14th Ward
The Brockport Republic
October 9, 1873
Republican County Delegates
Fourteeth Ward — Francis N Skuse
Rochester Union and Advertiser
Monday Evening, Dec 22, 1873
Police Matters
Charles Skuse was drunk and disorderly in the Commercial Hotel in Front street last evening, and on being ordered way by Policeman Burns, he struck the officer, whereupon there was a fight between the two which lasted a long time. Burns using his club to bring Skuse under subjection. At the Police Station a physician was called to attend to Skuse's head, which had the appearance of having passed through a susage machine. This morning Skuse was fined $20 or 60 days M.C.P. He is a tough character, and has repeatedly been arrested. He struck Policeman Dukelow with a stone one day and came near terminating the officer's existence.
The Geneva Courier
Wednesday, December 24, 1873
Skuse—Avery—On dec 11th, by Rev Mr Young, Orville H Skuse, to Maggie Avery, both of Phelps.
Auburn Daily Bulletin, NY
Saturday, May 9, 1874
The Utica Observer says:
The remains of one Dr. Skuce, have been found in Bagg's Square. An inventory
of the same records a carpet-bag, several ancient corns, which are now
located where they will do the least harm, paper collars with chocolate
colored rims, and a few lengths of ladies' hose. The finding of these
articles will be no excuse for the Doctor's return to Utica.
Dansville Advertiser
Thursday, July 2, 1874 (In a number of other local papers as well)
—The Democrat "goes for" Dr Thomas and says his real name is Thomas Skuse. It says he was in Auburn, was turned out of the National hotel, and sneaked out of the city without paying his printing bills.
Dansville Adertiser
Thursday, August 14, 1874
Nunda—The Democrat reports that Dr Thomas alias Skuse has dug out leaving unpaid detbs.
Chicago Tribune, Illinois
Aug 31, 1874
A very sad accident happened at Ottawa on Saturday, resulting in the
drowning of two little girls. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Mrs. Peter
Skuse, living near the Fox River, in that city, sent her little girls,
one aged 12 years and the other 4, to get a pail of water. The smaller
one by accident fell into the river, and the older one went to her rescue,
and both were drowned ...
The Ottawa Free Trader, Illinois
Saturday, September 5, 1874
Drowned.—On Saturday last, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, two children, daughters of Peter Skuse, residing north of the Rock Island Railroad bridge, were accidently drowned. It seems that they went to the river for water as was their custom, and by some means the younger one got in. The older girl, in attempting to save her drowning sister, also perished. A jury was empaneled by Esquire Lockwood, in conformity with law and instructions form the Coroner. After hearing all evidence bearing upon the cause of death, the following verdict was returned:
We, the undersigned, a jury sown to examine into the cause of the death of the two children now lying before us, at the residence of Peter Skuse, in the city of Ottawa, county of La Salle and state of Illinois, do find that they are the daughters of Peter Skuse and Catherine Skuse, named Elizabeth Skuse, aged eleven years and eight months, and Fanny Skuse, aged four years, and that they came to their death on Saturday, August 29th, 1874, by accidental drowning in the Fox river at or near the residence of Thomas Pillion, which is above the Fox river dam and at a place where the water is at least fifteen feet deep, and at a place dangerous of acess; and that the oldest girl had been sent there by her mother to procure water, as was frequently done.
Given under our hands in Ottawa, in county and state aforesaid, this 30th day of August, A.D. 1874.
Geneva Gazette
Friday Evening, September 11, 1874
Chas Skuse and wife to John M Skuse, Conveys land in the towns of Geneva and Phelps; consideration $3,000.
Watkins Express
Thursday, Oct 15, 1874
Mrs Daniel D Skuse, of Reading, on Saturday, left at our office some of the largest and finest specimens of Early Rose potatoes we have seen this year.
Geneva Courier
Wednesday, November 18, 1874
SKUCE— In Geneva. Nov 12th, 1874, the infant son of Orvill H and M
Skuce, aged 10 days.
Geneva Gazette
Friday Evening, November 20, 1874
Skuce— In Geneva, Nov 12th 1874, the infant son of Orvill and M Skuce, aged 10 days.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
Saturday Evening, Feb 20, 1875
About half-past three o'clock this morning fire was discovered in a large pile of stave bolts under an open shed between the cooper shops of Ald. Skuse in Ontario street. An alarm was sounded from box 5 and the department was soon on the ground. The flames had gained a fair start and threatened to destroy all the buildings in the beighborhood, but the introduction of four large streams of water upon them from the water works stayed and finally suppressed them. One of the shops was scorched a little. The stave bolts destroyed were valued at nine hunded or one thousand dollars and it is reported that they were not insured.
The fire was doubtless the work of an incendiary, whose object was to burn the shops mentioned.
The Rome Sentinel
Tuesday, March 30, 1875
State News
As to Alderman Skuse, of Rochester, they say a poor Skuse is better than none.
Cazenovia Republican
Thursday, April 5th, 1877
Judge Dwight has excused Esther A Skuse, of Rochester, from her husband.
Utica Morning Herald
Friday, May 13, 1875
Richard Skuse's cooper shop at Rochester was burned, Wednesday. Loss $2.300; insurance, $960.
New York Evening Express
Friday Evening, June 11, 1875
Passengers Arrived
In the steamship State of Georgia, from Glasgow—Miss Skuse, Miss R Skuse
Buffalo Evening Courier & Republic
Friday Evening, August 6, 1875
Wm Skuse, son of ex-Alderman Skuse of Rochester was accidentally thrown down a well head first by a windlass, on Tuesday and escaped unhurt.
Sacramento Daily Union
Monday Morning, September 20, 1875
Pacific Coast Items
On Friday night, between 12 and 1 o'clock, a fire destroyed a bay barn and contents on the Almaden road, about seven miles from San Jose. The property belonged principally to Nat Skuse, the teamster. Loss $6,000; small insurance.
Queens County Sentinel, Hempstead, NY
Thursday, Nov 18, 1875
On Friday night the large dwelling house owned by Thomas Skuce, situated on the Jamaica Road, in Flushing, was entirely destroyed by fire, at about 12-1/2 o'lock. Mr Skuce was in New York at the time with market truck, and the other members o fthe family had just barely to escape with their lives, with no time to dress. The furniture and everthing in the house was destroyed. No insurance on the furniture, but $3,500 in the Westchester, on the house.
The Brockport Republic, NY
November 25, 1875
John S Brown has sold to Richard Skuse, property in Ogden and some in Riga, valued at $22,000.
The Nunda News
Saturday, February 12, 1876
Dr Thomas, Alias Skuse has been heard from at Charlotte, Mich, where he gets a showing up in the Lender.
Detroit Free Press
Thursday, February 17, 1876
Shooting Match.— James Skuse, of Windsor, and E. H. Glllman, of this city, engaged in a pigeon shooting match at the Hamtramck Driving Park yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gillman winning the match by killing nineteen birds out of a possible twenty-five, to eighteen birds killed by Mr. Skuse out of a possible twenty-seven.
Sacramento Daily Union
October 11, 1876
Passengers Passing Carlin for California
The following persons passed this point by rail to-day, to arrive in Sacramento October 11th:
Mrs N Skuse and two children, San Jose
Geneva Courier
Wednesday, December 27, 1876
Skuse—Harris—On Wednesday, December 20th by Rev Henry A Nelson, Mr Frank P Skuse to Miss Mary A Harris, at the home of her father, Mr S C Harris, in Phelps, Ontario county, NY.
Newtown Register, Elmira, NY
Thursday, January 18, 1877
Real Estate
Mary Skeuse et al to Stephen C. Williams 100x100 and 25x100... 3000.00
Stephen C. Williams to Mary Skeuse 1x75x26 Broadway... 2750.00
Jane Turner to Mary Skeuse, 61x108x72 8x110 s Jackson ave... 6200.00
The Corrector, Sag-Harbor, Long Island, NY
Saturday, January 20, 1877
Sheriff' Rushmore's Mistake—Our new Sheriff Mr F Rushmore, was recently handed a judgment for quite a large amount to serve against Thomas Skence, of Flushing. The Sheriff levied upon two horses, and placed them on board, paying a dollar a day for their keeping. Bit it appears that those horses were used by Skence for the purpose of carting, which is his only means of earning his livelihood, and they were consequently exempt from seizure. When the Sheriff found this to be the case, he made hast to Flushing to return the horses to Skeuce, but thereafter locked his stable door, and persistently refuses to reveive them—threatening the Sheriff with a law suit.—Farmer.
Newtown Register, Elmira, NY
Thursday, February 15, 1877
Real Estate
L. Bradford Prince to Mary Skeuse, 100x155 w Lawrence St., $1 and exchange
Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser
March 31, 1877
Judge Dwight has granted the prayer of Esther A Skuse, and severed the bond of marriage which bound her to Thomas Skuse. It was proved that Thomas had committed the offense which renders him liable to that penalty. He must also pay his late wife the sum of $108 costs.
The Rome Sentinel
Tuesday, April 3, 1877
We see that Esther Skuse, of Rochester, has secured a divorce from Skuse. In Rome the girls believe that a poor Skuse is better than none.
Batavia Progressive
Friday, April 6, 1877
A divorce has been granted to Esther A Skuse, of Rochester, from her husband, Thomas Skuse, who is at present residing in Michigan. If Thomas is "Dr Skuse" we think Esther has good Skuce for getting rid of him, for Dr Skuse is a miserable "Skeunce". Rochester printers.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
Monday Evening, May 7, 1877
Minor Police Matters
James Skuse, drunk and disorderly and breaking things in John Cline's saloon on Allen street. Not disposed of.
The Evening Telegram, New York, NY
Tuesday, July 17, 1877
River Pirates still at Work
Three of them Fired Upon this morning by officers, and one rescued from Drowning
About half-past one o'clock this morning, as Roundsmen Qugley, Beck and Skuse, of the Harbor Police, were rowing in the neighborhood of Pier 45 North River, they heard several shots fired at some one off the Jersey City docks. Suspecting that something was up, they kept rowing about until three o'clock, when they descried a boat with three men in it coming from that direction, and making for a dock near.
They hailed them and directed them to stop rowing, which they refused to do, and they were then fired upon. The men then commenced to throw into the water what they had in the boat, and one of them jumped overboard. He was left to his fate by the others and was going down for the third time, when Roundsman Skuse jumped in and saved him. He gave the name of Patrick Boyle, but refused to tell who the others were.
In the Tombs Police Court the officer asked that the prisoner be remanded for a while, as he learned on his way from the station house that a robbery had been committed on the Cunard dock about the time the firing was hard. Justic Ottertsourg remanded him to the station house. They belong to the same gang with those arrested a few days ago.
Geneva Courier
24 October 1877
GRAND JURORS - The following are among the grand jurors
selected by the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year:
Geneva - John M. Skuse
Geneva Courier
November 21, 1877
Narrow Escape
Mrs E Skuse's little daughter was playing near the stove this morning, when her apron took fire in the back. She ran out-doors, and around the house, screaming. When her mother reached her, her clothes were nearly burned off. Her mother's prsence of mind sved her life. She wrapped her in her own clothing, and smothered it, her arm and sides badly burned. Mrs Skuse's hand was badly burned. Both are comfortable and doing well.
Corning Journal
November 29, 1877
A little daughter of Mrs E Skuse, of Geneva, was badly burned by her clothes catching fire. She ran, screaming around the house. Her mother caughter her and smothered the flames by wrapping in her own clothing. Her hands were much burned in saving her child.
Geneva Courier
January 16, 1878
The Seneca Falls Reveille says: Mrs Skuse, of Geneva, and her little girl who had such a narrow escape from death by fire, are at Mr Joseph Boorom's, Farmer village.
The Providence Evening Press
Monday Evening, February 25, 1878
Last evening Sergeant Childs and Roundsman Stephens went
to a house of doubtful reputation, at 432 High street, kept by a colored
man named Sam Ockrey, and arrested two white women, who gave their names
as Emma Skuse and Annie Sherman. They pleaded not guilty to being lewd,
wanton and lascivious persons, in the Justice Court, this morning, and
they were required to furnish $100 bonds each for appearance next Friday
for trial.
Union & Constitution, Mt Morris
Thursday, February 28, 1878 (Also in Livingston Republican, March 28, 1878)
Supreme Court, County of Livingston
To Frank T Skuse and Betsey Skuse:—The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon C C Dwight, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Dated the 20th day of Feburary, 1878, and filed with the complain in the office of the Clerk of the County of Livingston, at Geneseo, NY.
ZA Colburn,
Plaintiffs Attorney, Mt Morris, Liv Co, NY
Dated February 20, 1878
Rochester Union and Advertiser
Saturday Evening, March 16, 1878
Minor Police Items
Frank Skuse for stealing a window screen from the house of Luther A Hovey, was sent to the House of Refuge.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
April 30, 1878
Executive Board
Application of F N Skuse for leave to build his own plank walk on Davis street. Referred to Messrs Mayer and Woodworth.
The San Francisco Examnier
Saturday, May 18, 1878
Skuce, Frank
Geneva Courier
July 31, 1878
Prospective Jurors
The following is the list of Trial Jurors selected by the supervisor, assessors and town clerk, of this town, to serve thre years from July 1, 1878:
Geneva—John M Skuse
Sacramento Daily Union
Friday, November 8, 1878
Santa Clara county, November 4—Nathaniel Skuse, 45 years and 5 months.
Sacramento Daily Union
November 27, 1878
Coast News
Passengers Passing Carlin for California
Carlin, November 25th.—The following persons passed this point by rail to-day, to arrive in Sacramento November 26th: ... B Skuse and two children, Canada; ...
The Rochester Evening Express
Tuesday Evening, December 3, 1878
Joseph Brown, for burglarizing the Skuse residence, on Goodman street, last fall, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment in Auburn prison.
Newark Courier
March 27, 1879
Mrs Ida, wife of Philetus Skuse, our former townsman who has just returned from the West, is very ill.
New York Herald-Tribune
Friday, May 16, 1879 (Also in New York Daily Tribune)
Schr Cornelia C Skuse, San Andrews, USC
Geneva Courier
May 21, 1879
The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Scott was celebrated
at their house on North Main street yesterday afternoon. About seventy
relatives and friends were present, and the occasion was of real pleasure
to all. The parlor was tastefully decorated with flowers, a floral arch,
the monogram S. C. and the appropriate dates, 1827 and 1879 being parts
of the decoration.
Of the ten children of the venerable couple, six were present — Mrs.
Nancy Boorom and Mrs. Mary Covert, of Farmer Village, Mrs. Cornelia
Page, Mrs. Catharine A. Covert, Mrs. Minerva Skuse, and Mrs. Emma Skuse,
of Geneva. Those absent were Mrs. Sarah Van Houten, of Eureka, Kansas,
Rev. Winfield Scott and George W. Scott, of California, and Sinclair
Scott of Morgan, Kansas. It is a remarkable fact that Mr. and Mrs. Scott
have lost no children.
Other relatives present were Edward Scott of Elmira, brother of Mr.
Scott, Peter Covert, brother of Mrs. Scott, Hon. J. B. Thomas of Ovid,
Miss Elma Scott of California, and Mrs. J. J. Covert who was the bridesmaid
at the wedding half a century ago. Mr. Allen, for eight years Mrs. Scott's
school teacher, was also among the company.
The exercises began with the singing of the doxology, and of the golden
wedding song, written by Rev. Lewis Halsey of Farmer Village. Rev. Dr.
Moore, of the Baptist church, then made a beautiful and affecting address,
revealing the memories of the years gone by and expressing the wishes
of all in prayers for the happy future of those whose golden anniversary
was celebrated. He concluded his remarks with an original poem.
General handshaking and congratulations followed the literary exercises,
after which refreshments were served. The company broke up about six
o'clock, with many expressions of pleasure at the good time they had
had, and with earnest wishes and prayers for the happiness and prosperity
of their host and hostess, in which all who know them will heartily
The display of presents was very fine, and included $100 in gold from
the children, nearly as much more from other relatives and friends,
an elegant set of china from the grandchildren, pictures, and a number
of valuable and useful articles. The occasion, rare as it is in human
life, was of rare pleasure, and will long be looked back upon with interest
and satisfaction.
The Newtown Register
Thursday, May 22, 1879
List of Grand Jurors
Flushing—Richard Skeuse
Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel
Saturday, May 31, 1879
Los Gatos Items
Mr. Skuse is sending a car-load per day of lime-stone rock to San Francisco. He is also starting a lime kiln one-half mile east of town.
The Cuba Patriot
Friday, July 18, 1879
Maggie Skuse, of Randolph, attempted suicide by laudanum lately. She took an overdose and came near throwing up her moccasins. No cause is assigned.
San Francisco Bulletin
Tuesday, October 7, 1879
Recovering a Present.—James Skuce was arrested last night on a charge of grant larceny from the person of Rebecca O'Connor. He had given Rebecca a locket and chain, but trouble having subsequently arisen between them, Skuce wished to recover his present. Last night he met Rebecca on Dupont street, and espying the locket and chain around her throat he seized her and forcibly attempted to take it from her. She resisted and screamed lustily for help, and Officer Avan responding took Skuce and Rebecca to the City Prison, where Skuce was charged with grand larceny and the woman detained as a witness.
Rochester Demovrat and Chronicle
Sunday, November 2, 1879
The new policeman, Francis N Skuse, jr., was on duty for the first time last night. He wore a bright new uniform, and there was no danger that any of the boys on his beat would miss seeing his bright buttons in the distance.
Iowa Liberal
Wednesday, November 19, 1879
Skuse—Warren.—At the M E Parsonage, November 15, by Rev H W Jonns, of LeMars, Charles J Skuse, of Sheldon, Iowa, to Cordelia A Warren, of Jefferson, Ashtabula county, Ohio.
Genvea Courier
Wednesday, November 19, 1879
Skuse—On Wednesday, October 29th, of Cholora infantum, Charlie, infant son of Frank P and Mary A Skuse, aged four months and ten days.
The Liberal, LeMars, Iowa
January 7, 1880
On New Years day, at the M E Parsonage, LeMars, by Rev H W Jones, Frank T Skuse of Sheldon to Elizabeth Schipper of LeMars.
San Francisco Bulletin
Monday, February 23, 1880
Skuce—In this city, February 20, Charles, son of Frank and Hester Skuce, aged 1 year and 12 days.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, February 28, 1880
Mortuary Matters
The funeral of Hattie M Skuse was held at 6 Weider street yesterday afternoon.
San Francisco Bulletin
Wednesday, May 12, 1880
Disappearance of a Santa Clara Merchant—San Jose, May 11th.—Edward Skuse, having suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from his home in Guadalupe, in this county, shortly after receiving $3,000 from Davis & Cowell. Lime merchants of San Francisco, in part payment for his lime kilns at Los Gatos, a ?? has been circulated that he has been ?? with, but those best informed do not credit the story. Skuse's disappearance was strange, as the firm of Davis & Cowell still owed him a balance of $3,000 or $4,000. A gentleman in this city states that he received a letter last week from a friend in Portland, Or, who is personally acquainted with Skuse, and he reports him alive and well in that place.
Daily Alta California
Friday, May 28, 1880
Singular Disappearance
Edward Skuse has suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from his home in Guadalupe, Santa Clara county, shortly after receiving $3000 from Davis & Crowell, lime merchants of San Francisco. Skuse's disappearance was strange, as the firm of Davis & Crowell still owe him a balance of $3000 or $4000. He is said to be in Oregon.
San Francisco Bulletin
Monday, June 21, 1880
Trouble at the "Rolling Wave."—James Skuse of the "Rolling Wave" saloon on Jackson street, last night got into a little dispute with Henrietta Frisble, who keeps a den next door, and struck her on the head with a cane. For this James was arrested on a charge of battery.
Newtown Register, NY
Thursday, July 1, 1880
Newtown Real Estate
Thos Skeuse to John Betts, Newtown, 1 plot... $1,000
Newark Union
August 28, 1880
List of Letters advertised at Newark, NY, Post Office, August 26th, 1880
Philetus Skuse
Watkins Democrat, NY
Wednesday, October 13, 1880
The Schuyler County Fair
Premium Awards made at the Exhibition of the Schuler County Agricultural Society at Watkins, Sept 15, 16 & 17, 1880.
P S Skuse 6 var apples, 1p
P S Skuse orange quinces, 1p
P S Skuse, ex. of pumpkins, 2p
Needle Work
Addie Skuse, ottoman cover, 1p
Rochester Union and Advertiser
October 23, 1880
Ontario Street Sewer
Names of persons for whom lot laterals and connections were constructed
F N Skuse, 1 connection
James Skuse, 1 lateral
Springfield Republican, Massachusetts
December 15, 1880
John Dearing and Michael Skuse, Boston longshoremen, got
into a quarrel while aboard a steamer Monday night, and Skuse fell or
was pushed overboard and drowned. Both were somewhat drunk at the time. Dearing has disappeared.
Worcester Daily Spy
Wednesday, December 15, 1880
John Dearing and Michael Skuse, longshoremen, about midnight Monday night boarded the steamer Nestorian, at East Boston, and was asked for work. Being somewhat intoxicated, they were ordered ashore. Whole going ashore an altercation occurred between them, and Skuse fell or was pushed overboard and drowned. Dearing has disappeared, but the officers are searching for him. The deceased was 20 years old.
Boston Daily Glove
December 16, 1880
John Deering, who is suspected of being the casue of the death of Michael Skuce, at the Grand Junction wharves early Tuesday morning, came to Police Station...
Springfield Republican, Massachusetts
December 17, 1880
John Deering of Boston, who is suspected of having pushed
Michael Skuse into the harbor the other night, by which he was drowned,
has given himself up and denies any intention of doing harm to Skuse.
The Syracuse Morning Standard
Wednesday, January 19, 1881
Killed by a Tree.
Jamestown, NY. Jan. 18—An old gentleman named Thomas Skuse, while chopping near Randolph this morning, was killed by a falling tree.
Batavia Daily News
Thursday Evening, January 20, 1881
An old gentleman named Thomas Skuse, while chopping near Randolph Tuesday morning, was killed by a falling tree.
The Brockport Republic
Thursday Afternoon, January 20, 1881
An old gentleman named Thomas Skuse was killed near Jamestown, NY, on Tuesday of this week by a tree fallking down on him.
Cuba Patriot
Friday, January 21, 1881
An old man named Thos Skuse, while chopping near Randolph, NY, was killed by a falling tree.
Randolph Weekly Courant
Thursday, 20 January, 1881
Crushed by a Tree
Instant death of John Skuse while Chopping.
On Monday afternoon last, John Skuse, an Irishman who lived in one of the shanties near the depot, was chopping, in company with several others, on the farm of Dr J T Edwards. Mr Skuse was cutting a clump of second-growth trees, against one of which leaned an old soft maple stub. He had apparently used all proper care, having tramped the snow down so he could easily get out of the way, and had been observed to be chopping very carefully. The stub was loosened by the falling of one of the small tress, and it fell upon Mr Skuse, breaking his neck and back and crushing him to the ground a corpse. His son Peter was a short distance away and ran to his assistance, but he could not raise the tree from the body. The other choppers were called, and the body was taken out and brought home. The stub only fell a few feet, but its great weight bore the poor old fellow to the ground like a blade of grass.
Dr Edwards had cautioned him about the old stub only a few days before and he had promised to use care in felling it.
Mr Skuse was about sixty-five years old and has been a hard-working man. He appeared to be an honest and well-meaning fellow. He was poor, and had always had a large family to provide for. He had been twice married—his second wife died sometime last spring.
The Cuba Patriot
Friday, January 21, 1881
An old man named Thos Skuse, while chipping near Randolph, NY, was killed by a falling tree.
Port Huron Times Herald, Michigan
Friday, January 21, 1881
Canadian News
A few mornings ago B. Skuse, of Lambeth, in pulling on his pants, found in one of the pockets a strange pocketbook containing $100, and is anxious to find an owner for the same.
Westfield Republican
January 26, 1881
On, Monday of last week, Thomas Skuse, of Randolph, an aged man, was chopping a tree down, when it lodged, and in trying to free it from its position, the tree fell on him, brreaking his neck and back, and causing almost instant death.
Sacramento Daily Record-Union
February 15, 1881
Carlin, Feburary 14th.—The following passengers passed Carlin to-day, to arrive in Sacramento to-morrow:
Wm. Skuce, Chicago, Ill.
25 emigrant passengers, including 22 males, to arrive in Sacramento, February 16th.
Jamestown Daily Journal
Saturday, February 26, 1881
The three young children of John Skuse, lately killed by a failling tree near Randolph, have been taken to Buffalo by the Sisters of Charity.
The Ottawa Free Trader, Illinois
Saturday, February 26, 1881
The following were this week granted licenses to marry:
M J Carew and Katie L Skuse
Mich'l J Carew and Miss Katie Skuse were married at St Columba chuch on Wednesday last.
Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser
Monday Evening, June 20, 1881
James Skuse, charged with being drunk and disorderly, will be brought up for examination this afternoon at two o'clock.
New York Times
Wednesday, Sept 9, 1881
Passengers Arrived
In steam-ship Bolivia from London.— William Skuse
The San Francisco Examiner
Wednesday, November 30, 1881
H. Skuce to James E. Connors, lot 20x60 feet, on southeast line of Boyd street, 60 southwest of Cheslay; gift.
Rochester Union & Advertiser
January 12, 1882
Police Payroll for December, 1881
Frank S Skuse
Corning Journal
February 2, 1882
Mrs Skuse, of Irelandville, dropped dead in the streets of Watkins. She leaves a husband, son and daughter.
Oswego Morning Express
Saturday, February 4, 1882
Mrs P S Skuse, a well known woman of Irelandville, dropped dead in the street in Watkins, Tuesday. The cause was probably heart disease.
Watkins Democrat
Wednesday, February 1 & 8, 1882
Sudden Death of Mrs P S Skuse of Reading
On Monday Jan 30th at 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs P. S. Skuse of Reading, dropped dead on Franklin street, directly in front of Dr J W Thompson's Drug Store. She was seen to fall by several persons, who immediately went to her assistance, and was carried, into the rear of Dr J W Thompson's Drug Store, where an examination was held by Drs Thompson, Bennett and Hughey and life was found to be extinct. After the examination she was taken to the residence of Mrs James A Drake; and her stricken family and relatives were notified of her death, and at a late hour of the afternoon she was taken to her home in Reading.
Mrs Skuse had come to the village accompanied by her daughter Addie and son Charley, and up to the time of her death, with the exception of a slight cold, was apparently in her usual health. Her maiden name was Elemnia C Drake and she was the seventh child of a family of twelve children. Her parents John and Climenia Drake were old settlers of our county and resided and reared their family on the south side of the Old County Line road, nearly a mile west of this village. Mrs Skuse was a sister of the late James A Drake of this village, and George W Drake, Mrs B L Shay and Mrs S Warren also of this place; Mrs James O'Daniels, Mrs Olvier Ellison and Mrs Daniel Skuse, of Reading; and Andrew J Drake of Buffalo.
She was truce married, her first husband being Benjamin Burgess, by whom she had one child, Marion, of Reading; as the wife of Mr P S Skuse, she leave three children, Addie, Fred and Charles.
Mrs Skuse was a remarkably energetic woman, who in addition to the love which she inspried among the members of her family and intimtate friends, was much respected by the community in which she lived, and her death at fifty-three years of age comes with greater sadness, because of the many years of usefulness, thus apparently cut short. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church of this villiage, and for many years had lived a conscientious christian life. Her funeral services were held at her late residence, Wednesday, February 1st, 1881, at 1 o'clock p.m. Rev Dr Waldo officiating, and the burial was at the Old County Line Cemetery.
Corning Journal, NY
February 2, 1882
Mrs Skuse, of Irelandville, dropped dead in the streets of Watkins. She leaves a husband, son and daughter.
Watkins Democrat
Wednesday, February 15, 1882
On Sunday night last, some one who was evidently in search of the remains of departed relatives, visited the smoke-house of Mr P S Skuse, of Reading. They undoubtedly found what they were searching after, as they departed with eleven fine hams. In view of this fact, it may be well for those having hams in smoke-houses that are not well secured against thieves, to either take them in, or provide a spring-gun well loaded with slugs, and fixed in such a manner, as to give the thieves the reception that they deserve.
Sacramento Daily Union
Thursday, March 2, 1882
Passenger Lists
Carlin, March 1st—Passed here to-day, to arrive in Sacramento to-morrow: ... Wm Skuse
Geneva Courier
Wednesday, March 8, 1882
... The rest of the ticket was Democratic; to wit: ... Frank P Skuse, Assessor, to fill a vacancy.
Geneva Courier
March 29, 1882
The people of the state of New York by the grace of God free and independant to ... Mary A Skuse, who are interested, as creditors, next of kin, or otherwise in the estate of Letticia Harris, late of the town of Phelps, in Ontario County, New York, deceased, ...
Oswego Palladium
Saturday, March 18, 1882
The Detroit Free Press has caused a great ripple of excitement in that
city by the disclosure of what it claims to be bogus medical college
where at which "Buchanan diplomas," as it styles them, may
be got. The Free Press publishes a long list of the members of faculty,
and the lecturers, who go by the same "Venerand," among which
it places the name of H. S. Thomas, who possess one of Dr. Buchanan's
diplomas. A reporter investigated the "Detroit University of Medicine"
and found the location of some of its officers to be in the upper portion
of a building over a grist mill, where several offices were labeled
with signs of members of the faculty. The Free Press characterized the
institution as a fraud, and the result was the appearance at the office
of the paper on the following day of one of the faculty, Dr. Michael
Mason, "Venerand" vice-president, who captained that his title
was of ??Druidie?? origin. He denounced the article of the Free Press,
but was unable to tell where the college was located, beyond that it
was on one of the principle streets, or to identify more than a few
of his many colleagues. He stated that if there was anything wrong about
the institution he would see that all objectionable features were removed.
The Press still claims that the institution is intended to deceive and
holds that the occupancy of the position of president by Buchanan's
friend, "Thomas," whose real name is Skuce, is enough to condemn
it in the eyes of all right minded people. The Free Press declares war
to the knife against any fraudulent medical college that may be established
there, and undoubly its efforts will be as successful and as highly
applauded as were the efforts of the Philadelphia Record in breaking
up the nefarious operation of Buchanan who granted Latinised certificates
to ignorant applicants, giving them permission to kill patients who
might be unfortunate enough to consult them.
Seneca Co News, NY
March 30, 1882
The president of the bogus medical college recently discovered in Detroit is said to be a barber who plied his trade in Rochester, on West Main street, some fifteen years ago, and was known as Thomas H Skuse.
Geneva Gazette, NY
23 June 1882
Class Standing for pupils of the Junior Department, east
room, of the Geneva Classical and Union School. Pupils attaining 85
or over for entire year closing June 16, 1882:
75 to 85 - Keenie Skuse
Watkins Democrat
Wednesday, July 19, 1882
Philetus S Skuse, of Reading, fell from a cherry tree on Friday, and was seriously injured. It was reported at first that he had been killed by the fall and it was so published. His injuries are serious and may yet terminate fatally.
Watkins Express
Thursday, July 20, 1882
Mr P S Skuse, of Reading, met with a severe accident on Friday forenoon last. He was picking cherries in a tree, when in some manner he lost his footing and fell a considerable distance to the ground, striking upon his head and shoulders, and barely escaping without a broken neck. Dr Davis, of Watkins, who was immediately summoned, pronounced his spine severly injured and employed such methods as it is hope will result in his recovery; but the patient is understood to be in a precarious condition, and the excitement attending the accident has so affected his daughter, Miss Addie Skuse, that she is also reported to be quite ill.
Corning Journal
July 26, 1882
Schuler County
Havana Journal: P S Skuse, of Reading, fell from a cherry tree, and seriously injured his spine.
Syracuse Morning Standard
Monday Morning, September 25, 1882
Police Court
James Skuse pleaded guilty to drunkenness, but would not admit that he was a vagrant. Sentence was suspended.
Utica Morning Herald
Tuesday, October 17, 1882
In a fight in a Rochester Saloon Sunday night between William Munaghan and James Skuse, the former drew a revolver and shot Skuse, but not dangerously.
Watkins Express
Thursday, Nov 2, 1882
Mrs G S Howard, of Emporia, Kansas, who has been visitin gfor some two months past at her father's Mr P S Skuse of Reading, returned home on Wednesday, October 25th.
Watkins Democrat
Wednesday, January 3, 1883
At the close of the article which appeared on our fourth page last week on "Our Wild Indians," we wrote that Fred T Skuse is the agent of the work, but somehow it was omitted in setting the type and the omission overlooked in proof-reading. The gentleman referred to has the agency for Schuyler County.
The Fairport Herald, NY
February 2, 1883
State of New York
Supreme Court—Country of Monroe
Lizzie Smith, plaintiff, against, ... Francis N Skuse, ... of the estate of Harriet Gaskin, deceased, defendants.
Geneva Gazette, NY
9 February 1883
Report of Jr. Dp't East Room for sub-term of four weeks,
ending Feb 2nd, 1883 - Pupils whose average is not less than 9 (10 being
perfect) during the sub-term.
Keenie Skuse
Pupils perfect in attendance
Keenie Skuse
The Evening Telegram, NY
Wednesday, February 14, 1883
Accidentally Shot Himself
James Skuce, twenty-eight years of age, a barber, residing at no 126
Bowery, while carelessly handling a pistol on the corner of the Bowery
and Canal street this morning, accidentally shot himself in the right
wrist, inflicting a serious wound, he was attended by an ambulance
surgeon at the Eldridge streeet station and subsequently went home.
Detroit Free Press
Thursday, February 15, 1883
For the third time the examination on Tom Skuce, of Rochester, NY, alias Henry S. Thomas, MD, owner of a Buchanan diploma, Venerand President of the ...
Geneva Courier
2 May 1883
The following is a list of jurors drawn at the County
Clerk's office of Ontario County, to serve a term of the Circuit Court
and Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at the Court House in Canandaigua,
commencing on Monday, the 14th day of May.
GRAND JURORS: John M. Skuse - Geneva - Farmer
Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser
Monday Evening, May 21, 1883
Held for the Grand Jury
James Skuse pleads guilty to stealing $35.00 from his Mother—Various other Items
Mrs Hannah Skuse, of 21 Prospect street, appeared at the police station early Saturday morning and complained that she had been robbed by her son, James Skuse, who was arrested last evening in an Exchange street saloon by Lieutenants Keith and Creary. He had on his person #33.45, althrough he was charged with stealing $165. It seems that while Mrs Skuse was laying on a lounge asleep the prisoner abstracted a walled from per pocket containing $165. She was aroused and attemped to hinder her son from going, but failed. In the police court this morning Skuse was charged with stealing $165, but pleaded not guilty. In answer to the question where he obtained the $35 he finally admitted that it belonged to his mother and he took it without her knowledge. Justice Wheeler held Skuse to await the action of the grand jury.
Newark Union, Wayne Co, NY
Saturday, June 2, 1883
Elisha Skuse who for some time back has been confined to the house with paralysis. Died on Monday last, funeral services at the M E Church on Thursday last.
Geneva Gazette, NY
29 June 1883
Geneva C. & U. School, Junior Department, East Room.
Names of Pupils whose average in recitation passes them to higher classes:
2nd Grade, 70 to 85
Keenie Skuse
The Spirit of the Times, Wilkes, NY
July 14, 1883
Mr S H Skuce, of the Bowery, this city, has recently bought of Alden Goldsmith, Washingtonville, NY, the six year-old trotting stallion Barrett, ...
Ithaca Daily Journal
August 3, 1883
Farmer Village
The young ladies who were injured by the runaway last week were not seriously hurt. Keenie Skuse has returned to Geneva. Addie Connell is not yet able to use her sprained ankle.
The New York Clipper
Jersey City— ... Lizzie Skuse ...
Cattaraugus Republican
Sept 14, 1883
Real Estate Transfers
Frank R Skuce to Albert Gastmann, Randolph. 550.
The New York Clipper
Tuesday, November 6, 1883
Clipper Post-Office
Skuse W. (reader)
Detroit Free Press
12 Nov 1883
Mrs Skuce seeking a divorce from the right venerand Rochester Barber.
In the Superior Court on Saturday Mira Skuce commenced proceedings to
secure a divorce. She alleges that she was induced to advance $2000 of
her property with ...
Daily Alta California
December 14, 1883
Bush-St Theatre
M.B. Leavitt's
New Cigantic Specialty Company!
Enroute from New York after the Grandest Successes achieved in every city in the Union from Ocean to Ocean, Main to California.
The Orchestra, under the direction of the Eminent Violinist and Composer, Mr William Skuse. ...
Sacramento Daily Union
Friday, December 21, 1883
Superior Court
Department One—Armstrong, Judge
Thos Skuse vs. Wm N Coyle—Judgment for defendant for costs.
Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser
Saturday Evening, December 22, 1883
Frank Skuse was discharged this morning on the charge of stealing chickens from Andrew Gewell, but on the charge of stealing a bicycle from Ezra C Clark was held to await the action of the grand jury. He was paroled on his own recognizance.
Evening Telegram, New York
Friday, February 1, 1884
Murder in Providence
A Well-Known sporting Man charged with the Crime
Special Despatch to the evening Telegram
Providence, R.I., Feb 1—John J Field, aged forty-four, was met at the door of a friend's house last night on Fountain street and knocked down and killed. Charles Skuse, a sporting man, whidly known, has been arrested on suspicion. He pleaded not guilty and was placed under $5000 bonds.
New York Herald
Tuesday, February 5, 1884
Telegraphic Notes
Charles J Skuce, at Providence, RI, was convicted yesterday of the manslaughter
of John J Field.
Geneva Gazette, NY
8 February 1884
Report of Junior Department East Room, for four weeks
ending Feb. 1st, 1884.
Perfect in Attendance
Keenie Skuse
Recitation - Pupils not less than 9 which is considered
good; 10 perfect
Keenie Skuse
Lowell Daily Courier
Thursday, April 10, 1884
The jury in the case of Charles Skuce, indicted for manslaughter in
killing John J. Field in Providence, R.I., last January, rendered a
verdict of not guilty, Wednesday.
Providence Evening Press
10 April 1884
Page 1
Charles Skuce was, last evening, acquited of the charge of manslaughter
in the death of John J Field.
Page 2
The verdict of the jury acquitting Charles Skuce of the crime of manslaughter
will probably be sustained by public opinion which has nothing but the
severest censure for the character of the life he led, as disclosed
by the trial, and which the trouble into which he got was the legitimate
The Evening Telegram, NY
Thursday, 10 April 1884
An eminent Medical Expert Dead
Providence, R.I., April 10
.... defence in the Skuce manslaughter case ...
The Wahpeton Times, North Dakota
Friday, April 25, 1884
R. H. Skuse, of the Fargo Southern, has been in town this week.
Democrat & Chronicle
Sunday, May 18, 1884
The funeral of Mrs. Ann Skuse will take place from No. 111 Ontario street at 3:30 o'clock and from Christ church at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Detroit Free Press
July 17, 1884
Judge Chipman Declines to Give Mrs Skuce a Divorce.
In November, 1883, Jane Skuce, wife of the notorious greasy quack and dead beat Tom Skuce, alias H. Skuce Thomas, the boss Venerand, filed in the Superior Court a Bill for divorce. She allgeged neglect and absolute refusal to support. The case was referred to Circuit Court Commissioner Flowers, who filed his report yesterday. It was shown that Skuce probably married the lady for her money, $20,000 of which he wheelder her ...
Daily Alta California
August 4, 1884
A Murderous Cyprian
She attempts the Lives of Two Men to Avenge an Insult
A woman of the town named Lizzie Skuse, better known as "Babe," who keeps a house on Kearney street near Broadway, was charged with an assault to murder at 3 o'clock yesterday morning by officer Linsky. It appears that during Saturday night she went into the saloon at the southeasy corner of Broadway and Kearny, where she met two cousins named respectively John Martin and Constance Nichols. The trio drank together a few times, when suddenly Martin accused the "Babe" of attempting to steal his watch. She immediately got angry and drew a pistol, but before she could use it, it was taken away by some hoodlum spectators. She left the place and in a few moments returned with a second pistol, and while standing in the door of the saloon fired two shots. One took effect in the left ear of Nichols and grazed his cheek. The other bullet went through the coat of Martin at the left should, but did not produce any injury. The shots attacted Linsky, who licked her up and put Nichols in the Receiving Hospital.
Daily Alta California
Tuesday, August 19, 1884
The Criminal Courts
The Charge of an assault to murder against Lizzie Skuse, for shooting an Italian through the left ear two weeks ago was dismissed.
Randolph Register
Thursday, Sept 4, 1884
Jimmie Skuse, who furnished Chas Bigkettle with the liquor which caused his death, was taken in charge as a vagrant and sent by Justice Hazard to the Erie county penitentiary for six months on Tuesday.
The Weekly Courant, Randolph
Thursday, Sept 4, 1884
A young man named Skuse was also sent to the same place six months for vagrancy.
Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer
Thursday, December 25, 1884
... and Jno J Skuse, of Ell?? ...
Indiana Weekly Messanger, Indiana,
26 November 1884 (Printed also in the Illion NY Citizen, 2 December 1884)(Similar to New Haven Daily Morning Journal and Courier, November 17, 1884)
A New Mexico Train Robbery
Just after train No. 2 left Socorro, with J.D. Hedrick
as conductor and James Skuse as engineer, and when it had gone perhaps
two miles, the train stopped, but almost immediately started up again
with a tremenduous jerk. After this a promiscous firing began from both
sides of the track, but the train kept moving on faster and faster.
All the passengers, of course got down between the seats, and it looked
for a while like a prayer meeting. About 50 shots were fired. Every
car in the train was hit and many of the windows broken. The conductor,
who stepped out on the platform, came near being killed. One bullet
passed through a sleeping-car window over the head of two ladies, and
was flattened on the opposite side of the car.
The Story of the affair was told Mr. Ferguson by the engineer when they
arrived at the next station. Said the engineer: "I saw ahead of
me an obstruction on the right side, which consisted of a pile of stones
fully twelve inches above the track. I stopped of course, and then told
the fireman to get down and remove the stones. It was moonlight, so
that I could see plainly. At the moment I stopped I saw three men jump
from behind a clump of trees, and pointing their guns at me, they said:
'Stop! We want you. We've got you.' Quick as lightning I saw
our predicament, and decided what to do. I told them. 'All right,
don't shoot,' and then the the fireman, 'drop down.'
I gave the throttle a jerk wide open and ropped down myself. As I jerked
they fired into the cab. I didn't know whether we should jump the track
or not, but I wasn't going to have my passengers robbed. The obstruction
damaged the cowcatcher considerably. I saw three men on the right, two
on my left and one on horseback."
The passengers, after realizing the great danger through which they
had passed, and the daring but splendid presence of mind and the bracery
and decision of the heroic engineer, made up a purse and presented it
to him as a token of thei appreciation, and nearly all thanked him personally
for risking his own life to save his passengers from the robbery. It
was a spendied act, and James Skuse will go down to history as a real
Newark Union
December 27, 1884
The next social of the M.E. society will be held at the residence of P.M. Skuse, on the 2d of January, 1885.
Lockport Daily Journal
Tuesday Evening, Dec 30, 1884
Mr Samuel Skuse, of the Queen City Shooting club of Buffalo, has challenged Mr William Daw, of the same club, to shoot a match at live and clay pigeions for $100 a side.
Newark Courier
January 1, 1885
The next M.E. sociable will be held at the residence of Mr Skuse on the 16th prox.
New York Herald, New York
January 3, 1885
The Baby Fatally Burned
A fire was caused in the two story frame house No. 65
Garnet street, Brooklyn, last evening by the upsetting of a kerosene
oil lamp. The property is owned and occupied by John Skuse. His one-year-old
daughter Annie was left alone in the dinning room, and in playing with
the tablecloth upset the lamp on the floor. She was in flames when her
Brooklyn Union
Saturday, January 3, 1885
A Child Fatally Burned
Thomas Skuse's One Year Old Daughter Upsets a Lighted Lamp
Thomas Skuse owns the house at 55 Garnet street, and lives in it with his wife and family. At dusk last evening Mrs Skuse lighted a lamp and put it on the table, which was covered with a cloth, and drew her 1 year-old daughter Annie, who sat in a high chair, up to the table. Mrs Skuse went to the floor above, but had hardly reached it when she heard a crash and the child scream.
She ran down stairs and found that in her absence from the room the child had upset the lamp by pulling the cloth from under it. The oil took fire and dropped from the table to the child's clothing, which was ablaze when the mother reached the room. Mrs Skuse extinguished the fire in time, and burned both her hands. Doctors Watt and Weitz were called to attend the child, and said it was so badly burned that its recovery was unlikely. The furniture was only slightly damaged, and is insured in the Phoenix Company.
The child died to-day from the effects of the burns it received.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Wedensday, January 7, 1885
Kelly-Skuse—In this city, January 4, John Kelly and Fanny Skuse.
The Emporia Democrat
Wednesday, January 6, 1885
Fred. T. Skuse, who recently arrived here from Syracuse, New York, will open a school of short hand in the Finly block on Sixth avenue, on next Monday.
Short Hand School In Emporia
F. T. Skuse, of Syracuse. N. Y., will open a class in short hand on Monday, Jan. 12th. This is getting to be a great age of activity, and short hand is becoming indispensible every Year. The school will be open from 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and from 7 to 9 each night except Friday. Rooms opposite the News on 6th avenue.
The Geneva Gazette
Friday, January 16, 1885
Mr J M Skuse has just returned from Kansas, where he had been visiting friends and looking over the country with a view of locating. He expressed himself as being greatly pleased with his trip and the section of counry through which he passed. He also said that even in the smaller villages of the state business was booming and that the seasons did not seem to affect trade much.
Oaklands Tribune
Monday, January 19, 1885
Skuse—In San ... Skuse, a native
Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Tuesday, January 20, 1885
Skuse—In this city, January 18, Charles Skuse, aged 25 years.
Funeral to-day, at 2p.m., from the residence of his brother in-law, John Kelly, 210 Twelfth street.
New York Tribune
Tuesday, February 10, 1885
Transatlantic Travellers
Among the passengers on the Alaska which arrived yesterday were the following: ... James Skuce ...
The Ogdensburg Daily Journal
March 3, 1885
Cadieux—Skuce. At the Wesleyan Methodist parsonage, Lisbon, Thursday evening, Feb 19, 1885, by Rev T W Jackson, Mr Philip Cadieux and Miss Fanny Skuce, both of Lisbon.
Jamestown Evening Journal, NY
Saturday, March 7, 1885
John Sullivan, who was before Justice Strunk yesterday as a tramp, was released in the afternoon and agreed to leave town at once. It is said that the man's real name is James Skuse and that he was originally from Randolph.
Randolph Register
Wednesday, April 15, 1885
Jimmie Skuce - Ninety Days
From the Salamanca Republican
James Skuce was arrested by Officer Brainard for vagrancy, and Justice
Taylor committed him to the tender mercies of Brie county penitentiary
for ninety days.
Daily Alta California
Friday, May 22, 1885
Roll of Honor
Scholastic Excellence and Meritous Behavior in Our Public Schools
Cleceland School
Seventh Grade—Dan Skuce
The Clay Center Times, Kansas
Thursday, Jul 2, 1885
Mrs E Skuse,,a s a suster of
Mrs. E. Skuse, a sister of Mrs. VanHouten, and daughter from Geneva, N. Y., arrived In the city last week and will remain for the summer.
Pittston Gazette, Pennsylvania
July 3, 1885
At Pittston, July 3, 1885, Mr Samuel Fear, of Pittston, and Miss Lizzie Skuse, of Yatesville, by Rev W.S. Hanks.
Newport Mercury, RI
July 25, 1885
In Providence, ... 19th, Richard Skuce, Sr., 81; ...
Boston Herald
Sunday, September 6, 1885
Mr Jacques Kruger's "Skating Rink" company will include ... William Skuse, ... Lizzie Skuse, ...
Boston Herald
Sunday, November 22, 1885
... and William and Lizzie Skuse seceded from Kruger's "Skating Rink" company at Lincoln, Neb., last week, ...
San Jose Evening News
Tuesday, December 8, 1885
The following is the roll of honor for the Pioneer school: ... Dollie Skuse, John Skuse, ...
Salt Lake Herald
November 19, 1885
[From Buffalo Times]
Skating Rink To-Night
... Lizzie Skuse repeats her success of the past, and this time convulses her audience as a very novel old maid. ...
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Wednesday Morning, December 16, 1885
Real Estate Transfers
Francis N Skuse and Elizabeth Skuse to Richard Skuse, premises on Skuse Park: $1.
Watkins Express
Thursday, December 24, 1885
F T Skuse returned to Watkins via New York from a trip to Philadelphia, on Saturday last.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, NY
Sunday Morning, February 7, 1886
Flushing News Notes
Richard Skeuse, a boy, of Flushing, had the calf of his leg torn by
a dog belonging to D.S. Williams. The dog was shot.
Sacramento Daily Record-Union
Saturday, March 6, 1886
Promontory (Utah), March 5th.—The following overland passengers passed here to-day to arrive in Sacramento March 7th:
W Skuse, New York
Grand Forks Herald
Saturday, March 6, 1886
The best cigars in town were none too good for Architect Skuse yesterday. A boy arrived the night before last.
The Mail, Stockton, California
Thursday, April 1, 1886
The Avon Theater
Thursday Evening, April 1st
The Puritans of Minstrelsy
McNish, Johnson & Slavin's Refined Ministrels
William Skuse
Grand Forks Herald
Wednesday, April 14, 1886
and R K Skuse as city engineer.
The Daily Tribune, Salt Lake City
Wednesday, 28 April 1886
Hotel Arrivals
Valley House
T. E. Skuse
Salt Lake Herald
Wednesday, April 28, 1886
Hotel Arrivals: April 27, 1886
Valley House
T E Skuse, New York
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, May 4, 1886
Police Court
Frank Skuse, petit larceny; handed over to Brighton officer.
Omaha daily bee
May 13, 1886
The Umprie Probably Officiated
"We had a diamond wedding down at our house the other day," said Mrs. Skuse, the boarding house keeper, to her friend, Mrs Maguffin.
"Indeed! You don't say? It must have been interesting."
"Yes, it was. The first-base man's sister got married to the short-shop."
The Ottawa Free Trader, Illinois
Saturday, May 22, 1886
The Courts
In the Offices
Richard J Skuse and Mary M Downey
Irish American Weekly
Saturday, June 26, 1886
Skuce—June 2, at Durrus, County Cork, Susanna, widow of the late Charles Skuce, younger daughter of the late Charles Ceghlan of Carrig??nus.
Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe, NY
August 17, 1886, page 2
This morning the death of Elizabeth SKUSE occurred at her residence,
No. 41 Ontario street.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, August 18, 1886
Skuse—In this city, August 17, 1886, Elizabeth, wife of Frances N Skuse, aged 71 years.
—Funeral will take place from the residence, 61 Ontario street, to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend.
The Geneva Gazette
Friday, August 20, 1886
On Monday last Willie Skuse, aged fifteen, son of Mr John M Skuse, while out gunning shot a hawk on the wing which measured four feet from tip to tip of its wings. It is a magnificent speciment of that species of bird, and Master Willie has placed it in the hands of a texerdemist in order that it may be preserved in all its beauty. It takes a steady hand and a good eye to shoot a hawk on the wing, and Willie is justly proud of his exploit.
Watkins Express
Thursday, August 26, 1886
Mr P S Skuse of Reading has favored this office with a copy of the News of Fargo Springs, Seward county, Kan., a newspaper well illustrating the enterprise of the West. It is one of three papers in a town of nearly 2,000 inhabitants, upon a site which one year ago was naked prairie. An election has just been held to determine upon the location o fthe county-seat, and the paper is printed in red ink in jubilation over the fact that Fargo Springs was desginated.—Mr Gilbert S Howard, son-in-law of Mr Skuse, was one of the projectors of the town, and is now in the furniture business in the place.
Saginaw News
Tuesday, September 28, 1886
John A Steinlein vs. Thomas H Skuce. Decree
San Jose Evening News
Saturday, October 23, 1886
Estate of Annie Skuse, et al., minors—Order settling account.
Cattaraugus Republican
January 14, 1887
James Skuse, a vagrant who was released from the Erie county penitentiary a few days ago, landed in this city Wednesday. He immediately went to the house of Frank Skuse, his brother, who resides on Atlantic street, and smashed in some of the windows. He was arrested by officer Brainard and taken before Justice Taylor, who sent him to the Erie county penitentiary for a term of six months. This is the foourth time Skuse has been sent up by Squire Taylor.
New York Clipper
January 18, 1887
Theatrical Record
Jersey City— ... Lizzie Skuse ...
Denver Rocky Mountain News
Wednesday, February 2, 1887
Pagosa Springs, Feb 1—During last night the house and barns of County Commisioner Skuse, of Archuleta county, near this place, were burned to the ground and with them his household furniture and a number of head of fine stock. Commisioner Skuse was recently forced to resign his connection with the county board. It is believed that last night's fire was started for ...
The Providence Journal
Feb 24, 1887
Charlie Skuce's End
He Falls Dead on the Street in New York
Charles Skuce, a well-known Providence sporting man, dropped
dead on the street in New York yesterday afternoon. Skuce has had a
rather checkered career and was known either personally or by reputation
by many of the residents in this city. He had always been of a somewhat
wild disposition, but during the war it is said he served gallantly.
After he was mustered out of service he returned to this city, and for
years afterwards followed the life of a sporting man. The affair which
brought him most prominently before the public was the death of John
Field. Field was found on the evening of January 31st, 1883, on the
stepe of the house at No 387 Fountain street, suffering from apoplexy,
from which he died next day. Skuce had had some trouble with Field,
and it was claimed by the prosecution, had struck him, causing the rupture
of an artery, which in turn produced apoplexy. Skuce was arrested and
indicted by the grand jury on March 13th. The trial opened on the 6th
of April, and on the 9th he was aquitted. Since that time Skuce has
spent most of his time in New York, though he occasionally visited this
city, where he had a good many friends.
The relatives of Mr Skuce received word from New York last evening of
his death, and his brother left on the midnight train to bring his remains
to this city to-morrow night. Charles Skuce was born in Fall River and
was 47 years old. He served in the Second Rhode Island Volunteers during
the war and acted as a scout a portion of the time of his service.
New York Times
Feb 24, 1887
Charles Skuse, a native of Fall River, Mass., died suddenly
yesterday of apoplexy at Broadway and Twenty-sixth-street. The body
was taken to the West Thirtieth-street police station and examined by
Deputy Coroner Schaler. Subsequently Assemblyman Power, of the Third
District, directed an undertaker to give the remains a decent burial.
The deceased's mother and sister live in Providence, R.I. Skuse was
about 50 years old and a veteran of the rebellion, having enlisted in
the Second Rhode Island Regiment. He was wounded at the battle of Bull
Run. He did not engage in any regular business after the war.
New-York Daily Tribune
Thursday, February 24, 1887
Charles Skuse, aged fifty, of Providence, RI, died from apoplexy in front of the St James Hotel early yesterday.
The Sun, New York
Thursday, February 24, 1887
A Sporting Man Drops Dead in Broadway
A man coming down Broadway at 7 1/2 o'clock yesterday morning fell groaning to the sidewalk in front of the St. James Hotel.
He was about 45 years old, with white hair and moustache, and wore a black over-coat, wine-colored coat and waistcoast, and tripsed trousers. When Policeman Nelson, who saw him drop, reached him, he was already unconscious. He died on the sidewalk before and ambulance arrived.
The body was taken to the Thirtieth street station
house. Nothing would servce for identification was found in the dead man's clothing. Deputy Coroner Schoeler decided the death resulted from apoplexy.
Later in the day Frederick A Potter of 33 East Ninth street identified the body as that of his friend, Charles Skuce of Providence, R.I. Mr Potter ordered that the body be removed to Copelan's undertaking rooms.
Skuce was a well-known sporting man in Providence. He served throughout the war,
and had many friends. He was tried and acquitted in Providence in the spring of 1883 of the murder of John Field, a sporting companion, with whom he had had trouble. Field was found dead on the sidewalk in front of 387 Fountain street, and the evidence indicted that he died of apoplexy caused by the bursting of an artery in a fight with Skuce. After his acquital Skuce spent most of his time here.
St Paul Daily Glove
February 27, 1887
Mankato Co-Operation
Articles of incorportation of the Mankato Co-operative Mercantile company were filed in the office of the secretary of state yesterday. .... The incorporators are ... F F Skuse, ...
St Paul Daily Globe
May 16, 1887
Public Park Improvement.
The subject has been treated in detail by R. H. Skuse in the Northwestern Architect, a copy of which will be forwarded to those interested, on application to Mumford & Skuse, 316 Robert street.
Cattaraugus Republican
May 27, 1887
—The following is clipped from the Buffalo Express: On January 13th James Skuce was committted from Salamanca to the workhouse for six months as a vagrant. On Wednesday afternoon Skuce was allowed to go into the yard for exercise. About 3:30 o'clock he made a break for the gate and ran toward the city. He was overhauled at the corner of Connecticuy street and West avenue by Officer Kenney, who returned him to the workhouse.
Ogdensburg Advance and Democrat
April 14, 1887
Fatal Accident at a Funeral
Racine, Wis., April 12 - At a funeral in Union Grove Sunday afternoon
a team of horses ran away, fatally injuring Hannibal Skewes and his
son and seriously injuring Daniel McBeth and sister.
The Clay Center Dispatch, Kansas
Saturday, August 20, 1887
Mrs. VanHouten, who made this city her home a year or so ago, is visiting friends. She is accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Skuse, of New York.
St Paul Daily Globe
October 15, 1887
Mrs N Skuse (nee Jennie Preston), formerly of Ellendale, is visiting her sister, of this place.
The Ottawa Free Trader, Illinois
Saturday, February 4, 1888
Mrs Richard Skuse
Mary, wife of Richard Skuse, died after a brief illness on Tuesday evening, at their home on the west side. She was twenty one years of age and born in this city, where she leaves a large circle of intimate friends to mourn her departure. She was a daughter of Mrs Margaret Downey, and leaves beside her husband, three brothers, and an infant child. She was laid in the tomb on Thursday morning at nine o'clock, from St Columba, from whence the remains were accompanied by a very large funeral procession.
Aberdeen Daily News, South Dakota
Friday, February 24, 1888
John J Skuse, Fargo's pioneer land attorney, was at the Sherman yesterday
Harrisburg Patriot
Thursday, April 12/19, 1888
Skuse F T, produce
The Evening World
May 16, 1888
Public School Graduates
There will be no female graduates from Grammar School No.29, located at 97 Greenwich street, this year. The male class numbers only seven pupils. ...
The members of the present graduating class are: ... Thomas I. Skuse.
Daily Alta California
Monday, July 2, 1888
Hotel Arrivals
Brooklyn Hotel
Miss L Skuse, Santley Co
Geneva Gazette
Friday, September 21, 1888
WHEREAS, John M Skuse has petitioned to the Surrogate's
Court of our County of Ontario to have a certain instrument in writing,
relating to both real and personal property, duly proved as the last
will and testament of Joseph Boyes, late of the town of Phelps, in the
County of Ontario and State of New York, deceased.
The Ottawa Free Trader, Illinois
Saturday, September 22, 1888
The infant child of Richard Skuse, died of cholera infantum on Friday evening. The funeral took place on Saturday.
St Paul Daily Globe
Wednesday, October 3, 1888
C.E Joslin and John K Skuse, prominent attorneys of Fargo, Dak., are at the Marchants
St Paul Daily Globe
November 5, 1888
List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Postoffice, St Paul, Minn., Nov 5th, 1888
Skuse R H
Geneva Gazette
30 Nov 1888
Petit Jurors - Below is the list of Petit Jurors drawn
at the County Clerk's office, on Saturday, Nov 24, to serve at a County
Court and Court of Sessions, to be held in Canandaigua, beginning on
the 10th day of Dec., 1888, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
Skuse, O. H. - Phelps
The Evening World
December 17, 1888
Splinters from the Patrol
The police boat Patrol has a big hole amidships which will take a week to repair, as the result of a collision with the Hoboken ferry-boat Paunpeck.
Pilot Skuse blew his whistle and again there was a return signal from the Paunpeck, but her pilot had evidently miscalculated her speed, and before she could reverse her engines there was a crash, and a thousand pieces of the Patrol's paddle-box littered up the river.
Pilot James Bradley, who was running the ferry-boat, has made a report to his Superintendent that the pilot of the Patrol blew two signals instead of one.
Pilot Skuse denies this, and insists that the blame rests entirely with the ferry-boat pilot.
San Francisco Call
Wednesday, February 1, 1899
Scott—In Geneva, NY., January 28. 1899, Margaret E., relict of the late J B Scott, and dearly beloved mother of Mrs Nancy J Boorom, Mrs Mary Covert, the late Mrs Sarah A Vanhouten, Mrs Kate Covert, Mrs C A Page, Mrs Minera Skuse, Mrs Emma Skuse and Chaplain W., Sinclair and George W Scott, a native of New York, aged 87 years and 8 months.
The Daily Graphic, New York
Thursday, March 7, 1889
Thomas J Skuse, a clerk in the Naval Office, has been promoted to a $1,200 position. Mr Skuse stood first on the eligible list, with an average of 97.
Arcadian Weekly Gazette
Wednesday, March 20, 1889
Miss Lina Skuse, Fairville, has returned home from Victor, where she has been visiting for two weeks.
Jamestown Evening Journal
Monday, March 25, 1889
Law Brakers
Peter Skuse for a plain quiet drunk, paid a fine of $5.00.
St Paul Daily Globe
April 22, 1889
List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Postoffice, St Paul, Minn., April 22, 1889
Skuse Jno
New York Herald
Saturday, June 8, 1889
Patriots or Convicts?
These three Englishmen Left their Country for their Country's Good
J W Warren, F M Skues and Benjamin Swain, the three young Englishmen who were alleged to have been sent over here by the Prisoners' Aid Society of London to work for Samuel Nells, of Seguin, Texas, were put back on board the steamer, Veendam yesterday. They are robust young men, and each has a ticket to Seguin, besides about £3 in money.
Mr Swan, who acted as spokesman for the party, asserted that they had never been inmates of any penal or charitable institution, and that they paid their way to this country. Swain said he saw an advertisement in a London paper that able bodied men could o btain work at Seguin, Texas. He showed it to his companions and they decided to go. They had never heard of Samuel Nells, and had made no contract to work for him or any one else.
Secretary Jackson said that in his judgment the men were not contract laborers or ex-convicts, but that the special officer from the Custom House had charge of such cases. Inspector Grote said he saw the affidavits signed before Inspector Grogen and that the men had admitted the allegations.
The men themselves deny this and think that their forced return is an outrage.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Monday, June 17, 1889 (Also in June 18th paper)
Connors—In this city, June 15, James E Connors, eldest and beloved son of Hester Skuse and stepson of Frank Skuse and brother of Mrs Richard Morris and Katie, Frank, Lizzie and Daniel Skuse, a native of New York City, aged 28 years, 1 month and 4 days.
Grand Forks Herald, North Dakota
Monday, August 12, 1889
J J Skuse of Fargo Sundayed here Thirteen year ago since Skuse paid a visit to the sawdust city—there's no X Skuse for so long an absence.
Ontario Repository Messenger
Thursday, August 29, 1889
Miss Carrie Skuse, of Fairville, is the guest of Rev L W Cronk.
St Paul Daily Globe
September 6, 1889
At the Hotels
J J Skuse and wife, Fargo; are at the Nicolett House.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, October 17, 1889
Miss Mertie Skuse began her attendance at the Gainesville Union School on Monday of this week.
San Jose Evening News
Monday, October 21, 1889
The Skuse Minors
In the Probate Court to-day a petition was filed by J.A. Clayton for the settlement of the final account of the guardianship of Anna Skuse, a minor, and the settlement of the annual account of Edward and John Skuse, minors. L.P. Kraff is attorney for the petitioner.
The Evening News
Nov 8, 1889
In the Probate Court to-day the proceddings were as follows:
The settlement of the guardian's account was ordered in the estate of
Annie Skuse et al minors.
The Buffalo Courier
Thursday, December 5, 1889
Cattaraugus County
James Skuse was taken to the County House at Machias, December 2, for four months.
St Paul Daily Globe
December 8, 1889
Personal Paragraphs
Mrs J N Skuse is paying a vist to the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Reycraft. Mrs Skuse is en route for Spokane Falls, where she will make her future home.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, January 7, 1890
Changes of the Force
Lieutenant Frank Skuse is promoted to detective,vice Senford transferred. Lieutenant John E McDermottis fransferred to day lieutenant, vice Skuse promoted.
Newark Union
January 25, 1890
Rufus Smith, auctioneer. The subscriber will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Skuse farm, two miles north of Fairville depot, Thursday, January 30, 1890, at 12 o'clock in sharp, the following property, viz: three colts, three cows, lumber wagon, two open light buggies, lemocrat buggy, democrat cutter, pair bob slighs, land roller, fanning mill, corn sheller, wheel rake, two earpers, hay rack, wood rack, grindstone, two cultivators, Weird plow, cutting box, a quantity of corn stalks, Rice parer, and corer, a quantity of seed potatoes, apple bleacher, forks, shovels, and numberous other articles, household furniture, etc.
P.M.. Skuse
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, February 13, 1890
Reading Democratic Caucus
Com of Highways—Charles Skuse
Daily Alta California
Monday, March 3, 1890
Neil—In this city, March 1. Mary Ann Neil, sister of Mrs John Kelly and of the late Charley Skuse, a native of the parish of Drimoleague, County Cork, Ireland, aged 49 years and 9 months.
The Newark Courier
March 27, 1890
P M Skuse has moved to Victor, NY.
San Francisco Call
Monday, April 21, 1890
The Institute Entertainment.
The members of Young Ladies' Institutde No 1 gave a very agreeable entertainment and social last Tuesday evening, at the B'nal B'rith Hall. The courteous Reception Committee arrived in good time to welcome the many friends and wellwishers of No 1.
Reception Committee— ... Katie Scuse, ...
Grand Forks Herald, North Dakota
April 26, 1890
J.J. Skuse, of Fargo, is in town
Watkins Express
Thursday, May 22, 1890
At the bride's home, Monday evening, May 19, 1890, by Rev Philip J Bull, Charles Skuse and Miss Alice A VAnderhoef, both of Reading.
The Morning Call, San Francisco
June 26, 1890
Private Picnic at Mill Valley
... guests were: ... Mr F Skuse, ...
The Morning Call, San Francisco
July 11, 1890
A Vacation at Glen Ellen
Aremarkaly pleasant time was experienced by certain members of Rincon and Glen Ellen Parlors, N.S.G.W., who, with the Blossom Club, were in camp at Glen Ellen last Saturday. An agreeable feature of the camp doings was the musical and literary programme rendered on the evening of Saturday and the subsequent seranading by the Blossom Club of the neighboring camp, occupied by Dr C C O'Donnell.
Among those present were the following: ... F J Skuse ...
Party on Fourth Street
A pleasant birthday was tendered to Miss Annie Duffy, at her residence, 604 Fourth street, last Tuesday eveing. ... Among those present were ... F Skuse, ...
The Duluth Evening Herald
Saturday, July 29, 1890
Invited Guests:
Charles Skuse
Harper Skuse
Sacramento Daily Record-Union
October 13, 1890
List of letters
Remaining in the Postoffice at Sacramento on Monday, October 13, 1890:
Gentlemen's List
Skuse, Thomas
Isabella Couny Enterprise, Michigan
October 31, 1890
The following are the marriage licenses to date:
William Davis, 19, Hatton
Minnie Skuse, 19, Isabella Township
Boston Daily Globe
Tuesday, Nov 4 and Wednesday, Nov 5, 1890
Skuse—In Melrose, Nov 3, Anne, widow
of the late Rev Charles Skuse, 70yrs.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, November 25, 1890
The Police Commisioners
A regular meeting of the police commsioners was held yesterday afternoon, and several cases were considered. Surgeon Pierce's report for November was received. Detrive Skuse who has been on probation for six months was by a unanimous vote restored to the regular force.
The Arcadian Weekly Gazette
Wednesday, April 8, 1891
Miss Lina Skuse is spending some time in Fairville.
Duluth Evening Herald
April 22, 1891
Albert B Guptiull and John J Skuse, attorneys, recently of Fargo, have located here and opened an office at 331 Chamber of Ciommerce building, ...
The Weekly Courant, Randolph, NY
April 24, 1891
Jim Skuse, who has been confined until lately in an insane asylum, created some little excitement in town yesterday by some of his actions, and he was lodged in the lock-up over night by Constable Gilberts. Skuse went to Salamanca in the morning.
Olean Democrat
April 30, 1891
Page 8
News from Many Towns
James Skuse, an insane man from the county house at Machias, came to town Sunday afternoon. He was nearly destitute of clothing, having on nothing but a shirt and pair of overalls Overseer of the Poor Johnson took charge of the man and will return him to his former quarters to-morrow.
Geneva Gazette, NY
19 June 1891
Number Pass Regents' Examinations
Rhetoric - Cornelia Skuse
Cattaraugus Republican
July 3, 1891
An Escaped Lunatic
An escaped lunatic, who said his name was James Skuse, was captured by Officer Albert Cowdry near the old Cemetery in Gowanda on June 22. When captured he was nearly nude, having nothing but his shirt on. When asked by Officer Cowdry why he was there in that condition he said he had five friends buried in that Cemetery and he had come to make them a visit. He told the Officer afterward that he had escaped from the Asylum at Machias, on Friday morning. Supervisor F G Vinton at once telegraphed to Superintendent of the Poor, Henry Brumbull, to learn the truth of his story.
From S E Tiffany we learn that the insane man was for many years a resident of Randolph, and from that place went to Salamanca, where he had a brother, who was a section boss on the Erie Railway and from there was sent to the Machias Poor House. Mr Tiffany says his insanity is of a mild nature and while at Randolph he was looked upon as a person who lacked mental qualifications, or one who was not bright, rather than insane. Officer Cowdry is holding the unfortunate man for orders form Superindentent Trumbull.—Gowanda Herald.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, July 25, 1891
Frank Skuse, John Skuse and John Moore, are passing their vacation at Port Colburn, Canada.
Oakland Tribune
Tuesday, August 4, 1891
Skuce, Frank, Trustee
Isabella County Enterprise
Friday, August 8, 1891
The funeral services of Mrs Skuse was held in the M E church on Sunday afternoon, services being conducted by Rev Earl.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, August 18, 1891
Drs Tait and Remington made an autopsy yesterday upon the body of Lyman Langworthy, who died while bathing in the Genesee river on Monday. They found that death was prduced by excess of blood in the lungs resulting from over exertion. Langworthy leaves a brother, Selliman B., and a sister, Mrs Anne Skuse.
Victor Herald
Saturday, September 8, 1891
East Victor
Miss Millicent Rawson spent a week with her aunt, Mrs Skuse
Buffalo Express
Friday Morning, October 9, 1891
Insane Men on the Street.
Two who had Escaped Gathered in by Police Officers
An escaped lunatic was picked up yesterday by Officer Gerlach of the 8th Precinct. He was James Skuse of the asylum at Machias. How he got here is not known, but when found he was wandering around in his shirt-sleeves and with a big straw hat on his head. He was taken to Police Station No 1 and afterwards returned to Machias. While at No 1 he asked Capt Quinn to lend him his coat to go home in. The Captain answ4ered him he could not spare the garment, as it was his only one—that he had on. The modest stranger was, however, provided with the necessary article before being taken back to Machias.
The Arcadian Weekly Gazette
October 14, 1891
Mrs F Skuse of Victor is visiting at Mr J Shufelt's.
Victor Herald
Saturday, April 25, 1891
Mriss Carrie Skuse, of East Victor, has engaged as an apprentice with Mrs Phillipe to learn the millinery trade.
Victor Herald
28 November 1891
On Friday evening of last week the usually quiet burg of East Victor
was enlivened by a vigorous, old fashioned horning in honor of the recent
marriage of Norman Bowers and Carrie Skuse, in which all the known and
unknown instruments used at such times contributed to swell the volume
of sound, which assumed such proportions that it was plainly heard in
this village. After "Harrising" them to their hearts content,
the company, consisting of men and women, gave three cheers for the
newly married couple, three cheers for the Victor Herald, and departed
for their homes.
Northern Chrisitan Advocate
Thursday, December 10, 1891
Bower—Skuse—At the N E parsonage, Canandaigua, NY, Nov 18 1891, by the Rev Edmund B Gearhart, Norman H Bower and Miss Carrie E Skuse, both of Victor, NY.
Hudson Post, Michigan
Friday, December 11, 1891
Mrs Douglas Skuce—Lived south of Pittsford. Was buried from the Wesleyan church last Saturday. She was sick a long time with consumption
Geneva Advertiser
December 22, 1891
Real Estate Conveyances
Joseph Bayes, widow of, to Orville Skuse—town of Phelps. $1.
Omaha World Herald, Nebraska
February 1, 1892
Mr Skuse was not wanted. Postmasters must be Genuine Republican
article without Flaw or Speck.
Canisteo Times
Thursday, February 4, 1892
James Skuse, a man 26 years of age, was taken into custody Tuesday by Chief of Police Lain. Skuse was found in the middle of the streets with his coat and hat off in a half frozen and dazed condition. He seemed quite talkative and said he had escaped from the Machias alsms house where he had been confined since he was 14 years of age. Telegrams of inquiry have been sent to Machias but up to present writing nothing has been heard, and he is still being held in confinement at the lock-up.
Hornellville Weekly Tribune
Friday, February 12, 1892
An insane man by the name of Skuse was found wandering around the street one day this week, in a dazed condition. He has been confined in an insane asylum for the past five years. Policeman Lain took him in charge and will notify his friends, if he has any.
Evening News, California
April 9, 1892
Skuse—In New Westminster, BC, on March 25, 1892, Edward Skuse, aged 64 years.
*Note: Location is incorrect, it's actually Westminster, ON (ref: Ontario Vital Records)
Batavia Daily News
Thursday, April 28, 1892
James Skuse's dwelling at Mt Morris burned on Tuesday night, and Skuse was severely burned while trying to save some of his effects.
The Western New-Yorker
Thursday, May 5, 1892
The dwelling house of James Skuse, at Mt Morris, was burned to the ground on Tuesday night of last week, together with a great portion of the contents. The fire originated from a defective chimney. Mr Skuse in the endeavor to save some of his furniture received several severe burns.
Dansville Express
Thursday, May 5, 1892
The house of James Skuse and all the contens were destroyed by fire last Thursday evening. There was an insurance of $800 on all. A defective chimney is throught to have been the cause of the fire.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, June 23, 1892
Teacher's Fund
Mrs C E Skuse, 1st grade $40 00
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, June 28, 1892
Police Court
James Skuse, drunk; $10 or twenty days.
The Holley Standard, Holley, NY
July 14, 1892
Wedding Anniversary
A very pleasnt time was enjoyed at the home of Supervisor Acker, in Kendall, last Friday evening, July 8, the occasion being that of the first wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs F G Skuse, of Rochester, friends visiting at Mr Acker's
At a suitable time the dining room was opened and the guests to the number of twenty-four were invited to partake of a luxurious supper.
About twelve o'clock the guests departed to their homes feeling that they had pent a very pleasant evening.
One who was there.
Geneva Advertiser
Tuesday, September 27, 1892
Real Estate Conveyances
Jas. Goodale to Jno. M. Skuse—town of Geneva. $3,400.
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe,
Tues, Oct 25, 1892
Fannie, daughter of John and Amanda SKUSE, died yesterday afternoon
at the family residence, No. 17 Hollister street.
The Chicago Tribune
November 17, 1892
Boyd County asks Representation
Omaha, Neb. Nov 16 - The voters at the recent election voted for a Representative
from their midst and elected C.J. Skuse, a Republican, by an overwhelming
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, December 19, 1892
Francis N Skuse, aged 75 years, died at 8:30 o'clock last evening at his home, No 41 Ontario street. Notice of the funeral will be printed hereafter.
Rochester Union and Advertiser
December 19, 1892
Page 5
For Many Years a Prominent and Well-Known Resident-Sketch of His Life
Ex-Alderman Francis Newman Skuse, an old and respected citizen of this city, died at his home, No. 41 Ontario street last evening at half-past 8 o'clock of heart failure.
Mr. Skuse was born in County Cork, Ireland on November 8, 1817 and came to America in his early boyhood. He spent several years in Montreal working at the cooperage trade.
When the construction of the Weiland canal was begun, Mr. Skuse secured a position on that work and subsequently became section forman, continuing in this position until the canal was completed.
Mr. Skuse came to Rochester in 1843 and settled on Davis street, which was then well out in the suburbs. He engaged in the milling business for several years, but in 1846 opened a cooperage establishment which he carried on up to the time of his death.
He was elected alderman of the old Fourteenth ward in 1871 by the Republican party and was redeemed? in 1876. Mr. SKUSE was for many years a member of the board of directors of the Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes and held many other responsible positions.
He was married in 1845 to Miss Mary Conant, who died five years ago. Mr. Skuse is survived by eight children: Charles J. of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. John Gosnell, James, John, Frank, William, Richard and Thomas of this city.
The deceased was one of the founders of the North Avenue Methodist Church, and had always manifested a lively interest and taken an active part in Christian work. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the home at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. George W. Peck officiating.
Geneva Daily Gazette
Friday, November 25, 1892
Mrs Skuse has been engaged as matron at the Merrell House quarantine.
(*More information about the Quarantine House and Diphtheria epidemic on same page)
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, December 21, 1892
Deaths and Funerals
—Francis N. Skuse, whose death was announced
in Monday's Democrat and Chronicle, was one of Rochester's prominent old-time citizens, who, during a long life of probity and growth of this city from a mere hamlet. Mr Skuse was born in County Cork, Ireland, on November 8, 1817, and came to America in his early boy-hood. He spent several years in Montreal working at the cooperage trade. He came to Rochester in 1843, and settled on Davis street, which was then well out in the suburbs. He engaged in the milling business for several years, but in 1846 opened up a cooperage establishment, which he carried on up to the time of his death. He was elected alderman of the old fourteenth ward in 1874 by the Replubican party, and was re-elected in 1876. Mr Skuse was for many years a member of the board of directors of the Western New York Insitution for Deaf Mutes, and had held many other responsible positions. His industry and frugality brought him a handsome property. He was generous and kindly and assisted many deserving persons to get a start in the world. His advice on business matters and municipal affairs was often sought by those who know his worth, honesty and sincerity. He was one of the founders of the North Avenue Methodist Chruch, and a constant attendant at its services. He left eight children, Charles J, of Washington, DC, and Mrs John Gosnell, James, John, Frank, Williams, Richard and Thomas of this city.
Watkins Express
Thursday, January 19, 1893
Corning correspondence Elmira Advertiser: Miss Addie Skuse, of Watkins, is a guest at the home of her uncle, Stephen Warren, of Erie avenue, and of other friends in this city.
Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe, NY
Wednesday, February 1, 1893, page 5
Court Notes
The will of Francis N. SKUSE, the provisions of which have been published,
was admitted to probate this morning.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, February 1, 1893
A petition for the probate on the will of Francis N Skuse was filed in the surrogate's court yesterday. The will dispoes of real estate valued at $59, 670 and personal property valued at $24,248.76 to testator's children and grandchildren, and to the North Avenue Methodist Church. The testator's sons, John Thomas, Richard and John Skuse are named as executors.
San Francisco Call
Monday, April 3, 1893
List of Letters
Skuce, Peter
Newtown Register, Elmira, NY
Thursday, May 11, 1893
Long Island Odd Fellows Home
... The Home had been presented with a cow by Mrs. Skuse of Jamaica,
wife of Manager Skuse, of Pacific Lodge. ...
The Evening World
June 7, 1893
Thomas F Williams's Gala Day
His Daughter to Marry on his Silver-Wedding Anniversary
The members of Brooklyn's Police Telegraph Department are helping their fellow associate, Thomas F Williams, celebrate the day.
Twenty-five years ago to-day Mr Williams became connected with the Department, and has been in continuous service ever since.
Twenty-five years ago to-day he was married, and to-night his daughter Kate Cecilia Williams, will be united to Thomas J Skuse by Rev Father Kilahey at St Stephen's Church. A reception will follow at Mr Williams's home, 551 Henry street.
The members of the Department have presented Mr Williams with a massive silver gold-lined water pitcher of elaborate design, and with two handsomely chased goblets. The present is on exhibition in Supt Campbell's office.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Wednesday, June 7, 1893
Operator Williams' Double Celebration
There will be a a double celebration at the residence of Thomas Williams, one of the veteran telegraph operators at police headquarters, at his residence, 551 Henry street, to-night. This is the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr Williams wedding and to-night his daughter, Kate Cecelia, is to be married to Thomas J Skuse. Superintendent Frank C Mason, operators Conklin, Malloy, Cornell, Campbell, Miller, Watson and Keenan and linemen Manoe, McConnell, Higgins and Wagner to-day sent a silver water service to the house as a token of regard.
Duluth News-Tribune
Saturday, June 10, 1893
Summons and complaint in Lake Superior Building company vs John J Skuse. This is an action to recover rent for which Mr Skuse is five months in arrears. The amount is $225.
Duluth News-Tribune
Thursday, July 6, 1893
J J Skuse and family departed on a Southern trip yesterday afternoon.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, July 12, 1893
Daniel A Skuse, of North avenue, left last evening for Chicago and the Pacific coast where he will remain about a year for the benefit of his health.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, August 10, 1893
Hurt in Chicago
James Skuse's complicated Misadventure in the Freak City
A dispatch from Chicago received yesterday announced that James Skuse of this city was arrested yesterday morning by policemen who found him sleeping in the woods near Grand Crossing, a suburb of Chicago. Skuse was placed in the patrol wagon which was struck by a switch engine as it was crossing the tracks of the Illinois Central railroad. The driver and the officers escaped by jumping ut Skuse fell on the track and was run over by the engine. His left leg was cut off and both arms were broken. He is at St Luke's Hosptial in Chicago, and the physicians think he will recover.
Mrs Johanna Skuse, who lives at No 411 North avenue, in this city, says that the injured man in undoubtedly her son. He left his city for Chicago several weeks ago and she received a letter from him a short time ago stating that he was working at his trade as a moulder.
The Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette
Friday, August 11, 1893
Page 2
Abbreviated Telegrams
James Skuse was run down by an Illinois Central train at Chicago and fatally injured.
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago
Tuesday, August 22, 1893
The Courts—US Circuit
New Suit
23.015—James Skuse vs Michigan Central RR Co et al. Dam. $30,000. E.S. Curtis atty.
The Frontier, Boyd Co, Nebraska
Nov 16, 1893
Married at the residence of John Skirving, by Judge M P Kinkaid
were C J Skuse and Myrtle Watters.
Geneva Gazette
29 December 1893
The Times publishes the names of Grand Jurors in every
town of the county liable to be drawn for duty in the next three years.
Those for the three towns of Geneva, Phelps and Seneca are as follows:
GENEVA - John M. Skuse
Geneva Advertiser
Tuesday, January 30, 1894
The death of Charles Skuse which occured in the town of Phelps north of Geneva, at the age of 80 years, removes one of the most respected men of that town. He was born in the vicinity where he died, and spent all his life there. He was twice married, and by his first wife leaves two sons and two daughters. The funeral of this aged man occurs this afternoon at two o'clock and the interment will be in Glenwood, Geneva.
Geneva Gazette
2 February 1894
Obituary - We are grieved to announce the death of Mr. Charles Skuse,
an aged and highly respected farmer residing north of Geneva very near
the Phelps town line. It occurred after a brief illness on the 27th
ult. His age was about 80 years. We counted him among our old and prompt-paying
patrons. His whole life was void of offense towards man, in many ways
and in every way possible he was helpful to his neighbors, earning as
he deserved universal esteem. His funeral took place last Tuesday —
interment in Glenwood cemetery.
Watkins Express
Thursday, Feb 8, 1894
The names of other old residents, not natives of Reading, places and years of birth, are as follows: ... Philetus S Skuse, Ontario Co, 1815; ...
San Jose Evening News
Saturday, February 10, 1894
The account of the guardian of Edward and John Skuse, minors, has been settled and a bond of $100 in each case furnished by the guardian.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, February 19, 1894
Mortuary Matters
William G Skuse, died Saturday at Willard, NY, aged 37 years. The cause of his death was pneumonia. His wife, Carrie E Skuse, and seven year-old son survive him. He was born and reared in Rochester, was a son of the late Francis N Skuse, and possessed a wife circle of friends here. He was a member of the North Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Five brothers and one sister survive him, James S, John, Frank, Richard and Thomas G Skuse and Mrs Kate Gosnell.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, February 20, 1894
Skuse—In this city, at his late residence, No 45 Ontario street, William G, son of the late Francis N Skuse.
—Funeral from the house Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
North White Creek, Washington County Post
Friday, March 16, 1894
Miss Skuse of Schaghticoke, and Mamie Flynn of Crandall's Corners, are guests of Miss Kate Flynn at this place.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 18, 1894
Police Court
James Skuse, drunk; paroled.
Watkins Express
Thursday, March 22, 1894
Alonzo J Vanderhoof, whose remains were taken from his home in Reading to Millport for burial on Saturday last, is survived by his wife and three daughters—Emma, who resides at home, Mrs Charles Skuse, of Reading, and Mrs Nettie Benham, whose residence is in the town of Milo, Yates county. The deceased was sixy-four years old. His death was caused by injuries resulting from a fall in the barn. The family desire through this paper to thank their friends and neighbors for kindnesses shown.
Geneva Gazette, NY
8 June 1894
United State Court — A term of the United States Circuit
Court will be held in Canandaigua during the week beginning June 19.
The most important case on the calendar is that of the People against
Jasper Logan, an Indian, who is indicted for murder. The list of jurors
is as follows:
John M. Skuse - Geneva
Olean Democrat
Saturday, June 10, 1894
Ischua Items
Miss Nellie Skuse left Friday for South Normal, Mass.
Chicago Daily News
July 25, 1894, page 7
O’BRIEN–July 23, 1894, at her residence, 3672 Wabash-av., REBECCA, wife of Patrick O’Brien. Funeral Wednesday, at 10 a.m., to St. Elizabeth’s church, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet.
* Nee Skuse
The Frontier, Boyd Co, Nebraska
Aug 9, 1894
Judge Skuse got a bald headed son, just like his Dad.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Sunday, August 12, 1894
Miss Mamie C Skuse, Thomas F Keogh, Mr and Mrs Thomas F Skuse. Jr, are in Sullivan county.
The Morning Call, San Francisco
September 10, 1894
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at San Francisco on Monday, September 9, 1894
Skuse T E
Geneva Gazette, NY
5 October 1894
List of Jurors - The following named persons were drawn
yesterday to serve as grand jurors at a Court of Oyer and Terminer,
to be held at the Court House in this village, beginning Oct 15:
Grand Jurors: Skuse, John M. - Geneva
Duluth Evening Herald
Monday, October 22, 1894
Miss Lillian Skuse is back from a year's stay with her uncle and aunt at Montreal, Canada, where she has been attending school.
Duluth News-Tribune, Minnesota
October 23, 1894
Miss Lillian Skuse has returned from Montreal.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, November 1, 1894
A horse belonging to P M Skuse, of East Victor, was seriously injured on a barbarous barbed wire fence a few days ago. The horse was frightened by a thunder storm and ran against the fence, getting entangled in the savage fence.
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, January 8, 1895
Pleasantville Pickings
Mr and Mrs John Skuce leave this evening for Canada on an extended visit with relatives and friends there.
New York Herald
Sunday, February 24, 1895
Only immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present at the marriage of Miss Mamie C Skuse and Thomas F Keough, which took place at St Mary's Star of the Sea Church, Court and Luqueer streets, on Tuesday morning last. The Rev Father Logue officiated. The bride wore a travelling gown of brown cloth and velvet, with hat to match. The bridesmaid was Miss Kittie McKeon, and C Gaynor was best man. On their return trip the happy pair will reside at No 188 President street.
Union & Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe, NY
Monday, June 17, 1895
Frank Skuse died last evening at his home, No. 61 Ontario street,
aged 18 years.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, June 18, 1895
Frank, son of James and Martha Skuse, died Sunday at the family residence, No 61 Ontario street, aged 18 years.
Brooklyn Times Union
Thursday, June 27, 1895
Three marriages took place in the tow of Flushing yesterday. Richard Skeuse and Miss Sarah Rhodes were married by the Rev. Dr. J. Carpenter Bmlth, rector of St. George's church.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Wednesday, July 3, 1895
Offiers Installed
Flushing, L.I., July 3—The members of Pacific lodge, I.O.O.F., of this village, had a bit time Monday evening on the occasion of the installation of their newly elected officers.
These are the officers: N.G., William Skeuse; ... conductor, Thomas Skeuse; ...
After the installation speeches were made by the members and grand lodge officers.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Sunday Morning, July 21, 1895
Arrivals for the week at Kenilworth Inn Include:
C W Shuse and wife
The Evening World
August 8, 1895
All for the Babies
Thousands of Friends of the Suffering Tots
The Subscriptions
Lille Dowd, May Dowd, Janette Skuse.. 4.35
The Western New-Yorker (Art Supplement), Warsaw, NY
Agust 8, 1895
John Skuse, wife and daughter of Bliss were callers at the home of Mr and Mrs Nelson Baker last Sunday.
The Morning Star, Glens Falls, NY
Friday, October 4, 1895
Barrel Factory Burned
Rochester, Oct 2 - A large barrel factory owned by Francis Skuse was
totally destoyed by fire today, and for four hours the firemen had their
hands full to shock it.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, October 26, 1895
At Court in Canandaigua
..; Lizzie Skuce against the People's Building, Loan and Saving association;..
San Jose Evening News
Tuesday, December 24, 1895
The Skuse Estate
James A Clayton, guardin of the estate of John Skuse, a minor, has pled his account in the Superior Court. The total amount received was $3928.72, of which $2092.40 was disbursed, leaving a balance to be distributed to the minor of $1735.32. The hearing of the petition for settlement was fixed for January 3d.
Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, December 25, 1895
Christmas Presentations
The employes of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railway shops at Lincoln Park yesterday made two old and faithful fellow workmen happy. James Langlots was the recipient of a barrel of flour and a turkey and Charles Skuse of a turkey.
Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, Dec 27, 1895
Langworthy — In this city, December 26, 1895, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas E Skuse, 18 Smith street, Mrs. Eliza C Langworthy, aged 70 years.
—Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the house.
Mrs Eliza C Langworthy died yesterday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Thomas E Skuse, No 18 Smith street, aged 70 years. She is survived by two children, Mrs Thomas E Skuse and Stillman B Langworthy. The deceased also leaves one borther, Joseph Cowles, of this city.
The Otsego Farmer
January 17, 1896
A L Skuse is the new sexton of the Baptist church.
The Geneva Gazette
Friday, February 21, 1896
Notice to Creditors
Notice is herby given to all persons having claims against Charles Skuse, late of the town of Phelps, Ontario County, NY, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, administrators of his estate, at the office of Mason & Rose, over the First National Bank, in the village of Geneva, NY, at or before June 13, 1896.
Dated Geneva, NY, Dec 5, 1895
John M Skuse
Frank P Skuse
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 1, 1896
Personal Mention
Miss Cora Skuse, of No 11 Skuse park, is spending a few weeks with Miss Missie Leahy, of No 432 Swan street, Buffalo
The Newtown Register
Thursday, March 26, 1896
While Richard Skeuse, of Flushing, who last Tuesday attended an auction sale at Jamaica, was, just before starting for home, holding his horse by the head, somebody accidentally struck the horse, and it reared high in the air, and struck at Mr Skeuse with its forefeet. One hoof, iron-shod, came down squarely on top of Mr Skeuse's head with terrible force. He was half stunned and fell, blood truckling from his mouth, nose and ears. As Mr Skeuse fell he released his hold on the bridle, and the frightened horse ran into a refreshment counter, where he ruined a large number of sandwiches, overturned a keg of beer, and destroyed a lot of dhies before being captured.
The Holt County Sentinel (Oregon, Missouri)
April 10, 1896
... Richard H Skuse, civil engineer and architect, of Sayannah ...
The Valentine Democrat, Nebraska
May 21, 1896
M. T. Rowland, ex-county clerk and C. J. Skuse, ex-county judge, of Boyd county, have gone to Alaska to dig for gold. Butte will soon be depopulated if the exodus of citizens does not soon stop. We are reliably informed that twenty-five people left there one Sunday morning, for Cripple Creek and other points.
San Francisco Call
May 27, 1896; Page 11
Lightweight Boxers
Oakland, Ca., May 26 - The preliminary bouths of the feather and light weight contests for the coast championships took place at the Acme Club tonight in the presence of about 750 people. There was a slight hitch in the arragements and the feather-weight contest was not fought, although a special match was arranged between McMahon of the Olympic and Skuse of the Acme.
Skuse and Raphael and Dixon of the San Francisco Athletic Club were the original entries in this class. Skuse could not get down to weight and enterered the ring at 131 pounds. Raphael and Dixon refused to fight unless a $75 trophy was put up. The club under the association rules is not allowed to guve a trophy over $35, so McMahon, weighing 120 pounds, went against Skuse and bested him in a clever and neat bout.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, June 16, 1896
Mrs. Pope Granted a Divorce.
In the case of Elizabeth H. Pope against Hiram S. Pope an action for absolute divorce, Justice Werner heard the argument Saturday, and yesterday he handed down the following decision: "Now, on motion of L. E. Hulburt, attorney for the plaintiff, and no one appearing in opposition thereto, and upon due proof of the service of said report and notice of motion to confirm the report of the reference (Hon. Francis S. Macomber), it is ordered and adjudged that the report be confirmed, and that the marriage between the plaintiff, Elizabeth H. Pope, and the defendant, Hiram S. Pope be dissolved. The same is hereby severed accordingly, the said parties are, and each of them is, freed from the obligations thereof; that it shall be lawful for the said Elizabeth H. Pope, the plaintiff, to resume her maiden name of Elizabeth H. Skuse."
to resume her maiden name Elizabeth H Skuse
The Slifton Springs Press
Thursday, July 16, 1896
The Clifton Springs Sanitarium
The arrivals for the week are:
... Thos G Skuse, Jno Skuse, .. Rochester; ...
Geneva Daily Times
August 7, 1896
Funeral of Mrs VanHouten
The funeral of Mrs Sarah E VanHouten, who died on Tuesday afternoon was held this morning form the home of her daughter, Mrs Skuse on Lyceum avenue. Rev Dr Moore, Rev J B Barbour, Rev B G Boardman and Rev Lansing Balley took part in the services. The remains were taken to Farmer, accompanied by the family and Rev Mr Boardman.
The Clay Center Dispatch, Kansas
Thursday, August 20, 1896
Mrs. Sarah VanHouten.
A letter from Mrs. Skuse to a friend in this city contains the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Sarah VanHouten, for some years in business here and at Morganville, and who has many friends in both places who will be sorry indeed to learn of her decease. At the time of her death she was, we believe, matron of an asylum at Geneva.
Ovid Independent, NY
Tuesday, September 1, 1896
Mrs I B Skuse, of Victor, spent Saturday at the residence of C L Rowley.
Mt Morris Enterprise
Saturday, October 3, 1896
Jas Miner and Jas Skuse killed a black snake in Beck Run last Sunday nearly seven feet long.
Brooklyn Times Union
Thurdsday, October 15, 1896
The marriage of William Skeuse and Miss Sadie Peel, daughter of Mrs. Alexander Peel, of Old Lawrence street, took place Sunday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William H. Barnes, of College Point.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, March 15, 1897
Martha, wife of Richard G Skuse died yesterday afternoon at the family residence, No 79 Sherman street, aged 67 years. Mrs Skuse was born in County Cork, Ireland, and came to this city in 1847. She enjoyed a wife circle of friends and leaves, beside her husband, a family of seven children, Charles, James, Richard and John Skuse, and Mrs John Newman, Mrs R Miller and Mrs Louis Mallory.
Jamestown Evening Journal, NY
Tuesday, March 23, 1897
Journal of Justice
Richard Skuse, intoxication, Mayville jail 20 days.
Jamestown Evening Journal
Thursday, April 1, 1897
A young man named Skuce of Meadville got into a fight in the hotel at Bear Lake, was arrested and sent to Warren jial in default of money to pay a fine.
Cattaraugus Republican
April 16, 1897
Frank Skuse of Meadville was arrested by Officer Borden on Saturday for thumping Frank Tandy. He was fined $5 by Justice Cole.
Jamestown Evening Journal
Wedensday, April 23, 1897
Journal of Justice
Frank Skuse, convicted of petit larceny received a suspended sentence from Police Justice Hazeltine Tuesday evening.
The Geneva Gazette
Friday, May 28, 1897
Mrs Kennie Skuse, who was badly injured by the breaking of her bicycle, is recovering.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, June 5, 1897
Lincoln Club Musicale
Musical and Literary Entertainment to be Given Monday Night
Among those to take part are ... Daniel A Skuse, ...
The Western New-Yorker
Thursday, June 24, 1897
The 6th inst. Mrs Nelson Baker entertained and attended church with three generations of children, Mrs John Skuse of Wethersfield, with her daughter, Mrs Fred Roberts, and son, Master Maurice.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, July 21, 1897
Romance of the Fete
It resulted in the Marriage Last Evening of Miss Stecher and Daniel Skuse. Every one who attended the Marie Antoinette fete at the Lyceum theater last winter will remember the Swedish dance, which was one of the particular favorites, among two the young people who led the dance were Miss Louise Marie Stecher and Daniel Augustus Skuse. Report has it that Mr Skuse has never ceased to dance. (attendance on Miss Stecher)– since the time of the fete, and the affair culminated last evening in a two-step to the altar where the young couple were united in bonds of matrimony, and will continue to dance through life together. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs F.A. Stecher, of Resevoir avenue, by the Rev. J. Nicum at 7:30 o'clock, under a canopy of aspaagus vine, with a mound of palms stared with white flowers in the background. The maid of honor was a sister of the bride, Miss Lena Stecher, and the best man was Thomas A Killip. Miss Stecher made a charming bride, dressed in a becoming gown of white brocaded satin, simply made, the bodice trimmed in lace. Her flowers were white sweet peas. Her sister was gowned in white organdie over white silk, and she carried pink sweet peas. Meyering's orchestra hidden behind a bank of palms, rendered the wedding march from Lohengrin as the bridal party appeared, led by the usher, William Rodenbeck, which changed to a soft refrain during the ceremony.
A reception and dinner followed to about sixty guests, all members of the families of the bride and groom. The bridal table, laid for twelve, was effective with a large centerpiece of pink sweet peas, and silver candelabra with pink shades at either end. ...
Buffalo Evening News
Tuesday, August 3, 1897
Miss Minine Wurtz of Rochester, who has been a guest of Mrs Julius Wurtz for the past two weeks, returned home last evening. Mr and Mrs Wurtz returned recently from Rochester, where they went to attend the Stecher-Skuse wedding.
Ovid Indpendent, NY
Tuesday, August 24, 1897
Mrs Skuse, of Geneva, is a guest of Mr and Mrs Carroll.
The Orleans Republican
September 1, 1897
West Kendall
Mrs Thomas Skuse and Mrs Gosnell, of Rochester, were fuests of Mrs Hiram Acker over Sunday.
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, September 16, 1897
The Legal Record
Quarter Sessions Court
Commonwealth vs. Martin Skuce, larceny: Defendant in open court pleads nolo contendere.
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvania
Friday, October 1, 1897
Pleasantville, Sept 30
Mrs Jennie Skuce of North Clarendon is visiting her mother for a short time.
Clifton Springs Press, NY
Thursday, 21 October 1897
At the residence of Mrs John A Moore, her niece, Miss Nina May Hildreth, was married at five o'clock yesterday afternoon to John Skuse, one of the firm of Skuse Brothers, extensive dealers in cooperage stock, of Rochester, by the Rev S H Adams, D.D. The house was decorated with ferns and potted plants. Miss Sarah Gosnell, niece of Mr Skuse, played the wedding march. The bride was attired in plain white silk, and carried a bouquet of white roses. Among the many elegant and beautiful presnts were an imported velvet cape, dinner and tea set of china, silver tea set, wine and water service, and solid gold sugar spoon.
The refreshments were served by the caterer of the Sanitarium, assisted by four young ladies dressed in white, and consisted of many delicacies. Miss Conklin and Kiug and Mr Wilson entertained with vocal and instrumental music. Among the guests from out of town were Mr and Mrs Thomas Skuse, Mr and Mrs Gosnell, and a large number of nephews and nieces of the groom from Rochester; Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Delamater and daughter, and Miss Allen, of Geneva. It was an unique and plesant wedding and much enjoyed by all present. No announcement cards, will be at home, West Main street, after November 3d.
Ontario County Journal
Friday, 22 October 1897
At Clifton Springs, Oct. 20, John Skuse of Rochester and Miss Nina
Hildreth of Clifton Springs.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, October 22, 1897
At the residence of Mrs John A Moore, in Clifton Springs, her niece, Miss Nina May Hildreth, was married Wednesday to John Skuse, one of the ?? of Skuse Brothers, of Rochester, by the Rev S H Adams, D D, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The house was decorated with ferns and potted plants. They will be at home after November 3d.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, October 28, 1897
Rev Adams offiated at the wedding of John Skuse and Miss Nina M Hildreth, at Mrs John A Moore's last Wednesday, the refreshments were served by the Sanitarium, caterer Miss Sarah Gosnell played the wedding march, and the guests and presents were numerous.
The Naples Record
Wednesday, November 3, 1897 (Also in Ontario Repository-Messanger, November 4)
While cutting corn in a field near Mt Morris Friday James Skuse accidentally cut himeself, and later was found unconscious in the field. Medical aid was summoned, and it is throught he will recover.
Clifton Springs Press
Thuesday, December 30, 1897
Dr Wm A Keegan, Mr and Mrs T G Skuse and Miss Elizabeth Gosnell, of Rochester, were guests of Mr and Mrs John Skuse on Wednesday.
The San Francisco Call
February 5, 1898
The Excelsior Athletic Club held a meeting on Tuesday evening, February 1, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: ... board of directors—... Frank Skuse
The Saint Paul Globe
February 6, 1898
Young Ladies in Debate
Contest between St Paul and Duluth Scholars
Charles Skuse is a member of the junior class, and is seventeen years old. He is the son of John J Skuse, of the firm of Skuse & Nichols, land attorneys.
The Salt Lake Herald
March 7, 1898
Yesterday's Hotel Arrivals were:
At the White—J S Skuse, Janesville, Wis.
The Salt Lake Herald
March 17, 1898
Yesterday's Hotel Arrivals were:
At the White House—J S Skuse, Janesville, Wis.
The Salt Lake Herald
March 19, 1898
At the Walker—J S Skuse, Janesville, Wis.
Duluth News-Tribune
Sunday, May 1, 1898
Mr and Mrs Skuse go down to their cottage on Minnesota point this week, to spend the summer.
The Saint Paul Globe
May 9, 1898
Fourteenth Mustered in
Company G Duluth
Skuse, J. C.
Duluth Evening Herald
Saturday, May 21, 1898
Rev and Mrs Richard Wainwright, of St Paul, were the guetss this week of Mrs J J Skuse, of 1614 East Superior street. Mr Wainwright was formerly rector of St Paul's church of Duluth, and Mrs Skuse is his daughter.
Duluth News-Tribune
Thursday, July 21, 1898
Private Charles Skuse, who has been confined to the hospital on account of an injury to his knee cap, will soon get his discharge and return to Duluth. The boys will be sorry to see Skuse return as he had neem a plucky soldier from the start.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, 7 August 1898
Misses Ida Moore and Elizabeth Skuse are spending their vacation at Lehigh, N.Y.
Providence News
11 August 1898
Joseph Skuce met with a peculiar and painful accident
at Riverpoint just before 8 o'clock last evening while hurrying across
the open lot between Royal square and the New England depot to catch
the train for Plainfield. He was carrying a valise in one hand and an
umbrella in the other, and in attempting to avoid a puddle of water
he stumbled and fell. The umbrella stuck the ground and was brocken
a short distance from the handle, and the splintered end was driven
into his arm between the wrist and elbow, inflicting a bad wound. A
friend who was with him bound up his arm with a handkerchief, and he
managed to get on board of the train just as it was starting from the
Mt Morris Enterprise
Saturday, 13 August 1898
Mrs Jas Skuse a feeble minded woman was taken to the poor house in Geneseo on Tuesday, by A Kelsall.
Duluth News-Tribune, Minnesota
Sunday, 14 August 1898
Original Duluth Volunteer, He returns in the Person of
Charles Skuse
The first first volunteer of the Duluth companies that
left at the first call for troops arrived in this city yesterday in
the person of Charles Skuse of Company G.
San Francisco Call
Tuesday, August 16, 1898
Kelly—In this city, August 13, 1898, John, beloved husband of Fannie Kelly, father of Joseph, John and Annie Kelly and Mrs C A Mitchell, and brother of Mrs M Duddy of Oakland, a native of the parish of Athleaugh, County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 58 years.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock from his late residence, 313 Twelfth street, thence to St Joseph's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, August 18, 1898
Misses Saidie, Matie and Alice Kate Gosnell, of Rochester, are the gusts of their uncle, J Skuse and family.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, August 24, 1898
Mary Skuse widow of the late Charles Skuse, died at her residence three miles north of Geneva this morning after a lingering of gangrene combined with blood poisoning.
Mrs Skuse is survived by one daughter, Elena Line, and three step-sons. The funeral will take place Friday morning from St Francis de Sales church. The interment will be in Waterloo.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, August 25, 1898
Mary Skuse, widow of the late Charles Skuse, of Geneva, died yesterday morning. She is survived by one daughter and three step-sons.
The Holley Standard, NY
Thursday, August 25, 1898
Mr and Mrs Thos G Skuse, of Rochester, have been visiting Mrs S's sister, Mrs A G Snyder.
The Holley Standard
Thursday, August ??, 1898
Mr and Mrs Thos G Skuse, of Rochester, have been visiting Mrs S's sister, Mrs A G Snyder.
Geneva Gazette, Allegany Co, NY
26 August 1898
Died at her home, 2 1/2 miles north of Geneva, last Wednesday, of gangrene
followed by blood poisoning. She was the second wife of Mr. Skuse and
bore him one daughter, still surviving. Of other relatives there are
three step-sons, of whom John M. Skuse is the oldest. The funeral took
place this morning from St. Francis de Sales Church. Interment at Waterloo.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, September 1, 1898
John Skuse and wife visited her parents, Nelson Baker and wife; Fred Roberts, wife and son of Wethersfield, and Robert Brewer wife and child of Warsaw, were also guests at that hospitable home.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, September 1, 1898
Skuse— At Geneva, August 24th, Mary widow of Charles Skuse.
Watkins Express
Thursday, Sept 8, 1898
Fred Skuse, of Reading, walking through the woods on Monday, picked a sprig of soe weed which looked like pennyroyal and chewed it awhile without giving much thought to what he was doing. Later the glands of his mouth began to swell and pain, and the neighbours had the young man about persuaded that he was poisoned until Dr Barnes informed him that there was no weed in the couty capable of doing him much hurt, unless perhaps a quantity had been taken into the stomach.
Hartford Courant, Connecticut
Friday, September 16, 1898
The Skuce property has been sold to Sutter Brothers of Chicago. The property will be occupied by Jacob Lang, who has recently moved to the farm from Delevan, Wis.
Duluth News-Tribune
Saturday, October 1, 1898
A successful operation of appendicitis was performed yesterday on Harper Skuse, by Dr Goffe and Dr Ritchie, at St Luke's hospital.The patient is a son of Mr and Mrs JJ Skuse.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, October 6, 1898
A Golding Wedding
A pleasant family gathering took place at the home of Nelson Baker and wife of Hermitage Monday Oct 3d in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. The guests were Mr and Mrs John Skuse, Mrs Alida Charles, Mr and Mrs Riobert Brewer and daughter Gladys, Mr and Mrs Louis Merville, Mr and Mrs Fred Roberts and son Maurice, Maude and Ada Skuse, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Mr and Mrs Baker; ora Fishell of Pontiac, Mich, a cousin, Rev Warner and wife, Mr and Mrs Wm Ward, Mr and Mrs Norton, son and daughter of Bliss, Mr and Mrs Allen Brewer and two sons; Mr and Mrs Wm Lynch, Mr and Mrs Seth Moore and Mabel Lester, of Warsaw. The delightful weather made out of doors amusements a pleasure to old and young. The bountiful dinner was enjoyed by the thirty four guests as only well coooked and well served meals can be when partaken of by such a joyous company. Many gifts were received; old times talked over; an appropriate and pleasing address by Rev Warner, prayer by Wm Ward, music by Mr Baker and Vernie Brewer; a boat ride, swings, hammocks. A day full of happiness such as comes seldom in life twice, that will be long remembered by the younger once of the company and marking the half century of two lives passed together. The company dispersed, only when the shades of evening called them to their duties, each extending most kindly wishes to their host and hostess. The house and table decorations deserve special mentionl clematis, goldenrod and flowers of brightest hues were tastefully and skillfully arranged.
N.C. Baker and wife of Hermitage have invitations for the marriage of their granddaughter, Maude Skuse to John Nelson, October 19th.
The Western New Yorker
Thursday, October 20, 1898
The marriage of Miss Maude Skuse and John Nelson both of Wethersfield is to take place at the home of her grandparents Mr and Mrs N C Baker of this place Wednesday, 19inst.
The Western New Yorker
Thursday, October 27, 1898
On a bright October day, Wednesday the 19th inst, occurred the marriage of Miss Maude Skuse to John Nelson at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr and Mrs Nelson C Baker in Hermitage. The ceremony was solemnized at high noon by the Rev E E Warner of Bliss in the presence of about sixty relatives and friends. The wedding march was played by the bride's grandfather, Mr Baker, upon the violin. The brade was tastily gowned in blue serge, trimmed with velvet, white silk and lace. After the hearty congratulations, elegant refreshments were served. The presents were numerous and valuable consisting of silver, glass, china, nickel and iron ware, furniture, bedding, table linen and many other useful and ornamental articles. Mr and Mrs Nelson expect to be at home during the coming season with their parents near Bliss. Among the out of town guests were: Mrs Emma Skuse and daughter Ada, Fred Roberts, wife and son Maurice, E Norton, wife and sons John and Craig and daughter Mattie and Miss Gertrude Reed of Wethersfield; T R Nelson, wife and son Martin, R Morrell, wife and daughter Mary, G H Willey and wife, John Marsh and wife, Worthy Davis, wife and daughter Mamie, Louis Mervil and wife of Bliss; Miss Bertha Reed, Parry; Mrs Alida Charles, Warsaw; Mrs John DeGroff, Iriah Cleveland and wife and George Grinnell of Gainesville; Miss Bessie Dolph, Hardys; Mrs Mary Grinnell and son Charles of Bushford; J C Kellogg, wife and daughter of Black Creek; H C Kellogg and wife, E W Kellogg and family of Franklinville and Mrs Mary E Smith of Panama.
The Norwood News
Tuesday, November 15, 1898
Frank Skuce, of Malakoff, Ontario, has purchased the blacksmith shop, until recently occupied by George Coolen. Mr Skuce, has for several weeks enjoyed the patronage of the public, who are much pleased with his work, paticularly horse shoeing, in which it is said he cannot be excelled. His residence is in Dr Putney's building, over T F Connoll'y tailor rooms, on Main St.
Miss Maud Grand and Amie Putney, neices of Dr Putney, from Lisbon, are enjoying the hospitality of Mrs Henry Skuce.
Saginaw News, Michigan
Monday, November 28, 1898
Blown to Pieces
Menominee, Nov 28—An aged man, familiarly known as "Dick" Skuse, while blowing stumps with dynamite Saturday was blown to atoms by a premature discharge. He had no family and so far as ...
Isabella County Enterprise
Friday, December 2, 1898 (Also in the Springport Signal, Grand Ledge Independent, Claire Sentinel and Charlotte Republican on 2 Dec 1898, and Saline Observer on 8 Dec 1898)
Michigan News Summary
Richard Skuse was blown to atoms by an explosion of dynamite, near Menominee, while employed on the construction work of the Wisconsin & Michigan railroad.
San Francisco Call
Monday, December 26, 1898
Her Dress Caught Fire
An Old Woman Fatally Burned by the Explosion of a Coal-Oil Lamp.
Mrs Kelly, aged 50 years, living at 313 Twelfth street, was fatally burned last evening. The unfortunate woman was in the act of removing a lighted coal oil lamp from a table when it exploded, the burning oil setting fire to her dress.
Unable to extinguish the flames the frenzied woman ran from the house, frantically screaming for help. Edward Curtis, a neighbor, rushed to her assistance and tor ethe burning garment from her body. Realizing that she was seriously burned Curtis telephoned to the Central Police Station for the patrol wagon. The injured woman was hurriedly drived to the Receiving Hosptial and an examination disclosed that her arms and legs were horribly burned. Drs Rumwell and Hopper did what they could for her, and then had her removed to the female ward. In explanation of the accident Mrs Kelly said she was alone in the house at the time and had just finished her Christmas dinner.
"I had removed the dishes," said she, "and started to take the lighted lamp in the front room. In taking hold of it I must have tipped it over, as it immediately exploded. The burning oil fell on my dress, and before I realized what had happened I was enveloped in flames. After vaily endevoring to free myself from the burning garment I ran from the house, screaming for help.
As I reached the sidewalk I became unconscious, but was aroused by Mr Curtis, who was furously endeavoring to tear the burning dress from my body. If it had not been for him. I believe I would hvae been burned to death.
Late last night the unfortunate woman was visited by apriest, who administered the late sacraments of the Catholic church. The hospital surgeons say that Mrs Kelly cannot possibly live.
San Francisco Call
December 29, 1898
Kelly—In this city, December 26, 1898, Fannie, beloved wife of the late John Kelly, sister of Mrs H Sweeney, and aunt of Maggie Harris, a native of Butlers Gift, parish of Drimoleague, County Cork, Ireland, aged 48 years.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day (Thursday), at 8:30 o'lcok, form her late residence, 313 Tewlfth street, thence to St Joseph's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Muskegon Chronicle
Thursday, December 1, 1898
Richard Skuse, employed on the construction work of the Wisconsin & Michigan railway from Faithorn Junction north, was blown to atoms by an explosion of dynamite used in blowing stumps. He was an aged man and considered an expert in handling explosive.
Sandy Creek News
Thursday, January 12, 1899
Annual Meeting
Report of the Mutual Cheese Factory & Creamery Insurance Co.
Directors: .. I. A Skuse, Collins Center, Erie Co.; ...
Rushford Spectator, Allegany Co, NY (Printed in Bolivar Breeze, same day)
Thursday, January 12, 1899
James Skuce of Dutch Hill, Caneadea, Jan 5th, aged 94.
The Labor World, Minnesota
January 14, 1899
Church Notice
The young ladies' guild is also again in operation, and meets for work every Friday afternoon, with Miss Lillian Skuse as presiding officer.
The Phelps Citizen
Tuesday, Jan 26, 1899
Orville Skuse will leave his farm and move to the old Skuse farm about April 1st.
Geneva Advertiser
Tuesday, January 31, 1899
Mrs Margaret Scott died at her home on North Main street at about noon last Saturday at the advanced age of 89 years. She has been an invalid for several yeras. She leaves a family of nine children, three sons and six daughters, Mrs Dr Covert, Mrs John Skuse and Mrs Elmer Skuse residing in Geneva.
The San Francisco Call
February 1, 1899
SCOTT— In Geneva, NY, January 28, 1899, Margaret E., relict of the late J B Scott, and dearly beloved mother of Mrs Nancy J Boorom, Mrs Mary Covert, the late Mrs Sarah A Vanhouten, Mrs Kate Covert, Mrs C A Page, Mrs Minerva Skuse, Mrs Emma Skuse, and Chaplain W., Sinclair and George W. Scott, a native of New York, aged 87 years and 8 months.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, Febuary 2, 1899
Old Man Died from Apoplexy
Richard G Skuse died suddenly at his home, No 13, Wolff park, yesterday afternoon. He had had no medical attendance, and the physician called in refused to grand a certificate, but notified Coroner Klaindienst. The coroner granted a certificate of death from apoploxy. Skuse was 72 years old.
Richard G Skuse died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs Louis Mallory, No 13 Wolf park, aged 70 years. The deceased leaves four sons, Charles, of Gates, James, Richard and John Skuse, and three daughters, Mrs John Newman, Mrs Robert Miller and Mrs Louis Mallory, of this city.
The Daily News, Batavian
Thursday, February 2, 1899
Names on Western New York's death list yesterday include those of R G Skuse, aged 72.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, February 11, 1899
Skuse Died Silently in the Night.
Coroner Kleimachust was called yesterday morning to the rear of No. 113 South Union street, where he found that James Skuse had died during the night. His wife said she tried to awaken him yesterday morning, but quickly saw that he was dead. It is said Skuse bad been drinking hard for some days. His shirt front was covered with blood, which was thought to have been caused by nosebleed. Skuse's body was removed to the morgue, where an autopsy was held by Dr. Wollf yesterday afternoon. It was found that death was brought on by chronic alcoholism.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, February 12, 1899
Chronic Alcoholism Cause of Death
An inquest was held at the morgue yesterday morning to inquire into the death of James Skuse, who was found dead at his home, in the rear of No 113 South Union street, Friday morning. Coroners Physician Wolff testified that he had performed an autopsy on the body and it was his opinion that the man died from alcoholism. Coroner Kleimachust, who investigated the case, informed the jury that had found the apartment in which Skuse and a woman who claims to be the man's wife lived in a filthy condition. Testimony was offered to show that Skuse had for some time been drinking very heavily. The jury rendered a verdict that Skuse's death was due to chronic alcoholism.
The Arcadian Weekly Gazette
April 19, 1899
Mrs P M Skuse was in town last week.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, May 23, 1899
Thomas G. Skuse and family and their neice, Miss Gosnell, expect to spend the summer at Ontario Beach
Geneva Daily Times
June 13, 1899
Clarence Skuse, the crack biycle rider of Geneva, won the first time prize in the five-mile road race held at Newark last Saturday. He was one of the scratch men. He failed to land any other prizes. Neither Stahl nor Bertram rode, althrough they were entered.
The Norwood News
Tuesday, June 27, 1899
Mrs Frank Skuce and children have gone to Tilden, to visit her relatives.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, July 7, 1899
Mrs. Carrie Skuse and Joseph Adams, both of Rochester, were married Wednesday at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs Louis G. Tousey of Pittsford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T F. Parker, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Pittsford. Only the immediate relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Adams will reside in Rochester.
The Saint Paul Globe
July 10, 1899
Crowd at the Camp
The following discharges in Company G, of Duluth have been given out: Private J C Skuse, reason, physical disability.
The Norwood News
Tuesday, July 11, 1899
Miss Maud Grant, of Tilden, is viditing her sister, Mrs Frank Skuce.
The Brooklyn Eagle
Tuesday, July 18, 1899
Smash-Up at Flushing
Morning Train Wrecks a Wagon and Injures the Driver
Flushing, LY, July 18—A bad smashup occurred on Warren street railroad crossing at Flushing this morning and two men narrowly escaped being killed. A horse attached to a dirt cart belonging to Contractor Thomas Skense was passing over the crossing when the 6:30 train from Long Island City came thundering along and struck the wagon, smashing it into kindlking wood. The driver John Alec, and George Skense , who was with him, were thrown to the ground and the horse fell upon the driver. He sustained a sevee scalp wound, but Skense escaped injury. The horse was unhurt. Alec was taken to Dr Heck's office, where his wounds were dressed. The train was in charge of Conductor Baldwin and Engineer McLaren. Alec says he could not hear the approaching train on account of the rumbling of his wagon.
*Newspaper printed Skense, instead of Skeuse
The Victor Herald
Friday, August 4, 1899
J H Benson of Pontiac, Mich., an uncle of Mrs P M Skuse, arrived in this village, Thursday evening, and will remain here for a few days.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, October 12, 1899
Brief Court Notes
The case of James Sherman, appellant, against Frank and James Skuse, was argued in the appellate court yesterday. The argument was on an appeal from a judgment of the Monroe equity term, dimissing the complaint. The action was brought to compel payment by trustees for services rendered.
Irish World, New York
October 28, 1899
News from Ireland
W. Skuce
The Free Press, Montour Falls, NY
November 9, 1899
Fred Skuse of Reading, has this season grown 5,000 heads of cabbage.
Irish World, New York
January 20, 1900
News from Ireland
... the local gentry and the Young Men's Society... Miss Skuce "The Minstrel Boy;" ...
Duluth Evening Herald
Saturday, January 27, 1900
Miss Lillian Skuse hs gone to Montreal for a tay of several months.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, February 1, 1900
Adah Skuse of Wethersfield is attending school here.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, February 4, 1900
C.D. Skuce and E. H. Baker of Geneva, N.Y., are visiting H.D. Taylor, of No 32 Brooks street.
The New York Times
Wednesday, March 2, 1900,
Page 14
Trustees Liable for Physician's Services - Francis N. Skuse, who lived
in Monroe County, devised and bequeathed real and personal property
to four sons as executors and trustees, to be by them "managed
and cared for, and from the income thereof, or so much thereof as hsall
be necessary, they shall use for the support of my son Frank Skuse during
his life, and the balance, if any, shall be safely invested by my executors."
Frank Skuse was addicted to the use of intoxicants, and required the
services of physician after his periodical debauches. The trustees paid
for osme of the physician's services, but declined to pay for others,
although they had been rendered with the acquiescnce of the trustee
with whom Frank Skuse made him home. The trustees had in their hands
unexpended income applicable to the support and maintenance of their
brother Frank. A suit by the physician, Dr. James F. Sherman, against
Frank Skuse for medical services, resulted in a judgment in his favor,
and then, after execution was returned unsatisfied, the doctor brought
a suit against the trustees to compel them to account and to pay the
judgment. His complain was dismissed, but the Fourth Appellate Division,
in an opion by Justice Spring, directed a reversal, holding that the
trustees were liable for the physician's services.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, March 10, 1900
Among the farmers who had hard luck during the storm are John M Skuse, of the Carter road, the roof of whose horse stable caved in.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 18, 1900
Skuse—In this city, at the family residence, No 41 Ontario street, Johnnie, son of Richard and Lena Skuse, aged 9 years.
—Notice of funeral hereafter.
Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser
March 18/19, 1900
John, son of Richard and Lena Skuse, died yesterday at the family residence,
No. 41 Ontario street, aged 9 years. The funeral will be held from the
house at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Friday, March 23, 1900
Mrs Hannah Skuse, widow of James R Skuse, died at the home of her daughter, 301 Forty-seventh street, yesterday morning. In the 60th year of her age, after an illness of five months. Her death was the result of heart disease. She was a native of Ireland, and had lived in Brooklyn for twenty-five years. Her son, Thomas J Skuse and her daughter, Marietta C Skuse, survive her. The funeral services will be held at her daughter's home, and there will subsequently be the celebration of a requiem mass at the Church of St Mary's Star of the Sea. She was a faithful member of that parish.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Sunday, March 25, 1900
Skuse—Entered into rest on Friday, March 23, Hannah Skuse, wife of James R Skuse and mother of Thomas J Skuse and Marietta C Keough.
The New York Times
Wednesday, March 26, 1900
Deaths reported March 25
Manhattan and Bronx
Ages of one year or under put down one year.
Name and address, age in Yrs, Date Dth Mch
Skuse, Hannah, 301 47th st., Age 63, Date 23
Ontario County Journal
13 April 1900
Surrogate Ditmars has admitted the following wills to
... Lewis W. Cronk, late of Victor, Philetus M. Skuse, executor, estate
$750; ...
Geneva Gazette
11 May 1900
The Benham Murder Trial - Two hundred jurymen were drawn
last Monday from among whom to obtain twelve good and true men to hear
evidence and to determine as to the guilt or innocence of H. C. Benham
of Batavia charged with the murder of his wife. The full list is given
in Rochester papers. The four towns of Geneva, Seneca, Phelps and Gorham
and the city of Geneva are drawn on as follows:
Phelps - Frank P. Skuse
Duluth Evening Herald
Monday, May 11, 1900
Mrs J J Skuse and Miss Lillian Skuse have returned from Chicago. The latter has been in Boston.
The New York Times
Wednesday, May 12, 1900
Deaths reported May 11
Manhattan and Bronx
Ages of one year or under put down one year.
Name and address, age in Yrs, Date Dth May
Skuse, William R., 2.149 5th Av, Age 1, Date 10
Duluth News-Tribune, Minnesota
May 14, 1900
Mrs. J.J. Skuse and daughter, Miss Lillian, and Miss Jennie
McLennan returned yesterday from Chicago.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, May 16, 1900
The trial of Frank Skuse, charged with assault of Mrs Sophia Glasser will be concluded to-day. Investigator O'Longhlin has been busy for several days past hunding up evidence in the case. Mrs Glasser alleges that Skuse kicked her and threatened her life with a revolver. Skuse says that she exaggerates, and that she provoked him by circulating stories about his wife.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday May 22, 1900
Price of Freedom too High
Frank Skuse, who brutally assaulted Mrs Sohpia Glasser, was arraigned in police court yesterday and sent to the .. (line missing) .. twenty-five days in the penitentiary. He was allowed his freedom long enough to make an effort to secure the amount of his fine. He returned yesterday without the money, and was sent to the penitentiary.
Duluth News-Tribune, Minnesota
June 10, 1900
Duluth Socially
C. Skuse, Camp Samoset
Isabella County Enterprise
June 15, 1900
Charles Skuce is working the Martin Amy farm.
The Dunsmuir News, California
Saturday, July 21, 1900
A valuable young dog belonging to Thomas Skuse, night watchman at the box factory, was run over and killed by the cars, Kelvin Sunday evening
Watkins Express
Thursday, July 26, 1900
The Hatfield and Drake reunion will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Daniel Skuse in Reading on Saturday, August 4th.
Mrs Delia Burgess, Sec'y.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, August 23, 1900
Miss Alice K Gosnell, of Rochester, is visiting J Skuse and family.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, September 20, 1900
Mr and Mrs J M Skuse, Mr and Mrs F P Skuse, and Mr and Mrs O H Skuse have returned from a visit to relatives in Irelandville, Schuyler county.
Pawtucket Times, Rhode Island
September 21, 1900
... The most seriously injured was a young man named Charles
Skuce, less than 20 years old. He was not a passenger, but was beside
the track awaiting a car when the runaway car jumped the rails and toppled
over ...
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, July 31, 1900
Wild Commotion in a Tenement
Frank Skuse, His Jag and Fighting Mood Made a Great Mixup in a State Street Block.
Frank Skuse, 38 years old, married, and endowed with a large capacity for making trouble for himself and other people, has a black future, in which he may catch glimpses of four different charges against him on the police court docket, namely intoxication, disorderly acts and lanaguage, assaulting Officer Martin Snyder and mayhem. These ought to be sufficient, if the evidence prove weighty enough, to furnish Skuse with free board and lodgings with Captain Webster for several months.
The trouble which led to Skuse's arrest occurred in the famous block at No 166 State street, which is literally a human hive, where the parlor, dining-room, kitcken, bedroom and pantry are often combined in two rooms, sometimes in one, Skuse and his wife live on the second floor of the hive, and one Michael McDonald, and his wife live on the floor above. A Mrs Anna Kimball also lives on the third floor, and it was she who was the undoing of Skuse. It appears that he mounted the dingy stairs to the upper regions yesterday afternoon, piloting a much cherished jag. The jag made him ugly and he ran afoul of McDonald, whom he soon managed to engage in a hand-to-hand battle. McDonald defended himself as well as possible, and Mrs Kimball interfered to drive Skuse out of he room, her room. Skuse bit one of her fingers almost off and caused her to yell in high G from the pain.
Officer Martin Snyder, on duty on State street, heard the racket in the uppers regions and hurried to the rescue. He attempted to arrest Skuse but he resited and struck the officer on the head. Officer Snyder then placed handcuffs on the tough and sent him to the police station in the patrol wagon. Mrs Skuse and Mrs Kimball are sisters, and it is probable that there is a relatives' quarrel back of the fight.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, August 20, 1900
Kewley—Friday, August 17, 1900, at the family residence, Gate, N.Y., Fannie, wife of William Kewley, aged 63 years.
Funeral from the house Monday, August 20th, at 2:30 P.M.
* nee Skuse
The News, Providence
Friday, 21 September, 1900
Pinned under Car
The one most seriously injured by the accident was a young man named
Charles Skuce. He was standing by the track awaiting a car, when the
runaway car jumped upon him. He was pinned benneath it, and was not
rescued for more than an hour, as it was necessary to raise the car
by "jacks" before he could be taken out.
Villiagers turned out at once after the accident and assisted in the
rescue of the passengers. When word reached the Elmwood car barn of
the accident, a wrecking car leaded with workmen, and carrying Dr. D.O.
King was hurried to the scene, but before its arrival, the villagers
under the direction of Herbert Austing and Henry Budiong had rescued
all except young Skuce, who was still beneath the car.
When Skuce was finally rescued, he was also taken to the hospital. He
was in a dazed condition, but conscious. He had many bruises. One arm
and shoulder were badly wrenched, and one hip was painfully hurt.
It was stated at the hospital today that none of the injured men is
in serious condition, and that all will be able to leave the insitution
in a short time.
The Norwood News
Tuesday, October 23, 1900
Lorenzo Grant and sister, Miss Maud, are visiting their sister, Mrs Frank Skuce.
Marietta Daily Leader, Ohio
November 4, 1900
Bull Trees a Burglar
Plunder-Laden Robber Enters Pasture and is Pursued and Held Until Arrested
Ernest Martin, professional burglar, was lodged in jail at Magee's Corners, NY, the other morning, having been captured, laden with plunder, by a savage bull on the farm of John Langdon. Martin successfully burglarized the home of William Skuse, and with his booty was making across a pasture when he was spied by the bull, which gave chase. Martin ran for the nearest tree and took refuge near the top. Several times the bull came dangerously near shaking him out of the branches, but the desperate man clung on and was only released when Farmer Langdon came to water his stock in the morning.
The Norwood News
Tuesday, November 6, 1900
Mr Frank Skuce has moved to Raymondville, where he has bought a place.
Providence Journal
Thursday, 15 Nov 1900
Emma Skuce, who has spent much time at Howard, was returned
to that institution for one year as a vagrant.
The Cuba Patriot
Feburary 7, 1901
Pleasant Valley
Mrs Skuse and grand-daughter Grace of Westons Mills, spent last week at Thos Milgate's.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, May, 1901
Mrs Lyman Burr of Wethersfield departed this life, Tuesday, April 30th, aged 78 years and 8 months. She had been a great sufferer for years ang was glad to be released from pain. Her son, Owen Burr, and wife, of Michigan, arrived about two hours before her death. She leaves a busband and five sons to mourn her death: Owen, of Michigan; Euroclydon, of Bradford; Stanley, who with his sister, Mrs Alida Skuse, resided with their parents, and Mrs Martha Barber. The funeral was held Thursday at the family residence; interment at Wethersfield.
The Titus Herald, Pennsylvannia
Tuesday, May 14, 1901
The Legal Record
Meadville, May 13—(Special)—Court convened at 10 a.m., Hon Frank J Thomas presiding.
In Julia Skuce vs. Frank Skuce, John A Northam appointed examiner to take Testimony.
South New Berlin Bee, NY
Saturday, June 1, 1901
West Hill—Butternuts.
A.L. Skuse was kicked by a horse one day last week, hurting him so badly that it was necessary to call a physician.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, June 11, 1901
Concert Tomorrow
For the Benefit of First Baptist Church Choir
"Urus and the Aurochs," arranged from "Quo Vadis," Keene Elmendorf Skuse
Duluth Evening Herald
Wednesday, June 12, 1901
Marriage st St Paul's Episcopla Church
The marriage of Miss Lillian Alice Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs John J Skuse, and Hans Christenson, took place last evening at St Paul's Episcopal church. It was a very handsome wedding, simple for a church wedding, but beautiful and impressive.
Duluth News Tribune
Thursday, June 13, 1901
St Paul's church has been the scene of many charming fashionable weddings, and the one last evening, when Miss Lillian Alice Skuse and Mr Hans Christenson were married, added another blillian event to the list. The burch was filled with the friends of the contracting parties, who are well known and popular young people. The church decorations were very beautiful, consisting of palms, smilax and lillacs. The bride was attired in a fetching gown of point d'esprit over libert silk, and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. The simple but impressive marirage ceremony of the Episcopal church was conducted by Dr A W Ryan, rector of St Paul's. There was a fine musical service, which included two solos by Miss McKay and Mrs McAuliffe.
The Duluth Evening Herald
Saturday, June 15, 1901
The marriage of Miss Lillian Alice Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs John J Skuse, and Hans Christenson, took place Wednesday evening at St Paul's Episcopal church. It was a handsome Wedding, plain for a church celebration, but beautiful and impressive. At 8 o'clock the edifice was filled with friends. The church had been artistically draped and ornamented with palms, smilax and potted plants. Mrs James McKindley was the organist, and played a number of seletions before the arrival of the bridal party Miss McKay sang "To the Angels," by Liddel, and Mrs James McCauliffe "Calm As the Night," by Bohm.
The "Lohengrin" wedding march was played as the bridal party entered. The ushers were W L McLennan, Harper W Skuse, Maurice T Bywater and George W Welles. Miss Jeannie McLennan was maid of honor and was gowned in white over white silk ad carried American Beauty roses. The bride was also attended by Miss Kate Boyce and Miss Mildred Cleland, who also wore white over yellow and carried Sunset roses. The bride was with her father and wore a handsome gown of point d'esprit over liberty silk and carried a shower boquet of lillies of the valley.
At the chancel rail the groom and his best man, John M Graham, met the party.
The service was read by Rev A W Ryan, and consisted of the usual betrothal ceremony followed by the marriage ceremony. Duing this the organ played softly. The bridal party left the church to the strains of the Mendelssohn march.
An informal reception was held at the home of Mr an dMrs Skuse in the St Elmo flats. A large number of relatives and friends were present and extended their congratulations. The house was handsomely decorated with lilcacs, roses and smilax.
Mr and Mrs Christenson left for the East on a night train.
The Saint Paul Globe
June 18, 1901
At New York Hotels
News York, June 17.—(Special.)—Following are Northwesterners registering at New York hotels today:
Duluth— J. C. Skuse, Imperial
South New Berlin Bee
Saturday, June 22, 1901
Dimock Hollow
A L Skuse was one of the early ones to get his corn planted and the crows have pulled up the entire field.
Bismarck Weekly Tribune, North Dakota
Thursday, June 27, 1901
At the Buffalo Exposition
Following is the list of North Dakota visitors up to the 23d
From other points—J W Skuse, formerly of Fargo
Victor Herald
5 July 1901
As Mrs. P. M. Skuse was driving home, Tuesday evening, her horse took
fright at a traveling peddler's camp which had been established by the
roadside near the overhead bridge. The carriage was overturned and Mrs.
Skuse thrown down the bank. She was quite seriously bruised and the
carriage was practically wrecked. A warrant was secured for the peddlers
and they were arrested by Constable Brown, who took them before Justice
Norton. After some delay, caused by the men sending to Rochester for
counsel, they concluded to settle the matter and were allowed to do
so by paying the costs and other expenses incurred, amounting to $12.
The Geneva Gazette
Friday, July 12, 1901
Mrs Carrie Bower is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs P M Skuse
Mrs C A Saunders, of Despatch, visited her parents Mr and Mrs P M Skuse, last week.
While driving home from Victor Tuesday evening, Mrs P M Skuse's horse became frightened at a tin peddler's cart beside the road, and turned around throwing himself, buggy and occupant into the dutch, at the foot of an embankment 10 feet high. The carriage was badly broken, Mrs Skuse was considerably bruised and shaken up, but managed to extricate herself from under the wreck, narrowly escaping death. She is recovering slowly but surely. The peddler was arrested and paid costs of the accident.
The Daily News and Batavian
Saturday, August 3, 1901
Mrs Elizabeth Skuse, 46, died in Rochester yesterday.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, August 3, 1901
Elizabeth, wife of Charles Skuse, died at the family residence, Lincoln Park, yesterday, aged 46 years. She is survived by her husband and five children.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, August 8, 1901
Skuse Non-Support Case Called
The case of John Skuse, charged with non-support, was called in police court yesterday. He failed to do so, and the court ordered that he be arrested on eight.
The Victor Herald
Friday, August 9, 1901
Master Irving Saunders of Despatch is spending a part of the summer vacation with his grandmother Mrs P M Skuse.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, September 5, 1901
Mr and Mrs John Skuse and two sons, Mr and Mrs Orville Skuse and daughter, Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse, daughter and son, and Mr and Mrs E O Russell spent Wednesday with Mrs Joseph Boys, it being her 78th birthday.
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, September 19, 1901
Philetus S Skuse
Philetus Swift Skuse died at his home in the town of Reading, near Irelandville, at 1 a.m. Sunday, Sept 15, 1901, after a week's illness, at the advanced age of 86 years. The funeral services were there held, Wednesday of this week, at 2 p.m. Rev L F Ruf, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Watkins, preached an appropriate discourse on the occasion. The burial was by the side of kindred in the County Line Cemetery.
The deceased was of a pioneer Ontario County family, and was born in Phelps, May 11, 1815. While a resident of that place in 1836, he married Catharine Rogers, who previous to her death bore him four children, two of whom are living, viz: Daniel Skuse of Reading, and Mary Skuse, who married firstly the late Egbert Norris and secondly Gilbert S Howard, and now resides in Portland Or.
Mr Skuse became a resident of the town of reading in 1859, locating first west of Irelandville where he remained three years, and then living one year in Starkey. In 1864 he purchased of C W Mathews, the farm on which all his subsequent years were passed. Previousto coming to Reading, Mr Skuse married the widow of Benhamin Burgess, and the mother of the late Marion B Burgess. Her maiden name was Elemnia C Drak, and she was a sister of the late James A Drake of Watkins. The children of Mr and Mrs Skuse were: Philetus S., who died in 1876, aged 21 years; Addie B Skuse, who has cared for her father in his declining years; Fred T Skuse and Charles Skuse, both of Reading, and Eva Skuse, who died in 1893, aged 7 years. The mother died January 30, 1881, and now the father goes to the grave full of years, and after a life commendable in its accomplishment along his lines of labor amid the quietude of rural scenes.
Watkins Express
Thursday, September 19, 1901
The death of Philetus Swift Skuse, one of the honourable and respected citizens of our county, occurred on Sunday his age being eighty six years. He was born in Phelps in 1915 removing to Schyler in 1864 and has since made the town of Reading his home. Three children survive him,—Fred T, Charles and Adaline all of REading. His wife died eightteen years ago. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home, the Rev Mr Buf officiating, and the burial was in the County Line cemetery.
Providence Journal
23 Sept 1901
She Found a Home
Emma Skuce, once a Belle, sent to the State Farm
When she was younger Emma Skuce was pretty well known about the city.
She was handsome then, and she had many admirers. Those were the days
in which Charles Skuce, the gambler, who was tried and acquitted of
murder, was her friend. But her breauty faded years ago, and she is
now a broken-down woman, homeless, friendless and ready to leave the
world she finds so hard, at hardly more than a half-century of life.
The State Farm comes nearer to being home to her than anywhere else.
She said Wednesday that she had been there 22 times, she thought. And
so, when she decided that she would struggle no longer, she thought
of that haven of refuge. Before 7 o'clock she went to the Central Station
and asked for Capt. Matthews.
"I'm Emma Skuce," she said. "You know me. I've got no
home, and I'm tired out. I want to go out on the farm again. You can
charge me with being a vagrant. I'll plead guilty. It will give me a
place to stay during the winter, and I won't have to worry about where
the next meal is coming from."
She sat and waiting in the room of the captain, at the left of the main
entrance, until nearly court time. Then she was taken up the stairs
to the room of Mrs. Tillinghast, the Police Matron, and when Judge Sweetland
opened the Sixth District Court at 9 o'clock she was taken before him.
"You are charged with beingh an idle perosn, living without employment,
and without visible means of support," he said.
The woman stood beside the door leading from the court room into the
women's detention room. She lifted her eyes as she spoke the single
word "Guilty" and then dropped them again.
"Two years at the State Workhouse," said the Judge, and the
woman turned away. She had a home at last.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, September 26, 1901
Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs John Skuse, September 17th, Mr Nelson Baker, after a lingering illnesss. Interment at Wethersfield Springs.
Isabella County Enterprise
Friday, November 8, 1901
John Kent has bought a horse of Mr Skuce.
The Ottawa Free Trader, Illinois
Friday, November 15, 1901
Peter Skuse
When Mrs Peter Skuse awoke at about 6am she found that her aged husband, Peter Skuse had passed away during the night and had evidently been dead several hours when the discovery was made. Mr Skuse was and old resident of this city. Of recent years he was employed by the city on street work. He worked last Saturday morning, but gave up on account of being sick. Since then he has been at home, but did not consider himself ill enough to summon a physician.
Among the children are Mrs Mike Carew and James Skuse, Ottawa; Richard and Peter, and Mrs Ed McGrath, Chicago, and Edward, living in the west.
The statement was made in refrence to the demise of the late Peter Skuse that he was found dead in bed by his wife yesterday morning. Thius was incorrect. Mr Skuse had been ailing since Saturday and between that time and the hour of his death he received medical aid and spiritual consolation. While his death was comparatively sudden, he having been ill but three days, the end was peaceful and was witnessed by his wife, daughter and other members of the family who surrounded him at the hour of his dissolution. The funeral will take place from St Columba church a 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, 2 December 1901
Jane, wife of Daniel Gosnell, died Saturday at the residence, No 18 Angle street, aged 63 years. She is survived by five children, Samuel, Charles, Thomas and Mary Gosnell, all of this city, and Mrs William Molynelux, of Chicago.
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, December 5, 1901
Miss Adaline Skuse of Reading is moving into a portion of the residence of Mrs James A Drake, who is yet at the home of Mr and Mrs Eli S Clark of Greenville, Mich.
Victor Herald
Friday, December 13, 1901
Mrs. Carrie Bower, of Despatch, visited her mother, Mrs P M Skuse, in East Victor, during the past week.
The Arcadian Weekly Gazette
December 25, 1901
Supreme Court—County of Wayne.
... bretween Elisha Skuse and Lydia Skuse, plaintiffs, and Jonas Leland and others, defendants, of the first part, and Jesse Richards of the second part, said deed of conveyance is dated the 31st of December, 1849, to which said deed reference is here by had. ...
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, December 26, 1901
Fred T Skuse has become a resident of this village, having moved from Reading into the house of Mrs Martha Spencer, on South Franklin Street.
The Saint Paul Glove
January 20, 1902
Minnesota, Mankato
Mr Schipper and daughter Miss Ida, of Le Mars, Iowa, are the guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse
Geneva Daily Times
22 January 1902
The supervisors of the county have handed in the names of those selected
to act as grand jurors from the several towns of the county during the
year 1902. Those named for towns of this vicinity are as follows:
Town of Geneva - John M. Skuse
Irish American Weekly
February 15, 1902
The marriage is announced on January 15, at Cahans Church, by the Rev J Henry, Allan Richard Evenason Skuce, of the National Bank, Dundalk, youngest son of the late Charles Skuce of Durries, County Cork, to Maud Elizabeth youngest daughter of the late Dr. Robert Hamilton Reed of Slieverue, Monahan.
Irish American Weekly
Saturday, March 8, 1902
Baily—Carroll—Feb 11, at St James', Spanish place, London, by the Very Rev. Canon Gildea, J. T. Herbert Baily, of 123 Bedford Court Mansion, second son of the late James Skuse Baily, of Birmingham, to Rita, daughter of the late John S Carroll, 24 Gardiner's place, Dublin.
The Saint Paul Glove
March 3, 1902
The Linden Whist club held a meeting with Mr and Mrs Skuse Saturday night.
The Mt Morris Union
Thursday, March 6, 1902
Heroic Work of the Life Saving Crew
An amusing as well as thrilling incident of the recent flood, was the resuce Saturday of Florence Sullivan, with two guests, Sir James Skuse and Whalebone Murphy, from the Sullivan residence located about an eighth of a mile below the electric light plant, on the banks of the old tail-race.
On Friday night this trio of notables went to bed in the little cottage at peace with all the world little dreaming that ere morning they would be in the center of a great lake. They are three notables indeed, and we hope none will ever meet with the fate which stared them in the face Saturday morning. Sullivan is a warrior of renow and is one of the few old boys left who followed Sherman to the sea. Sir James Skuse is also a man who fought and bled for his county, and those whose record as a man of valor is surpassed by none who worse the blue. He traces his ancestry back to that famed Irish king, Biran Borohmn, and is proud of the royal blood that courses through his veins. Whalebone Murphy comes also from blue blooded Irish stock. He gets his name from the fact that he never goes broke and is rarely ever bent.
When the water first began to enter the cottage in the early morning Sullivan remarked to his companions that they would "hold their own" and Sir James replied, "Yes sir, we will." Murphy said nothing, but looked wise. Slowly the water rose, one foot, two feet, three feet, and all three were obliged to climb on the table to keep out of the wet. Then a consultation was held and it was decided to appeal to the outside world for assistance, and for once Sullivan was obliged to admit that he could "hold his own" no longer, and Skuse said, "No sir", probably for the first time in his life. The door of the cottage was thrown open and each in turn cried aloud for assistance.
About this tinme, Miller Dickey of the Galbraith Milling Co was taking a survey of his chicken house which contained a hundred thoroughbred chickens and which was then four feet under water. He heard the cry for help and realizing the perilous situation of the three men decided that heroic measures must be taken quickly, as the water was rapidly rising. Masters Lambert Olp and Wilson Prophet were near at hand and they were drafted into the life saving crew. Three huge telephone poles found floating along in the water nearby were soon made into a strong raft by nailking boards across them and in short order the three mariners were ready to sail away. Poles in hand they started out amid the cheers of the crowd that by this time had gathered at the foot of Mill hill. Over the angry waters and over the fences sped the big raft, a strong effort being required to keep it out of the current of the tail race. Dickey took command and with the able assistance of his two mates Olp and Prophet, the raft soon reached the cottage where the water had risen to a height of five feet, and as there is not attic in the house it can readily be seen what a dangerous position the three imprisoned men were in.|
They were soon aboard, carpet bags and all, Sullivan remarking as the craft put out to sea, "We held our own, Dick", and Sir James said, "Yes sir." The trip back to the landing place was no easy task, but the sailors were cheered with encouraging words from Sullivan, Sir James and Murphy, and after an hours struggle a landing was made, and the three men, with many thanks to their rescuers, stepped once more on terra firma.
The life saving crew received three cheers and a tiger from the assembled crowd.
The Orleans Republican
May 14, 1902
West Kendall
T B Skuse, wife and daughter Marion, of Rochester, visted at Hiram Acker's last Wednesday.
The Holley Standard
Thursday, May 15, 1902
West Kendall
Mr and Mrs T B Skuse, of Rochester, visited at Hiram Acker's last week.
Buffalo Evening News
Wednesday, June 4, 1902
Ran away from Home
Two Adventuous Youths from Rochester Arrested here on Charge of Being Tramps
Patrolmen Sweeney and Hearn of the Pearl Street Station arrested Robert Skuse and Charles Wandtke, each 15 years old, yesterday afternoon on the charge of being tramps. At the station house the boys said their homes were in Rochester, and that they ran away and came to Buffalo on freight cars. Skuse said his father beat him for keeping part of his week's salary, and he thought he would run away and get a job in some city where he would not have to turn over his earnings to his parents.
The boys were arraigned before Judge Rochford this morning. The Judge turned them over the Supt. of Poor Long. He will send them back to Rochester.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, June 26, 1902, Page 3, Vol. XXXVII, No. 26
Real Estate Transfers
Dated 30 May, 1902, Evelyn Skuce to Francis Skuce, lot in Raymondville,
consideration $200
Philadelphia Inquirer
June 28, 1902
Corry, Pa., June 27—There was great excitment here to-day caused by an alleged attempt at kidnapping, by Peter Skuse, the victim being a 8-year-old daughter of Martin McGarw. The child threw herself from the buggy in which....
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, June 30, 1902
Caught in Novel Theft
A bold attempt at robbery of ground wire, on the line of the electric road between Seneca Falls and Waterloo, was made and frustrated yesterday morning. Lawrence Skuse, of Waterloo, an employee of the company, missed the last car at Seneca Falls, and started to walk home. He found two men on the hill just west of Kingdom removing the wire from the rails, and returned to Seneca Falls, where he notified Mr Gray, the road superintendent. Accompanied by an officer they returned and found the thieves still at work. When within a few rode one of the robbers opened fire upon the approaching party, who returned it with vigor. Then the thieves, finding it a warm locality, disappeared. They recovered about 150 pounds of wire which lay piled up by the track, worth as junk 10 cents a pound.
The Randolph Register
July 4, 1902
Peter Skuse in Trouble
Ex-Randolph Man Accused of Attempted Abduction
The following special from Corry appeared in the Buffalo Times of Saturday:
Great excitment was caused here yesterday by an alleged attempt at kidnapping. The victim was the eight year old daughter of Martin McGraw. She was being driven away by Peter Skuse when, becoming frightened, she threw herself to the highway, sustaining severe injuries. Skuse was arrested.
(Peter Skuse spent the early part of his life in Randolph and was known as a quiet and inoffensive man and it is through probable there is some mistake in regard to his alleged action in Corry).
The San Francisco Call
August 24, 1902
Barracouta Sails
The Pacific Mail Company's steamship Barracouta, which arrived here March 18, 1901, from Panama and has been lying idel since, sailed yesterday for the isthmus and way ports. She carried 1400 tons of freight, which included 1450 of Carlifornia wine, and passengers as follows:
J C Duval, C A Hoffman, Thomas Skuse, High Nordman and G Schroeder.
The Farmer Review, NY
Friday, September 26, 1902
Miss Sarah E Scott will leave next week for Oklahoma, accompanied by Mrs Emma Skuse and daughter Keene, of Geneva.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, Sepetember 11, 1902
September 3d Mr and Mrs John Skuse, Mr and Mrs O H Skuse and daughter, Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse and daughter, Mrs Fred Tullett and son spent the afternoon with Mrs Joseph Boyes it being her 79th birthday. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
Providence Journal
Thursday, 18 Sept 1902
The grand jury also brought an indictment against Frank
L Miller on the carge of attempt to have carnal knowledge of a girl
under the age of consent. The complaint was brought against the defendant
at the instance of Ethel Skuce, daughter of the defendant's wife. The
defendant is at present at the jail at Cranston, where he was removed
from Bristol Jail about two months ago. Through some misunderstanding,
he was not present in court yesterday. Miller is to be arraigned on
the indictment Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock.
The Otsego Farmer
September 26, 1902
Mrs J Skuse and son of Milford, visited at John Bresee's Friday. Mrs Skuse and Mrs Bresee visited a sick sister in Hartwick. Mr Bresee entertained his brother from Broome county over the Sabbath.
Isabella Country Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, September 26, 1902
Mr Skuse has bought the log house from Mr Cluley and will move it onto his farm for a stable.
Geneva Advertiser-Gazette
Tuesday, October 21, 1902
Mrs Emma Skuse and her daughter Miss Keene, have gone to Englewood, Oklahomoa, to remain a year. She has a brother there, Sinclare Scott, a large ranchman.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, November 18, 1902
Police Court
Rochester, NY, Nov 17, 1902
James Skuse, intoxication; judgment suspended.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, December 31, 1902
Thomas Nelson and Wife, Martin Nelson, John Skuse and wife, Ada Skuse, Mrs Laura Roberts and Mrs Laura Baker were Christmas guests of John Nelson and wife.
Victor Herald
Friday, January 15, 1903
Mr and Mrs John Clapperton entertained their niece Miss Ruth Skuse and friend Miss Berryman of Geneva over the week-end.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, January 29, 1903
Mrs Carrie Bowers, who had been seriously ill with typhoid fever at Geneva several weeks, has improved sufficiently to be brought to the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs P M Skuse, here.
The Massena Observer
Thrsday, February 26, 1903
Mr Skuce, of Ottawa, Ont., is here looking after his interests. He owns the blacksmith shop and brick house and lot.
The Victor Herald
Friday, March 6, 1903
John McInerney and Norman Bowers of Despatch spent Sunday at the home of P S Skuse.
Mrs John McInerney of Despatch visited Mrs P M Skuse for the past week. Mrs McInverness was formerly Miss Jessie Sidell of this town.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Wednesday, March 18, 1903
Garnet St, n s 60 ft w Smith st, ?? h&i, Thos J Skuse and Marrietta R Skuse, heirs Hannah Skuse and James R Skuse, to Annie King. nom
Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
April 13, 1903
Mr an Mrs John Magee, Jr., of Reynolds street, entertained Mr and Mrs James Skuse of Yatesville, at their home yesterday.
San Francisco Call
Saturday, April 18, 1903
Marriage Licenses
Francis J Skuce, 32, 41 Boyd street, and Annie F Norton, 27, 723-1/2 Natoma Street.
Hudson Post, Michigan
July 10, 1903
Orson W Skuse, son of Elisha & Sarah Skuse, born in Lyons, Wayne Co, NY. Oct 10, 1831, and died July 1, 1903 of apoplexy.
Came to Michigan at age of 16. Mother died in childhood days, and the family was broken up and he made his home with his aunt. At the age of 29, he married Miss Martha Jane Williams, Sept 9, 1860. They had 1 son, Fayette D Skuse, of Chicago. Survived by his wife and son. Burial in village cemetery in Pittsford.
Buffalo Courier
Tuesday, September 3, 1903
Haste Ends in His Arrest
John W K Skuse gets into Trouble After Labor Day Parade
John W K Skuse; a steamfitter from ROchester, got into trouble in Main Street yesterday morning, just after the Labor DAy parade had passed. Skuse was in a hurry to cross the street and was jostling several persons, it is said. Star L N Barber of No 36 Arlington Place is said to have knocked Skuse's hat off as a means of preventing the other from rushing through the crowd.
There was an argument then. It was followed by a fight. Skuse, the police say, struck Barber. At any rate, Patrolmen Daniels and Betzen arrested Skuse on a charge of assault, third degree.
Ontario Repositry-Messenger
Thursday, September 10, 1903
John Welsh, aged 16 years, who lived on the Skuse farm two miles north of this city, came to town Thursday to visit a dentist, left his wheel at his grandmother's, and had not been seen or heard from since. His father is making every effort to locate him.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, October 7, 1903
John Skuse is grandpa once more; the young lady has been named Irene Dorothy. Her parents are Louis Merville and wife.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday Evening, October 13, 1903
Mr Skuce arrived here yesterday from Cayuga lake where he purchased
a new thirty-foot launch. The craft is a steam yacht and one of the
prettiest on Seneca lake.
Geneva Daily Times
Friday Evening, October 16, 1903
Mr Skuce has a new steam yacht called the Katyl. The boat is moored
in the harbor.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday Evening, October 19, 1903
Mr Skuse has christened his house boat "Ref Jacket." The boat is one of the many of its kind in the harbor.
Victor Herald
Friday, October 30, 1903
Mrs P M Skuse who has been ill at her home at East Victor is somewhat better.
The St Lous Republic
December 18, 1903
Rough Reception for Police
Skuse and Reilly Attempt to Clean out the Burlington
Malicious destruction of property, assault and battery, disturbing the pease and resisting officers are charges pending against Thomas J Skuse and Joseph J Reilly, who, swathed in bandages, are prisoners in the Four Courts holdover.
Patrolmen Uhlrich and Waddell, who have their hands wrapped in bandages and bear a few scratches to show that they have been in a fight, make the charges. S L Kraemer, manager of the Burlington Hotel, No 1622 Market street, is their chief witness.
Skuse and Reilly are railroad men. In some way they, with a third man, who escaped got into a room at the Burlington Hotel yesterday afternoon. Kraemer attempted to eject them. Then they proceeded to clean out the hotel, and had very nearly accomplished the task when the policemen arrived.
They attacked the patrolmen. They kept up the fight after being put into the patrol wagon, and renewed it at the City Dispensary, but were finally placed in the holdover.
The Morning Oregonian
Wednesday, January 6, 1904
At the Hotels
The Imperial
H W Skuse, city
Geneva Advertiser, NY
26 Jan 1904
The following have been drawn to serve as jurors at a
term of Supreme court to convene in Canandaigua on Monday, February
1, 1904:
John M. Skuse - Geneva
Waterloo Observer and Democrat
March 4, 1904
On Tuesday morning Clarence Skuse a street car employee, was caught between two trolley cars and quite severely injured. He is being cared for Dr George W Clark.
The San Francisco Call
Sunday, March 13, 1904, Page 46
Skuce—In this city, February 23, 1904, to the wife of Frank J Skuce,
a daughter.
Geneva Daily Times
30 March 1904
Phelps, N. Y. - The highway commissioners have appointed
the following pathmasters for Phelps to serve for the coming year:
..., Frank P. Skuse, ...
Geneva Daily Times
Sunday Evening, April 11, 1904
J C Skuse, a former Genevan, writes from Santa Barbara, Cal., that
he is now located in that city.
Geneva Advertiser, NY
April 12, 1904
Last Saturday an extra panel of jurors was drawn in Canandaigua, from
which twelve men will be chosen for the trial of Edward Sexton for murder.
In the list we find the following:
Phelps: Frank P. Skuse
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, April 21, 1904
Fred T Skuse has taken the Gil Roberts farm in Reading and will conduct that as well as the County Line farm, this season. Fred raises the finest cabbage in the land.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Thursday, May 19, 1904
Mr Dumas has purchased the house and lot belonging to F L Skuce and will occupy it soon.
Geneva Daily Times
Friday Evening, May 20, 1904 (Condensed version printed in Waterloo Observer and Democrat, 3 June 1904)
Kitchen Shower
Mrs Skuse of Waterloo was Caught in it Yesterday
A party of sixteen Geneva women journeyed to Waterloo yesterday afternoon on the 2 o'clock car to surprise their friend, Mrs H E Skuse, formerly of this city. The surprise was in honor of the occupancy of her new home and consisted in a shower of kitchen utensils, including tinware, enamelware and china.
Mrs Skuse's new home is located along the line of the trolley about a mile this side of Waterloo and consisted of a five-room cottage which is built on architectural lines resembling an Indian bungalow. While the construction of the cottage is Americanized to admit all the luxuries of western life, the Oriental ideas of having all of the rooms on the ground floor is carried out, as well as providing one large living room. In this room which has a heavy wooden ceiling and a spacious fire place, light refreshments were served.
One of the features of the event was that all of the five sisters of Mrs Skuse were present. They are Mrs Jacob Borrom and Mrs Mary Covert of Farmer, Mrs Augustus Page of Waterlool Mrs John Skuse and Mrs N B Covert of Geneva, Other guests present were as follows: Mrs Homer Borrom, Mrs LeRoy Bradley, Miss Anna Borrom of Farmer; Mrs L M Page of Clifton Springs; Mrs R B Cov4ert, Seneca Falls; Mrs Bairds, Mrs Day, Miss Mary Beaid of Waterloo; Mrs S F Dey, Mrs D D Moore, Mrs Jensen, Mrs George Fairfax, Mrs E B Van Houten, Mrs H G Reynolds, Mrs Austin, Mrs Chauncey Sheffield, Mrs Orville Skuse, Mrs O D Allen, Mrs Charles Wooley, Mrs H W Erskine, Mrs E A Walton, Mrs Frank Skuse and Miss Mary Skuse of Geneva.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, 8 June 1904
D M Dorman, owner of the Mizpah, and Mr Skuce, owner of the Adelaide,
has a little trip Sunday. Both craft showed up well under full steam.
The Sunday Oregonian
Sunday, June 19, 1904
At the Hotels
The Portland
J J Skuse, wife, Spokane
Seattle Daily Times
Thursday, October 6, 1904
Pleads Not Guilty
Frank Skuce, charged with burglary, was arraigned in Justice Gordon's court this morning and pleaded not guildy. Skuce is alleged to have entered the room of Leo Frank in the Homestead House and to have stolen clothing. He will be given a preliminary hearing Ocotober 12.
Flushing Daily Times
Friday, October 14, 1904
Charge of Assault was Not Proven
The case of Richard Skeuse, of 13 Broadway, against Samuel Davis, colored, of Prince street, was in the Flushing Police Court today before Magistrate Smith.
Skeuse charged the defendant of assaulting him and cutting him several times with a sharp instrument in the face and neck.
The complainant was represented by Lawyer John J Trapp, and Lawyer Walter Bahan appeared for the defendant.
Skeuse was the first witness called. He testified that he and the defendant had been working in the barn of Abrew & Yager on the night of September 29. According to the testimony of the complainant, Davis had accused Skeuse of hitting his horse, and when he declared he had not touched the horse, the defendant had jumped upon him with some sharp instrument. He could not positively declare that he was struck with a knife, though a knife had been found in the barn near the sort where the fight had occured the next morning.
Valentine Mott next took the stand. He told the court that he had not seen the first part of the quarrel, but he had arrived in time to see Skeuse hit the defendant in the head with a halter, and had pulled them apart. He noticed, however, the numerous cuts on Skeuse, though no knife or other sharp instrument was visible. Mr Abrew, who witnessed part of the fight, and who employs both men, was next called and his testimony favored the defendant, the witness giving the court the impression that on the night of the quarrel Skeuse was slightly under the influence of liquor, and that he had provoked the quarrel.
Officer Wright, next on the stand, testified as to the arrest of Davis on the complaint of a negro woman, who told the officer that a man, who was either durnk or crazy, was annoying the neighbors in Prince street. At this time Officer Wright had not known of his prison's quarrel with Skeuse and was not aware of this fight until the station was reached and Skeuse made the charge of assault against Davis.
In answer to the questions of the court Officer Wright restified that Davis was under the influence of liquor and that the complainant was apparently sober.
Roundsman Schaefer, who was in the station house at the time, corroborated Officer Wright's statements.
There was, however, no direct evidence that the defendant had used a knife and Magistrate Smith discharged him.
Previous to the trial Davis was held in a bond of $500, whcih was furnished by Harry B Peace.
The Mt Morris Union
Thursday, October 28, 1904
Sir James Skuse, an old Mt Morris reisdent who has been sojouring at the Soldiers Home at Bath, is here for a short visit with the boys. Mr Skuse says the old soldiers live like kings at the Home.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday Evening, November 8, 1904
The Misses Gosnell of Rochester spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Skuse
Amsterdam Evening Recorder
Wednesday, December 7, 1904
Miss Elizabeth Skuse of Rochester is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs E H Burns, No 168-1/2 Division street.
Cheboygan Democrat, Michigan
Friday, December 9, 1904
Real Estate Transfers
Edwin B Walters to Floid Skuse, sw 1/2 of sw 1/4 of section 26 town 35 n 1 e, Waverly township; $100
The Spokane Press
Monday, January 16, 1905
Spokane High School Graduating Program
... Waldo Webster Skuse, ...
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, February 20, 1905
Ear Nearly Torn Off
Elderly Man Roughly Handled in Battle with Stepson
William Hudson will be arraigned in police court this morning on a charge of assault on his stepfather, Charles Skuse, of No 382 State street. Hudson was arrested by Skuse late Saturday night and turned over to Patrolman McC??, Skuse was badly bandied in the encounter.
Hudson lives with his stepfather and mother. He returned home Saturday night intoxicated, and it is alleged that the fight was because of this. The room in which the battle took place was in great disorder at the conclusion of the mill.
Skuse received serious bruises about the face and one of his ears was badly torn. Skuse is more than 50 years of age and is of large physique. Hudson, who is much young and of still larger proportions, is a coal bearer.
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, March 9, 1905
Daniel Skuse
Daniel Skuse, a well known resident of Reading, died at his home in that town Monday morning, aged 67 years. He had been ill several weeks.Mr Skuse is survived by one son and three daughters—Bert, who resides at home; Mrs John Ector of Sugar Hill, and Mrs William Berry, of Watkins. His wife died about three years ago. The deceased also leaves two half-brothers, Fred and Charles Skuse, and one half sister Miss Addie Skuse. The funeral was conducted at the house Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, and the interment was in the County Line cemetery.
Watkins Express
Thursday, March 9, 1905
Daniel D Skuse, for many years an estimable zitizen of Reading, passed from this life on Monday, March 6, being found dead in his bed. He was born in Phelps, Ontario Co., sixty-eight years ago, but accompanied his father to Schuyler in 1864, and had since been a resident of the town in which he died. His father the late Philetus Swift Skuse, died in September, 1901, at the age of 86 years, and Mrs Fannie E Skuse, wife of Daniel died in February, 1902. Deceased leaves two children, Bert Skuse of Reading and Mrs Berry of this village. Half brothers of the deceased are Fred T and Charles and there is a half sister, Adaline. The funeral was held yesterday at the home, Rev Mr Beardalee officiating and the burial in the family lot in the County Line Cemetery.
Elmira Telegram, Elmira, NY
Wednesday, March 12, 1905
Daniel Skuse, a well known resident of Reading, died at his home in
that town on Monday morning, aged sixty-seven years. He had been ill
several weeks. Mr Skuse is survived by one son and three daughters:
Bert, who resides at home; Mrs John Ector, of Sugar Hill; and Mrs. William
Berry, of Watkins. His wife died about three years ago. The deceased
also leaved two half-brothers: Fred and Charles Skuce, and one half-sister,
Miss Addie Skuse.
Democrat & Chronicle
Thurs, March 16, 1905
Page 19
Letters of administration were issued upon the $550 estate of Frank Skuse to James Skuse, father of the decedent.
The New York Herald
Monday, May 15/Tuesday, May 16, 1905/Wednesday, May 17, 1905
Skuse—On Sunday, May 14, 1905, at her residence 330A President st, Brooklyn, Katherine J Williams, wife of Thomas J Skuse. Funeral from her late residence on Wednesday, May 17, 1905 at nine o'clock; thence to St Agnes' Church, where a requiem mass will be offered.
Watkins Express
Thursday, June 22, 1905
Death of Mrs Fred T Skuse
Mrs Fred T Skuse died during the night of Saturday, June 17, 1905, at her home on the Dr Goltry farm in Reading, and alone at the time with her two daughters, aged about 9 and 11 years. Her husband has been absent for a few weeks in North Dakota, where he went with the idea of lacating and having his family join him later.
The death of Mrs Skuse followed an illness of about ten days, her malady having been diagnosed by Dr Bartholomew of Reeading Ceter as diptheria. The burial occurred on Sunday afternoon in the County Line cemetery, Rev Willis Brooks conducting services at the grave. The deceased was about 34 years of age. She was twice married, her first husband having been Albert Tunis, a former resident of Tyrone. A younger sister, Mrs Bert Skuse of Reading, is ill at present of the same disease that caused the sad death as briefly chronicled above.
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, June 22, 1905
Little Freda Skuse, of Irelandville, who was seriously ill with diphtheria at the time of her mother's death, is said to be some better; but her sister, Margie, now has the same malady and is in critical condition
Watkins Democrat
Sunday, June 25, 1905
Very Sad Occurence
Mrs Fred Skuse a Victim of Dipthteria
Died in the Night Alone with Her Two Small Children
The death of Mrs Fred T Skuse, of Reading, occurred some time during Saturday night under extremely sad circumstances. Mrs Skuse had been ill about ten days and we undertand that it was not until Friday that Dr Bartholomew diagnosed her malady as diphtheria and placarded the house. Up th the time the quarantine was established women of the neighborhood looked after the sick woman, but there-after she was left alone.
It is not known at what time of the night Mrs Skuse died as she and her two small daughters, aged about 9 and 11 years, were alone in the house. The little ones awakened in the morning to find their mother cold in dead.
The family resided in the tenement house on the Dr Goltry farm this side of Irelandville. John Wasson who lives in the big house and works the farm, went to the Skuse house Sunday morning to inquire after the condition of the family only to learn that death had invaded the home. Funeral Director Haas was summoned and he prepared the body for burial. The interment was made in the County Line cemetery Sunday afternoon. Rev Willis Brooks condiucting a brief service at the grace.
The youngest of the two children is now ill, probably of the same disease, and Mrs Charles Beckwith, of this village, has been sent there to care for her. Mr Skuse is in North Dakota, where he went a few weeks ago to look for employment.
Mrs Skuse was about 34 years of age. Prior to her marriage to Mr Skuse she was the wife of Albert Tunis, a former resident of Tyrone.
Monday Dr Barnes was called to the home of John T Love, west of this village, to attend Mrs Bert Skuse, who is ill with diptheria. She is said to have contracted the disease from the youngest child of Mrs Fred Skuse, that lately visited there.
Several other persons have been exposed, and there is considerable excitement over the matter.
Elmira Telegram
Sunday, June 25, 1905
The death of Mrs Fred T Skuse, of Reading, occurred some time during Saturday night under extremely sad circumstances. Mrs Skuse had been ill about ten days and we undertand that it was not until Friday that her malady was diagnosed as diphtheria and the house placarded. Up to the time of the quarantine was established women of the neighborhood looked after the sick woman, but thereafter she was left alone. It is not known at what time of the night Mrs Skuse died as she and her two small daughters, aged about nine and eleven years were alone in the house. The little ones awakened in the morning to find their mother dead. The family resided in the tenement house on the Dr Goltry farm this side of Irelandville. John Wasson, who lives in the big house and works the farm, went to the Skuse house Sunday morning to inquire after the condition of the farmily only to learn that death had invaded the home. Funeral Director Haas' was summonded and he prepared the body for burial. The interment was made in the County Line cemetery Sunday afternoon. Rev Willis Brooks conducting a brief service at the grave. The youngest of the two children is now ill, probably of the same disease, and Mrs Charles Beckwith, of this village, has been sent there to care for her. Mr Skuse is in North Dakota, where he went a few weeks ago to look for employment. Mrs Skuse was about thirty-four years of age. Prior to her marriage to Mr Skuse she was the wife of Albert Tunis, a former resident of Tyrone. Dr Barnes has been called to the home of John T Love, west of this village, to attend Mrs Bert Skuse, who is ill with diphtheria. She is said to have contracted the disease from the youngest child of Mrs Fred Skuse, who lately visited there. Several other persons have been exposed, and there is considerable excitement over the matter.
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, June 29, 1905
Diphtheria Patients Better
The little children of the late Mrs Fred T Skuse, of Irelandville, who have been seriously ill with diphteria since the death of their mother, are on the way to recory. There is also much improvement in the condition of Mrs Bert Skuse, and she expects soon to leave her bed. No new cases are reported in that neighborhood.
We are informed by residents of Irelandville that the cellar of the house occupied by Fred Skuse family has contained for several seeks a large quantity of decayed vegetables, probably 50 or 60 bushels. This probably was the cause of the disease.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, July 6, 1905
Skuse—Crouch—At Geneva June 28th, Miss Hattie Crouch of Seneca Falls to Clarence Skuse of Waterloo.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, July 19, 1905
Mrs Lydia Skuse, is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia in her eyes.
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentienl
Friday, July 28, 1905
Mrs Frank Skuse, with her little daughter, of Mankato, Minn, are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs H Skipper.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, August 17, 1905
Clifton Springs
John Skuse and wife and Mrs John Moore are at the 1,000 Islands.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday Evening, August 21, 1905
Clifton Springs
William Skuse, of Rochester, is visiting his uncle Mr John Skuse and family.
Watkins Democrat
Thursday, August 31, 1905
Miss Addie Skuse returned yesterday to her duties in the Thomas Indian school, near Buffalo.
Daily Register Gazette, Rockford, Illinois
Monday, September 25, 1905
Mrs J C Putnam, mother of Miss Lillian Skuse of this city, died Saturday in the town of Bradford. The deceased was 68 years of age and was a native of Perthsire, Scotland, coming to this counrty when 19 years of age. She came to Rock county 40 years ago.
Janesville Daily Gazette
September 27, 1905
Page 6
County News
Fairfield, Sept 26, Miss Lillian Skuse of Beloit and Mrs Wm Barriage and James Skuse of Marshalltown, Iowa, were called here last week by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs J C Putnam.
Janesville Daily Gazette
Friday, September 29, 1905
James Skuse returned to Marshalltown, Iowa last Monday.
The Minneapolis Journal
October 12, 1905
Tracy, Minn—A pretty wedding took place today at the home of Mr and Mrs H A Cole, when their daughter, Grace, was given in marriage to John C Skuse of Mankato. The bride received many handsome presents. Rev. W D Stires officiated.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, October 20, 1905
Denver Doings
Chas Skuse is building 240 rods of woven wire fence on his farm.
Jamestown Evening Journal
Monday, October 23, 1905
Personal Mention
Miss Anna Skuse returned home today to Meadville after visiting Miss Mayme Slattery.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, November 1, 1905
Married on Tuesday, October 24th at the parsonage of St Clemen's Church, Wetherfield Springs, Mr Charles Nelson Gardner to Mrs Alyda Rosina Skuse both of the town of Wethersfield, by the Rev J Edmund Battin, rector of said Church.
Silver Springs Signal
Thursday, November 9, 1905
Charles Gardner of Wethersfield Springs and Mrs Lida Skuse of Wethersfield were married Oct 24th.
The Mt Morris Union
Thursday, December 7, 1905
James Skuse, a resident of this village for many years died last week at the Bath Soldiers Home.
Picket Line Post, Mt Morris, NY
Friday, December 9, 1905
Amanda Skuse, wife of John G Skuse, died at her home in Rochester Tuesday
morning, aged 48 years.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, February 8, 1906
Guilty of Arson his Plea
Frank Skuse Caught Firing Saloon by Policeman Ireland
Frank Skuse pleaded guilty to a charge of arson to police court yesterday morning. The maximum penalty is forty years in prison. He was held to await Grand Jury active. Skuse was caught by Patrolman Ireland yesterday morning puting fire to the saloon of Charles A Keltz, No 165 Commercial street. This is the third attempt to set fire to the place. Skuse said at headquarters that he wished to burn the place to force his wife to return to live with him.
About two weeks ago employees of the Rochester Railway Company found oil-soaked rags smouldering against the building. The first attempt to set the place was made less than six months ago, when the same course was adopted. Policeman Ireland saw Skuse as he lighted the match early yesterday morning and grabbed him. Holding him prisoner, he stamped out the flames.
The police saw Skuse had been reported by his wife, who grew tired of working for him. She left him and had since earned a living by working for Mr Keltz. Skuse, it is said, endeavored to effect a reconciliation, but failed. A number of persons were asleep in the building , it is said, and it is possible that the action of the patrolman saved lives.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, February 15, 1906
Frank Skuse has admitted that he fired the Keltz saloon on Commercial st., Rochester, early Saturday. He was angry because his wife had left him to work for the Keltz family, and took that means of revenge. Watchman's promptness saved the property.
Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, February 20, 1906
Mr and Mrs James Skuce, of Yatesville, spent a few days as the guest of councilman John B Magee and wife, of Reynolds street.
Democrat & Chronicle
Tuesday, March 6 1906 / Wednesday, March 7 1906
Skuse—In this city, on Monday, March 5, 1906, Elizabeth, daughter of James and Martha Skuse, aged 24 years and 11 months.
—The funeral will take place from the family residence, No. 61 Ontario street, on Thursday at 2:30 P. M.
Ontario Repository-Messenger
Thursday, March 8, 1906
Oaks Corners
Miss Lena Skuse has been graduated from the New York Hospital as a trained nurse.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, March 23, 1906
More Important Cases
Frank Skuse, indicted for arson, is charged with having set fire to a house owned by Patrick Culhane, endangering the lives of thirteen persons, to wit: Charles A Kelts, Sarah A Kelts, John Kelts, Marie Keltz, John Tentany, William Cornwall, John Meskill, Edward Stevenson, Adolf Hohman and Mrs Frank Skuse.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 25, 1906
Frank Skuse, arson, first degree; not guilty, trial April 9th.
Canandaigua Chronicle
Wednesday, 4 April 1906
Near Geneva, Ernest Waterman of Geneva and Miss Mae Skuse
of Skuse's Corners.
Ontario Repository-Messanger
Thursday, April 5, 1906
Waterman-Skuse—In Geneva, March 28th, Ernest Waterman and Mae Skuse.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, April 5, 1906
On Wednesday evening, March 28, there took place one of the prettiest weddings that one never forgets in a lifetime. It was at the home of Mr and Mrs Orville H Skuse at Skuse Corners on the Lyons road. Their daughter Miss Mae Skuse was united in marriage to Mr Ernest Waterman of Geneva, by Rev C E Jewell of the First Methodist church.
The spacious home was beautifully decorated with evergreen. There were present friends form Lyons, Trumansburg, Interlaken, Waterloo, Newark Valley, Clifton Springs, Geneva and from the immediate neighborhood. Precisely at half past six the bridal party entered the parlor and took their places beneath the wedding bell that hun in the pretty arch above them.
After the ceremony and congratulations music and a wedding supper were in order. A little later in the evening the young couple slipped out of the house into a carriage and away for parts unknown to many of the friends. It is expected however that they will appear in due time and that they will make their home on the farm with Mr and Mrs Skuse. The wedding gifts were many and beautiful.
Bath Farmers Advocate
April 16, 1906
The People of the State of New York—By the grace of God, free and independent:—To Johanna Skuse, Thomas Skuse, Margaret Pennick, Thos. G Skuse, Daniel A. Skuse, heirs at law and next of kin, legatees and devisees of James Skuse, late of the town of Bath. In the County of Steuben, State of New York, deceased Greeting: You, and each of you, are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear in the Surrogate's Court of the said County of Steuben, before our Surrogate of said County, at the office of the Surrogate in the village of Bath, in said County, on the 23d day of April , 1906, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the proof and probate of the late Will and Testament of said deceased, whcih related to both real and personal estate, and is presented for proof by John F Farrell, Executor therein named and hereof fall not; and each and all of the persons hereby cited, or interested in the said matter and proceeding who are under the age of twenty-one years, are notified and required to appear by guardian, if such they have, or, if they have none, to appear and apply for one to be appointe; or in the event of their failure to do so, a special guardian will be appointed to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to appear and act for them in the proceeding.
Duluth News-Tribune
Sunday, May 13, 1906
Mr and Mrs Christensen, 1612 East Third street, are entertaining Mr and Mrs J J Skuse of Spokane.
Morning Oregonian
Tuesday, June 5, 1906
New York, June 4.(Special.)-Northwestern people registered today as follows:
From Spokane—J. J. Skuse, at the Algonquin
Rushford Spectator
June 14, 1906
John VanDyke and Laura Roberts went to Wethersfield Sunday to visit her folks, John Skuse and family.
Los Angeles Herald
Saturday Morning, June 30, 1906
Marriage Licenses
Skuse-Stewart—Mathew H Skuse, aged 30, a native of Canada and resident of Redlands; and Helena E Stewart, aged 26, a native of Canada and resident of Redlands.
Ontario Repository-Messanger
Thursday, July 19, 1906
Miss Alice K Gosnell is visiting at John Skuse's
Misses Sadie and Maidie Gosnell and Florence Hunt of Rochester were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
Ontario Repository-Messanger
Thursday, August 2, 1906
Mrs C A Saunders and daughter Beryl of Despatch are at I B Skuse's.
Mrs Harry Johnson and daughter of Geneva were recent guests at I B Skuse's.
Ellsworth Messanger, Kansas
Thursday, August 23, 1906
Misses Ethel and Bessie Skuse, of Kansas City, are the guests of Miss Pansy Waters west of town.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, August 30, 1906, Page 4, Vol. XXXX. 35
Lisbon Center
Mrs. Maxley and daughter of Watertown. are guests of Mrs. Skuse
The Hawaiian Star
August 30/31, 1906
Passengers Arrived
Per OSS Ventura, August 29 from San Francisco.—For Honolulu: ... Mr and Mrs E Skuse and child, ...
Ontario Repository Messenger
Thursday, September 13, 1906
Mr and Mrs John Skuse and Mrs John Moore attended the Toronto Fair.
Geneva Daily Times
17 September 1906
Mary Boyes, aged 83 years, died at 1:30 o'clock this morning at her
home about four miles north of this city on the Lyons road. The deceased
was one of the oldest residents of this section of the county, having
lived in the town of Phelps in the same house for 77 years. She is survived
by three nephews, J. M. Skuse, of this city; F. P. Skuse and O. H. Skuse,
of Phelps. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
from her late residence. Rev. W. K. Towner, pastor of the First Baptist
church, will officiate. Interment in Glenwood cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, 20 September 1906
Mr and Mrs J M Skuse, Mr and Mrs F P Skuse, and Mr and Mrs O H Skuse have returned from a visit to relatives in Irelandville, Schuyler county.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, 20 September 1906
Mary Boyes, aged 83 years, died Monday morning at her home at Steele. The deceased was one of the oldest residents of this section, having lived in the town of Phelps, in the same house for 77 years. She is survived by three nephews, J M Skuse, F P Skuse and O H Skuse. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at ten o'clock, from her late residence, Rev W K Towner, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating and burial was in Glenwood cemetery.
San Francisco Call
Saturday, October 13, 1906
Brief Local Items
Died in a Tent—Frank Skuce, 65 years of age, died yesterday in a tent at Flynn & Treacy's camp, Ninth and Bryant streets. It is presumed that Skuce died from alcoholism.
The San Francisco Call
Sunday, October 14, 1906
Skuce—In this city, October 12, 1906, Frank, beloved husband of Hester Skuce, and father of Mrs Charles Ross, Mrs T V Cummings, Frank and Daniel Skuce and Mrs Rose Morris, a native of Ireland, aged 68 years.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, January 23, 1907
Mr and Mrs John Skuse were pleasantly surprised last Wednesday evening, when several loads of neighbors numbering about fifty, rushed in upon them with baskets filled with good things to eat. Games and jokes were enjoyed until after a bountiful supper was served, then all joined in a dance till the wee small hours of the morning. They left with many regrets that Mr and Mrs Skuse were so soon to leave for their new home in Hermitage.
Miss Ada Skuse went to Rochester yesterday.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, March 21, 1907
Fisher-Skuse—At Geneva, Mar 20, Howard Skuse to Miss Carrie Fisher.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday Evening, March 26, 1907
Howard Skuse and Miss Carrie Fisher were married at Geneva last week.
Ontario Messenger
Thursday, April 4, 1907
Skuse-Fisher—At Geneva, March 20, Howard Skuse and Miss Carrie Fisher, both of Geneva.
Ontario Messenger
Thursday, April 25, 1907
John Skuse was in Rochester Saturday. Mr Skuse is connected with a large cooperage business in the city under the firm name of Skuse Brothers.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, June 7, 1907
Northwest Dearfield
Mrs Skuse is on the sick list.
Hammondsport Herald
Wednesday, July 24, 1907
Mrs Julia Tunis, 57 years old, died at the home of William Dunn, Grove Springs, yesterday morning, of paralysis, The funeral will be held tomorrow at the home. She was a cousin of Wm Dunn and resided there. She is survived by a daughter. Mrs Dora Skuse of Tyrone, and a son, who resides in the west.
San Jose Evening News
Tuesday, August 20, 1907
Skuse—In San Jose, August 18, 1907, to Mr and Mrs Edward Skuse, a son.
Daily East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon
Wednesday, August 21, 1907
Hotel Arrivals
Hotel St George— R S Skuse and family, Kansas City.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, September 11, 1907
County and Vicinity: Bliss
Miss Ada Skuse of Hermitage, Mrs Laura Skuse, and John Van Dyke of Wing street, Louis Merville and family of Bliss and two cousins of Bennington were guests at John Nelson's last Sunday.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, September 24, 1907
Clifton Springs
Misses Sadie and Maytie Gosnell of Rochester were the guests of their uncle, John Skuse and family, over Sunday.
New Ulm Review, Minnesota
Wednesday, September 25, 1907
Miss Anna Skuse was married in Mankato Saturday to Otta H Graf. Her brother, John Skuse of this city, attended the ceremony.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Tuesday, October 1, 1907
Skuse—At his residence 305 President st. Brooklyn. James Richard Skuse, beloved father of Thomas J Skuse and Marietta C Keough, on Monday evening September 30. Funeral services at St Agnes' Church, Sackett and Hoty sts, Thursday morning, October 3, 9:30 o'clock.
The Sun
Wednesday, October 2, 1907 (Article published same day in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle)
James R Skuse died on Monday night at the home of his son, 305 President
street, Brooklyn, after a brief illness. He was born seventy years ago
in the old First ward of New York, where he lived and engaged in business
for forty years. At one time he represented the downtown section in
the Board of Aldermen. He was always interested in the civic affairs
of the old city. He moved to Brooklyn in 1877. He retired from active
business in 1883. His wife died seven years ago and after that he made
his home with his son. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Thomas F. Keough,
and a son, Thomas J Skuse, who is Special Deputy Naval Officer of Customs,
Port of New York. The funeral services will be held at St. Agnes's Church,
Sackett and Hoyt streets, at 9:30 o'clock on Thursday morning.
The New York Times / The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Wednesday, October 2, 1907
James Richard Skuse
James R. Skuse died on Monday night at the home of his son, 305 Preident
Street, Brooklyn, after a brief illness. He was born seventy years
ago in the old First Ward of the old City of New York, where he lived
and engaged in business for forty years. He enjoyed the intimate acquaintance
of the public officials of that period, and at one time reporesented
the downtown section in the Board of Aldermen. He was always interested
in the civic affairs of the old city.
He moved to Brooklyn in 1877 and had since lived in South Brooklyn.
He retired from active business in 1889, and up to the early part of
this year he was alert vigorous for a man of his years.
Hi wife died seven years ago, and since that time he had made his home
with his son. He left a daughter, Mrs. Thomas F. Keough, and a son,
Thomas J. Skuce, who is special Deputy Naval Officer of Customs of this
port, and interested in the work of co-operative savings societies
in this city and State.
The funeral will be held at St. Agnes's Church, at Sackett and Hoyt
Streets, at 9:30 o'clock to-morow morning.
New York Tribune
Thursday, October 3, 1907 (Printed same day in New York Herald)
Skuse—At his residence, No 305 President St., Brooklyn, James Richard Skuse, beloved father of Thomas J Skuse and Marietta C Keough, on Monday evening, September 30. Funeral services at St Agnes's Church, Sackett and Hoyt sts., Thursday morning, October 3, 9:30 o'clock.
The Sunday Oregonian
Sunday, October 6, 1907
The engagement is announced of Miss Mary Gertrude Cronin, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs P J Cronin, to Harp Wainwright Skeuse. The wedding is to take place in December.
Duluth News-Tribune
Tuesday, October 8, 1907 / Sunday, October 13, 1907
Mrs Hans Christenson of 1919 East Second street is entertaining her mother, Mrs J J Skuse of Spokane, who is a former resident of this city.
New York Tribune / The New York Herald / Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Wednesday, October 30, 1907 / Thursdsay, October 31, 1907
Skuse—On Tuesday afternoon, October 29, Thomas William Skuse, at his home, No 89 2d place, Brooklyn, Funeral services at St Mary's Star of the Sea Church, Court and Luquer sts, on Thursday morning, October 31, at 9:30 o'clock.
New Ulm review, Minnesota
Wednesday, October 30, 1907
... in the City
A daughter was born yesterday to Mr and Mrs John Skuse. If your ... escapes you this month ... to the baby.
(Page torn on left side)
Pawtucket Times, Rhode Island
Tuesday, December 3, 1907
Skuce—In providence Rhiode Island Hospital on the 3d inst, Mary Frances, wife of Richard Skuce.
The Sunday Oregonian
Sunday, December 8, 1907
The wedding of Miss Mary Gertrude Cronin, daughter of Mrs P J Cronin, to Mr Harpet Wainwright Skuse, formerly of Duluth, Minn., will be celebrated at the family residence on December 17 and witnessed only by the immediate family. Cards were received last week for a large reception to follow the ceremony.
The Morning Oregonian
Tuesday, December 17, 1907
Marriage Licenses
Skuse-Cronin—Harper Wainwright Skuse, over 21, city; Mary Gertrude Cronin, over 18, city.
Ontario County Journal, NY
Friday, December
20, 1907
SKUSE—At the Memorial Hospital, Dec 17, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Skuse, of Clifton Springs, a daughter.
The Sunday Oregonian
Sunday, December 22, 1907
One of the prettiest holiday weddings was that of Miss Mary Gertrude Cronin, daughter of Mrs P J Cronin, to Harper Wainwright Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs John J Skuse, of Spokane, which occurred at the family residence on Nartilla street, on Wednesday evening. The ceremony, performed by Father H J McDevitt, was witnessed only by the immediate family, though a large reception followed, at which there were 150 guests. The bride, who is a handsome girl, made a charming picture in an empire gown of marquisette over foundations of satin and chiffon, trimmed with folds of satin and duchess lace. A full length veil enveloped her figure and formed a coronet effect in her coiffure. Miss Katherine Cronin acted as maid of honor in a handsome gown of yellow crepe de chine and she carried an arm bouquet of Parma violets, tied with bows of fluffy tulle. Mr Skuse was attended by his brother, Charles Skuse. At the reception which follwed Mrs Leslie Scott presided at the punch bowl, assisted by Miss Helen Holbrook and Miss Mabel Beck. The house decorations were most artistic. The ceremony was performed under a canopy of bamboo and the drawing rooms were massed with Oregon grape, palsm and English holly. The diningroom was done in ferns and narcissus. Presideng here was Mrs A M Cronin, in a handsome mauve gown, assisted by Miss Lula King, Miss Jewel Cole, Mrs H Parsons and Miss Dagma Korrell. The bride is an accomplished girl and a member of an old family. The groom is a grandson of Rev John J Skuse and Rev Richard Waiwright. Mr and Mrs Skuse have gone to Spokane on their wedding trip, where they will be extensively entertained by Mr and Mrs J J Skuse. Upon thei return they will reside at Nortonia.
Canandaigua Chronicle
25 December 1907
BORN - At the Memorial Hospital, Dec. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. John Skuse
of Clifton Springs, a daughter.
The Sunday Oregonian
Sunday, January 12, 1908
Mr and Mrs Harper Wainwright Skeuse (Miss Mary Gertrude Cronin) have returned from their wedding trip and have taken their residence at the Nortonia.
Daily Alaska Dispatch, Juneau
Monday, January 13, 1908
Deliquent Taxpayers
C J Skuse
The Sunday Oregonian
Sunday, February 9, 1908
Mr and Mrs Harper Wainwright Skuse (the latter nee Cronin) have taken apartments at the Mordaunt.
The Kansas City Globe, Kansas
Monday, February 24, 1908
Mrs Cora Skuse, young and pretty, was married here recently, her Skuse doubltess being it was a leap year. Although her young husband's name ... Hammer be not likely to knock retribution.
Geneva Daily Times
14 April 1908
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Mrs. Mary E. Moore, widow of the late John
A. Moore, died at her home on West Main street in this village yesterday
morning after an illness of a couple of weeks. Mrs. Moore was a daughter
of Elijah and Lucy Hildreth and was born in Wayne county. She was 73
years old. In 1864, in the village of Palmyra, she was married to Mr.
Moore, whose death occurred on July 18, 1895. Mrs. Moore had been a
residence of this village for the past 35 years and had a wide circle
of friends and acquaintances. Her niece, Mrs. John Skuse, who had lived
with her since her early childhood, has tenderly cared for her during
her declining years. She is also survived by her sister, Mrs. James
Williams, of Canandaigua; and one brother, Caleb Hildreth of Gypsum;
also her great-niece, Grace Hildreth Skuse. Mrs. Moore had been a faithful
member of the M. E. Church of this village for many years. The funeral
services will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock at the residence and at
2:30 at the M. E. church. Rev. P. H. Reigel will conduct the services,
assisted by rev. Dr. S. H. Adams. The burial will be made in Gypsum.
Wayne County Journal
Thursday, April 16, 1908
Mrs Mary E Moore, widow of the late John A Moore, and a former resident of Palmyra, died at her home in Clifton Springs Monday morning, aged 74 years. During her residence in this village, Mrs Moore was a member of Methodist church and she was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She leaves an adopted daughter, Mrs John Skuse, of Clifton Springs. The funeral was held yesterday at the M E church in Clifton and interment in Plainville cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday Evening, April 16, 1908
Clifton Springs, April 16—Mr and Mrs Thomas Skuse of Rochester were guests of John Skuse and family on Tuesday.
Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, New York
Friday, May 15, 1908
S&L Delegates Close Sessions
The executive commitee for the ensuing year will be made up as follows:
.. Thomas J Skuse, Brooklyn; ...
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, June 3, 1908
John VanDyke and Mrs Laura Skuse of Wing, were married here Saturday after which they took a trip to Buffalo. They have hosts of friends who wish them much happiness.
Mr John VanDyke and Mrs Laura Skuse were married at the home of Mr and Mrs John Cross, by Rev J F Thurston last Saturday, May 30, 1908
Mrs Emma Skuse of Hermitage spent a few days recently at Louis Merville's helping to care for her grandaughter.
New Ulm Review, Minnesota
Wednesday, June 3, 1908
John Skuse has resigned as manager of the ?? ?? Rural Telephone Co, and will go either to Des Moines or M??.
Silver Springs Signal
Thursday, June 11, 1908
John VanDyke and Mrs Laura Skuse of Wing St, were married decoration day.
Newtown Register, Elmira, NY // The Newtown Register, NY
Thursday, July 2, 1908
Tuesday afternoon Mr. Thomas Skeuse Jr., of Flushing, and Miss Emma
Kunz of Winfield, were united in marriage at the parsonage of the St.
Jacobus Lutheran Church of Winfield, the Rev. F. E. Tilly officiating.
Mr. William Palmer, Jr., was best man, and Miss Mary Skeuse bridesmaid.
The bride was dressed in a handsome gown of white silk and the bridesmaid
in pale blue silk. Mr. and Mrs. Skeuse went on a wedding journey to
one of the prominent summer resorts, and on their return will make their
home in Flushing.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, July 9, 1908
John Skuse, wife and daughter, and Miss Alice Goodwin spent Monday in Rochester.
Daily Alaska Dispatch, Juneau
Tuesday, July 28, 1908
W H Case, C S Skuse, and J W Rummell are at Oliver Inlet today hunting for bear.
The News-Democrat, Providence, RI
Monday, 24 Aug 1908
Emma Skuce; 54, without a home or friends in this city,
but who has relative in New Bedford, was sent to the workhouse for nine
months as a vagrant, that she might have a home for the winter.
The Daily News Saturday Evening
September 12, 1908
Mrs Nina Fuller and children of Gainesville have been visiting Mrs
Fuller's sister, Mrs Frank Wade, who is entertaining Miss Adah Skeuse
of Geoesco.
The Sunday Oregonian, Portland
Sunday, October 4, 1908
Mrs P J Cronin and family have taken apartments at the Nortonia. Mr and Mrs H W Skuse have also recently moved to 571 Halsey Street.
Geneva Daily Times
17 December 1908
A pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Flynn of Wadsworth street, yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, when their
daughter, Katherine, became the bride of William B. Skuse. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. W. Weller in the presence of about fifty guests.
The bridal party stood under an arch of holly. The bride was becomingly
attired in blue batiste trimmed with battenburg lace, and made empire.
She carried bride roses. Miss Nellie Brown, cousin of the bride, wore
blue cashmere trimmed with lace. Her bouquet was of carnations. Clarence
Skuse, brother of the groom, acted as best man. A supper was served
after the ceremony and later the newly married couple left on a brief
Western trip.
Grand Forks Herald
Thursday, December 24, 1908
E R Barnett, formerly of Devils Lake, has formed a law partnership with John J Skuse and Fred B Morill at Spokane.
The following from the Rochester Post-Express (December 26th) is of interest to the many friends of Wilford Wilson of Rushville:
"Miss Elizabeth L Skuse, 554 St. Paul street, was married to J M Wilson, of Cresline, O. The groom was formerly a well-known salesman living in this city for a number of years, and is now secretary and general manager of the Schill Brothers' Company, stove manufacturers, at Cresline. Mr and Mrs Wilson will leave tomrrow for an extended trip to the Pacific coast. They will make their home at Cresline, O., after April 1, 1909."
(continued on page two.)
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, December 30, 1908
John Skuse and wife of Hermitage and daughters, Mrs Louis Merville of Balsam Valley and Miss Ada Skuse of Geneseo visited part of the week with John VanDyke and John Nelson.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, January 20, 1909
Miss Ida Skuse of Batavia is staying awhile with her sister, Mrs John Nelson.
The Western New-Yorker
February 4, 1909
Miss Ada Skuse is spending a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
Waterloo Observer and Democrat
Friday, February 19, 1909
Mrs Martha Ann Turner, widow of William Turner, and a highly esteemed resident of Junius, died last week Tuesday. Mrs Turner was a native of England and was born 76 years ago. She had resided in Junius for forty years and is survived by three sons, Frank and William, both of Junius and Charles, of Fayette; five daughters, Mrs John Blackman, of Waterloo, Misses Sarah, Lavinia and Hattie Turner of Junius, and Mrs Harry Ronse, of Canandaigua; two brothers, James Avery, of Geneva, and William Avery of Sodus; and three sisters, Mrs George Taylor and Mrs John Bishop of Phelps, and Mrs Margaret Skuse, of Geneva. The funeral, which was private, was held from the residence Friday, at 10:30 am. Burial in Maple Grove cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday Evening, February 20, 1909
Mr and Mrs Clarence Skuse of Main street, Waterloo, were very pleasantly surprised Thursday evening by a number of Geneva relatives and friends who called on them in a party in honor of Mr Skuse's birthday. The party arrived in Waterloo on the 7:30 car and remained until the 10:30. All reported having had a most enjoyale time. Refreshments were served. A presentof a beautiful silver berry spoon was gven Mr and Mrs Skuse. Among those present from this city were Mr and Mrs J M Skuse, Mr and Mrs F P Skuse, Mr and Mrs O H Skuse, Mr and Mrs W B Skuse, Mr and Mrs Howard Skuse, Mrs H E Skuse, Miss Keene Skuse, Mr and Mrs Francis McDowell and Mrs Ernest Waterman.
The San Fransciso Call
February 21, 1909, Page 24
Skuce—In this city, February 12, 1909, to the wife of Frank J Skuce, a son.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, March 11, 1909
John Skuse, of this village, accompanied by his brother, Thomas Skuse, of Rochester, returned on Tuesday from a few days spent at Washington, D.C., where they witnessed the inauguration.
??, Michigan
??, 1909
Mrs Martha Jane Skuse, died Mar 9, 1909
San Jose Evening News
Wednesday, April 28, 1909
Joseph Schafer, Charles Skuse and George Hennessy, three San Jose youths who stole a horse and rig ...
Chicago Examiner
Wednesday, May 5, 1909
Marriage Licenses
August Bruschke, Mary Skuse, 34-59
San Jose Evening News
Saturday, May 8, 1909
Juvenile Offender
Edward Skuse, who rented a rig from the Lick Stable and "forgot" to return it, was placed on probation ..
San Jose Evening News
Tuesday, June 29, 1909
Promised to Reform
Dan Skuse, a laborer was brought up before Judge Dougherty this morning, charged with being drunk, ...
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, Aug 11, 1909
Mrs and Mrs John Skuse and daughter Adah attended the funeral of little Niel Nelson, their grand son at Bliss Sunday.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, September 16, 1909
Oaks Corners
Miss Lena Skuse, who is a trained nurse in New York, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse.
The Colfax Gazette, Washington
April 16, 1909
Waldo W Skuse, a member of the senior class, WSC, spent Easter in Colfax, the guest of Walter Doolittle.
Daily Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
April 29, 1909
Wanted to Wipe our Indians
Dime Novels get in their Deadly Work
San Jose, Cal. Apr 29.—Three lads of this city are in the custody of the polie at Salinas today, a plan they evolved to aid the county of its remaining Indians having been frustrated by the authorities.
The boys, who are being held awaiting the arival of officers from this city, are Charles Skuse, George Hennessey and John Schafer.
The three Indian fighters yesterday appropriated a horse and buggy on one of the main streets of San Jose, and after loading the buggy with firearms and ammunition, drove across the mountains to Santa Cruz, 37 miles. There they left their exhausted horse, found another on Pacific avenue and continued to Salinas.
The officers of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara and Monterey counties were notified to search for the missing boys and the mountain roads were patroled all day and far into the night.
The lads were captured after they had made a third exchange of horses. They stated that they intended to scour the mountains for the redskins who still are hiding there.
The Western New-Yorker
Thursday, May 13, 1909
Master Harold Roberts from Wing in Eagle is spending a little time with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday Evening, June 5, 1909
Clifton Springs
John Gosnell and wife of Rochester, have been recent guests of John Skuse and family.
The Salt Lake Tribune
Sunday, June 27, 1909
In Hotel Corridors
J C Skuse, prominent in the mining circles of Blair, Nev., is registered at the Knutsford.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, July 8, 1909
Born.—To Mr and Mrs James Gosnell, at Rochester, on Wednesday, July 7, 1909, a son. Mr Gosnell is a nephew of John Skuse, of this village.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, July 12, 1909
Misses Sadie and Mary Gosnell of Rochester were recent guests of their uncle, John Skuse and family.
Wyoming County Times
Wednesday, August 11, 1909
Among those from out of town who attended the funeral of Neil Nelson last Sunday were Mr and Mrs John Skuse and Miss Adah Skuse of Hermitage, Mr and Mrs Edd Barber and Mrs Carrie Coy of Wethersfield, Prof and Mrs N A Ward of Gainesville and H M Ward and wife and Miss Mattie Norton of Hardys.
Neil, eldest son of Mr and Mrs John F Nelson died August 6th, 1909, aged 7 years, 9 months. He had been sick about nine months with diabetes but has appeared so much better this summer that friends have had hopes of his recovery. He leaves to mourn his loss his parents and one brother Noel 6-1/2 years old, also his grand parents Mr and Mrs John Skuse of Hermitage and Mr and Mrs T B Nelson of Bliss and many other relatives. He was a very bright trusty boy, always looking out for the interest of others and has borne his long sickness with great patience. To the mother and father on whom this blow falls so heavily our hearts go out in deepest sumpathy. We may not see why theses afflications are sent but God, who is too wise to err and too kind to be unjust will some day make all things plain. The funeral was held Sunday, August 8th at the M E Church at Bliss, Rev Philip Hedrick officiating with interment at Lyonsburg.
Wilkes-Barre Times
August 16, 1909
Fishing Trip end in Death
James Skues, of Yatesville, Fell over viaduct and broke his neck while hurrying to catch train.
After enjoying a day of sport fishing at Falls, James Skues, a resident of Yatesville, met instant death while hurrying to catch the 6:05 train for home Saturday evening. While running he stubbed his toe against a piece of rail that is used to convey the handcar into a small shanty, and with the force he fell over the viaduct, striking the ground on a pile of stones. Death was almost instantaneous.
When people ran to his assistance they found his neck was broken and his skull fractured. The remains were placed aboard the train and taken to the home in Yatesville by Undertaker Cutler
Deceased was 38 years of age and was born and raised in Yatesville. He is survived by his wife, also his father Thomas Skues, two brothers Edward and George Skues, both of Yakesville, and two sisters, of Pittston, Mrs Eliza Bartlett, of Parsonage street, and Mrs Samuel Fear, of Scotch Hill. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon with services in the Yatesville M E church at 2:30 and interment will be made in Pittston cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Jr. O.U.A.M. and the Pittston Knights of Golden Eagle.
Philadelphia Inquirer
August 16, 1909
Pittston, Pa., Aug 15—While hurrying to catch a train on his return from a fishing trip at Falls, James S. Kuse, aged 35 years, of Yakesville, stumbled in crossing a bridge and fell headlong into a creek, 90 feet below. His neck was borken, his skull fractured and death was instantaneous.
The Citizen, Honesdale, Pa
Wednesday, August 18, 1909
After enjoying a day of sport, fishing at a summer resort, James Skuse, a resident of Yatesville, met instant death while hurrying to catch the 6:05 train for home. While running he stubbed his shoe against a piece of rail that is used to convey the handcar into a small shanty, and with the force he fell over the viaduct striking the ground on a pile of stones. Dead was almost instantaneous.
Silver Springs Signal, NY
Thursday, September 2, 1909
Irving McGowan and Miss Ada Skuse of this place were married at the F B parsonage in Bliss Aug 24th.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, September 23, 1909
Miss Lena Skuse of New York city, has been visiting her parents, Frank Skuse and wife, during the past week. Miss Skuse is a trained nurse.
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon
Tuesday, October 5, 1909
Marriage licenses were issued this morning to ... Basil C Cameron of Farmington, Washington, and Miss Mabel Skuse of this county.
Buffalo Commercial
Thursday, October 7, 1909
The marriage of Miss Portia Jane Van Hoosen Strong, daughter of Mr and Mrs George Redfield Strong, to Mr Edwin Leon Gosnell of Rochester, NY, was solemnized last evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs Charles Robert Wiers of West Delavan avenue. Only the members of the immediate family were present at the ceremony, the Rev. Carl D. Case of the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church officiating. The bride wore her traveling
gown of catawba cloth and a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs Wiers, who wore while foulard and carried pink roses. Mr William Francis Skuse of Rochester was the best man. After the ceremony supper was served, the bride's table, with eight covers, being decorated in pink and white. Mr and Mrs Gosnell have gone for an eastern trip and will be at home after December 15th at No 626 1-2 North avenue, Rochester. Among the guests were Mr and Mrs John Gosnell, Miss Gosnell, Miss Anna Gosnell, Mr and Mrs Charles E Oster, Mr and Mrs Frederick G Luehm and Mr William Francis Skuse of Rochester.
Cincinnati Post
Thursday, December 2, 1909
Woman Dies From Lamp Explosion
Mrs Mary Skuse, 1431 State-av.,
was burned to death when a lamp she was carrying Wednesday night exploded in her hand. The woman was covered with oil and was enveloped in flames. Members of the family beat out the flames, and Mrs Skuse was taken to Cincinnati Hospital. She died there early Thursday.
Augusta Chronicle, Georgia
December 30, 1909
Mr and Mrs Daniel A Skuse, of Rochester, New York, are staying with Mr and Mrs J L Boeshans and family, at five hundred and seventy one Greene street.
San Jose Mercury News
Saturday, January 1, 1910
Marriage Licenses
Urban D Haepp, aged 30, of Spreckels, and Elizabeth L Skuse, aged 28 of San Jose.
The Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, January 6, 1910
John Skuse and family were guests of Thomas Skuse and family, in Rochester, over New Year's.
Thomas Skuse and daughter, Miss Marion, of Rochester, were guests of John Skuse and family on Monday.
Boston Globe
Wednesday, February 9, 1910
Marriage of Brookline Man, Retired Merchant, Kept Secret Since Feb 2.
The facts of an interesting marriage which took place in this city Feb 2, with Granville C. Tyler, a retired leather merchant of Brookline, as the groom and Miss Mary T. Skeuse, an Allston nurse, as the bride, became known yesterday through the return of the license in Brookline. The groom is 68 and the bride 37. They were married by Rev Dr Worcester of Marlboro St and are now away on their honeymoon. Mr Tyler met Miss Skeuse a few years ago when the latter attended his sister who was ill in Brookline. The marriage of the couple was known only to a few of their Intimate friends.
Portville Review
Thursday, February 10, 1910
Bullis Mills
Martin Skuse is drawing logs to S E Georgia's mill.
The Post, Ellicottville, NY
Wednesday, March 2, 1910
Real Estate Transfers
Portville—John Skuse to Katherine Skuse, Feb 11, 10, $1. John Skuse to Katherine Skuse, Feb 11, 10, $100.
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe,
Mar. 10, 1910
William Warney died yesterday morning at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Catherine Warney, No. 36 Monroe avenue, aged 39 years. He leaves his
wife, Ella; two sons and two daughters, five brothers, Jacob, John,
Robert, Charles and Harry, of Rochester, and three sisters, Mrs. Richard
Skuse, of Rochester; Mrs. Jacob, of Toronto, and Miss Cora Warney, of
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe,
March 11, 1910
Warney - In this city, Wednesday morning, March 9, 1910, at the home
of his mother, Mrs. Catherine Warney, No. 36 Monroe avenue, William
Warney, aged 38 years. Besides his mother he leaves his wife, Ella;
two sons and two daughters; five brothers, Joseph, John, Robert, Charles
and Harry Warney, of this city, and three sisters, Mrs. Richard Skuse,
of this city; Mrs. Jacob Stadler, of Toronto, and Miss Cora Warney,
of this city.
The funeral services will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment in Mount Hope cemetery.
Bellingham Herald, Washington
Sunday, March 20, 1910
Rel. Cond. Sale—Otis Newhouse to George Skuce, blacksmith outfit and equipment
Augusta Chronicle, Georgia
April 1, 1910
Social Incidents and Events
Mrs D S Skuse, of Rochester NY, returned home yesterday after spending three months with Mrs J L Boeshans of five hundred seventy-one Green St. Mrs Skuse was accompanied by her husband, who arrived in the city last Monday.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, April 21, 1910
Born to Mr and Mrs Irvin McGowan of Hermitage, Sunday, April 17th, a baby boy, weight 9 lbs. Mrs McGowan was formerly Miss Adah Skuse and resided in this vicinity.
Flushing Daily Times
Monday, June 6, 1910
Flushing Has Another Secret Wedding
It is the Fourteenth Within a Comparatively Short Period—Harrison Skeuse the Hero of Latest Romance
News of FLushing's fourteenth secret wedding leaked out yesterday for the first time, when it became known that Harrison Skeuse, youngest son of Thomas Skeuse, the well known contractor of No 40 Warren street, Flushing, had been married to a Manhattan young woman for the past seven months.
Young Mr Skuse brought his bride to his parent's home over one month ago, where they are now living.
Mr Skeuse's mother, Mrs Thomas Skeuse, when seen by a Times' reporter this morning, refused to give any information converning her son's marriage, save that they were marriaed by an Episcopla clergyman in Manhattan, late in the month of December, 1909.
"Borth bride and groom are happy, and we see no reason why further particulars should be given concerning their marriage," was all Mrs Skeuse would say concerning the affair. The young couple are both said to be members of St George's Church in Flushing.
The Evening Index, San Bernadino, California
Wednesday, June 22, 1910
Had a rough time
Friends of Bridgegroom give him a rousing reception
The aphorism that "the best laid plans of mice and men aft gang aglee," was brought home to Charles E. Skues of Redlands, who had just returned from his honeymoon, last night.
He alighted from his train at the Santa Fe station when he was seized, placed in an automobile and driven to a garage. Here Skues was torn from the side of his bride, dressed in a suit of clothes of the vintage of.. and started on a triumphial tour...the neighoring town.
According to the placards he was born without teeth, he was married ... but soon divorced, and many other .. for the occasion
Mr Skues has been
been a leader at similar functions.
His friends remembered this and judging by appearances his night succedded in get-...
New York Tribune / Brooklyn Eagle
July 2, 1910 / July 3, 1910
SKUSE—On June 30, 1910. Jane Skuse, beloved widow of Thomas W Skuse, and mother of Jeannette A Devenport, at her residence, No 89 2d Place, Brooklyn.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Saturday, July 2, 1910
Jane McCoy, widow of Thomas W Skuse, died Thursday from Bright's disease at her home, 89 Second place. She was born in Manhattan forty-eight years ago. Her husband was a retired policeman. She leaves a daughter, Mrs Edward Devenport.
The Daily Standard Union: Brooklyn
Saturday, July 2, 1910
Jane Skuse
Jane Skuse, 48 years old, of 89 Second place, died Thursday. She was born in Brooklyn and lived here all her life. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs J Devenport. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock at St Mary's Church. Interment at Calvary Cemetery undr the direction of William H Daly, of 136 Smith street.
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel
July 15, 1910
Miss Mamie Skuse, of Mankato, Minn., is spending Chautanqua week in LeMars, the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs John Cooper.
The Daily Record, Rochester
Friday, Aug 19, 1910
Surrogates Court
Matter of Estate of Wm Skuse, deceased.—Decree establishing right of interitance of Wm F Skuse subject to dower of Carrie E Adams.—A W Curtis, for petitioner.
The Western New-Yorker
August 25, 1910
Mr and Mrs John Skuse visited at the home of their niece Mrs Lula Rayles near Wetherfield Springs last Sunday.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, September 8, 1910, Page 4, Vol. XXXXIV. 36
Lisbon Center
Miss Stella Skuse has returned from Watertown
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, September 8, 1910
John Skuse has been spending the past few days at the Toronto Fair.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, September 22, 1910, Page 8
Mrs. James Crane is selling her household goods and expects
to leave in a few weeks for her old home in Burlington, Vt. John Skuse
has rented her house.
Clarence Skuse and Roy Newcomb attended the Ottawa fair
last week.
Geneva Daily Times
15 October 1910
Clifton Springs, N. Y. — On Monday last, C. C. Whitney
of this village had the pleasure of receiving the congratulations of
a large number of relatives and friends in honor of his 91st birthday.
Among his callers the oldest was Mrs. Louise M. Carpenter, who is nearing
the ninety-year mark and Miss Grace Hildreth Skuse, the three-year-old
daughter of John Skuse and his wife. Mr. Whitney retains his faculties
remarkable well for one of his advanced years and takes a deep interest
in all current events.
The Monroe County Mail
Thursday, October 20, 1910
Mrs Skuse of Victor, is spending a few days with he rdauhter, Mrs C A Saunders.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Dec 1, 1910
Mr and Mrs E J McGowan gave a Thanksgiving dinner for Mr and Mrs John Skuse, grandma Baker and Mr and Mrs Fletcher Olds.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, December 1, 1910
John Skuse, wife and daughter were guests at the home of Mrs Skuse's sister, Mrs J Gosnell, in Rochester, on Thanksgiving day.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Tuesday, December 27, 1910
Thomas F Keough died at his residence, 305 President street, Christmas morning, after an illness of several days duration. He was born in Brooklyn 39 years ago and has been active in the United States and foreign countries for the American Trading Company. He took a lively personal interest in civic, church and charitable affairs in South Brooklyn, where he was born and resided his entire life. He is survived by three children, his widow, Marietta C Skuse, sister of Thomas J Skuse of Brooklyn, and his brother Joseph F Keough. Funeral services will be at St Agnes R.C. Church, Hoyt and Sackett streets, Wednesday morning, at 9:30 o'clock.
The San Francisco Call
January 11, 1911, Page 13
Real Estate Transactions
Jacob Heyman to Anges Skuse, lot in S line of B street. 56:6 W of Twenty-eighth avenue, W 25 by S 100; $10
The Evening Standard / The Bemidji Daily Pioneer / Salt Lake Tribune
January 16, 1911
Wounded Dear Causes Fatality
Ware, Mass., Jan 16.—Efforts to succor a wounded dear which was floating down the river on an ice cake cost Stanislaus Doulan his life. When he observed the predicament of the dear, Doulan rushed out on the ice, which gave way beneath him. John Skuse, a companion, was nearly drowned in endeavoring to rescue Doulan.
The San Francisco Call
January 28, 1911, Page 18
To Agnes Skuse, lot 25x100, in south line of Balboa street. 56:6 feetwest of Twenty-eighth avenue, outside land block 353.
San Francisco Chronicle, California
Thursday, March 2, 1911, Page 18
Warrant for Clerk
On complaint of Mrs. Agnes Skuse, at 1568 Forty-eighth avenue, Police
Judge Shortall yesterday issued a warrant for the arrest of John Doe
Frederickson, a grocer's clerk, on a charge of grand larceny. Mrs. Skuse
told Judge Shortall that she was the wife of a private detective and
that Frederickson delivered to her home the other day some groceries
and liquors. After he had left she said she disvocered that jewelry
valued at $458 was missing.
San Francisco Call
March 3, 1911, Page 10
Woman's Jewels Found Under Adams Wharf
Thief Confesses After Being Taken into Custody
Detetives Purcell and De la Guerra arrested Gens Fredericksen yesterday on a warrant chargin him with grand larceny on complaint of Mrs Agnes Skuse, who charges that he stole jewelry from her which is valued at $458. The prisoner confessed that he committed the crime, and led the police to Adams wharf in Oakland, under which he had hidden part of the jewelry. A letter was found in his pocket addressed to a girl and containing the information that he would disclose the hiding place of the remainder of the valueables at a future time.
The Portville Review
Thursday, March 2, 1911
Westons Mills Notes
A number of friends of Mrs Dora Skuse gave her a pleasant surprise last Wednesday it being her 77th birthday.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, March 9, 1911
Mrs O F Tillotson has purchased the John Skuse house and lot on West Main street. Mrs Tillotson and Karl Thompson and wfe will occupy the same. Mr Skuse and family expect to move to Rochester.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, March 16, 1911, Page 5
Lisbon Center
Miss Mabel Skuse of Ogdensburg O. F. A. spent Sunday with her parents.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, March 30, 1911
Oaks Corners
Miss Lena Skuse of New York, is spending some time with her parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, April 13, 1911, Page 4, Vol. XXXXV. 15
Clarence Skuse is working in Akin & Long's shop
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Wednesday, May 10, 1911
Skuse Married
Among the marriage licenses printed in the Seattle P-l the names of C J Skuse, Mendenthal, Alaska, and Mrs M A Larson, Bonniville, KY., appear. Both gave their ages as legal.
Indianapolis Star
Thursday, May 11, 1911
Renews Suit Against Dentist
The State Board of Dental Examiner has drawn a second affidavit to be used in the prosecution of Dr Charles C Skuse of Brazil, alleged to have practiced dentistry without a license from the state board. Dr Skuse was defendant in a similar suit in the Clay Circuit Court some time ago, but the affidavit was held to be defective.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, May 23, 1911
John Skuse spent the week end at the home of his brother, Thos Skuse, in Rochester.
The San Francisco Call
May 23, 1911
Real Estate Transactions
Charles Skuse to Agnes Skuse, lot in S line of Balboa (B) street, 37:6 W of Twenty-eighth avenue, W 25 by S 100; gift.
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Saturday, June 3, 1911
S J Skuse returned on the barge Big Bonanza from Seattle with six head of stock. Skuse was just 21 days aboard the barge.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, June 9, 1911
Death of Mrs Skuse
The funeral of Mrs Mary Skuse was held at the Caldwell church on Sunday, June 4th at 2 o'clock. A large number of people gathered there to pay the last respects to a kind friends and a good neighbor.
Mrs Skuse was born in Oxford, Erie township, Ohio, July 23, 1855. She was married to Major Hawesin 1874 and he died in 1892. She was married the second time in 1894 to Charles Skuse. On Wednesday evening, May 31, she was taken seriously ill with heart failrue and expired in a short time before medical aid could reach her.
She leaves to mourn her loss, one brother, three sisters, eleven grown-up children and dourteen grand-children. She was a kind, motherly, and sympathetic woman, always ready to help those in need.
All her eleven children were here to attend the funeral except one, who was delayed by a wreck on the rail road at Mackinaw.
Card of Thanks
We sincerely thank the friends and neighbors for their kind assistance at the time of the death and burial of our mother. Also the choir for their services.
Mrs William Green, Harry Hawes, Milan; Mrs William Weatherwax, Mrs Ray Gies, Miss Sarah Skuse, Charles Skuse, Hillsdale; Mrs George Mead, Weidmanl Mrs Inas Ward, Mt Pleasant; Mrs Dewain Sheldon, Enos Hawes, Caldwell.
Binghamton Press and Leader
Monday, June 12, 1911
Albany, June 12—State Commissioner of Excise Farley reports that he has received the following amounts in payment of judments recovered in action brought by him against liquor tax certificate holders and the sureties of their liquor tax bonds:
William Skuse, New York, $1,800; false statements in application for certificate; certificate holder a felon.
The Bend Bulletin, Oregon
Wednesday, June 14, 1911
New Hardware Firm
Skuse & Thomas will open store in the Chapman Building
Another store will be opened in Bend this week, the firm to conduct it being Skuse & Thomas. General hardware, building material, farm implements, mill machinery, electrical supplies, pain, harness and saddlery will be handled.
H W Skuse of the new firm has been with the Marshall-Wells Hardware Co in Duluth, Spokane and Portland for 14 years and is throroughly experienced. Philip P Thomas, his partner, was formerly of Duluth and Superior, Wis., and is a civil engineer and archiotect. In addition to his connection with the store he will devote part of his time to those lines of work. He is a college man, aving attended the Michigan School of Mines.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, June 22, 1911, Page 3.
Executive committee: Thomas J. Skuse, Brooklyn (President)
New York Irish American Advocate
Saturday, July 1, 1911
A young man named Frank A Skuce, who was private secretary to Mrs Colthurst in February, 1910, was arrested on board the Arabic in Cork Harbor yesterday evening on a warrant issued in Cork, in March, 1910, charging him with forgery, and will be brought up at the Police Court, Cork, today. He was sent from New York in charge of the captain.
New York Irish American Advocate
Saturday, July 22, 1911
Francis A Skuce was at Cork Police Office yesterday returned for trial to the Assizes on a charge of having forged the signature of Mrs Bowen Colthurst, of Dripsey Castle, to a check for £18 on the Provincial Bank. Mrs S.D. Budd, manager of the Cork branch of the Provincial Bank, deposed that to the best of his belief the signature on the check was not that of Mrs Bowen Colthurst. The check had come into his possession through the Munster and Leinster Bank, and he was aware that a sum of £18 had been paid upon it.
Duluth Evening Herald
Saturday Evening, July 22, 1911
Mr and Mrs Skuse left Thursday for their home in Spokane, Wash., after a visit with their daughter, Mrs Hans Chritensen. Mr Skuse recently retuned from a trip abroad and Mrs Skuse has been here about six weeks.
The San Francisco Call
August 23, 1911
Real Estate Transactions
Agnes Skuse to Bernhard Getz, lot in S line of B street, 37:6 W of Twenty-eighth avenue, W 25 by S 100; $10
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, September 22, 1911
Miss Caroline Clunies and William Francis Skuse were married Wednesday afternoon at the Trinity Episcopal Church the Rev Mr Alison. The bride wore a traveling suit and was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel Clunies. Walter J Moore was the best man. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at ?? Rochester. Covers were laid for twelve. After a trip to New York and Boston, the couple will live at home at ?? ?? street.
Olean Evening Times
Monday, September 25, 1911
Miss Agnes Skuce of Meadville is visiting her cousin, Mrs John Kersperske of Forest avenue.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Friday Evening, October 6, 1911
Monster Sunflower
Watkins, Oct 6.—(Special)—A notable sunflower plant was gown this year on the farm of Charles Skuse in Reading. The plant which grew to the height of nine feet and four inches and measured nine inches in circumference near the ground sprang from seed that had been dropped, and it contained in all 65 blossoms, one of which measured eight inches across.
The monster plant was broken down by a recent windstorm, so the seeds did not mature. It was not until the plant had been laid low that the clossoms could be accurately counted.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, October 6, 1911
Charley Skuse is working for A G Marshall.
The San Francisco Call
October 24/25, 1911
Real Estate Transactions
Bay View Land company to John Skuse, lot 20, block 590, Bay View tract, subdivision 2; grant.
John Skuse to Emma Helms, lot 20, block 590, Bay View tract, subdivision 2; $10.
The Bend Bulletin, Oregon
Wednesday, December 13, 1911
J C Skuse of Reno, Nev., arrived in Bend Sunday night to visit his brother, H W Skuse. He is a member of the firm of Skuse & Odie, consulting engineers, of the Nevada city.
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Saturday, December 16, 1911
Here to Locate
Mr and Mrs R P Norton of Bonneville, Kentucky, arrived here last night on the steamer Jefferson to make their future home here.
Mrs Norton is a daughter of Mrs C J Skuse. Mr Norton was formerly engaged in the banking business in Kentucky.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, December 19, 1911
Clifton Springs
Miss Alice Gosnell, who has been spending several days with her uncle, John Skuse and family, returned to her home in Rochester last evening.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, Dec 21, 1911, Page 4
John Skuse has moved into Mrs. A. Simpson's house on Main street.
Amsterdam Evening Recorder
Friday, January 5, 1912
James Skuse died Wednesday at his home in Rochester, aged 54 years. He is survived by his mother, Mrs Hannah Skuse, of that city, five sisters, Mrs Louis Lemieux, of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs E H Burns, of this city, Mrs William Hitzel, Mrs F D Smith and Mrs J M Wilson, of Rochester, and two brothers Thomas Skuse of Rochester and D H Skuse of Los Angeles. The funeral was held this morning.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, January 25, 1912, Page 1, Vol XXXXVI. 4
John Skuse has bought John Martin house in the lane.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, January 26, 1912
Shifting Sands
Douglas Skuse to Jay Cooper
se1/4 of se1/4 sec 5, Denver $900
Santa Ana Register, California
Saturday, January 27, 1912
Marriage Licenses
James B Heaton, 21, and Lelah Skuse, 20, both of Orange
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, Feb 2, 1912, Page 4
Miss Louise Chandler of Ogdensburg was the guest of Miss Mabel Skuse
Elk City Sun, Kansas
Friday, February 9, 1912
On Saturday of last week, January 27, at 1:00 p. m., James B. Heaton and Miss Lelah Skuse, both of Orange, were married at Santa Ana, Rev. J. A. Stevenson, pastor of the First Prespyterian church of Santa Ana, performing the ceremony at his home. The young people returned returned to the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. S. T. Heaton, on West Maple avenue, where they are making their home temporarily. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Skuse of Orange and is an active member of the Presbyterian church, Sunday school and Endeavor society. The groom, an industrious young man, is the youngest son of Mrs. S. T. Heaton, a lad much esteemed in the community. The young folks have the best wishes of the...
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, February 29, 1912, Page 5
Miss Mabel Skuse has closed a successful term of school in the Stocking
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Mar 7, 1912
Mr and Mrs John Skuse enjoyed a week with their three married daughters near Bliss.
Riverside Daily Press, California
Saturday, March 9, 1912
Mrs Caroline T Cookman purchased of Charles T Skuce and Edward Graham a ten-acre grove on the North side of Lugonia avenue east of Church strteet. It consists of one-half valencias and navels six years old and in fine condition. She will be keep this as a permanent investment. The consideration was $12,500.
?, Michigan (maybe Sanilac County Times)
abt April, 1912
William Cutler, a resident of Sanilac county for 53 years, passed away at him home in Downington on Monday morning, March 25, at the age of 84 years. Mr Cutler was born in West Minster, Ont., May 11, 1828, and was married to Mary A Skuse, Feb 4, 1847, and moved to Lexington Mich., in 1859. To this union 12 children were born, eight of whom still survive him. In 1875, Mrs Cutler died, leaving a six months old babe. Later he was married to Esther Hagerman of Carsonville, who still survives him and moved to Downington where they have since resided. Three children were born to this union, all of whom are living.
Mr Cutler was erly united with the M E church to which he remained a loyal member until his death. His true christian character made for him many friends who never deserted him in all the many trials of life and he will be greatly missed by all o fthem, but more especially the family who were always very dear to him.
Those of the family who survive him are his wife, Mrs Esher Cutler, sons David of Flint, William and Edward of Applegate, Jacob of Sturgoen Bay, Barnabas of Alpena, Thomas of Kinda, George of Portland, Ore, and Charles of Downington; daughters, Mrs James Mattison of Carsonville, Mrs Jas Peak of Tower and Mrs Richard Farley of Downington.
The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon and the interment was made in the D & D cemetery.
The Times Herald, Port Huron, Michigan
Saturday, March 30, 1912
Mrs James Mattison and William and Ed. Cutler were called to Downington this week owing to the death of their father, Wm. Cutler, whose death occured at that place early Monday morning. The funeral service were held at that place Wednesday. Interment in the Downington cemetery.
Nearly thirty from this place attended the funeral services of William Cutler held at Downington Wednesday.
The Times Herald, Port Huron, Michigan
Friday, April 5, 1912
Wm. Cutler, a resident of Sanilac county for 53 years, passed away at his home in this place on Monday, March 25 at the age of 84. He leave to mourn his loss his wife and 11 children. The funeral service were held in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Huffman, assisted by Rev. Allmen. of Deckerville officiating. On Wednesday the remains were laid to rest in the D. & D. cemetery.
The Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, Oregon
May 4/18, 1912
Name, Residence, Postoffice Address, Voting Precinct
John Skuse, Klamath Falls, Klamath Falls, Mills Addition
Date of First publication, May 4, 1912. Date of last publication, June 1, 1912. Noland & Crane, Attorneys for Petitioner.
The Daily News
Wednesday Evening, May 29, 1912
Odd freaks were played by lightning which yesterday struck the farm house of P M Skuse, near Victor. Members of the family were dazed from the shock. The house was struck once before, several years ago.
Amsterdam Evening Recorder
Friday, May 31, 1912
Mrs E B Yager and son, Edward W, spent Decoration day with Miss Mary Skuse, of Schaghticoke.
Chenango Union, NY
Thursday, June 6, 1912
Mrs A L Skuse was ill last week.
The Cato Citizen
Saturday, June 8, 1912
Freaks of Lightning
Victor.—Lighting struck the house of P M Skuse, two miles east of the village, during a shower here. A chimney was torn down, cornice was ripped off and plaster and wall paper were torn off in sections of two of the rooms in the house. The lightning performed queer antics and evidently followed a siding of the house to the ground. One mirror was badly damaged, which was hanging on this wall, the quicksilver on the back being discolored and torn off from the glass. Another mirror on the same wall in another room was dropped to the floor, the back being torn off by the shock. Neither glass was brokne. The damage to the house will be slight. The occupants of the house, Mr and Mrs Skuse, with a guest, suffered from firght and were somewhat dazed from the shock. This house was struck about twelve years ago in the same place.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, June 13, 1912
Mrs Maud Nelson passed some days with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuse and with her sister, Mrs Erving J McGowan.
Pull man Herald, Washington
Friday, June 14, 1912
Many Graduates Receive Diplomas
Civil Engineer—
Waldo Webster Skuse. Winchester, Idaho
Portville Review
Thursday, June 20, 1912
Miss Kate Luh of Olean spent Sunday with Grace Skuse
Mrs Dora Skuse is visiting releatives in Fillmore
Monroe City Democrat
Thursday, June 20, 1912
Mr and Mrs Douglas Skuse, who have been visiting Mr Skuse's sister, Mrs Teed, near Warren departed for their home at Pitsford, Mich. Wednesday. Mr Skuse is highly pleased with Missouri but suggests that farmers should do more tiling.
Pullman Herald, Pullman, Washington
June 14, 1912
Many Graduates Receive Diplomas
Complete List of Young Men and Young Women who have completed Courses at the State College this Year.
Civil Engineer—
Waldo Webster Skuse......Winchester, Idaho
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, July 18, 1912
John Skuse, wife and daughter are at Atlantic City, NJ, for an indefinite stay.
At the home of Mr and Mrs John Gosnell, No 183 North Union Street, Rochester, on Monday afternoon, their daughter, Miss Sadie Gosnell, was united in marriage to Irving E Huff, of that city. After an eastern trip Mr and Mrs Huff will be at home at No 36 Diringer Place after Setember 1st. The bride is quite well known in this village, where she has visited at the home of John Skuse on many occasions.
Chigcago Examiner
Tuesday, August 20, 1912 / Wednesday, August 21, 1912
REARDON—Susan (nee Lynch) wife of the late Daniel Reardon, mother of John and William McCullough, Augustine Reardon, Mrs R J Skuse, Mrs J P Callaghan; native of Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Sept 12, 1912
John Skuse and wife of Hermitage visited several days lately with relatives in this vicinity.
Mr and Mrs John Skuse returned Tuesday from a two weeks trip to Rochester, Geneva and other eastern points.
Mrs John Skuse and Mrs Arthur VanDeWalker attended Pomona Grange at Bliss Friday.
Mr and Mrs John Skuse visited their daughter, Mrs Maud Nelson Sunday and Monday.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Sept 19, 1912
Mrs John Skuse was surprised on her birthday last Saturday. Her children and Mr and Mrs Fletcher Old made up the party.
The San Francisco Call
November 8, 1912
Nation shows keen interest in Big 1915 Fair
President Moore to Invite Miners' Association for Exposition Year
Noted Men to Attend
... and John C Skuse of Mina, Nev.
Brooklyn Daily Star
Wednesday, December 4, 1912
Licenses issued the past week.
The names of those who received permission to Marry in Queens Borough at the City Clerk's Office.
George Skuse, 32, of 40 Warren street, Flushing, and Alma Scherer, 25, of 179 Ninth avenue, Long Island City.
The Gazette Times, Pittsburgh
Wednesday, Dec 18, 1912
Skuce awakes to find his name famous
Charges of Robbery, dueling and "smoking up" a Saloon stand
beside it
He is Meadville Brakeman
(Special Telegram to Gazette Times)
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 17. - Charles Skuce, aged 39, a brakeman from Meadville,
Pa., awoke in the holdover at Central District Station this morning
to find himself confronted by charges of committing highway robbery,
fighting a revolver duel with a watchmand and "shooting up"
a saloon last night.
He had an indistinct recollection of the holdup and very vididly rememberd
part of the duel - the part directed at him - but the affair in the
saloon he could not bring to mind at all, he said..
"Boose," he declared to reported. "That's what did it
all. I guess I did all the things they tell me of. I can't remember.
I was crazy with liquor."
The victim of the holdup was Arno Storbeck, an employe of thge Adams
Express Company. He was walking homeward on the Eightteenth street viaduct
over the terminal yeards when the man he has identified as Skuce confronted
him with a revolver and made him surrender his purse containing $3.70.
The robber dropped the purse into a pocket of his long gray overcoat
and hurried north across the viaduct. Storbeck followed him and at the
other end of the bridge called to J.L. Russell, a private watchman for
the terminal. As the robber descended into the yards Russell called
to him to stop. The robber fired one shot and dodged behhind a telegraph
pole. The watchman replied with three shots from his revolver, whereupon
the robber fled through the yards and escaped, leaving his overcoat
behind the pole.
Storbeck described the bandit as about 35 years old, having a reddish
mustache and wearing a brakeman's cap. Nu such man could be found, however,
until 10:30 p.m., when one answering that description walked into Emil
Berra's saloon, 700 South Fourth street, flourished a revolver and shouted:
"Keep still or I'll shoot!"
He suited the action to the word and fired a bullet into the bar before
any of the half dozen men in the place could take a step. Then he fled,
but was pursued and overtaken by John Cova, manager of the saloon, who
held him until patrolmen arrived.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, March 11, 1913
John Skuse, of Clifton Springs, and brother, Thomas Skuse of Rochester, have been spending a few days in Washington, DC.
The Victor Herald
Friday, March 14, 1913
P M Skuse and family removed this week, to their new home in East Rochester. Those Victor friends, while regretting their removal wish them sucess in their new location.
Geneva Advertiser-Gazette
Thursday, April 3, 1913
The death of Mrs J A Page of Union Springs, a former resident of this city, occurred on Thursday morning of last week. She is survived by her husband, one son, Lawrence Page, of Union Springs, four sisters, Mrs N B Covert, Mrs John M Skuse, Mrs Emma Skuse of Geneva, and Mrs Jacob Booron, of Interlaken. The funeral was held last Saturday afternoon at Union Springs. Interment in Union Springs cemetery.
The Monroe County Mail
Thursday, April 17, 1913
Mr and Mrs Skuse of Victor, have moved to this village, and are living with their daughter, Mrs Norman Bowers.
Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
Monday, May 26, 1913
Skuse—In Pittston, May 25, Thomas Skuse, aged 83.
Death of Thomas Skuse
Thomas Skuse, an aged resident and much respected, of this city, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Samuel Fear, Sunday morning. He is survived by the following children: Mrs Eliza ...
Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, May 28, 1913
Funeral of Thomas Skuse
The funeral of Thomas Skuse was held from the home of his daughter, Mrs Samuel Fear, of Broal street. Services were conduced at the home by Rev J Van Hoeson of the Broad Street M 12 Church. The funeral was largely attended. The following acted as pall bearers: ...
Olean Times
Saturday, May 31, 1913
Engagement Annoucement
Miss Freeda Kaiser entertained at her home on North Fourth street last night. During the evening annoucement was made of the engagement of Mis Hazel McClure, daughter of Mr and Mrs O S MCClure of Coleman street and Charles Skuse of Pittsburg, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse of Westons. The marriage will take place in June. A buffet supper was served in the dining room, front a round table centered with a basket of marguerites and pink roses.
Mrs E C Duden of Renovo, and Miss Grace Skuse of Westons were among the guetss.
San Jose Evening News
Saturday, June 21, 1913
.. southerly up the center of said Hicks creek, and following along the western boundary line of the said tract of land which was conveyed to said Nathaniel Skuse by the aforsaid deed dated November 16th, 1867, about twelve and one-half (12 1/2) chain and to a point forming the westerly ...
Olean Evening Times
Wednesday, June 25, 1913
Miss McClure was Married at her Home
Popular Olean Young Lady Become the Bride of Charles Skuse of Pittsburg
Ceremony was Witnessed by Immediate Relatives—Reception for Bride and Groom Friday Evening—Will Live in Pittsburg
The home of Mr and Mrs O S McClure on Coleman street was the scene of a simple but impressive wedding this morning, when their eldest daughter, Hazel Lenore, was united in marriage to Charles G Skuse of Pittsburg, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse of Westons. The ceremony was performed at 9.30 o'clock by the Rev Mark Kelley, pastor of the First Methodist church, in the presence of only the immediate families of the bride and groom. Promptly at the appointed hour the wedding party took its place in the parlor before a ??d of ferns and palms,filled in with daisies and buttercups. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and there were no attendants.
The bride was gowned in a tailored suit of dark blue sorge, with which she wore a handsome chiffon waist. She wore a corsage bouquet of orchids and lillies of the valley.
Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was sreved. The bride's tale was set for tea. A crystal bsaket filled with white sweet peas and margueritos and tied with tuille stood at each end of the table and in the center the heat-shaped wedding cake stood, in a moud of s??x and white sweet peas.
Mr and Mrs Skuse left at 11 o'clock for Washington for a short stay. They will return to Olean Friday evening and Mr and Mrs McClure will give areception in their honor to a few friends. After July 15th they be at home ?? Wellon street, East Liberty, Pa.
Both the bride and groom are well known in this city, and are ?? in a large circle of friends. The bride has been the honor guest at a number of ?? affairs, among which were an ?? party given by Miss Fr?? ?? and a picnic ?? at which Mrs Thomas Whittaker was the hostess.
The groom, until this year lived at Westons, and held the positon of chief clerk to the master mechanic in the Pennsylvannia car shops. Late last fall he was advanced to the position of chief clerk under Master Mechanic A W Byron, in the South Pittsburgh shops, a position which he now holds.
Among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were Miss Stella Preston and Mrs S M Preston of Buffalo.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Monday, June 30, 1913
In Memoriam
Skuse—In loving member of my beloved mother, Jane Skuse. Died June 30, 1910.
Westfield Republican, Chautauqua Co, NY
Wednesday, July 2, 1913
Miss Virginia Stecker, who has been in San Francisco, Cal., for the past two years arrived home last Saturday evening, stopping off at Los Angeles where she visted her cousin, Mrs Daniel Skuse, and at Chicago, the guest of Miss Grace Reddock.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Aug 7, 1913
Mrs John Skuse was with her daughter, Mrs Nelson in Eagle, Saturday and Sunday.
Olean Times
Saturday, August 16, 1913
Personal Mention
Charles Skuse of Pittsburgh arrived in the city today to spend Sunday, Mrs Skuse who has been visiting her parents for a week, will return home tomorrow with him.
New York Tribune
August 17, 1913
Thousand Island Park
Among the recent visitors at the New Pratt House are Mr and Mrs G Skuse and Miss Marion Skuse, of Rochester; ...
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, August 21, 1913
Oaks Corners
Frank Skuse is having his house wired for electric lights.
The Newark Courier, NY
Thursday, September 4, 1913
Mr and Mrs Philetus Shuse of Ear Rochester visited old friends in and about this place the past week. They moved from these parts 23 years ago.
(*Newspaper made an error with surname)
Wyoming County Times
October 2, 1913
Hermitage Letter
Mrs John Skuse's mother, Mrs Baker of Warsaw, is paying her an autumn visit.
The Salamanca Republican Press
Tuesday, October 14, 1913
Peter Skuce was buried in a cave-in while at work on a street sewer at Corry yesterday. He was rescued and taken to the hospital, having sustained serious internal injuries.
Hornell Evening Tribune-Times
Wednesday, October 15, 1913
Peter Skuce was badly injured recently while at work on Liberty street sewer at Corry, Pa.. The earth caved in, covering Skuce and when he was dug out he was found to be badly crushed. The man was almost suffocated before rescued.
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvannia (Similar article, same day, in Buffalo Evening News)
October 15, 1913
Workman Killed
Corry, Oct 14.—Peter Skuce, who was so badly crushed in a sewer cave-in yesterday, passed away at the hospital, internal injuries proved more serious than at first realized. Mr Skuce, has resided here several years and is survived by a brother, living in Meadville.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence
Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, Oct. 16 1913, Page 5.
Law Violated in Motorcycle Accident That Caused Death of Shirley Flack
on Canton Road.—Men Not Seriously Injured.
Two motorcycles collided on the Canton road near Flackville
about 9 o'clock Sunday evening, and Miss Shirley Flack, who was riding
on the tank of one of the machines received injuries from which she
died on Monday. Miss Flack was riding with Edson Skuse and they were
going toward Canton, while John Hanratta of Lisbon was riding another
machine toward this city. Neither machine had their lights burning and
it is said that on meeting a carriage the drivers of both motorcycles
turned out on the same side and came together with great force. All
the riders were thrown, Miss Flack stricking upon her head and fracturing
her skull. She was conveyed to tbe house of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Flack in Flackville and died on Monday, without regaining consciousness.
Skuse suffered a severe concussion of the brain and was somewhat bruised.
Hanratta has several of his teeth knocked out, his face cut and head
injured. Miss Flack was 16 years of age and a pupil in the Heuvelton
high school. Besides her parents, a twin brother, Sherman Flack survives.
Coroner Stilwell went to Flackville on Monday to hold an inquest, and
after ascertaining the condition of the men, decided to postpone the
inquiry. The coroner stated that he was unable at present to learn at
what speed the cyclists were taveling, but that he judget it to have
been a fast clip from the nature of the injuries that all three received.
He further expressed the opinion that the fatality was due to the absence
of lights on both machines. Asked as to whether criminal proceedings
will be started against the motorists, he replied that he could not
say at present what action will be taken along that line. The coroner
added that there is a law against allowing persons to ride in front
of the driver of a motor vehicle, but that he supposed one could ride
behind the driver if he wished to take the risk. In this case the Shirley
girl occupied a seat in front of young Skuse.
Dr. Stilwell stated that neither Skuse nor Hanratta was in a serious
condition as a result of his injuries and that he expected both would
be able to testify within a short time. He indicted that he would require
the witnesses to come to this city to be examined by him.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, October 18, 1913
Social Notes
Mrs T H McKinnery, Carter Road, entertained the Jolly Ten Embroidery Club, of Oaks Corners, yesterday aftrenoon. Those present were Mrs Howard Skuse, Mr F E McDowell, Mrs Ernest Waterman, Mrs L H Facer, Mrs William Skuse and the Misses Thelma and Ruth Skuse.
Sunday, November 3, 1913
Howard—In this city, Nov 2, Mary A Howard, aged 71 years, 9 months, 6 days, wife of Gilbert S Howard, at the residence of her daughter Mrs A A Wharfield, 35 E 78th st. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday), November 4, at 1 o'clock P.M. at the residence establishment of J P Finley & Son, Montgomery, at Fifth street. Friends invited. Interment Mt Scott Park Cemetery.
(*Nee Skuse)
Sunday, November 9, 1913
Mrs Mary A Howard
Mrs Mary A Howard, who died from heart failure at her residence, 1014 Grand avenue North, last Sunday, was buried in Mount Scott Park Cemetery on Tuesday. The funeral services were conducted by Rev M Seaman of the Montavilla Presbyterian Church. Mrs Howard was 71 years old. She was a past worthy matron of the Eastern Star, of Aurora, Ill. She was born in Michigan and resided in Watkins, NY, and Aurora, Ill, before coming West 25 years ago. Mrs Howard is survived by her husband, Gilbert S Howard; her son, Fred L Howard, and her daughter, Mrs Gertrude Wharfield.
(*Nee Skuse)
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Thursday, November 13, 1913
Willard C Miller and Miss Abbie M Skuce were married at 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miller, 23 Springfield avenue.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Fred Winslow Adams, pastor of
the First Methodist Church. Mr. Miller recently returned from Houston,
Texas, where he was located during the past year. He will take his bridge
to Oregon in a few days.
Janesville Daily Gazette
November 19, 1913
J C Putnam
Funeral services for the late J C Putnam, who died Saturday at Marshaltown, Iowa, were held Tuesday afternoon from his son's home in Bradford, at one-thirty. Rev O'Neil officiated. Interment was held at the Emerald Grove cemetery. The pall-bearers were Robert ??, ?? Wesmore, Samuel Locke, William and James Bathie.
J C Putnam was born at Newbury, Vermont, March 23, 1827, and came to Wisconsin with his parents in June 1847, and settled on a farm in the town of Bradford, Rock county, where he lived for sixty-one years. One October 26, 1850, he was married to Samphina R Chamberlain. To them were born five children: Mrs Laura E Cloes of Elkhorn, Mary E?? who died in infancy; Mrs Nellie L Cloes of Fairfield, Mrs Abbie R Dodge of Avalon, and Daniel Putnam, who resides on the homestead at Bradford.
Mrs Putnam died March 14, 1873. He again married on May 9 1874, to Mrs Elizabeth Skuse, a widow with three children—James Skuse of Liscomb, Iowa; Miss Lillian Skuse of Beloit, Wis; and Mrs W H Barriage of Marshalltown, Iowa—with whom he was been living five years prior to his death.
New York Irish American Advocate
Saturday, November 22, 1913
The death in his eighty-fourth year has oocured at Old Blackrock road, Cork, of Mr James Skuce, who started as master of the "Ragged School," and who afterwards acted as a stevedore for Mezsrs R and H Hall. Deceased had acquired considerable property.
Jersey Journal
Wednesday, November 26, 1913
Thomas J Skuse
Special Deputy
Morning Olympian, Washington
Thursday, November 27, 1913
Thomas J Skuse of Spokane, was an Olympia visitor yesterday.
Sunday, December 7, 1913
Mrs Harper W Skuse, of Bend, Or., is visiting her mother, Mrs P J Cronin, who has taken apartments at the Everett for the Winter.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 18, 1913, Page 1, Vol. XXXXVII. 51
Lisbon Center
Miss Mabel Skuse and pupils hold Christinas exercises in Sucker Brook
school house Friday
Sunday, January 25, 1914
Contractor, Grand Army Man, Passes Away
Gilbert Smith Howard, of 1014 Grand avenue, North, whose death occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs A A Wharfield, 35 East Seventy-eight street, at 1:40am. January 19, was born at Bloomingdale, NJ, August 15, 1841, and was the second son to Albertus P Howard and Catherine Nancy Howard, in a family of seven sons. He married Mary A Skuse Norris, who died in Portland November 2, 1913. Mr Howard moved to Illinois in 1868 and, as an architect, contractor and builder, erected some of the largest buildings at that time in Chicago. Since coming to Oregon in 1899 he had been interested in wholesale furniture manufacturing and contracting and building. He was a G.A.R. veteran. Three brothers—Cornelius, Charles and William Howard, of Newark, NJ—and F L Howard and Mrs Gertrude M Wharfield, son and daughter, of Portland, survive him.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, March 19, 1914, Page 1, Vol. XXXXVIII. 12
School opened in Suckerbrook district last week. Miss
Scuse, teacher, School opens in district No. 2 the 23rd.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, March 19, 1914
Wm A Goodman has purchased the Orville Skuse farm, near Skuse corners, and will take possession of the same on April 1st.
Ithaca Daily News
Monday Evening, April 13, 1914
M J Scuse of Rochester, NY, is spending several days as the guest of
his friends, Mr and Mrs P J Scuse, of Dryden Road.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
April 24, 1914
Justice Court
Ora Wiley was arrested on two complaints for threatening to kill Allen Courser and Charley Skuse. He was arrainged before Justice Startweather and gave a bond for $250 in each case to keep the peace.
South New Berlin Bee
Saturday, May 30, 1914
Mr and Mrs A L Skuse were in Norwich, Saturday, Mr Skuse going for treatment of his eyes.
Wilkes-Barre Times
Wednesday, June 10, 1914
Miss Edna Stewart and George Skuse, two well known young people of Sheatown, were united in marriage last evening at 7 o'clock in the parsonage of Christ Lutheran Church, North Washinton street. Miss Lauthy Stewart and Chester Stewart, a sister and brother of the bride, Anna Skuse, a sister of the groom, and Hobert Davis, were the attendants. The bride wore a gown of white lace over voile, and a white hat, she carried a bouquet of white bridal roses. They will reside at Sheatown where the groom is employed in the Alden Coal Co.
Boston Globe
Monday, August 3, 1914
SKUSE—In Somerville, Aug 2., Johanna, beloved wife of John Skuse. Funeral Wednesday, Aug 5., from her late home, 555 Somerville av, at 8:15 a.m. Solemn high mass of requiem at St. Catherine's Church at 9 o'clock. Funeral private.
The Madrid Herald
Thursday, August 6, 1914
Lisbon Village
Miss Mary Christie was a guest of her cousin, Mabel Skuce, last Week
Miss Helen Skuce is spending her vacation in Odg. the guest of her aunt.
Victor Herald
Friday, August 7, 1914
Pleased with York State
Mr and Mrs Fayette D Skuse and daughter and son of Chicago recently made their first trip to the Empire State to visit their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs P M Skuse of East Rochester. All paid a visit to the old home farm near here last Wednesday and ate a picnic dinner in the beautiful grove in front of the house. Mr and Mrs Skuse Jr thought it a very pleasant place and were very much surprised to find York State so beautiful, the crops looking better here than in Illinois or anywhere along their line of travel. All enjoyed their visit and the visitors were so agreeably surprised with both country and people that they expect to come again.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, August 8, 1914
The Death of Mrs Ella C Lyon, of 275 Castle street, occured this morning at 7 o'clock, after an illness of two months. She is survived by two sons, Charles E Lyon and Robert A Lyon, both of Geneva; three brothers, John, Orvil and Frank Skuse, also of Geneva. Mrs Lyon has been a resident of Geneva about 15 years, moving to this city from the country.
Funeral services will be held from her late home on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock and interment will be made in Glenwood Cemetery.
Geneva Advertiser-Gazette
Thursday, August 13, 1914
The funeral services of Mrs Ella C Lyon who died on Saturday morning, were held from her late residence, 275 Castle street, on Monday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev Dr W H Webb of this city. Interment was made in Glenwood cemetery. The deceased is survived by two sons, Charle E and Robert A Lyon of this city, and three brothers, John, Frank and Orvil Skuse also of Geneva.
Pawtucket Times, Rhode Island
Tuesday, October 13, 1914
Skuce—In Auburn, on the 11th inst, William J, beloved son of John N and Nellie Schofield Skuce, aged 1 years 9 months and 6 days.
The New London Evening Day, Connecticut
Wednesday, Oct 14, 1914
Holland-Skuse Wedding
Miss Eva Skuse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Robert Skuse, and Daniel
Holland, both of this town, were united in marriage on Tuesday at the
town clerk's office, the ceremony being performed by Judge E.B. Hunckey.
Holland is employed on a farm in the north part of the town.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, October 15, 1914, Page 6
Mr. Thomas J. Skuse of Brooklyn, another member, is secretary
of the largest local association in that borough and is a former president
of the State League of Savings and Loan Associations
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
October 29, 1914
In Memoriam
Skuse—In loving memory of my beloved father, Thomas W Skuse, who died October 29, 1907
Jeanette A Davenport
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Sunday, November 22, 1914
... turned the machine into Pitt river.
The four drowned are: Horace Skuse, ...
The Monroe County Mail
Thursday, December 10, 1914
Mrs Carrie Skuse Bowers, wife of Norman Bowers, died Thursday, December 3rd, following an operation at the Homeopathic Hospital, Rochester. Deceased was born at Fairville, NY, forty-one years ago, but had resided in this village for several years. She leaves besides her husband, her father and mother, Mr and Mrs Philetus Skuse of this village, and one sister, Mrs Clarence Saunders of Detroit. Funeral services were held at the home of her parents, Satruday afternoon. Interment at Pittsford. Mrs Saunders of Detroit, come here to attend the funeral of her sister.
Victor Herald
Friday, December 11, 1914
Mrs Carrie Skuse Bowers daughter of Philetus and Ida Benson Skuse, former residents of Victor who now
live in East Rochester died in a Rochester hospital Thursday December 3d aged 41 years. Death followed an operation. Mrs Bowers was born in Fairport NY and for several years had lived in East Rochester. Funeral services were held last Saturday from the home of the parents. A sister Mrs Ina Saunders lives in Detroit, Mich.
Rochester Democcrat and Chronicle
Friday, February 5, 1915
John G Skuse, of No 1?? Windsor street, died Thursday at the Homeopathic Hospital, aged 59 years. He leave three sons, John, Robert and Ernest Skuse; two sisters, Mrs Lewis Mallery, of this city, and Mrs Robert Miller of Pa?? Center, and a brother Richard Skuse, of this city. The remains were taken to 2?? North street.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 7, 1915
Mrs Hannah Skuse Dies
Had Lived in Rochester Sixty Years.
Came here from Dublin
Mrs Hannah Skuse, one of the oldest residents of the city, died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs J Matford Wilson, at No 138 Alameda street. Mrs Skuse, who was 86 years old, was the wife of the late Daniel Skuse, who was prominent in Rochester's business circles years ago. She had always lived in Rochester, having come to this city sixty years ago from her birthplace in Dublin, Ireland
She leaves five daughters and two sons, Mrs Wilson, Mrs William Hetzel, and Mrs F D Smith of Rochester; Mrs L Lemieux of Los Angeles, Cal, and Mrs E H Burnes of Amsterdam; and THomas Skuse, of Rochester, and Daniel Skuse, of Los Angeles.
Amsterdam Evening Recorder
Monday, March 8, 1915
Mrs Hannah Skuse
Word has been received in Amsterdam announcing the death at Rochester of Mrs Hannah Skuse, aged 86 years, mother of Mrs E H Burnes, of this city. She resided at No 138 Almeda street. Besides Mrs Burnes, who is in Rochester to attend the funeral tomorrow morning, she leaves four other daughters and two sons.
Pullman Herald, Washington
March 19, 1915
Agricultural Courses are Popular
Over One-Third of Near-Granduates will receive Agricultural Degrees next June
Agriculture (B.S.)
Waldo W. Skuse, Spokane
The Bend Bulletin, Oregon
Wednesday, March 31, 1915
Miss Marie Christenson, who has been visiting at the home of her uncle, H W Skuse, leaves for Spokane this week.
The New York Times
Monday, May 17, 1915
Walsh—On May 13, Anna M Walsh, nee Skuse, widow of the late William H. Funeral from her late residence, 309 Richmond Turnpike, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, on Tuesday at 9:30 A.M., thence to Chapel of Our Lady of Consolation. Interment at St Peter's Cemetery.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, July 1, 1915
Miss Ruby Hildreth, of Nyack, is the guest of John Skuse and family.
Thomas Skuse, of Rochester, was the guest of his brother, John Skuse, and family on Tuesday.
Greenville Evening Record, Pennsylvannia
Wednesday, July 21, 1915
Mr and Mrs H D Snyder of Crafton, Mrs Thomas Skuce and daughter, Miss Vinnie Skuce of Ottawa, Can, are guests at the home of William Boulger, College avenue.
Boston Daily Globe
Monday, August 02, 1915
In memoriam
Anniversary mass to the relatives and friends of the late Johanan Skuse of Somerville. A high mass of requiem for the repose of her soul will be offered in St Catherine's Church, Spring Hill, Wednesday morning at 7:30 o'clock.
The Bakersfield Californian
Wednesay, August 11, 1915
T Skuse of San Francisco registered at the Metropole hotel yesterday.
The Castillian
Friday, August 27, 1915
The funeral of Mrs Adah McGowan, wife of E J McGowan, was held in the M E church on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial in Grace cemetery.
Mrs McGowan was operated upon for goitre at the Warsaw hosptial on Wednesday, where she passed away without regaining consciousness.
The deceased was born in Wethersfield on the 27th day of May, 1886, and was the youngest of four daughters born to Mr and Mrs John Skuse. She received a common school education, after which she entered the Chautauqua School for nurses at Jamestown, from which institution she graduated in 1906, which vocation she followed for a couple of years.
in 1909 she was married to E J McGowan of Hermitage, where they lived uintil three years ago, when they moved to this place.
Deceased was a member of the M E church, having joined by letter from the Bliss M E church. She was also a member of the Hudnutt class.
Besides her husband she leaves two small children, Grand and Oneita; her parents of Hermitage, and three sisters of Bliss. The floral tributes were many and beautiful which showed the high esteem in which she was held by her many friends.
Those from out of town in attendance at the funeral were Mr an dMrs John Skuse, Mr and Mrs Fletcher Olds, Mr and Mrs Alvin Wolcott, Mr and Mrs Henry Freer, Mrs F L Warren, Mrs F Hinrick, and Mrs Richards and other of Hermitage; Miss Susie VanLuven, Perry; Prof Walter Ward and wife, Rochester; Henry Ward, Mrs E J Foote, Glen Foote and Mrs H M Ward, Hardys; Mr and Mrs Louie Merville, Mr and Mrs John VanDyke, Mr and Mrs John Nelson, Mr and Mrs Sidney Barber, and Guy Foote and mother, Bliss; Mr and Mrs Robert Brewer, and Vern Brewer, Warsaw; Mrs Ed Deitzel, Gaineville; and Miss Ruth Metcalf, Hermitage.
The following lines were written by Mrs McGowan while in the hosptial:
In faith I now can see the Christ
That once in sorrow died for me,
That, I might be saved-forever
He died upon the curel hill.
I see Him draw the veil that hides
From earthly yes the beauty seem
That now awaits His own loved ones,
There's a place prepared for me,
And some day death will loose the cord
THat holds me to this earthly place,
And shall see Him face to face
In glory sitting on His throne,
And see the place prepared for me,
Be it great or bit it small
It means to me my toils here
My work forever on earth is o'er.
O, may it be in his right hand
With loved ones that have gone before,
O, may we not at last sit together
On that golden shore?
The heavenly home where all is love
And all of pains and sorrows cease
And with all earthly sin removed
We are to dwell in eternal peace.
Card of Thanks
To all the friends whose sympathy and services so kindly tendered me during the loss of my beloved wife, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks. Also for the many flowers among which were beautiful pieces presented by the Hook and Ladder Co., the Hudnutt class and Epworth League.
E J McGowan.
Buffalo Evening News
Monday, September 20, 1915
Mrs Charles Skuse and son of Pittsburg are the guests of Mrs Skuse's parents Mr and Mrs O S McClure of Coleman street.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, October 10, 1915
Not his Stoves, but that didn't matter
Took Dealer to Woman's Rooms and sold them
Experience may be the best teacher, but it has never driven home a very effective lesson to Frank Skuse, 50 years old, of Frank street, who was arrested yesterday afternoon by Detective Wiedman on a charge of petty larceny and burglary in the third degree. Skuse has been arrested again and again, yet he continues to do things contrary to the rules of law and order. His lastest offence is, so charged, the theft of four stoves and a rug valued at $40, the property of Mrs B Shoemaker, of No 275 State street.
Recently Mrs Shoemaker moved most of her belongings from the State street address to a house in another part of the city. Four stoves and a rug, however, were left in the State street apartment for a few days, the intention of Mrs Shoemaker being to have them taken to her new home early this week. Skuse who at one time boarded with Mrs Shoemaker, learned that the stoves and the rug were in the State street apartment, and he went there yesterday, and sold them to a second-hand dealer, who carted them away.
Skuse has served ten years in Auburn and has frequently been in the penitentiary.
The Clifton Springs Press, NY
Thursday, October 21, 1915
John Skuse and family, of Clifton Springs, spent Sunday afternoon with F J Hildreth and family.
Flushing Daily Times
Monday, October 25, 1915
Thomas Skeuse Seriously Ill
Aged Flushing Contractor Stricken with Paralysis as he is Walkin Along Broadway
Stricken suddenly ill with paralysis as he was walking along Broadway at 9 o'clock this morning, Thomas Skeuse, a lifelon resident of Flushing, is seriously ill at him home, 40 Warren street, today.
Mr Skeuse was apparently in robust health when he left his home this morning. When in front of the restaurant at 73 Broadway he was suddely stricken and fell to the sidewalk. Patrolman John Lazemby and George Strettle, a fireman attached to Engine Company 129, Grove street, lifted the unconscious man into an automobile which they had summoned and removed him to his home. Dr John F Dick, of Sanford avenue, was summoned and treated Mr Skeuse. According to the physician, Mr Skeuse's condition is serious, although he has regained consciousness.
Mr Skeuse is more than seventy years old and has lived in Flushing all his life. He was in the contracting business her for nearly half a century.
The Sun
Wednesday, October 27, 1915
Miss Anne Marie O'Connor, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh B O'Conner, was
married to Thomas J Skuse, special Deputy Naval Officer of the Port
of New York, yesterday afternoon in the New Cathedral, Brooklyn. The
ceremony was performed by Bishop Mundelein, assisted by Mgr. Duffy.
They were assisted by the Rev. Peter Kelaher, the Rev. Thomas Carroll,
the Rev. John S Gresser and the Rev. Charles Reilly. The bride was attended
by her sister, Miss Florence O'Connor and Miss Sue Donahue. Edward Salt
was the best man; the ushers were Joseph Mathais, Henry Jones, Charles
Keough and Edward C Davenport.
New York Times
27 Oct 1915
Wed by Bishop Mundelein
T J Skuse, Deputy Naval Officer, Marries Miss O’Connor
Miss Anne Marie O’Connor, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh B O’Connor of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and Thomas J Skuse, Controller and Special Deputy Naval Officer of the Port of New York, were married yesterday afternoon at the Queen of All Saints’ Church, Brooklyn. The officiating clergyman was the Right Rev Bishop Mundelein, who was assisted by Mgr Duffy, the Rev Peter Leaher, the Rev Thomas E Caroll, the Rev John S Grasser, and the Rev Charles Reilly.
Mr and Mrs Skuse have gone on a honeymoon tour of the South and will live in Brooklyn on their return.
The Newark Union-Gazette
Saturday Morning, November 6, 1915
Survivors of the 111th New York Infantry and Lady Visitors at the Annual Reunion, October 23, 1915
Company C,— ... Philetus Skuse, E Rochester.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, November 30, 1915
Accused of Stealing Stoves
Frank Skuse, 53 years old, of No 130 North Fitzhugh street, was arrested in State street yesterday afternoon by Detectives Wiedman and Christie on a charge of petit larceny. Skuse is accused of stealing three stoves, valued at $30 from Agnes Shoemaker on September 7th.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, December 9, 1915, Page 8
Miss Stella Skuce of State Hospital spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Kansas City Globe, Kansas
Monday, January 3, 1916
Marriage Licenses
Emory Skuse, K.C.K.
Hilton Record, Hilton, NY
Thursday, 24 January 1916
High School Senior Accepted at Delhi
Darryl Skuce of 1115 Lawrence Rd, a senior of Hilton Central School,
has been accepted for admission in September to State University Agricultural
and Technical Institution at Delhi. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Skuce, he will study in the Construction Division.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, February 3 1916, Page 1, Vol. L, 5
Miss Stella Skuce of State Hospital spent Tuesday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Skuce.
The Duluth Herald
Thursday, February 3, 1916
Convictions Secured
Several Lawbreakres Found Guilty at Williston, N.D.
O L Shuse of Ray, accused of grand larceny, will be tried again, the jury being out twelve hours, failing to agree
Boston Globe
Monday, April 17, 1916
Skuse—In Somerville, April 17, John, beloved husband of the late Johanna Skuse. Funeral from his late residence, 555 Somerville av, Wednesday, April 19 at 8:15 a.m. Solemn high mass at St Catherine's Church at 9 o'clock. Burial private.
The Western New Yorker
March 3, 1916
Mrs John Skuse and grandson, Grant McGowan of Hermitage, visited her daughter, Mrs John VanDyke Friday and Saturday.
The Otsego Farmer and Otsego Republican
Friday, March 3, 1916
Events in Cooperstown
The "Orphanage" donkey is no more.
He has not gone to the Illimitable
Beyond but his institutionale nature has departed, having been cast out by the
boys anid girls, teachers, trustees' and
ladies' board as an unbecoming adjunct
of an up-to-date Foundation. But the
animal is neither done for nor done, for
he has been presented to Astrologer
Zach Skuse in appreciation of his services to the community as a weather
prophet and general prognosticator and
will hereafter spend his time gazing at
the stars. Considering his well-founded
habit of hee-hawing at the Moon this
may not be a trick difficult to teach and
should make him more popular with the
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, March 3, 1916
Justice Court Doings
Charles Skuse was arrested Friday for larceny on complaint of W H Saxton and was fined $10 by Justice Russell.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, March 10, 1916
More Bean Troubles
On complaint of W H Saxon, Charles Skuse and Leo Redi were arretsed on the charge of breaking and entering. It is alleged that they took nine bushels of beans. Both waived examination before Justice Russell and were bound over to the circuit court. Bail was fixed at $500, and in default they are in jail.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, March 17, 1916
Circuit Court
Tuesday Charles Skuse and Leo Reid, who waived examination in justice court on the charge of larceny of beans from W H Saxon, plead guilty in circuit court and were turned over to the probation officer for investigation.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
Friday, March 31, 1916
Circuit Court
Court convened the latter part of last week, but the jury was not needed. Leo Reid and Charles Skuse, bound over from justice court for stealing beas from W H Saxon, and whose cases were referred to the probation officer, were turned over to the court for sentence, but have not yet received their tickets.
Evening News, California
Tuesday, April 4, 1916
Skuce—In San Jose, April 3, 1916, Hester Skuce, a native of New York, aged 79 years.
The Cambridge Chronicle, Massachusetts
Saturday, April 29, 1916
Middlesex Court Matters
Wills Filed and Allowed
George W Skuse is an heir-at-law to the estate of his father, John Skuse, of Somerville, who died April 17, 1916. The estate is valued at $21,000; $11,000 in real estate and $10,000 in personal property.
Watertown Daily Times, NY
Saturday, May 6, 1916
Private Richard Skuce of Craigmont, Ont ... have died ...
Flushing Daily Times
Thursday, May 25, 1916
Thomas Skeuse Incompetent
Well Known Contractor Has Never Recovered from Stroke
Thomas Skeuse, 75 years old, a contractor, of 40 Warren street, has been adjudged incompetent by County Judge Burt J Humphrey. Application was made on Tuesday by Judge Harrison S Moore, representing Mrs Mary E Skeuse, for the appointment of a committee of his person and property. Judge Humphrey will probabluy name Mrs Skeuse.
On October 25 Mr Skeuse suffered a stroke of apoplexy, from which he never recovered. He is being cared for at home.
Mr Skeuse is a life-long resident of Flushing and is widely known. He is a well-to-do contractor.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, June 7, 1916
Mr and Mrs W D Skuse of the Carter Road are being congratulated on the birth of a 12 pound boy, born at the Geneva City Hospital last evening.
Olean Evening Herald
Saturday, August 19, 1916
Charles Skuse of Pittsburgh, Pa and Dr Glenn McClure of Syracuse and Miss Estelle Preston of Buffalo have been called to the city to attend the funeral of Mrs Sarah Preston.
Odgen Standard, Utah
October 6, 1916, page 7
Alex Jamison and Edward Skuse, Drunks, each forfeited $5 bail ...
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, September 9, 1916
Social Notes
The Skuse family reunion was held yesterday at Cayuga Lake Park. A picnic lunch was served by the ladies on a long table spread on the veranda of the pavilion. Games were played and all enjoyed the bating and the toboggan. Those present were: Mr and Mrs J M Skuse, Mr and Mrs F P Skuse, Mr and Mrs Orville Skuse, Mr and Mrs William Skuse, Mr and Mrs Clarence Skuse, Mr and Mrs Howard Skuse, the Misses Leora, Ruth, Telma, Helen and Keene Skuse, Master John Skuse Jr, Mrs Emma Skuse, Mr and Mrs Ernest Waterman, Mr and Mrs Charles E Lyon, Mr and Mrs Francis McDowell and son George.
Ogdenburg Advance and St Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, October 5, 1916
Clarence Skuce left Monday for New York City where he has a position.
Odgen Standard, Utah
Saturday, October 7, 1916
Sentenced—. J Van Allen and Ed Skuse were each sentenced this morning by the municipal court judge, to serve five days in jail, having been found guilty of drunkeness. Van Allen was said to have been begging in the residence district, and Skuse broke faith with the court by falling off the "water wagon" for the second time in three days.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, October 17, 1916
Objects to Stecher Will
Daughter Alleges Fraud and Undue Influence—Jury Trial
Objections to probate of the will of Frank A Stecher were tried yesterday afternoon in Surrogate Couty by McInnery & Bechfold, who represent Mrs Louise Maria Theresa Skuse, of Los Angeles, a daughter of the testator Mr Stecher, who was president of the Stecher Lithographic Company, died on May 16, 1916, and left an estate valued at $730,000. Old employees of the company and nieces and nephews shared in the estate.
Under the terms of the will two daughters, Mrs Skuse and Mrs Caroline Schlegel, of Rochester, were to receive Incomes of $10,000, in addition, Mrs Schlegel was given the life use of the testator's home at No 1132 East savenue and an anunity of $4000 for its proper maintenance.
Mrs Skuse, through her attorneys, attacks the probate of the will on the ground that the instrument offered is not the last will and that it was not executed as required by law. It is charged that at the time of the making of the will the testator was not of sound mind and memory and that he was incapable of making a valid will. It is claimed that the execution of the will was not obtained by undue influence and fraud.
The conestant demands a jury trial, the date of which will be fixed by Special County Judge Bathite, acting surrogate.
The Kansas City Kansan, Kansas
Monday, October 30, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Skuse, 1401 North 28th St., announce the birth of their son, Wednesday, October 25, to whom they have given the name, Richard Emory. Mrs. Skuse was Miss Helen Clark, 47 South Forest.
The Des Moines News, Des Moines,
Friday, November 3, 1916
Page 14
One Killed, two Injured when Train Hits Switch
Rock Island, Ill., Nov. 3— The southwest Limited, fast Millwaukee train
westbound, was wrecked at Moline last night, when it ran into an open
switch. Leo Miller, fireman. of Chicago, was scalded to death; F. Skuse,
engineer, also of Chicago, lost his left leg and the Pullman conductor
suffered a fractured bone in his face. The engine, baggage car and two
steel coaches left the track and were piled up in a tangle.
The Day Book, Chicago, Illinois
Friday, November 3, 1916
Bits of News
Fireman Leo Miller dead and Engineer F Skuse, both of Chicago, injured when Southwest Limited of St Paul road jumped track near Moline.
Daily Register Gazette, Rockford
Friday, November 3, 1916
Fireman Leo J Miller, of Chicago, was killed, and Engineer Fay Skuse, of Austin, Ill, is near death in a hospital. His left leg was amputated.
The Virden Record, Illinois
November 9, 1916
Derails Southwest Limited
Moline.—Police and railroad detectives were searching for the person who threw a switch in the yards of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Pail railroad here, and caused the wrecking of the west-bound passenger train No. 25, known as the Southwest Limited, Chicago to Kansas City, with the loss of one life and the injuring of a score or more of trainmen and passengers. Fireman Leo J. Miller of Chicago was killed and Engineer Fay Skuse of Chicago is near death in a local hospital. His left leg was amputated.
Picket Line Post, Mt Morris, NY
Friday, Nov 17, 1916
Mid Valley Mixtures in Metre, The News Muse
The mother of Mrs. John Skuse, Laura Baker
We meet did at Hermitage, happy and gay
Who seven and eighty years young, by birth gifted.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday Morning, November 23, 1916, Page 5
Miss Mary Christie of Ogdensburg visited her aunt, Mrs.
John Skuce on Saturday.
Miss Stella Skuce of State Hospital was home with her
parents over Sunday
Daily Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Friday, November 24, 1916
South Bottom Items
Mr and Mrs Skeuse have moved on to the farm by Mrs Moudy.
Brooklyn Daily Star
Saturday, November 25, 1916
Builder of College Point Causeway Dies
Thomas Skeuse, 75 years old, a contractor who constructed the College Point Causeway between Flushing and College Point, died Friday night in the Flushing Hospital following a long illness.
Mr Skeuse was born in College Point, but he lived in Flushing most of his life. He did extensive contracting work in Queens and directed some of the first sewer and road work in the borough. His reputation for business integrity was widespread. He leaves his wife and several children.
Flushing Daily Times
Saturday, November 25, 1916
Thomas Skeuse Death at 76
Well known Flushing contractor succumbs after long illness./
Had Been Engaged in Business here for half a century—Resident of Town Seventy-one Years—Suffered Paralysis Stroke Thirteen Months Ago and Never Recovered.
Thomas Skuse, a resident of Flushing for more than seventy years and who was actively engaged in the contracting business here for half a century, died last night in the Flushing Hospital, after an illness of more than a year. Although the direct cause of his death is given as nephritis, Mr Skeuse had suffered from complications.
About thirteen months ago he was stricken suddenly with paralysis while walking on the street and had to be assisted to him home. He never regained his health and was removed to the hospital last Monday.
Thomas Skeuse was born in Ireland, the son of Thomas and Mary Skeuse. His father was at one time a soldier in the British army as were also other members of the elder Mr Skeuse's family. Nine months after the birth of Thomas Skeuse, his parents immigrated to America and located in Flushing, where his father secured employment as a landscape gardener, which he had learned in his native land, but later he began devoting his attention to the milk business, then retired and finally passed from life at College Point at the age of fifty-four years. Mr Skeuse's mother reached the age of seventy-two years.
Thomas Skeuse has been a resident of Flushing seventy-one years, the first five years of his childhood being spent in Connecticut. He began wqorking when very small and was obliged to stand on a box to wash India rubber combs at College Point, at which time there were but seventeen houses in that place. He did not continue long at this business because of sickness and later on assisted his father and brothers in farming, gardening and in selling milk, continuing this occupartion until his marriage on March 3, 1865 to Mary Bough.
Following his marriage Mr Skeuse engaged in the contracting business here and although he met with some reverses he continued to persevere and his efforts were eventually crowned with success. In 1879 he became a wholesale dealer in ice and followed that line of business for several years. While engaged in the contracting business he built eleven miles of the best macadamized road between Flushing and Jamaica and also did some fine work on the dykes here and put up some beautiful homes. The contract to build the road form Flushing to Jamaica was the first big job Mr Skeuse had. At that time he was associated in business with Harry B Peace, of Flushing.
Mr Skeuse was a Royal Arch Mason, a member of Cornucopia Lodge, No 563, F & A M, and was also a member of Pacific Lodge, No 85, I O O F. He was one of the original founders of the Odd Fellows' Home at Hollis and was one of the hardest workers in behalf of that insitution.
Mr Skeuse and his family attended St George's Episcopla Church. Politically, Mr Skeuse had always been a Republican.
Besides a widow he is survived by five sons and four daughters. Services will be conducted at his late home, Sunday evening at 8 o;clock by Cornucopia Lodge and Pacific Lodge. Rev Henry D Waller, rector of St George's Church will ocnduct services at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, when the funeral will be held. Interment will be in Flushing Cemetery.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, NY
Sunday, November 26, 1916
Thomas Skeuse
Thomas Skuse, 70 years old, of 40 Warren street, Flushing, L.I., died
yesterday from paralysis in the Flushing Hosptial. Mr. Skeuse was prominent
in the Odd Fellows, Masonic and Foresters orders and was one of the
organizers of the Odd Fellows Home at Hollis, L.I. He was born in Ireland
and came to Flushing with his parents when an infant of nine months,
residing there ever since.. Mr. Skeuse was a contractor and built the
first macadam road between Flushing and Jamaice, L.I.
Flushing Daily Times
Monday, November 27, 1916
The funeral of Thomas Skeuse, 76 years old, who died Friday night in the Flushing Hospital, was held from his late home, 40 Warren street, this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The funeral was very largely atteneded and interment, was in Flushing Cemetery. Pacific Lodge I.O.O.F., and Cornucopia Lodge No 563, F. and A.M. held services at the house Sunday evening.
The Morning Echo, Bakersfield, California
Thursday, November 30, 1916
Confeses he Wrecked Train
Moline, Ill. Nov 29.—Henry Johanan, 26, a former employe of the Hurlington? railroad, confessed here tonight, according to police, that on November 2 he wrecked the Southwest Limited of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railway in this city. Leo J Miller of Chicago, the fireman, was killed, Fay D Skuse of Austin, engineer, was permanmently injured. Johanan has been under obersation by the authorities of the Watertown state hospital for the insane, it is said and while they are reported to have declared that he was not mentally insane he was "of the ?? type."
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 6 1916, Page 1, Vol. L, 49
Miss Mabel Skuce of Potsdam Music school spent Sunday
with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
The Portsville Review
January 4, 1917
Westons Mills
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse, of Pittburg, have been visiting the former's parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse.
Jamestown Evening Journal
Thursday, January 11, 1917
Frank Skuse of Meadville, track foreman on the Erie road, was struck Monday by an Erie freight train and instanly killed.
Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
Monday, January 29, 1917
Mrs Henry M Skuse, of Buffalo, N.Y., is the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs Charles Mellor, of Shonk street.
Isabella County Enterprise, Michigan
April 6, 1917
City Brevities
Charles Skuse of Ionia was in the city the latter part of the week and at present is working on a farm south of town.
Boston Daily Globe
Wednesday, April 18, 1917
In Memoriam
Anniversary high mass will be held at St Catherine's Church, Sommerville, at 7:30 a.m., Thursday, April 19, for the repose of the soul of John Skuse.
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independent, Pennsylvania
Sunday, May 13, 1917
Mine Foreman's Examination
Those taking the examination are as follows: ...
George Skuse, ...
Rochester and Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, May 14, 1917
Fitzgerald–At the home of Richard Skuse, No 41 Ontario street, Sunday, May 13, 1917, Catherine Jane, daughter of Patrick and Catherine Skuse Fitzgerald, aged 22 month.
—Funeral from the house Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Seattle Daily Times
May 22, 1917
Infant Fredeen Skuse, 16-2829 West Thirty-fourth Avenue, May 15
The Otsego Tidings
Thursday, June 7, 1917
Bowe Hill
Thomas Skuse of Cooperstown visited his uncle, David Merrihew, over Sunday.
Flushing Daily Times
August 10, 1917
Miss Maud Skeuse, youngest daughter of Mary and the late Thomas Skeuse, of 40 Warren street, Flushing, and Thomas F Cleary, of 174 Myrtle avenue, Flushing, were quietly married at 7 o'clock Thursday evening in the parsonage of St Fidelis' Catholic Church, College Point, by the Rev George Bittermann. The ceremony was witnessed only by a few friends and relatives of the couple.
The bride was attended by Miss Lillie Barry, of Locust street as birdesmaid and Percy Fallon, of Chicago, Ill., formerly of Flushing, was best man. Following the ceremony Mr and Mrs Cleary left on a honeymoon trip and upon their return will reside in Flushing.
Both the bride and bridegroom are well known in Flushing and have many friends here. Mr Cleary is an accountant employed by the United Cigar Stores Company.
Brooklyn Daily Star
Saturday, August 11, 1917
Miss Maud Skeuse, daughter of the late Thomas and Mrs Skeuse of Flushing and Thomas F Cleary of 174 Myrtle avenue, Flushing, were married at the rectory of St Fidelis' Church Thursday evening by the Rev George Bittermann.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, NY
Sunday, August 12, 1917
Miss Maud Skeuse, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary and the late Thomas
Skeuse, of 40 Warren street, Flushing, was married Thursday evening,
in St. Fidells Church, College Point, to Thomas F. Cleary of 174 Myrtle
avenue, Flushing. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. George W Bittermann,
and was witnessed only by the relatives and a few friends of the couple.
The bride was attended by Miss Lillie Barry of Locust street, as bridesmaid,
and Percy Fallon of Chicago, Ill. was best man. Following the ceremony, Mr
and Mrs Cleary left on a wedding trip and upon their return will live
in Flushing.
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvannia
Thursday, August 16, 1917
Final account of Mrs Anna K Stein, Administratix of the estate of Frank J Skuce, late of Meadville, Pa; deceased
The Eugene Guard, Oregon
Monday, August 20, 1917
Lane County News
Mrs George Skuce of Halifax, Nova Scotia, came Sunday to visit her parents at London, Mr and Mrs J J Groat, Mrs Skuce's husband, is with the Canadian soldiers in France.
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvannia
September 24, 1917
Anna K Stein, adminstratrix of the estate of Frank Skuce, deceased, for the benefit of Agnes Skuce, vs. Erie Railroad Co, No 14 September term, 1917.
Isabella County Enterprise
November 2, 1917
Married at the Methodist parsonage in Mt Pleasant on October 29, 1917, Henry Oppliger and Miss Sarah Skuse, both of Union township. The young people will occupy a farm in Union township.
Licensed to Wed
Henry Oppliger, 24, Union; Sarah Skuse, 20, Union
Tulsa World, Oklahoma
Wednesday, November 7, 1917
Switchman is Stricken
Sapulpa, Nov 6.—The police found T J Skuce, a Frisco switchman, writhing in conculsions this morning at the intersection of Main street and Hobson avenue. He was conveyed to the France hotel, where a physician declared he was suffering from heart disease. His condition is critical. Skuce carries a B. of R.R.T. card, showing that he is a member in good stating at Galveston, Texas. He is about 35 years old and claims Meadville, Pa as his home. He has been been in the employ of the Frisco railroad for some time.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, November 15, 1917, Page 8
Miss Mary Christie of Ogdensburg spent Sunday with her
aunt Mrs. John Skuce.
Miss Stella Skuce of State hospital was home over Sunday.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, November 29, 1917, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce of Potsdam Crane Institute is home to
spend Thanksgiving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
San Jose Evening News
Saturday, December 1, 1917
Brownstone-Skuse: Edwin S Brownstone, 22, San Francisco, and Esther Camile Skuse, 18, San Francisco.
The Brookyln Daily Eagle, NY
Friday, December 14, 1917
Legal Notices
Caroline Clunies Skuse, ...
... last will and testament of Jane A Hubbard, ...
The Randolph (NY) Register
December 28, 1917
January 12
The remains of Frank Skuse were brought to Randolph from Meadville Wednesday and buried in the Catholic cemetery. He was a former resident of Randolph and met a violent death on the railroad.
Chicago Examiner
Sunday, January 28, 1918
Death Notices
McGrath—James E, Jan 25, beloved husband of Anna McGrath (nee Skuse), fond father of Edward, John, Mrs J R Murphy, James, Mrs R K Imler, Mary, Sister Sefhyrina, Toronto (Ont.), Raymond, Harry and brother of Mrs Michael H Long.
Funeral Sunday Jan 28, at 9 a.m., from his late residence, 7950 Brandon av., to St Bride's Church, thence by autos to Mount Olivet.
Isabella County Enterprise
February 15, 1918
Boys who have been examined
Enough passed by board to assure Quota
Twenty three rejected as Physically Disqualified
Sickness on the part of some, bad roads, and absence from the county have all been responsible for many of the men called not reporting for examination.
The following Isabella county boys have passed the physical examination of the local board and are pronounced fit for military service:
The following have been referred to the medical avisory board:
... Charlie Skuse ...
Saginaw News, Michigan
Friday, March 15, 1918
The funeral of Charles Skuse took place Tuesday from his home, the young man was ill only a week. He was born in the southern part of the state but had lived here for eighteen years
Jersey Journal
Saturday, March 16, 1918
Heagney—On Thursday, March 14, 1918, James P Heagney, beloved husband of Mary Heagney (nee Skeuse).
Relatives and friends, also Court Onward No 563 I.O.F., Liberty Island Lodge No 99, Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen, and All Saints ...
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Friday, March 22, 1918
..., George Dewey Skuse, ...
Riverside Independent Enterprise, California
Saturday, March 30, 1918
Mrs M H Skuce and daughter Evelyn and son Lyman, of Redlands are guests of her sister. Mrs Geo A Hubbard, 997 West Sixth street.
New York Tribune
March 31, 1918; Page 12
Local Board 147
22d Regiment Armory, 635 West 168th Street
Leave for Camp April 5
Skuce, Howard C., Lisbon, N.Y.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, May 11, 1918
Hurricane Swept North of Geneva
The most severe damage from the storm occurred on the farms of Collins Brownell, just west of Skuse's Corners and on the farm of O H Skuse, the old homestead for which Skuse's Corners was named. ...
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Tuesday, June 4, 1918
C J Skuse, who was injured last fall and spent several months in the hospital at Juneau is reported to be still unable to work. One of his older sons, however, is assisting in planting the crops this spring.
Daily Alaska Dispatch
Tuesday, June 11, 1918
Return to Mendenhall
Mr and Mrs C J Skuse have returned to their home "Skuseden" at Mendenhall. They have spent the ... in Juneau ...
Geneva Daily Times
Friday, June 14, 1918
Mrs Skuse is a guest of her sister, Mrs N B Covert.
Woodbury Daily Times, New Jersey
Tuesday, July 9, 1918
Genealogical Data
(Contributed by Frank H Stewart, President Gloucester County Historical Society)
(Continued from Saturday)
John Adamson and Ann Skuce, 12th Mo. 1715.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, July 18, 1918, Page 5
Miss Stella Skuce of State Hospital spent Sunday with
her parents here Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
New Castle News, Virginia
August 20, 1918
Maj Skuse will Speak
Canadian to Make Address at Harvest Home at Pulaski
Has been through many Big Battles
Major Skuse of Toronto, Canada, who has been secured as the principal speaker at the bug ?? Cross Harvest Home Picnic at Pulaski on Wednesday, has had several hair-breadth experiences while in action in France. He has the distinction of having slain single-handed seven Germans in a single episode. He has received a personal decoration for bravery from King George of England. He is new in this counry having been invalded home as the results of wounds received. He will tell of interesting exploits in the war zone.
San Jose Evening News
Thursday, September 5, 1918
Given 30 Days
Daniel Skuse was yesterday taken before Acting Police Judge U A Sontheimer on a charge of vagrancy. ...
[*Some newspapers list as Shuse]
The Sun
Wednesday, September 18, 1918
Army Orders
In addition to present duties Major John C Skuse (infantry), assigned
to duty, as commanding officer Students Army Training Corps, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va.
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Saturday, Septeptember 28, 1918
MILLER — At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert P. Webster, in Spencerport,
Thursday evening, September 26, 1918, Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Miller, wife
of Robert C. Miller, aged 50 years. Besides her husband she leaves one
son, George Miller, of the Thirty-fifth Field Artillery, Camp McClellan,
Anniston, Alabama; four daughters, Mrs. Edward Gallagher, of Rochester,
Mrs. Roy Webster, of Parma, Mrs. Robert P. Webster and Miss Lillian
Miller, of Spencerport; one brother, Richard Skuse, of Spencerport;
and sister, Mrs. Martha Mallory, of Rochester.
Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Webster, Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. William Palmer officiating. Interment in
Fairfield cemetery, Spencerport.
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Monday, September 30, 1918
Mrs Anna E Miller
Spencerport, Sept 29.—The death of Mrs Anna Elizabeth Miller, wife of Robert C Miller, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs Robert P Webster, in this village, Thursday evening. Mrs Miller was born in Rochester, May 6, 1859, but had made her home in Parma for a long time. Besides her huysband she leaves one son, George Miller, of the Thirty-fifth Field Artillery, Battery F, Camp McClellan, Anniston, Alabama; four daughters, Mrs Edward Gallagher, of Rochester; Mrs Roy Webster, of Parma; Mrs Robert P Webster and Miss Lillian Miller, of Spencerport, and one brother, Richard Skuse of Spencerport, and one sister Mrs Martha Mallory, of Rochester.
The funeral services will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs Robert P Webster, Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev William Palmer officiating. The interment will be made in Fairfield cemetery, Spencerport.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, October 3, 1918, Page 2
Miss Stella Skuce a Red Cross Nurse
Friends Honor Patriotic Young Nuse Who Goes to Help Win the War - A
Graduate of State Hospital Training School.
Lisbon, Oct.1 - A few of the young people of this place
gathered in the parlors of the Prebyterian church on Monday night in
honor of Miss Stella Skuce who leaves this place this week to go into
the service. We are very proud to know that there is a young woman of
Lisbon who will give herself this noble work. Miss Skuce recently graduated
as a nurse from the State hospital and says she is glad to know that
she can give herself in this great work and is very anxious to go.
The Binghampton Press
Friday, November 1 1918
Sergeant Picken, with his two comrades, Private Jack Slack of Toronto
and Private Neville of Albany are presenting a vaudeville sketch which
depicts the brighter side of French life. Trench songs as sung by the
boys in France and war-time poems are offered. The scenery for the act
was designed by Lou Skuce, considered the world's greatest war-time
cartoonist The sketch is entitled Billet 13.
The Standard Union, Brooklyn
Monday, November 11, 1918
Soldiers on Motor Truck in Collision with Auto
... Roy Scouse, 26, right ear cut.
Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
Saturday, November 23, 1918
George Skuse, aged 51, died at City Hospital last evening at 6:20 o'clock after a few day's illness of influenza-pneumonia. He was admitted to the institution Nov 21, and was so very ill that he was unable to give any information about his relatives, only that he had a sister residing in Pittston. He was a section hand employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company at Nescopeck, near White Haven. His sister or relatives are asked to call at the City Hospital.
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independant
Sunday, November 24, 1918
Died from Influenza
George Skuse, aged 51, died on Friday at t he City hospital following influenza. He was formerly employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Nescopeck. His relatives or friends are asked by the hospital authorities to claim the body.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, November 28, 1918
Skuse—Frank Skuse, son of Richard and Lena Skuse died Wednesday evening Nov 27, 1918, at the family residence, 41 Ontario St, aged 30 years.
—Funeral from the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Nov 21, 1918
Not lang since the attention of John Skuse was attracted by a peculiar looking object lying on the gravel in the center of the stream that forms the western boundary of his farm. Wading in he fished out a coal black, petrified fossil. All who have seen it agreed that it is the lower jaw bone of a prehistoric animal. The jaw is long and comparitively narrow and shows the unmistakable sockets of very large teeth. John has wondered how the animal looked that had suck immense grinders. Were the great French palaeontologist Cuvier on earth he would be able to take the fragment and construct a representation of the strange being that might satisfy John's curiosity. We suggest that he sent the relic to Professor Whitbeck of Wisconsin University and learn whta he and his geological colleagues know.
Mrs John Nelson of Eagle spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
Olean Evening Herald
January 6, 1919
Page 1
Aged Woman Died at Daughter's Home in Westons The death of Mrs Dora Skuse, aged 84 years, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs Frank Skuse of Westons, last night.
Besides the daughter, at whose home she died, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs R W Daggett of Olean; one stepson, James Skuse of Chicago, Ill; one stepdaughter, Mrs Elizabeth Henneman of New York City.
The funeral will be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Walter Readette of Boardmanville, will officiate. The remains will be shipped to Fillmore, Wednesday morning and interment will be made beside her husband.
The Portville Review
Thursday, January 9, 1919
Died at Westons
Mrs Dora Skuse, 84 years old, of Westons Mills, died at the home of her daughters, Mrs Frank Skuse Sunday evening, at 5 o'clock from a cancer. She had made her dome with her daughter for twenty years. Deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs Frank Skuse, of Westons and Mrs I W Daggert of Olean, and one step-son of Chicago and one step-daughter of New York City.
Funeral services were held from the home of her daughter Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Rev Walter REadett officiating. Burial was made Wednesday morning at Fillmore.
The Otsego Farmer
January 10, 1919
Minnie and Margaret Hoke of Cooperstown are spending the week-end with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Zack Skuse at Utica.
The Patriot and Free Press, Cuba, NY
Friday, January 10, 1919
Word was received here Monday of the death of Mrs. Skuse at the home
of her daughter at Westons Mills. Mrs. Skuse lived for many years on
Cronk Hill. The funeral was held at Westons Mills Tuesday afternoon
and the remains were brought to Fillmore for burial Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Skuse has been in poor health for a long time and was eighty-four
years of age. Their friends extend their sympathy to the family.
The Evening Day, New London, Connecticut
Monday, January 27, 1919
Following is the list of births, marriages and deaths for the town of Stonington for 1918
4—George William Skuce and Clara Sebastian
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe,
Thurs, February 6, 1919
BORGUS — Entered into rest in this city, Tuesday, February 4, 1919,
John R. Borgus, formerly of Canandaigua, N. Y. He is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Kate Borgus, of Williamsport, Pa.; five daughters, Mrs. Mort
Marks, of Cleveland, O., Mrs. Charles Skuse, Mrs. William Ratcliffe,
Miss Mable Borgus, of this city and Miss Charlotte Borgus, of Canandaigua;
two sons, Charles R. Borgus, of this city and Alvin BORGUS, of Pennsylvania,
also three sisters and one brother. He was a member of Painted Post
Lodge, F. and A. M., of Corning, Canandaigua Lodge I. O. O. F., and
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
Funeral from the chapel of Ingmire & Thompson Co., 137 Chestnut
St., corner of Court street, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Anaconda Standard, Montana
Monday, February 24, 1919
... Waldo W Skuse of Helena came over on the late train last evening and are at the Thornton.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, March 13, 1919
The tenth wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Henry Freer and the forty-ninth anniversary of Mr and Mrs John Skuse fell uon Monday, March 3. Mr and Mrs Freer played host and hostess. Rev A W Holder was a guest at the double celebration and entertained the quartette by reciting a humorous selection entitled "The Lame Duck" and by rendition of a solo.
Ogdensburg Advance and St Lawrence Weekly
Thursday, March 13, 1919
Private Edson Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs John Skuce of Lisbon, who saw much active service in France, including the Argonne offensive and along the Meuse river, has been discharged and is now home.
Chicago Daily Tribune
March 19, 1919
Skuse—Ina Ora Skuse, March 18, 1919, of 5351 Iowa st., beloved wife of Fayette D Skuse, mother of Marguerite and James. Funeral Thursday 2 pm, from West Side Masonic Temple, 12 S Oakley blvd. Services under auspices of Jephtha Chapter No 340, O.E.S. Interment Woodlawn.
Chicago Daily Tribune
March 20, 1919
Skuse—Ina O Skuse, past worthy matron of Jephthah No 340 O.E.S., March 18, 1919. Easter Star services will be held at West Chicago Masonic temply, Oakley-blvd and Madison st., Thursday at 2pm.
Norwich Bulletin, Connecticut
Saturday, March 22, 1919
Mrs Clara Skuce and Mrs Daniel Holland of Stonington were recent Norwich visitors.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, April 29, 1919
Geneva's Victory Loan Honor Roll
Skuse, Frank P
Skuse, Lena A
Skuse, Mary A
San Jose Evening News
Monday, May 19, 1919
White—In San Jose, Cal. May 16, 1919. Mrs Anna White, dearly beloved mother of Mrs Nellie Wright, Charles White and Mrs Elizabeth Skuse and loving sister of Mrs Ellen Richmond and Mrs Susan Casey, a native of County Wicklow, Ireland.
The Daily News, Ratavia, NY
Tuesday Evening, May 20, 1919
Mr and Mrs Philetius M Skuse celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in East Rochester yesterday.
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Tuesday, May 20, 1919
Half Century of Married Life Has Passed Quickly, Say East Rochester Pair
East Rochester. May 19—Perhaps the happiest couple living in East Rochester today is Mr and Mrs Philetus M Skuse. Who celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in their little cottage at ?? ?? East avenue, where they have lived for the past six years. Many friend's called at their home yesterday and to-day and congratulated the happy couple.
Fifty years ago to-day in the little town of Arcadia, Wayne county, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs J Cronk, the marriage ceremony was performed. Mrs Skuse said tonight that only two persons who attended the wedding were living at the present time. They were married at noon and at 3 o'clock they started on there honeymoon, traveling with horse and buggy to Geneva, twenty miles from home. In the morning they continued their journey, taking a boat up Seneca lake to Watkins Glen, where they stayed for a few days before returning to the town of Arcadia.
After few months had passed, Mr and Mrs Skuse moved to the Southern part of the state of Michigan, in the town of Pittsford, Hillsdale county, where Mr Skuse purchased sixty acres of forest. There was not a house or a barn on the premises and the couple decided to build a home, Mr Skuse went to the Pittsford village and bought saws and axes and immediately began cutting the timber. Many days had not passed before a log house was erected. The couple lived there for ?? years, remaining to the town of ?? where farming was the chief occupation. Following a few years there Mr and Mrs Skuse moved back to the old homestead.
Mr Skuse is a Civil War veteran, being a member of Myron Adams Post, No 84 of Rochester. On August 1, 18?? in the old Town Hall of Newark he enlisted and was later placed in the Army of the Potomac. He fought under General Hancock and Humphrey, being engaged in the bloody battles of Petersburg and Richmond. "I was never wounded or ?? taken a prisoner," said Mr Skuse. Speaking of the war which has just ended, the veteran said, "It was a great war and I cannot say enough for the brave lads who made victory possible. They have shown the Hun just what fight is, and have shown the Kaiser just what Uncle Sam is made of."
Mr and Mrs Skuse are enjoying good health. Yesterday afternoon they were taken for an auto ride through Rochester and on the way home they were shown the magnolias on Oxford street. To-day the Rev F C House, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr and Mrs Skuse are members took them to Highland Park where the latter part of the afternoon was spent.
"Yes we have been married fifty years, but it doesn't seem half that time, does it Philetus?, said Mrs Skuse to a reported when he was leaving their home.
"No, you bet it don't Ida." Philetus responded as the couple clasped hands cheerfully smiled.
The Monroe County Mail
Thursday, May 22, 1919
East Rochester. May 19—Mr and Mrs P M Skuse celebrated their fiftieht wedding anniversary, yesterday.
The Portville Review
May 29, 1919
Westons Mills
May 27—Mrs Charles Skuse and son Charles were in Buffalo over Sunday
Frank Skuse who has been ill is better
The Otsego Farmer
May 30, 1919
Service Men from Otsego
Skuse, Thomas Benjamin.....Cooperstown
Watertown Daily Times
Tuesday Afternoon, June 24, 1919
Class Day at Potsdam Normal
Students marchin Dasy chain to hall
Mabel E. Skuce, Lisbon
New Castle News, Pennsylvannia
Tuesday, July 15, 1919
Mr and Mrs Thomas James and Mr and Mrs A Skuse of Farrell, have returned home after visiting friends in this city.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, July 31, 1919
Grant McGowan of Castile is making his grandfather Skuse a vacation visit.
Utica Herald-Dispatch
Tuesday Evening, August 12, 1919
Private Thomas B Skuse of 310 Columbia street is in Utica from one of the army camps on a 15-day furlough.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Aug 14, 1919
John Skuse absolutely refuses to accept any more Kanuck coin in payment for milk. He's wise.
Mrs Lewis Merville and son of Eagle sepnt the week end with her father, John Skuse.
Portville Review
Thursday, August 14, 1919
Westons Mills
Among those at the Fireman's convention at Allegany were Mrs Frank Skuse, Mrs Chappel and Mrs Chas Skuse and son.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, October 9, 1919
The Misses Mary and Alice Gosnell of Rochester were guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs John Skuse, last week.
Mr and Mrs R Y Bowden, Mrs J Skuse, Miss Hildreth Skuse, and the Misses Mary and Alice Gosnell motored to Watkins Glen on Friday
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Nov 13, 1919
Mr and Mrs E J McGowan of Castile called upon F W Smith and Mr and Mrs John Skuse on Sunday afternoon.
Schneider Heinrich for years the friend of every one in Hermitage met death on Tuesday at the hands of John Skuse.
Le Mars Semi Weekly Sentinel
November 21, 1919
Page 10
Forty Years Ago
Married at the Methodist parsonnage November 15, 1879, by Rev H W Jones, of LeMars, James Skuse, of Sheldon, to Cordelia A Warren.
San Francisco Chronicle, California
Sunday, November 30, 1919
Rose Skuse, 2331 Twenty-first Avenue.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, December 13, 1919
John M Skuse, aged 77 years died at his home on the Carter Road Friday evening. He is survived by his wife Minerva Skuse, two sons, William B and Clarence D Skuse, three grandchildren, Ruth E, Thelma K and Kenneth B Skuse; also two brothers, Frank P and Orville H Skuse. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock on Monday at the family residence.
New York Irish American Advocate
Saturday, December 13, 1919
Rev. W Skuse, Villierstown, Co. Waterford, has been elected incumbent of Kiltallagh, Co. Kerry.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 25, 1919, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce of Middletown is home for the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, January 7, 1920
In Surrogate Court
Canadaigua, Jan 7—Clarence D Skuse of Waterloo yesterday took letters of administration on the $10,000 estate of his father, John Skuse, late of Geneva town. Heirs are the widow, Minerva Skuse, and two sons, Clarence D and William B of Geneva town.
Daily Telegram, Adrian, Michigan
Friday, January 16, 1920
Mrs Richmond Dies
Pittsford, Mich, Jan 13.— Mrs James Richmond died Monday night at her home near the Skuse school house. She leaves an aged husband also a daughter Mrs Fred Skuse; and two sons, Andrew of Hudson and Ed who lives west of Hudson
Kansas City Sun
Friday, March 5, 1920
Deaths in Kansas City, Kas.
Richard H Skuse, 77 years old, a verteran of the Civil war and a resident of Kansas City, Kas., for twenty-one years, died Wednesday afternoon at hi home, 1400 North Twenty-eighth street. Skuse served as a captain in the 11th United States infantry during the Civil war. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Hattie Skuse; two daughters, Miss Ethel Skuse o fthe home of Mrs Joe Hammer of Wilsey, Kas., and two sons, Ernest C. Skuse, 1221 Tracy avenue, and Emory B Skuse, 1715 Central avenue.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, March 17, 1920
Mud Valley News Muse
March third, nineteen-hundred-twenty, at their home John Skuse and wife
Did intend to celebrate their Golden Wedding, true to life;
But boreas so terrific was, and deep the fallen snow,
The occasion is awaiting Summer's golden gleam and glow.
Cheboygan Democrat, Michigan
April 9, 1920
Waverly Township
Com. of High__—Floyd Skuse
Duluth News-Tribune
Wednesday, July 7, 1920
Miss Helen Christiansen who, with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Skuse of Spokane, and her uncle, Major Skuse, has been visiting in Richmond, Va, since the close of school, returns this morning to pass the summer with her parents, Mr and Mrs Hans Christiansen of East First street.
The Western New-Yorker
August 19, 1920
Miss Irene Merville visited her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Joh Skuse, several days the past week.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, August 19, 1920
Miss I E Huff of Fairport was the guest, this week, of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs John Skuse. Mrs Huff was accompanied by her two sons.
Adrian Daily Telegram
Friday, August 20, 1920
James Richmond and daughter Mrs Fred Skuse of Pittsford are guests of Mr Richmond's sister Mrs Hubbell.
Geneva Daily Times
Friday, September 3, 1920
Skuse Family Reunion held at Owasco Park
The fifth reunion of the Skuse family as held yesterday at Owasco Park. It was attended by Mrs Minerva S Skuse, Mr and Mrs William B Skuse and daughters, Ruth E and Themla, and son Kenneth; Mr and Mrs Clarence Skuse, and Mrs Crouch her motherl Mr and Mrs Frank Skuse and daughter, Miss Lena; Mr and Mrs Howard H Skuse and daughter Helen; Mr and Mrs O H Skuse and daughter, Mrs Ernest Waterman; Mrs H Emma Skuse and daughter, Miss Keene E Skuse, and Mr and Mrs F E McDowell. The trip was made by automobile and it proved a very enjoyable occasion. Mr and Mrs Clarence Skuse and Mr and Mrs Ernest E Waterman were chose to make arragements for next year.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, September 9, 1920, Page 8
Miss Leone stocking has returned to her school work at
Dumont, N.J. and Miss Mabel Skuce will teach this coming year in Long
Edison Skuce of Syracuse is spending a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Norwich Bulletin
Tuesday, September 21, 1920
After the formal opening the grand jury was empanelled as follows: ...
Charles S Skuce, South Kingstown ...
Adrian Daily Telegram
Thursday, September 30, 1920
Mrs B Skuse entertained her sister, Mrs Cap Dye, of Kalamazoo Last week.
Utica Morning Telegram
Thursday Morning, October 7, 1920
Skuse— At Clayville Tuesday, October 5, 1920, Arlington L, husband of Ellen Dening Skuse, aged 66 years.
South New Berlin Bee
Saturday, October 16, 1920
Arlington L Skuse
The death of ARlington L Skuse occurred at his home at Clayville, Oneida county, N.Y., Tuesday, Oct 5, 1920, after a long illness.
The deceased was born at Warsaw, Wyoming county, NY, 66 years ago and was the son of Thomas and Sarah Lidgerd Skuse. His early life was spent in that locality. He was a wagon-maker by trade, which he learned early in life. When a young man he went to Michigan where he met and was married August 24, 18884, to Ellen A Deming. After resideing there five years they moved to Gilbertsville, NY, where they lived for nine years, going from there to a farm and following that occupation for twelve years. They gave up the farm and moved to South New Berlin where he worked at wagon repairing. Two years ago they moved to Clayville whcih has since been their home, and since which time he has been ill and unable to do but little-work. He is survived by his wife and one brother, John Skuse, of Gainesville, NY, who came to see him a few weeks before his death. In 1901 he joined the Baptist church at Gilbertsville, taking a letter from there to New Berlin and later to South New Berlin.
The funeral was held Thursday, Oct. 7, 1920. at the home, Rev. Wallace, pastor of the M.E. Church, officiating. Burial was at Morris.
Utica Oberserver
Thursday, October 21, 1920
Surrogate's Court
Like letters were issued in the estate of Arlington L Skuse, late of Clayville, to Allen A Skuse of the same place. The estate is also comparatively small.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 30, 1920, Page 8
Miss Mable Skuce of Great Neck, L.I., is home for the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Elison Skuce of Syracuse is here with his parents
The Monroe County Mail
Thursday, January 13, 1921
Mrs L E Saunders of Detroit, Mich, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs P M Skuse.
The Princeston Union
January 27, 1921
Town of Borgholm
School Dist. No 51, Rate 48.8 Mills.
Name of Person, Value Personal Property, Total Tax
Skuse, Jonas, 362, 18.15
Watertown Daily Times
Saturday, February 12, 1921
Odgensburg, Feb 12—Anoter adjourument was taken yesterday in the case of Clarence Skuce, a Lisbonite arrested a week ago on a charge of selling liquor. He demanded an examination and it was set for next Friday at 2 p.m. before Justice ...
The Evening Leader, Corning
Saturday, April 2, 1921
Miss Katherine Skuse of Watkins High School is spending her Easter vacation with her parents. Mr and Mrs Bert Skuse.
Albany Times-Union
Tuesday, April 5, 1921
Lumberjack Robbed
William Skuce, 36, a lumberjack from Mountain Mills, Vt., reported to the police that he was assaulted and robbed of $150 by a gang of young thugs near Riverside park yesterday afternoon. Skuce decleares he was about to hand one of the men a $2 bill, for the purpose of buying some drinks, when one of the gangsters hit him over the head with a brick, felling him to the pavement. They then snatched his roll and made a getaway. Patrolman James Ryan discovered Skuce lying by the roadside, with blood streaming from a gash in his head. At the Homeopathic hospital, physicians took five stitches to close the wound in Skuce's head. The police are investigating.
Trenton Evening News, New Jersey
Tuesday, June 7, 1921
T J Skuse, Comptroller
Hudson Post-Gazette, Michigan
June 10, 1921
Funeral of Albert Skuse was held Saturday at his home. Mrs Kate Burger and Mrs Geo Williamson of Toldeo, came to the Skuse home for the funeral. They are sisters of Mrs Skuse.
Born in Wright twp June 4, 1861. Died June 1, 1921. Leaves his wife, 2 daughters, a son & granddaughter, father and stepmother, 2 brothers and a sister.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, June 30, 1921, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce, who has been teaching on Long Island
the past year, is home for vacation.
The Misses Inez and Ruth Middleton, Helen Skuce and Doris Long left
on Wednesday for Lake Placid where they are employed for the summer.
Monroe County Mail
Thursday, January 13, 1921
Mrs L E Saunders of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs P M Skuse.
The Perry Herald, NY
Wednesday, May 18, 1921
91st Birthday
Mrs Laura Baker was given a surprise party on Thursday afternoon, May 12 at the home of Mr and Mrs John Skuse. It was her 91st birthday and five generations of the family were present to celebrate the occasion.
She received thiry post cards and $5.50. Mrs Herrington of Castile presented a cake in which six silver quarters were found embedded. Her grand-daughter, Mrs Laura VanDyke appeared as Aunt Keturah dressed in a costume worn forty years ago.
Mrs Baker is the oldest person for miles around. She was born in 1930 before Morse invented the telgraph and Houe invented the sewing machine and only two years after the first passenger railroad was opened in the United States.
This aged lady wishes to thank all who remembered her on May 12.
Hudson Post-Gazette, Michigan
Friday, June 10, 1921
Funeral of Albert Skuse was held Saturday at his home. Mrs Kate Burger & Mrs Geo Williamson of Toledo, came to the Skuse home for the funeral. They are sisters of Mrs Skuse. Born Wright twp June 4, 1861. Died June 1, 1921. Leaves his wife, 2 daughters, a son and granddaughter, father and stepmother, 2 brothers and a sister.
Shortsville Enterprise, NY
Friday, June 17, 1921
Mr and Mrs John Clapperton have been entertaining Sergt. William Flynn, of Louisville, Ky., and Mr and Mrs William Skuse and children Ruth, Thelma and Kenneth, and Mr and Mrs Lynn Thornton and son, James, of Geneva.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, July 7, 1921, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce, who has been taching on Long Island
the past year, is home for summer vacation.
Edison Skuce of Syracuse is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
The Evening Leader, Corning
Saturday, July 23, 1921
Mr and Mrs Bert Skuse are entertaining Mrs Skuse's father, mother and brother, Mr and Mrs Chales Tunis and Son Clifford from Wayne, Mich.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, August 24, 1921
On Wednesday Mr and Mrs John Skuse, and Mrs Charlotte Olds attended the Skuse family reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs E R McGowan of Castile.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, September 14, 1921
E R McGowan and family of Castile were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
Miss Irene Merville of Eagle was a guest of her grand-parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuse last Sunday.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, September 28, 1921
Mrs Laura Baker, the oldest person in our community, is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs John Skuse.
Chicago Daily Tribune
Sunday, October 16. 1921
Skuse—Prudence Lavinia Skuse, nee Walbrook, wife of the late Charles Edward Skuse, mother of Mrs Sidney May and Sylvester Skuse. Funeral from daughter’s residence, 4923 N Lowell. Interment at Memorial Park cemetery
Chicago Daily Tribune
Monday, Ocoberr 17, 1921
Skuse—Prudence Lavinia Skuse, widow of the late Charles E Skuse, of St John, N.B., on Oct 14, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Sidney May, 4923 N Lowell av.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, November 22, 1921
To be Married in Rochester
Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Marion Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas G Skuse of 95 Dartmouth street, Rochester, to Paul James Weller, which is to take place on December 10th. Mr Weller is a Hobart graduate and the son of Dr and Mrs W W Weller formerly of this city where Mr Weller was pastor of the First Presbyterian church.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, December 12, 1921
Were Wedded in Rochester
Genevans Attend Nuptials of Paul Weller and Miss Marion Skuse
The marriage of Miss Helen Marion Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas G Skuse of 95 Dartmouth St, Rochester, to Paul Jones Weller, son of Rev and Mrs William Webster Weller of 213 Oxford street, Rochester, formerly of this city, took place at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday at 5 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Dr Weller, the groom's father, assisted by Dr Ralph S Cushman, pastor of the Asbury Methodist church of Rochester, formerly pastor of the Methodist church here.
The bride was attended by two maids of honor, Miss Ruth Thompson and Miss Elsie Clark. Her four bridesmaids were the Misses Lois Dickenson, Grace Hartman, Harriett Remington and Edith Nusbickel. The bride was charing in a gown of white brocaded chiffon with veil of tulle which fell from a coronet of point lace and orange blossoms. er sjpwer bpqiet was made of lillies of the valley with orchids and white bouvardia. The maids of honor were attired in gowns of pale blue chiffon over pink satin with silver trimmings. They wore large picture hats of brown maline and carried shower bouquests of butterfly roses and single violets tied with narrow peach color ribbons. The bridesmaids wore pastel shades with overdresses of brown lace, large picture hats of brown haircloth, and carried bouquests of butterly roses with wide peach color ribbons.
Franklin Miller Weller, brother of the groom, acted as best man. The ushers were Hallet Burrall and Lawrence Gracey of this city.
The house was beautifully decorated throughout with Southern smilax and roses. In the living room where the ceremony took place there was a floral altar with a white satin pre dieu with tall seven brached candies at each side, flanked by baskets of Butterfly roses, stevia, and asparagus ferns. The mantel was banked with the same flowers as were the side lights and bookcases. In the hall, tall single Cathedral candles were used on the stair railing, to which were tied strands of ribbon held by the bridesmaids, the bridal party passing beneath this archway. The reception room was beautiful with window boxes of the prevailing flowers. More than a hundred guests were seated at small tables in the living room and the enclosed porch. In the dining room stood the bride's table at which covers were laid for twenty-eight. Centering the table was an illuminated fountain banked with roses, maiden hair fern and tulle.
Out-of town guests were: Mr and Mrs Hallett J Burrall, Lawrence Gracey, Lewis Gracey, Stuart Gracey, Miss Margaret Hutchins, Mr and Mrs Max Henry, Dexter Phillips, Mr and Mrs William Kitchell, all of Geneva, Miss Dorothy A Stevens, Mr and Mrs John Nobel Spider both of New York City, Miss Frances Dixon and Miss Alice Kenyon both of Utica, NY, Mr and Mrs Amon G Snyder and Miss Mildred Snyder both of Albion, NY, and Mr and Mrs John MacDonald of Kendall, NY, an enjoyable feature pf tje pccasopm was the singing of several appropriate bariton solos by Stuart Gracey. After a wedding trip to Atlantic City, Mr and Mrs Weller will make their home at 95 Dartmouth street, Rochester.
Lockport Union-Sun and Journal
Saturday Evening, December 24, 1921
Played Pranks on Rochester Folks
Was caught and has promised to be good in the Future
Rochester, Dec 24—After being severely reprimanded and making a solemn promise to Chief Quigley and Detective Captain McDonald that she would "never do it again," 18-year-old Eilene Skuse, who is claimed to have caused no end of trouble in the East Avenue residential section during the last few days as a result of her telephone pranks, has been permitted to return to her home. She had been questioned at length by Captain McDonald regarding her telephone escapades and is said to have made a complete confession. A few hours earlier she was taken into custody by Detectives Dockstader and Sharp, who had been detailed to investigate the avalanche of mysterious telephone calls.
Physicians, florists, undertakers, real estate men and many others have been visiting the home of a prominent East Avenue resident in response to telephone call giving false reports of a serioes of calamities. The pranks all but reached a climax a couple of days ago when a hearse drew up in front of the East Avenue home in question, and the woman of the house fainted as she looked out of the window and witnessed the grim spectacle. This was carrying matters too far and an appeal was made to the police.
The Newark Courier
Thursday, January 5, 1922 (mismatched word is from the article)
Mrs Ida B Skuse
Word has been received by Newark friends of the death of Ida B Skuse, at the home of her daughter in Detroit, Mich, Dec 24. Mrs Skuse was born May 25, 1853. She was married to P M Skuse May 19, 1869. She leaves to mour ernareWfGM ., She is survived by her husband, one daughter and two grandchildren of Detroit, Mich. Funeral services were held at her home in East Rochester with burial in Pittsford.
Victor Herald
Friday, January 6, 1922
Information has been received of the death of Mrs Ida Benson Skuse, wife of Philetus M Skuse of East Rochester, formerly of East Victor, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Lina Saunders in Detroit on December 24th. She and her husband had gone there to spend the winter. The funeral was held from her home in East Rochester on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with burial at Pittsford. She leaves her husband, one daughter, and two grandchildren.
Jackson Citizen Patriot
Wendesday, January 25, 1922
State Deaths
A J Cook
Hillsdale, Jan 25—A J Cook died Tuesday at Lansing. His home was near Pittsford most of his life, and he will be probably be brought there for burial. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in the 4th infantry. He was the the father of Fred Cook, of Pittsford, and O N Cook, ... , stepfather to Mrs ...
Matherly, and brother of Mrs Douglas Skuse, of Pittsford.
Buffalo Evening News
Tuesday, February 14, 1922
Collins Center
Coza Skuse of this place and Frank Bobsein of Otto were married by the Rev W J Baker.
New York Tribune
February 15, 1922
Business Troubles
Judgments Filed in New York County
The following judgments were filed yesterday, the first name being that of the debtor:
Sabsewitz, Benhamin — H Skuse, 439.00
Amsterdam Evening Recorder, NY
Friday, February 17, 1922 (in many other newspapers as well)
Textile strike Pickets took lunch in Camp Style
The New England textile strike, the result of a wage cut of 25 percent,
has spread to nearly all the large textile centers in the New England
states, and 50,000 workers are out. Two troops of cavalry have been
called out in Rhode Island to await orders. Here is shown Miss Nellie
Skuce cooking dinner for pickets at Bellefonte, near Providence, Rhode
Island. The insert shows Dinnis M. Fleming, president of Textile Workers'
union, at Manchester, N.H., leader of the widespread strike.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, February 23, 1922
Sanitarium Notes
Mary J Gosnell and Alice K Gosnell dined with Mr and Mrs John Skuse and daughter at the Sanitarium on Sunday
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, April 22, 1922
Death is Cleared Up
Certificate of Natural Causes Given—Woman Ill Some Time.
A certificate of death from natural causes was issues last nighy by Coronoer Thomas A Killip in the case of Mrs Ellen Skuse, 60 years old, of No ?? Front street, who died suddently at 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It was learned that Mrs Skuse had been ill for some time.
Patrolman B??, of the Exchange street station, while on his best yesterday was approached by a man who said he was Frank Skuse who said that his wife was sick and needed and ambulance. B?? Investigated and found that the woman was dead. Dr Killin was notified and he ordered the body removed to the morgue.
Aurora Daily Star
Monday, May 15, 1922
Miss Alice Kennedy, in company with Miss Myrtle Skuce of LaGrange, Ill., left Saturday night for Minneapolis, Minn. They will return to the city today.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, July 5, 1922
Grant McGowan of Castile, Thomas Nelson and Harry Merville of Eagle enjoyed a vacation with their grandparents Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
The Evening Leader, Corning, NY
Wednesday, July 12, 1922
Milk Diet Cuts Number of Undernourished Children in Local Schools 66 P.C.
Annual Report of Miss Skuse, School Nurse, Sets Forth Interestinhgly Results of Efforts to Improve Physical Conditions of Pupils
Miss Lena Skuse who has just closed her sixth year aws school nurse for the southside public schools in her annual report for the year 1921-22, just filed with the board of education, summarizes the results obtained through the provision of milk for undernourished children in the schools during the past year. ...
Titusville, Pennsylvannia
Saturday, July 15, 1922
Mrs Harry Dunham, accompanied by Miss Dorothy Skuce, left yesterday for the latter's home in Charleston, W Va. They were joined at Oil City by Mrs A W Goal of Clarendon who accompanied them south.
Olean Evening Herald
Monday August 7, 1922
Word has been received in the city of the birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Charles G Skuse of Pittsburgh. Mrs Skuse was formerly Miss Hazel McClure, daughter of Mr and Mrs O S McClure of Coleman street
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, August 10, 1922, Page 8
Myron Putney is having a galvanized roof put on his house.
Skuse brothers are doing the job.
The Kansas City Kansan, Kansas
Wedesday, August 23, 1922
Deaths in Kansas City
SKUSE—Emory B.,31 years
old, died last night at the home of his mother, Hattie H. Skuse. 1400 North street. He also survived by his wife Mrs. Mary Helen Skuse; a son, Richard Skuse and a daughter, Dorothy Marie Skuse; a brother, Ernest E Skuse, 1820 Kansas avenue, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Hammer, Council Grove, Kan., and Miss Ethel Skuse of the home address. Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the home. Burial in Highland Park cemetery.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, August 30, 1922
Dix and Orange
Mrs Ethel Berry and three children who spent a few days with her brother, Bert Skuse, has returned to her home at Hornell.
Charles Skuse, Sr., of Irelandville and sister, Miss Addie Skuse, of Buffalo were callers at the home of Bert Skuse last Wednesday.
Kathryn Skuse has returned to her home after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Hornell.
Evening News, California
October 12, 1922
Skuse—In San Mateo, Cal, Oct 10, 1922, Edward E, beloved husband of Lizzie Skuse and loving father of Ward, Doris and Emmett Skuse, and Mrs Esther Chown, son of Mrs K E Tevis, brother of John Skuse and Nate Tevis and the late Mrs Annie Pfeiffer, a native of San Jose, Cal, aged 49 years, 9 months and 10 days.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral, Friday, Oct 13, 1922, at 9:30 o clock a.m. from the parlors of Hocking & Williams, 279 North First Street, thence to St Joseph's church, where services will be held commencing at 10 o clock.
Interment Oak Hill Cemetery.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Sunday Morning, October 15, 1922
Visitors from Philadelphia and vincinity arrived are:
Charlfonte— Miss Emily P Shuse
Evening News, California
October 21, 1922
Clement I Kennedy, 21, San Francisco, and Mabel F Skuse, 18, San Francisco.
Adrian Daily Telegram
Tuesday, October 26, 1922
Mrs Ida Skuse gas been visiting at the home of her son, Newton Skuse, near Pittsford.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, Nov 29, 1922
Mrs John Skuse was X-rayed in Castile last week and later submitted to an operation in the Warsaw hospital. Her condition is reported as favorable. Mrs John VanDyke of Eagle is with her father. Mr John Skuse in Hermitage.
The Seatlle Star
Wednesday, December 6, 1922
Marriage Licenses
Name and Residence. Age.
Skuse, Fred T., Seattle... Legal
Curie, Frances, Seattle.... Legal
Perry Herald
Wednesday, Dec 20, 1922
Mrs John Skuse in the Warsaw hospital recovering rapidly from an operation for appendicitis.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, January 17, 1923
Word has been received by Charles Skuse of the marriage of his brother Fred, on December 5th, in Edmonds, Washington.
Buffalo Evening News
Tuesday, January 20, 1923
Mary S Shaw, by heirs, to Mercedes B Skuse, Collins.
Perry Herald
Wednesday, March 22??, 1923 (Could be the 23rd, whichever is Wednesday)
Dr Stage was called on Tuesday to attend Mr John Skuse professionally. John is nearly 80 years old and has never had much to do with the medical fraternity until now.
Clifton Springs Press, NY
Thursday, May 31, 1923
At her home on Foster avenue in this village, on Friday, May 25th, occured the death of Mrs John Skuse. Mrs Skuse was born near Clifton Springs on March 29, 1871, and always lived here. On October 20, 1897, she was married to John Skuse of Rochester. Mrs Skuse was an active member of the M E church, a member of the Ladies' Aid Society, both the Home and Foreign Missionary Societies and the Red and White Cross. She was also a member of Garogs Chapter, O.E.S., in which she held various offices. Mrs Skuse was ever ready to assist in every worthy cause, both in and out of church work and will be missed by her neighbors and a host of freinds. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Hildred, three sisters and a brother.
The funeral services were held at the home on Monday, Rev Ralph H Cashman of Rochester officiating. Garoga Chapter, O.E.S., attended in a body. Burial was made in Mt Hope cemetery, Rochester.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, June 7, 1923, Page 8
Miss Helen Skuce of Ogdensburg Business college was home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, July 11, 1923
Mr and Mrs Charles French and Mr and Mrs Wesley Holmes of Millport visited their cousins, Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse, last Sunday.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, August 9, 1923
Skuse Reunion
The Skuse Reunion was held on Wednesday, Aug 1, at the home of Mr and Mrs Edgar Coy of Bliss. Mr and Mrs Walter Ward, Mr and Mrs John Cleveland of Rochester, Mrs Frank Wade, daughter and son Muron, Thelma Fuller, Mrs Price from East Pembroke and E J McGowan and family of Castile. A special program was enjoyed by all and covers were laid for forty.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, October 4, 1923, Page 8
Mrs. Irwin and children who have been visiting her parents
Mr and Mrs John Skuce the past four weeks will return to her home in
Kentucky Thursday
Mrs. Christie and daughter Mrs. Cassel of Ogdensburg spent
Monday with Mrs. John Skuce.
Fairport Herald
Wednesday, October 17, 1923
John Skuse and daughter, Miss Hildreth Skuse, of Clifton Springs, and Mrs Mary Barrows, of Richmond, Va., visited Mr and Mrs I E Huff's on Sunday. Mr Skuse is an uncle of Mrs Huff.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, October 18, 1923
Waterloo Personals
Joseph Marshall and Clarence Skuse are on a hunting trip to the Adirondacks.
The Oakland Tribune
Thursday Evening, October 25, 1923
Three Arrested in Taxicab War
San Francisco, Oct. 25—Yesterday's resumption of the taxi war resulting in the robbery of two chauffeurs and the burning of a Yellow cab had an aftermath today when three men were arrested for carrying concealed weapons in violation of the recent statute.
Policeman Charles Fry, becoming suspicious of the actions of three employees of the Yellow Taxi company, searched a machine at Gough and Haight street and found arms and ammunition. He then arrested Ward Skuse, of 702 Haight street, ...
The Times Herald, Port Huron, Michigan
Tuesday, November 13, 1923
Mrs Esther Cutler
Deckerville, Nov. 13—Mrs Esther Cutler, 83 died at her home in Downington Saturday.
Esther Boice was born in Canada and came to Michigan with her parents when a small girl. In 1862 she was married to John Hagerman. Two sons, Alfred, of Perry, Mich., and Henry of Downington servive. In 1876 she was married to William Cutler and two sons, George and Charles of Detroit survive. Mr Cutler died many years ago.
Mrs Cutler has lived in or near Downington since her arrival in Michigan when a young girl.
Funeral services were held from the church at Downing ton Monday afternoon with Rev. H.E. Davis officiating. Burial was in the Downing cemetery.
Council Grove Republican, Kansas
Thursday, Dcember 6, 1923
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammer went to Kansas City Sunday to attend the wedding of Mr. Hammer's brother, Nelson E. Hammer, to Miss Ethel F. Skuse, who is a sister of Mrs. Hammer. They returned Tuesday afternoon.
Genvea Daily Times
Friday, December 7, 1923 / Saturday, December 8, 1923
Funeral services for Orville H Skuse, retired farmer of Skuse's Corners, who died Thursday morning, will be held at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow, afternoon at his late reisdence. Rev Bruce E Pierce of the First Methodist church will officate. Rev Mr Felt of Clifton Springs will assist in the service. Interment will be made in Glenwood Cemetery.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, December 13, 1923
Orville H Skuse, a well known farmer living in the eastern section of the town, at Skuse's Corners, died last Thursday afternoon, at the age of 74 years. He had been a long-time resident of the community. Mr Skuse is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs Ernest Waterman, and one brother, Frank Skuse of Geneva. Funeral services were held at the home on Sunday, the Rev J B Felt, formerly of the Oaks Corners church, officiating, interment was in Glenwood cemetery, Geneva.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, December 20, 1923
John Skuse, aged 75 years, died on Monday at his home in Clifton Springs.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, January 3, 1924, Page 8
Among the teachers who are spending the holiday season
at their different homes here are ... Mabel Skuce from Long Island,
Edison Skuce of Syracuse is spending a week with his parent here, Mr.
and Mrs. John Skuce
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, January 31, 1924, Page 8
Miss Helen Skuce of Ogdensburg spent Sabbath with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, February 21, 1924
Mr and Mrs Skuse were in Warsaw to attend the funeral of Mrs Skuse's mother, Mrs Laura Baker. Mrs Baker lived in our village several years and leaves many friends.
The Victor Herald
Friday, March 7, 1924
Philetus M Skuse, who was for many years a resident of this vicinity, being located on a farm near East Victor, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Lina Saunders, in Detroit, Mich., Sunday, February 3d, of pneumonia. He had been in failing health for the last two years, since the death of his wife, but death came very suddenly. Mr Skuse was a man of sterling wroth, honest and honorable in all his dealings and is most kindly remembered by his friends and former neighbors. Burial was made at Pittsford.
Canandaigua Daily Messenger
Friday, March 28, 1924
Skuse Estate
Appraisal of the estate of Nina May Skuse, late of Machester, who died May 25, 1923, shows that she left property valuat at $9.556.92, which goes to her husband, John Skuse, of REchester.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, March 27, 1924
Mrs Jennie Schoepflin and children were in Hermitage Friday to attend the birthday party for John Skuse. Mr Skuse was 82 years old.
Friday, March 22, 1924 was set apart for the hilarious celebration of the 82nd birthday anniversary of Mr John Skuse of Hermitage. In the afternoon of that day about thirty five relatives, neighbors and friends from Eagle Castile, Gainesville and Hermitage took the genial octogenerian by surprise by taking possession of his home and doing exactly as they pleased for the space of several hours. By connivance with his good wife they quartered theirs righs in his barn, covered his best neds with their wraps, occupied his parlor, used his stove and his fuel to brew their coffee and warm their beans and some few went even so far as to play games on his crokinole boad and extract sweet music from his organ. Amply provided with eatables of every description they sat down around the aged man and gorged themselves with delicious viands such as home made pie and frosted cake and of course dropped many a crumb on his carpets.
Let it be said that throughout all this rank usurpation, this viscious exhibition of utter disregard for his property, his right and feellings, Mr Skuse maintained his accustomed good humor and seemed to take pleasure in witnessing the antics of his unexpected guests and in listening to their jokes and facetious remarks. It may be judged, therefore, that he is a man whose temper is not easily ruffled.
Asthe afternoon wore away, Mr Frank W Smith was prevailed upon to give a reading and also make some timely observations about birthdays, sweethearts, marriage, divorce life and death and so forth and so on to which Mr Skuse responded in similar vein thanking the company, however, for singling him out as the recipient of their good will.
Little six year old mistress Arloine VanDyke of Eagle, Mr Skuse's granddaughter, capitvated the assemblage by her solo playing on the cornet. Mr and Mrs Bert Wood and Mr A E Belden enlivened the wide awake merry makers frequently by means of stirring vocal trios and a few of the oldish people were seen now and then to swing their feet around gracefully as though in recollection of former days.
Before leaving for home a neat little purse was presented Mr Skuse as a memento of his eighty-second milestone and the hope was expressed that there might be an opportunity to mess up his house several times more on the 22nd of March.
Boston Globe
Wednesday, April 2, 1924
Divorces have been granted by Superior Court Justices during the past two days. Decisions on four petitions were reserved. Neglect to provide is the principal ground stated by petitioners. Decrees were granted today in the following cases:
Mabelle W. Skuce vs Richard F. Skuce, neglect to provide
The Bakersfield Californian
Monday, April 7, 1924
Finger Prints Reveal Name of Train Victim
Through finger prints taken in Bakersfield in 1916, a man killed in Fresno last week by a speeding passenger train has been identified. He was Martin Skuse, vagrant and wanderer, well known in police circles up and down the valley.
In 1916 Skuse was arrested here by Police Offcers Paul Shannon and A M Doan on a charge of vagrancy. Officially, Skuse was Bakersfield Number 101. Copies of all fingerprints made here and in other cities are sent tot he state bureau of identification at Sacramento; hence the fingerprints of Skuse found their way there in 1916.
When the unidentified man was killed last week, the Fresno police fingerprinted the dead man and sent the finger prints to Sacramento. They checked with those of Bakersfield Number 101 and in this way the accident victim was identified as Skuse.
George Lawson, city and county identification expert, regards the identification of Skuse as a splendid example of the advantages of fingerprinting. Lawson is firm in his belief that the time is not far off when every human being will be fingerprinted. "There could not possibly be any more unidentified dead when that time comes," he says.
The Evening Leader, Corning, NY
Monday, May 12, 1924
Cohocton, May 12—The death of James Mulford Wilson, whose parents, Milton and Mary Hall Wilson and his grandparents Mr and Mrs James R Wilson, were former residents of Cohocton, occurred last Wednesday night at his residence, 1419 Lake avenue, Rochester.
Mr Wilson was nearly 50 years of age and is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Skuse Wilson; one sister, Mrs Mabel Fitch, wife of George Fitch of Rushville and several other relatives of Rushville, where the remains were taken Saturday afternoon for burial in the family cemetery lot under the auspices of the Msonic order, with which he was prominently connected.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, June 12, 1924
Mrs Lina Saunders was appointed administratrix of the $2,000 estate of her father. Philetus M Skuse, who died intestate on February 3.
The Castilian
Thursday, July 3, 1924
Mr and Mrs E J McGowan and family attended the Skuse reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs John Skuse at Hermitage, Tuesday.
Buffalo Evening News
Thursday, July 3, 1924
Word has been received in Warsaw of the death on June 24 in Los Angeles, of Edwin H Burns. Mr Burns was 61 years old. He spent his early life in Rochester, where he married Jane Skuse. Surviving are his wife, one son, Dr Eugene Burns of Rochester; two brothers, John Burns of Warsaw and Dr George Burns of Rochester, and two sisters, Mrs Fred Stedman and Mrs Carrie Munsell of Warsaw.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, July 10, 1924, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce has returned home to spend the summer
vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuce. after teaching the
past year on Long Island.
Geneva Daily Times
Friday, July 18, 1924
The funeral of Mrs Mary Harris Skuse, who died at her home on Carter Road on Wednesday, will be held from the home tomorrow afternoon at two thirty o'clock. Rev Alexander Thompson will officiate, assisted by Rev Frank Weston of the First Presbyterian church. Interment will be made at Glenwood.
The Phelps Citizen
Thursday, July 24, 1924
Mrs Mary Harris Skuse, wife of Frank P Skuse, died last week Wednesday at the family home on the Carter road, in the south eastern section of the town, aged 76 years. Besides her husband, a son Howard H and a daughter Lena A Skuse, are the surviving members of the family
The Auburn Citizen
Friday, August 22, 1924
Stirring days of Civil War are lived again by veterans of 111th
Three Die in Year.
The roll call showed that three survivors of the regiment passed away during the fiscal year.
Philetus Skuse, February 3, 1924, Detroit, Mich
Hudson Post-Gazette, Michigan
Tuesday, September 2, 1924 (Similary article same day in Hillsdale Daily News)
Douglas Skuse was born in Alloway, NY state, August 13, 1833, and died at his home in Pittsford August 28, aged 19. Was the father of 5 children, 1 of whom died in infancy, and another, Albert, on June 1, 1921. Leaves his wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter, 8 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Rochester Chronicle
Sunday, September 7, 1924
The marriage of Miss Mennetta K Mie??e, daughter of Mr and Mr ?? W Mie??e, Jr of Urquhart street, and Richard N Skuse, Jr, son of Mr and Mrs Richard N Skuse, Sr, of Ontario street, took place at the home of Rev F F Fry, D.D., in Westminster road on August 30?th. The ceremony was performed by Rev Fred R Knobel
The bride wore a gown of orchid georgette, trimmed with silver lace with a picture hat to match and carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Bessie Skuse, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. She wore a gown of powder blue crepe ?? with a picture hat to match and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Frankline Meyer was best man.
After the ceremony a reception and wedding supper was served at the home of the bride, ?? being laid for forty guests.
After a trip to Toronto and Thousand Islands, Mr and Mrs Skuse will be at home at No 142 Urquhart street.
Watkins Express, NY
November 5, 1924
Friends of Lawrence Skuse were pleasantly surprised to receive invitations to his wedding. The bride was Miss Bessie Saul of Chicago and the marriage took place on Oct 11th. Mr Skuse has a lucrative position in Chicago where they will reside.
Charles Skuse of Townsend fell off his bicycle Tuesday and received a compound fracture of his leg. he is the son of Mr and Mrs Burt Skuse
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, January 11, 1925
Mrs ?? McGuire died last evening at the Rochester General Hospital. He leaves her husband, Edward McGuire, a son, Edward McGuire Jr; three brothers, James Skuse, of Kansas City, Charles and Richard Skuse of this city, and a sister, Mrs Elizabeth Leschander, of this city.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, January 25, 1925
Miss Katherine Mary Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse, of Thurston road, and J Henry Benz, of Mount Hope avenue, was married at the home of the bride's parents on Thursday, Janury 15th by the Rev Frederick Frauhenfeld. The ceremony was performed in an archway with a background of palms.
The bride wore turquoise blie chiffon velvet with crustal trimmings and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lillies of the valley. The bridesmais, Miss Sarah D??, wore Nile green-beaded georgette and carried pink topes. Harey Wilson was best man. The bridens mother wore a black beaded georgette with a corsage of violets and lillies of the valley.
After the ceremony a wedding dinner was sreved to sixteen guests at the Benz Hotel. Table decorations were roses, daffodils and marigolds.
Prenuptial events included showers by Mrs William Radcliffe and Mrs Charles Skuse.
Mr and Mrs Benz left on a trip to California, making stops at Chicago, Denver and San Francisco with a longer stay at Los Angeles and Holleywood. On their return they will view the Grand Canyon and stop at New Orleans. The couple will return to this city in about six weeks.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Monday, April 6, 1925
Charles Skuse
Watkins, April 6.—Charles Skuse, prominent Reading farmer, died early Sunday morning following a short illness. Because of the serious condition of Mrs Skuse the funeral will be helt Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Elmo Royce, 128 Seneca street. The Rev A B Herr, minister of the Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Interment will be in the Millport Cemetery.
Besisdes his widow, Mr Skuse is surived by one son, Lawrence, of Chicago; a brother, Fred, of Seattle, and a sister, Miss Addie Skuse of Buffalo.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, April 8, 1925
Charles Skuse
Charles Skuse, prominent Reading farmer, died early Sunday morning, April 5th following a short illness. Because of the serious condition of Mrs Skuse the funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Elmo Boyes, 128 Seneca street, the Rev A B Herr, minister of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment was in the Millport cemetery.
Besides his widow, Mr Skuse is survived by one son, Lawrence, of Chicago; a brother, Fred, of Seattle, and a sister Miss Addie Skuse of Buffalo. Mr Skuse was born June 22, 1865.
The Watkins Express
Wednesday, April 29, 1925
Charles S Skuse
Charles S Skuse, who death occurred on April 5, was born in Reading, Schuyler county on June 29, 1865, one of six children born to Philetus S and Clemnia Burgess Skuse. Three brothers whose deaths preceded Mr Skuse's were Evan, who died in 1873; Philetus who died in 1876 and Daniel who died in 1905. One half-brother, Marion Burgess died in 1893. One brother, Fred of Edmunds, Washington and one sister, Addie of Buffalo survive, together with his wife and one son, Lawrence of Chicago.
Mr Skuse spent all his early life on the farm of his father in Reading where his home has been for the last 20 years and where his widow still lives.
On May 14, 1890 he was united in marriage to Miss Alice VanDhroef, daughter of Orlando and Eliza VanDhroef of Reading. They moved to Burdett where Mr Skuse was engaged in hauling gravel for the Legigh R R. In the spring of 1892 they moved back to the Nichols farm, now known as the Harry Howard farm. There they lived until the health of Mr Skuse's father became impaired and they then moved on the home place. In June 1914 they adopted the child, Lawrence, now a young man in Chicago.
Mr Skuse has always been well known for his strict integrity in business and his interest in promoting home affairs.
He served as road commissioner and was elected assessor two consecutive terms. Mr Skuse was a staunch Democrat and always worked for the best interests of his party.
He will be sadly missed in the community as well as in the home. He was laid to rest in the family plot at Millport, the Rev A B Herr conducting the services. Pall bearers were John Morgan, John Abrams, Cyrus Ballard and Ira Phelps.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and courtesy at the time of the sickness and death of our husband and father.
Mrs Alice Skuse,
Lawrence Skuse.
New York Times
Saturday, May 23, 1925
Colonel Frank Hall Lawton, Quartermaster at Governors Island, headquartered for the Second Army Corps area, and Mrs Lawton have announced the marriage of Mrs Frances Hite Williams to Major John Charles Skuse. The ceremony took place on Governors Island on Thursday.
Erie County Independent, Hamburg, NY
June 4, 1925
Mrs Celia Pound is entertaining Miss Scuse of Buffalo.
The Watkins Express
Wednesday, June 17, 1925
Dix and Orange
Miss Mildred West of Painted Post spent the week end with Kathryn Skuse.
Glenn P Skuse from North Cuba spent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs Bert Skuse.
Glenn Skuse and Eugene Frary called on John Roberts at Montour hospital Sunday.
North Collins News, NY
Thursday, June 25, 1925
Miss Susie Scuse of Collins Center visited her pupils at the Noth High
School Friday. All were pleased to see her again and to learn she is
recovering from her serious accident.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, June 25, 1925
The Skuse family reunion will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs John Skuse, July 1, 1925
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, July 9, 1925, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce, who teaches at Long Island, is home
to spend the summer with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Ogdensburg Republican-Journal
Tuesday, October 27, 1925
Annoucement is made of the marriage October 7th of Miss Nellie Whitney of South Hammond to Clarence Skuce of Lisbon. The ceremony was performed by Rev Breese in Morristown.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, October 14, 1925
Mrs John Ector
The death of Mrs John Ector of Townsend occured at her home about 2 o'clock this morning from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr Ector had left the house about nine o'clock while his wife was ironing. When he returned a short time later, he found her unconscious on the floor.
Dr S B Clark of Beaver Dams was summoned and he reaimed with her until early this morning when she passed away without regaining consciousness.
Mrs Ector was the daughter of the late Daniel and Elizabeth Drake Skuse and was born in the town of reading on June 24, 1875.
Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons: Joseph and John, Jr; a brother, Bert Skuse of Townsend and a sister, Mrs Bertha Berry of Hornell.
The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon of this week at two o'clock from the home, the Rev J W F Maxwell of the Watkins Baptist church officiating. Interment will be in the County Line cemetery.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Wednesday, October 14, 1925
Mrs John Ector
Watkins. Oct. 14.—Mrs John Ector died unexpectedly at 2 o'clock this morning at her home at Townsend. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home. The Rev John Maxwell of the Watkins Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the County Line cemetery.
Mrs Ector is survived by her husband; two sons, Joseph and John, jr; one brother, Bert Skuse, all of Townsend; one sister, Mrs Ethel Berry of Hornell, and a half-sister, Mrs Nellie Berch of Michigan.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, October 28, 1925
Mrs Marie Ector
The very sudden and unexpected death of Mrs John Ector occurred at her home at Townsend at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning, Oct. 21, 1925.
Tuesday morning Mrs Ector appeared to be in her usual health when her husband left the house. She had done up her supper work and some ironing during his absence.
He returned home about nine o'clock and found her in an unconscious condition on the floor. Dr S B Clark was immediately summoned and did all that possibly could be done, but she passed away without regaining consciousness.
Mrs Ector was born in the town of Reading on June 24th, 1874. She was one of three children of Daniel and Elizabeth Drake Skuse.
Marie Skuse was united in marriage to John Ector Nov 25, 1896 and four children were born to them: Fannie born June 21, 1898 and died when 14 mos old: Katie was born Dec 23, 1899 and died when 12 years of age. Their two sons, Joseph and John, Jr., are the only surviving children.
Mrs Ector was a devoted member of the Townsend Baptist church and of the Baptist Ladies Aid Society. She possessed many fine qualities which endeared her to all. Her going will leave a great vacancy in the home and the husband and sons have the sympathy of all in the community.
The funeral was held on Friday at 2 o'clock, from the home, her pastor, Rev John MAxwell, officiating. Interment was made in the County Line cemetery.
Besides her husband and sons she leaves a brother, Burt Skuse of Townsend and a sister, Mrs Ethel Berry, of Hornell.
Chicago Daily Tribune
4 Nov 1925
Ernst—Anna Ernst, nee Lowe, beloved wife of Edward, fond mother of Mary Louise, Dorothy Elizabeth and Kathleen, daughter of Mary E Lowe, sister of Catherine Skuse, Bert and Thomas Lowe. Funeral Thursday, Nov 5 at 9am, from 439 Western av., Blue Island, Ill, to St Benedict’s Church; Interment Mount Olivet, Ottawa, Ill, papers please copy. For information call Blue Island 565-M
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 17, 1925
Miss Helen Skuce of Ogdensburg spent the Sabbath with
her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Buffalo Courier
Friday, December 18, 1925
Teacher wins suit against Railroad
Gets $6,000 for Injuries in Slipping on Ice
Parent Receives $1,500
Susie Skuse, twenty-three years old, Collins, NY, school teacher, and her father, Isaac Skuse, yesterday secured verdicts aggregating $7,500 from the Erie railroad in supreme court before Justice O'Malley.
The jury awarded Miss Skuse $6,000, and her parent, $1,500, for injuries she received February 4, 1925, when she slipped on a large pile of snow near the tracks and fell against the locomotive of the moving train, which she intended to take. Her father sued for his daughter's services and money expended for physicians.
It was proved by Dana L Spring, her attorney, that the pile of snow had been placed by employes of the Erie near the pathway which was used by people going in and from the train. Mr Spring showed the snow was bout five feet gigh and was placed between the sidewalk and the paved portion of the road, and it had beocome slipper from people walking over it and as Miss Skuse passed over the pile of snow the accident occurred. The railroad contended that as the pile of snow was not on railroad property, it was not liable.
The Watkins Express
Wednesday, December 19, 1925
Dix and Orange
Mr and Mrs Bert Skuse, son Chas and daughter, Kathryn and Mary Lou Terwillger and Mrs Andy Wasson spent Saturday evening at John Wasson's.
Mr and and Mrs Lynn Dann, son, Phillip and daughter, Helda, of Elmira, spent part of last week with her and Mrs Bert Skuse.
Mrs Harriet McIntyrre called on Mrs Bert Skuse Friday afternoon
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 31, 1925, Page 8
Miss Mable Skuce of Long Island, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Skuce, Miss Helen Skuce and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and family of Ogdenburg
spent Christmand with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Lockport Union and Journal, NY
Thursday Evening, December 31, 1925
Rev Mr and Mrs Skuse are spending a week's vacation with relatives in Bradford, Pa and Olean.
The Evening Leader, Corning
Tuesday, January 5, 1926, Page 6
Mrs Ethel Berry of Watkins spent over Christmas with her brother, Bert Skuse and family.
Wakins Express
January 6, 1926
Mr and Mrs Jesse Whitehead have purchased the Alice Skuse farm in Irelandville.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, January 7, 1926, Page 8
Edison Skuce of Syracuse is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Skuce.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, February 18, 1926, Page 8
Miss Helen Skuce of Ogdensburg spent Sabbath with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Skuse
Evening Tribune, San Diego, California
Wednesday, April 21, 1926
San Francsico, April 21.—The body of a man believed by police to be Thomas J Skuce of Oklahoma City was found in San Francisco bay off pier 29 a mile south of the Ferry building, today. Papers on the body indicated the owners was a member of the Elks club of Oklahoma City and was connected with the Association of Railroad Conductors of America.
The Oklahoman
Wednesday, April 21, 1926; Page 14
City Man is Found dead in Frisco Bay
Murder and Suicide Theories Advanced in Skuce's Death
The body of a man believed to be Thomas J Skuce, formerly a railroad engineer of Oklahoma City, was taken from San Francisco bay Monday afternnon by police, according to dispatches reaching here Monday night.
Police were unable to determine wheather the man believed to be Skuce had
been murdered or wheather he had committed suicide, reports said. Skuce was a member of the Oklahoma City Elks lodge, according to Lous Pfotenhauer, secretary, and was well known in the city.
Skuce joined the Oklahoma City chapter of the Elks in 1920, Pfotenhauer said. Lodge records show that he was born in New York in 1877. He
had lived in Oklahoma City several years before he joined the lodge.
Skuce worked in Oklahoma City railroad years for a number of years. Records here disclosed no relatives living in the city. Skuce went to California about three years ago. He kept in touch with friends here and had communicated with Lodge representatives several times.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, May 19, 1926
Mr and Mrs John Morgan and Mrs Alice Skuse visited his nephew, Mr VanDuzer at Ithaca Sunday.
Wyoming Country Times
Thursday, June 24, 1926
The Skuse family reunion will be held in Hermitage on the last day of June.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, July 8, 1926
On Wednesday, June 30th the Skuse reunion was held at the home of Mr and Mrs John Skuse. About fifty relatives and friends from Buffalo, Rochester, Medina, Batavia, Knowlesville, Warsaw, Gainesville, Bliss, East Pembroke and Hermitage sat around the well spread tables under the maples overshadowing the lawn and partook of picnic dainties.
Following the physical fare there was a freat of mental pabulum provided by a number of entertrainers large and small, old and young. Miss Irene Merville of Bliss had charge of the program. Readings were given by Miss Oneita McGowan, F W Smith and others. The most noteworth were "The Green Watermelon" recited by a lady from Knowlesville and "The Family Album" by Mrs Skuse. Miss Arloene VanDyke rendered two cornet solos and there were vocal solos, duets and trios.
As a climax to the program Mr and Mrs Peter Almeter and Mrs Skuse took some fancy steps of a hornpipe to the music of a mouth organ played by a lady.
Lockport Union-Sun and Journal
Wednesday Evening, August 4, 1926
Rev and Mrs Skuse spent several days of last week with Mr and Mrs Miles at Beach Ridge. Rev Skuse is driving a new Ford touring.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, August 12, 1926
Miss Helen Skuce of Ogdensburg spent Sabbath with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Ogdenburg Advance News
September 8, 1926, Page 8
Teachers have returned to their respective Schools
LISBON, Sept. 7 — Miss Mable Skuse to Now York.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, September 16, 1926
Mrs John Skuse, her grand daughter Miss Irene Merville and her daughter, Mrs John Van Dyke are touring the state of Michigan.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Saturday, September 4, 1926
Mrs Charles Skuse of Reading Center is visiting her cousin, Mrs Charles French.
Schenectady Gazette
Thursday Morning, September 9, 1926
Section K Team, G E Champions will tackle Lynn Nine here on Saturday
... William Skuce, pitcher; ..
Titusville Herald, Pennsylvannia
September 18, 1926
To Engage in Forest Work
Mr and Mrs Wesley Skuce of Morgantown, W Va, a bride and groom of two weeks, were guests of Mr and Mrs Warren Scott and Mr and Mrs H E Dunham. Both Mr and MRs Skuce graduated from Lansing university, Lansing, Mich., and were married Sept 4 at the home of the bride in Newberry, Mich., and are enroute to Morgantown, W Va, where Mr Morgan, who is a nephew of Mrs Warren Scott, is employed in the state forestry work and where they will be at home to their friends.
Gettysburg Times, Pennsylvannia
December 3, 1926
Farmers Liked Foresty Plan
West Virignia Tourists Start Pine Plantations After Seeing Ones Near Here.
The farmers of West Virginia who passed through Gettysburg last summer on their way to the Sesquicentennial received a practical lesson in foresty that has made a lasting impression after traversing the Lincoln Highway between Chambersburg and Gettysburg, according to Thomas W Skuce, extension forester of West Virginia, in a letter to the Pennsylvannia Deperatment of Forests and Waters.
Oak Park Leaves, Chicago, Illinois
Saturday, December 11, 1926
Judson Baptist News
George E Erickson and Miss Hazel E Skuce were united in marriage last Saturday afternoon by Rev Joseph Croft Dent at his home, 937 North Waller. The bride and groom were attended by Mrs Clara Eklundh and Fred A Skuce, a brother of the bride.
Pen Yan Democrat
Friday, December 31, 1926
Mrs Alice Skuse, of Irelandville, NY, is visiting her sister and husband Mr and Mrs Edward Benham.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Wednesday, February 27, 1929 (??confirm if in incorrect order, or wrong placement)
Mrs Charles Skuse, formerly of Himrods, has returned from a visit with her son in Chicago. She will make her home with Mrs L Dennis of Seventh Street. Mrs Dennis has resumed her work as a nurse.
Penn Yan Democrat
Friday, March 4, 1927
Mrs. Skuse returned from a visit with relatives in Montour Falls Saturday,
and is now with her sister, Mrs. Edward Benham. Mrs. Skuse expects to
visit her son, who resides in Chicago, in the near future.
Wyoming County Times
Thurssday, July 21, 1927
The Skuse family reunion was held at the home of Mr and Mrs John Skuse on Wednesday. Due to inclement weather and guests sat down to well filled tables indoors instead of outside so the gathering resembled a banquet rather than a picnic. Good feeling was present, however, and the occasion passed off very pleasantly. Instead ofhearing a pgoram as on former years, the guests listened to a speech by Mr Wayland Bryant of Batavia.
Mr John Skuse the octogenarian patriarch of the reunion is a veteran bee keeper. He has thirty five swarms at present all nicely housed in a secluded retreat beside tall elders. The apiarist confided to your corrrespondent that there is no sweetness in white clover blossoms this year for up-to-date the bees have gathered but little honey. A large proportion of the colonies have swearmed, no swarm going beyong the fringe of elders before alighting.
In the course of his talk Mr Skuse declared the old notion of drumming on a tin pan to attract a flying swarm of been and cause them to descend and alight was only another superstition to rank alongside that of killings hogs in the new of the moon. He said also that it it not always the old been that swarm. Some times the young bees are the ones to leave the hive in search of a new home.
Due to the presence of the much deaded foul blood, Mr Skuse nearly ran out of bees a few years ago and now he has about half as many a sat one time. His swarms were inspected by a state inspectior this spring and pronounced healthy in every respect.
Although some apiarists consider Italian queen been superior to all others, Mr Skuse things there are others just as good. A beeman of over forty years experience Mr Skuse said on Wednesday that he learned something new every year about the busy bee. He has a high regard for their intelligence, their industry and their thrift in doing their utmost to lay something by for the proverbial rany day and for winter in which season they cannot work.
Human beings may learn useful lesson by studying the habits of the beens. Even the economical form of the honey cell proves the <missing line> and is always on the job tending strictly to business. When molested we will defend himself to the best of his ability even though he dies in the attempt. The honey bee is apparently a serious minded chap and does his very best during his short life for the general welfare of the colony to which he belongs.
"Go to the any, tou sluggard Consider his ways be wise" could very well have been changed to: Do as the bee, thou lazy bones. Work like the devil and thrive.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, August 6, 1927
Mrs N B Covert dies at Cottage at Kashon
Well known woman had been ill for several weeks—Was 84 years of age
The death of Mrs Catherine Ann Covert, wife of the late Dr N B Covert, occurred at her summer residence at Kashong at 8 o'clock this morning. She had been ill for the past five weeks.
Mrs Covert was 83 years of age and celebrated her birthday on March 20th of this year. She was an original member of the Board of Managers of the Geneva General Hospital and a life long member of the Baptist church in this city. She had been active in the religious and civic life of the community in her earlier days.
The surviving relatives are: one dauhgter, Mrs E B Walton, one son, Dr J B Covert, two sisters, Mrs H E Skuse and Mrs John Skuse, two nieces, Miss Cora Covert and Miss Mary Hill of Seneca Falls, and six grand children.
Funeral services will be held at Kashong on Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'lcok. Rev Fred Drtewett will officiate. Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
The Portville Review
Saturday, April 7, 1927
Skuce-Skuce—In Buffalo, Tuesday, April 5th, by Rev O C Thrall, William D Skuce and Grace D Skuce, both of Westons Mills.
Penn Yan Democrat
Friday, August 12, 1927
Mrs Alice Skuse is visiting in Watkins Glen and Irelandville, her old home town.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, September 15, 1927
Mrs George Grinnel and two children and Miss Fisher of Michgan spent several days of last week with their cousin Mrs John Skuse. On Satuday their New York State friends and relatives to the number of forty enjoyed an outing at Letchworth Park.
Penn Yan Democrat
Friday, September 16, 1927
Mrs Alice Skuse, who has been visiting in Irelandville and Watkins Glen the past five weeks, returned to the home of her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs Edward Benham, last week.
The Evening Day, New London, Connecticut
Wednesday, October 12, 1927
Vile Names were intended for Cat, Not Neighbors
Mrs Eliza Lucy Skuce of the Wolf Neck district, Old Mystic, was speaking to her "dear little kitten" when she uttered what neighbors termed vile names, according to her testimony this morning before Judge William A. Wilcox in Stonington town court when she was presented on a charge of breach of the peace. She was arrested Monday night on the complaint of two of her beighbors who charged that she had called them vile names. Mrs Skuce explained to Judge Wilcox that the epithets were not intended for human ears, only for her kitten which she was ordering to return home.
After hearing the testimony, Judge Wilcox continued the case 30 days and released the defendant without bond. Mrs Skuce was placed under arrest by Constable Urban Whitford.
The Oakland Tribune
Friday Evening, December 9, 1927
Twin Firebugs
Leigh, Eng—Job and Mark Skuse, twins, were sentenced to prison for setting fire to a factory.
The Goldendale Sentinel-The Home Newspaper, Washington
Thursday, January 26, 1928
Summons for Publication, no 4603
In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County
of Klickitat.
In the matter of the determination of the rights to the use of the waters
of Bowman Creek and its tributaries in Klickitat County, Washington,
in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 117 of the Session Laws
of 1917 of the State of Washington and Amendments thereto.
The State of Washington, Plaintiff, vs.
...; John N Skuse and Sarah K Skuse, his wife; ..
The Daily Star, Queens Borough
Friday Evening, February 10, 1928
Mrs Mary Sieman, a native of Flushing who lived in that community most of her life, died yesterday at Flushing Hosptial. She lived at 110-32 Fifteenth avenue, College Point.
She was fifty and a daughter of Mrs Mary and the late Thomas Skuse. She leaves her mother; her husband, Henry Sieman; three sisters, Mrs Jane Henninger of College Point and Mrs Maude Cleary and Miss Elizabeth Skuse of College Point; and five brothers, William, Richard, Thomas, George and Harry Skuse, all of Flushing.
The body has been removed by Elbert Hallett, Inc., to her home where the funeral will take place at 2:30pm on Monday, the Rev Benjamin Mottram, pastor of St Paul's Chapel, College Point, officiating. Interment will be in Flushing Cemetery.
Rochester Times-Union
Wednesday Evening, May 2, 1928
(Reprinted on the 4th May)
Skuse—At her home, 41 Ontario Street on Wednesday, May 2, 1928. Lena Warney Skuse, wife of Richard Skuse. She leaves besides her husband, three daughters, Mr P J Fitzgerald, Mrs G V Fitzgerald and Miss Bessie Skuse; one son, Richard Skuse Jr; and four grand children; also five brothers, Jacob, John, Robert, Charles and Harry Warney; two sisters Mrs Jacob Stadler of Toronto, Mrs Leo McTaggart of Palmyra, NY. Funeral from the residence, 41 Ontario Street on Saturday afternnon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Mt Home Cemetery.
San Diego Union
Sunday, May 20, 1928
Will not be responsible for any bills contracted for by Teresa Skuse, she having left my home Dec 22. G Skuse.
Utica Observer Dispatch
Saturday, March 31, 1928
Skuse—To Thomas B and Able Wetherell Skuse, 1091 State Street, March 30, 1928, a daughter, Peggy Ann.
Ogdenburg Advance Shopping Edition
Saturday, April 2, 1928, Page 2
Miss Helen Skuce, an employee of the U.S immigrations service
at Niagara Falls, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Skuce.
Utica Press, NY
Tuesday, April 3, 1928
Skuse—To Thomas B and Abbie Wetherall Skuse, 1004 State Street, March 30, a daughter, Peggy Ann.
Utica Daily Press
Tuesday, April 5, 1928
Skues—To Thomas B and Abbie Wetherall Skuse, 1004 State Street, March 30, a daughter, Peggy Ann.
Lebanon Daily News
April 19, 1928
Mary and Gay (Comic) by Lou Skuce
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, April 28, 1928
Warney—Entered into rest in this city, Friday morning, April 27, 1928, Catherine Warney, aged 82 years. Deceased is survived by three daughters, Mrs Richard Skuse, of this city, Mrs Jacob Sadler, of Toronto, Can, and Mrs Leo McTaggery of Palmyra, NY, five sons, John Warner, Tampa, Fla, Jacob, Robert, Charles and Harry Warney of this city, ninteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
The remains have been removed to ?? funeral chapel, No ?? North street, where the funeral ?? will take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Mt Hope cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, May 3, 1928 / Friday, May 4, 1928 / Saturday, May 5, 1928 (Also in Rochester Times-Union)
Skuse—At her home, No 41 Ontario street, on Wednesday, May 2, 1928, Lena Warney Skuse, wife of Richard Skuse. She leaves besides her husband, three daughters, Mrs P J Fitzgerald, Mrs G V Fitzgerald and Miss Bessie Skuse, one son, Richard Skuse Jr, and four grandchildren, also five brothers, Jacob, John, Robert, Charles and Harry Warney; two sisters, Mrs Jacob Stadley of Toronto and Mrs Leo McTaggart of Palmyra, NY.
Funeral form the residence No 41 Ontario strete on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Mt Hope cemetery.
Rochester Times-Union
Thursday Evening, May 10, 1928
East High School Glee Clubs in Concert Friday Evening
East High School Combined Glee Clubs will give their annual Spring concert for the public in the school auditorium Friday evening, ...
Member of the Girls' Glee Club, left to right, are, ...
Back row, ... H Skuse, ..
San Jose News, California
May 28, 1928
Death Claims San Jose Folk
Robert Emmett Skuse
Funeral services for Robert Emmett Skuse, native San Jose youth who
passed away yesterday at San Francisco at the age of 20 years will be
held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at St. Joseph's Church. Interment
will be held at Calvary Cemetery under the direction of McNalley &
The deceased was the son of Mrs. Lizzie Skuse of San Franscisco, brother
of Ward Skuse, Mrs. Esther Chown and Mrs. Doris Aber; nephew of Mrs.
N. Wright of San Francisco and Miss E. Farrell of San Jose, and grandson
of Mrs. Kate Tevis of San Jose.
Unadilla Times
Sunday, June 8, 1928
Mrs Ellen Skuse, returned to her home at Clayville, Sunday, after spending a week in Unadilla with her sister, Mrs Arthur Birdsall.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, July 11, 1928
Looking Backward
Forty-Five Years ago To-Day—1883
About 4:30pm as a little son of William Parry, of No 4 Prospect street, was playing on the bank of the Ohio basin he fell into the water and would have been drowed but for the prompt action of James Skuse, who jumped into the water and rescued the child as he was sinking for the third time.
Buffalo Evening News
Saturday, August 26, 1928
Collins Center
Ed Shaw of Pasadena, Calif, is visiting his niece, Mrs Isaac Skuse.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, Sept 13, 1928
Mr and Mrs John Skuse of Hermitage were Sunday guests of their niece, Mrs Robert Brewer and family.
The Randolph (NY) Register
Friday, September 14, 1928
East Randolph
According to the appointments of the Genesee conference of the Free Methodist church held at Niagara Falls last week, Rev J Skuce was appointed to Ellington, East Randoplh and Kennedy circuit.
Boston Globe
Thursday, September 20, 1928
BURNS—In Allston, Sept. 18. Elizabeth Skeuse Burns, beloved wife of Patrick J. Burns, and mother of Sister Mary Patrice of St Marys Convent, Brookline. Funeral from her late home, 1 Gregg place, Monday at 8 o'clock. Solemn requiem high mass at St Anthonys Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Late member of Allston Court M.C.O.F.
Union Sun and Journal, Lockport, NY
Friday Evening, September 21, 1928
Rev and Mrs Skuse and son, are moving to Jamestown, where Rev Skuse has been assisnged for the coming year.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, September 27, 1928
Mrs Howard Skuse received sad news of the death of a sister at Spencerport, a few days ago.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Thursday, September 27, 1928
63 Employes of G.E. Receive Awards for Adopted Suggestions
W.W. Skuce, Bldg 69
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Tuesday, 2 October 1928 (Also in the Albany NY Times, 3 Oct)
Skuce - Shafer
The marriage of Miss Ruth Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L.
Shafer, and Walter Charles Skuce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Skuce of
Ottawa, Canada, took place Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at St. George's
Episcopal Church. The rector, Rev. George F. Bambach, performed the
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a brown satin
gown with a hat to match and carried yellow roses. Mrs. Arthur Ottman,
the matron of honor, wore a blue crepe gown with a hat to match and
carried pink roses. The best man was Richard Skuce, a brother of the
bridegroom, of Ottawa, Canada
After the ceremony a reception for about 50 relatives and friends was
held at the home of the bride's parents. The house was decorated with
pink and white flowers.
The bride is graduate of the Schenectady High School and of the Albany
Business College. She has been employed in the electrical inspector's
office. Mr. Skuce is a graduate of the Ottawa Collegiate Institute in
the class of 1923. He is a cost accountant employed by the General Electric
After a wedding trip in the west and Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Skuce will
be at home after November 1 at the Glen apartments, Scotia.
Binghampton Press, NY
Thursday Evening, October 11, 1928
2 More Deaths Raise Toll in Olean Typhid Epidemic; Inquiry On
Olean, Oct. 11 - Two more deaths today have been listed in the typhoid
fever epidemic, bringing the total to four.
Miss Elizabeth Ganoung, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Ganoug, 204
East avenue, died in Olean General hospital. She was an assistant in
her father's dancing school. She had been ill since the outbreak of
the epidemic.
The Rev. Frank H. Skuce, 70, Westons Mills, who contracted the disease
while working here, died in the Olean General hospital late Wednesday.
He was the originator of the Holiness movement in towns in Pennsylvannia
some years ago. A mission he founded in Bradford grew into the Church
of the Nazarene. He founded chapels in other places.
He was a shipping cherk in a wholesale plant here.
For the first time since the epidemic started here Sept 29, there was
a decrease of new cases yesterday. Only three were reported.
The total of positive cases now is 138, several having recovered sufficiently
to be removed from the list. There are 65 suspected cases.
The Rochester Red Cross is rushing more nurses here as rapidly as they
are available. The demand has been met up to now, although there is
no reserve should the epidemic once more become severe.
Tests show a marked improvement in city water, which has been blamed
for the spread of the disease. Dr B. E. Robert, state epidemologist,
however, advises that boiling still is necessary.
Mayor George A. Pierce has named himself and two other city officials
as a board to investigate any laxity that may have caused the epidemic.
The others are Howard J. Jaekle, president of city council, and Frank
J. Andrews, city attorney.
Bradford Era, Pennsylvania
October 11, 1928
Minister Well Known Here dies in Olean
Rev Frank H Skuce, 70, a resident of Westons Mills, NY, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Olean General hospital from an attack of typhoid fever. He was a member of the Church of Nazarene in this city.
Rev Skuce will be remembered by his many friends in this vicinity as a pioneer in the Holiness movement. Some years ago he organized a little church in West Branch and also a mission on Washington street in this city. These churches were later consolidated into the present Nazarene church here.
His ministry has been truthful and many look upon him as their spiritual father, having through his preaching and influence been brought to Christ and encouraged to walk this Christian way. His niece, Rev Martha Skuce, is pastor of the local Nazarene church where she has accomplished a wonderful work. Another relative, a nephew, Rev Joseph Skuce, is pastor of the Free Methodist church of Randolph, NY.
Surviving Rev Skuce are his widow, Mrs Amanda Skuce; a son, Charles G Skuce of Pittsburgh; a daughter, Mrs William D Skuce of Westons Mills; two brother, William and Thomas Skuce of Ireland and a sister Mrs Avisa Skuce of Battleford, Canada.
Funeral services will be held from the late home at 1:30 ?? day afternoon. Burial will be in Portville, NY. Friends ?? to ?? flowers.
The Binghamton Press
Friday Evening, October 12, 1928
Funeral of the Rev Frank H Skuse, 70, Weston Mills, who died Wednesday night, will bed held in the home at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with burial in Portville. Mr Skuse had been employed by Riley and Want, wholesale grovers, here the last 13 years. He was the founder of the Church of the Nagarene, Bradford, and was a pioneer in the Holiness movement in nearby Pennsylvania years ago.
Olean Times
October 15, 1928
Page 9
Frank Skuse Funeral Held
Funeral services for Frank Skuse were held at the home in Weston's Saturday afternoon at three-thirty o'clock. The Rev Martin Skuse officiating. Burial was in Portville. Mrs John Schuler and Mrs Jack Enkin, sang "No Night There", and "Wonderful Peace".
The pallbearers were Charles Simmons, Almon Harris, G B Baker, JohnFichtner, John Schuler and E M Ketchner.
Out-of-town relatives and friends in attendance were: Charles Skuse, and son Charles, Miss Edna Skuse, Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev and Mrs Joseph Skuse, Ellington, NY, Rev Martha Skuse, Mrs Jack Enkins, Mr and Mrs R B Simon, Mrs W Skine, Mrs E V Smith, G Cotton, Mr and Mrs John Schuler, Mr and Mrs Ernest ??te, E M Ketchner, John Fichtner, Miss Depew, Bradford, Pa, and Mrs G Clark, Caneadea, NY.
Buffalo Evening News
Tuesday, October 16, 1928
Collins Center
Miss Violet Skuse, Buffalo, is home for several days.
Watkins Express
Wednesday, October 17, 1928
Word has been received here of the birth of a son to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Skuse of Chicago
Dix and Orange
Hurd Bourgess of Watkins Glen spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Bert Skuse's.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, November 1, 1928
The Misses Violet and Sue Skuse and Arthur Johnson, of Collins Center, near Buffalo, spent the week with Mr Skuse, manager of the Dairymen's League plant here.
Rochester Evening Journal and the Post Express
Monday, November 12, 1928
Death Notices
Skuse—In this city on November 12, 1928, Frank S Skuse, aged seventy-four years. He is survived by three brothers, James, Richard and Thomas Skuse of Rochester. He was a member of the Police Benevolent Association. Funeral from the family residence, No 41 Ontario Street, Wednesday at 3 o'clock. Burial in family lot in Mt Hope Cemetery.
Rochester Democraft and Chronicle
Tuesday, November 13, 1928
Frank S Skuse, 74, Once City Detective, Passes
Frank S Skuse, former city detective and later engineer at the Thomas G Skuse Cooperage Company, 30 Finney Street, died yesterday, aged 74 years.
He leave three brothers, James, Richard and Thomas Skuse, all of Rochester. He was a member of the Police Benevolent Association.
Skuse. In this city, on Nov 12, 1928. Frank S Skuse, aged 74 years. He is survived by three brothers, James, Richard and Thomas Skuse of Rochester. He was a member of the Police Benevolent Association.
Funeral from the family residence, 41 Ontario Street, Wednesday at 3 o'clock. Burial in the family lot in Mt Hope Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, January 8, 1929
Frank Skuse, formerly of 5 Skuse Park, left $23,00 in Real estate and $500 in personality. Elsie Kurfurt, housekeeper, received a double house at 5 and 7 Skuse Park and $500. The rest of the estate is left in trust for life use of Richard Skuse, brother, and then passes to Richard Skuse, Jr. nephew.
Wyoming Coutnty Times
Thursday, Jan 24, 1929
John Skuse is better at this writing. He is passing the winter with his daughter, Mrs John Nelson on Wing street in Eagle
The Courier, Brookfield, NY
Wednesday, January 30, 1929
... Forester Skuce ...
The San Bernardino County Sun
Tuesday, February 12, 1929
Skuce—In Redlands, California, Feb. 10, 1929, Gordon Stewart Skuce, 21 years of age, native of Redlands and resident of that city all his life.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Cortner chapel. Interment in Hillside cemetery.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Wendesday, February 27, 1929
Mrs Charles Skuse, fomerly of Himrods, has returned from a visit with her son in Chicago. She will make her home with Mrs L Dennis of Seventh Street, Mrs Dennis has resumed her work as a nurse.
Buffalo Evening News
Wednesday, March 13, 1929
Miss Sue Skuse and Mrs Frank Bobsein were in Springville, Monday.
Attica News, NY
Thursday, March 14, 1929
Mr and Mrs John Skuse of Hermitage celebrated their golden wedding anniversaries.
The Ogdensburg-Republican-Journal
Monday, April 15, 1929
Among the visitors from Ottawa, who were in town last week were Mrs O Skuse, ...
Schenectady Gazette
Friday Morning, April 26, 1929
$62, 381 in Suggestion Awards Given to G.E. Employes in 1928
The honor list consists of two employes who were granted $150 each. They were ... and Edward E Skuce of building 69 for suggesting use of a brass bushing.
Rochester Times-Union
Tuesday Evening, June 25, 1929
Marriage Licenses
Edward L Mangan, 192 Sherwood Avenue, and Bessie L Skuse, 41 Ontario Street.
Wyoming County Times
June 27, 1929
Mrs Maud Nelson of Bliss visited her parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuse and also attended church service.
The Skuse family reunion took place this week Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs John Skuse.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, June 30, 1929
Richard Skuse announces the marriage of his daughter, Miss Bessie L Skuse, of Ontario Street to Edward L Mangan of Sherwood Avenue, on Tuesday, June 25th at St Augustine's Rectory. Rev John O'Brien performed the ceremony.
After an extended Eastern trip, Mr and Mrs Mangan will live at No 192 Sherwood Avenue.
Charleston Daily Mail, West Virginia
Sunday, June 30, 1929
Birth Announcement
Mr and Mrs Thomas W Skuce or Morgantown, announce the birth of a son, John Everly on Friday, June 28. Mrs Skuce before her marriage was Miss Florence Onalea Smith of Newberry, Mich.
Utica Daily Press
Thursday, July 4, 1929
Mrs Ellen Skuse attended the recent Skuse family reunion held at Hermitage.
The Alfred Sun, NY
July 11, 1929
Local Happenings
Glen Skuse of Angelica and Miss Clara Ackerman of Wellsville were married recently. The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Ackerman, former Alfred Station resident.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Monday, July 22, 1929
Ten are killed during week-end
Ten lives were claimed by fatalities in Ontario during the weekend.
Thomas Skuce, aged 60, Reaboro, killed when car hit buggy.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, July 24, 1929 (Same article July 23, 1929, in Rochester Times Union)
Hetzel—Mrs Anna M Hetzel, wife of William C Hetzel. Monday evening, July 22, 1939 at the home 486 Sixth Street. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs Charles Schaeler, three sons, Wilbar W, Harry E and Roy H Hetzel; one grandchild; four sisters, Mrs Frank Smith and Mrs Elizabeth Wilson of Rochester, Mrs Jane Burnes and Mrs Francis Lemieux of Los Angeles. One brother, Daniel A Skuse of Los Angeles.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home.
Buffalo Evening News
Saturday, August 10, 1929
Collins Rural
Miss Violet and Sue Skuse left Wednesday morning to visit their father, Isaac Skuse, Rosiere.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, August 15, 1929
Rosiere News
The Misses Violet and Sue Skuse, of Collins Center, near Buffalo, spent a portion of last week with their father, manager of the milk plant here.
Boston Globe
Thursday, August 15, 1929
SKUSE—In Watertown, Aug 13, Lillian M (nee Gallant), beloved wife of George W Skuse. Funeral from her late residence 11 Stearns road, Friday, at 9. Solemn high mass of requiem at Sacred Heart Church, Mt Auburn, at 10. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. Late member Watertown Emblem Club.
Berkeley Daily Gazette, California
Sept 21, 1929
Young woman is reported missing
Police today are searching for Miss Anna Niere, 23, of 924 Madison
Street, Oakland, who mysteriously disappeared last night after leaving
her place of employment at Grove Street and University Avenue.
The young woman, who makes her home with Mrs. N. Skuce, a cousin, living
at the Madison Street address, was reported missing at 11:50 o'clock
last night. Mrs. Skuce told police that Miss Niere usually arrived home
shortly before 8 o'clock.
Accoding to Mrs. Skuce, the young woman's parents live on a ranch near
Fresno, where she had attended the Fresno State Teachers' College, preparing
for a teacher's certificate.
The missing woman's cousin believes that Miss Niere either has met foul
play or has eloped with her Fresno "boy friend."
Miss Niere is described as being five feet tall, weighs 140 pounds and
has black bobbed hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a red flowered
dress, brown coat and tan hat.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday Evening, Oct 11, 1929
WILSON—Mrs Elizabeth Wilson, widow of James M Wilson, suddenly, Friday morning, Oct 11, 1929. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs Frank Smith of this city, Mrs Jane Burnes and Mrs Francis Lemieux both of Los Angeles, Calif, one brother, Daniel A Skuse, of Los Angeles, Calif.
—Funeral services will take place Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock at A J Mattie & Son's,52 Cumberland Street. Interment in Rushville NY. Please omit flowers.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicile
Saturday, October 12, 1929
Mrs Elizabeth Wilson died yesterday. She leaves three sisters, Mrs Frank Smith of this city, Mrs Jane Burnes and Mrs Francis Lemieux of Los Angeles; a brother, Daniel A Skuse of Los Angeles.
Charleston Gazette
December 12, 1929
Mr and Mrs Thomas W Skuce and infant son returned Tuesday to their home, in Morgantown, after visiting Mr Skuce's parents, Mr and Mrs John Skuce at their in Elmwood avenue.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat
Thursday, December 25, 1929, Page 8
Miss Mabel Skuce of Long Island is spending the holidays
with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.
Mrs. Cassel of Ogdenburg visited at the home of her uncle,
John Skuce, on Monday.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, March 3, 1930
60th Anniversary of Marriage Noted by Couple at Bliss
Bliss March 2—Several relatives and friends gathered at the home of John VanDyke in Wins Street Saturday to celebrate the 60th anniversary of married life of Mr and Mrs John Skuse of Hermitage who have made it their winter home for the past four years with their daughter Mrs John VanDyke returning to their home for the Summer. They have been lifelong residents of New York State. He was born at Perry and Mrs Skuse was born at Warsaw the daughter of the late Nelson and Laura Baker.
Mr Skuse, will be 87 years old March 21 and his wife 77 years old next September. For fear the nuptial knot might loodsen it was "retied" with due ceremonies. While the wedding march was played two little great grand-daughters, Madge and Emma Roberts six and four years of age acted as flower girls and strewed flowers in the path of the bridal couple. They have three daughters living, Mrs Louis J Merville, Mrs John F Nelson and Mrs John VanDyke, all of Bliss and one daughter, Mrs E J McGowan departed 14 years ago and tweleve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. They expect to return to their home in Hermitage about May 1.
The Medina Daily Journal
Tuesday, March 4, 1930
Mr and Mrs John Skuse of Bliss celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, March 6, 1930
Rosiere News
Isaac Skuse, manager of the milk factory plant, was called to Ingersol, Canada, recently to attend the funeral of his brother.
Buffalo Evening News
Friday, March 14, 1930
Mr and Mrs John Skuse, who have just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, were married in a log cabin and lived in four different cabins since then.
Washington Post, Washington DC
March 28, 1930 / March 29, 1930
Skuse—On Wednesday, March 26, 1930, at the Howard A Kelley Hospital, Baltimore, MD, Francis Hite, wife of Maj C Skuse, of Los Angeles, Calif.
Funeral services at the chapel, Loudon Park Cemetery, Balitmore on Friday March 28 at 3pm.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, April 14, 1930
Mr and Mrs Daniel A Skuse and their daughter, June, of Los Angeles, Calif., are guests of Mrs Skuse's sister, Mrs George C Schlegel, and Mr Schlegel of East Avenue.
Tuesday, April 15, 1930
Skuse—To Mr and Mrs G H W Skuse, Hillsboro, Or. March 22, a son.
Jamestown Evening Journal, NY
Friday, May 16, 1930
The Rev and Mrs Skuse are pleased with the arrival of a new baby in their home.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, June 17, 1930 (Also in Rochester Times-Union, June 16, 1930)
Skuse—Entered into rest, Sunday morning, June 13, 1930, at his home, 61 Ontario Street, James Skuse, 85 years. He is is survived by one son, John J Skuse, and two brother Richard and Thomas G Skuse, all of this city.
—Funeral services at the family home on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Interment at Mt Hope Cemetery.
Rochester Times-Union
Tuesday Evening, July 8, 1930
Mr and Mrs Daniel Skuse and their daughter, June, of Los Angeles, Calif., are spending the Summer in the East and are now guests of Mrs Skuse's sister, Mrs George C Schlegel, and Mr Schlegel of East Avenue.
The Escanaba Daily Press, Michigan
Saurday, July 12, 1930
Mr and Mrs Thomas Skuce and son of Morgantown, West Virginia, arrived in Newberry the evening of July 10 to visit the home of Mr and Mrs H Smith. Mrs Skuce will be remembered as Florence Smith.
Daily Boston Globe
Saturday, July 19, 1930
In West Roxbury. July 18th.
Timothy H beloved of the late Ann Driscoll (nee Skuse), and father of Rev Maurice Driscoll C. Ss. R. of Mission Church Roxbury and the late Rev Cornelius Driscoll C. Ss. R. Funeral is from late residence 141 Willow street, West Roxbury. Tuesday, July 22d. at 9 o clock. Solemn high mass of requiem, at 10 o'clock at Mission Church, Roxbury. Relatives and friends kindly invited to be present.
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Thursday, July 24, 1930
The wedding of Miss Ethel Mary Kilrea of Canada and Gordon Clark Hamilton
of Schenectady took place Saturday at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. W. W. Skuce of Edgewood avenue. Rev. Edward Diamond,
rector of St. Paul's Episccpal Church, performed the ceremony.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Hector Kilrea of
Ottawa, Canada, was attended by her sister, Mrs. W. W. Skuce, as matron
of honor. Mr. Skuce acted as best man. The bride wore a gown of
salmon-pink Chantilly lace, with slippers to match, and carried a boquet
of yellow roses and snap dragons. Mrs. Skuce was dressed in orchid and
carried an arm boquet of tea roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left for a wedding trip to New York city, after
which they will be at home at 1603 Helderberg avenue.
Present at the ceremony were Mrs. John Kilrea of Ottawa; Miss Lois Shannon,
Kenneth Kilrea, Miss Evelyn Kilrea, Hector Kilrea, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Jeffers, Miss Katharine Garrison, Orville Spathe, Allan George, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Van Warmer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Towns, sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Towns, jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Marshall and Mrs. Skuce of Ottawa, Canada.
New York Irish American Advocate
Saturday, August 16, 1930
A very old resident of Bandon passed away last week in the person of Miss Rebecca Skiuce, Shannon street. She was the sister of the late Tom, John, Charles and Richard Skuce, basket makers, well known in Bandon and surrounding towns less than half a century ago.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, October 9, 1930
Rosiere News
Isaac Skuse was called to Buffalo recently to attend the funeral of his sister.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Saturday, November 15, 1930
The social meeting of the Philathea class will be held ou Friday evening,
November 21st, at the home of Mrs. A. M. Emery, 701 Cedar avenue; Miss
Freda Skuce will be assisting hostess.
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Friday, Dec 12, 1930
Sophomore Soiree
... Mrs. Walter Skuce of Schenectady; ...
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Monday, December 29, 1930
Skuce—In old Mystic, Conn., Dec 28, 1930, Eliza L. Willis, wife of George R. Skuce, aged 60 years.
Mrs G.R. Skuce Dies
Mrs Eliza Luella Skuce, wide of Grorge R. Skuce of Old Mystic died last night at her late home following an illness of two eeeks. She was in 61st year and was born in East Greenwich, R.I.. She was well known throughout the section and had been a resident of Oly Mystic for a number of years. Mrs Skuce was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and besides her husband she is survived by one daughters, Mrs Eva. Holland of Old Mystic, and one brother, William H. Jordan of Liberty, R.I.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, January 14, 1931
Mr and Mrs John Clapperton entertained their niece, Miss Ruth Skuse, and friends, Miss Berryman, of Geneva, over the weekend.
The Randolph Register
Friday, January 23, 1931
Old times in Randolph
Fifty Year Ago
January 20, 1881
John Skuse was instantly killed by a falling tree while working on the Dr Edwards farm near Randolph.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, January 28, 1931
West High to Graduate Big Winter Class
Alma Mater
List of Graduates
Betty A Skuse
Olean Evening Herald
Wednesday, February 11, 1931
Mrs Amanada Skuse of Pittsburgh spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs Emma Lord.
The Wyoming County Times
Thursday, February 12, 1931
Mrs Emma Skuse has received work that her niece, Mrs Lulu Gurnsey Relyea has passed away at her home in Newark Valley, NY. aged 61 years. She was the wife of Fred Relyear who survives also four children. She lived in this vicinity a number of years and will be remembered by many.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, Feburary 16, 1931
Miss Ruth Skuse of Geneva is the guest of her aunt, Mrs John Clapperton and husband on Terrace Place.
The Shortsville Enterprise, NY
Thursday, February 19, 1931
Miss Ruth Skuse of Geneva is making an extended visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs John Clapperton, of Terrace Place. Miss Skuse is now recovering from the effects of a recent operation for appendicitis.
The Randolph (NY) Register
Friday, February 27, 1931
Will Skuce of Pittsburgh, who is visiting his brother, Rev J Skuce, in Ellington, accompanied the latter to church services here Sunday.
Oakland Tribune
Monday Evening, March 9, 1931
Oakland Licenses Issues
Gagliardo, Francesen—43.
Skuse, Teresa—31; both of San Francisco
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, March 18, 1931
The many friends of Howard Skuse are sorry to hear of his illness with rheumatism and hope he may soon recover.
Charleston Daily Mail
Saturday, March 21, 1931
Mr and Mrs Thomas W Skuce and son, John Eberley, who have been the guests for several weeks of Mr and Mrs John Skuce, of Elmwood avenue, returned Friday to their home in Morgantown. They were accompanied by Mr H E Smith, of Detroit, who also has been the guest of Mr and Mrs Skuce.
The Ovid Gazette, NY
Friday, April 10, 1931
Mr and Mrs C D Skuse arrived at their cottage here Saturday afternoon, to spend the summer months. They have been at their Florida home during the winter.
Boston Herald
Wednesday, June 17, 1931
(likely deaths)
Edward H Skuse, Jr
The Observer, Saline, Michigan
Thursday, June 25, 1931
Mr and Mrs Charles Emmens of Jackson and Mr and Mrs Alton Skuse of Lansing were guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Jordan Saturday.
Boston Herald
Saturday, June 27, 1931
Skuse—In Malden. June 26, Rebecca Skuse, in her 87th year. Services will be held at her home, 21 Wyoming av, Malden, Sunday June 28th at 2 P M.
Daily Boston Globe
Sunday, June 28, 1931
June 27—Miss Rebecca Skuse resident of Melrose and Malden for many years died at the home of her nieces, Misses Florence and Lillian Fielding, 21 Wyoming ave. The burial was in Melrose.
The Greenfield Recorder
Monday, June 29, 1931
Dr Anne Fielding was called to Malden by the death of her aunt, Miss Rebecca Skuse, this morning. The funeral will be held tomorrow and Dr Fielding will return on Monday.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, July 1, 1931
Home Bureau to Meet at Skuse Home on Carter Road All Day Thursday
Home of Frank and Howard Skuse on Carter Road
The ladies comprising the Geneva Home Bureau who are familiar with the home and surroundings of Mrs Howard Skuse will let nothing stand in the way of attending the meeting of the orgaization which is to be held on the spacious veranda and adjoining lawn Thursday, July 2nd. It is planned to make an entire day of it and luncheon, provided by the visitors themselves, will be served at 1 o'clock.
In the way of features Mrs Milton Wheeler of Canandaigua, the county agent, is planning to attend and Mrs William Gainey, the president of the organization who lives near Phelps will also be there in person. The hostesses willbe Mrs Howard Skuse and Miss Lena Skuse, both living in the beautiful homestead which is one of the most attractive residences on Carter road.
The Skuse hone is an old landmark, the western or brick portion having been erected long before the railroad was laid out. When Frank Skuse acquired the property the dwelling was a rather plain brick structure with nine staring eyes looking toward the rising sun, no porch whatever across the front and the windows so high that one must stand to look out of them. An adjacent barn was burned soon after the railroad locomotive with its wood burning propensities began to pass the premises and this was replaced by larger outbuildings father away form the house.
As time passed and the young man of the family brough home a wife extensive alterations were made in the structure and its capacity doubled by the erection of an addityion on the eastern end. Other inside alterations were elaborated upon and the front door to the old brick house has become a portal to be proud of. It opens directly on a wife shaded verands facing the north which has been continued entirely across the house and the visitors on Thursday need have no fear of inclement weather marring their enjoyment.
Miss Lena Skuse lives with her father in the older brick portion of the structure while her brother calls the new part his home. The interior, however, is one large, connected house and the lawn extending nearly 200 fett out to the highway provided ample space for agathering many times the size of the Ontario County Home Bureau.
The San Francisco Examnier
Tuesday, August 18, 1931
Marriage Licenses
Skuse—Taylor— Ernest A. Skuse, 38, and Mary J Taylor, 33, both of 904 Divisadero St.
Rochester Times-Union
Tuesday Evening, Oct 13, 1931
Quote Content Noew, Thank You!
These four extremely youthful bull pups had a new home today in the residence of Mrs Alice Skuse at 166 Clairmont Street. The youngsters were found in a vacant lot by Mrs Skuse Sunday. They were cold and hunry and complaining bitterly. Mrs Skuse too them home and notified police they may be obtained by the owner of their mother. If they are not lciamed she will keep them. And the pups will be quite conent.
The Ovid Gazette
Friday, November 6, 1931
Mr and Mrs Clarence Pell and Mrs and Mrs Homer Boorom motored to Lyons, Saturday, returning by way of Geneva, where they were guests of Will Skuse an dfamily. The Skuse family plans to start for Florida, November 15.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, November 7, 1931
Page 4
Entertains at Shower for Miss Ruth Skuse
Oaks Corners, Nov 7—Mrs Lyman Fisher entertained at a variety shower in honor of Miss Ruth Skuse Tuesday evening, whose marriage is to take place this week. The following guests were present the Misses Helen Skuse, Ina Willson, Helen Dean, Hazel Iddings, Viola Iddings, Margaret Worden, Betty Oaks, Thelma Skuse, Evelyn Barrymore, Gladys Burr, Agnes Christensen, Dorothy Snyder, Mrs John Chase, Mrs Gordon McGuigan, Mrs Clarence McGuigan and Mrs Lyman Fisher. The bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments were served during the evening.
Page 9
A pretty fall wedding took place this morning when Miss Ruth Eleanor Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs William B Skuse of Carter Road, became the bride of William P Brown, son of Mrs Catherine Brown of Rochester. The ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock by Rev William McPadden, pastor of St Stephen's church.
The bride wore a gown of brown satin with trimming of egg shell and a brown hat and brown slippers and hose. She carried a shower bouquet of yellow roses.
Miss Thelma Skuse, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Her gown was of Spanish tile trimmmed in brown velvet with hat and slippers and hose to correspond. Her bouquet was of pink roses.
Wilham Duffy of Geneva was Best man.
Following the ceremony, a breakfast and reception was held at the bride's home, with only the immediate families in attendance.
Among the pre-nuptial events were a dinner at Colonial Inn by the employees of Kresges'; a variety shower by Mrs Otis Berryman; a variety shower by Mrs Lyman Flaher and a variet shower by Miss Agnes Christensen.
Mr and Mrs Brown left on an exteded trip to Washington D.C., and other places will reside at 327 Main street.
Rochester Times-Union
Monday Evening, November 9, 1931
Geneva— Miss Ruth Eleanor Skuse, dauhter of Mr and Mrs William B Skuse of Carter Road, was married Saturday to William P Brown of Rochester. The Rev William H McPadden performed the ceremony in St Stephen's Church. Attendants were the bride's sister, Thelma, and William Duffy of Geneva. Mr and Mrs Brown will reside at 327 Main Street.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, November 12, 1931
Rosiere News
Miss Violet Skuse and Mr Galvin, of Buffalo, spent a few days last week with Isaac Skuse.
Watkins Express
February 3, 1932
Happenings of Fifty and Twenty-five years ago
From the Watkins Express of February 2, 1882
Mrs Philetus S Skuse of Irelandville fell dead on the sidewalk in this village in front of Dr J W Thompson's on Jan 30th. She was taken to the residence of Mrs J A Drake, she having been a sister of the late James A Drake also of Geo W Drake, Mrs B L Shay and Mrs Stephen Warren, all of this village and of Mrs James O'Daniel, Mrs Oliver Ellison and Mrs Daniel Skuse of REading and Andrew J Drake of Buffalo.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, February 8, 1932
Skuse—Alice M Skuse entered into rest suddenly Saturday morning, Feb 6, 1932, at the Park Avenue Hospital, aged 51 years. She leaves her husband John W Skuse, two daughters, Mrs Anthony Dispense of Rochester, and Mrs Stenven Mox of Shortsville, NY, one son, Sherman Skuse of Rochester, three sisters. Miss Elizabeth Carroll and Mrs Timothy Driscoll of Rochester and Mrs Peter Murtha of Linsday, Canada, two brothers, Henry and Martin Carroll of Linsday, Canada.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning Feb 9 1932 at 8.45 o'clock from the home, 166 Clairmont Street and 9 o'clock at St Andrew's Church. Interment will be made in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Arrangements by Cimons & Nanns.
The Van Nuys News, California
Thursday, April 7, 1932
Page 4
Gavel of Alaska
Ivory Presented
Rebekah Leader
Carved from a piece of genuine Alaskan ivory, buried for more than three score years beneath great expanses of frozen ground in the Arctic region, a beautiful and unique gavel was presented to Mrs Claude C Clark, nobel grand of the Van Nuys Rebekah lodge, prior to the conferring of the initiatory degree Tuesday evening by Miss Helen Skuse of Menlo Park and Alaska.
Miss Skuse, twenty-two year old native of Genoa, Alaska, is the youngest past noble grand of the lodge in that country, where she was christened at ther birth. Her first name was given her by her parents, while the second name, Miriam, was chosen by the lodge. Having been practically born and raised with the Rebekahs, Miss Skuse is intensely interested in their work, and has visited Van Nuys lodge on several occasions.
Having admired the splendid work of Mrs Clark in the lodge, Miss Skuse, through her father in Alaska, had the gavel made in time for the noble grand's first initiation ceremony this term. It is a beautiful piece of workman-ship, the handle of smooth ivory and the mallet part of variegated tones of ivory and tan. The dark places were caused by light exposure and mineral colorings, and create a particularly striking effect. The gavel was tied with satin ribbons in the colors of the order.
Page 5
Mr and Mrs C M Beecher of this city had as dinner guests, Mrs Alice Fitts and Mrs Blood of Burbank. Rebekah deputy grand officers, also Miss Helen Skuse of Menlo Park and Alaska on Tuesday evening, prior to lodge installation.
The Daily Star, Long Island City
Friday Evening, May 6, 1932
Oldest Mother in Star Contest
Almost Wins
Mary Skeuse of 126 122nd street, Flushing, is eighty-eight.
Charleston Gazette
Saturday Morning, May 7, 1932
John Skuce Drowns Self
Could not stand to see sick wife suffer, note reveals
Because he could not stand to see the suffering of his wife, who is ill of heart trouble, John Skuce, 71, of Elmwood avenue, drowned himself in the Kanawba river early yesterday morning by walking into the water at the root of Brooks street.
Skuce, a retired business man, had threatened to kill himself and left a note to his wife explaining why he had taken his life. His body was recovered by a riverman at ?? o'clock, two hours after the police had been notified of his disappearance, about 200 years below where his hat was found on the bank.
A daughter discovered the note in the bathroom of the home at about six o'clock. Immediately notifying Major C R Morgan, an insurance man, who is a neighbor, Major Morgan and R J Gorman, principal of high school, another neighbor, organized a searching party after they had appealed to police for aid.
The hat of the drowned man was found at the foot of Brooks street by Morgan and Miss Dorothy Skuce, the daughter. Draghooks were obtained and with the help of police, neighbors and rivermen, the river was dragtged for two hours. Annis Boggs, pwner of several boats on the river, located Skuce's body with a boathook a few feet from the shore.
Skuce, previous to his retirement, had worked as a field superintendent for the South Penn Oil Company. His body was taken to the Simpson mortuary to await funeral arragements. Besides his widow and daughter. Skuce is survived by a son, Thomas Wesley Skuce of Morgantown.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, May 23, 1932
Weaver-Skuse Wedding to Take Place Tuesday
Bride Graduates in the Morning and Married by Dean in Afternoon
Clifton Springs, May 23—H Roland Weaver, secretary of the local YMCA, left yesterday for Mansfield, Pa, expecting to be gone two weeks on a vacation during which time he will be married to Miss Hildreth Skuse daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Skuse who formerly lived at Clifton Springs but since the death of her parents has made her home with relatives at Rochester.
At present Miss Skuse is attending the State Normal College at Mansfield, Pa., Miss Skuse will be graduated on Tuesday morning May 24th and the wedding will take place in the college chapel in the afternoon, Dean Belknap officiating.
Mr and Mrs Weaver will take a motor trip for two weeks. On returning to Clifton Springs they will reside in the Frank Brown house on LaDue Avenue.
Mr Weaver is a native of Mohonk Lake, Ulster county, and has been in this village for some time where he is well liked and in charge of the local YMCA work.
Rochester Times-Union
Wednesday Evening, May 25, 1932
Miss Hildreth Skuse of Alliance Avenue and H Roland Weaver of Lake Mohonk, NY, were married in Mansfield, Pa, yesterday afternoon. Dr A T Belknap, dean of instruction at Mansfield State Teachers' College, performed the ceremony.
Miss Skuse, who prepared for Mansfield State Teahcers, College of East High School, was graduated with a four-year degreee from the college yesterday morning. Mr Weaver is secretary of the Young Clifton Springs, NY, where they will reside after a short trip.
The bride wore a pink lace gown and carried a bouquet of roses and larkspur. Music was provided by Miss Ruth Martin, soprano soloist and Edwin Hart violinist. Miss Martin sang "At Dawning" and "I Love You Truly" during the ceremony.
Among the out-of-town guests at the graduation and wedding were Mr and Mrs A E Weaver, Lake Mohonk, NY; Mrs James Gosnell, Mrs Mary Barrows, Mr and Mrs Joseph Adams, and Joseph T Adams, all of Rochester, and Mr and Mrs John Smith of Clifton Springs.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, May 26, 1932
H Rowland Weaver, general secretary of the local YMCA, and Miss Hildreth Skuse, of Reochester, formerly of Clifton Springs, were married in Mansfield, Pa, on Tuesday afternoon in the prsence of a few relatives and friends. The ceremony was performed by Dr A T Belknap, dean of instruction at Mansfield State Teachers' College, where the bride was graduated that morning.
The bride wore a pink lace gown and carried a bouquet of roses and larkspur. Music was provided by Miss Ruth Martin, soprano soloist, and Edwin Hart, violinist. Miss Marin sang "At Dawning" and "I Love You Truly" during the ceremony.
A wedding dinner was served in the "Little Tavern" at Mansfield, shortly after which Mr and Mrs Weaver left on a two weeks' auto trip to points in Canada and Lake Mohonk, the former home of the groom.
Among the out-of-town guests at the graduation and wedding were Mr and Mrs A E Weaver, Lake Mohonk, NY; Mrs James Gosnell, Mrs Mary Barrows, Mr and Mrs Joseph Adams, and Joseph T Adams, of Rochester, and Mr and Mrs Charles Smith of Clifton Springs.
Mr and Mrs Weaver will rside at No 13 LaDue Avenue, this village.
Friday, June 17, 1932
Skuse—June 16, John J Skuse, husband of Agnes A Skuse, father of Mrs Hans Chriestensen, Duluth, Minn.; Colonel J C Skuse, Los Angeles, and H W Skuse of Portland; brother of Miss Fannie Skuse, Boston, Mass. Funeral services will be held Saturday, June 18, at 11 A.M., at St David's Episcopal church, E 12th and Belmont. Interment Lincoln Memorial Park. Edward Holman & Son, directors. Spokane papers please copy.
Spokane Chronicle, Washington
Saturday, June 18, 1932
John J Skuse, 79, former Spokane resident, died Thursday in Portland. While living here from 1903 to 1919, he was a law partner of F. B. Morill.
Rochester Times-Union
Monday Evening, June 20, 1932
Mrs Harriet E Skuse
Geneva—Mrs Harriet Emma Skuse of the Carter Road died yesterday at her home. She leaves a daughter, Keene E Skuse and a sister, Mrs Minerva Skuse, both of the town of Geneva. Funeral at 2 o'clock at the Yells funeral home, 408 South Main Street.
Council Grove Republican, Kansas
Monday, June 20, 1932
Esther Hammer has gone to Kansas City to spend two weeks visiting her grandmother. Miss H. H. Skuse.
Dorothy Skuse of Kansas City is here for a visit with her aunt. Mrs. Joe Hammer.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, June 21, 1932
The funeral of Mrs Harriet Emma Skuse, who died at her home in the Pulteney Apartments Sunday was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Yells funeral home with the Rev Fred T Drewett of the First Baptist church officiating. Burial was in Glenwood Cemetery.
The bearers were Dr J B Covert, and the Messrs. Clarence, William and Howard Skuse, Ernest Waterman and Kenneth Brown all nephews.
The Phelps Citizen
June 23, 1932
Mrs Harriet E Skuse of the Carter road died at her home early Sunday morning. She leaves a daughter, Keene E S kuse, and a sister Mrs Minerva Skuse, both of the town of Geneva. The funeral was held at the Yells funeral home, Geneva, Tuesday afternoon.
Greenfield Recorder
Wednesday, August 10, 1932
Montague City
William Young, his daughter, Mrs James Skuse, and two children of Compton, Canada visited Mr Young's cousin, E.G. Buzzell, and family over the week-end.
The Randolph (N.Y.) Register
Friday, August 26, 1932,
Page 5
Farewell Party is Given for Free Methodist Pastor
A farewell party was tendered Rev. Skuce, pastor of the Free Methodist
church, and wife Tuesday evening at the parsonage at Ellington. A ??pedly
number from here were in attenndance. Rev. Mr. Suce has served the Ellington
and East Randolph societies as pastor the past four years, the usual
time limit is three years, but there is a provision in the discipline
whereby a pastor can be retained the fourth year by a three-fourths
vote of the conference sta??oning committee. Such a vote was taken last
year. Rev. Mr. Skuce possesses all of the qualifications necessary in
the making of a good minister. He is a clear, forecefull speaker, a
?? pastor and spiritual leader, and possesses much executive and business
During his pastorate he has put the church property here, also the church
and parsonage at Ellington, in splendid condition, performing personally
the greater part of the labor in connection with the same. The church
membership also has been greatly increased.
Rev. Mr. Skuce will leave next week to attend the Genesee Conference
at Tonawanda, from which he will be appointed to a new field of labor.
The best wishes of a host of friends go with him.
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Thursday, September 8, 1932
Real Estate Transfers
William M. and Lydia M. Skuce to Harry Mathews, town of Rotterdam, lot
18, west side Edgewood avenue.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, September 22, 1932
Isaac Skuse, manager of the milk plant here, who has been very ill at his home at Collins Center, near Buffalo, has recovered and will soon resume his work here.
Long Island Star-Journal
Thursday Evening, November 3, 1932
Four Generations Honor Mrs Skeuse of Flushing
Four generations of the Skeuse family honored Mrs Mary Skeuse at her eighty-ninth birthday party at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs George Skeuse, 136-96 Thiry-seventh avenue, Flushing.
Seven of Mrs Skeuse's children, her grandchildren and great grand-children were present.
Mrs Skeuse Skeuse was born in Ireland and came to this country at the age of fourteen. She has lived in Flushing for forty-eighth years. Her present address is 43-49 162nd street. Her husband, Thomas, who was a well known contractor, died several years ago.
Buffalo Courier-Express
Saturday, November 5, 1932
Whitney—In Holland, NY, Nov 4, 1932, Dennis A, beloved husband of Nellie, (nee Skuse), father of Williette Demecke, Blanche and Harold Whitney. Funeral from the family home Monday morning at 8.30 o'clock and from St Joseph's church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited to attend.
Charleston Daily Mail
Sunday, January 1, 1933
John Skuce, 71 years, 1214 Elmwood avenue, retired businessman commits suicide by walking into Kanawha river.
Charleston Daily Mail
Tuesday, January 3, 1933
Notice of Comissioner of Accounts
Dorothy Jane Skuce, executrix of the estate of John Skuse, deceased.
Boston Herald
Thursday, January 5, 1933 / Friday, January 6, 1933
Skuse—In Malden, Jan 4, Frances Anne Skuse, in her 85th year. Services will be held from her home, 21 Wyoming Avenue, Oak Grove, Malden, Friday.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, January 20, 1933
Skuse—Hattie L Skuse, Thursday evening, January 19, 1933. She is survived by four nephews, Thomas, Frederick, Henry and Charles Langworthy.
—Funeral services Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from A J Mattie and Son's 300 Cumberland street, interment at Riverside Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, January 22, 1933
Mrs H L Skuse
Funeral service for Mrs Hattie Longworthy Skuse who died Thursday were conducted yesterday afternoon at 300 Cumbreland street with the Rev John ?? officiating. The bearers were Charles, Henry and Fred Langworthy, Charles H??, Eugene McInnorney and W W H??. Burial in the family plot in Riverside Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, January 27, 1933
Gives Death Certificate
A certificate of death due to natural cuases was issued last night by Coroner David H Atwater in the case of Charles Skuse, 42, of 189 Arnett Boulevard, who was stricken fatally at his home last night. The body was removed to the Morgue.
Times Evening Herald
January 27, 1933
Mrs C H Simmons and daughter, Anita are in Pittsburgh, Pa., attending the graduation of Charles Skuse of that city. Mr Skuse is a son of C G Skuse formerly of this city and grandson of Mrs Amanda Skuse of Westons.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, January 27/Sunday, January 29, 1933 (Printed Rochester Times-Union, Jan 28, 1933)
Skuse—Charles Skuse died suddenly at his home, 189 Arnett Blvd., Thursday evening, Jan 26, 1933. He is survived by his wife, Genevieve Skuse, one son, Raymond, a daughter, Katherine Skuse, three brothers, Richard and James Skuse of Rochester, and Roy Skuse, Los Angles Calif., a sister Mrs Thomas Leschander.
Funeral service will take place Monday afternoon at 2.30. Interment at Mount Hope Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, February 1, 1933
Skuse—Funeral services for Charles Skuse who died suddently at his home. 189 Arnett Blvd, Thursday evening, January 26, 1933, were held Monday afternoon form his home at 7:30 o'clock. Rev Gordon W M??ice officated. The following men from Kodak Park, where deceased was employed acted as active and honourary bearers Tydney Todd, Clarence Brewater, Elmore Taylor, James Lee, Clint Everman, Harry Emerson, Elwyn Harman, Al Norton, P?? W??, David Mong, Michael McCartyh and Richard ??,
Interment was made in Mt Hope Cemetery.
The Daily News, Batavia, New York
Wednesday Evening, February 22, 1933
Mr and Mrs Edmund Skuce of Columbus, O., were guests recently of their cousins, Mr and Mrs Thomas Ingram, who also had for their guest on Sunday, Mrs Ingram's brother, John Kiehl of Buffalo.
The Times, Batavia, New York
Thursday, February 23, 1933
Mrs Martha Ingraham and Mr and Mrs Joseph N How of No 18 East Avenue
are entertaining Mr and Mrs Edmund Skuce of Columbus, O.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, March 16, 1933
Mrs John M Skuse
Mrs Minerva Skuse, wife of the late John M Skuse and formerly of Geneva, died Tuesday morning at her winter home in Saint Cloud, Florida, She was 86 years old. Surviving are two sons, William B and Clarence D; two grandchildren, Thelma and Kenneth Skuse, of Florida, and Mrs William Brown of this city; also several nieces and nephews.
The funeral was held at 2:30 o;clock today in Saint Cloud, Fla., and burial will be in Geneva at a later date.
Council Grove Republican
Saturday, March 18, 1933
Her Mother Dead
Mrs Hattie H Skuse, mother of Mrs Joe Hammer of this city, is dead at her home in Kansas City after an illness of six weeks. Mrs Skuse never lived here, but visited in Council Grove frequently. Mr and Mrs Hammer are both there for the funeral which will be held Monday afternoon.
Council Grove Republican
Thursday, March 23, 1933
Mrs. Eldon Furney received the sad news of the death of her grandmother, Mrs. Hattie Skuse in K. C.
Hornell Evening Tribune-Times
Saturday, March 25, 1933
Revival Services
Belmont, March 25—Revival services have been held every evening this week at the local Free Methodist church, the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Skuce of Belfast, is in charge. The Rev and Mrs O.C. Thrall, evangelists from Fanklinville are assiting. These services will be continued each evening next week with a song service at 7:30 and preaching at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited.
Utica Observer
Tuesday, April 4, 1933
Funeral of Mr Skuse
The funeral of Zachariah Skuse was held from Gordon's Steuben Park, this afternoon. The Rev C L Kackerson officiated. Interment was in New Forest Cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Tuesday, April 5, 1933
The funeral of Mrs Minerva S Skuse, aged 86, widow of the late John M Skuse, who died in Saint Cloud, Fla., March 14th, will be held at the Yells Funeral Home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with the Rev Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery.
Mrs Skuse leaves two sons, Clarence D of Romulus and William B, of the town of Geneva; three grandchildren, Mrs William P Brown, Themla K and Kenneth B Skuse, also several nieces and nephews, all of Geneva.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, April 6, 1933
Isaac Skuse, manager of the milk plant here, spent last week at his hime in Collins Center.
The Otsego Farmer
Friday, April 7, 1933
Zachariah Skuse
The death of Zachariah Skuse, a former resident of Copperstown occurred at a hospital at Utica, where he had made his home for the past twenty
years, on Saturday after a brief illness.
He was eighty-six years if age.
He was born in England and served in the British Army for several years. Before going to Utica he lived in Cooperstown, having been employed as a laborer in the former Cooperstown Press plant. As an avocation he practiced astrology and claimed to have been a graduate of the American School of Astrology at Binghamton.
He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Almira Merrihew; one son Thomas Skuse of Utica; a daughter Mrs John Hoke of Mohawk, five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Rochester Times Union
Monday Evening, May 1, 1933
Louise Stecker Skuse, wife of Daniel A Skuse and daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Frank A Stecker, died in Los Angeles Saturday. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs June Skuse, and one sister, Mrs George Schlegel.
Los Angeles Times
Monday, May 1, 1933
Skuse. April 29. Louise M Skuse, beloved wife of Daniel A Skuse; mother of June Skuse, sister of Mrs George Schlegel of Rochester, NY, and daughter of the late F A Stecher of Rochester, NY.
Funeral services Monday, May 1, at 2 pm, from the chapel of Cunningham & O’Connor. 1031 South Grand avenue.
??, Michigan
May ?, 1933 (Died Friday 19 May 1933)
Mrs S S Doss is Found Dead
Lifelong Resident of Pittsford and Vicinity sucumbs to heart trouble
Mrs Sarah Skuse Dodd, 67, was found dead at the Dodd home here Friday afternoon. Echo Ash of Osseo came to see Mrs Dodd on business, and not finding her, began an investigation. The body was found on the bed. Coroner Glenn E Miller, a sheriff's officer and a physician wree called. It was determined that death was due to heart trouble and had occurred several hours before the body was found.
Mrs Dodd was a lifelong resident of Pittsford and vicinity. She has been in usual good health and was last seen alive in her home Thursday evening.
Surviving her are two brothers, Charles Skuse of Mt Pleasant, and Fred Skuse of Pittsford. Her parents Mr and Mrs Donald Skuse, and one brother, ALbert, preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home, Rev Harry Cole of the Wesleyan Mthodist church, officiating. Burial was made in th eLeonardson Memorial cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, May 22, 1933
The Funeral of Mrs Carrie Fisher Skuse, wife of Howard H Skuse, who died Saturday, was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family home on Carter road with the Rev Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church officating. Burial was in Glenwood Cemetery.
The bearers were the Messrs James Dennington, T H McKinney, C T Oaks, Myron and Frank Wilson and Howard Dean.
The Citizen, Phelps, NY
May 23, 1933
Mrs Carrie Fisher Skuse, aged 43, wife of Howard H Skuse, died last Saturday morning at her home on the Carter road, following a long illness. Besides her husband she leaves one daughter, Helen; two sisters, Mrs George Treadwell of Chicago and Mrs Edward Baker of Lyons; nine brothers, Leon Fisher of Waterloo, Fred of Newark, George of Bristol, Henry of Geneva, Jacob, Charles and William of Phelps, Phillip of Cohocton, Bert of Honoeye Falls, also several nieces and nephews.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the family home on the Carter road with the Rev Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church, Geneva, officiating, Burial was in Glenwood cemetery.
Hillsdale Daily News, Michigan
June 1, 1933
Servcices for Mrs Ida Skuse will be Friday
Hudson, June 1—Mrs Ida Skuse, aged 72, died Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs Clare VanWie, on Hill street, following a two years' period of failing health. She had been confined to the bed since last November. Mrs Skuse had spent the greater part of her life on a farm three miles south and one mile east of Pittsford. The last year she had made her home with her daughter, here.
She was a member of the W.M. church in Pittsford.
Besides Mrs VanWie there survive another daughter, Mrs Gladys Rehling of Ann Arbor and one son, Newton Skuse, who resides on the old homestead outh of Pittsford, and one siters, Mrs Kate Strang of Pittsford.
The body was taken to her son's home Wednesday evening where the funeral will be held, Friday afternoon 2:30, Burial will be in the Pittsford cemetery.
Hudson Post-Gazette, Michigan
June 2, 1933
Mrs Ida May Skuse, 72, died Teusday at the home ofher daughter, Mrs Blanche VanWie, here. Burial at Licky's Corners.
Leaves 2 daughters, Mrs VanWie and Mrs Gladys Rhaling of Ann Arber; 1 son, Newton Skuse, Pittsford; 3 grandkids, Delight & Albert Drake of Ann Arbor & Mary Alice VanWie, Hudson; 1 sister, Mrs Kate Burger of Pittsford, who had cared for her past months; 1 niece, Mrs Mona Kimball & 2 grandnieces, Ann Katherine Kimball, Toldeo & Lucille Kimball, Hudson.
Brooklyn Eagle
Friday, June 23, 1933
In Memoriam
Quigley—In sad and loving memory of our devoted aunt, Mary E Quigley. Died June 23, 1920.
Alice L Hansberry
Ann M Skuse
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independant
July 2, 1933
Newport Twp
State Conductor Honored
... Myrtle Skuse, ...
The Randolph (N.Y.) Register
Friday, August 4, 1933
Miss Virginia Tubbs is visiting Rev J Skuce and family at Belfast,
The Randolph (NY) Register
Friday, August 18, 1933
East Randolph News
Rev Joseph Skuse, former pastor of the Free Methodist church here, now serving a pastorate in Belfast, NY, accompanied by Mrs Skuse and sons, Joseph and Paul, called on friends here Tuesday.
Ogdensburg Journal
Saturday, September 9, 1933
Edison Skuce of Syracuse and Mr and Mrs Clarence Skuce and family of Gouveneur spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs John Skuce.
The Patriot and Free Press, Cuba, NY
September 14, 1933
... Judge Larking having been called to Buffalo by the illness of Judge Skuse of Olean, his father-in-law, ...
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, October 8, 1933
Once "Miss Rochester" Hurt in Traffic Mishap
"Miss Rochester" of a few years ago, Miss Catherine Skuse, 27, 189 Arnett Boulevard, suffered leg, knee and ankle injuries later yesterday when she reportedly walked against the fender of an automobile at Main Street East and North Street.
The driver of the car, Edward J Sheib, 415 Bernard Street, took Miss Skuse home, police reported.
Rochester Times-Union
Monday Evening, October 9, 1933
'Miss Rochester' Hurt
Miss Catherine Skuse, 27, of 189 Arnett Boulevard, who in 1926 won the title of "Miss Rochester" and represented the city in an Atlantic Beauty pageant, today
was recovering from injuries suffered when she was struck by an autobobile late Saturday. The auto was driven by Edward J Scheid of 415 Bernard Street, who took Miss Skuse to her home. She suffered bruises about the legs.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, October 12, 1933 (Also in Rochester Times-Union)
Skuse—On Wednesday, October 11, 1933, Richard F Skuse. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs P J Fitzgerald, Mrg G V Fitzgerald, Mrs Edward Mangan; one son, Richard J; one brother Thomas Skuse; also five grandchildren.
Funeral services from the home, 41 Ontario Street, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Burial is Mt Hope Cemetery.
Oakland Tribune
Saturday, December 9, 1933
Will Marry
Miss Freda Florence Skuce, who will become the wife of Mr Jack Martin Downer this evening in the Chapel of St Paul's Episcopal Church at an informal wedding. —Coleman photo.
Eastbay Couple to Wed Tonight
Miss Freda Florence Skuce and Mr Jack Martin Downer will be married at 8 o'clock this evening in the Chapel of St Paul's Episcopal Church at Mon??o and Bayshore Avenue. Rev Ronald A M?? to read the ?? in the presence of close friends and members of the two families.
Mrs Hugh Robert Morrison wil attend her sister and Mr Kenneth B Field of this city will be best man for Mr Downer. Aftera short wedding trup the couple will go to Fresno where they will make their home.
Miss Skuce is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Skuce of Lake ?? Avenue. Both she and her fiancee are graduates of the Oakland Technical High School.
Mr Downer is a son of Mrs M L Downer of Forty-first street and of Mr J B Downer of Clear Lake, Calif.
Miss Skuce will wear for her wedding a taulieur of eel gray wool trimmed in white fur and white hat. She will carry a white fur muff to which will be attacked the bridal bouquet of ?? and lillies of the valley in a spray effect. Her attendant will wear a brown ensemble with accessories to match and carry yellow rosebuds.
Cape Vincent Eagle
Thursday, December 28, 1933
Isaac Skuse, manager of the milk plant, is spending the holidays with his family at Collins Center, Erie county.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, January 14, 1934
Skuse—Entered into rest, Frank Skuse of 48 Almira Street, Friday afternoon, at the Highland Hospital, aged 70 years. He is survived by one sister, Miss Mary Martin.
—Funeral services monday morning
Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio
Tuesday, January 16, 1934
Skuse, Ariss R (Nee Sturges). beloved wife of Dr James B., mother of Ina Elizabeth and Louise Adele, sister of Mrs H B Tinker and I Rai Sturges, Jan 15, at residence 3675 Rawnsdale Rd., Shaker Heights, where services will be held Wednesday, Jan 17 at 2:30 p.m.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Tuesday, January 30, 1934
Mrs Ethel Fletcher
Watkins Glen—Funeral services for Mrs Ethel Fletcher, 53, who died of a heart attack Sunday afternoon at ther home, 319 Madison Avenue, will be held at 1:30pm, Wednesday at the Methodist Church. The Rev Henry C Sears will officiate with burial in Hornell. Funeral services will be preceded by a prayer service at the home at 1 pm.
Mrs Fletcher was born in the town of Reading, Sept 29, 1881, the daughter of Elizabeth and Daniel Skuse. Survivors are her husband Walter Fletcher of Watkins Glen; three sons, Ralph Berry of Almond, Clifford of Watkins Glen and Lewis of Clifton, NJ; a daughter, Doris of Clifton, NJ, and a brother Bert Skuse of Watkins Glen.
The Watkins Express
Wednesday, January 31, 1934
Mrs Ethel C Fletcher
Mrs Ethel C Fletched died at her home on Madison avenue Sunday afternoon from a heart seizure. She was born Sept, 29, 1881, the daughter of Daniel Skuse and Elizabeth Drake Skuse. She is survived by her husband, Walter Fletcher; three sons, Ralph Berry of Almond, NY, Clifford Berry of this village, Lewis Berry of Clifton, NJ, and a daughter, Doris Berry, also of Clifton, NJ.
A praper service will be held this Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home, and the funeral will take place from the M E church at 1:30, Rev H C Sears officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery in Hornell, NY.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Thursday, February 1, 1934
Mrs Ethel Fletcher
Watkins Glen—Funeral services for Mrs Ethel Fletcher, 54, were conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist Church by the Rev Henry Sears. Burial was at Hornell.
Mrs Fletcher succumbed to a heat attack Sunday afternoon at her Madison Avenue home.
Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Ralph Berry of Almond, Clifford Berry, Watkins Glen and Lewis Berry, Clifton, NJ; a daughter, Doris Berry, Clifton, NJ; and a brother Bert Skuse of Watkins Glen.
Long Island Daily Press
Friday, March 2, 1934
Elizabeth Skeuse
Funeral services for Elizabeth Skuse, 60, lifelong resident of Flushing, who died there Wednesday at her home, 43-49 162nd street, will be held at the home at 2 o'clock tomorrow, the Rev Hubert S Wood, rector of St George's Protestant Episcopla Church, officiating. Interment will be in Flushing Cemetery.
Miss Skeuse who was the daughter of the late Thomas Skeuse, well-known contractor, is survived by two sisters, Mrs Maude Cleary of Flushing and Mrs Jane Hoeninger of College Point, and by four brothers, William, Thomas, and Harry Skeuse all of Flushing, and George Skeuse of College Point.
The Utica Observer Dispatch
Thursday, March 15, 1934
Clayville Notes
Mrs Ellen Skuse was called to Banghamton Tuesday by the illness and death of her sister.
Cape Vincent Eagle, NY
Thursday, April 19, 1934, Page 5
Miss Violet Skuse, of Collins Center, and Patrick Galvin, of Bufrfalo, visited her a couple days last week. Mr Skuse returned with them.
I. M. Skuse Tendered Party
I. M. Skuse, Supt of the Dairy-men's League plant at this place, was tendered a smoker and banquet at the K. of C. hall Friday evening, Apr 13. Mr Skuse has been Supt here for the past 10 years and has given the best of satisfaction to both employers and patrons and it is with much regret that the people of this community find it necessary for him to leave owing to the closing of the plant.
Mr Skuse is an expert on milk and cheese and was employed in this capacity in Canada before coming to the States. He has been employed at various times at Mexico, Canton and Crary Mills before coming to Rosiere. He left for his home at Collins Center Saturday afternoon.
At the banquet brief and fitting remarks were made by G H Cornaire, Edmund Mason and several others. Seventy friends and acquaintances were present and joinged in wishing Mr Skuse bon voyage, health and happiness.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, May 1, 1934
The estate of John Skuse, late a resident of Manchester, is appraied at $31,284.80. Debts, commissions and expenses reducted this to $27, 284.80 all of which goes to a daughter, Grace H Weaver of Clifton Springs. The tax on this estate was fixed at $372.85.
Los Angeles Times
May 3, 1934
Burnes. May 1, Jennie Burnes, loving mother of Dr E H Burnes of Rochester, NY, sister of Mrs Frances A Lemieux, Mrs Margaret Smith of Rochester, NY, and Daniel A Skuse of Los Angeles, grandmother of Jane Burnes of Rochester, NY.
Rosary this evening at 7 o’clock at the residence, 2034 Budlong avenue,. Funeral Friday, May 4 at 8:30 am from the residence. Requiem mass at St Agnes Church at 9am. Interment, Calvary. Cunningham & O’Connor.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Thursday, June 7, 1934
Skuse—On June 6, Thomas J devoted husband of Anna M Skuse and brother of Mrs M C Keough. Funeral Saturday at 9:30am from his residence, 337 Senator St.; thence to Our Lady of Angels Church where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
New York Times
June 7, 1934
Thomas J Skuse
Assistance Controller of Customs of the Port of New York.
Thomas J Skuse, assistant controller of customs of the Port of New York, died suddenly yesterday afternoon of a heart attack which overcame him while he was in Room 219 of the Custom House, the office of Collector of the Port Harry M Durning. Stricken shortly before 4 o’clock, he was dead when a doctor arrived soon afterward from the Broad Street Hospital. He had been suffering form heart disease for several months.
Mr Skuse, who was 65 years old, resided at 337 Senator Street, Brooklyn, with his wife, Anna M Skuse, his only near surviving relative. He had been connected with the customs service in New York for forty-six years, since his appointment from the civil service list at the age of 19 to a junior clerkship in the naval office. He passed through the civil service grades to that of controller, the highest in that office.
Skuse—Thomas J, on June 6, suddenly at his residence, 337 Senator St, Brooklyn, devoted husband of Anna M Skuse, Notice of funeral later.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Friday, June 8, 1934
Skuse—On June 6, Thomas J devoted husband of Anna M Skuse and brother of Mrs M C Keough. Funeral Saturday at 9:30am from his residence, 337 Senator St.; thence to Our Lady of Angels Church where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Rites Tomorrow
Thomas J Skuse
Funeral services for Thomas J Skuse of 337 Senator St., assistant controller of customs of the Port of New York, will be held at 10am, tomorrow, with solemn requiem mass in Our Lady of Angels RC Church. Interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. Mr Skuse had been connected with the customs service inNew York for 46 years. He also was a secretary and manager at the Atrlantic Savings & Loan Association with which he had been associated for 40 years.
Thomas James Skuse
At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Savings and Loan Association, held at its office in the Borough of Brooklyn, on the 7th days of June, 1934, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
With deepest regret we lean that Almighty God has suddenly called our dear associate and fellow officer, Thomas James Skuse, to his eternal reward on June 6th, 1934.
Associated with us for more than forty years past, and our secretary from 1898 until his death, he brought to us the invaluable experience and wisdom of an active business life, and entered zealously into the unselfish spirit of co-operation which has alwaus actuated those engaged in the work of this beneficient association. Becoming a student and leader in the work of savings and loan associations in this State, he continuously labored for their improvement and made his own association a recognized model.
A man of large heart, most affable and kindly, earnest and sincere, he endeared himself to us and to our members and won our love and esteem, so that his loss is personal to us all.
Knowing so long his beautiful character and lovable disposition, and what a kindly and affectionate husband and brother he was, we can appreciate in some measure the great bereavement of his wife and sister, and extend to them our deepest sympathy in their great sorrow.
Eugene F Moran, President.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, NY
Friday, June 22, 1934
Friends May Pick Books in Library, Skuse Will Directs
Kracke and Foran Among Favored — Estate Left in Trust for His Widow
The library of Thomas J Skuse, former assistant Controller of Customs of the Port of New York, is to be distributed among 31 friends, including Plant and Structures Commissioner Frederick J H Kracke and Arthur F Foran, a will, filed for probate with Surrogate Wingate today, directs.
Skuse, who lived at 377 Senator St, and died June 6, left an estate of "more than $10,000."
The will directs that two books each be given to Kracke, Foran, "the chiefs and assistant chiefs of the staff of the Controller of Customs, the directors and employes of the Atlantic Savings and Loan Association and the following close personal friends: the Collector of Customs, the Appraiser of Merchandise, the Surveyor of Customs and all of the deputies." Each is to select his own books.
Widow Gets Residue
The residue was left in trust to the widow, Anna, and on her death to a sister, Marietta Keough, 209 Underhill Ave. Upon death of the latter it is to be used for medical and surgical care of members of the customs service or employes of the Atlantic Savings and Loan Company.
The Citizen, Phelps, NY
Thursday, July 12, 1934
Surrogate's Court
Minerva Skuse, who died in Geneva Town Mar 14, 1933, left a gross estate valued at $25,509.76, according to a tax appraisal filed in the office of Surrogte Harry L Danson, July 6. Expenses, debts and commissions tottalling $818.37 were decucted, leaving a net estate of $34, 899.39, which will be shared by two brothers, Clarence D Skuse of Romulous and William B Skuse of Geneva. A tax of $119.12 was levied.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, July 15, 1934
Geneva Angler Finds Luck Repeats Itself
Geneva, July 14 — Clarence (Bucky) Skuse of Geneva doesn't believe there is such a ting as crowding his luck.
Snaring a 12-pound trout in Seneva Lake off Pontiua Point yesterday morning was just a starter for this angler, and this morning he nearly duplicated his feat, although the latest catch lacked two pound of tipping the scales at the 12-pound mark.
Ogdensburg Journal
Wednesday, August 15, 1934
Douglas and Betty Skuce who have spent several weeks at the home of their grandmother, Mrs John Skuce, have returned to their home in Gouverneur.
Olean Times-Herald
Thursday, September 27, 1934
Page 3
Mrs Dryfuss Lord
Mrs Emma Lord, wife of Dryfuss Lord, passed away at her home at Hinsdale, after an illness of one week, this morning at one-thiry o'clock.
Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Earl Lord, at her home; three daughters, Mrs T A Lanning, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs George Podlipskin, Fresno, Calif.; Mrs Henry Gable, Gowanda, NY; one sister, Mrs Amanda Skuse, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Funeral services will be held at the home Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. The Rev Homer C Evans of Cuba will officiate.
Olean Times Evening Herald
Thursday, September 27, 1934
Page 9
Mrs Emma Lord Funeral is Held
The funeral of Mrs Emma Lord was held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the home, Hinsdale. The Rev Homer Evans, of Hinsdale, officiated. Burial was in Pleasant Valley Cemetery.
The pall-bearers were: Kenneth Blackman, George Brown Jr, ?? Windsor, David Smith, THomas K??, and Edward K??
Out-of-town freinds and relatives attending ??: Mr and Mrs Henry Gable, Mr and Mrs Thomas Gable, Mr and Mrs Wilham Pa??., ??; Mr and Mrs Arthur Fitch, Mrs Charles Simmons, Olean; Mrs Amanda Skuse, Charles Skuse, Grace Skuse, Pittsburgh; Mrs Charles Stone, Mr and Mrs Charles B??er, Ellicottville; and Mr and Mrs George Daggert, Bradford.
The Citizen, Phelps, NY
Thursday, October 18, 1934
Eighteen members of the Skuse family gathered at the home of Mrs Margaret Skuse on Sunday, the occasion being in honor of her 80th birthday and which was a complete surprise to her. A bountiful dinner was served and a very delightful day was enjoyed and all wishing her many happy returns of the day.
Rochester Times-Union
Tuesday Evening, October 23, 1934
Mrs James Talyor, daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Adams of Belmont Street, is dead in Alberta, Alta. Mrs Taylor was the former Gretta Adams, and taught in the public school system of Rochester after graduation from City Normal School before leaving for Alberta 20 years ago. Until recently she had lived in Banff. Mrs Taylor is survived by her parents, her husband, two borthers, Joseph T Adams and William F Skuse, Rochester; three children, Margaret, Jean and Joseph.
Geneva Daily Times
Wendesday, November 14, 1934
Mrs Margaret A Skuse, aged 80, died at her home at Skuse's Corners last night after a short illness. She leaves one daughter, Mrs Ernest R Waterman.
The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her late home with the Rev Bruce Pierce o. Cortland and the Rev J B Felt of Penn Yan officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, November 15, 1934
Mrs Margaret Skuse
Geneva, Nov 14 — The funeral will be conducted in the home at Skuse's Corners Saturday at 2 p.m. of Mrs Margaret Skuse, 80, who died last night.
Council Grove Republican, Kansas
Tuesday, December 4, 1934
Mrs. Nelson Hammer and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maule and Miss Dorothy and Richard Skuse of Kansas City were at Eldon Fumey's over the week end.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, January 11, 1935
Marvin—Mrs Margaret Marvin died in this city Thursday morning Jan 10, 1935. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs Richard Skuse, one son, Frank Marvin.
Funeral services from Miller Bros Funeral Home 674 Lyell Ave Saturday afternoon at ?? o'clock. Interment Mt Hope Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, February 2, 1935
Cananadaigua, Feb 2—(Special Dispatch)—Mrs May S Waterman of Phelps is administratrix of the $3,000 estate of her mother, Mrs Margaret Skuse, who died in Phelps Nov 13, 1934. She also is sole heir to all property.
Seattle Daily Times
March 8, 1935
Frederick T Skuse
Frederick T Skuse, 71 years old, ....
Watkins Express
Wednesday, March 27, 1935
Fred T Skuse
Fred T Skuse, who was born in Reading, NY, May 30, 1863, died at his home in Edmonds, Washington, March 7, 1935. He is survived by his wife Frances Skuse of Edmonds, and a sister, Miss Addie Byron Skuse of Buffalo, NY.
Fred Skuse was a son of Philetus Skuse and Climenia Celendia (Drake)-(Burgess) Skuse, gradson of John Drake and Climedia (Seaman) Drake, and great-grandson of James Drake and wife RAchel, who were pioneer settlers in Reading, NY, about 180. The body was cremated.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 31, 1935 / Monday, April 1, 1935
Skuse—In this city, Saturday, Mar 30, 1935, John J Skuse, of 61 Ontario Street, son of the late James and Martha Skuse.
—The remains will rest at the home 61 Ontario Street until 1:30 o'clock Monday Afternoon, at which time they will be taken to Spencer-Ripley, M E Church for funeral services at 3 o'clock. Interment in Mt Hope Cemetery.
The Ogdensburg Advance
Saturday, April 27, 1935
Funeral of W L Smith Yesterday
William L Smith, 63, passed away Tuesday afternoon at his home, 424 Clark street, after an illness of four months.
He is survived by his wife, the former Mrs Francis Skuce Cadieux, of this city; a stepdaughter and step-son and eight grandchildren. Mr Smith was a native of Portland, Me. and came to this city to reside about 28 years ago. He had been employed as a laborer by several local firms during that time.
The funeral was held yesterday at 10:30 at the house and 11 at St John's church. Rev Charles E Kennedy conducted the services.
Times Evening Herald
Wednesday, May 15, 1935
Wesleyan Church has Prospered
Meeting of Four Persons results in Organization of Active Congreation
The First Wesleyan Methodist Church of Olean came into esitence in a littel cottage at Westons Mills, at a meeting of four persons.
These persons were Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce, a Mr Prince and William Budgeon, all of whom have since died with the exception of Mrs Amanda Skuce, who still resides at Westons.
Services were held in various homes for some length of time.
The first evangelical effort was helt at the Westons community church, with the Rev G W Sibley as the evangelist. One hundred and five persons sought God on this occasion.
Such progress resulted in the calling of the Rev J Thomas as first pastor, and he, with the aid of others, erected a small church at Westons. This church was opened for worship free from debt.
Mr Skuce later obtained permission from Mrs Boardman, of Olean to erect a tent on her property for revival meetings.
Rev Sibley was again called as evangelist and was later elected pastor to fill the vacancy occasioned when Rev Thomas left. He filled the Olan and Westons charges.
The present church buldings on School Street were erected May 26, 1895. The trustees in charge at that time were Daniel Converse, John Randolph, Sylvester Eyler and Allen Woodruff.
Many pastors have servied this charge and the church has advanced. The present congration numbers eighty active members, with a large young people's society and an active Sunday School of three hundred. The Rev G J Norman is present pastor.
<picture of church>
This church, located on School Street, is used by the Wesleyan Methodist Congreation as its place of worship. It was erected in 1895.
Bradford Era, PA
June 1, 1935
Personal Notes F19
The Rev Martha Skuce of Colorado Springs is visiting friends in Bradford.
The Rev Joseph Skuce and Mrs Skuce of Batavia, NY, who have been visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs George Burns have returned to their home. Miss Kathryn Burns of Willard avenue accomanied them to Batavia.
The San Bernadino County Sun
Wednesday, June 19, 1935 (botton of page covered)
Mrs M.H. Skuce
Visitis in Canada
Mrs M.H. Skuce, 525 Dearborn avenue, Redlands, her son, Lyman, and her nephew, Ed Hubbard, are
spending ... Toronto, ...
Charleston Gazette
June 30, 1935
Church Plans Entertainment
Tom Thumb Wedding Will be Sponsored Tuesday
The bridal party is to include the bride, Miss Nancy Dixon; Bridegroom, Master Charles Treadgold??; ... bride's grandmother, Miss Marion Javins??; bride's grandfather, Master John Skuce; bride's aunt, Miss Barbara O'Connor; ...
The Daily Record
Friday, July 26, 1935
Relatives, Church get Skuse Estate
Cousins and other relatives of the late John J Skuse inheritied the bulk of his estate, the transfer tax deposition filed yesterday in Surrogate's Court, showed. The gross value was $68,188, and the net value $47, 682.
Spencer Ripley Methodist Episcopal Churchreceived $5,141, and Walter J Moore, 528 Flint Street, cousin, $8,020. MacFarlane & Harris appeared for the estate.
Long Island Daily Press
Tuesday, August 27, 1935
Queens Marriage Licenses
Fury-Skeuse—Arthur Fury, 23, of 42-47 148th place, and Margarita Skeuse, 19, of 133-29 36th avenue, both Flushing.
The Daily News, Batavia, New York
Tuesday Evening, September 3, 1935
The marriage of Miss Grace Burns, daughter of Mr and Mrs George Burns of Bradford, Pa., and Raymond Howe, son of Mrs Laura Howe, also of Bradford, was performed yesterday noon at the Free Methodist Church by the Rev. Joseph Skuce, pastor.
The bride, who was attended by her sisters, Mrs Skuce and Miss Catherine Burns, wore a blue chiffon velvet gown with accesories to match and carried a bouquet of
red roses and white asters.
Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at the Skuce home. Upon their return return from a short eastern trip, Mr and Mrs Howe will reside in Bradford, where Mr How is employed as a ... (next line not printed)
Canandaigua Daily Messanger
Tuesday, September 5, 1935
Margaret Skuse, Phelps, left a gross estate of $2l,875, which was reduced to a net estate of $11,623.24 all of which passes to a daughter Mae Skuse Waterman of Geneva.
Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY
Friday, September 6, 1935
Mrs. Scuse and son, Lawrence, and grandson of Chicago, spent the weekend
and the forepart of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benham.
Bradford Evening Star
Saturday, September 28, 1935
Rev Joseph Skuce of Batavia, N.Y., announces the marriage of his siter, Rev. Martha Skuce, formerly pastor of the local Nazarane church and well known here, and Richard Emmanuel Harman, of Ireland. The ceremony took place Tuesday, September 24, at 11 a.m. in the Glengarriff church, Ireland.
The bride served as pastor of the local church for a period of four years, leaving Bradford about six years ago for Colorado. In August she sailed from New York city for Ireland where the marriage was performed.
There were three officiating ministers for the occasion, namely the Rev Norcott, Rev. Pierson, and Rev Roberts. The bride's attendants were the Misses Lily Carpenter and Millie Roycroft. The best man was Richard Carpenter, all of Ireland.
Mrs Harman was attired in a peach gown, and wore a brown picture hat with matching slippers and gloves. She carried a bride's bouquet of pink roses with a spray of white heather. Her bridesmaid's wore blue, and carried yelllow roses.
After the ceremony, a luncheon was served at the Casey Hotel for members of the bridal party and friends. Following the luncheon the couple sailed for a wedding trip to Paris. They will reside in Ireland.
Rochester Democraft and Chronicle
Sunday, September 28, 1935 (Similar article in Rochester Times-Union, 2 October 1935)
Elizabeth Anne Skuse Weds at DAR Chapter House
In a pretty ceremony yesterday afternoon at the Irondequolt Chapter House, Daughter of the American Revolution, in Livingston Park, Elizabeth Anne Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Francis Skuse, of Woodbine Avenue, was married to Norman Porter Millard, son of Mr and Mrs George Porter Millard of Point Pleasant.
Rev Robert Karmayer of Monroe Avenue Methodist Church officiated.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore white lace gown with Madonna turban of lace and reiver and carried white chrystanthemums.
The bride's only attendant, Mrs William Nichols, sister of the bridegroom wore Dubonnet red lace with matching ruban and slippers and carried bouquet of rubrum lillies. The bride's mother wore brown crepe and a corsape of Talisman roses and the bridegroom's mother was attired in Burgandy crepe and wore a shoulder corsage of roses and lillies of the valley. Mr Curtis Martens was best man.
Preceding the ceremony bridal music was played by Mr Howard Hings, pianist, and Mrs John Livermore, violinist. The ceremony was perfromed in the parlor before one of the large pier glass mirros which was banked with palms and large vases of white gladioli and chrysanthemums, flanked by tall Russian candlesticks.
After the ceremony a wedding supper was served for the immediate families. After a southern motor trip Mr and Mrs Millard will make their home in Rochester.
Rochester Democraft and Chronicle
Wednesday, October 2, 1935
Wed in Ceremony at DAR House
Mrs Norman Millard, wed in the DAR Chapter House Sept 28, is the former Miss Elizabeth Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Skuse of Woodbine Avenue. Moser Photo.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, December 2, 1935
Frank P Skuse
Geneva—Frank P Skuse, 83, died yesterday morning in his home in Carter Road, Town of Phelps.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, December 2, 1935 (Printed same day, Rochester Times-Union)
Frank Pierce Skuse, aged 83, died yesterday morning at his home on Carter Road, town of Phelps, following a short illness. He leaves on son, Howard H Skuse, a daughter, Lena Ann Skuse, and a granddaughter, Helen Mary Skuse, all at home.
Mr Skuse was a member of the North Presbyterian church and of Enterprise Grange, 597, Oaks Corners.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his late home with the Rev. Alexander Thompson of the North church officating. Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, December 4, 1935
The Funeral of Frank P Skuse who died Sunday, was held this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at his late home with the Rev Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church officiating. Interment was in Glenwood cemetery.
The bearers were the Messrs Tracy McKinney, Myron Willson, Edward Waterman, James Dennington, William Fisher and Howard Dean.
The Enterprise, Shortsville, NY
January 9, 1936
Mr and Mrs John Clapperton of Terrace Place had as their guest on Friday, their niece, Miss Thelma Skuse of Geneva.
Los Angeles Times
25 Feb 1936
Intention to Marry
Griffin—Skuse. Frank W., 51. 10245 San Anselmo street, South Gate, Mary J. 38. 10245 San Anselmo street, South Gate.
Hilton Record, NY
Thursday, February 28, 1936 (Also in Rochester Times-Union, same day)
Mr and Mrs William F Graupman of 1885 Latta Road, Greece, formerly of Hilton, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Erma Mae, to Richard Earl Skuce, of 1102 Clifford Avenue, Rochester, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce of Ottawa, Canada
Geneva Daily Times
Friday, February 28, 1936
Letters of administration have been issued to Howard Skuse of the Town of Geneva upon the estate of his father, Frank P Skuse, who died in the Town of Geneva, Dec 1 1935, having personal property worth $3000 and real estate valued at $5000. Besides the petitioner, the only heir is a daughter, Lena Skuse, Geneva.
Republic Democrat, Brockport, NY
Thursday, Mar 5, 1936
Mr and Mrs William Graupman of Greece, formerly of this place, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Erma Mae to Richard Earl Skuce, Rochester, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce of Canada
Thursday, April 23, 1936
Skuse—At Medford, Or., April 21. Agnes A Skuse, widow of the late John J Skuse, mother of Mrs Hans Christensen, Duluth, Minn.; John C Skuse, Los Angeles; Harper W Skuse, Portland, Or. Also survived by four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Interment at Lincoln Memorial.
(Spokane papers please copy.)
Daily Sentinel, Rome, NY
Monday Evening, June 8, 1936
Mrs Skuse Dies
Mrs Elmira Skuse, 77, Utica, died yesterday at the Oneida County Hospital following a brief illness. She was born Sept 7, 1858, at Mt Vision, daughter of Mary Barnell and Benjamin Marihew.
Survivors include a son, Thomas B Skuse, and a daughter, Mrs John Hoke, Utica.
The Utica Observer, NY
Tuesday, June 9, 1936
Skuse—At a Rome hospital, Sunday, June 7, 1936. Elmire Merihew Skuse, aged ??
Funeral tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock form the Swiatek Funeral Home. 803 Huntington Street. Friends may call at their convenience. Interment in the New Forest Cemetery.
The Enterpise, Shortsville, NY
July 16, 1936
Mr and Mrs John Clapperton of Terrace Place were in Geneva last week Wednesday, where they attended the marriage of their niece, Miss Thelma Skuse, and Kenneth Updyke.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Wednesday, August 5 1936
Miss Helen Skuce, of Niagara avenue, is spending a two-weeks' vacation
in Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Sunday Democrat
Sunday, August 16, 1936, Page 2
Miss Helen Skuse of Niagara Falls is spending some time
with her mother, Mrs. John Skuse.
Oakland Tribune
September 11, 1936
Skuce—the wife of George Skuce Jr, 14 K 68th Street, August 22, a daughter, Sylvia Jean.
The Naples Record
Wednesday, October 7, 1936
Mrs C E Koby
At the sanitarium in Clifton Springs on Friday morning, October 2, 1936, occured the death of Mrs C E Koby, 57, of this village, following a long illness.
Katherine Jameson was born in Picton, Ontario, on January 6, 1879, a daughter of John A and Elizabeth Skuse Jameson. She came to Naples when a young lady, and on August 30, 1902, was united in marriage with Christopher E Koby, of Naples, who survives. She also leaves two sons, Tomothy V Koby, of Atlanta and Clarence E Koby, of Naples; one daughter, Mrs M Edgerton Deuel, of Geneval four grandchildren, Sally Jean Koby, of Atlanta, and Jameson K., Barbara Dale and M Edgerton, Jr Deuel, of Geneva; two brothers, John A Jameson, of Sacreamento, Calif., and William Jameson, of Colborne, Ont.; two sisters, Mrs R J Johnston, of Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs George Jackson, of Oshawa, Ont.
The Mount Washington News, Pennsylvania
November 13, 1936
Betty Eichleay to Wed Elmo Skuce, November 20
Miss Betty Lucile Eichleay, daughter of Mr and Mrs J P Eichleay, of Bailey ave, has chosen November 20 for her marriage to Elmo E Skuce, of Fresno, Cal.
The wedding will be held at the home of the parents of the bride-elect, where the reception also will take place.
Miss Virginia Eichleay will be her sister's maid of honor and Raymond Robinson, of Los Angeles, Cal, will serve as best man.
Miss Eichleay is a graduate of the Penn-Hall and her fiance of New Mexico State College.
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Wedneday, November 18, 1936
Service League Tea
The Service League of St George's Church will hold a silver tea tomorrow
afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock for members and their freinds at the home
of Mrs. Walter Skuce, 356 Glen avenue, Scotia.
At the tea table will be Mrs. A Leonard Reld and Mrs. Leslie I. Beehring
assisted by Mrs. Freeman Manning, Mrs Acker Ottman and Mrs. Alexander
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Nov 23, 1936
Eichleay-Skuce Wedding Friday in Bride's Home
The wedding of Betty Lucile Eichleay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
P. Eichleay of Bailey avenue, Mt. Washington, and Elmo E. Skuce of Fresno,
Cal., was solemnized Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the Eichleay
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white
moire, threaded with silver, and a hip-length veil of tulle, held by
a silver Juliet cap. She carried yellow roses and lilies of the valley.
Virginia Eicheay, acting as maid of honor for her sister, wore pale
blue taffeta and carried a Colonial bouquet of Talisman roses. Peggy
Pfeil, the junior bridesmaid, wore pale pink taffeta, a haol of Talisman
roses in her hair and carried a Colonial bouqet of Talisman roses.
Raymond Robinson of Los Angeles, was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Skuce left for a trip south and will take the southern
route west, to live in California.
Andover News, Andover, N.Y.
Friday, Dec 4, 1936, Page 7
Dec. 1 - To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skuse of Wellsville, a
daughter, at Tullar maternity.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Saturday, December 5, 1936
George R. Skuce was called to Providence yesterday by the serious illness of his brother, who has suffered two strokes. Not much hope is held for recovery.
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independant
Sunday, January 3, 1937
Students Make Trek Back to their Books
... Harland G Skuse, 73 Main stm Wanamis; ...
The Ellicottville Post, NY
Wednesday, March 3, 1937
The house and lot of Zilpha S McClure at 111 Coleman Street, Olean, was by her will made April 76, 1928 and proved February 23, given in equal shares to her sister-in-law, Stella Walch, 1258 Carlyon Rd., Cleveland and the five children, Glenn, 318 Voorhis Avenue, Buffalo; Hazel Skuce, Woodville, Pa; Edna Davis, 2425 Hartzell Street, Evanston, Illinois; Ruby Perkins, at home and Doris M Green, 16 Bostwick Place, Hornell, who is executrix. The house is valued at $3000, personal estate of $2000 goes to the five children, equally. Mrs McClure died December 12.
Buffalo Courier Express
Tuesday Morning, March 16, 1937
Two Workmen Electrocuted; 5 Suffer Shock
Cable they are carrying near Gowanda touches high tension wire; floors seven men
The dead are:
Lewis Putname, 26 years old, of Lily Dale, and Edwin K Peters, 33 years old, of Sherman.
Power company workers revived Robert Skuse, Collins Center, one of the most seriously injured, after two hours work with a pulmotor. Other victims suffered superficial burns. Their names were not learned by police.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Monday, April 5, 1937
Hansbery—On April 4, Alice L., beloved wife of Richard T Hansbery, daughter of Hugh E and the late Catherine M O'Connor, dear sister of Mrs Thomas J Skuse. Funeral from the residence of her sister, 337 Senator Street, on Wednesday, April 7, at 9:30 am. Requiem mass Our Lady of Angels R C Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Bradford Evening Star
Friday, April 30, 1937
Parents of Twins
Mr and Mrs Richard Harmon of Ireland are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born March 30, according to information received here yesterday. Mrs Harmon was formerly the Rev Martha Skuce of this city.
Brooklyn Eagle
Sunday, June 6, 1937
In Memoriam
Skuse—In fond memory of Thomas J Skuse. Died June 6, 1934.
Anna M Skuse
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, June 28, 1937
Marriage Licenses
Charles Skuse, 21, printer, 1319 Emerson st. and Helen Heath, 21, 451 Glenwood ave.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, July 13, 1937
Helen Heath Weds Charles Skuse
The marriage of Miss Helen Heath, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Heath, Glenwood Avenue, to Charles Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse, Emarson Street, took place Saturday, July 3, in the rectory of Holy Rosary Church.
The bride wore a white suite with matching accessories. Her corsage was a talisman roses and white sweet peas. Miss Ada Heath, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a navy blue dress and a corsage of yellow roses. Richard Sybe was best man,
Prenupital events in honor of Mrs Skuse were given by Mr Len Delaney, Mrs Edwin Heath, Miss Gertrude Frank, Mrs Malvin Howcraft, Miss Ada Heath, Miss Mabel Tyler and Miss Pauline Cudahy.
A dinner and reception were held at the home of the bride's parents.
After a short motor trip, Mr and Mrs Skuse will reside at 451 Glenwood Avenue.
The Wyoming County Times
Thurdssday, July 29, 1937
Mrs Skuse and daughters Mrs Myrtler Merville, Mrs John Nelson and Mrs John VanDyke of Bliss called on Mrs Louise Whittam last Wednesday, the daughters of Mrs Skuse were pupils of Mrs Louise Madison Whittam over fifty years ago.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Monday, August 23, 1937
Called for Family Row
State Police Segeant Arthur Whitmarsh responded to a call Saturday morning to settle a distubance at the home of Daniel Holland in this place. The complaint was made by George R. Skuce, father-in-law of Holland, who shaowed evidence that he had been the victim of physical violence. Seargeant Whitmarsh reported that no arrests were made, because the wife and father-in-law refused to enter a formal complaint in the case.
Interlaken Review, NY
Friday, August 27, 1937
Lodi Center
Richard Skuse, of Rochester, visited his aunt, Mrs Lodi Wilkins, one day last week.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, September 9, 1937
Mrs Emma Skuse of Bliss is spending a few days visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Keppen.
Rochester Times-Union
Saturday Evening, September 25, 1937
Smith — Frank D Smith, at his home, 1130 Lake Avenue, Friday, Sept 24, 1937. He is survived by his wife. Mrs Margaret Skuse Smith; one daughter, Mrs Jack Galway; two sons, James H and Frank D Smith Jr, and four grandchildren.
— Services Monday morning at 8:30 from the home and at 9 o'clock at Holy Rosary Church. Interment in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery.
The San Bernardino County Sun
Tuesday, October 12, 1937
Skuce Funeral will be conducted Today
Funeral services will be conducted today for Mrs M. H. Skuce of 525 Dearborn street, who died Saturday night at her home after breaking her hip in a fall two weeks before.
The funeral will be at 2 p.m. at the F. Arthur Cortner chapel. The Rev. Recter Johnson, pastor of the First Methodist church, in which Mrs Skuce had been prominent for many years, will officiate.
A resident of Redlands for more than 30 years, Mrs Skuce was a native of Peterboro, Ontario, Canada. She is survived by her husband, Matt H. Skuce, and the following children: Lyman Skuce,
of Redlands, and Mrs Randolph Price, of Alhambra.
Besides her husband and children Mrs Skuce leaves a sister, Mrs Ida Hubbard, in Redlands, two sisters, Mr Irwin Hatherly and Mrs George Lacheur, and a a brother Evans Tewart, in Canada, and a brother, Harry Stewart, in Louisville, Ky., and many more distant kin.
The San Bernardino County Sun
Wednesday, October 13, 1937
Skuce Funeral Held
Mrs Helena S Skuce's funeral was conducted at the Cortner chapel in Redlands yesterday with the Rev. Recter
C Johnson, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Interment followed at Hillside cemetery, pallbearers including John Walters, H.W. Tebutt, C.G. Clay, George T. Musson and Harold M Price.
Geneva Daily Times
Saturday, March 19, 1938
Mr and Mrs Howard Skuse have returned from their wedding trip which included Harrisburg, Pa, Washington, DC and Baltimore, Md.
Rochester Times-Union
Saturday Evening, March 19, 1938
Miss Rochester Again to Wed
Miss Kaherine M Skuse, 189 Arnett Blvd, who in 1928 was crowned Miss Rochester, and Myron E Chavin, 253 Alexander St, took out a marriage license at City Hall today.
Miss Skuse gave her age as 31 and reported a previous marriage to J Henry Benz, and a divorce in 1931. Mr Chavin gave his age as 24 and his occupation as salesman.
Rochester Daily Record
Monday, March 21, 1938
Marriage Licenses
Mryon E Chavin, 24, salesman, 253 Alexander st, and Katherine M Skuse, 31, 189 Arnett blvd.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday Evening, March 25, 1938
Rochester Beauty Queen of 1924 Becomes Bride
Rochester's 1924 beaty queen is Mrs Myreon E Chavin today.
She is the former Miss Genevieve Skuse, 189 Arnett Blvd, who was married to Mr Chavin yesterday morning by City Judge William H Tompkins in his office.
Sandusky Star Journal
Monday, April 25, 1938
Cincinnati (UP)—John Skuse, 47, employed by a contracting firm, was killed today when a guide rope holding a scaffolding at the 14th floor of the Union building snapped, dropping him 17 stories to the roof of another building. George Proctor, working with him, saved himself by clinging to the scaffolding.
Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio
Tuesday, April 26, 1938
Cincinnati. April 25.—(AP)—Losing his balance when his scaffold swayed in the wind, John Skuse, 50, bricklayer, plunged 225 feet to his death today from the 26th floor of a downtown building.
Brooklyn Eagle
Friday, April 29, 1938
In Memoriam
O'Connor—In sad and fond memory of my devoted mother, Catherine M O'Connor. Died April 29, 1935.
Daughter, Anna M Skuse
Charlestone Daily Mail, West Virginia
May 4, 1938
Mrs Skuce is Death Victim
Heart Ailment Fatal to Church Worker
Mrs Dorothy Jane Skuce, who came to Charleston 26 years ago and had been an active church worker in the city for as many years, died late Tuesday night at her home, 1214 Elmwood avenue, of a heart ailment. She was 74 years old.
Funeral services are scheduled for 3:30pm Thursday at the home with burial following in Spring Hill cemetery with the Simpson mortuary in charge. Rev Joseph C Hoffman, pastor of the First M E church, will officiate.
Born July 20, 1864 at Allenwick, Ontario, Canada, Mrs Skuce moved with her family in 1867 to Pleasantville, Pa. She married John Skuce on July 1, 1890
For several years she lived in Clarendon, Pa, and Parkersburg. Mr Skuce died in 1932. He was associated with the South Penn Oil company for a score of years.
Mrs Skuce was an active member of the First Methodist Episcopal church and she took an active part in the Ladies' Aid society. She was also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Surviving are a daughter, Miss Dorothy Skuce, who is secretary of First M E church; a son, Thomas W Skuce, assistant state forester, and a grandson, John Everly Skuce.
Active pallbearers will be R J Corman, John Zimmer, C H Morgan, Elmer Anderson, W C McKee and Dr R A Ireland.
Honorary pallberers will be W T Williams, William B Mathews, Donald O Blagg, D W Proud, S C Savage, W L Savage, W T Elsensmith, Carl K Gilchrist, D C Jay and J C Fielding.
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independant
Sunday, May 15, 1938
Elected president of Soft Ball League
Makeup of easch team as follows:
West Main street— ... Clyde Skuse, ..
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, May 22, 1938
The funeral of Mrs Carrie Fisher Skuse, wife of Howard H Skuse, who died Saturday, was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family home on Carter road with the Rev Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church officiating. Burial was in Glenwood Cemetery.
The bearers were the Messrs James Dennington, T H McKinney, C T Oaks, Myron and Frank Wilson and Howard Dean.
The Geneva Times
Wednesday, June 24 1938
Oaks Corners Presonal Notes
Thirty-three Pomona degree team officers were entertained last Friday evening by Howard Skuse and daughter, Miss Helen Skuse at a picnic supper at their home on the Carter Road.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, June 29, 1938
Tomorrow's Bride and Her Out-of-Town Attendants
... Miss June Skuse of Los Angeles, above left, will be maid of honor, ...
Cape Vincent Eagle, NY
Thursday, June 30, 1938
Isaac Skuse, 68, Dies near Buffalo
Isaac Skuse, aged about 68, manager of the Dairymen's League milk plant at Rosiere for ten year before it closed about four year ago, died suddenly about a week ago at his home at Collins Center, near Buffalo, according to word received here.
Mr Skuse, who had been manager of the Dariymen's League plant at Camps Mills before being transferred to Rosiere, returned to him former home at Collins Center and retired after the Rosiere plant closed.
He is survived by his wife and several children.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday Evening, July 1, 1938
Southerner Weds Miss Helen Schlegel in Salem Church.
Miss June Skuse of Los Angeles, Calif., a cousin of the bride, was maid of honor, ...
Ogdenburg Advance News
Saturday, July 16, 1938, Page 3
Lisbon (Gossip)
Miss Mabel Skuce is home to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Skuce, Miss Skuce a two weeks' stay at Atlantic City, N.J.,
after the close of her school. Her brother, Edson Skuce, of Syracuse,
is also visiting his parents... and Mrs Leonard Moretz of Hickory, NC, the former Helen Schlegel, is enjoying a round of parties for "the young bride" being given by new found friends in her honor. Helen has her apartment selected and almost completely in order with all her wedding gifts in place.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday Evening, July 29, 1938
Miss Jane Skuse of Los Angeles is making last minute purchases and going to farewell luncheons and teas prior to her departure today for home after spending a month as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs George C Schlegel in East Ave.
Geneva Times
Thursday, August 11, 1938
Oaks Corners Personal Notes
Mr and Mrs Howard Skuse, Miss Lena Skuse, Miss Helen Skuse and Mr and Mrs Ernest Waterman attended the Skuse reunion on Sunday at the cottage of Clarence Skuse at Pontius Point on Seneca Lake.
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Wedneday, August 26 1938
140 Aliens to ask final Naturalization papers
Great Britain - Walter Charles Skuce, 357 Glen avenue, Scotia
The Enterprise
September 14, 1938
One Monday evening the W W Gs, gave a shower at the Baptist Parsonage in honor of Miss Edgarena Gillis whose marriage to Kenneth Skuse of Geneva will take place the latter part of the month.
The Enterprise, Shortsville, NY
September 28, 1938
Manchester Miss Weds Geneva Man Saturday
Miss Edgarena Arlene Gillis, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Gillis of Manchester, and Bert Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs William Skuse of Geneva, were united in marriage at the Manchester Baptist Church on Saturday, the wedding vows being pledged before the pastor, the Rev Leon L Swarthout.
Miss Gillis was attired in an afternoon dress of Cinderella blue, with doll hat of the same material, and carried a shower bouquet of Talisman roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Miss Jane Gillis, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and wore a gown of dubonnet crepe, with hat to match. Her bouquet was of Johanna roses. The best man was Arthur VanCott of Geneva, while Rolland Rounds and Ralph VanDevere of Geneva served as ushers. The wedding march was played by Miss Shirley Holden of Syracuse, a cousin of the bride.
After the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlors, where a buffet luncheon was served to about 85 guests. Mr and Mrs Skuse departed on a wedding trip to Pennsylvania and on their return will reside on the Carter road, Geneva.
Out-of-town guests were present from Detroit, Mich.; Syracuse, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Palmyra, Rochester, Geneva and Shortsville.
Prenuptial events were variety showers given by the WWG Class of the Baptists Sunday School. Miss Mildred Walton of Manchester, Mrs John Lynough of Victor and Mrs Glen Cook of Palmyra.
The Randolph (NY) Register
Friday, October 21, 1938
Old Times in Randolph
Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 17, 1913
Peter Skuse, aged 46 years and a son of John Skuse, formerly of Randolph died at Corry Tuesday as the result of an accident in which he was caught in a cave-in of an embankment. His body was brought to Randolph and intered in the Catholic cemetery here yesterday.
The Portville Review
Thursday, November 24, 1938
Westons Mills
Mrs Charles Skuse and daughter Edna Grace and Mrs Grace Skuse of Pittsburgh, Pa, were the week end guests of their mother and grandmother, Mrs Amanda Skuse.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, January 24, 1939
Mielke—On Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, 107 Elmeration Road, Mrs Marie Mielke, widow of the late Henry W Mielke. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs Richard Skuse; two sisters, Mrs Anna Agan and Mrs Lodl Wilkins one brother William Kilck; also one grandson.
Oakland Tribune
Wednesday, January 25, 1939
Solano County
Skuse—In Vallejo, January 24, 1939, to the wife of Robert Skuse of Vallejo, a son.
Oakland Tribune
Thursday, March 16, 1939
Just so our Hospitality won't limp
Members of the Chamber of Commerce Fair hospitality committee, ... Helen Skuse, ...
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, March 16, 1939
Murder Trial Opened at Canandaigua with Drawing of a Jury
Canandaigua, March 16 (Special): Shortly after 2:30 o'lcok this afternoon, George H Payne, Chapin storekeeper, was seated as Juror No 1 in the Reed murder trial. He was the eight man examined. Payne's wife is also on the jury panel.
Canandaugua, March 16 (Special): Althrough six talesmen had been examined, not a single juror had been seated to hear eveidence in the trial of Henry Allen Reed for murder, first degree, when Supreme Justice Nathan D Lapham, presiding at the trial, adjourned court at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Justice Lapham varied the customary procedure with reference to the excusing of talesmen soon after court opened at about 10:30 o'clock this morning. ....
The defendant, youthful Geneva native, was in court, Neatly dressed in a blue suit, he sat, pale and composed near his attorney, Edward P Murphy of Geneva and James M Hanlon, Geneva attorney associated with Mr Murphy. Mrs Howard Skuse, other of the accused man, was also in court with a relative. She maintained her composure with dificulty, sobbing quietly when attorneys mentioned capital punishment in their examination of prospective jurors.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Saturday, May 20, 1939, Page 5
Edson Skuce, who has been visiting Mrs. John Skuce, returned
to his home in Syracuse last Monday.
Flesherton Advance
Wednesday, July 12, 1939
Ontario School Trend Toward Larger Section (from Globe and Mail, June
Nassagwaweya, Halton, seven sections, L. L. Skuce, inspector
Ogdenburg Advance News
Wednesday, August 2, 1939, Page 5
Local and Social
Miss Helen Skuce of Niagara Falls and Edson Skuce of Syracuse are visiting
their mother Mrs John Skuce and brother Frank
Ogdenburg Advance News
Sunday, August 6, 1939, Page 6
Miss Mabel Skuce of Huleet, L. I., who has been vacationing
at Atlantic City, N.J. arrived home this week to spend the remainder
of the summer with her mother, Mrs. John Skuce and brother, Frank.
Spirit Lake Beacon, Iowa
Thursday, September 7, 1939
Mr and Mrs L A Barriage returned Sunday night from Marshalltown where they went to visit his uncle, J S Skuse. They had been down previously to attend the funeral of Mrs Skuse and during her illness. On the last trip they also visited Mrs Barriage's mother, Mrs Abbie Sheetz.
Buffalo Courier-Express
Monday, September 18, 1939
Skuse—SSeptember 17, 1939, at her late residence, 1500 Main Street, in Buffalo. Addie Byron Skuse. Notice of funeral hereafter.
The Watkins Express
September 20, 1939
Miss Addie Byron Skuse died at her late home, 1500 Main street, Buffalo, Sunday afternoon, September 17, 1939. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 10:30 and burial was made in Forest Lawn, Buffalo.
Miss Skuse was born on May 20th, 1860, a daughter of Philetus Swift Skuse and Elemina Celinda (Drake) Burgess of Irelandville.
The following is a sketch of her parents as compiled by Miss Skuse some years ago:
"Philetus Swift Skuse (Swift was the name of a neighbor) was born May 11, 1815, in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, on Canandaigua outlet. He died September 15th, 1901, and is buried in the County Line Cemetery, Reading. He came to Reading and married Elemina Celinda Drake, April 23, 1857. She was the daughter of John Drake and Climenia (Seaman) Drake who lived on the County Line Road adjoining the Diven farm. Father and mother had five children, Philetus, Addie Bryon, Fred, Charles and Evan.
Father and mother first lived west of Irelandville then went to Starkey, NY (on the Dan Ellis place) for a few years, then bought the Ireland place at Irelandville, where they spent the remaining years of their life. Mr Ireland owned a whole square of land west of Irelandville.
Father first married Catherine M Rogers and they went to Southern Michigan to live, but on account of father's health he was advisted to return to New York state. They had several children. Daniel Skuse the father of Bert Skuse, Watkins Glen, was a son. Catherine M Rogers was a relative of Randolph Rogers, a sculptor, who died the bronze doors to the house chamber at the Capitol, Washington, B.C. ( I saw them). He also did some work at our New York state building in Buffalo. Catharine M Rogers was born near Geneva, N.Y.
Father was never a strong robust man and therefore took great care of himself, being very temperate in all ways of living. Mother died January 30th 1882.
I was united with the First Presbyterian Church, Watkins Glen, when I was seventeen years of age. I now belong to the North Presbyterian Church on Delaware Ave, Buffalo. I was eleven years in the state civil service work.
Father was by trade a cooper, and often spoke about how many barrels he had put together in one day. His father was also a cooper. His father was Charles Skuse and mother was Mary Smith who was born in Monmouth County, New Jersey. They came to Phelps, N.Y. at an early date. Charles Skuse, my father's father, came from Ireland, I think, but I knew no particulars."
Addie B Skuse, November 18, 1932
Elmina Celinda Drake married first to Benjamin Burgess, Watkins, and had a son Marion Burgess. They were Married July 3 1849. Elemina Celinda (Drake) Burgess, married second to Philetus Swift Skuse, April 23, 1857. They had:—
1 Philetus Skuse born July 4, 1858; died February 27, 1876
2 Addie Byron Skuse born May 20, 1860
3 Fred T Skuse born May 30, 1863; married Frances Curry. He died Mary 7, 1935. Widow living in Edmonds, Washington.
4 Charles Skuse born June 29 1865; married Alice Vanderhoff. He died in 1925.
5 Evan Skuse born in 1867; died September 6, 1873.
John Drake father to above Elemina Celinda Drake, was a son of James Drake and wife Rachel, who were pioneer settlers in Reading about 1800. James Drake was in the Revolutionary War, and is buried in the County Line Cemetery, Reading.
Geneva Daily Times
Monday, October 2, 1939
Word has been received of the birth of a daughter, Janet Ann to Mr and Mrs Elwood Mowers of Poughquag, NY. Mrs Mowers was formerly Miss Helen Skuse.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday, December 22, 1939
Hunters Lose Licenses in Accidents
Shannon accidentally shot Sherman Skuse Oct 17 while hunting rabbits in the town of Phelps.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, December 24, 1939
Area 3 Lose Hunting Right
Joseph E Shannon, Stanley, was penalized one month's hunting as result of the alleged accidental shooting of his companion, Sherman Skuse, while shooting at a rabbit in Phelps on Oct 17.
Long Island Star-Journal
Friday, February 2, 1940
William Skeuse of Flushing Dead
William Skeuse, 70, member of an old Flushing family, who lived in Flushing most of his life, died yesterday in the Parsons Hospital, Flushing, of heart trouble, after a week's illness.
Mr Skeuse lived at 32-25 146th street, Flushing. He was born in College Point on May 4, 1869, the son of the late Thomas Skeuse, a well known contractor, and Mary Vaughan Skeuse.
For 20 years Mr Skeuse had been employed as an engineer by the Keeler Coal Company of Whitestone. Prior to that he had been connected with Peace Brothers, Flushing contractors, for 25 years. In recent years, however, Mr Skeuse has been connected with the Capitol Fuel Company of Flushing.
Mr Skeuse was a member of St George's Episcopal Church of Flushing and of Pacific Odd Fellows Lodge. His wife, Mrs Sarah Peel Skeuse, died three years ago.
Surviving Mr Skeuse are a daughter, Mary H Skeuse; two sisters, Mrs Jane E Hoeinger of College Point and Mrs Maude Cleary of Flushing, and three brothers, Thomas, George and Harry, all of Flushing.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2P.M. tomorrow at the Williams Funeral Home, 41-39 149th place, Flushing, by the Rev Hubert S Wood, rector of St George's Episcopal Church. Burial will take place in Flushing Cemetery.
Death Notices
Skeuse—William, at Flushing, on Thursday, Feb 1, 1940; beloved father of Mary H and brother of Mrs Jane Hoeninger, Thomas, George and Harry Skeuse and Mrs Maude Cleary; in his 71st year>
Services at Williams Funeral Home 41-39 149th pl., Flushing, on Saturday, Feb 3, at 2 p.m.
Interment in Flushing Cemetery.
?, Michigan
Feb ?, 1940
Mrs M J Skuse 99 Years Old
Resident of County for Almost Century now living in Jackson
Mrs Mary J Skuse, a resident of Hillsdale county for nearly 92 years, is celebrating her 99th birthday at the home of her grandniece Mrs Clarence Grimes, 2045 Lansing Avenue, Jackson, today.
Mrs Skuse had been living with Mrs Grimes for about two years and before that time lived at Pittsford.
Born in Cataraugus county, New York, February 23, 1841, Mrs Skuse was the eighth in a family of twelve children, of which she is the only living one. She came to Michgan in a covered wagon when five years old and while her father, Orlando Cook, was building a home, the family lived in the old log Doty school house in Ransom twonship. When 21 years of age she married Warren J Rich, who died in 1892. She then married Douglas Skuse in 1912 and following his death in 1925 she made her home in Pittsford, living for several years with a niece, Mrs Lottie McDowell, who passed away about two years ago.
Rochester Times-Union
Wednesday Evening, February 21, 1940
Private Rites arranged for T G Skuse
Funeral services for Thomas G Skuse, 79, retired president and treasuer of Skuse's Cooperage Inc, will be conducted at his home, 95 Dartmouth at the convenience of the family tomorrow afternoon, with burial in White Haven Memorial Park.
Mr Skuse, descendant of a pioneer family of the hold 16th Ward, died yesterday.
He attended old School 14, entered his father's old cooperage business at Finney and Davis streets as a young man, later conducting the business under his own name. It was incorporated in 1941 and he retired in 1937.
A trustee of the hold First Methodist Church, Mr Skuse had long been known in Methodist activities here. He was a member of Valley Ldge, F&AM.
He leaves his wife, Beatrice Gentle Skusel a daughter, Mrs Paul J Weller, and two granddaughters.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Saturday, February 24, 1940
File Marriage Intentions
George William Skuce, 21, of 13 Pond street, Westerly, laborer, and Clara Louise Perry, 20, of 13 Pond street, Westerly, at home.
Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio
Sunday, February 25, 1940
Waltz: Jennie (nee Teli), beloved wife of the late Jack, daughter of Mrs Barbara Teli, mother of Mrs J B Skuse, sister of Mrs Frank C Plevney and John, at her residence, 2700 Wadsworth, Saturday, Feb 24. Friends may call at the Harry T Maher Inc Funeral Home, 12019 Woodlave ave. Funeral Monday, Feb 26, at 2:30 pm.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Saturday, March 4, 1940
Record Marriage
The marriage of George William Skuce, of 13 Pond street, Westerly, and Clara Louise Perry of 13 Pond street, Westerly, March 1, by the Rev. Harold R. Crandall, was recorded this morning in the office of Town Clerk, W. Russell Dower.
The Daily Record
Wednesday, March 27, 1940
Skuse Leaves Widow Life Use of Estate
Thomas G Skuse, 95 Darmouth Street, who died February 20, left life use of his estimated $10,000 estate to his widow, Mrs Beatrice M Skuse, according to the will admitted to probabte yesterday in Surrogate's Court. He was former president of Skuse Cooperage Inc.
Upon death of the widow, the remainder of the estate passes to a daughter, Mrs Marion S Wells. If the daughter is not living, the remainder is brequeathed to the Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. William C O'Keefe appeared for the estate.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Friday, March 29, 1940, Page 3
Lisbon (Gossip)
Miss Mabel Skuce of Lynbrook, L. I., and Miss Helen Skuce of Niagara
Falls are spending their vacations with their mother, Mrs. John Skuce,
and their brother, Frank.
Omaha World Herald
Friday, April 5, 1940
Trapper Missing
Prince Rupert, BC., April 4 (C.P.)— Authorities announced tonight that a trapper, Herbert Skuce, has been missing since late February.
The San Bernadino County Sun
Saturday, April 6, 1940
Prince Rupert, B.C., April 5–Authorities announced today that a trapper, Herbert Skuce, has been missing since late February when he left to tend his trapline in the Kimsquit area.
The locality into which he disappeared is on the British Columiba mainland, about 175 miles north of Vancouver, BC.
Watkins Express
May 22, 1940
Happenings of Fifty and Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 22, 1890
Married at the brides home on May 19th, by Rev Phillip J Bull, Charles Skuse and Miss Alice A Vanderhoof, both of Reading.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Tuesday, July 2, 1940
Miss Mabel Skuce arrived home from Lynbrook, L.I., last
Friday to spend the summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. fJohn Skuce,
and brother Frank.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Thursday, August 1, 1940
Skuce—In Old Mystic,m Conn. July 31st, 1940. George Skuce, aged 74 years.
Funeral service from the Flynn Funeral Home, 31 East Main street, Mystic, Saturday, August 3, at 8:30 a.m. REquiem high mass at St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock. Burial in St. Patrick's cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
The Nassau Daily Review-Star
Saturday, August 3, 1940
Elinor Skuse Weds Richard A Schneeloch
Miss Elinor Skuse of Waterbury, Mass., and Richard A Schneeloch of Westfield avenue, Roosevelt, formerly of Springfield, Mass., were marriedby Judge Hilbert R Johnson of Freeport, at his residence, Bayview avenue, Thursday night at 6 o'clock. Mrs W J Hoermann and her son, John Hoermann of Roosevelt were witnesses. A reception was held at Mrs Hoermann's home after the ceremony.
The New London Evening Day, Connecticut
August 3, 1940
Hold Skuce Rites
Spanish American War Veteran Laid to Rest
Funeral services for George R Skuce, a veteran of the Spanish-American
war who died Wednesday at his home in Old Mystic, were held this morning
at 8 30 from Flynn funeral home in East Main street. A requiem high
mass was celebrated at 9 o'clock at St. Patrick's church, the Rev. Michael
E. Kearney being the celebrant.
Burial took place in St. Patrick's cemetery with the Rev. Michael E.
Kearney reading the committal service.
Eagle Rock Sentinel, Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 11, 1940
H.F. Skuse, salesman with Frank V Marshall Ford agency here, is a mighty pround man these days. He's the father of a bouncing boy born July 26. Mrs Skuce christened her son Michael Franklin. The Skuse's reside at 1126 Neala. The new salesman was born at the Methodist hospital in Los Angeles.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Monday, August 12, 1940
Freak Shooting Mishap Reported
Toronto, Ont . - (U.P.) - Details of a freak shooting accident at an
international revolver competition that sent wo men to hospital on Saturday,
were explained by police here today.
They said that John F. Turnbull, of Orillia, Ont., and Constable James
McLachlan, 33, of Windsor, Ont., were shot when an ejected shell struck
Corporal W. W. Skuce of the Royal Canadian Mounted police of Ottawa,
and caused him to turn hyst as he fired. The men were standing in line,
firing at targets 20 years away.
The bullet struck McLachlan in the chest glanced off a rib and tore
through Turnbull's abdomen. Turnbull is in critical condition. McLachlan
was less eriously wounded.
Police said that Skuce was sighting his revolver and was apparently
tightening his hand to fire when the hot cartidge case, from an automatic
pistol, struck him on the neck.
They said the accident could not have been foreseen.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Wednesday, August 14, 1940
In Freak Accident
(Photo of Corporal W.W. Skuce, in RCMP uniform)
When an ejected shell struck his neck, Corporal W. W. Skuce, crack
shot of the RCMP, accidentally discharged his revolver. The bullet glanced
off the rib of the man standing next to him and lodged itself in the
abdomen of John F. Turnbull, Orillis, Ont. farmer, critically injuring
him. The men were participating in a revolver contest near Toronto.
The New London Evening Day, Connecticut
Aug 24, 1940
George Skuce, 21, of 48 Pierce street, Westerly, picked up Tuesday by
Patrolman Benjamin R. Vredenburg, on a charge of operating a motor vehicle
after his license to do so had been revoked, was sent to the reformatory
for 30 days.
The New London Evening Day, Connecticut
Sept 4, 1940
Fined $50 and Costs
Driver Pays well for letting unqualified woman drive car
James Thompson, 49 years old Westerly man, owner and occupant of a car
in which five Negro companions escaped injury late Monday night when
it overturned on the Bradford road, was presented before Judge M. Walter
Flynn in Third District court yesterday afternoon on a charge of allowing
an intoxicated person to drive, and was fined $50 and costs.
Thompson, the only white occupant of the car, told police he asked Mrs.
Clair Skuce, 20, of 48 Pierce street, Westerly, to drive because he
was in no condition to do so. Police said Mrs. Skuce was also intoxicated,
and had no license, but she was not arraigned because responsibility
for the mishap was laid to Thompson.
He paid the assessment and was discharged.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, October 10, 1940
William Burt Skuse
William Burt Skuse, 9-months-old son of Mr an dMrs Kenneth B Skuse, Geneva RD 2, died this morning. Besides his parents, he leaves his grandparents, Mr and Mrs William Burt Skuse of Geneva and Mr and Mrs Charles Gillis, Manchester.
The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home with the Rev Dr Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church officating. Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
Indiana Evening Gazette
Monday, November 18, 1940
Daughter in Skuse Home
Reverend and Mrs Charles G Skuse, Jr., of Homer City, are rejoicing over the arrival of daughter, born in them in the Indiana Hopstial, Sunday, November 17th.
Reverend Skuse is partor of the United Presyterian Church, Homer City.
Jamestown Evening Journal
Tuesday, November 26, 1940
Skuse— At W.C.A. hospital Jamestown, NY, November 25, to Gerald and Elizabeth Almon Skuse, 59 West Fourteeth street, a son.
The Niagara Falls Gazette
Tuesday, November 26, 1940
Skuse—To Mr and Mrs Arthur Skuse, 1120 Twentieth street, at the St Mary's hospital, on November 25, a daughter.
Ogdensburg Journal
Saturday, December 28, 1940
Miss Helen Skuce of Niagara Falls spent a few days recently with her mother, Mrs John Skuce
Miss Mabel Skuce of Lynbrok, L.I., is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs John Skuce, and her brother, Frank
Ogdensburg Journal
Saturday, January 4, 1941
Jonh Skuce Dies, Rites at Lisbon
The funeral of John Skuce was held from his late home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev John R Ralph, the family's pastor, conducted a short service. Interment was made in the Flackville cemetery. Pall bearers were: John Carraghrer, Robert Middlemiss, Arthur Mayne and Joseph Driscoll. Lester J Brown, undertaker, had charge of funeral arragements. Mr Skuce passed away Saturday morning after a short illness of bronchial pneumonia. He is survived by three daughters, Mabel of Lynbrook, L.I., Helen of Niagara Falls, Stella of Kentucky; Edison of Syracuse, Clarence of Ogdensburg and Frank of Lisbon. All were present for the funeral services except Stella.
Rochester Daily Record
Tuesday, June 17, 1941
Marriage Licenses
William Howard Skuse, 23, factory worker, 309 Emerson St, and Shirley M Galatian, 20, 432 Lyell ave.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Saturday, February 8, 1941
185 Birth, 201 Marriage and 155 Death Certificates field at Groton during last year
31—George Skuce, 74y, 10m, 19d.
The New Era, Sweet Home, Oregon
Thursday, July 10, 1941
Foster News Items
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Udell moved in the Jim Skuse home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Skuse of Eiisie called at the Bill Nichols home Saturday
evening. Jim is the poud possessor of a new Nash.
Wiley Creek Items
Mr. and Mrs. James Skuse of Elsie visited with Mr. Skuse's Uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Walters, Saturday.
Rochester Times-Union
Tuesday Evening, July 15, 1941
The marriage of Miss Shirley Mae Galatian, daughter of Mrs Gertrude Galatian of Lyell Avenue, and William Howard Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse of Emerson Street, took place Saturday, June 28, in Grace Presbyterian Church, with th eRev David Ayers officiating. Wayne Walter gave the bride in marriage.
The bride's gown was of white marquisette, princess style, with a long train and a full-length veil. She carried white lilies and gypsohila. Her sister, Miss Phyilis Galatian was maid of honor, and the Misses Norma and Barbara Draper, cousins of the bride, were bridesmaids. Charles Skuse, brother of the bridegroom, was his best man.
A wedding dinner was held at the home of the bridegroom's parents, followed by a reception at 3 o'clock.
Mr and Mrs Skuse left on a trip to the Adirondack Mountains, where they spent a week on Tupper Lake. They are now at home on Locust Street.
Jamestown Evening Journal, NY
Monday, August 25, 1941
Mrs John Anderson, 515 Winsor street, and her house-guest Mrs Betty Reid Skuse of New York city, formerly of Jamestown, left Friday for Akron, O, to visit Mr and Mrs Charles Reid.
Lockport Union-Sun and Journal
Saturday, November 8, 1941
Mrs Roland Younte of Tonawanda spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs Joseph Skuce.
Lockport Union-Sun and Journal
Saturday, December 27, 1941
Joseph Skuce Jr, is home from Chesbrough Seminary, North Chili, for the holidays. The Rev and Mrs Skuce and sons Joseph and Paul, were overnight guests of friends in Batavia last Friday.
Watkins Express
December 31, 1941
Daniels - Skuse
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth M Daniels, daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul H Daniels of this village, to Charles D Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Bert Skuse of Townsend, took place at the Presbyterian parsonage at Horseheads on Wednesday evening, Dec 24th, the Rev Malick officiating.
The attendants were her father and Miss Esther Daniels, sister of the bride.
The bride wore a powder blue dress with wine accessories. The maid of honor was attired in a rose color dress with navy blue accessories.
After a short wedding trip, they will make their home in Townsend.
Elmira NY Start Gazette
Friday, January 2, 1942
Miss Daniels Becomes Bride
Watkins Glen—The marriage of Miss Elizabeth M Daniels, daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul H Daniels of Watkins Glen, to Charles D Skuse, of of Mr and MRs Bert Skuse, of Townsend, was announced New Year's Day.
The Rev Harry B Halick performed the ceremony in the Presbyterian Church at Horseheads.
Attendants were Miss Esther Daniels, sister of the bride, and Paul H Daniels, father of the Bride.
The bride wore a powder blue dress with wine accessories, and the bridesmaid, a rose dress with Navy blue accessories.
After a short wedding trip, Mr and Mrs Skuse will make their home at Townsend.
Portsmouth Herald, New Hampshire
Saturday, January 10, 1942
Selectee's Leader Feted at Party
A farewell party was given Friday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs J Ross Baird in honor of Mrs Baird's brother, J Richard Skuse, who is leader of the selectees group that leaves for Fort Devens Monday.
Mr Skuse returned to hims home here last August after spending nearly three months in training in the US Marine corps in Quantico
Mr Skuse is the only son of Mr and Mrs John T Skuse, 18 Bill place. After the family came to Exeter from Berlin, N.H. he attended Fraser high scholl for one year, and graduated form the Philips Exeter academy in 1937. He received his AB degree from Tufts college in 1841. While in college he studied journalism. He was publicity agent for his class and was ?? correspondent for the Boston Port at that time.
The Randolph (NY) Register
Friday, January 16, 1942
Old Times in Randolph
Twenty-Five Years ago
The body of Frank Skuse, who was accidentally killed at Meadville early Monday morning, was brought here Wednesday morning for interment in the Catholic cemetery. Mr Skuse was a former resident of this village. Monday morning he stepped from one railroad track to avoid an engine and was struck by another going in the opposite direction. He was instantly killed, 12 cars passing over his body.
Portsmouth Herald, New Hampshire
Monday, January 26, 1942
Richard Skuse writes from Wyoming
Mr and Mrs John Skuse have received a letter from their son, J Richard, who was sent to Cheyenne, Wyn, after his induction into the army recently. This is the first letter received since Richard left Exeter and it reveals that the training period has been reduced from 12 to eight weeks.
Chicago Daily Tribune
February 2, 1942
Skuse—Fayette D Skuse, Feb 1, 1942, of 324 N Waller avenue, husband of the late Ina Ora, father of Marguerite of Chicago and Dr James B Skuse of Cleveland, O., grandfather of Ina, Betty, and Adele Skuse. Resting at funeral home, 318 N Central avenue, Austin. Interment Woodlawn. Member of Mississippi lodge, No 385 A.F. & A.M. of Savanna, Ill; Zephathah chapter, No 340, O.E.S. Veteran engineer of Chicago and Milwaukee R.R. Funeral notice later.
Chicago Daily Tribune
February 3, 1942
Skuse—Fayette D Skuse, Feb 1, 1942, of 324 N Waller avenue, husband of the late Ina Ora, father of Marguerite of Chicago and Dr James B Skuse of Cleveland, O., grandfather of Ina, Betty, and Adele Skuse. Resting at funeral home, 318 N Central avenue, Austin. Interment Woodlawn. Member of Mississippi lodge, No 385 A.F. & A.M. of Savanna, Ill; Zephathah chapter, No 340, O.E.S. Veteran engineer of Chicago and Milwaukee R.R. Funeral Tuesday, 1:30 pm.
Tonawanda News
Monday, March 16, 1942
N. Tonawanda Draft Registrants, Numbers
T-1582 Joseph Skuce
The Herald Mail, Fairport, NY
Thursday, April 2, 1942
March 31, 1882—60 Years Ago
Married: Mary E McNally and Richard Skuse, March 25
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Saturday, May 7, 1942
Sugar Ration Plans for Scotia nearly Ready
... Mrs. Walter Skuce ...
Rochester Times-Union
Monday, June 22, 1942
Geneva Famer Takes Own Life
Geneva—Despondent over continued ill health, Ernest Waterman, 59,
farmer, ended his life by hanging in the hayloft of his barn on the Lyons Road yesterday.
Waterman told his wife May Skuse Waterman that he was "going out to feef the chickens" when he left the house at 10am. At 11 his wife called him without getting a response. She summoned her brother-in-law, Edward Waterman, from the adjacent farm across the roadway. The latter found his brother's body suspended from a rafter in the hayloft.
Dr Frank H Snyder, coroner, issued a certificate of death by suicide. Funeral arrangements are being completed. There are no children.
Rochester Times-Union
Wednesday Evening, June 24, 1942
Rochester's Past
Fifty Years Ago Today
Junes 24, 1892
A lan part held by the Epworth League of First Methodist Church at 594 West Ave, had as hostesses, Mmes Edward Ocumpaugh, Irving Cary, W G Bell and T G Skuse.
Jamestown Post-Journal
Monday Evening, July 6, 1942
Skuse—At Jamestown General Hospital, Jamestown, NY. July 4, 1942, to Richard and Geneva Moore Skuse, Findley Lake, a son.
Andover News, Andover, N.Y.
July 9, 1942
Page 4, Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skuse and daughter Sandra spend Sunday
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Skuse at Watkins.
San Jose Mercyry Herald
Thursday, July 9, 1942
SKUSE - In Oakland, Calif., July 7, 1942, Elizabeth Skuse, devoted wife of the late Edward N Skuse; dearly beloved mother of Ward Skuse and Mrs Esther C Chown of Oakland and Mrs Doris E Aber of San Francisco, Calif., a native of San Jose, Calif.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday), July 10, 1942, at 8:45 A.M. from the Funeral Home of John P Higgins, 156 South Third street; thence to St Joseph's church, San Jose, Calif., where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:00 o'clock.
Interment, Calvary Cemetery
The Rosary will be recited at the above funeral home this (Thursday) evening at 8:00 o'clock.
Trenton Evening Times, New Jersey
Sunday, July 12, 1942
Jean Landis to Wed Cylde Skuse
... engagement of their daughter Miss Jean B Landis, to Clyde E Skuse, of Wanamea, Pa. No date has been set for the wedding.
Miss Landis is a graduate of ...
Long Island Star-Journal
Tuesday, August 4, 1942
Ruth Skeuse Bride of Air Lieutenant
St George's Episcopal Church, Flushing, was the scene of the marriage of Miss Ruth Skeuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Skeusse of 144059 32nd avenue, Flushing, to Flight Lieutenant Wesley W Egan, son of Mr and Mrs R J Egan of 171-07 Bagley avenue, Flushing.
The Rev Hubert S Wood, rector of the church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a large gather of relatives and other guests.
The bride given in marriage by her father, wore an ice blue ensemble with white accessories. She also wore a corsage of white orchids.
The bride's mother was gowned in white and the bridegroom's mother wore a dress of dark blue with dark blue accessoires.
Robert J Egan was his brother's best man. Ushers were Thomas Skeuse, the bride's brother, and Howard Kelley, a cousin of the bridegroom.
After a reception was held at a Jackson Heights restaurant, Lieutenant Egan and his bride left for Salt Lake City Air Field, where they will live.
The bride is a graduate of Flushing High School. She was employed by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in Manhattan.
Lieutenant Egan was graduated from Rayside High School. He was employed by the National City Bank for several years, after which he entered the University of Wisconsin, where he studied two years before enlisting in the Air Corps. He received his silver wings and commission on Sunday, July 26, at Columbus Flying Field, Columbus, Miss. He will be stationed at the Salt Lake City Air Field for several months.
The Medina Tribune
Thursday, August 20, 1942
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Updike and family have returned home after spending a week with Mrs Wipdike's parents, Mr and Mrs William Skuse at Geneva.
Andover News, Andover, NY
October 1, 1942
Page 8, Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skuse visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Burt Skuse at Watkins Saturday and Sunday.
Lockport Union-Sun and Journal
Friday, October 9, 1942
Skuce Family Moves from Parsonage
Pendleton Village—The Skuce family has moved from the Free Methodist parsonage to the Britton farm here.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, Nov 7, 1942
CLUNIES—Mrs. Anna Clunies died Thursday evening, Nov. 5, 1942 at the home of her daughter, Mrs William F Skuse, 121 Woodbine Ave. She is survived by one son, Dudley E Clunies; two daughters, Mrs W F Skuse of this city and Mrs Warren Glass of Evansville, Ind.; one sister, Mrs Carrie Church of Baltimore, Md., and one brother, George Mayer of Corning, NY; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
—Friends may call at the funeral
parlors of Bender Bros., 301 Alexander St., where services will be held Monday at 3p.m.
Wednesday, November 18, 1942
Funeral Notices
SKUSE—Late of 2617 NE 16th, Nov. 17, Harper W., aged 60 years; beloved husband of Mary Cronin, father of H. W. Jr. of Honolulu, brother of Mrs. Lillian Christiansen and Charles Skuse of California. Funeral cortege will leave the Chapel of Miller & Tracey Thursday, Nov. 19, at 9:30 A.M., then to All Saints church, NE 39th and Glisan, where mass will be offered at 10 A.M. Recitation of the rosary Wednesday, 8 P.M., at the Chapel.
Seattle Daily Times
Monday, December 28, 1942
... Louisville, Kentucky, and have lived in Seattle since 1919. Mr Jameson's aunt, Mrs Kitty Skuse of Seattle, who attended their wedding, will be an honored guest at tonight's party. The Jamesons have four children, Mrs Frank Moore and Mrs Glen Hopkins of Seattle, Henry Jameson, Los Angeles, Winston Jameson, Portland. Or. Grandchildren are Sarah, Jean and Marjorie Hopkins and James Moore of Seattle, Robert and Lous Jameson, Los Angeles and Gloria Jameson, Portland. Miss Lois Jameson, now in the East, will be the only one unable to attend the reunion.
Watkins Express
January 20, 1943
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse of Watkins Glen R.D. have a son born Monday at the Shepard hospital. Mrs Skuse is the former Betty Daniels of Montour Falls.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday Evening, February 5, 1943
Mangan—Edward Leo Mangan, died suddenly Friday morning, Feb 5, 1943 at the family home, 192 Sherwood Ave. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Bessie Skuse Manganl one daughter, Miss Elizabeth M Mangan; three sons, Edward William, John Richard, Richard Peter Mangan, all of this city; three brothers, Joseph P, John H, Charles J Mangan, all of Binghamton, NY.
Funeral Monday morning 7:30 from the home and 7:45 o'clock at St Augustine's Church, Interment at Binghamton, NY.
Chicago Daily Tribune
March 5, 1943
Skuse—Florence Skuse, nee Milan, March 4, beloved wife of Ernest C, fond sister of Charles W Milan. Resting at chapel. 2838 Lincoln avenue, until 5 pm, Saturday. Interment Kansas City, Kas.
Brooklyn Eagle
Sunday, April 4, 1943
In Memoriam
Hansbery—In sad and loving memory of my ister, Alice O'Connor Hansbery, Died April 4, 1937.
Anna M Skuse
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Monday, 10 May 1943
Mrs. Annie Soley
Mrs. Annie Soley, widow of the late George Soley, died suddenly after
a short illness at her home, 86 Robinson street, Saturday afternoon
Mrs. Soley was in her 93rd year, having been born in Niskayuns, and
resided in the city for more than 75 years. She wsa the oldest member
of Tinity Methodist church of this city.
Mrs. Soley is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Martin L. Shfaer of this
city; a sister, Mrs. Avery Jewett of Jonesville; two granddaughters,
Mrs. Kenneth S. MacAffer of Menands and Mrs. Walter C. Skuce of Silver
Spring, Md., Three great grandchildren also survive. They are Kenneth
S. MacAffer Jr., Duncan S. MacAffer and Richard A. Skuce.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the home and at
2:30 o'clock from Trinity Methodist church, Rev. Howard C. Ackley officating.
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Tuesday, 11 May 1943
Soley - Entered into rest in this city May 8, 1943, Annie soley, wife
of the late George Soley, mother of Mrs Martin L. Shafer, grandmother
of Mrs. Kenneth S. MacAffer, Mrs. Walter C. Skuce, sister of Mrs. Avery
Funderal Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the residence 86 Robinson
street, 3:30 p.m. from the Trinity Methodist church, Rev. Howard C.
Ackley, officiating. Interment Vale cemetery. Freinds are invited to
the home Monday evening.
Pittsburgh Press
Tuesday, 8 June, 1943
The Ingram United Presbyterian Church will be setting for the marriage
of Miss Edna Grace Skuce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Skuce
of Linshaw Ave., Ingram, and Rev. John C. Brownlee, tomorrow at 12:30.
The bridgegroom-elect, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Brownlee of New
Wilmington, Pa., is pastor of the Hebron United Presbyterian Church,
near West Hebron, N.Y., where the couple will make their home.
The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Charles G. Skuce Jr., brother
of the bride-elect, assited by Rev. Walker S. Brownlee, brother of the
bridgegroom-elect and Rev. S. Herbert Jamison, pastor of the Ingram
United Prebyterian Church.
Miss Emily Riedel will be maid of honor and Miss Jenny Lou Law will
be bridesmaid, with small Elynnedd Pool as flower girl. Rev. Joseph
T. Brownlee will be best man for his brother, and the ushers, Rev. Joseph
M. Hopkins and Rev. Clifford E. Simpson.
Miss Skuce was graduated from the Pittsburgh Muscial Institute and attended
the University of Pittsburgh. Her fiance is a graduate of Westminster
College and the Pittsburgh Xenia Theological Seminary.
Chicago Daily Tribune
August 3, 1943
Skuse—Marguerite Skuse, Aug 2, 1943, of 333 N Menard avenue, sister of Dr James B Skuse of Cleveland, O., niece of Mrs R H Patch, Mrs Bess B Morgan, Mrs I O Pilcher, and Mr W J Buchanan. Resting at funeral home, 316 N Central avenue, Austin. Funeral notice later. Austin 0017.
The Journal and Republican, Lowville, NY
Thursday, August 5, 1943, Page 1
Lou Skuce
One of the nation's foremost cartoonists, Lou Skuce, will appear as a featured presentation in the elaborate grandstand show that will be seen at the Lewis County Fair, on August 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.
Because his drawings are of necesity small and must be done with great rapidity to hold the attention of huge audiences, Skuce has improvised his "cartoonograph," a magnifying projection device that throws his drawings as they are in the process of construction on a screen measuring more than 30 feet in diameter.
Skuce's ability as a cartoonist knows no limitations and his subjects vary from political, sports and comics to serious drawings with real artistic merit.
One of Skuce's most successful appearances was at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, when thousands of patrons applauded and chuckled over his efforts.
This unusual attraction was secured through George A Hamid Inc., of New York, the nation's foremost booker of outdoor entertainment.
The Wyoming County Times
Thursday, August 12, 1943
Mr and Mrs Thomas Nelson entertained the Skuse family reunion at their home in East Aurora on Sunday. Members from here were Mr and Mrs John Nelson and son Kellogg, Mr and Mrs John VanDyke, Mr and Mrs Harold Roberts and daughter, Evelyn, Mr and Mrs Howard Eddy and family of Gainesville, Mr and Mrs Gordon at their home in East Aurora on Stevens and family of Germitage, Mr and Mrs Noel Nelson and family of East Aurora and Miss Doris Hale of Springville, were also guests.
Monday, September 6, 1943
Funeral Notices
Skuse—John, Aug 31, aged 92, late of Hillsboro, route 2; father of George, Hillsboro; Hiram D., US navy, Mrs Elizabeth Podlipkin, California; Mrs Florence Lannin, Chicago; Mrs Dorothy Gable, New York. Services Monday, 1:30 PM. Young's Funeral Home, Hillsboro. Interment Hillsboro cemetery.
Geneva Daily Times
Wednesday, October 20, 1943
Oaks Corners
Mrs Marshall, who has been spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs Howard Skuse, has gone to Ithaca for the winter to be with her son, Clarence Marshall.
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independant
Sunday, January 16, 1944
George Skuse Dropped as No 18 Fireboss
George Skuse, popular resident of 73 West Main street, Wanamie, has been dropped as fireboss at No 18 Colliery, Glen Alden Coal Co., a post he has held for the past 22 years. Mr Skuse was in the employ of the company for a total of 35 years and was one of the best known officials connected with the Wanamie operations.
He informed the writer he had been discharged and would have to move to another part of the country as there is no likelihood of his getting work locally
The Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Friday, January 21, 1944
Joseph Skuse, 16, of 522 Seventy-fifth street, and Ralph Weston, 17, of 317 Main street, burglary, third degree, in connection with a series of burglaries and automobile thefts in this city, Youngstown, Six Corners, and Bergholtz, NY.
Trenton Evening News, New Jersey
Thursday, January 27, 1944
Private Clyde Skuse is spending a 10-day furlough with his wife, the former Miss June Landis, of 517 North Pennsylvania Avenue, after completing his training at Parris Island. S.C. His parents Mr and Mrs George Skuse, Wanamie, Pa., have been visiting here this week, while his brother Harlan Skuse, and Mrs Skuse of Washinton, D.C., spent last week-end here.
Utica Daily Press
Friday, February 18, 1944
David Skuse, 18, 102 South, arrested by Detective Kilne, denied a charge of impairing the morals of children. He was granted a hearing Feb 25 and bail which he had not provived by early this afternoon was set at $2,500.
Trenton Evening News, New Jersey
Thursday, February 24, 1944
Son for Skuse
Morrisville, Feb 24.—Private and Mrs Clyde Skuse, of 517 North Pennsylvania Avenue are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Cylde William, in Mercer Hospital on February 17. Mrs Skuse the former Miss June Landis, is under care of Dr Morton L Poyas, of Tentron
Watkins Express
March 1, 1944
Mr and Mrs John Ector and daughter, Marjorie of Elmira, were dinner guests at the home of his uncle, Bert Skuse recenly and made calls on friends here.
The Andover News
Thursday, July 6, 1944
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse and Mrs Bert Skuse of Watkins Glen and Miss Freda Tunis of Detroit, Mich., were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse.
Watkins Express
July 19, 1944
Mrs Alice Skuse
Mrs Alice Skuse, nee Alice Vanderhoof, was born April 15, 1856, the daughter of Alonzo and Eliza Vanderhoof. About 1891 she was united in marriage to the late Charles Skuse of Reading Township. For nearly 35 years they made their home in Reading and established many long and enduring friendsships until the death of her husband, Charles Skuse in 1925. Shortly after, Mrs Skuse went to Chicago, Ill, and made her home with her son, Lawrence.
In august, 1943, she fell injuring her hip and after that time was bedridden. However, she retained her sight, hearing and an active mind almost to the last. On the morning of July 2nd, she passed quietly away in her sleep. Her only known survivors are her son, Lawrence and grandson, Charles, both of Chicago.
Burial will be in the family plot at Millport cemetery, Millport, NY, after the war.
Nassau Daily Review-Star
Saturday, September 23, 1944
Plans October Bridal
Annoucement has been made by Mr and Mrs James E Skuce, of Toronto, Canada of the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Beryl Lois Skuce, to John M Caroll, son of William Carroll of Beverly road, Farmingdale, and the late Mrs Carroll. The wedding is planned to take place in Ottawa, the latter part of October.
Springfield Republican
September 27, 1944
Mrs J.H. Whitehouse dies of Heart Attack
Great Barrington, Sept. 26 — Mrs Anna M. Whitehouse, 80, wife of
Jeremiah Hall Whitehouse, was stricken late this afternoon while seated in a car on Main street. She died shortly afterward. Death was attributed to a heart attack.
Mrs Whitehouse, who for many years a resident of Springfield, was born in New York city, the daughter
of Capt. William Kendall Walsh and Anne S. (Skuse) Walsh. She been a resident of this town for 28 years. She and her husband had been married for 60 years.
Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, William W. of Sheffield and Arnold A Whitehouse of this town; four daughters, Mrs Irene Chitter of Sacramento, California, Mrs W Campbell Maher of Cormand, N.Y., Mrs John LeB. Rolfe of Malden
and Miss Esther of this town; two brothers, William K Walsh, Jr. of Staten Island, N.Y., and Arthur H. Walsh of Garrison, N.Y., and 10 grandchildren. Funeral arrangement are incomplete
The Ogdensburg Journal
Monday, November 20, 1944
Mrs Frances Smith Died This Morning
Mrs Frances Smith, aged 80 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Fred Richer, 516 Clark St, at 5:15 o'clock this morning, following an illness of nine weeks.
Mrs Smith was born in Hallville, Ontario, April 20, 1864, the daughter of Frank and Frances McCue Skuce.
She was twice married, her first husband being William Cadieux of Ogdensburg, who died many years ago.
About 35 years ago she was married to William Smith of this city who predeceased her by 10 years.
Mrs Smith was a member of St Johns Episcopal Church of this city.
Besides her daughter, Mrs Richer, she is survived by one son, Francis Cadieux, Chief of the Fire Department of Ogdensburg, and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held from the home of her daughter, 516 Clark St. Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and at two o'clock from St John's Episcopal Church. The Rev George A Palmer, Rector, will officiate.
Burial will be in the Ogdensburg cemetery.
Rochester Times-Union
Tuesday Evening, December 26, 1944
(Reprinted on the 27th)
Smith—Margaret Skuse Smith, widow of Frank D Smith, 388 Seneca Pkwy, Monday, Dec 25, 1944, She is survived by one daughter, Mrs Jack Galway; James H and Frank D Smith; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; one sister, Mrs Louis Lemieux and one brother, Daniel A Skuse, Los Angeles, Calif.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Monday, January 2, 1945
Daniel Holland Dies at Age of 68
Daniel Holland of Stonington road, Quiambaug, died late Saturday evening after a short illness. He was born in Old Mustic, Sept. 12, 1876, the son of Andrew and Mary Roach Holland. He spent the biggest part of his life in Old Mystic, movingt o Quiambaug a few months ago. He was employed for a number of uyears at the former Rossie Velvet mill. Recent years he was an employ of the Sonoco Products Co. He was a Spanish war veteran and a member of St. Patrick's bruch in Mystic.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs Eva Skuce Holland; four daughters, Mrs Stanley Koleck of Hatford, Mrs Angelo Cardillo, Mrs Joseph DeLuca and Miss Frances Holland of Mystic; four sons, Daneil Jr., of Groton, Pfc. Andrew W., now in the Pacific area; Gordon of Noank, a verteran of the North African theater of combat, and George of Mystic. There are also on brother, Hogn, of Westerly; one sister, Mrs Mary Sylvia, of New London, and five grandchildren. Last rites will be held from the Flynn funeral home, 41 East Main street at 8 a.m., with requiem high mass at St. Patrick's church at 9. Interment in St. Patrick's cemetery.
The Post, Ellicottville, NY
Wednesday, Feb 21, 1945
Miss Violet Skuse of Collins Center was a Monday evening guest of Mrs Ann Aldrow.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Thursday, April 3, 1945
Lions Enterain
Niagara on the Lake, Onto. April 3 - Places were laid for 200 guests
at the dinner and entertainment at the Ladies' Night given by the Lions
club at the town hall here last evening. The Rev. Captain Rawson, of
Hamilton gave a vivid account of his trip form Canada to the war front.
A varied enterainment was given by Lou Skuce well known cartoonist,
Miss Muriel Hunter, Toronto, dance artist, and Miss Betty Watson, violinist,
Toronto, with Miss McGregor, of Caledonia, at the piano.
New York Times
April 6, 1945
O’Connor—On April 5, 1945, Hugh B., beloved father of Mrs Thomas J Skuse and the late Alice Hansbery. Funeral form his residence 337 Senator St, Brooklyn, on Monday, April 9, at 930 AM. Requiem Mass our Lady of Angels Roman Catholic Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Rochester Times-Union
Friday Evening, June 1, 1945
Marriage Licenses
Theodore K Kaufmann, 321 Meigs.
Marion M Skuse, 671 Meigs.
Nassau Daily Review-Star
Wednesday, June 6, 1945
Carroll at Treasure Island
John Millar Carroll, seaman first class. U.S.N.R., son of William Carroll of Beverly road, Farmingdale, is at Treasure Island, Calif., studying and advanced radar couse. He entered the service last August, and had his boot training at the naval training station, Great Lakes, Ijj. Before entering the navy, he studied chemical engineering at Lehigh university, Bethlehem, Pa., for two years. His wife the former
Miss Beryl Lois Skuce, who was a member of the Canadian women's army is residing with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Skuce of Toronto, Canada.
Andover News, Andover, NY
Thursday, August 26, 1945
Personals, Page 4
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Skuse and grandson, David of Watkins
Glenn, have been visiting their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skuse,
the past week
The Hartford Courant, Connecticut
Friday, October 4, 1945
Lionel J. Jassie, husband of Mrs Lydia Skuce Jassie, of 43 Mulberry Street, died Thursday at the Veteran's Home in Rocky Hill. He servied in the Second East Lancashire Regiment of Infantry in World War I. He leaves besides his wife, three brothers, Carroll Jassie and Frederick Jassie, both in England and James Jassie of Manchester; two siters, Mrs Winnie Brooks of Belfast, Ireland, and Mrs Stella Wild in England. The funeral will be held Saturday at 1:30 a.m. at the Taylor and Doeen Funeral Home, 233 Washington Street. Burial will bein Soldier's Field, Wilson. It is request that flowers be ommited.
Long Island Journal
Monday, October 15, 1945
Mrs Margaret Miller of 137-40 Geranium avenue, Flushing, annouces the marriage of her daughter, Florence Miller, to Richard Skeuse, son of Mrs Sarah Jane Skeuse of FLushing at a civil ceremony on Saturday at Greenwich, Conn.
The couple now on a wedding trip to Canada, plan residence in Flushing.
The Greece Press
Thursday, October 25, 1945
Six persons were injured and four cars were damaged last Tuesday afternoon when the Barnard Fire Department's emegerency amublance crashed with an automobile at Dewey and Magee Avenues, according to police.
The ambulance was driven by James McDonald and was bound for General Hosptial with an emergency patient picked up at a Charlotte Physician's request when no city ambulances were available.
The ambulance siren was sounding when it went through a red light on Dewey Avenue, witnesses said. It collided with a car driven by Mrs Helen Skuse of 423 Magee.
The impact forced the Skuse car into a stopped autobobile on Dewer Avenue driven by Eugene F Craggs, of 111 Copeland Street. The ambulance struck a stopped car driven by Ella Fischer of 219 Ravine Avenue, who suffered a neck injury.
McDonald suffered left arm, shoulder and shin injuries. His rider, also a member of the Barnard Company, Peter Heid, 41, of 52 Westwood Drive, Greece, suffered head and leg injuries. The patient they were taking to General Hospital was not injured and continued the trip in the General Hospital ambulance.
Mrs Skuse and her son, Michael, 3, suffered head injuries. George Clark, 22, of 547 Denise Road, Greece; who also was riding in the ambulance, suffered injuries to both legs. All of the injured went to their own physicians for treatment.
Eaton Rapids Journal
Friday, November 2, 1945
Lynn Christie
Lynn Christie, 78, died at his home here Saturday morning. Services wre held Monday afternoon from the Stewart funeral home with Rev. Eugene Hadwin officiating. Interment in Rose Hill cemetery.
Surviving are the widow, Elsie; three sons, Allan of Detroit, and Robert and Donald of Eaton Rapids; three sisters, Elizabeth Christie, Agnes Skuce and Mary Castle all of New York state; and two grandchildren.
Nassau Daily Review-Star
Saturday, December 1, 1945
Miss Skuce Bride at Pastor's Home
Miss Frieda Helen Skuce of Union avenue, Lynbrook, became the bridge of George Adelbert Bale of Niagara Falls, last Saturday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev J Milton Thompson at his home on Raymond street, Rockville Centre. Miss Mabel E Skuce attended her sister as maid of honor and W Tyrell Smith of Veutnor, N.J., served as best man for Mr Bale. The couple will make their home at Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Saturday, December 1, 1945
Mrs. John Skuce of Lisbon, N.Y. announces the marriage of her daughter,
Miss Freeda Helen, to Mr. George A Bale, of Eighth street, this city.
The wedding took place Saturday, November 24, in Rockville Center, LI
with the Rev. J. Milton Thompson officiating.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs. George Bale, of Eighth street.
He has recently been discharged after more than three years of service
most of that time in the Pacific area with the United States Navy.
The attendants at the quiet ceremony were Miss Mable E Skuce, of Lynbrook,
LI, sister of the bride, and Mr. W. Terell Smith, of Ventnor City, N.J.,
who was the best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Bale will reside at 2244 Linwood avenue.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Sunday, December 16, 1945, Page 2
Mrs John Skuce, Lisbon, has announced the marriage of her
daughter Freeda H., to George A. Bale, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Bale, Niagara Falls. The wedding took place Nov 24. in Rockville Center,
L. I. with Rev J. Milton Thompson officiating. Attendants were Miss
Mabel E. Skuce of Lynbrooks, sister of the bride and W. Tyrell Smith
of Vetnor City, N.J.
San Diego Union
Wednesday, January 16, 1946
Four San Diego county men returning from Pearl Harbor on the aircraft carrier Makassar Straights for discharge on the point system were announced yesterday by the navy.
They are ... Lyman D Skuce, seaman 1c, of 1814 Drecher St, ...
The Picket Line Post, Mount Morris
Friday, February 1, 1946
Sonyea News
Mrs Michael P Reilly attended the Skuse-Eisenbraun wedding in Rochester Saturday.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Wednesday Morning, February 20, 1946
25 War Brides to Sail for Phila.
When the Queen Mary sails from England Sunday there will be 25 war brides and 10 children aboard bound for destinations in the PHiladelphia area. The liner which is due in New York will bring a total of 2396 wives and children of American service men to this country.
Renee Skuse, 26, wife of Private First Class Russell N Skuse, 841 N 65th st.
Elmira Star-Gazette
Friday, March 1, 1946
Bert Skuse, 63, of Townsend. Thursday Feb 28, 1946. Survived by wife; sons Glenn of Andover, Charles of Townsend; daughter Mrs Alton Chaffee of Trumansburg. Funeral Sunday, 1 pm at family home. Rev William Cartmell. Tyrone Union Cemetery.
Brooklyn Eagle
Friday, April 5, 1946
In Memoriam
O'Connor—In fond memory of my father, Hugh B O'Connor, died April 5, 1945
Anna M Skuse
Andover News, Andover, N.Y.
July 6, 1946. Vol 61 No 10
Father Dies at Watkins Glen, Page 1
Bert Skuse, father of Glenn Skuse, bus supervisor for
Andover Central School, died at his home near Watkins Glen Thursday
morning, Feb. 28, 1946, following an illness of some duration.
Mr. Skuse was born in Watkins Glen 63 years ago and has always resided
there where he was engaged in farming.
He was married 42 years ago to Dora Tunis, who survives, together with
two sons, Glenn Skuse of Andover and Charles at home and a daughter,
Mrs. Kathryn Chaffee of Trumansburg.
Services were held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning with burial at Tyrone.
Seattle Daily Times
Friday, July 19, 1946
Mrs Frederick Skuse
Funeral services for Mrs Mary F Skuse, 85 years old, of 18322 Stone Ave, were to be held today at the Bleitz Funeral Home, with the burial in Washelli. She died Wednesday.
Mrs Skuse born in Kentucky, had lived in Washington since 1904, and in Richmond Highland since 1923. Her husband, Frederick, died ten years ago.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs R B Fletcher, Richmond Highland, a son William Currie, Ketchikan, Alaska; three grand-children, Frank, Kenneth and Mardelle Fletcher and a great grand-child Karen Lee Fletcher.
Brooklyn Eagle
Tues, July 23, 1946
Keough—On July 21, 1946, Marietta C (nee Skuse), devoted mother of Charles A, Thomas F and Mrs Edna H Gough. Reposing William A Martin Funeral Home, Classon Avenue corner Sterling Place. Funeral Wednesday, 9:15 a.m.; Requiem Mass St Teresa's Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Clifton Springs Press
Thursday, July 25, 1946
A re-union of the Skuse family was held on Sunday, July 14 at the home of Mr and Mrs Elwood Mowers. A dinner was served at which time 26 partook of delicious repast. Guests were present from Dresden and Geneva.
Miss Lena Skuse spent Friday with her neice, Mrs Mowers. Miss Skuse is a teacher at the Lockland School.
The Laurens Sun, Iowa
August 1, 1946
33 Years Ago
Mrs J E Clanton left Tuesday for Marshalltown where she will be joined by Mrs George Homer and then go to Liscomb to visit Mrs Mattie Skuse. Mrs Skuse will be remembered as Mrs Cash.
Utica Daily Press
Tuesday, August 13, 1946
Marriage Licenses
Thomas B Skuse Jr, 102 South, and Marjorie J Ferguson, 1011 Seymour.
Republic-Democrat, Brockport, NY
Thursday, September 12, 1946
Miss Anne Skuce of Rochester and Mrs Richard Skuce are spending this week in Canada visiting relatives.
Rochester Daily Record
Monday, September 23, 1946
Supreme Court
In the matter of of Michael Skuse, an infant—Order compromising claim against Barnard Fire Department inc, et al, for $300—Charles J O'Brien for pet.
Republic Democrat, Brockport, NY
Thursday, December 19, 1946
Mrs Richard Skuce visited her sister-in-law, Miss Anne Skuce of Rochester on Saturday.
Boston Herald
Tuesday, March 18, 1947
Frank M Skuse
East Bridgewater. March 17—Frank M Skuse, 73, former captain of the Elmwood Fire Department, died today at his home. Born in Franklin, he lived in East Bridgewater 36 years. He leaves his wife, a son, John A, of Elmwood; a daughter, Mrs Joseph Hirst of Bridgewater, and three brothers, George W of California, Edward of Arlington, and John Skuse of Exeter NH.
Buffalo Courier-Express
Sunday, May 4, 1947 (Also in Syracuse Post-Standard)
Rochester Democratic Leader is Dead at 87
Rochester, May 3 (AP)— Joseph Adams, 87, former member of the New York State Democratic Committee from the fourth Assembly district, died today.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs Carrie Frances Skuse Adams; a son, Joseph T Adams, managing editor of the Rochester Times-Union; and a stepson William F Skuse of the State Rehabilitation Department.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, May 5, 1947
Adams—Saturday, May 3 1947. Joseph Adams of 900 Culver Rd, formerly of 90 Belmont St. He is survived by his wife, Carrie Frances Skuse Adams; his sons, Joseph T Adams and William F Skuse; six grandchildren and two great-grant children.
Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio
Monday, May 12, 1947
Thompson-Skuse Nuptials June 7
Another wedding schedule for early June will be that of Miss Ina Skuse, daughter of Dr James Buchanan Skuse and George Gere Thompson son of Mr and Mrs Walter Neil Thompson of West Pittston, Pa. The couple will be married Saturday June 7 at the Skuse residence at Daisy Hill Farm, Hunting Valley. Miss Skuse attended the University of Rochester and her fiance was graduated from Priceton University.
Watkins Express
May 14, 1947
Lewis Skuse and family of Chicago, Ill., formerly of Irelandville, have been spending a few days here visiting friends and relatives in this area. Mr Skuse was a graduate of Watkins Glen High SChool under Professor John A Beers.
Geneva Daily Times
Friday, June 27, 1947
Rev and Mrs Charles Skuse, Jr., and children and Mrs William Skuse, all of Pittsburgh, Pa., were recent guests of Mr Skuse's aunt, Mrs C H Welch, and Mr Welch of 39 North Main street.
Long Island Star-Journal
Friday, July 18, 1947
Death Notices
Skeuse—Sarah Jane, at Flushing, NY, on Thursday, July 17, 1947; wife of the late Richard, devoted mother of Rirhcad Skeuse.
Funeral services at Walter B William Funeral Home, 41-39, 149th place, Flushing, NY, on Monday, July 21, 1947, at 10AM
Interment Flushing Cemetery
Sarah J Skeuse
In Queens 40 Years
Mrs Sarah Jane Skeuse, a residence of Queens for 40 years, died last night at her home, 35-23 Farrington street, Flushing. She was 77.
Widow of Richard Skeuse, Mrs Skuse is survived by hger son, Richard.
Funeral services will be held at 10AM. Monday at the Walter B Williams Funeral Home, 41-39 149th place, Flushing. Interment will be in Flushing Cemetery.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, August 7, 1947
The annual Skuse reunion was held at the Gainesville village park on Sunday, August 3rd. Mrs Howard Eddy and Mrs Gordan Stevens were hostesses. Relatives were present from East Aurora, Delevan, Gowanda, Perry, Strkersville, Wethersfield and Bliss.
Mr and Mrs Gordon Stevens and family attented the Skuse reunion Sunday at the Gainsville
The Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Friday, September 19, 1947
Mrs James Warwick, Linwood avenue, has returned from Hamilton, Ont. While there she attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs Evelyn Skuce.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, October 8, 1947
Geneva—William B Skuse, 74, of Seneca Boulevard, died suddenly Monday night (Oct 6 1947) at his home.
The Fredonia Censor, NY
Thursday, Oct 23, 1947,
Page 6
Cemetery Given Tree
St. Patrick's Cemetery, Randolph has another evergreen tree of the arbor
vitea species planted at its entrance. Mrs Frank Stein of Jamestown has had
the tree placed in memory of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skuce and of
her grandmother, Mrs. Bridgette Coffey.
Republic Democrat, Brockport, NY
Thursday, February 26, 1948
Darryl Skuce, 3 year-old son of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuce, Lawrence Road, who received honorable mention in the 13th Children's Nationa Photograph Contest. Photos of the winners are on display in the show windows at the entrace to the Sibley Tower Building.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Thursday, May 20, 1948
Miss Ethelyn Grace Haggett and Mr. Howard Douglas Skuce, both of Syracuse,
were united in marriage in the chapel of St. Paul's Methodist church
at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. the Reverand John A. Redmond, minister
of St. Paul's church, officiated.
The couple was accompanied by the sister of the bride and her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Brown, 732 1/2 Elmwood avenue, this city.
After a honeymoon in Niagara Falls, Ont., and this city. Mr and and
Mrs. Skuce will be at home at 318 Temple Street, Syracuse.
Republic Democrat, Brockport, NY
Thursday, May 20, 1948
Mrs Richard Skuce and son Daryl spent last Thursday with her aunt, Mrs Lizzie Ballet of Hilton.
Mrrs Iva Unterborn and daughtrer visited Friday at the home of Mrs Richard Skuce.
Seattle Daily Times
Monday, May 24, 1948
An accident involving three automobiles in the Bothell Highway at the Forest Park turn-off late Saturday injured two youths.
The youths, Robert C Skuse, 18, of 2115 E 62nd St, driver of one of the cars, and Richard Gribben, ..., of 6304 23rd Ave NE, a pa- ... in Skuce's car were treated
Ogdensburg Journal
Tuesday, May 25, 1948
Evelyn Hagget Marriage Announced
Potsdam—Annoucement has been made of the marriage of Miss Evelyn G Hagget, daughter of Joseph L and the late Grace Sawyer Hagget, Norfolk, to Howard D Skuce, son of Mrs Nellie Skuce of Syracuse.
The May 19 ceremony took place in the chapel of St Pauls Church, Niagara Falls. The couple will reside at 318 Temple St, Syracuse.
Syracuse Post-Standard
Sunday, May 30, 1948
Howard Skuce weds Miss Haggett
Miss Ethlyn Grace Haggett, daughter of Josehh L Haggett and the late Grace Sawyer Haggett of Norfolk, and Howard Douglas Skuce
of 212 South ave, were united in marriage at 1 pm, Wednesday, May 19, in the the chapel of St Paul's Methodist church at Niagara Falls. The Rev John Abbott Redmond officiated.
Mr and Mrs Godon M Brown of Niagara Falls attended the couple. A luncheon was served after the ceremony at the rainbow room of the Hotel General Brock at Niagara Falls, Ont. A reception too place in the evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Brown. The couple will make their home at 318 Temple st.
The Kingston Daily Freeman
June 26, 1948
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Skeuse, Flushing, visited Monday with their aunt, Mrs. August Gersch, North road.
Historial Wyoming, Arcade, NY
July 1948, Vol 1, No 6
Page 93
Wethersfield Cemetery Inscriptions
Skuse Thomas
Sarah, Wife
Sarah C, Nov 27, 1847
Mary J, Aug 30, 1853, aged 22
Charles, Apr 21, 1873, aged 31-10-29
Courier and Freeman, Potsdam, NY
June 2, 1948
Ethelyn G Haggett Bride of H D Skuce
Miss Ethelyn Grace Haggett, daughter of Joseph L Haggett and the late Grace Sawyer Haggett of Norfolk and Howard Douglas Skuce son of Mrs Nellie Skuce of Syracuse, were united in marriage, May 12 at 11p.m. in the chapel of St Paul's Methodist Church at Niagara Falls. Rev John Abbott Redmon, pastor of St Paul's officiated.
The couple was attended by the brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Mr and Mrs Gordon M Brown of Niagara Falls.
The bride's dress of gray was complemented by a corsage of yellow roses. The matron of honor wore an aqua dress with brown accessories and yellow roses.
A luncheo after the ceremony was held at the Rainbow Room of the Hotel General Brock in Niagara Falls, Ont.
A reception followed in the evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon M Brown. After a wedding trip the couple will be at home at 318 Temple Street, Syracuse.
Kingston Daily Freeman
Saturday, June 26, 1948
Mr and Mrs Richard Skeuse, Flushing, visited Monday with their aunt, Mrs August Gersch, North road.
The Escanaba Daily Press, Michigan
Saturday, September 4, 1948
Mrs James Walker of Petersboro, Ont., Canada and Mrs Isaac Skuce and Henry Skuce of Mount Horeb, Ont., Canada, have returned to their homes after visiting with Mr and Mrs John Nicholas, 714 South 12th street.
Tonawanda News
November 1, 1948
SKUCE — Oct 30, Joseph and Frieda Ammerman Skuce, 409 Adam St, a daughter,
Sherryl Ann, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital.
The Andover News, Allegany, New York
Thursday, December 2, 1948
Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse and daughter were Thanksgiving guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs Earl Ackerman of Elm Valley.
Boston Globe
Wednesday, January 12, 1949
McCARTHY—In Brighton, Jan 10, John J., beloved husband of the late Frances (Skeuse) McCarthy, and brother of Ellen T McCarthy. Funeral from his residence 53 Leicester st., Thursday, Jan 13, at 8 a.m. Solemn High Mass of Requiem in St Columkille's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, February 4, 1949
Snowball Rips Woman's Glasses
Children throwing snowballs hit Mrs Shirley Skuse, 26, of 694 Ridgeway Ave, in the face, breaking her glasses shortly before 1 pm yesterday at School 41 at 279 Ridge Rd W.
She was treated at St Mary's Hospital for a left eye injury. Mrs Skuse volunteers her services as a supervisor at the school during lunch hours, police said.
Syracuse Post-Standard
Sunday, February 20, 1949
... Mrs Pauline K Skuce, ...
78 Women Admitted to Easy 5-Year Club at Annual Dinner.
Other members of the 25-year group are ... Mrs Pauline K Skuce, chairman of the 1949 banquet.
Watkins Express, NY
March 9, 1949
Mr and Mrs Albert Kittner attended a welcome home reception tendered Mr and Mrs Leo Skuse, who were married in France in January of this year. The affair was held at the home of the bridegroom's mother and step-father, Mr and Mrs Richard Kuttner, in Horseheads, Sundry. Over 60 were entertained. Mr Skuse is a staff member of the Elmira Star-Gazette.
Ogdenburg Advance News // Ogdensburg Journal
Sunday, May 1, 1949, Page 12 // Saturday, April 30, 1949
Mrs Skuce dies at 87
Lisbon - Mrs. Agnes Skuce. 87 died Friday (Apr 29. 1949) at her home
here, following a week's illness. Death was attributed to a heart Condition.
Mrs. Skuce was born Sept 7, 1861 daughter of Lewis and Mary Mitchell
Christie in Mountain, Ont.
She was married Apr 11, 1889 to John Skuce in a ceremony performed by
Rev. H. J. McDairmed pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Osgoode, Canada.
The couple moved to Lisbon from Ogdensburg in 1904.
Mr Skuce died Dec 28, 1940.
She was a member of the United Prebyterian Chuch.
Three sons, Clarence and Frank, Lisbon, and Edson, Syracuse, three daughters,
Miss Mabel Skuce, Lynbrook, Mrs Charles (Stella) Green, Gainsville,
Fla., and Mrs. George (Helen) Bale, Niagara Falls; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Christy, city; six grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren and several
nice and nephews survive.
Funeral services will be held from her late home tomorrow May 2, at 2:30pm.
Burial will be made in the Flackville Cemetery.
Thursday, June 9, 1949
Harper W Skuse Jr
Requiem mass will be said at 10 a.m Friday at St Mary's cathedral for Harper Wainwright Skuse Jr, 31, an official of the civil aeronautics authority at Honolulu, who died there May 31. Rosary will be at 8:30 p.m. Thursday at t the chapel of Hennessey, Goetsch & McGee and burial will be at Riverviw cemetery.
He was born in Portland and attended Irvington school and the University of Portland. During World War II he served in radio intelligence and after the war with the aeronautics authority in Honolulu.
Survivors include his Mother, Mrs Mary Cronin Skuse, Portland; a brother, John C Skuse, Los Angeles; uncles A.M. Cronin Sr and Joseph P Cronin, Portland, and Rev Father William B Cronin, North Bend, and an aunt Katherine E Cronin, Portland.
Los Angeles Times
June 26, 1949
Skuse, Daniel A., loving father of Miss June Skuse, brother of Mrs Frances Lemieux.
Rosary Sunday, 8 pm, at Glasser & Miller Mortuary, Arcadia, requiem Mass Monday, 9 am, at Church of Holy Angels, Arcadia. (Rochester, NY, papers please copy.)
Chautauqua News and Sherman Advance
Friday, July 1, 1949
Findley Lake Ripples
Anita Skuse the two year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse, fell on the stairs at her home Tuesday afternoon and fractured her colarbone.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, August 16, 1949
Mrs Carrie Adams Funeral Service set for Tomorrow
Widow of Ex-Supervisor Recalled Rochester of Early Days
A funeral service for Mrs Carrie Adams, widow of Joseph Adams, one-time supervisor of the 16th Ward will be held at 3pm tomorrow in the Hedges Memorial Chapel, 271 University Ave.
Mrs Adams formerly lived at 90 Belmont St.
She was born Mar 9, 1861, in Jewel St, last of 11 children of David and Emily Francis, both Rochester natives, and was graduated in 1879 from the old Rochester Free Academy.
For 10 years as the widow of William F Skuse before her marriage in 1899 to Mr Adams, she taught at old School 18. Later for many years she taught Sunday School classes at Monroe Avenue Methodist Church, of which she was a member. She was long active in community center and community chorus work.
To the end of her life, Mrs Adams bore clear recollections fo the Rochester of another day. She often described her father's fishing for sturgeon in the lower Genesee River.
She remembered how as a child she walked with her playmates up one side of the river, under the flow of water forming t he lower falls, and down the other side.
She recalled Main St. bridge without buildings and remembered numerous other Rochester scenes and events, among them a heavy snowstrom that piled drifts so high along the streetcar tracks that street signs were covered and temporary directions were mounted to snow banks on makeshift signs along the street.
Mrs Adams was a member of the New England Women, the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Women's Christan Temperance Union of the 12th Ward.
She was trice a delegate to the World Sunday school Convetion, once in Glasgow, Scotland, and again in Los Angeles, Calif., and on several occasions was a delegate to the DAR Congress in Washington, DC. On one of these latter occasions. Mrs Woodrow Wilson was hostess to the delegates. For at least 15 years Mrs Adams served as election inspector in the 14th Ward.
Mrs Adams leaves two sons, Joseph T Adams, managing editor of the Times-Union, and William F Skuse, of the State Rehabilitation Department here; three grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Burial will be in Mt Hope Cemetery.
Steuben Advocate
September 23, 1949
Cold Springs
Mr and Mrs Lewis Ackerman of Wellsville, Mr and Mrs Glen Skuse and daughter, Sandra, of Andover were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Dixon.
Tonawanda News
Wednesday, October 5, 1949
SKUCE - Oct 2, Joseph and Freda Ammerman Skuce, 409 Adam St, a son,
Thomas Joseph, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital.
The Palm Beach Post
Wednesday, February 1, 1950
Birth Annoucements
Jan 27 — Mr and Mrs Ernest Michael Fougere (Mary Dolores Skuce), 3304 Broadway, annnouce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Lee, at St Mary's Hospital.
Greenfield Recorder Gazette, Massachusetts
Monday, May 29, 1950
Miss Florence Fielding
Turners Falls — Miss Florence E Fielding, 69, of Turners street, died at the Farren Memorial hospital early this morning after several months illness.
She was born on August 20, 1881, in Wymoming, Mass., the daughter of Thomas C and Mary Jane Skuse Fielding. Formerly a resident of Malden and a resident of Turners Falls for the past three years, she was employed by the First National bank of Boston until she retired n 1947.
Mrs Fielding leaves a twin sister, Mrs Lillian S Fielding of Tuner Fall and two other sisters, Dr Ann Fielding Reynolds of Greenfield and Mrs Irene H Bragg of Pattern. Me. She also leaves a niece and nephew and several sousins.
Funeral services will be Thursday at 1:30pm at the Smith funeral home with Rev Arthur Hopkinson officating and the services will be followed by cremation.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, June 13, 1950
Virginia Neel Becomes Bride in Pittsford Ceremony
Ina ceremony last evening at the First Prebyterian Church of Pittsford, Miss Virginia Ann Neel, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wells Robert Neel of Clover Hills Dr, became the bride of Richard Henry Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Richard N Skuse of Elmerston Rd.
The Rev Harold Bortle officiated.
The bride was goewned in white nylon marquisette and her fingertip veil of illusion was held by a crown of heirloom lace. She carried white roses and lilies of the valley.
Miss Diana Grace Neel, maid of honor, wore a white nylon marquisette gown, crown of pink sweetheart roses, and carried a matching bouquet.
Richard N Skuse, father of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Wilbert R Fraser, Oliver W Beardmore, Robert C Saintey, William A Stear and William B Runion.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents.
The bride was graduated this year from the University of Rochester where she was a member of Alpha Sigmna Sorotity. The bridegroom is also a graduate of U. or R. and a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Mrs Richard H Skuse
Fort Covington Sun, NY
Thursday July 13, 1950
Miss Lena Skuse of Lochland School, Geneva, is a guest of Miss G. H. Cameron
Trenton Evening Times, New Jersey
Sunday, July 2, 1950
Craig Landis Skuse, Mr and Mrs Clyde E Skuse, 337 Crown Street, Morrisville.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Wednesday, August 23, 1950
Engagement Annouced
Town of Niagara, Aug 23— Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, 52 Creekside parkway,
annouce thye engagement of their daughter, Shirley to Mr. Paul Skuce,
518 Seventy-fifth street. Mr Skuce is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph
Skuce, Wesleyville, Pa. The wedding is scheduled to take place in the
near future.
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Sunday, September 3, 1950
Mrs John Allan Gross Hachen
(Louise Adele Skuse)
Mrs John Allan Gross Hachen is the former Louise Adele Skuse, daughter of Dr and Mrs James Buchanan Skuse of Daddleback, Highland Hills, who was married yesterday
Watkins Express
October 11, 1950
Happenings of 50 and 25 Years Ago
October 14, 1925
The death of Mrs John Ector of Townsend occurred at her home this morning. She was the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Skuse and was born in the town of Reading June 24, 1875. She is survived by her husband and two sons.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, October 16, 1950
Sharon Hayes, Franklin Skuse Say Vows
Before the altar of St Ambrose Church yesterday, Miss Sharon Lee Hayes, daughter of Mrs Mary Doser Hayes of McKinley Street, was married to Franklin John Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Samuel J Skuse of Rocket Street.
The Rev Joseph Dailey officated.
Mrs Charles Campanella was matron of honor. Miss Marie Surace and Miss Ann Schneider were bridesmaids. Kathryn Hayes, sister of the bride, was flower girl.
Best man was Mr Campnella. Ushers were Gerald McHugh and Pual Owen Bislow.
Mrs Franklin J Skuse ... Sharon Hayes
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, November 30, 1950
Skuse—Richard G Skuse, of 987 Glide St., Wednesday, Nov 29, 1950. Survived by his wife, Jessie (Marvin) Skuse; three daughters, Mrs Jessie Clark, Mrs Margaret Gresens and Mrs Maude Rander; two sons, Charles W and William H Skuse; one adopted son Clarence Arthmann; twelve grandchildren; one sister, Mrs thomas Leschander; two brothers Roy and James Skuse.
—Friends may call at Miller Brothers' Funeral Home, 474 Lyell Ave. Services on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment, Mt Hope Cemtery. Rev Robert E LeMon officating.
The Daily Rcord, Rochester, NY
Monday, December 4, 1950
Nov 29—Richard G Skuse, 978 Glide.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, January 13, 1951
Engels—In Los Angeles, California, Mrs Mary Skuse Engels, of 108 Brookridge Drive. She is survived by her husband, William Engels; one daughter, Mrs Carl Strauss; three sons, Earl, Lester and Williard; three sisters, Mrs William Pett, Mrs Erwin Thayer and Mrs Gertrude McCarthy, also seven grandchildren.
—Friends may call after 1:00 o'clock on Saturday at L. Schauyman's Sons 609 Clinton Ave N. Funeral service on Monday, January 15, 1961 at 1:30. Interment at Mt Hope Cemetery.
The Randolph Register
Friday, January 19, 1951
Old Times in Randolph
Seventy Years Ago
January 20, 1881
John Skuse, an Irishman who lived in one of the shanties near the depot, was killed Monday afternoon when a tree fell on him at the farm of Dr J T Edward, Mr Skuse was cutting a clump of second growth trees, against one of which leaned an old soft maple stub. He had apparently used all proper care, having trampled the snow down so he could easily get out of the wya, and had been observed to be chipping carefully. The stub was loosened by the falling of one of the samll trees and it fell upon Mr Skuse, breaking his neck and back and crushing him to the ground a corpse. Hi son, Peter, was a short distance away and ran to his assistance but could not lift the tree from the body. Other workmen brought the body home.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, January 27, 1951
We Congratulate
Richard N Skuse.... on His 48th Birthday Today.
If you mentioned canasta to Detective Richard N Skuse 3 months ago (and presons frequently did), he would snort derisively.
"That game is strictly for the dames."
Today, however, it is somewhat different. Utter the worth within his earshot and strange gleam comes into his eyes. He thusts his hands into his coat pocket and quickly draws forth a canasta deck, meanwhile glancing about eagerly for a table and at least one playing companion.
Detective Skuse's wife, Mennetta, takes credit, or blame, for his now intense interest in the game. Prior to his being reformed, he was a pinochle and kock-rummy man.
Skuse, a native of Rochester, was appointed to the police Bureau July 1, 1937, and assigned to the former Fifths Precinct in Lyell Ave. On May 1, 1945, he became a member of the Traffic Bureau and was made a plainclothesman June 1, 1947; Grade B Detective Aug 1, 1950, and Grade A last Jan 1. His home is at 107 Elmersten Rd.
The Skuse's have a son, Richard, 25, a University of Rochester student. He and his wife, Virginia, live at 1353 Mt Hope Ave.
Today is Detective Skuse's birthday anniversary. This evening he and Mrs Skuse will celebrate the occasion by being dinner guests of the younger Skuses—after which, Detective Skuse will insist on playing canasta.
"Both my son and daughter-in-law hate canasta," said Skuse last night. "So the evening may wind up in a big argument."
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Tuesday, March 8, 1951
Miss Shirley Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, was united
in marriage to Mr. Paul Skuce, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Skuce,
Erie, Pa. at the Church of God, Twentieth street and Forest avenue.
The Rev. Skuce, father of the bridgegroom and the Rev. Schemmer, officiated
at the ceremony.
Given in marriage by her father, the bridge wore a gown of white slipper
satin, fashioned with a large yoke and long train. Her veil fell from
a beaded sweetheart crown. She carried a cascade bouquet of white roses.
Miss Maxine Taylor, maid of honor, wore a gown of pink poire with a
matching headdress. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses.
The bride's sister, Jean and Agnes Stayner were bridesmaids. Their gowns
were of blue moire with matching headdress. Each carried a cascade bouquet
of yellow roses.
Mr. Joseph T. Skuce, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Mr. John
Elmore was usher.
The mother of the bride and bridegroom's mother both wore navy blue
dresses and corsages of red rose buds.
A dinner was served at the Plantation restaurant for the wedding pary
and immediate families.
The couple will reside at 52 Creekside Parkway.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Tuesday, March 20, 1951
March Bride
Mrs. Paul Skuce, is the former Miss Shirley Martin, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. I. Martin, Creekside parkway. The bridegroom is the son
of the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Skuce, Erie. Pa. The wedding took place
at the Church of God, this city with the father of the bridegroom officiating.
The Andover News
Thursday, July 19, 1951
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse and Mrs Bert Skuse of Freeville N.Y. spent the week-end at the home of their brother and son, Mr and Mrs Glen Skuse. Mrs Bert Skuse remained for an extended visit.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Saturday Ebvening, July 21, 1951
Findlay Lake
Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse and family went to Collins Center to visit relatives recently.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Tuesday Evening, August 21, 1951
Missing Girl Sought
Wellsville — Police and Sheriffs at surrounding are have been asked to search for Sandra Skuse, 14, daughter of Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse, Andover.
The girl disappeared after she alighted from a bus that brought young people here to witness a water show. She left a swimming suit and towels on the bus.
Olean Times Herald
Tuesday, August 21, 1951
Missing Girl Found Asleep in Automobile.
Fourteen year old Sandra Skuse, Andover, who was the object of a search Monday night by State Police and the Wellsvile and Andover fire department was found at ?? o'clock this morning, sleeping in a car parked by a house on the Wellsvile-Allentown highway.
Lee Salder, owner of the car, found the girl when he startedto get into the vehicle to drive to work.
The girl who is the daughter of Mr and Mrs ??
Skuse, was one of a buload of Andover children who were brought to Wellsville to see a swimming exhibition. When it was time to return to Andover, the bus driver noted that she was missing, and reported her absence upon arriving in Andover.
Many searching parties roamed through Wellsville and
the surrounding area until late Monday night, and sheriffs of beighboring counties were alerted.
The Andover News
Thursday, August 30, 1951
Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse and daughter, Sandra, attended a family get-to-gether picnic at Watkins Glen Saturday.
Seattle Daily Times
October 2, 1951
Skuse—Marie. of 1807 17th Ave., beloved mother of Mrs Louise Norton, George, Charles and Don Skuse; 6 grand-children, 10 great-grandchildren. Rosary this Tuesday evening, 7:30pm, Booth-Ashmore Morturary. Requiem Mass ...
Seattle Daily Times
Thursday, October 4, 1951
Skuse, Marie A—92, 1807 18th Av., Sept 2
Washington Post, Washington DC
October 6, 1951
Skuce, Thomas Wesley. On Wednesday, October 3, 1951, at George Washington Hospital, Thomas Wesley Skuce of 1676 Irvine st. nw., beloved husband of Florence O Skuce and father of Donald Skuce and brother of Mrs Armour H P Taylor. Mr Skuce rests at the Warner E Pumphrey Funeral Home. B434 Georgia ave., Silver Spring, Md., where services will be held on Monday, October 8 at 12 noon. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Please omit flowers
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Monday, November 12, 1951
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Creekside parkway, had as weekend guest
their son-in-law, Pvt. Paul S. Skuce, Ft. Dix, N. J. Their daughter,
Shirley, was unable to accompany her husband here.
New York Times
Thursday, November 22, 1951 (Published in most American newspapers, same day, some different news feeds)
Lou Skuce
Toronto, Nov 21 (Canadian Press) — Lou Skuce, known throughout the English-speaking world for his sport cartoons and other drawings, died yesterday at his drawing board. He was 65 years old.
During the first World War, he was with the psychological warfare branch of the National Defense Department. In the second World War, he produced Government posters and helped promote the sale of Victory bonds.
At one time he was an athlete, and later became a playwright, and actor and a painter of landscapes and portraits.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Thursday, December 6, 1951
Word has received today by Mrs. Gordon Martin that a daughter was born
to Private and Mrs. Paul F Skuce, Ft. Dix, N.H., Mrs Skuce is the former
Shirley Martin.
The Andover News, NY
Thursday, December 13, 1951
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse and son of Dryden were week-end guests at the home of his brother, Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse. Their mother, Mrs Dora Skuse who has been visiitng at the Skuse home here returned to Dryden with them.
Portland Oregonian
Monday, December 24, 1951 / Tuesday, December 25, 1951 / Wednesday, December 26, 1951
Skuse—Dec 23, Mary Cronin, late of 1115 SW 11th ave; daughter of the late Mr and Mrs P J Cronin, sister of Anne Catherine F., Rev William B., and Joseph P Croninl all of Portland. Funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Hennessey. Goestch and McGee. NW 17th and Davis st., ...
Monday, December 24, 1951
Mrs Mary Cronin Skuse, Campbell court hotel, died at her residence Sunday after a long illness and paralysis. Born in Portland, January 13, 1885, she was daughter of the late P J Cronin and the widow of Harper Wainwright Skuse, who died eight years ago. Mrs Skuse also out-lived a son, Harper Wainwright Skuse Jr, who died three years ago. She graduated from St Mary's academy and at one time was an officer in the Fruit and Flower Mission.
Survivors include three brothers. Ambrose Cronin Sr, Rev William B Cronin and Joseph P Cronin, and a sister Katherine Cronin, all of Portland.
Funeral will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St Mary's Cathedral. Recitation of the rosary will be Christmas night at 7:30 p.m. at Hennessey, Geotsch and McGee.
The Daily Record, Rochester
Thursday, January 24, 1952
Marriage Licenses
Sherman J Skuse, 42, manufacturer, Brighton, and Hortense Paddock, 31 Brighton.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Friday, 1 February 1952
Cpl. Paul Skuce, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Creekside
parkway, left today for special assignment at Evansville, Ind., after
spending the week here. Mrs. Skuce and their two-month-old daughter,
Lynda Lee, are remianing here with her parents.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Wednesday, February 6, 1952
St James Catholic Church, Carthage, was the scene Saturday of the marriage of Miss Hortense E Paddock of Lilac Dr, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry E Paddoc of Carthage, to Sherman J Skuse of Lilac Dr, son of Jown W Skuse of Caledonia, and the late Mrs Alice Skuse. The Rev Lawrence Gerrity officated.
The bride was attired in a dark blue silk taffeta gown and a blue lace cap trimmed with seed pearls held her blue shoulder length veil. She carried a white prayer book with stephanotis and white orchid.
Miss Doris J Hubbard, her attendant, also wore dark blue taffeta anda nose lenth veil and carried pink roses.
They are honeymooning in Florida.
The bidre was graduated form the University of Rochester School of Nursing and the School of Anestthesia of the the Universityof Cleveland. Mr Skuse served four years udirng World War 2 with the Army.
Watkins Express
February 13, 1952
The death of Mrs Daniel Skuse occurred last night at the home of her sister, Mrs B L Shay, where she was visiting.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Tuesday, Evening, April 15, 1952
Baptismal Service Held at Findley Lake
Findley Lake—The Methodist church at Findley Lake was the scene of a baptismal service on Palm Sunday. The pastor, Rev Alvin Rhodes baptized two infants, seven children, two young people and one adults.
.. children: .. .Wanda Gayle Skuse and Alvin Eugene Skuse; ...
Republic-Demorcat, Brockport, NY
Thursday, May 29, 1952
Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse of the Lawrence Rd, are the proud parents of a baby girl, Ann Elizabeth, born May 20th at the Lakeside Memorial Hospital.
Utica Daily Press
Tuesday, July 29, 1952
3 are Injured in Car-Bus Crash
A bus passsenger, David Skuse, 27, of 219 Lansing, complained of a bruised right knee.
Newport Mercury
Friday, September 12, 1952
Fougere—Sept 5, 1952, at Newport Hospital, a son to Mr and Mrs Ernest M Fougere (Mary Skuce) of 47 Homer St.
Tonawanda News
Monday, Nov 3 1952
SKUCE - Oct 30, Joseph and Freda Ammerman Skuce, Homeyer Rd, a son,
Michael James, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Thursday, April 30, 1953
Seven Falls Soldiers Return From Europe
The seventh Niagara Falls man is Cpl. Paul E. Skuce, who arrived aboard
the transport, Gen. Hodges.
Geneva Daily Times
Thursday, August 13, 1953
Funeral service for Howard, 68, a lifelong resident of the Town of Phelps, was held this afternoon in his home on Carter Rd.
The Rev A J McMillen, Waterloo, retired Presbyterian minister, officiated. Burial was in Glenwood cemetary.
Bearers were John Chase, Myron Wilson, George Lewis, Edward Gaylord, Lyman Fisher and Francis Millerd.
The Naples Record
Wednesday, August 19, 1953
Bristol Springs
Mrs F H Alford attended the funeral of Howard Skuce, in Oaks Corners, on Friday.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Sunday, August 23, 1953, Page 18
Howard Skuce Dead
Lisbon — Howard Clarence Skuce, 63, former resident of Lisbon, died
Thursday (Aug. 20, 1953) in Ogdensburg, following an illness since last
Thursday when he suffered a heart attack.
Mr. Skuce was born July 2 1890, son of the late John and Agnes Cristy
Skuce. He attended the Ogdensburg schools, and on Oct. 7 1928 he was
married to the former Miss Nellie Whitney of Hammond in a ceremony performed
at the Methodist parsonage, Hammond by the Rev. Mr. Breese. Mr. Skuce
was an electrician most of this life.
He served during World War I and was a member of the American Legion
Post 1342 of Lisbon.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Howard Douglas and daughter, Betty, of
Syracuse. Also three sisters, Miss Mabel Skuce, Lisbon, Mr Charles (Stella)
Green, Gainsville, Fla., Mrs George (Hellen) Bell, Niagara Falls, two
brothers, Edson of Syracuse, Frank, Lisbon, and several nieces, nephews
and cousins.
Ogdensburg Journal
Wednesday, August 26, 1953
Howard Skuce's Funeral Held
Lisbon—Funeral services for Howard Clarence Skuce, who died last Thursday, were held Tuesday a 2 p.m. at the home of his brother, Frank Skuce, Lisbon, with the Rev Donald Kauffman, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, officiating.
Burial followed in the family plot in the Flackville Cemetery.
Bearers were Arthur Mayne, Arthur Harper, Robert Moore, Merril Guasconi, David Arnstrong and Erwith Dezell.
The Republican Newspaper, Fresno, Califronia
Tuesday, October 27, 1953
Mrs Podlipkin died yesterday in a local hospital after a long illness. A native of New York, she was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Fresno. She is survived by her husband, Gregory, an employee of a local packing company; a daughter, Mrs Dorothy West, of Washington;l two brother George and Hiram Skuse of Oregon; two sisters, Mrs Florence Lannin of Chicago, 111, and Mrs Dorothy Bowers of New York, and four grandchildren.
Cedar Rapids Gazette
Wed, Dec 30, 1953
District Court Jury Voides Will of Iowan
Grundy Center (AP)—A district court jury here late Tuesday voided the will of J S Skuse, 86, of Conrad, but Judge Paul Kildee has deferred for at least 30 days a decision on how the $125,000 estate shall be divided up.
Just Kildee deferred an immediate decision on division of the estate after granting 30 days in which a motion for new trial may be filed in the case.
The contest over validity of the will arose after Gordon Barriage of Union, a nephew, filed a challenge. Skuse left $2,000 of his estate to Gordon Barriage. He left a 260-acre farm to Roy Barriage, another nephew. Roy had lived with his uncle several years prior to Skuse's death.
After Skuse died in a mental insitution Dec 31, 1951. Gordon claimed his uncle was not mentally competent at the time the will was drawn, May 7, 1951. He also claimed his brother, Roy, used undue influence.
The jury upheld Gordon's contention and ruled the will invalid.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Sunday, August 30, 1953, Page 7
Howard Skuce's Last Rites
Lisbon - Funeral services for Howard Clarence Skuce, who died Thursday,
Aug. 21. were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home of his brother, Frank
Skuce, Lisbon, with the Rev. Donald Kauffman, pastor of the United Presbyterian
Church officiating. Burial followed in the family plot in the Flackville
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, March 14, 1954
For Handicapped—Walter F Prien, district rehabilitation supervisor, seated, goes over plans for Wednesday's open house with supervisors, Jown W Rushmore, left, and William F Skuse. State will explain program of rehabilitation.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, April 22, 1954
Congrats— Telegram held by John Cummings of Albany, right, assistant director of Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, came from Gov. Dewey. It personally congratulated William F Skuse, left, for service to state.
Veteran Counselor Honored after 37 years with State.
Led by a telegram from Gov. Dewey, oral and written testimonials last night extolled the career of pioneer vocational rehabilitation counselor William F Skuse.
Skuse retired May 1 from the Vocational Rehabilitation Division of the State Education Department after 37 years of contiunous service in state positions.
The governor's message applauded Skuse's "distinguished service" and told him, "on behalf of the people of New York State, I thank you heartily."
Co-workers in Rochester and officals of regional offices in principal cities attended a retirement dinner in the Colony Restaurant. The veteran state employe helped organize both the local rehabilitation office and the Workmen's Compensation Division of the State Labor Department.
John Cummings of Albany, assistant director of the division, eulogized Skuse's career and said through the years Skuse has placed thousands of disabled persons in jobs. Congratulatory messages came from Karl G Kaffenberger, director of the division, and lewis A Wilson, state commissioner of education.
Representing rehabilitation division offices were: Angelo J Cardarelli, Elmira; Edward Simon, Edward Hartwick, Buffalo; Gerald Moyer, Walter Blackenhorn, Utica.
Skuse, who said he has "no hobbies," expressed a desire to "take it easy for awhile. Bit I don't know how long and I may be back looking for a part-time job soon."
A native Rochesterian, he attended East High School, the University of Rochester and Rochester Business Institute. He lives at 121 Woodbine Ave.
Hudon Post-Gazette
June 24, 1954
Newton Skuse, 56, member of the Hillsdale County Board of Supervisors for 15
years and former chairman of the board, died Thursday morning in the Hillsdale
Health Center where he had been a patient for less than an hour. Death was
due to coronary thrombosis. A life long area farmer, Mr. Skuse was born in
Jefferson Township, Jan. 2, 1898, and was a son of Albert and Ida M. Newton
Skuse. On Nov. 15, 1919, he married Golda Fisher and the couple has since
resided on Losey Road.
Mr. Skuse served on the Hillsdale County Board of Supervisors since 1939 and
was chairman in 1951. He was chairman of the Pittsford Farm Bureau and
trustee of the Pittsford Weslyan Methodist Church.
Surviving besides his widow are two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Miller of Hudson and
Mrs. Gladys Rahling of Toledo, O.
Funeral services were held in the Dutcher Funeral Chapel in Hillsdale Sunday
afternoon with Rev. Olson Clark, assisted by Rev. Percy Bonney, officiating.
Burial was in the Leonardson Memorial cemetery at Pittsford.
Smithtown Star, NY
Wednesday, July 7, 1954
Mrs J A Galway
Mrs Harriett Galway, 53, died at her home on North County rd, St James, last Wednesday, following a lingering illness. She was the daughter of Margaret Skuse and Frank Smith and was born in Rochester, NY. She was a resident of St James for 14 years.
Funeral arrangements were made by the O.R. Davis Funeral Home of Smithtown and services were held in Rochester on Friday. Interment took place in the Holy Schulptre Cemetery in Rochester.
Surviving is her husband, J A Galway; one daughter, Mrs Daniel Casey, and two grandchildren, all of St James.
The Toledo Blade
Friday, July 9, 1954
On County Board
Hillsdale, Mich., July 9.
The Hillsdale County board of supervisors has appointed Mrs Golda Skuse as Pittsford Township supervisor to serve the unexpired term of her late husband, Newton Skuse, who died last month.
Los Angeles Times
July 17, 1954
Col John C Skuse
Masonic services for Col John C Skuse, 73, veteran of three wars, past president of the National Sojourners, and past commander of the Heroes of ’76, will be conducted at 3 pm Monday in the chapel of the Sawtelle veterans center. Col Skuse died there Tuesday. He fought in the Spanish American War, rose to the rank of major with the Army infantry in World War I., and was made a colonel while on active duty in World War II.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, August 5, 1954
Thayer— Tuesday, Aug. 3 1954, Pearl Skuse Thayer, of 431 Hayward Ave. She is survived by her husband, Erwin E Thayer; her daughter, Mrs Loraine Cervasi; her son, Woodrow E Thayer, Venice, Fla.; her sisters, Mrs William Pett, Mrs Ray Cooke; one grandson.
—Friends may call at Hedges Memorial Chapel, University Ave., where services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment, Spencerport Cemetery.
Olean Times Herald - Sesqui Centennial (1804-1954)
August 1954, Page 23 I
Church Formed By Four
The first Wesleyan Methodist Church of Olean began with a meeting of four persons in a small cottage at Weston's Mills. The original four members, Mr and Mrs Frank Skuce, a Mr Prince, and William Budgeon have all since died.
The church services were held in the small congregation's homes for several years.
The first evangelistic effort was held at the Weston's Mills Community Church, with Rev G W Sibley as the evangelist. One hundred and five persons attended this service. Such progress resulted in the calling of the Rev J Thomas as the first pastor. Rev Thomas, with aid of others, erected a small church in Weston's Mills.
* * *
Mr Skuce, one of the original members, later obtained permission from Mrs O P Boardman
of Olean to erect a tent on her property for revival meetings. Rev Sibley again was called as evengelist and was later elected pastor to fill the vacancy left when Rev Thomas accepted a call from another chruch.
Rev Sibley filled both the Olean and Weston charges.
The present church building on School St. was erected May 26, 1896. The truestees in charge at that time were Daniel Donverse, John Randolph, Sylvester Eyler and Allen Woodrugg.
* * *
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, September 26, 1954
Other deaths reported yesterday from Western New York:
Miss Keene Skuse, 83, Geneva, Friday.
Star-News, Passedena, California
Friday, October 5, 1954
Lemieux—Mrs Francis Lemieux of 1027 N Lake Ave, passed away Oct 4, 1956. A native of Rochester, New York and resident of Southern California, for the past 50 years. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs Gertrude Kurst, of La Canada, son, Louis Lemieux, of Los Angeles, a niece June Skuse, of La Canada, four grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. Recitation ofthe Rosary Friday 8 pm at Wendell P Cabot & Sons Chapel, 27 Chestnut St. Requiem Mass Saturday at 8:30 am at St Elizabeth's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.
The Belfast Blaze
Thursday, October 21, 1954
Citation for Probate of Will
The People of the State of New York to
Fred A Skuce, Florence Skuce Schacht, Myrtle Skuce Marin, Hazel Skuce Erickson, Lillian Skuce, and John Doe and Jane Roe, (the last two names being fictious and being intended to refer to any and all other distributees)
Portsmouth Herald
30 April, 1955
Mr and Mrs John Skuse Mark Wedding Anniversary
Exeter— Mr and Mrs John T Skuse of 13 Hail Place observed their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house, Sunday, in the home of their daughter, Mrs J Ross Baird, Woodlawn Circle.
The couple received a congratulatory case from Preseident Dwight Eisenhower and telegrams were received from Rep. Chester Mercer, Sen Norris Coton and Perkins Bass, congresman from the second district.
Mr and Mrs Skuse, the former Lennie Moffett, were married April 26, 1905, in St Kieran Church, Berlin, by the Rev Edward Mackey.
Mr Skuse, a native of Somerville, Mass, came to New Hampshire in 1903 and became an apprentice plumber at 12 years of age amd has been in the business for 60 years, retiring four years ago.
Among the 200 guests were Mrs Otta Coulombe of Manchester, sister of Mrs Skuce and her maid of honor, sister of Mrs Skuse and her maid of honor, Louis Moffett, a brother; Mrs Frank Skuse, a sister-in-law, and her son John Skuse, amd J A Herst, all of Bridgewater, Mass., and Mr and Mrs John Renik of West Hartford, Conn.
Also, Mrs Neal Mara and three children of Falmouth, Maine; Miss Helen Coulomb, Mr and Mrs Norman Coulomb and daughter, all of Manchester, Mr and Mrs A E George and daughter, Marilyn, and granddaughter Sandra, of Hartford and Mr and Mrs Fred Shedd of Londonderry.
George Skuse, a brother of Mr Skuse and best man at the couple's wedding, called them form his home in Santa Monica, Calif., during the afternoon.
The couple has a son, Jorn R Skuse, of Washington, DC, a state department worker and a daughter, Mrs Baird, assistant treasurer and manager of the saviings department of the Exeter Banking Co.
Miss Margaret Dufault presented the guest book.
The Castilian
Thursday, July 21, 1955
Mr and Mrs J C Vandyke, Mr and Mrs Harold Roberts, Galland Shisler and Mrs J F Nelson attended the Skuse family reunion at Mr and Mrs Elmer Boyds in Delevan on Sunday.
Tonawanda News
Friday, July 29, 1955
Additional Entires in the Tonawanda NEWS Baby-Pi Contest
Michael James Skuce, born Oct. 30, 1952 to Mr and Mrs. Joseph T Skuce,
MTD 12 Homeyer Rd, North Tonawanda
The Leader-Herald, Gloversville and Johnstown, NY
Wednesday, August 3, 1955,
Page 5
Couple Guards Water Tunnel for Northwest Wilds; 'Hankering for People'
is Lacking
ATOP MOUNT DUBOSE, B.C. - (NEA) - Talk about round pegs in rounds holes,
Herb Skuce and his wife take the cake.
Their job is to sit up on this mountain, guard the flow of water through
the intake of the 10-mile tunnel to the gigantic power plant of the
Aluminum Co., Canada's new smelter at Kitimat, give daily weather reports
and be ready to shut off the reservoir water if necessary.
The Skuces have been up here more than a year and have only had a handful
of visitors. They consider this an ideal working condition. The helicopter
which brings supplies and mail every 2 weeks frequently doesn't even
shut off its engine, this making conversation unnecessary.
<article continues>
The Forum, San Miguel, Colorado
September 23, 1955
In Naturita
Mrs. Helen Skuce from Canada came Friday to visit her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Piele, for a few days. The Pieles met her in Montrose.
Wellsville Daily Reporter
Saturday, December 31, 1955
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse and son David and Mrs Dora Skuse of Dryden spent the Christmas holidays with his brother and family, Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse.
Tonawanda News, NY
Thursday, April 12 1956
County Transcripts, Deeds
Paul E. Skuce to Mathew and Rachel Gozdowiak, Wheatfield
Utica Observer Dispatch
Tuesday, May 1, 1956
Mrs Ellen Skuse, Clayville
Mrs Ellen Skuse, Native of Morris
Clayville—Mrs Ellen Skuse, 89, died April 30, 1956 in Harding Nursing home in Waterville following a long illness. She had been a patient for six months.
She was born in Morris, Nov 6, 1856, daughter of Charles and Hannah Stenson Deming. On Aug 24, 1884 she was married in South New Berlin to Arlington Skuse of Michigan.
The couple came to Clayville in 1918. Mr Skuse died two years later.
For 10 years Mrs Skuse made her home with the late Mrs Edith Linsdy of Churst St, this village.
She attended the Pilgrim Congregational Church.
Survivors include a niece, Mrs ?? Edward, ??
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 Friday in the Francis W Fisk Funeral Home, 220 Oneids St, Chadwicks, the Rev Carl Yettru, pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational Church, officiating. Burial will be in Morris Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Thursday.
Utica Daily Press
Wed, May 2, 1956
Skuse—On Monday, April 20, 1956, Mrs E?? Skuse of ?? wife of the late ?? Skuse. Funeral ?? from the ?? Fisk Funeral Home. ?? Chadwicks ??
Attica News, NY
Thursday, August 2, 1956
Mrs Gordon Stevens, Clayton, Janet and baby, Wayne attended the Skuse reunion at the Gainesville park on Sunday. Callers at their home on Sunday included Mr and Mrs John VanDyke of Bliss, Mr and Mrs Harold Altoff of LaGrange, and Mr and Mgrs Milton Ewell and family of Beth-
Niagara Falls Gazette
Thursday, August 7, 1956
Skuse—To Mr and Mrs Arthur Skuse, 1815 Linwood Ave, Aug 5, 1956, a daughter.
Richfield Springs Mercury
Thursday, October 4, 1956
Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse and son, David of Dryden, spent the weekend with his brother and family, Mr and Mrs Glenn Skuse, on Park Street.
Star News, Pasadena
Friday, October 5, 1956
Lemieux—Mrs Francis Lemieux of 1027 N Lake Ave, passed away Oct 4, 1956. A native of Rochester, New York and a resident of Southern California for the part 50 years. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs Gertrude Kirst, of La Canada; son Louis Lemieux of Los Angeles, a niece June Skuse, of La Canada, four grandchildren, and twelve great grandchildren. Recitation of the Rosary Friday 8 p.m. at Wendell P Cabot & Son Chapel, 27 Chestnut St. Requiem Mass Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at St Elizabeth's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, October 7, 1956
William F Skuse succumbs at 69
William F Skuse, 69, of 121 Woodbine Ave, a member of pioneer Rochester family and veteran state employe who retired 2-1/2 years ago, died early today (Oct 7, 1956) at St Mary's Hospital.
Mr Skuse, who would have been 70 on Thursday, was employed by the state for 37 years prior to his retirement. He helped organize the Rochester office of the Division of Workmen's Compensation of the State Department of Labor in 1917.
After working on the compensation staff until 1926, he was transferred to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and helped organize its Rochester office. On his retirement, he was lauded by Albany officials for his placing of thousands of disabled persons in jobs throughout the Rochester area.
Before entering state service, Mr Skuse was an employee of the Rochester Gas & Electric Corp, for seven years. He attended the East High School, University of Rochester, and the Rochester Business Institute.
At one time, he was a local representative of the Civil Service Employees Assn, a member of the National Rehabilitation Assn, and the Rochester Chapter of the National Vocational Guidance Assn.
Mr Skuse also was a member of the 19th Ward Republican Club, Monroe Avenue Methodist Church and Theta Delta Chi, national college fraternity. Surviving are his wife, Mrs Caroline Clunies Skuse, a daughter, Mrs Norman Millard, a grandson and a brother Joseph T Adams.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, October 9, 1956
SKUSE— Sunday, October 7, 1956, William Skuse of 121 Woodbine Ave. He is survived by his wife, Caroline C Skuse; his daughter, Mrs Norman Millard; his grandson, Roger Millard; his brother, Joseph T Adams.
—Friends may call from 2-5 and 7-9 o'clock at Hedges Memorial Chapel, University Ave, where services will be held Wednesday afternnon at 2 o'clock, the Rev Glenn Bucher officating. Interment Mt Hope Cemetery.
Redlands Daily Facts
Thursday, January 24, 1957
Skuse—Born in Redlands, Cal. January 24, 1957, at Redlands Community hospital, to Mr and Mrs George Skuse, 816 San Jacinto street, a daughter.
Springfield Union, Massachusetts
Thursday, February 21, 1957
Trial for Skuce
Ottawa, Feb 20 (AP)—Nels Skuce, 19-year-old fast ball artist who pitched for Ottawa St. Anthony's in the Quebec Senior League last year was signed by the Toronto Maple Leafs of the International Basball League today.
Tonawanda News
Thursday, August 29, 1957
SKUCE - Aug 25, Joseph and Freda Ammerman Skuce, Homeyer Rd, North
Tonawanda, a daughter, Nancy Lou in DeGraff Memorial Hospital.
Los Angeles Times
October 5, 1957
Marriage Licenses Issued
Wood—Skuse, G. 50, J. 43
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, October 12, 1957
*Appears to be error, as Caroline is nee Avery, her sister is Margaret Skuse, nee Avery. Cousin is May Waterman, nee Skuse.
Mrs Lena Wood
Phelps, Oct 11—Mrs Lena Wood, 73, widow of George Wood, died in Geneva General Hospital last night (Oct 10, 1957) after a long illness.
She was a daughter of the late George and Caroline Skuse Taylor and was a lifelong resident of the Town of Phelps.
She leaves several nieces and nephews.
Friends may call at the Eacker Funeral Home Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. A service will be at 2:30 pm Sunday. The Rev Leonard Whitney of the Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Dobbins Cemetery. Waterloo.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, October 28, 1957
SKUSE— Mrs Jessie A Skuse, widow of Richard G Skuse, of 987 Glide St., Saturday, Oct. 26 1957. Survived by three daughters, Mrs Jessie Clark, Mrs Shaw (Rita) Scott, and Mrs Quinton (Maude) Radner; three sons, Charles and William Skuse and an adopted son, Clarence Arthmann; fifteen grandchildren; one great-grandchild; one brother, Frank Marvin; several nieces and nephews. She was a member of Grace Presbyterian Church.
—Friends may call at Miller Brothers Funeral Home, 474 Lyell Ave., from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. Services on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'lcok. Rev William Slough officiating. Interment, Mt Hope. Albany papers please copy.
Boston Globe
Monday, November 4, 1957
SKUSE— In Arlington, Nov. 3. formerly of Canton, Margaret T. Ward Skuse. of 64 Lake St., wife of Edward H. Skuse Sr., Mother of Edward H. Skuse Jr., funeral from the Daniel F. O'Brien Funeral Home. 226 Massachusetts av., Arlington. Wednesday at 8 a.m. Requiem High Mass at St. Jerome s Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Thursday Evening, November 7, 1957
Miss Ila Hubbard, Buffalo, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse, over the weekend.
Mrs Richard Skuse is a patient in St Vincent's Hospital, Erie.
Long Islander, Huntonton, New York
Thursday, November 28, 1957
Legal Notice
State of New York Supreme Court; Suffolk County
Town of Smithtown, Plaintiff
James R Skuse and "Mary" Skuse, his wife, if any, the name "Mary" being fictitious, the true first name being unknown to plaintiff, ...
Tonawanda News
Monday, December 2, 1957
SKUCE - Nov 26, Paul and Shirley Martin Skuce, 122 Center Ave., North
Tonawanda, a son, Martin Paul, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital.
Tonawanda News
Monday, February 3, 1958
Legal Records - Mortgages
Joseph T and Freda Skuce, Homeyer Road, Wheatfield to Niag S&L Assn.,
Tonawanda News
Saturday, April 12, 1958,
Page 12
Here are some of the First entires in NEWS Baby - Pic
Martin Paul Skuce
122 Center Ave
North Tonawanda
The Hartford Courant, Connecticut
Friday, May 2, 1958
Mr and Mrs Neil Pierson announce the marriage of their grandson, Ray Pierson Daley, to Miss Barbara Skuce, daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Skuce of Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Albuquerque Journal, New Mexico
Friday, May 9, 1958
Miss Valerie Skuse, a junior in the college of arts and sciences, will represent the NROTC unit, ...
Miss Skuse is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and UNM anthropology club. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Skuse, Naha, Okinawa.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Wednesday, July 30, 1958
Area Couple is Married
Miss Nancy Marie Martin was married to Harry Clayton Everly in the United
Prebyterian Church, Town of Niagara, on July 6, 1958
The Rev. William J DeVine officated at the ceremony uniting the daughter
of Mr and Mrs Gordon L Martin, Creekside Pkwy, and the son of Mrs
Fannie Everly, 78th St., and the late Mr Everly, in matrimony.
Mrs Paul E Skuce, North Tonawanda, was matron of honor for her sister
and the bridesmaids were Miss Nacy Lee Everly, sister of the bridegroom,
and Miss Barbara Ann Townsend. The bride's niece, Miss Lynda Skuce,
was the flower girl.
Joseph Cadima was best man for his nephew, and the ushers were Robert
Dally and Rex ??lydall, Bellefonte, Pa., Joseph Chadima, the bridegroom's
cousin, was ringbearer.
Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Exempts Club House,
Military Rd.
The couple will be at home at 2147 North Ave.
Boston Globe
Monday, October 20, 1958
SKUSE— In Arlington, Oct. 19. Edward H. Skuse Sr., of 64 Lake st., husband of the late Margaret (Ward) Skuse. Father of Edward H. Skuse Jr. Funeral from the Daniel F. O'Brien Funeral Home, 226 Mass. av., Arlington. Wednesday, at 8:00 a.m. Requiem High Mass at St. Jerome's Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday 3 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
The Pittsburgh Press
Sunday, December 14, 1958
Totzke – On Friday, Dec 12, 1958, William F, of 809 Middle St, N Braddock, husband of the late Catherine Sohn Totzkel father of Mrs Ruth Skuce of Youngstown, O.; also survived by four grandchildren. Fridends (family hours 2-4 and 7-9) received at the Elkin Mortuary, Fourth St., N Braddock. Services Monday, at 1 o'clock.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, Dec 22, 1958
Lena A Skuse, 81, Dies
Geneva, Dec 21 — Miss Lena A Skuse, 81, registered nurse who retired only two years ago, died unexpectedly at 6:30 tonight (Dec 21, 1958) in Geneva General Hosptial to which she was admitted in the afternoon.
Miss Skuse was widely known in this area where she had resided most of her life. She graduated from old New York Hosptial, was head floor nurse at the Thompson Memborial Hospital in Phelps for many yeras, was school nurse in Corning and for 17 years was a nurse at the Lockland School in Geneva.
For the past five years Miss Skuse had lived with her sister-in-law, Mrs Mabel Skuse at 144 Pulteney St.
Despite her years, Miss Skuse was very active. She attended services as usual this morning at the North Presbyterian Church of which she was a 50-year member. She was active in the Oaks Corners Prebyterian Missionary Society and the Golden Agers Club.
The survivors are a niece and two cousins.
Friends may send memorials to the National Heart Fund and may call at the Eaker Funeral Home, Phelps, 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 pm. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
The Geneva Times
Friday, December 26, 1958
Phelps—Funeral services for Miss Lena Skuse, Pulteney St, Geneva, were held Wednesday afternoon in the Eacker Funeral Home with the Rev John Laske, pastor of North Prebyterian Church, officiating. Burial was in Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva.
Bearers were Dever Fisher, George Treadwell, Kenneth Gaylord, William Brown, George Chase and George Lewis.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Saturday Evening, January 3, 1959
Findley Lake
Mr and Mrs Donald Chapman, Buffalo, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse. Mrs Chapman is the former Ida Hubbard. Mr and Mrs Henry Moore were also guests.
Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse and daughter were guests Christmas Day of Mr Skuse's mother, Mrs Mercedes Skuse, Collins Center.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, March 10, 1959
School Willed $300 by Woman in Geneva
Canandaigua, March — The will of Mrs Lena B Skuse of Geneva, filled for probate in the Ontario County Surrogate's Office, makes a $300 bequest to the Lochland School in Geneva and provides for several personal bequests.
Principal beneficiaries in the will are a niece, Mrs Helen Mowers, and a sister-in-law, Mrs Mabel Skuse, both of Geneva.
Mrs Mowers will receive by the terms fo the will gifts of household furniture and dishes, proceeds from half of the sale price of the Skuce family farm in the Town of Phelps, amounting to $4,850, and five shares of Market Basket Corp stock. Mrs Skuse was willed furniture and dishes and 10 shares of E L duPont Co stock.
The will also provides for gifts in American Telephone & Telegraph Co stock to Janet, Barbara, Mary, David and Elwood Mowers, all of Geneva.
The will is dated in May, 1955.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, June 27, 1959
Annoucement is made of the engagement of Miss Sharon Lee Hayes to Franklin Jon Skuse II.
Miss Hayres is the daughter of Mrs Mary D Hayes of MCKinley Street. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Samuel J Skuse of Rocket Street.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Saturday Evening, August 1, 1959
Findley Lake
MRs Richard Skuse and daughters, Wanda and Anita, spent the weekend with Mrs Skuse's daughter, Mrs Donal Chapman, Buffalo.
Dale Shields, son of Mrs and Mrs Wilbur Shields, Lousiville, Ky., is visiting Alvin Skuse.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
10 Nov 1959
County Transcripts
Cecil A. Ammerman Sr. to Joseph and Lillian M. Skuce, North Tonawanda
Joseph Skuce and Lillian L. Skuce. North Tonawanda, to the Niagara Savings
and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $7.900.
Ogdenburg Advance News
Sunday, Nov 15, 1959, Page 19
Mrs. Alvin Petrie Dies
Hammond — Mrs. LaVerna Marshall Petrie, 86. wife of Alvin Petrie.
died in Hepburn Hospital at 8 p.m., Friday (Nov. 13. 1959). Mrs. Petrie
had been admitted to the hospital Tuesday evening. She had been in failing
health for some time, Mr. and Mrs. Petrie, former residents of Chippewa
Bay, had lived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Layng of the Heuvelton
road, since last August.
Funeral services for Mrs. Petrie will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the
Eustis Funeral Home. The Rev. J. Vincent Crawford, minister of the Presbyterian
Church of this village, will officiate. Burial will be in Ingham cemetery.
Brier Hill.
Surviving Mrs. Petrie besides her husband, who is a patient in Hepburn
Hospital, are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Cora LaFountain. Watertown: her stepmother,
Mrs. Margaret Marshall, Ithaca; two half brothers, Allen and Clarence
Marshall, Ithaca: two half-sisters, Mrs Oliver Neigh, Ithaca, and Mrs.
Mabel Marshall Skuse, Geneva: and several nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Petrie was born at Lynr. Ont., Oct. 1, 1873. the daughter of Jefferson
and Mary Ann
Daniels Marshall. She came to the United States to live when she was
a young girl. On Sept. 23. 1937 she was married to Alvin Petrie of Chippewa
Bay, at Watertown. by the Rev. Frederick Tiffany, then pastor of the
First Baprtist Church of Watertown. Following their marriage. Mr. and
Mrs. Petrie lived at Chippewa Bar where they were proprietors of summer
camp for many years.
Mrs Petrie was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Hammond.
The Record from Hackensack
Friday, March 4, 1960
Mass For Former Hackensack Resident Ta Be Tomorrow
Hackensack — A solemn requiem mass for Mrs. Rebecca Patchell will be offered tomorrow at 9:30 A. M. in Holy Trinity R. C. Church. Interment will follow at St. Mary's Cemetery, New York. Mrs. Patchell died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anastasia Funke of 160 Lake End Road, Green Pond. She was formerly of this City and Bogota. Born in Ireland, Mrs. Patchell was a member of the Rosary Society of Holy Trinity Church which will meet at 4 P. M. today to recite the rosary at the Gormley Community Funeral Home, 335 Union Street. In addition to Mrs. Funke, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Horn; and 2 grandchildren.
The Geneva Times
Saturday, May 14, 1960
Geneva—Final rites for Mrs Mae Skuse Abrahms, wife of Toby Abrahms of 12 Pine St, were held this morning in the Bennett Funeral Home. The Rev Lewis F Bachman, pastor of First Methodist Church, officiated, assisted by the Rev Lullus Bell, Elmira.
Burial in Glenwood Cemetery.
Berers were James Brooks, William Gilbert, Harry Krayer, and Floyd Wheeler.
Mrs Abrahms died Tuesday afternoon in Genevea General Hospital.
Jamestown Post-Journal
Wednesday, June 1, 1960
John J Skuce
Former Local Resident Dies in Auto Crash
John J Skuce, 41, Killed in Nevada Accident Monday
John J Skuce, 41, of Long Beach, Calif., a former Jamestown resident, was killed in a two car accident at Hawthorne, Nev., Monday (May 30, 1960).
Mr Skuce lived with his aunt Mrs Frank Stein, 711 Cherry Street, Jamestown for some time. He was a member of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church and had been employed by the Pennsylvania Gas Company here.
He left his city four years ago to work for the Douglas Aircraft Corporation in California. During World War II Mr Skuce served with the 138th Engineer Corps of the U.S. Army. He worked on the construction of the Alcan Highway and served in the European Theater.
Mr Skuce was born in Sharon, Pa., Feb 3, 1919 to Charles and Grace Williams Skuce.
His survivors include his brother, Gerald Skuce, Erie, Pa; three aunts, Mrs Frank Stein, Jamestown, Miss Agnes Skuce, Cleveland O., nad Mrs Gertrude Scarskaden, Erie, Pa; several nieces and nephews.
Boyd Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Knickerbocker News, Albany, NY
Wednesday, July 13, 1960
Mrs Skuse, Syracuse Man Wed
Mrs Genevieve Skuse of Albany and Karl H Thiesing, retired exective secretary of the New York State Publishers Association, were married Saturday in the Syracuse Liederkranz Club, Syracuse. The Rev Morris Skinner of Firth Lutheran Church, Albany, officiated.
Mrs Thiesing was engaged in the real estate business in Rochester for many years, and also was active in civic affairs there.
Mrs Katherine Curran attender her mother, and Robert Thiesing was best man for his father.
The couple left for a brief honeymoon, and will live at 84 Manning Blvd. on their return.
Albany Times-Uniuon
Wednesday, July 13, 1960
Karl Thiesing and Albany Woman Wed
Karl H Thiesing, retired executive of the New York State Publics Assn, and Mrs Genevieve Skuse of Albany were married July 9 at the Syracuse Liederkranz Club, the Rev Morris Skinner, pastor of the First Lutheran Church of Albany officiated.
Mrs Thiesing's daughter, Mrs Katherine Curran, attended her mother and Mr Thiesin's son, Robert, was best man for his father. Mrs Thiesin is well known in Rochester where she was engaged in the real estate business for many years and also in civic affairs.
A reception was held at the club following the ceremony. On their return from a wedding trip. Mr and Mrs Thiesing will reside at 84 Manning Blvd.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, July 15, 1960
Genevieve Skuse Syracuse Bride
Former Rochesterian Mrs Genevieve Skuse and Karl H Thiesing of Syracuse were married Saturday, July 9, in the Liderkranz Club, Syracuse. The Rev Morris Skinner of the First Lutheran Church of Albany performed the ceremony, first to take place in the Syracuse club.
Mrs Katerhine Curran was matron of honor for her mother. Robert Thiesing was best man for his father.
The new Mrs Thiesing lived at Genesee Park Boulevard while she was engaged in the real estate business in this city
Jamestown (NY), Post-Jorunal
Wednesday Evening, August 3, 1960
Findley Lake
Mr and Mrs Donald Chapman, Buffalo, visited their parents, Mr and MRs Richard Skuse, and family.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, August 4, 1960
Gordon Stevens attended the Skuse family reunion at the firemen's hall in Gainesville on Sunday.
The Greater Castilian and the New Letchworth Leader
Thursday, August 11, 1960
Bliss News Notes
Mr and Mrs John VanDyke, Mrs J F Nelson and Mr and Mrs Harold Roberts attended the Skuse reunion held at Gainesville Fire Hall Sunday.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, August 12, 1960
Boy Suffers Arm Cut in Fall Through Pane
Thomas P Skuse, 7, son of Mr and Mrs Sherman Skuse, 4 Lochnaver Pkwy, Pittsford, suffered a left arm cut when he fell through a storm door window while palying in his home about 12:30 pm yesterday. He was treated at Genesee Hospital. Sheriff's Depty Kenneth Stevens and a baby sitter gave first aid before Thomas went to the hospital
Redlands Daily Facts
Saturday, February 25, 1961
Skuse—Born, a son, to Mr and Mrs George Skuse, 66-376 West Fourth street, Desert Hot Springs, Feb 24, 1961, at Redlands Community hospital.
Boston Herald
Saturday, May 27, 1961
Skuse—In Arlington, May 25, Edward H Skuse of 64 Lake St, son of the late Edward H and Margaret (Ward) Skuse. Funeral from the Daniel F O'Brien Funeral Home, 226 Mass Ave, Arlington, Monday at 8 a.m. Requiem High Mass at St Jerome's Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Western New-York - Wyoming County Times, Warsaw, NY
Thursday, August 3, 1961
Mr and Mrs Gordon Stevens and family and mr and Mrs Clayon Stevens
attended the Skuce Family Reunion on Sunday at the Gainesville Park.
The Geneva Times
Monday, November 6, 1961
Mrs Margaret Marshall
Geneva—Mrs Margaret May Marshall, 97, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs Mabel R Skuse, 144 Pulteney St., after a long illness.
Funeral service will be at 1pm.m Wednesday, in the Corwin Funeral Home 408 S Main St. with the Rev. G. Howard Mickelsen, retired pastor of Oaks Corners Prebyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Lakeview Cemetery, Ithaca.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow.
Mrs Marshall was born in Edwardsville, St Lawrence County, on Sept 28, 1864, daughter of the late Michael and Margaret Kelley. She was a resident of Ithaca from 1916 through 1951 when she came to Geneva to reside with her daughtyer. She is the widow of Jefferson M Marshall who died in 1921. She was a member of Oaks Corners Prebyterian Church.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs Oliver Neigh of Ithica; and Mrs Skuse of Geneva; two sons, Clarence Marshall of Ithaca; and Allen Marshall of Ludlowville, NY, four granchildren; fifteen great-grandchilren; and four great-great grandchildren; a half sister, Mrs Gertude Tey TenEyck, Waterloo; two half brothers, Ernest and Delbert Kelley, both of Edwardsville, NY.
Kissimmee Valley Gazette, Florida
Thursday, December 7, 1961
Kow Kaital Winners — ... Kate Skuse ...
Portsmouth Herald
Wednesday Evening, December 19, 1961
Mrs John T Skuse
Exeter—Mrs Lennie H Skuse, wife of John T Skuse of 13 Hall Place, died lat night at an Epping nursing home.
Born June 22, 1893 in Berlin, she was the daughter of the late John and Ellen (Mullaney) Moffett.
Mrs Skuse had lived in Exeter more than 55 year and celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary in 1955. She was a charter member of Pekawauket Council of ?? Degree of Pocahontas and was a comm?? of St Michael's Church.
Besides her husband survivors include a son, J Richard Skuse, of Washington, DC; a daughter Mrs J Ross Beard of Exeter, a sister, Mrs Alice Aiken of Newark, NJ; a brother, Louis J Moffett of Ph??, Va.; several nieces and nephews.
Skuse—Lennie H Skuse of Exeter, died Dec 18. Funeral from the Exeter Funeral Home, Fri morning, 8 am, followed by a high Mass of requiem at St Michae's Church, 9 o'clock. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 pm. tonight. Tomorrow afternoon and evening at their convenience. Burial in Exeter Cemetery.
The Desert Sentinel, California
Thursday, February 1, 1962
Leaving Church: Sylvia Ennis, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Ennis, Palm Springs, becomes bridge of Gerald William Skuse, son of Mr and MRs George Skuseof Desert Hot Springs. Couple were married at St Paul's Church of the Desert in Palm Springs. Reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs George Skuse in Desert Hot Springs.
The Ogdensburg Advance
Sunday, Feburary 4, 1962
Widow of Roy Castle Died Feb 2
Mrs Mary Castle, widow of the late Roy Castle, residing at 428 Patterson St., died at the Hepburn Hospital Saturday about 1:30pm, following an illness of about 2 months. Funeral services will be held from the Ramsdell-Ewart Funeral Home, Tuesday at 2:00pm, with the Rev Bruce G Tucker, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be at the Ogdensburg Cemetery.
Mrs Castle was born about 74 years ago near Ottawa, Canada, daughter of the late Alexander and Mary Utter Christie. She came to Ogdensburg at an early age with her parents and was a graduate of Ogdensburg Free Academy and the Ogdensburg training class.
After teaching school for five years, she was united in marriage to the late Roy Castle, by the Rev W C Macintyre in 1919 at her home in Ogdensburg. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church.
Mrs Castle last worked with the Ogdensburg Savings and Loan association as secretary-treasurer. Friends may call at the Funeral Home Monday afternoon and evening and until the time of funeral Tuesday, at their convenience.
Survining Mrs Castle are the following cousins: Frank Skuce and Miss Mabel Skuce, Lisbon, NY, Helen Skuce Bale, Niagara Falls, NY; Stella Skuce Green, Gainsville, Fla, Edson Skuce, Syracuse, NY.
Washington Post, Washington DC
February 10, 1962
Plott, Mary F
On Wednesday, February 7, 1962, at her residence, 4008 82d ave, Forestville, Md, Mary F Plott, the beloved wife of the late Henry C Plott; mother of Mrs Virginia Manin??, Mrs Iva Jeannette Newhorn, Mrs Ina F Sweeney and Donald G Plott; sister of Mrs Ethel Horten, Mrs Harriett Thompson Shell, James and Roy Skuce. Also survived by six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services at the Simmons Bros Funeral Home, 1661 Good Hope rd se. (parking facilities), on Monday, February 12, at 10:30 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. (Providence, R.I., papers please copy.)
Chautauqua News
Thursday, March 15, 1962
Findley Lake Girl Scouts Observe Golden Anniversary.
Findley Lake Girl Scout Leaders, from left to right: Mrs Richard Skuse, Neighborhood Chairman, ...
Schenectady Gazette, NY
Monday, May 7, 1962
Mrs MacAffer was reported in fair condition at Harford Memorial Hosptial
in Havre DeGrace.
Police said Mrs MacAffer and her mother, who were en route to Chevy
Chase, Md., to visit Mrs. Walter Skuce, also a daughter of Mrs. Shafer,
were thrown from their car onto the pavement. The Inatomes were pinned
in the wreckage.
A date for Mrs MacAffer's hearing will be set after her recovery, authorities
Albany Times Unions
Monday, May 7, 1962
Arrest of Mrs MacAffer ordered in Car Fatalities
Mrs Kenneth S MacAffer wife of New York State Supreme Court Justice Kenneth S MacAffer of Menands, has been ordered placed under arrest on a "manslaughter by automobile charge, Maryland State Police said yesterday.
Mrs Shafer was a passenger in the MacAffer car. She and her daughter were on their way to visit Mrs Shaffer's other daughter, Mrs Walter Skuce, at Chevy Chase, Md., a Washington suburb.
Mrs MacAffer and Mrs Skuce and their children are Mrs Shafer's only survivors, according to Justice MacAffer.
Kickerbocker News, Albany, NY
Wednesday, May 9, 1962 (Also in Albany Times-Union, same day)
Shafer—Louella Soley Shafet, at Aberdeen, Maryland, May 5, 1962, widow of Martin L Shafer, mother of Mrs Kenneth S MacAffer of Menands and Mrs Walter C Skuce of Chevy Chase, Maryland, grandmother of Kenneth S MacAffer Jr and Duncan S MacAffer of Menands and Richard Skuce of Missouri; also survived by one great-grandchild.
Oneonta Star, NY
Friday, April 20, 1962
Four Norwich Institution to Benefit under terms of $6 Million Peckham Will
Nowirch—Four Norwich insutitions stand to receive sustantial benefits according to terms of a will filed for probate Thursday morning.
The Will indicates the institutions will share in the estate of Mrs Mary M Peckham in which had been valued at $5,914,923.79.
Mrs Peckham also left $10,000 in trust for Hazel Skuce, Warren, R.I., a second cousin; ...
Mrs Peckham died April 6 in Tiverton. Her will was made out October 14, 1959.
Utica Observer-Dispatch
Wednesday, June 27, 1962
Church vows for Couple
Miss Shirley Marie Green and Robert Lee Skuse exchanged marriage vows at noon June 9 in a double ring ceremony at Dryer Memorial Church. The Rev Laverne Dibble officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Green, 1212 Erie St, and Mrs Skuse is the son of Mrs Abbie Skuse, 703 Oswego St., and the late Mr Thomas Skuse.
Mrs Esther Stefanski sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Richard Skuse served as best man for his brother. The new Mrs Skuse is employed by the F W Woolworth Co, at the New Hartford shopping center, and her husband is employed by Oneida Electronics. The couple is residing at 1215 Erie St.
Attica News, NY
Thursday, August 2, 1962
Mr and Mrs Clayton Stevens and Mr and Mrs Gordon Stevens and family attended the Annual Skuse Reunion on Sunday, July 29 at Gainesville Park.
Oakland Tribute
Sunday, August 12, 1962
Klein, Helene, of 16 Estates Drive, Orinda, August 10, 1962, beloved wife of Wilhelm Klein, loving daughter of the late Marie Skuce, loving sister of George A Skuce of San Leandro, Louis J Skuce, of Lalaville, Nicholas A Skuce of El Monte, Martin J Skuce of Glendora, daughter-in-law of Mr and Mrs Igaz Klein; sister-in-law of Fred and Louise Klein, Mrs Elsie Skuce, Mrs Mabel Skuce, Mrs Klum Skuce and Mrs Ida Skuce. A native of Oakland.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the New Mortiary of C P Bannon, 5800 East 14th Street, Oakland, Tuesday, Aguust 14, at 8:45 a.m. thence to Corpus Chrsti Church, 322 St James Drive, ??mont, for a Requiem Mass commencing at 9:00 a.m. Recitiation of the Rosary Monday eventing at 8 o'clock. Entombent St Joseph's Mausoleum, San Pablo (For further information please call No 2-1011).
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, August 20, 1962
Carol Anne Skuse Betrothed
Mr and Mrs Charles W Skuse of Albermarle Street announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Carol Anne Skuse to William DeForrest Coffey, son of Mr and Mrs Louis J Coffey of Ridge Road West.
The engagement was solemnized in a formal engagement ceremony Tuesday evening in St Joseph's Church.
New York Times
September 23, 1962
Atherton, Calif, Sept 62—Mr and Mrs Harrison Johnston, have announced the engagement of thier daughter, Miss Betsy Shaw...
Springfield Union
Saturday, November 3, 1962
Edward H Healy
North Adam—Edward H Healy, 61, of 8 Rock St, a lifelong resident of North Adams,
died Friday while at work at the Budd Co., Polychem Division, the former Brightwater Paper Co. plant in Adams. Mr Healy was the son of the late Patrick and Margaret (Skuce) Healy. He was graduated from St Joseph's Elementary and High Schools, During World War II he served with the Army Medical Department. He was a member of St Francis Church and had been employed by the paper company for 230 years. He leaves four sisters. Miss Ann T Healy, with home he made his home, Miss Catherine F Healy of Pittsfield, retired principal of the Russell School in that city, Mrs John Sheehan and Mrs Margaret Henderson, also of Pittsfield; two brothers, William F Healy of this city and Rich...
Edward H Healy of North Adams, in Adams Friday, Funeral Monday at 9 in St Francis Church, North Adams.
The Sunday Star, Washington, D.C.
December 2, 1962
Mr and Mrs Robert A Byrne of Kansas City, Mo. announces the engagement of their daughter Margaret Mary to Mr Richard Alan Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs Walter C Skuce of Kenwood, Md. A February wedding is planned.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, December 21, 1962
Detective said 'Poor'
Detective Richard N Skuse, 59, was reported in "poor" condition at St Mary's Hospital yesterday. He suffered a stroke at his home. 107 Elmerston Road, Wednesday afternoon.
Rochester Demoract and Chronicle
Tuesday, December 25, 1962
Services for Detective Richard N Skuse set for Thursday
A funeral service for Detective Richard N Skuse, 59, of 107 Elmerston Road, will be held at 2 pm Thursday, Dec 27 in the NJ Miller's Son Funeral Home, 1625 Mt Hope Ave.
Mr Skuse, a member of the Rochester Police Bureau since July 1, 1938, died in St Mary's Hospital yesterday (Dec 24, 1962)
of a stroke.
After being appointed the the bureau, Mr Skuse worked out of the old Fifth Precint in Lyell Avenue. He also served in the Traffic Division before being named a detective June 1, 1947.
For the last severl years, he had been on the detective squad which investigate bogus check cases. He was a member of the Police Benoevolent Association and Locust Club.
Mr Skuse was born here, Skuse Street was named for his family, which once operated a cooperage at Davis Street and Finney Street for making barrels.
He leaves his widow, Mennetta, a son, Richard H Skuse of Pittsford; three sisters, Mrs Katherine Fitzgerald, Mrs Beatrice Fitzgerald and Mrs Bessie Manga, four grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Burial will bein Mt Hope Cemetery.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Thursday, December 27, 1962
Skuse— Richard N Skuse of 107 Elmerston Rd, Dec 24, 1962. He is surivived by his wife Mennetta Mielke Skuse, on son, Richard H Skuse of Pittsford, three sisters, Mrs Katherine Fitzgerald, Mrs Beatrice Fitzgerald and Mrs Bessie Mangonl four grandchildrenl several nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Police Benevolent Association and the Locust Club.
— Friends may call Wednesday, 305 and 7-9 p.m. at N.J. Miller's Son Funeral Home, 1625 Mount Hope Ave, where services will be held Tursday afternnon at 2. Interment, Mount Hope Cemetery.
Jamestown Post Journal
Thursday, March 14, 1963
Findley Lake
Mr and Mrs Donald Chapman, Buffalo, are parents of a son born last week in Mercy Hospital. Mrs Chapman is the former Ilya Hubbard, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richras Skuse.
Niagara Falls Gazette
Sunday, March 17, 1963
Miss Penny M Skuse
Mr and Mrs Arthur Skuse, Linwood Avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Peggy Marle Skuse to Robert Earl Fox, son of Mr and Mrs Fred Fox, Oil City, Pa.
Miss Skuse is a graduate of Niagara Falls High School and is employed by Hooker Chemical Corp.
Mr Fox attended Grove City College, Grove City, Pa., and is now attending evening classes at the State University at Buffalo. He is employed by Internation Cooperage Co.
Tonawanda News
Wednesday, March 20, 1963
Stock Club
Skuse—March 6, Ronald and Noelle Cummer Skuse, 75 N Nicholas Drive, a daughter, Kelly Anne, in Kenmore Mercy Hospital.
The Clymer Independent
March 28, 1963
Findley Lake
Mrs Richard Skuse has returned from Buffalo where she spent the past week assisting her daughter. Mrs Donald Chapman, who with her infant son, recently returned home from the hospital.
Ossining Citizen Register
Thursday, April 11, 1963
Warwick, Percy Victor - of Kensworth Road, Rye, NY. Suddenly April 9, 1963. Beloved husband of Beatrice Skuse Warwick and devoted father of Dorothy Warwick Chervinsky of 1 Franklin Ave, White Plains, NY. Services 2 pm Thursday April 11 at the William H Graham Funderal Home. 1036 Boston Post Road, Rye, NY. Interment Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye, NY. Friends may call at the William H Graham Funeral Home after 2pm Wednesday.
Rochester Demoract and Chronicle
Sunday, April 21, 1963
Coffey-Skuse Vows Recited Before Bishop
Sacred Heart Cathedral was the scene yesterday of the wedding of Miss Carol Anne Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles W Skuse of Albermarle Street, and William DeForest Coffey, son of Mr and Mrs Louis Coffey at Ridge Road West.
Bishop Lawrence B Casey received the voews and Rev James Marvin celebrated the nuptial Mass.
Miss Janet Skuse was her sister's only attendant.
Bernard L Coffey was best man for his brother.
The ushers were Michael Skuse, brother of the bride, and Thomas Kelly.
Buffalo Bourier-Express
Turesday, April 30, 1963
Skuce—Isaac M, of Collins Center, NY, April 29, 1963, beloved son of Mercedes B Skuse and the late Isaac A M Skuse; brother of Mrs Coza B Bobseine of Collins Center, Violet E Skuse of Buffalo, Mrs Sue M Johnson of Phoenix, Ariz, Borden A Skuse of Collins Center, Richard B of Findley Lake, NY, Arthur H of Niagara Falls, NY, Harvey I of Buffalo; also survived by several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at Weismentel Bros Funeral Home, 271 E Main St, Springville, starting Wednesday, from 2-5 and 7-10, where funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Flowers greatefully declined. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the Heart Fund. Burial in Collins Center Cemetery.
Buffalo Courier-Express
Monday, June 3, 1963
Mrs Haldane
Miss Jacquelyn Carol Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harvey I Skuse of Harvest Ave, became the bride of John S Haldane at 11 Saturday morning at the Episcopla Church of the Good Shepherd in Jewett Pky. The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs John N Haldane of Villa Ave. The bride wore and imported silk organza gown with a fitted basque and a cummberbund waist. The portrait neckline was trimmed with reembroidered Alencon lace. Her dome skirt terminated in a chapel train. An orange blossom crown held her two-tier French illusion veil.
Rome Daily Sentinel
Tuesday, June 18, 1963
Mrs Anthony Centore... Sandra Jean Skuse
Miss Skuse Wears Lace Bridal Gown
The Andover News
Thursday, June 27, 1963
Mr and Mrs Anthony Centore
Miss Sandra Jean Skuse, a former resident of Andover and daughter of Mr and Mrs Glenn P Skuse, of 7189 East Dominick Street, Mounted Route, Rome was united in marriage to Anthony Centore, son of Mr and Mrs Armond Centore of 7125 Wright Drive, Mounted Route, Rome. The nuptial mass was performed at 10:10 A.M. by thre Rev Francis S Holocinski at the Transfiguration of Our Lord Church in Rome on Saturday, June 8, 1963.
The church was decorated with baskets of white gladioli, white carnations and stephanitis complemented by candelabra. Flowers of the attendants provived the color accent for the all-white wedding. Organ music was furnished by Leo Senus of Rome.
The bride, given in marriagr by her father, chose a floor-length gown of French Chantilly lace, fashioned with a scalloped Sabrina neckline accented with iridescents and pearls, long tapered sleeves and a basque bodice with a drop-scoop waistline edged with lace cabbage roses. Her bouffant skirt was scallop-edged and fell into a chapel train. Her Quene's crown of iridescents and perls held in place a fingertip bouffant veil of silk illusion. She carried a prayer book, centered with a detachable corsage of red roses and streamers of white roses. Her necklace was a dimaon cross, gift of the bride-groom.
Miss Barbara Centore, sister of the groom, was the maid-of-honor. Her white ballerina-length gown of nylon organza was fashioned with a belted bodice of embroidered nylon organza with narrow straps and matching state cape. Her skirt was bouffant with wide hemline trim and she wore a matching open pillbox hat with a face veil of silk illusion. She carried a floral spray of aqua carnations and ivy.
Miss Brenda Meissner of Wellsville, cousin of the bride and Miss Patricia Kozlowski of Lowell, cousin of the groom, were bridesmaids. They were attired in white gowns identical to the maid-of-honor's. They carried floral sprays of peppermint carnations and ivy and wore rhinestone cross necklaces, gifts of the bride.
The groom's cousin, Miss Cathy Lubeck of Rome was the flower girl. She wore a white gown of nylon organza with fitted bodice and full skirt. Her headpiece was an open pill box hat with a face veil. She carried a basket of pastel roses and carnations.
Joseph Lubeck of Rome served as his cousin's best man and ushers were Tom Hubalof Rome and Dennis Clarke of Wellsville, cousin of the bride.
A sheathgown of turquoise lace and organza was worn by Mrs Skuse for her daughter's wedding. She chose beige accessories. The mother of the bridegroom wore a turquoise silk two-piece suit with white accessories. Both mothers had redrose corsages.
Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was held at the home of the groom's parents. An evening reception and buffett supper at the Polish Home in Rome was attended by 250 guests. The bridal table was centered with a three-tiered white wedding cake made by the White Eagle Restaurant. An Orchestra played music for dancing.
After a short wedding trip to Niagara Falls and parts of western New York State, the newlyweds will reside at 791 Lawrence Street, Rome. A trip to Florida is planned for simetime in July.
The bride is a graduate of Andover Central School and attended Alfred Agricultural and Technical Institute. She was formerly employed at the Griffiss Air Base in Rome.
The groom graduated from Transfiguration of Our Lord Patrichial School and Rome High School and Trade School. He is emplyoed at Revere Brass and Copper.
Pre-nuptial events included a variety shower by Mrs Lewis G Ackerman of Wellsville, the brides aunt and a fee shower given by the bridesmaids and parents.
Out-of-town guests were present from Wellsville, Scio, Ithaca, Lowell, Frankford, Barneveld, Auburn and Racquet Lae.
The Cobleskile Index
Thursday, July 4, 1963
Sharon Springs
Misses Helen Skeuse and Susan Bush were both from near Mt. Kisco were weekend guests of Miss Shirley Dingman, and on Sunday toured Howe Caverns.
Wyoming County Times
Thursday, August 1, 1963
The Stevens families attended the Skuse Reunion at Kiddie Land Park on Sunday.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, Aug 6, 1963
Engagements Announced
Miss Dolores Green
Annoucement is made of the engagement and forthcoming marriage of Miss Dolores Marie Green, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles C Green of West Avenue, Fairport, to Kenneth Burt Skuse II.
Mr Skuse of the son of Mr sand Mrs Kenneth Burt Skuse, of West Church Street, Fairport.
Niagara Falls Gazette
Saturday, September 21, 1963
Nuptial Vows exchanged by Miss Skuse, Mr Fox
Miss Peggy Marie Skuse and Robert Earl Fox exchanged nuptial vows today (Sept 21, 1963) at the Sacred Heart Church.
Rev Leon Neu officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur H Skuse, Linwood Avenue. Mr and Mrs Feb R Fox, Oil City, Pa., are the parents of the bridegroom.
Mr Skuuse have hid daughter in marriage. She was gowned in pearl-white silk laced peau fashioned with a draped fitted midriff and center ribboned lace motif. A detachable chapel train had matching ribboned Alencon lace.
Her finertip veil was appliqued with white iridescent sequins centered with seed pearls and was held by handmade French pearlized orange blossoms. The veil was designed and made by the bride's aunt, Mrs Lauretta Eddy. The bride carried a cascade of Fuji mums and Ivy
Miss Susan Blachinski was maid of honor wearing a will grea peau floorlength sheath with a demi-belle overskirt. A miniature matching pillbox had a maline circular veil. She carried a cascade of yellow Fuji mums and rust pompons.
Similarly attired in harvest gold were the bridesmaids, the Misses Gerri Bruccoleri and Janet Lowman.
Junior Bridesmaids, Miss Jane Fox, the bridegroom's sister, and Miss Maryann Saunders, wore gowns similary to the bridesmaids'. Deborah Skuse, sister of the bride, was flower girl wearing a floorlength moss green velvet empire gown with gold sash and headpiece. She carried a basket of assorted pompons.
Peter Smith of Columbus, Ohio, was best man. Guests were seated by Thomas Fox, Oil City, brother of the bridegfroom, and Robert Fox, North Esat, Pa., the bride-groom's brother-in-law.
An afternoon reception is being held at Hotel Niagara.
The mother of the bride has chosen an olive brown sheath with a matching coat. The bridegroom's mother is wearing an avocado green sheath with a matching coat. Each has a cymbidium orchid corsage.
When Mr and Mrs Fox return from a southern wedding trip they will reside at 2488 Linwood Ave.
Mrs Robert Earl Fox
(Miss Peggy Marie Skuse)
Shortsville-Manchester Enterprise, NY
September 26, 1963
Mrs John Clapperton of Terrace Place, with her nephew William Flynn and his fiancee, Miss Valerie Kute, attended the wedding of another nephew, Kenneth B Skuse Jr, of Fairport, to Miss Delores Green, also of Fairport, on Saturday. On Tuesday, Mrs Clapperton went to the 25th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr and Mrs Kenneth B Skuse Sr., in Fairport.
Shortsville-Manchester Enterprise, NY
October 10, 1963
Mrs John Clapperton of Terrace Place entertained the following Canadian relatives for the past weekend: Mr and Mrs Cecil Goodfellow of Coddringtonl Mr and Mrs Bruce Goodfellow of Kingston; George Oliver of Peterboro; Mrs Ruby Skinkle and Miss Mae Skinkle of Collingwood. Other guests on Saturday included Mrs William B Skuse of Geneva; Mr and Mrs Kenneth Skuse and the Misses Barbara and Betsy Skuse of Fairportl Lynn Thoraton and Miss Shirley Brown of Rochester; Mrs William Foster and four children of Romulus.
Chicago Tribune
October 17, 1963
Richard J Skuse, dearly beloved husband of Mary Lyons Skuse; devoted father of Catherine; loving brother of Edward, Rose Strobel, Thomas, Anna Platt, the late Catherine Galvin and Mary; fond son of the late Edward and Catherine. Funeral Friday at 9 am from MCKeon Funeral Home, 37th street at Lowe avenue, to Nativity church. Interment St Mary’s. YA 7-0925.
Albany Tiumes Union
Wednesday, November 20, 1963
13th Ward GOP Headed by Skuse
Raymond Skuse has been elected president of the 13th Ward Republican Committee.
Mr Skuse
Williamson Daily News, West Virginia
Wednesday, January 22, 1964
Mr and Mrs James Skuse and daughter, Nancy Jean, of St Albans, have returned to their home, after visiting with Mrs Skuse's parents. Mr and Mrs Ben Sammons, of Chattaroy.
Jamestown (NY) Post-Journal
Thursday Evening, January 23, 1964
Wedding Bells Will Ring
Miss Skuse
Mr and Mrs Richard B Skuse, Findley LAke, annouce the engagement of their daughter, Wanda Gayl, to Edward J Seifert, son of Mr and MRs Wilbur C Seifert, Waterford Pa.
Miss Skuse, a 1963 graduate of Clymer Central School, is enrolled at the Orra Jean Beauty Academy, Erie, Pa. Her Fiance is a 1960 graduate of Wattsburg Area High School and is employed by Rose Grain Farms, Waterford.
The Day, New London, Connecticut
Monday, February 17, 1964
Mrs E. Barboza Dies in 73rd Year
Stonington—Mrs Ernestine Barboza, 72, wife of Ernest Barboze of 29 Gold St., died yesterday at her home.
Mrs Barboza was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., July 6, 1891, and had lived here for many years. She was a communicant of St. Mary's Church.
St leaves, a son, George Skuce, of Hopkinton, R.I.; a daughter, Mrs Mabel Melbourne of Providence, and two stepchildren, Mrs Lester Bruch of Stamford and Joseph Baroza of Florida.
The funeral will be held form the Williams Funderal Home, Stonington, at 8:30 a.m. Wedneday. A requiem High Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary's Church at 9 a.m. Interment will be in St. Sebastian Cemetery, Westerly.
Calling hours at the funeral home are from 7-9 p.m. today and 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. tomorrow.
Syracuse Post-Standard
Monday, March 23, 1964
Miss Shocki Married in California
Miss Patrica R Shocki, daughter of Mr and Mrs R Edmund J Shocki of 231 W Molley Road, Mattydale, and Utica was married Feb 14 to Melvin Skuce, son of Mrs Nellie Skuce of 597 Bear St.
The couple exchanged vows at 6: 30om in Albambra Wdding Chapel, San Gabriel, Calif. The Rev M L Collier officated.
Miss Sherrill Weinberg and Sal Mannins, both of Pasadena, Calif., were honor attendants.
Mr and Mrs Skuce honeymooned at Ensenada, Mexico and are living in Pasadena. The bride is employed by the United States Forest Service and her husband is associated with Fortune Builders, Pasadena.
Pittsford Gazette, Michigan
May 14, 1964
Pittsford—Mrs Matilda J Skuse, 91, died at Krall resthome in Branch co.
Born in Medina twp, Lenawee Co, on June 28, 1872, daughter of James A and Irene Libya Richmond.
Married Fred Skuse in 1892. He preceded in death. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Alta Lauder of Jonesville, a son, Alton E Skuse of Lansing,o one grandchild and 2 great-grandchildren.
Burial in Leaonardson Memorial cemetery.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Saturday, May 16, 1964
Deeds March 18, 1964
Joseph and Lillian L Skuce to John J and Evelyn H McGrath, North Tonawanda
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, June 26, 1964
Mrs Harriett Skuse
Geneva— Harriet Skuse, 83, widow of Clarence Skuse, formerly of Dresden died Thursday (June 25, 1964) while visiting her niece in Walworth.
Mrs Skuse is survived by a nephew, Kenneth B Skuse, of Fairport; two nieces, Mrs William P Borwn of Geneva, and Mrs Kenneth Updike of Walworth.
The service will be held Saturday in the Bennett Funeral Home, 224 North St., where Rv John W Faust of Waterloo, retired Methodist clergyman, will conduct the service a 2 o'clock. Burial will be in Osceola Memberoail Garedens in Kissimmee, Fla.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, August 17, 1964
Engagements Told
Mrs and Mrs Kenneth B Skuse of West Church Street, Fairport, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Leizabth Jane Skuse, to Kenneth George Prigg of West Avenue, East Rochester. He is the son of Mrs Harold S Prigg of Salamanca and the late Mr Progg.
The Clymer Independent
August 27, 1964
Findley Lake Girl is Wed on August 15th
Miss Wanda Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse of Findley Lake and Edward Seifert, son of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Seifert of Waterford, Penn'a were united in marriage at a double ring ceremony held in the Methodist Church at Findley Lake on Saturday, August 15th. The Rev Ralph Bessinger officiated.
Matron of Honor for her sister was Mrs Donald Chapman of Buffalo, Bridesmaids were Anita Skuse and Judy Ellis of Conneautville, Ohio. Ronald Rose was best man and the ushers were Duane Rose and James Majerik. Valerie Gorniak and Kevin Smith were flower girl and ring bearer.
Over one hundred and seventy guests attended the reception served by the Sunshine Group of the MEthodist Church at the Fire Hall. Following a few days honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls the newly weds will reside at 2221 Station Road in Wesleyville, Penn'a.
Chautauqua News
Thursday, September 10, 1964
Pvt Alvin E Skuse Completes MP School
Pvt Alvin E Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Richard B Skuse, Findley Lake, completed eight weeks of military police training at the US Army Training Center, Fot Gordon, Ga., September 4. During the
course, Skuse received instruction in such subjects as civil and military law, traffic control, map reading, prisoner-of-war control and self-defense.
The 22-year-old soldier entered the Army in April 1964, and completed basic training at Fort Dix, NJ.
Skuse is a 1960 graduate of Clymer Central High School and was employed by the Corry-Jamestown Corporation, Corry, before entering the Army.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, November 13, 1964
Miss Kathryn Marie Skuse's betrothal to David Lee Kenien is announced by her parents, Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse of Seneca Parkway. Miss Skuse, a graduate of Rochester Business Institute attends Broome Technical Community College. Mr Kenien, son of Mr and Mrs Norman Kenien of Binghamton, is a student at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Redlands Daily Facts
Monday, November 23, 1964
Matthew Skuce to be 90 years old Wednesday
Matthew H. Skuce, 238 Alvarado street, who has lived in Redlands and its environs since 1899, will celebrate his 90th birthday on Wednesday. He was an orange grower until his retirement in 1938. Mr. Skice was born in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 25, 1874. His financee, Helena Stewart (now deceased), came to California from Canada in 1906 and they were married in Long Beach, following which they honeymooned at Catalina Island.
Their three children were born in Redlands. They are Gordon, now deceased; Evelyn, now Mrs. Randolph Price of Laguna Beach, and Lyman, who lives at the family home on Alvarado street. There are four grandchildren.
Mr. Skuce has been a member of the First Methodist church for 65 years.
The Clymer Independent
December 10, 1964
Findley Lake
Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse and daughter Anita motored to Buffalo last week to spend the day with daughter Iyla Chapman and family.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Tuesday, December 15, 1964
Miss Elizabeth Jane Skuse, daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Skuse of West Church Street, Fairport, became the bride of Kenneth Prigg in a Nov 21 ceremony performed in St Louis Church, Pitsford, by Rev Anthony Valente.
The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Harold Prigg of Salamanca and the late Mr Prigg.
Miss Barbara Skuse was maid of honor and Thomas Brigg was best man.
The Utica Daily Press
Tuesday, Jan 19, 1965
Fall on Stairs Injures Utican
Thomas Skuse, 58, of 235 South St., was listed in "weak" condition in Oneida County Hospital, Rome, last night after falling down a flight of stairs at his home.
Skuse was found against the door of the building by Patrolmen John Donato and Richard Saparito. They had to enter the building through the back door to help him.
He was taken to St Elizabeth Hospital and later was transfered to Rome.
Utica Daily Press / Utica Observer Dispatch
Thurs, Jan 28, 1965
Thomas B Skuse, 74, of 106 South St., a retired printer, died yesterday in a Rome hospital.
He was born in Milford and attended its schools. He was an overseas veteran of World War 1. In 1919, he married Abbie Witherill. For several years he was a printer with the Goodenow Printing Co and later was an elevator operator in the Capitol, Albany. He retired a few years ago.
Mr Skuse was a member of Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Besides his wife, he leaves two daughters, Mrs Rocky (Flora) Longo and Miss Peggy Skuse, both of Utica; four sons, Thomas B Skuse Jr, Rochester, David, Robert and Richard Skuse all of Utica, and a sister, Mrs Margaret Hoke, Utica.
The funeral will be at 11 tomorrow from the Williams Funeral Home with the Rev Robert G Withets, pastor of Tabernacle Church, officiating. Burial will be in New Forest Cemetery.
Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today.
Jamestown Post-Journal
Tuesday, February 2, 1965
Findley Lake
Pvt Alvin Skuse, who has been stationed at Ft Wadsworth, Long Island, is spending a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse, before going to Korea.
Jamestown Post Journal
Tuesday, March 16, 1965
Findley Lake—Douglas Chapman, son of Mr and Mrs Donald Chapman, Buffalo, spent several days with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse. Douglas has a new baby sister.
Daily Sentinel, Rome, NY
Wednesday Evening, March 17, 1965
Centore—To Anthony and Sandra Skuse Centore, 791 Lawrence St, March 15, 1965, in Rome Hospital, a son.
The Clymer Independent
March 25, 1965
Douglas Chapman, grandson of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse spent several days with them recently after which Doug and his grandmother motored to Buffalo where she spent some time assisting her daughter, Iyla, with her infant daughter born on March 2nd.
Seattle Daily Times
April 25, 1965
Robert Skuse, 3116 110th Av. S.E., Bellevue, boy.
Sunday, June 6, 1965
Nick (Digga) Skuce and his sister, Diane, skim the surface at Hansen Dam in Los Angeles as they demonstrate a new breed of speedboat invented by Nick. Called hydro-karts, the craft, of laminated glass, have aircraft- ...
Fairport Herald Mail, NY
Wednesday, June 16, 1965
Congratulations are being extended to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Skuse, of 70 W Church Street on the birth of a daughter, Dawn Marie, born May 12, 1965 in Genesee Hospital. Mrs Skuse is the former Dolores Greene. The baby's grandparents are Mr and Mrs Kenneth B Skuse of 106 W Church St, and Mr and Mrs Charles Greene, 131 West Ave.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Sunday, July 4, 1965
Mrs Michael C Skuse... Mariyln J Sperry
The marriage of Miss Marilyn J Sperry, daughter of Mr and Mrs George Sperry of Ridgemont Drive, Greece, to Michael C Skuse, too place yesterday in St Lawrence Church, Greece, with Rev John Murphy officiating.
Mr Skuse is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Skuse of Seneca Parkway.
Miss Sue Wegman was maid of honor and Larry Ennis served as best man.
Interlaken Review
Thursday, July 22, 1965
Mrs Kathryn Chaffee
Trumansburg - Mrs Kathryn Chaffee, age 60, of Lake Ridge, Ludlowville, a former resident of Trumansburg, died at Tompkins Co., Hospital Thursday, July 15, after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, Alton Chaffee, of Lake Ridge; a daughter, Miss Janet Anne Chaffee, at home; 2 brothers Glenn Skuse of Corning and Charles Skuse of Watkins Glen; and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were private and were held at the Samuel Rhode Funeral Home, Trumansburg, Monday, July 19, with the Rev Earl Gross of the First Federated Church of Ulysses officiating. Burial was in Grove Cemetery, Trumansburg. Bearers were Horst Albrecht, Fred Button, Charles Clifford, Chester Cortright, Robert MacManes and Raplh Perry.
Nassua Newsday, New York
Wednesday, August 18, 1965
DEVINE—James P. on Mon., Aug 16, 1965 of 48-12 46th St., Woodside, N.Y.
Beloved husband of Mary C. Devoted father of Elizabrth A. Abrams, and William J. Devine. Dear brother of Peter, Earl, Annie Devine, Mary Skuce, Georgina Gough, Irene Harps, and Ellen Murphy. Also survived by five grandchildren and one great-grandson. Reposing at the Perry Funeral Home, 118 Union Ave., Lynbrook, L.I. Requiem Mass will be offered at St. Raymond's R.C. Church, East Rockaway, L.I. Thurs. Aug 19 at 10 AM. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery, Westbury, L.I.
Sunday, August 29, 1965
Ross—Martha, 2517 SE 66 ave; beloved wife of William A; mother of Joyce Morehouse, Portland and Hazel Odom of Kirkland, Wash; sister of William Skuce of D, Ore and Samuel of Belfast, Ireland, Eva Lensberry, Edith Webb and Millie Gate all of Calgary, Alberta, Canada and Olive Hicks of Willowdale, Ontario, Canada; 5 grandchildren. Private graveside services Monday, Aug 30, 11am. Lincoln Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers Friends may contribute to the Gideon Society. Cascade Funeral Chapel in charge of arrangements.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, September 11, 1965 (Also printed in on Sept 12, 1965)
Skuse, John W
John W Skuse, Sept 10, 1965, of 10 Tacoma St. He is survived by his wife, Jessie e Skusel two daughters, Mrs Anthony (Eleanor) Dispenza of Rochester and Mrs Stephen (Eileen) Mox of Shortsville; one son, Sherman J Skuse of Rochester; two brothers, Robret of Rochester and Ernest Skuse of San Francisco; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Friends may call at Corbett Funeral Home, Inc., 109 West Ave., Sunday and Monday from 2-5 and 7-9. Service Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. Interment in Irandequoit Cemetery.
The Hilton Record, Hilton, NY
Thursday, September 15, 1965
Real Estate Transfers, 9 September
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E Skuce to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D Barham, 165
Glide Street, property in Clarkson on the Lawrence Road.
Tonawanda News
Tuesday, September 21, 1965
(In DeGraff Memorial Hospital)
SKUCE - Sept 12, Joseph K and Freda Ammerman Skuce, 363 Frontier Ave.,
North Tonawanda, a daughter, Joanne Marie.
The Geneva Times
Thursday, November 4, 1965
Grand Matron
Mrs Elwood Mowers of Seneca Caslte is the new district deputy grand matron of the Ontario, Seneca, Yates District, Order of the Eastern Star. She was installed at the annual convention of the Grand Chapter of New York at New York City in October
She is the former Helen Skuse of Oaks Corners, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Howard Skuse. She is a graduate of Geneva High School.
Mrs Mowers has been a member of Royal Chapter 425, Order of the Eastern Star, at Phelps for the past 12 years, and s3erved as matron in 1961-62. She is also past president of the Four-Line Officers Club of the district.
She is a member of the Methodist Church in Seneca Castle and a past president of the Women's Society of Christian Service and secretary of Christian Social Relations. Serving as an officer in the Geneca District's Women's Society of Christian Service, she currently is secretary of membership and cultivation. She has been a Sunday School teacher for 20 years.
She is a member of Enterprise Grange in Oaks Corners, Ontario County Pomona Grange and New York State Grange. And she is an active member of the Hospital Auxiliary at the Clifton Springs Hospital.
She has three daughters, Mrs David (Janet) Whaley of North Collins; Mrs Charles (Barbara) Matton of Phelps and Mrs John (Mary) Sherman of Charleston, S.C., and a son David, a freshman at Clifton Springs Central School; and five grandchildren.
Royal Chapter 425, OES, will have a reception for Mrs Mowers at the Masonic Temple in Phelps at 8pm Saturday, Nov 13.
Mrs Mowers' husband is current patron of Royal Chapter, and also is a past district grand lecturer of Ontario, Seneca, Yates District, OES.
Syracuse Herald Journal
Monday, November 8, 1965
Howard Skuce Ogdensburg native
Howard D Skuce, 38, of 1312 Lodi St, died yesterday in Memorial Hospital after a long illness.
Mr Skuce was born in Ogdensburg and lived in Syracuse for 16 years.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs Helen Skuce; three sons, John, Howard and Waynes; a daughter, Marie; a brother Melvin Skuce, of Colorado and a sister, Mrs Betty Holden.
Services were today at the Ballweg & Lansford Funeral Home. Cremation followed.
Watertown Daily Times, Watertown, NY
Thursday, November 11, 1965
H.D. Skuce expires at 38
Syracuse, Nov 8 - Howard D. Skuce 38, of 1312 Lodi street, a lay operator
for a tool company, died yesterday in Memorial hospital after a long
A native of Ogdensburg, Mr. Skuce lived in Syracuse for 16 years.
Surviving are three sons, John Howard and Wayne Skuce; a daughter,
Marie Skuce; his mother, Mrs. Nellie Skuce; a brother Melvin Skuce of
Colorado, and a sister, Mrs. Betty Holden.
Watertown Daily Times, Watertown, NY
Friday, November 12, 1965
H.D. Skuce Rites Held
Ogdenburg, Nov.12 — The funeral for Howard D. Skuce, 38, of 1312 Lodi
street, Syracuse, native of Ogdensburg, who died Sunday in the Syracuse
Memorial hospital after a long illness, were held Monday at the Ballweg
and Lunsford funeral home, Syracuse.
He had lived in Syracuse 16 years and was a lathe operator for a tool
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Nellie Skuce; three sons, John, Howard,
Wayne Skuce, a daughter Marie Skuce , and a sister, Mrs. Betty Holden,
all of Syracuse, and a brother, Melvin Skuce, Colorado.
Chicago Tribune
December 18, 1965
George W Freeman of North Riverside, Ill., beloved husband of Winifred; fond brother of Frank, Amy Skuce, and Cora Andrews. Services Monday, 2 pm, at Linhart Funeral Home, 6820 W. Cermak road, Berwyn. Interment Chapel Hill Gardens West. 749-2255.
Andover News, Andover, N.Y.
Thursday, January 13, 1966
Social Notes, Page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ackerman of 38-1/2 Pleasant St., Wellsville
observed their golden wedding anniversary January 4th. They were honored
at a dinner and reception at the home of her brother. Mr and Mrs. Ernest
Dixon at Bath. Mr. Ackerman, a brother of Mrs. Glenn Skuse, formerly
of Andover and his wife were frequent visitors in Andover.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Saturday, January 29 1966
Inc Marine Trust Co. vs. Paul E Skuce, 218 Ward Ave, North Tonwwanda,
Oakland Tribune
Monday, February 14, 1966
Mrs Kathryn Skuse
Mrs Kathryn Dalores Skuse, 42, wife of Dick Skuse, San Francisco advertising and public-relations man, died yesterday in a San Francisco hospital.
Mrs Skuse was active in Saint Raphael's Parish. She was a member of the Legion of Mary and of the Lay Catechists.
She is survived by husband, two daughters, Elizabeth Ann and Margaret Ann and an infant son, Richard Joseph.
Also surviving are her mother, Mrs Clara Sittarich, of Breckenridge, Minn; three brothers, Bob Sittarich of Breckenridge, Jack of Fairmonth, ND, and Tony, of Green Bay, Wis; and a sister, Marlene Sittarcih of Milwaukee, Wis.
A Rosary will be recited in St Raphael's Mission Chapel tomorrow at 8 pm. A High Mass of Requeim will be offered in St Rapael's Church at 10 am Wednesday.
Eureka Humboldt Standard
Monday, February 14, 1966
San Rafael, Calif (UPI)—A rosary will be recited Tuesday for Kathryn Skuse, wife of San Francisco public relations man Richard Skuse.
Mrs Skuse died Sunday of cancer at St Francis Hospital in San Francisco, four days after giving birth to a son.
The Hilton Record, Hilton, NY
Thursday, March 17, 1966
Darryl Stephen Skuce, son of Richard E Skuce, 1115 Lawrence Road, enlisted
in the U. S. Navy on February 24, through the Rochester Navy recruiting
Seaman Skuce enlisted in the Navy Junior College Program. This program
is open to young men who have completed one or more years of college
and permits enlistment in an advanced pay-grade because of their educational
Seaman Skuce is currently attending Recruit Training at the Naval Training
Command, Great Lakes, Illinois.
Upon completion of Recruit Training, he will receive 14 days leave,
prior to reporting to a Navy Technical School for advanced training.
Buffalo Courier-Express
Sunday, April 10, 1966
Mrs Skuse
Collins Center Methodist Church was the setting at 3 Saturday afternoon for the marriage of Miss Alice Jean Tharnish and Hal B Skuse. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Godron G Tharnish of Lawtons and the bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Borden A Skuse of Collins. A taffeta gown with appliques of Alencon lace was worn by the bride. The gown had a scooop neckline and bell-shaped skirt. Her double-tiered illusion veil was caught to organza rosettes trimmed with seed pearls.
Olean Times Herald
Friday, April 15, 1966
Mrs Charles G Skuce Sr
Mrs Hazel Lenore McClure Skuce of 30 Windshaw Ave., Ingram, Pa., died Wednesday (April 13, 1966) after a long illness.
She was born in Olean July 5, 1886, a daughter of O.S. and Zilthia Hotchkiss McClure and had lived most of her life in Ingram. She was the widow of Charles G Skuce Sr.
Surviving are a son, the Rev Charles G Skuce Jr, of McCandless Township, near Pittsburgh; a daughter, Mrs Edna G Brownlea of Argyle, N.Y.; five grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs Doris Green of Houston, Tex.
Funeral services will be held thies evening (April 15, 1966) at 8 o'clock at the Joseph H Hershberger Jr Funeral Home, 170 Noble Ave., Crafton, Pa.
Committal services, under the direction of the Halwig Funeral Home Inc. of Olean, will be conducted at Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Portville, Saturday (April 16, 1966), at 1:30 p.m.
Jamestown Post-Journal
Wednesday, April 20, 1966
Anna K Stein
Mirs Anna K Stein, 80, of 815 Lafayette St., died at 4:45pm Tuesday (April 19, 1966). She was the widow of Frank V Stein, who died in 1952.
She was born Feb 18, 1886, in Salamanca, the daughter of Frank and Mary Coffey Skuce.
She was a member of SS Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church and its Altar and Rosary Society; and Court St Gertrude, Catholic Daughters of America.
Surviving are a son, Vincent F Stein, Jamestown; a daughter Mrs Virginia Sanderson, Jamestown, a sister, Miss Agnes M Skuce, Dunkirk; seven grandchildren, Mrs Mary Ann Cronauer, Philadelphia, Pa; James and Robert Sanderson, Jamestown; Robert, Richard, David and James Stein, Hollandale, Fla; and nine great-grandchildren.
A Requiem Mass will be celebrated at 10am Friday in SS Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church. Burial will be inHoly Cross Cemetery.
Recitation of the Rosary will be held at 7pm Thursday at the Boyd Funeral Home. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 7 to 9 pm today and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Thursday.
Watertown Times, Watertown, NY
Thursday, May 12, 1966
Mrs. Geo. Bale Dies
Lisbon, May 12. — Mrs. Helen Skuce Bale, 65, wife of George A. Bale,
Niagara Falls, formerly of Lisbon, died Wednesday at 10:55p.m., in Niagara
Falls, after a long illness.
The funeral will be Sunday at 2p.m., at the Fox funeral home, with Rev.
Thomas S. Wood, past of the United Presbyterian church, officiating.
Burial will be in Flackville cemetery.
Friends may call at the Skuce family home Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Surviving her besides her husband are two sisters, Miss Mabel Skuce,
Lisbon, and Mrs. Charles (Stella) Green, Gainesville, Fla; two brothers,
Frank Skuce, Lisbon, and Edson Skuce, Syracuse.
Mrs. Bale was born in Hallville, Ont., Feb. 7, 1901. daughter of John
and Agnes Christie Skuce. She attended Lisbon schools and Ogdensbury
Business school. She was a secretary from the St. Lawrence County Savings
bank and the International Harvester company in Ogdensburg before her
marriage to George A., Bale, Nov. 24 1945, in Rutville Center, L. I.
Rev. J. Milton Thompson officiated. The couple moved to Niagara Falls,
where Mrs. Bale was secretary in the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
service 25 years.
Mrs. Bale was a member of the First Presbyterian church, Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls Gazette
Thursday, May 12/13, 1966
Bale — Freeda Helen at DeVeaux Manor May 11, 1966, at 2322 Willow Ave.
Wife of George A. Bale, sister of Edson Skuce, Syracuse, B.T.; Frank
Skuce and Miss Mable Skuce both of Lisbon, N.Y; Mrs Stella Green, of
Gainesville, Flo. Friends may call at the Gridley Funeral Home, Inc.,
750 Main St., until 10 p.m. Thurs, Funeral services will be heald at
the Fox Funeral Home at Lisbon, N.Y., Sunday at 2 p.m. Internment at
Lisbon Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the American
Cancer Society.
Ogdensburg Advance News
Sunday, May 15, 1966
Funeral for Mrs Helen Skuce Bale this Afternoon
Lisbon—Mrs Helen Skuce Bale, 65, of Niagara Falls, former resident of this village, died at Niagara Falls at 10:55 a.m. Wednesday, May 11, 1966, following a long illness. She was the wife of George A Bale.
Surviving also are two sisters, Miss Mabel Skuce, Lisbon, and Mrs Charles (Stella) Green, Gainesville, Fla; and two brothers, Frank of Lisbon and Edson of Syracuse.
The funeral will be today at 2 p.m. at the Fux Funeral Home here, with the Rev Thomas Scott Wood of the United Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in the Skuce family plot in the Flackville Cemetery.
Mrs Bale was born Feb 7 1901 at Hallville, Ont, a daughter of John and Agnes Christie Skuce. She grew up in this village and was graduated from the Ogdensburg Business School, after which she was secretary at the St Lawrence County Savings Bank, the Silk Mill and the International Harvester in Ogdensburg. In Nov 24, 1945, she was married to George Bale of Niagara Falls, the ceremony being performed at the Rockville Center, L.I., by the Rev J Milton Thompson. Both prior to and after her marriage for aperiod of 25 years, she worked for the US Immigration and Naturalization Service at Niagara Falls. The Bale home is at 2422 Willow Ave, Niagara Falls.
Mrs Bale was a member of the First Prebyterian Church of Niagara Falls.
Charlton Daily Mail
May 31, 1966
Page 31
Legal Advertisement
St Albans
Skuce, James... 18.98
Buffalo Courier-Express
Monday, January 16, 1967 / Tuesday, January 17, 1967
Skuce—Frank A, of 75 Victory Ave, Lackawanna, N.Y., Jan 15, 1967, son of the late Frank A and Nora Mackesy Skuce; brother of Mrs Nellie Oakes, Mrs Marjorie Glidden, Mrs Maureen Mercer, Charles Skuce and Mrs Esther Starr, all of Ottawa, Canada. Friends are invited to call at the Ray O'Connell Funeral Home, Inc., 2286 South Park Ave., where funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 8:45 and at Our Lady of Victory Basilica at 9:30 o'clock. Family will be present 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. Mr Skuce was a meber of the Holy Name Society, Father Baker Council No 2243 K of C, and the Limestone Club.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, April 17, 1967
Skuse, Robert H
Robert H Skuse, aged 79 years
of 26 Jersey St, Friday, April 14, 1967. He is survived by several nieces and nephews. Deceased was a veteran of World War 1.
may call Monday from 2-4 and 7-9pm at the Mattie Funreal Home, 853 Culver Rd, where services will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev C T Winkworth officiating. Interment, White Haven Memorial Park.
Oakland Tribune
Friday, May 26, 1967
Milpitas Girl Wins Scholarship
Milpitas—Linda M Skuse, 17, a senior honor student at Milpitas High School, has won one of two $1,000 scholarships awarded annualy by the AFL-CIO Glass Bottle Blowers Association.
Miss Skuse, who belongs to the school's Arista scholastic honor society, plans to enter either the Univerisity of California at Santa Barbara or San Jose State College this fall.
She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur R Skuse of 813 Berryessa St.
Chicago Tribune
June 22, 1967
Fred A Skuce, June 19, 1967, beloved husband of Clara; dear father of James C; brother of Lillian Skuce, Hazel Erickson, Myrtle Martin, and Florence Schacht. Services Friday, 1pm, at Chaw W Anderson Funeral Home, 4325 Armitage avenue. Interment Forest Home, BE 5-2381.
Portsmouth Herald
Wednesday, June 28, 1967
Funeral Notices
Skuse—John T Skuse, age 90, of 13 Hall Place, Exeter, died June 22. High Mass of requiem at St Michael's Church, Exeter, Thurs., 10 a.m. Friends may call this afternoon 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., at the Brewitt Funeral Home, 14 Pine St, Exeter. Friends are asked to please omit flowers, contributions may be made to the Caner Society.
John T Skuse
Exeter—John T Skuse, 90, died after a long illness yesterday in a local nursing home.
Born March 24, 1877, in Norfolk, Mass., he was the son of John and Johanna Skuse. He resided here for 62 years and was a member of Court Wheelwright Lodge II, Foresters of America, and was a charter member of the Everett, Mass., Lodge of Elks.
He is survived by a daughter, Mrs J Ross Bairds of this town; a son J Richard Skuse of Washington, DC; a brother George Skuse of Santa Monica, Calif., and several nieces and nephews.
Tuesday, November 7, 1967
Dies in France
Caen, France (AP) — George Skuse, a cherry orchardist from Route 2, Hillsboro Or., was fatally injured last week in an auto accident near this Normandy city, officals said.
He was hospitalized here and died Friday. Mrs Skuse was injured and hospitalized in Le Havre, it was reported.
The Couple was traveling in France as tourists. Details of the accident were not available.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Thursday, Dec 14 1967
Thiele Coal & Fee Inc. vs. Paul Skuce, 218 War Road, North Tonawanda,
Wyoming County Gazette
Jan 9, 1968
Mrs John Van Dyke at the Wyoming County Community Hospital on Thursday, November 30, 1967 at the age of 92 following a short illness. She was born in the Town of Wethersfield, March 10, 1875, the daughter of Emma (Baker) and John Skuse where she resided during her earlier years.
She was united in marriage to John C Van Dyke May 30, 1908 and had livedin the Town of Eagle since that time.
She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs Mildred Longcore of Warsaw, a son Harold Roberts of Bliss by a former marriage. A daughter Mrs Arlowene Stevens of Hermitage, eight grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and one great great grand-daughter.
Funeral services were conducted by the Rev Harold Burlingame at the Bliss Baptist Church on December 2.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Saturday, February 10, 1968
Janice Lally
Mr and Mrs Joseph Lally of Manor Hill Drive, Fairport, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, and Ronald Skuse, son of Mr and Mrs Carlk Skuse of Medfield Drive, Irondequoit.
Miss Lally is employed by the University of Rochester. Mr Skuse is a senior at Corning Community College.
Hudson Post Gazette
February 19, 1968
James J Lauder, 72, Jonesville and former Pittsford businessman, died Feb 23 at Veteran's Hospital in Ann Arbor.
Married Alta Skuse on June 12, 1920 who survives as does a son, Wendell of Battle Creek, two sisters, Mrs Bessie Hadckett and Miss Edna Lauder of Hudson; and two grandvildren.
Servies at Beebe Funeral Home, Jonesville. Burial in Sunset View Cemetery, Jonesville.
The Chautauqua News
Thursday, June 6, 1968
Findley Lake
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alvin Skuse, formerly Miss Sandra DeWitt, who were married Saturday morning in a lovely service at the St Thomas RC Chruch in Corry, Pa. Parents of the newly-weds are Mr and Mrs Martin DeWitt of Corry and Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse of Findley Lake.
Observer Dispatch
Sunday, July 7, 1968
Skuse—We wish to trank our friends, relatives and neighbors for the kind acts of sympathy, the beautiful floral offerings, Mass cards, and use of care during the funeral of Robert (Robbie) Skuse.
Mr and Mrs Robert L Skuse
Seattle Daily Times
August 9, 1968
Robert Skuse, 3117 110th Ave S.E., Belleview....
Pulaski Southwest Times, VA
Wednsday, September 11, 1968
Page 3
Mrs James Skuse of Sarasota, Fla., has accompanied her daughter, Miss Debbie Delpt to Sacret Heart College, Belmont, N.C., where she is a junior. Mrs Skuse returned home Monday after a visit with her sister, Mrs Mildred Weldon and other relatives here.
Pittsford Gazette
September 12, 1968
Pittsford—Funeral services for Mrs Ralph (Angie) Rodgers, 63, of Coldwater were held recently in Coldwater with burial in the Maple Grove Cemetery, JEfferson Twp.
She was a gorner Pittsford resident being the daughter of Fred and Matilda Skuse.
Survived by her husband Ralph; step daughter, Mrs Kathryn Anderson of Reasding and Mrs Beulah Monroe of Hillsdale, one sister, Mrs Alta Lauder of Jonesbille, one brother, Alton Skuse of Lakeworth, Flrodia and 14 grandchildren.
Watertown Daily Times
Wed, October 2, 1968
Haldane—In Mercy Hospital, Sept 25, 1968, to Mr and Mrs John S Haldane, Pulaski, RDF 3, a son, John Skuse.
Hudson Post-Gazette, Michigan
Thursday, November 14, 1968
Mrs Bessie L Skuse, 72, Lake Worth, Florida, died Thursday, November 7. Born April 13, 1896 and had lived last 30 years in Lansing. Survivors include her husband Alton; a sister, Mrs Franklin Bell of Waldron; 2 brother, Sylvan Keller of Hiullsdale and Clair Keller of Romulus. Burial at Leonardson cemetary, Pittsford.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Monday, November 18, 1968
Girl, 16, Reported Missing From Home
North Tonawanda - Mrs Shirley Skuce of 218 Ward Road, told police
that her daughter, Linda, 16, has been missing from her home since 1
a.m. today.
The girl is described as five feet, two inches tall, weighing 120 pounds,
having brown eyes and brown hair. She was wearing Bermuda shorts and
knee sox, when last seen.
Pulaski Southwest Times, VA
December 19, 1968
Page 8
Dr James B Skuse, 67, died Wednesday in Sarasota, Fla.
He was a dentist in Cleveland, Ohio, from 1923 to 1952. He received his DDS degree from Northwestern University.
Dr Skuse was a member of Euclid Lodge 599 AF and AM in Shaker Heights, Ohio. He was a member of the American Contract Bridge League, the Sarasota Yacht Club and former president of the Whist Club of Cleveland, Ohio. He resided at 4024 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs Dorothy Wallner Skuse, Sarasota, formerly of Pulaski, two daughters, Mrs George G Thomason, Hopewell and Mrs John A Hacken, Golden, Colo; three stepdaughters, Mrs John Nackley, Orlando, Fla; Mrs Robert F Blair, Hudson, Ohio; and Miss Deborah Delp, Belmont, N.C.; two stepsons, Thomas Jeffery Delp, Dicksboro, Mich, and John A Burkholder, Phoenix, Ariz., and 14 grand-children.
Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Robarts Funeral Home, Sarasota, Fla.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Monday, January 20, 1969
Skuse, Caroline N.
Sunday, January 19, 1969. Caroline N Skuse of 121 Woodbine Ave. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs Norman (Elizabeth) Millard; her grandson, Roger W Millard of Fairport; two great-granddaughters, Sun and Jill; her sister, Mrs Warrent T Glass of South Haven, Michgan; a niece and two nephews.
Friends may call Monday evening from 7-9 and Tuesday from 3-5 and 7-9 o'clock at Hedges Memoiral Chapel, Inc., 770 East Main St, at Alexander where a funeral service will be held Wednesday at a time to be announced. Interment, Mt Hope Cemetery.
The Clymer Independent
March 27, 1969
Rites Held for Victim
Funeral services were held at the Findley Lake United Methodist Church on Friday afternoon for Miss Anita E Skues, aged 21, of Findley Lake, who was killed instantly in a two-car head-on collision about a mile west of Sherman on Tuesday afternoon, March 18th, about five-thirty o'clock. The Rev Hessinger officiated, and interment was made in the Mina Cemetary.
Miss Skuse, a 1965 graduate of the Clymer Central School, was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse, of Findley Lake, and was returned home from her position as secretary in the Chautauqua County Health Department when the accident occured.
Findley Lake
Resident of our community were shocked to learn of the tragic death of Miss Anita Skuse. She was a member of the younger generation of whom everyone spoke highly, and her presence will be gratly missed. Our condolances to her parents and the other members of the Richard Skuse family.
The Chautauqua News
Thursday, March 27, 1969
Miss Anita E Skuse of Findley Lake is Killed in Accident
Miss Anita E Skuse, 21, of Findley Lake, was killed in a car accident, March 19, 1969.
She was the daughter of Richard and Jean Moore Skuse and was born June 18, 1947 in Westfield.
She was a 1965 graduate of Clymer Central School and a graduate of Bryant and Stratton Business Institute of Buffalo. She was an employee of the Chautauqua County Health Dept.
She was a member and Sunday school teacher of the Findley Lake United Methodist Church and a Girl Scout leader.
Survivors include, besides her parents, two sisters—Mrs Edward Seifert, Waterford, Pa, and Mrs Donald Chapman of West Seneca; a brother, Alwin Skuse of Corry; her maternal grandparents, Mr and MRs Henry Moore of Findley Lake; and paternal grandmother, Mrs M B Skuse, of Collins Center.
Funderal services were held Friday at the Dinley Lake United Methodist Church. The Rev Ralph Hessinger officiated. Burial was in Mina Cemetery.
Tonawanda News
Tuesday, July 1, 1969
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Skuce
Mr and Mrs Thomas Joseph Skuce, who were married in Payne Avenue Christian
Church, are making their home in Syracuse where Mr. Skuce is a junior
in Syracuse University. The Rev. Lyle Newman performed the double ring
ceremony June 14 for the former Miss Kelly Kathleen Burnham, daughter
of Mrs. Leibert Martin, 47 Chipman Place, and the late Walter M Burnham,
and the son of mr and Mrs Joseph Skuce, 363 Frontier Ave. The bride,
given in marriage by her stepfather, wore a A-line gown of white satin
and lace. Miss Betty Surman was the bride's honor attendant. Scott Burnham
was best man and Michael Skuce and Brian Burnham ushered. A reception
was given in the Eldredge Club.
The Shortsville-Manchester Enterprise, NY
July 18, 1969
Stephen F Mox of 10 West High Street, Shortsville, died Saturday, July 12, in Thompson Hispital, Canandaigua, after a long illness. He was 69, had been born in Geneva, but lived here most of hi slife.
Mr Mox was employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad for 48 years, and was yardmaster and clerk before he retired in 1964. For the past three and a half years, he worked as a security guard at the Finger Lakes Race Track. He was a member of the clerk's union of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, a member of St Dominic Church and its Men's Club.
He is survived by his widow, the former Eileen Skuse, whom he married in 1924; a son, Stephen T Mox of Henrietta; three sisters, Mrs Mary Massino of Lancaster, Mrs Anne Ferguson of Buffalo and Mrs Marguerite Owen of Williamsvillel five grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
A rosary service on Monday evening and a prayer service on Tuesday morning in the Halstred Funeral Home in Manchester were followed by Requiem Mass in St Dominic Church. Burial was in St Rose Cemetery, Shortsville.
Tonawanda News
Monday, August 4, 1969
SKUCE - July 28, Paul E and Linda Haacker Skuce, 36 Grant St., North
Tonawanda, a son, Christopher Lynn.
Oakland Tribune, California
Tuesday, August 12, 1969
Skuce, George A., of San Leandra, suddenly, August 19, 1969, beloved husband of Agnes Mattos Skuce, dear son of the late Marie and George A Skuce Sr., beloved father of Mrs Sylvia Dickie of San Raman and Gregory Skuce of Eugene, Oregon; loving grandfather of Dana, Denis and Darren Dickie; loving son-in-law of Antone R Mattos; loving fatber-in-law of Mrs Janet Skuce and Richard P Dickey, loving brother of Martha, Nicholas, Louis Skuce and the late Mrs Helene Klein; also survived by many sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. A native of Yugoslavia, a resident of Alamedia County for 56 years and an employee if UARCO Inc. A member of Irmanclade, Santa Christa Society and Portugues-American Civic Club.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the new mortuary of Charles B Bannon, ??, ?? Oakland, Wendesday, August 13, at 9:20 am; thence to Chrch of the Assumption, 1100 Fulton, San Leandro, for a Requiem Mass, commencing at 10am, interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Hayward. Recitation of the Rosary, Tuesday, at 8pm (for former ??, please call ###-####).
*Either name given incorrectly to newspaper, or name was anglized from something else.
Tonawanda News
Wednesday, August 20, 1969
College Corner
Dean's List: Thomas J Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Skuce of 363 Frontier Ave, North Tonawanda, has been named to the dean's list by the Syracyse University College of Liberal Arts. A 1967 graduate of North Tonawanda High School, he received a varsity letter in swimming. He and his wife, the former Kelly Burnham of North Tonawanda, reside in Syracuse. The News published this information yesterday, but the picture was of someone else.
The Cumberland News, Maryland
Tuesday, August 26, 1969
Skuce—Charles G Sr., 89, Deep Creek Lake and Pittsburgh (See seperate story)
The Cumberland News, Maryland
Tuesday, August 26, 1969 / Wednesday, August 27, 1969
Pittsburgh Man Drowning Victim
An 80-year-old summer resident of Deep Creek Lake drowned Monday night when he apparently slipped and fell from a dock as he was fishing near the Deep Creek Lake Bridge.
The victim was Charles G Skuce Sr., who lived the past 27 summers at the lake and who resided at 30 Linshaw Avenue, Ingram, Pittsburgh.
The R D Lashley of the Garrett County detachment of Maryland State Police said Mr Skuce fell from the dock about 10:30 p.m.
The Deep Creek Volunteer Fire Department, its rescue squad and the Deep Creek Park Volunteer Fire Department assisted in the recover of the victim's body at 1:05 a.m. in water 15 feet deep.
Mr Skuce's death was the first drowning case this year at the Garrett County Lake.
Mr Skuce retired in 1953 as chief clerk to the vice president of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
His wife, Hazel L Skuce, died in 1964.
He was born June 21, 1889, in Weston's Mills, N.Y., the son of the late Frank S and Amanda (Kaler) Skuce.
He is survived by one son, Rev Charles G Skuce Jr, Canonsburg; one daughter, Mrs John C Brownlee, Altaona, and one sister, Miss Grace I Skuce, also of Ingram.
Mr Skuce was a member and elder in ingram United Presbyterian Church but attended Deep Creek Baptist Church during the summer months.
The body has been taken to the Joseph Hershberger Funeral Home, Crafton, where friends will be received today from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. Services will be held at 6 p.m. tomorrow at the funeral home and private interment service will be held at the Chestnut Hills Cemetery, Fortsville, N.Y., Friday.
Washington Post, Washington DC
16 Sep 1969
Skuce, William C (Bill)
In hospital at Ottawa, Ontario, on Saturday September 13, 1969, William Christopher Skuce, beloved husband of Lilly May Morgan of 1407 Drury Lane, Ottawa, aged 76 years; fear father of Elva of Washington, DC, Mrs R Driscoll (Freida) of Kitchener, Ontario, Belmar and Iona, both of Ottawa; brother of Maynard and Herbert. Also survived by his four grandchildren. Resting at Hulse and Playfair, Ltd, 315 McLeod St, Ottawa. Services Tuesday, September 16, at 2pm. Interment Capital Memorial Gardens, Ottawa. Those desiring to send a Memorial Tribute may donate to the Ontario Heart Foundation, 119 Sparks St., Ottawa.
The Chautauqua News
Thursdauy, December 4, 1969
Findley Lake
Traveling to Buffalo on Sunday to celebrate a family get-together at the home of Mr and Mrs Don Chapman and children were Mrs Chapman's parents, Mr and Mrs Richard Skuse, her brother, Alvin Skuse and son Mark from Corry, her sister and family; Mr and Mrs Ed Siefert and daughters Jodi and Jill from Waterford; and her grandparents Mr and Mrs Henry Moore from Findley Lake. Also joining the group were Ed Seifert's parents, Mr and Mrs Wilbur Sifert from Waterford. In the afternoon, they all attended impresive baptismal services for Diane and Dougie Chapman and little Jill Seifert at the Methodist Church in Marilla, NY, with the Rev Ralph Bessinger officiating.
The Chautaugua News
Thursday, January 29, 1970
Findley Lake
Mrs Moore has returned to her home from Corry Memorial Hospital. Her daughter, Jean Skuse, is caring for her. We're wishing her a speedy return to good health again.
The Chautauqua News
Thursday, May 7, 1970
Findley Lake
Visitors on Saturday at the Dick Skuse home were Dick's nephew and wife, Mr and Mrs Hal Skuse from Hamburg, New York.
Tonawanda News
Friday, August 28, 1970
College Corner
Thomas J Skuce, son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Skuce, 363 Frontier, Ave.,
North Tonawanda, has been named to the dean's list at Syracuse University.
Thomas is currently a senior in the School of Education.
Tonawanda News
Wednesday, October 28, 1970
Miss Skuce, Mr. Ababurko wed
Miss Lynda L Skuce and David S Ababurko were married yesterday evening,
Oct 27, 9170, in North Tonawanda City Hall by Judge Anthony Brick.
A dinner followed at Pane's Restaurant. The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Shirley H. Skuce of Ward Road, North Tonawanda, and Paul E Skuce
of Buffalo. Mr and Mrs. Stephen Ababurko of 113 Third Ave, North Tonawanda,
are pare ts of the bridegroom.
Miss Sanda Ababurko, ister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor, and
Harvey Goodell was best man.
The couple will make their home in Ward Road.
Redlands Dailys Facts
Thursday, February 25, 1971
Mr Skuce dies at 96
A 72-year resident of Redlands, Matthew Henry Skuce, died here yesterday at the age of 96.
Mr skuce, a native of Ontario, Canada, came to the Redlands area in 1899 and until he retired in 1938 was an orange grower.
Mr Skuce was a member of First United Methodist church during the years he lived here. He lived at 238 Alvarado street until moving into Veverly Manor Convalescent home several years ago.
He leaves a daughter, Mrs Rangolpy (Evelyn) Price of Laguna Beach; a son, Lyman D Skuce of Redlands; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Private graveside services will be conducted Saturday at Hillside Memorial Park with Rev. Frank M. Toothaker, retired pastor of First United Methodist church, officiating, F Arthur Cortner chapel is in charge.
Boston Globe
Sunday, April 18, 1971
George Skuse
Rites in California
Santa Monica, Calif.—Services for George W. Skuse, 87, retired vice president and credit manager of the Rexall Drug Co., will be held here tomorrow at 9 a.m. in St. Monica's Church.
He was a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law and joined Rexall in 1912. He was associated with the firm for more than 50 years.
Mr Skuse leaves his wife, Rosamond, three sons, Paul H., of the US State Department in Saigon, John G. and Donald of Watertown, Mass.; three daughters, Mrs Elinor Schneelock of Calif., Mrs Ann Fallon of Dunedin, Fla., and Mrs Marjorie Sweeney of Mattapan, Mass., 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Olean Times Herald
Monday, 24 May 1971
Kenneth and Elizabeth Skuse Prigg, Salamanca, a son, Sunday (May 23, 1971), St Francis.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
Friday, May 28 1971
Court gets 25 traffic complaints
Also fined $10 each were Sherly A. Skuce, 363 Frontier Ave., North
Tonawanda, failure to obey sign, and Chester L. Smith, Rochester, unsafe
The Observer Dispatch
Thursday, July 1, 1971
In Memorium
Skuse—In loving memory of Robbie Skuse, who passed away three years ago, July 1st
Before me the throne of God.
Thousands of children stand: Children whose sins are all forgiven.
A holy, happy bond
U there, among the throng
Our little Robbie stands
Waiting for us to see him.
In that holy, happy land.
Mom, Dad, Tracy, Mary
Chicago Tribune
October 16, 1971 / October 17, 1971
Lawrence Skuse, husband of Lillian; dear father of Lawrence Jr [Beverly]; fond grandfather of Lawrence III and Lauren. Services Monday, Oct 18, 11 am, at Drake and Son Funeral Home, 5303 N Western Av. Entombment Bohemian National Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Heart Assn. Visitation at 7pm. Saturday. 561-6874
Tonawanda News
Monday, October 25, 1971
ABABURKO - Oct. 19, David and Lynda Skuce Ababurko, 15 Washington St,
North Tonawanda, a son, David Stephen Jr.
Tonawanda News
Thursday, January 6, 1972 (Same in Niagara Falls Gazette, Tues, Jan 11, 1972)
Engagement announced
Mr and Mrs Gordon L Martin of Deland, Fla., formerly of Niagara Falls,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley H Skuce of 218 Ward
Road, North Tonawanda, to Clarence E Cooper, son of Mr and Mrs Cecil
W McKee of 452 Woodward Ave., North Tonawanda, and the late Leonard
T Cooper.
A spring wedding is planned.
The Fairport Herald-Mail
Wednesday, January 12, 1972
Mr and Mrs James DeVito of 40 Pannell Circle are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Wendy Arlene, who arrived at the Rochester General Hospital December 29, 1971m weighing in at 7 lbs, 3 oz. Mrs DeVito is the former Barbara Skuse of West Church Street, Fairport.
Brockport Republic
Wednesday, January 12, 1972
Spring and Summer Wedding Plans
Miss Ann Elizabeth Skuce
Mr and Mrs Richard E Skuce of 1115 Lawrence Road, Hilton, announce the engagement of their daughter Anne Elizabeth to jan Al Kustberg, son of Mr an dMrs Orla Kastber of Schulerville, NY
Miss Skuce and Mr Kastberg are both students at S.U.N.Y. at Morrisville, NY.
They are planning a June 10 wedding.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, February 5 1972
SKUCE — Jan 29, Paul E and Lunda Haacker Skuce, 200 Rodney Ave, Buffalo,
a son Timothy Paul, in Sisters of Charity Hosptial. Mr Skuce, is the
son of the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Skuce of 179 Edward St., Norht Tonawanda.
Mrs. Skuce is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald D Haacker of 32 Elmwood
Park West, Tonawanda
Tucson Daily Citizen
February 14, 1972
Funeral Notices
Skuce, George O, 79, of Ottawa, Canada, entered into rest Feburary 12, 1972; husband of Bessie, father of Dan Skuce, of Tucson, Eldon Skuce, of Kenya, East Africa, Lloyd Skuce, of Vancouver, BC, and Margaret Johnston, of Ottawa; 19 grandchildren also survive. Funeral services and burial will be held in Ottawa, Canada. Local arragements by Briag's Memorial Chapel, 230 S Scott.
Pulaski (N.Y.) Democrat
March 14, 1972
Baby Talk
A son, Andrew Timothy, was born to Mr and Mrs Haldane on Feb. 21 at Mercy Hospital, Watertown. He weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and joins a sister Kimberly 6, and two borthers John 4, and Eric 2.
Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John N Haldane, Buffalo, and Mr and Mrs Harvey Skuse, Buffalo.
Two great grandmothers - Mrs Mercedes Skuse of Collins Center, and Mrs Hilda Reid, Akron, Ohio.
Niagara Falls Gazette
Sunday, April 23, 1972
Mrs and Mrs Clarence E Cooper, who were married Saturday (April 22, 1972) at Niagara United Presbyterian Church, plan an August honeymoon in Hawaii.
The Rev William J Devince officiated at the ceremony. The bride, the former Mrs Shirley H Skuce, is the daughter of Mr an dMrs Gordon L Martin, Deland, Fla., formerly of Niagara Falls. Mr Cooper is the son of Mr an dMrs Cecil W McKee, 452 Woodward Ave, North Tonawanda, also former residents of Niagara Falls, and the late Leonard T Cooper of Youngstown.
Arnold H Martin have his sister in marriage. She wore a blue satin gown with while lace. A bow secured her floor length veil and she carried a bouquet of blue carnations and white roses.
Mrs William Rehar, matron of honor, wore an aqua taffeta gown covered with chiffon, Mrs David Barton and Mrs David Ababurka, bridesmaids, chose gowns of shrimp colored chiffon over taffeta and wore matching head pieces, Valerie Rebas, flower girl, was in white dotted swiss.
John Universal was best man. Nunzio Rizzo and David S Ababurka were attendants. Robert Woolson and Martin Skuce were ushers and Ralph Martin was ring bearer.
A reception was held at F.O.E. 1411 Hall, North Tonawanda, immediately after the ceremony. The newlyweds will make their home in Ward Road, North Tonawanda>
Mrs Clarence E Cooper
(Shirley H Skurce)
Tonawanda News
Thursday, July 13, 1972
Mr and Mrs Joseph T Skuce, 363 Frontier Ave, North Tonawanda, annouce
the engagement of their daughter, Sherly Ann, to Thomas G Essenburg,
son of Mr and Mrs Elwys G Essenburg of 493 Old-Falls Bvld, North Tonawanda,
A Sept 9 wedding is planned.
Ogdenburg Journal
Friday, July 21, 1972
Lisbon Personals
Stella Green of Gainesville, Fla., is spending a few days with her brother and sister, Frnak Skuce and Mabel Skuce.
The Geneva Times
Friday, August 25, 1972 (Condensed version in Syracuse NY Post-Standard, same day)
2 cars, truck collide; Dresden couple Killed
Two Dresden cottagers were killed yesterday in a head-on crash with a dump tuck on Rt 14, 500 yards nother of the Yates County line, about 1:15pm.
Kenneth B Skuse, 56, of Dresden, was pronnounced dead at the scene, and his wife, Edgarena A Skuse, 56, was pronouced dead at Geneva General Hospital shortly after the accident.
The couple was returning to Dresden from a trip to Rochester. Skuse, a retired American Can Co employee, was driving south on Rt 14.
State police said a northbound car operated by Anthony J Ventresca of Wickliffe, Ohio, was stopped to make a left-hand turn, when the dump truck, also northbound, approached from behind. The truck driver, Harold T Tiffany, 63, of RD 1, Unadilla, depressed his brakes, skidded, turned over crossways on the road and colldied with the Skuse vehicle, according to state police.
A Bureau of Criminal Investiation spokesman said Tiffany was using his truck, which he owned, to haul fill from the Geneva area southward to flood devastated areas. The truck was empty, apparently on a return trip, when the accident occurred.
Both Tiffany and Ventrasca escaped injury. Ventresca told the Time he was going to make a left turn into a dirt road leading to some capsites, and was waiting for the Skuse vehicle to pass from the opposite direction, when the crash occurred.
A state trooper at the scene said that when the truck driver braked, his skidding wheels skipped on the pavement as the empty truck bounced toward a halt.
After the coroner pronounced Mr Skuse dead at the scene, two wreckers pried the car's driver's side apart to free him. His wife, a passenger, had been rushed to the hospital earlier. Their pet dog was also killed.
State police said criminal action is pending in th eaccident.
Geneva and West Lade Rd firemen assisted at the scene and prevented spilled gasoline from igniting.
Ontario and Yates County Sheriff's deputies rerouted traffic for two and one-half hours. Many drivers, finding they could not get through, parked along the roadside.
The Skuses had recently built a winter home in Frlodia. The couple spent summers at a lakeside cottage in Desden.
Shortly after his accident, their son, Kenneth Skuse II of Desden, came upon the scene, without knowing beforehand that it involved his parents. The son by coicidence was driving north to Geneva while his parents were driving south to Dresden.
A double funeral service will be held at the Bennett Funeral Home Monday at 2pm. Burials will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
Fridays may call at the funeral home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. There will be a Masonic prayer service at 7:30pm at the funeral home, followed by Order of the Eastern Star prayer service for Mrs Skuse at 8pm.
They had lived in the Geneva area for many years. Mr Skuse was born in Geneva and Mrs Skuse was born in Canadaigua. He had retired from the American Can Co in New Orleans in 1971. He had been head of personnel in safety training. He had also worked at the Geneva and Fairport American Can plants.
He attended Cornell University. He was a member of the First Prebyterian Church here. He belonged to the Geneva Masonic Lodge 965 F&AM. He helped found and was the first president of the West Lake Rd Fire Dept. He was affiliated with the Rochester Aircraft Srevice Inc where he was a pilot. He was also a member of the Civil Air Patrol in New Orelans. He was a town assossor for the Town of Dresden for many years.
Mrs Skuse was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star 83, Geneva Chapter, and of First Prebyterian Church. She also had been the first president of the West Lake Rd Fire Dept Auxilliary.
They are survived by tow sons, Kenneth E Skuse II of Dresden, Gragory J Skuse, of Kenner, La.; two daughters, Mrs Kenneth (Elizabeth) Prieg of Salamanica, and Mrs Jim (Barbara) DeVito of Palmyra; and six grandchildren.
Besides Mr Skuse's children, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs Ruth Brown of Geneva, and Mrs Kenneth (Thelma) Updike of Waterloo.
Tonawanda News
Monday, September 11, 1972
Mrs Thomas G Essenburg ... Miss Sherly Ann Skuce
The Rev. Joseph Skuce co-officiated at the wedding of his granddaughter
Sheryl Ann Skuce, when she became the bride of Thomas G Essenburg at
5 p.m. Saturday, Sept 9 1972.
Also officiating at the ceremony in Nash Road First Free Methodist Church
was the Rev. Harold Mitchell.
The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph T Skuce of 363 Frontier
Ave., North Tonawanda. Mr and Mrs Elwyn G Essenburg of 293 Old Falls
Blvd., North Tonawanda are parents of the bridegroom.
Attending the bride were Joyce Staskiewicz, maid of honor; Nancy Skuce,
sister of the bride and Gloria Helwig, bridesmaids, and Joanne Skuce,
also a sister of the bride, flower girl.
The bridegroom chose his brother, George Essenburg, as his best man.
Ushering guests were Jim Essenburg, also a brother of the bridegroom,
and Mike Skuce, brother of the bride, Jeffery Gundlach, nephew of the
bridegroom, carried the ring.
Following a reception in the Paupers 3 Restaurant, the couple departed
for a honeymoon in Nassau. They will return Step 18 to make their home
in Old Falls Boulevard, North Tonawanda.
Washington Post, Washington DC
Thursday, 31 May 1973 (reprinted Friday, 1 June 1973)
Skuce, Walter C.
On Tuesday, May 29, 1973, Walter C Skuce, husband of Ruth A Skuce, father of Richard A Skuce. Two brothers, two sisters and three grandchildren also survive. Friends may call at Joseph Gawlers Sons, 5130 Wisconsin Ave, at Harrison St, NW (parking on premises) Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm, where services will be held on Friday, June 1 at 1pm. Interment Parklawn Cemetery. If desired memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, August 18, 1973
SKUCE — Aug 5, Tom and Keppy Burnham Skuce, Jamesville Road, Syracuse,
a daughter, Lauren, in Crouse Irving Memorial Hospital, Syracuse. Mr
Skuce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skuce of 363 Frontier Ave.,
North Tonawanda. Mrs Skuce is the daughter of Mrs. Edie Martin of Chipman
Place, North Tonawanda.
Tonawanda News
Thursday, October 25, 1973
Attack charges dropped for lack of identification
Charges against three of four Tonawanda youths accused of beating another
boy Sept 8 were dismissed in North Tonawanada City Court this morning
because the complainant could not positively identify them.
Michael L Ford, 3 Colonial Drive; Mark L Pickard, 196 Mosher Drive;
and Todd N Hameister, 20 Taylor Drive, all 17, were accused of third-degree
assault on a complaint by Martin Skuce, of 218 Ward Road, North Tonawanda.
Skuce said a gang of youths kicked and beat him at Ward Road and Oliver
A fourth youth, Clement H Guider, 17, of 260 Franklin St, was also charged
with third-degree assault and will make another court appearance Nov
Muskegon Chronicle
January 16, 1974
Baby Charley Allen Skuse, Jr., 8-month-old son of Mr and Mrs Charley A Skuse, Sr., passed away Tuesday morning in Hackley Hospital after a brief illness. The Funeral Rites for little Charleey will be Thursday afternoon, 3:30 o'clock, in the Memorial Chapel of the Achterhoff Mortuary with the Rev Mr Donald LeMaire, Pastoer, Fruitland Township Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Fruitland Township Cemetery. Friends may call at the Mortuary after 4 pm today. Survivors include his parents, Mr and Mrs Charley A Skuse, Sr., and a sister, Patricia Ann, at home; his maternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs Robert Cooper of Whitehall, Mrs Dorothy Pulaski of Muskegon an dMrs Joseph Cooper of Punta Gorda, Florida, and his paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Elwood H Skuse of Whitehall, Mr Wm Skuse of Whitehall, Mrs Maude Mansfiled of Ludington, Mr Lawrence Comstock of Wallahlla and Mr and Mrs James H Phillips of Ludington.
Syracuse Post-Standard
Tuesday, April 9, 1974
Mrs Edson Skuce
Mrs Pauline Skuce of 230 Harwood Ave. died yesterday at a local nursing home after a
long illness.
Born in Watertown, Mrs Skuce was a Syracuse resident 60 years.
Surviving are her husband, Edson; a brother, Albert Kelly of Brownsville; and several nieces and nephews.
Services will be at 9:30am tomorrow at Gaynor-Maslyn Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. in our Lady of Solace Church. Burial will be in St PAtrick's Cemetery, Watertown.
Calling hours will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. today at the funeral home. 119 South Ave.
Tonawanda News
Thursday, March 7, 1974
The Rev. Joseph Skuce officciated at the marriage ceremony for his granddaughter
when she became the bride of Richard Lee Wingrove Jr. at 5 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 23. 1974, in Pendleton Free Methodist Church.
The bride, the former Miss Nancy Lou Skuce, is the daughter of Mr and
Mrs Joseph Skuce of 363 Frontier Ave., North Tonawanda. Richard Wingove
of 586 Old Falls Blvd., North Tonawanda, and Louise Wingrove of 283
Roncroff Drive, North Tonawanda, are parents of the bridegroom.
Maid of honor was Mary Walders. Steve Wingrove was best man.
Mr and Mrs. Wingrove were honored at a reception in the home of the
bride's parents.
Syracuse Post-Standard
April 9, 1974
Mrs Edson Skuce
Mrs Pauline Skuce of 230 Harwood Ave, died yesterday at a local nursing home after a long illness.
Born in Watertown, Mrs Skuce was a syracuse resident 60 years.
Surviving are her husband, Edson; a brother, Albert Kelly of Bornsville, and several nieces and nephews.
Services will be at 9:30am tomorrow at Gaynor-Maslyn Funeral Home and at 10am in Our Lady of Solace Church. Burial will be in St Patrick's Cemetery, Watertown.
Calling hours will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm, today at the funeral home, 119 South Ave.
The Ogdensburg Journal
Tuesday, August 13, 1974
Lisbon—Miss Mabel Skuce of Lisbon died at 6:35 a.m. today (Aug 13, 1974) at Hepburn Hospital.
The Ogdensburg Journal
Wednesday, August 14, 1974
Thursday Rites for Mabel E Skuce, 81, Set
The funeral for Miss Mabel Evaline Skuce, 81, Lisbon reesident, will be at 2pm Thursday at Fox Funeral Home of Lisbon. The Rev Seldon H Ward, pastor of Nevin Memorial U P Church of Lisbon, and the Rev Clifton Chapman, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Lisbon, will officiate. Burial will be in Flackville Cemetery.
Calling hours at the funeral home are at the convenience of friends this afternoon and evening.
Miss Skuce died at 6:35 am Tuesday (Aug 13, 1974) at A Barton Hepburn Hospital, where she had been a patient since July 1, 1974.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs Charles (Stella) Green of Jamesville, Fla; two borthers, Edson Skuce of Syracuse and Frank Skuce of Lisbon; and several nieces, nephews and cousins.
Miss Skuce was born in Hallville, Ont, Sept 12, 1892, a daughter of John and Agnes Christie Skuce. She attended Lisbon schools and was graduated from Potsdam Normal School. After graduation she taught for one year in Middletown, NY, after which she taught for several years at schools in Great Neck and Lynnbrook, LI, NY. She retired in 1954 and returned to Lisbon to reside.
She was a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Lisbon.
Charleston Sunday Gazette-Mail, West Virginia
Sunday, January 5, 1975; page 21
Mrs Dorothy Taylor
Alexandria, Va—Mrs Dorothy Skuce Taylor, 74, of Alexandria, formerly of Charleston, died Saturday in an Alexandria hospital after a long illness.
She was a member and retired secretary of the Christ Church United Methodists in Charleston and a former industrial rate analyst for the state of West Virginia. Mrs Taylor was a native of Parkersburg, a member of the Order of the White Shrine and a 50-year member of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Surviving: husband, Armor Hugh Plott Taylor
The body will be returned
to Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home.
Charleston Daily Mail
Tuesday, January 6, 1975
Taylor, Mrs Dorothy Skuce—Service will be held Thursday at 10 a.m at Christ Church United Methodist with the Rev Dr Aldred Wallace officiating. Burial will be in the Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston. Mrs Taylor, 74, of Alexandria, Va, formerly of Charleston, died Saturday in Alrexandria. Friends may call Wednesday afternoon at Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home.
Oakland Tribune
Friday, March 7, 1975
Alameda County Divorces Filed
Skuse, Grantley and Jeanne
The Utica Observer Dispatch
Sunday, May 18, 1975
Mrs Abbie Skuse
Mrs Abbie Witherill Skuse, 74, of 1431 Genesee St., died yesterday in Faxton Hospital after a short illness.
She was born in Remsen and attended schoools there. In 1919 she married Thomas Skuse in Remsen. He died in 1965. The couple had resided in Utica since 1920.
Mrs Skuse was a Baptist.
She leaves two daughters, Mrs Rocco (Flora) Longo and Miss Peggie Skuse, both of Utica, four sons, David and Richard, both of Utica, Robert of Whitesboro and Thomas Skuse of Rochester.
The funeral will be at 10:30 Tuesday from the Heintz Funeral Home. Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 tomorrow.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, June 7, 1975
ESSENBURG- June 2, Thomas and Sheryl Skuce Essenburg, 370 Old Falls
Blvd., North Tonawanda, a son, Ryan Thomas.
Tonawanda News
Monday, June 23, 1975
Couple wed 50 years
The Rev and Mrs Joseph Skuce of 179 Edward St, North Tonawanda, observed
their 50th wedding anniversary Monday with a reception in their home.
Mr Skuce of Cork County, Ireland , arrived in America in 1920. He married
the former Lilliam L Burns of Bradford, Pa., at Corydon, Pa., June 16,
1925. He served in the ministry of the Free Methodist Church. He worked
at Richardson Boat Company for 10 years and since their closing, he
has been self-employed. Mrs Skuce was employed at Central Paint and
Wallpaper. They have two sons, Joseph T of North Tonawanda and Paul
of Buffalo, nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Tonawanda News
Thursday, August 21, 1975
Chunko - Skuce
Mr and Mrs Charles M Wolfe of 359 Summit St., North Tonawanda, announce
the engagement of their daughter, Jody Lynn, Chunko, to Martin P Skuce,
son of Mrs. Clarence Cooper of 218 Ward Road, North Tonawanda, and Paul
E Skuce of Bufalo. A June wedding is planned.
The Batavia Daily News
Friday, October 10, 1975
The songfests draw no objections from the night barkeeps. Martin Galligan and Frank Skuse. It's probably because they're both from Ireland. Martin from County Cavan and Frank from County Cork.
Scottsdale Daily Progress
February 24, 1976
Scott Family Genealogy
Minerva S. b.1846 = John Skuse; Emma H. b.1849 = Charles Skuse
The Livonia Gazette
Thursday, April 8, 1976
Arthur E Leschander of 1089 West Lake Rd Conesus, passed away in Warsaw, Saturday, Apr 3, 1976. He was born in Gates, Aug 22, 1904, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Skuse Leschander.
Mr Leschander was an assembler at the Pfaulder Mfg Company in Rochester, retiring in 1955 due to ill health. He was a member of St Mary's Church in Geneseo and of the Lions Club in Lakeville.
He is survived by his wife, Mildred Pfaff Leschander; one daughter, Mrs Joseph (Audrey) George, of Rochester); three grandchildren, Joseph George, Mrs Robert (Sharon) Rossborough and Susan George; three brothers Roy of Honeoye, Armond of Rochester and James of Florida; two aunts; one uncle; several nieces and nephews.
A Mass of Christian Burial was said in St Mary's Church in Geneseo, Tuesday morning, Apr 6. Interment in St Mary's Cemetery in Geneseo.
Friends wishing may make memorial contributions to the Lakeville Lion's Club.
The Daily Review, Hayward, California
Monday, October 18, 1976
Skuse, Guy Mathew in Fremont, October 16, 1976. Beloved father of Samuel Skuse of Hayward. 1 brother in Cincinnati. Retired maintenance man for Longview Fiber CO of Oakland. A native of Cincinnati, age 79 years.
Friends are invited to attend services Tuesday, October 19 at 11 AM at the Chapel of Berge-Pappas-Smith Mortuary 40842 Fremont Blvd. Private Interment. For further information please call ...
Tonawanda News
Saturday, December 11, 1976, Page 5
Stork Club
STEWART - Oct 10, Keith and Nancy Skuce Stewart, 45 Faragut
Ave, Tonawanda, a son, Daniel Scott.
Toledo Blade, Ohio
December 27, 1976
Ruth Skuce
Service League Ex-President at St Mark's Episcopal Church
Mrs Ruth A Skuce, 67, formerly of the 2300 block of University Hills Boulevsard, died Monday in Toledo Hospital. She had lived in Lake Park Nursing Care Center, Sylvania, the last year and a half.
Mrs Skuce, a member of the Inverness Country Club, was a past president of the Ladies' Service League of St Mark's Episcopal Church. She was a widow of Walter Skuce, an executive and goverment consultant for Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.
Surviving are her son, Richard A, and sister Mrs Edna MacAffer.
Services will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Bennett Mortuary. The family requets that any tributes be in the form of contributions to the Crosby Gardens Trust Fund.
The Orlando Sentinel
Thursday, April 7, 1977
Albert F Skuce, Sr., 65, 1430 Dixon Blvd., Cocoa, died Tuesday. Born in Wakefield, R.I., he moved to Brevard County seven years ago fro Westwick, R.I. He was a retired hotel and restaurant chef. Survivors, wife, Mrs Lillian, Cocoa, daughters, Mrs Loraine Fitzgerald, Rockledge, and Mrs Breatrice, Booska, Cocoa, Mrs Barbara Capps, Tiard, Texas; sons, Albert Jr., Aiken, S.C., Richard, Warwick, R.I., mother, Mrs Berta Veeder, Narragansett, R.I.; sister, Mrs Emma Cook, Narragansett, R.I. brothers, John, Avon Park, Charles, Peacedale, RI., William, Rhode Island, 19 grandchildren. Brevard Funeral Home, South Melbourne.
Spenceport Suburban News, NY
Wednesday, May 4, 1977
Judith Marie Broesler and Darryl Stephen Skuce, both of Inverness, Florida
were united in marriage on March 29 in Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church,
The bride is the twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Broesler Sr.
also of Inverness, Florida. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard E. Skuce of Hilton.
Matron of Honor was Rose Lumpkins and Leonard Schleuter was best man.
The bride is employed as a hostess at Fort Cooper Restaurant and Lounge
and the groom operates his own business, Bud's Carpentry.
Out of town guests included Miss Mary Kathleen Jones the groom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Skuce of Hilton, Roy Graupman of Brockport,
Mrs. Iva Unterborn of Brockport, Mr. and Mrs. David McCarroll of Hilton,
John Arnold of Hilton and Pat Corrigan of Kendall.
Chicago Tribune
June 10, 1977
Fredrick J Strobel, devoted husband of Rose, nee Skuse, loving son of the late Catherine and Charles; fond brother of Christopher (Emily), Paul (Evelyn), Mary (William) May, the late Charles, Henry, Joseph, Katherine Reiser and Clara Keagle. Funeral Saturday, 10:30 am, from Brady-Gill Funeral Home, 2929 W 87th St, to St Denis Church for mass 11:15 am. Interment Holy Sepulchre, Member of American Legion Post, No 5220. 636-2600.
Andover News, Andover, N.Y.
June 22, 1977. Vol 155 No 25
Mrs. Glenn Skuse
Mrs. Clair Akerman Skuse of R.D.2, Blossvale, N Y. 13308.
died Thursday p.m., June 16, 1977 at her home following a lengthy illness.
A former resident of Wellsville and Andover, she was the daughter of
Earl and Lena Berry Ackerman.
She was married to Glenn Skuse who survives with one daughter Mrs. Sandra
Centore of Blossvale; three grandsons and several nieces.
Funeral services were held Monday, June 20 1977 at the Strong Funeral
Home in Romy, N.Y. with burial in Maple Hill Cemetary at Taberg, near
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Mr. Glenn Skuse was a former School Bus Supervisor in Andover and was
well known in the area.
Finger Lakes Times
Tuesday, August 16, 1977
Mrs Mabel Reed Skuse
Geneva—Mrs Mabel Reed Skuse, 89, of Holiday Manor Apts, 295 Hamilton St, died yesterday at Geneva General Hospital, following a three weeks illness.
Friends may call Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Corwin Funeral Home.
The funeral will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at the funeral home. The Rev Larry Gerber, pastor of Seneca Castle Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Resthaven Cemetery, Phelps.
Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church of Geneva.
Mrs Skuse was born in North Dakota, June 1, 1888, daughter of Jefferson and Margaret Marshall. She came to the Geneva area in her early childhood and has been a resident here about 80 years. She was the widow of Howard H Skuse. She was a member of United Methodist Church and the Mizpah Class of the church.
Surviving are one sister-in-law, Mrs Lottie Marshall of Ithaca; one brother-in-law, Oliver Neigh of Ithaca; one daughter-in-law, Mrs Marguerite Reed, of Geneva; one granddaughter-in-law, one stepdaughter, Mrs Elwood Mowers of Seneca Castle, two great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, September 3, 1977
SKUCE - Aug 17, Martin and Jody Chunko Skuce of 58 Oliver St., North
Tonawanda, a son, Martin Paul Jr.
Newport Mercury, Rhode Island
Friday, September 9, 1977
Andrew—Aug 30, 1977, at the Naval Regional Medical Center, a daughter to Ships Serviceman 3C and Mrs Ronald Andrew (Clara Skuce) of 113 Mayflower Drive, Middletown.
Tampa Bay Times
Saturday, September 17, 1977
DeKoning, Mrs Beryl E., 77, formerly of 1001 63rd Ave. S, died Thursday (Sept 15, 1977) in Lake Charles, La. Born in Canada, she came to St Petersburg in 1968 from Rutherford, N.J., and moved to Lake Charles five years ago. Survivors include a son Gerrit J Jr, Sulphur, La.; two daughters, Beverly M Wesp, New Jersey and Sandra Sawyer, St Petersburgh; two brothers, Edgar and Richard Skuce; a sister Marguerite Boucher, all of Canada; six grandchildren, and a great-grandchild, C James Mathews Funeral Home, Ninth Street.
Sandy Creek (NY) News
Wednesday, June 7, 1978
David L Skuse
David L Skuse of RD 3, Pulaski,m son of Harvy I Skuse of 49 Harvest Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. has majored in Math and Science while in High School. He has participated in the Yearbook, Student Council and Baseball.
Dave has been accepted at Oswego College, and in the future plans to attend Med School in Buffalo.
Pulaski (N.Y.) Democrat
Wednesday, July 26, 1978
Area Deaths
John S Haldane
Pulaski State Trooper John S Haldane, 36 of RD2, was pronounced dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital, Watertown, after he collapsed while playing softball Saturday night with the troopers' team at Dunbar Field here.
Dead was attributed to natural causes. He was taken in the hospital by Northern Oswego County Ambulance.
Born in Boston, Mass., to John and Marjorie Haldane, he graduated from Riverside High School, Buffalo, in 1961 and was married June 1, 1963 in Buffalo to the former Jacquelyn Skuse, who survives. They resided in Buffalo before moving to Pulaski in 1967.
Mr Haldane joined the New York State Police in 1965 and had been stationed in Pulaski since 1967.
He was a member of St James Episcopal Church, Pulaski, serving as lay leader of the church for five years. He was senior warden of the vestry for six years. He also was a member of the Salon River Skating and Hockye Club Association, coaching the 5 to 8 year olds for many years. He coached Farm League Baseball in Sandy Creek as well as beginning basketball for youngsters.
Mr Haldane was a member of the Fraternal Order of Police, Oswego County Chapter, and the New York State Police Benevolent Association.
Surviving besides his wife are three sons, John S., Eric B., and Andrew T.; a daughter Kimberly A., his brother-in-law, David Skuse, who resided with the Haldanes for the past four years; his father, John N. of Buffalo; a step mother, Mrs Marion Haldane of Buffalo; and a brother, Robert G. of Buffalo.
Services will be at 11a.m. Wednesday in St James Episcopal Church. Cremation will follow services with burial latter in Pulaski Cemetery. Arrangements by Foster-Hax Funeral Home.
Donations may be made to the St James Episcopal Church's general fund for current needs.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, September 9, 1978
Mini Happy returns
Tuesday's Birthdays
Joanne Skuce, 13, St Matthew's
?, Michigan
Feb 24, 1979
Alton B Skuse
Jonesville — Alton B Skuse, 76, 511 East, Jonesville, died FRiday night at the Hillsdale Community Health Center. He had been a retired electrician for Oldsmobile in Lansing.
Mr Skuse had lived in Jonesville for the past four years and had previously resided in Florida.
He was in born in Jefferson Township Dec 19, 1902 to Freb and Matilda Richmond Skuse.
He was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Lansing.
In February 1929, he married the former Bessie Keller. She preceded him in death in 1968.
Survivors include one sister, Mrs James (Alta) Lauder, Jonesville, and severl nieces and nephews. One sister preceded him in death.
The funeral will be at 2pm Monday in the Van Horn-Eagle Funeral Home, Hillsdale, with th eRev John Palmer officiating. Burial will follow in Leonardson Cemetery, Pittsford. Friends may meet with the family at the funeral home from 8 to 9pm Sunday.
The Daily Telegram, Michigan
Wednesday, April 25, 1979
Golda Skuse
Pittsford — Golda I Skuse, 80, of 310 N Pittsford St, Pittsford, died Tuesday afternoon at the Hillsdale Community Health Center.
She was born in Convey, Ohio on Junne 11, 1898 to Lewis and Catherine (Eibling) Fisher. She married Newton Skinner who died in 1952.
Mrs Skuse was a life member of Pittford Wesleyan Church, the Monday Morning Prayer group, and taght Sunday school for th epast 50 years. She was also a member of the Pittsford Garden Club, the Hillsdale Women's Improvement Club, the Pittsford Golden Agers, the Hillsdale Historical Society, the Women's Congress, and a life member ofthe farm bureau.
Survivors include two brothers; Paul Fisher of Hudson, and Doyt Fisher of Fort Wayne, Ind.
Services will be 2pm, Friday at the Pittsford Wesleyan Church with the Rev Max Allen officiating. Burial will be in the Leonardson Cemetery, Pittsford. Friends may call after 3.
?, Michigan
Wednesday, April 25, 1979
Golda I Skuse
Pittsford — Golda I Skuse, 80, of 310 N Main, Pittsford, died Tuesday afternoon at the Hillsdale Community Health Center following a short illness.
Mrs Skuse was well-known in the area for her work on the Hillsdale County Board of Supervisors. She had served as the Pittsford Township Supervisor and was an active Republican.
She was born June 11, 1898, in Convoy, Ohio, to Lewis and Cetherine Eibling Fisher.
A former teahcer, Mrs Skuse was a life member of the Pittsford Wesleyan Church, a member of the Monday Morning Prayer Group, and had taught Sunday School for the past 50 years. She belonged to the Pittsford Garden Club, the Hillsdale Women's Improvement Club, the Pittsford Golden Agers, the Hiullsdale County Historical Society, Woman's Congress and was a life member of Farm Bureau.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Newton Skuse, in 1952, and is survived by two brothers, Paul Fisher of Hudson and Doyt Fisher of Fort Wayne, Ind., and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a sister, Iva Severance, earlier this year.
Funeral services will be at 2pm FRiday at the Pittsford Wesleyan Church, with the Rev Max Allen offciating. Freinds may call at the Eagle Funeral Home, Hudson, after 3pm today. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 7 to 9 pm today, and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Thursday.
Burial will be in the Leonardson Cemetery, Pittsford.
Sandy Creek (NY) News
Wednesday, August 8, 1979
"Hello Joyce J."
June 26, Mrs Jackie Haldane and children Kim, Eric, Andy and John flew to Tucson, Arizona to visit with Jackie's brother and wife.
The next day, Doug and Jan Skuse took the Haldane's for a back-packing trip through the Grand Canyon. Jackie and children returned to Sandy Creek July 10 but not before going "South of the Border" to see Mexico!
Aiken Standard, South Carolina
Thursday, August 23, 1979
Mr and Mrs Albert Skuce of Aiken announce the engagement of their daughter, JoAne, to Roy Mallory, son of Kenneth Mallory of St John, NB, Canada, and the late Mrs Mallory.
The bride-elect is a granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Edward of St John, NB, Canada, Lillian Skuce of Cocoa Beach, Fla, and the late Albert Skuce. She is a graduate of Aiken High School and is employed by the New Brunswich Social Services Board.
The bridegroom elect's grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leonard Watson of St John, NB, Canada, and Lee Mallory of Sussex, NB, Canada. He is employed by Superior Precast Concrete Products Ltd.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, September 29, 1979
ESSENBURG- Sept 18, Thomas and Sheryl Skuce Essenburg, 1285 Cambridge
Ave, North Tonawanda, a son, Mark Elwyn.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, November 24, 1979
SKUCE - Nov 14, Martin and Jody Chunko Skuce of 58 Oliver St., North
Tonawanda, a daughter Tina Willine
Sandy Creek (NY) News
Wednesday, January 9, 1980, Page 11
Spending the holidays with Mrs Jackie Haldane & children were Mr Harvey Skuse & Deni & Claire Skuse of Buffalo and Mr Doug Skuse of Tuscon, Arizona.
Chicago Tribune
February 18, 1980 / February 20, 1980
Anna C Skuse of Libertyville, IL, Feb 17, 1980, loving wife of Thomas, fond mother of Susanne (Mark) Briskovich and Thomas (Linda), Edward (Susan), Michael and Joseph; sister of John Laffle and late Elisabeth Kersten. Funeral Mass 10am, Wednesday, at St Joseph Church, Libertyville. Interment Ascension Cemetery. Visitation from 6 to 9 Monday and 2 to 9 Tuesday, Burnett Funeral Home, 130 W Park Ave, Libertyville. 362-2009
Western New-Yorker
Tuesday, September 2, 1980
Wyoming County Senior Citizens
The oldest Wyoming County Fair Attendant, John C VanDyke, visited the 1980 Fair five times. His favorite exhibit was the cattle. Mr VanDyke stated the Fair "...was bigger than ever." He enjoyed every minute of it. John VanDyke was born July 16, 1881 in the Town of Eagle. His grandparents, David and Lacindy VanDyke and his parents, William an dLibby Cross VanDyke ran the seventy-eight acre dair farm before him. There were four children--Mary, Charles, John and William, and a half brother Bert, and a half sister Anna, in his family. He walked a half mile to school and finally decided he didn't want to go to school. He remembers well his mother following him to school, whip in hand! He settled down to the inevitable and attended School District Nine and then to the Pike Seminary for two years. In 1908 John VanDyke married Laura Skuse from Wethresfield. With their only daughter, Arlowence Elizabeth (Mrs Gordon Stevens) he now makes his home. His wife died in 1968 at the age of ninety-three.
When Mr VanDyke succeeded to the farm he added a hundred acres. Besides dairying on this one hundred-seventy-eight-acre farm, he grew ten acres of potatoes, and tapped fifteen hundred maple trees, the syrip from which sold for $3.00 a gallon. Later he ran a few sheep but not for long. Reminiscences were many and varied. He remembers his grand-father as a wagon maker and the large wagon wheels he made. The milk went to the cheese factory on Wing Street, and at differing times went to Eagle, and later to Arcade and finally to the Merrill Soule plant in Bliss. Those were the days of the milk cans delivered by horse and then by truck. Some of his maple syrup went to Embts in Varysburg and some to Delevan from where it found ti way by truck, to Vermont. The potatoes went as far away as Pittsburgh. His daughter, Mrs Stevens, has fond memories of a delicious dried apple pie. The apples were pared, hung on a string to dry back of the wood cook stove. These dried apples were often taken to the store and traded for groceries. Mr VanDyke recalls selling forty barrels of apples for four dollars a barrel!
Box socials at the Eagle Methodist Church, oyster suppers with the Wing Street neighbors, traveling twenty miles to the County Fair at Warsaw; his first car, a Buick Touring car on which side flaps had to be attached when it rained---all of these were some of his memories. He recalled on eyear when they were too busy filling silo, the potatoes froze in the ground. During a thaw they managed to dig them up and put them in the cellar. During stormy weather they tried to sort them but found the potatoes to be a complete loss. There were no subsidies to help ease the ten-acre potato loss. Mr VanDyke lived on his farm till 1971, when, at the age of ninety, he came to live with his daighter and her husband, Arlowence and Gordon Stevens. Gifts he received in prizes from the 1980 Wyoming County Fair included gifts certificates from Keif's in Perry, Sunderlands in Warsaw, Warsaw Opticians, and a door prize--all totaling tweny dollars. He also received candy from Prinzi's, a jar of jelly, a can of instant tea, a ladies pin and a Top's gift certificate.
Chautauqua News
Wednesday, October 8, 1980
Findley Lake News
Happy Anniversary wishes go to Dick and Jean Skuse who will celebrate their 40th on Sunday, Oct. 12.
Tonawanda News
Thursday, October 9, 1980,
Page 7
Stork Club
SKUCE - Sept 24, Michael and Laurel Knight Skuce, of 226
Wheatfield St., North Tonawanda, a daughter, Emily Louise, in Millard
Fillmore Suburban Hospital, Amherst.
San Diego Union
Tuesday, December 9, 1980
Bette J Beers
Cremation services were held yesterday... Beers, 60, who died Friday in a local hospital.
A native Californian, she was a county resident... years and lived in the Clairemont area.
Survivors, all from San Diego, are her mother, Mrs Elizabeth Jones; a daugher, Mrs Barbara Romero, and a son, Larry G Skuce; a brother, Larry Jones; two sisters, Mrs Barbara Festa, and Mrs Patricia Toppe, and one grandchild.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, June 6, 1981
SKUCE - May 10, Thomas J and Kelly Burnham Skuce of 13132 Blumer Road,
Pennelville, NY, EH32, a daughter, Erin Kathleen
The Ogdensburg Journal
Wednesday, June 17, 1981
Frank Skuce
Lisbon—Funeral services for Frank Skuce, 82, of Lisbon will be held Friday at 2:30pm at the Fox Funeral Home in Lisbon, Rev Richard Wirth of the Orthodox Prebyterian Church and Rev Dale Nason of the Wesleyan Church in Lisbon officiating. Burial will be in the family plot in Flackville Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday afternoon and evening.
Mr Skuce died Tuesday (June 16, 1981) at A Barton Hepburn Hospital. He had been in failing health for the past several months.
He is survived by one sister, Mrs Stella Green of Gainesville, Fla; a brother, Edson of Syracuse; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by a brother, Clarence and two sisters, Mabel and Helen.
Mr Skuce was born in Hallsville, Ont. on Sept 29, 1899, the son of John and Agnes Christie Skuce. He attended Lisbon schools and worked with David Armstrong Plumbing and Heating for several years.
He was a member of the United Prebyterian Church.
Tonawanda News
Tuesday, August 25, 1981
Happy Birthday! many happy returns
Martin Paul Skuce Jr, son of Mr and Mrs M.P. Skuce Sr. of 178 Sabre
Park Niagara Falls, fourth birthday, and great-grandfather Joseph Skuce
of 179 Edward St, North Tonawanda, 80th.
Providence Journal
February 27, 1982
Hazel L. Skuce, 70, formerly of Catherine Street, died yesterday at St. Joseph Hospital, Providence.
Born in Warren, she was a daughter of the late James and Mary Louise (Hull) Skuce
.Her only immediate survivor is an aunt, Mrs. Rose Skuce of Warren.
A funeral service will be held Monday at 11 a.m. at the Wilbur-Romano Funeral Home, 615 Main St., Warren. Burial will be in South Burial Ground, Warren.
Finger Lakes Times
Thursday, April 14, 1983
50 Years Ago (1933)
The third commercial producing natural gas well in the new Geneva fields was brought in on the Margaret Skuse farm at Skuse's Corners.
The Los Angeles Times
Friday, May 13, 1983
Price, Evelyn Skuce of Corona del Mar died after a brief struggle with cancer on Thursday, May 12, 1983. She was 73.
Mrs Price was born and raised in Redlands. She graduated from Redlands University in 1931. She was an elementary school teacher in Redlands, Santa Ana and Pasadena. In Pasadena she was also active in the PTA and was honored for her service there in 1956.
She is survived by her husband, of 47 years, Randolph H Price, Mr Price is retired President of Certified Grocers of Los Angeles. Other surviving family members are a brother, Lyman Skuce of Relands; and daughters Judith Clarke of Corona del Mar and Janice Steele of Palo Alto. There are also 6 grandchildren.
Private family service today. In lieu of flowers, donations to your favorite charity would be appreciated.
Boston Globe
Saturday, June 25, 1983
SKUSE—In Watertown, June 24, Donald A., beloved husband of Belle (Stanley) and father of Donald S. Skuse and Jeanne Skuse-Peshin. Brother of Paul H. and John G. Skuse, Anna Fallon, Elinor Schneelock and Marjorie Sweeney. Also survived by 2 Grandchildren. Funeral from the Rockwell Funeral Home, 195 Mt. Auburn St.. Watertown, Monday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass at St. Patrick's Church at 9. Visiting hours Sunday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Retired detective Watertown Police Dept., WW II Veteran and member ot VFW Post 1105. Memorials In his name may be sent to the Oncology Fund, c/o University Hospital, 75 E. Newton St., Boston.
Seattle Daily Times
Wednesday, July 6, 1983
Alwine Schumman. Age 87. Beloved mother of Helga Skuse, Bellevue. Grandmother of Christian & John Skuse. Bleitz Funeral Home
Tonawanda News
Saturday, December 31, 1983
Stork Club
SKUCE - Dec 25, Michael and Laurel Knight Skuce of 226 Wheatfield St.,
North Tonawanda, a daughter, Holly Ann.
Boston Globe
Monday, January 2, 1984
SKUSE—Of Watertown, Jan 1st, John G. "Red" Skuse, beloved husband of Gertrude E (O'Brien). Funeral mass on Wed. Complete notice to follow. Arrangements by Donald J MacDonald & Son, 270 Main St., Watertown.
Boston Globe
Tuesday, January 3, 1984
SKUSE—Of Watertown. January 1. John G. Skuse. Beloved husband of Gertrude E (O'Brien). Devoted father of George W. of N H., John P. of Watertown, and Patricia H Lynch of Waltham. Dear brother of Paul H. ot Arizona. Mariorie Sweeney of Quincy. Anna Fallon of Florida. Eleanor Schneelock of Ca. and the late Inspector Donald A. Skuse of the Watertown Police Dept. Also survived by 4 grandchildren. Funeral from the Donald J. MacDonald & Son Funeral Home, 270 Main St., Watertown. on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Patrick's Church. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. Calling hours Tuesday. 2-4 and 7-9p.m. Interment Ridge-lawn Cemetery. Army Veteran WW II. Retired employee Watertown Highway Dept. Memorial contributions to Mt. Auburn Hospital. Cambridge. 02138 would be greatly appreciated.
Syracuse Herald Journal
Tuesday, January 24, 1984
Edson Skuce, 230 Hardwood Ave, January 22, 1984. Survived by one sister, Mrs Stella Green; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services 11 a.m., Wednesday at the Gaynor-Maslyn Funeral Home. 119 South Ave. Burial St Patrick's Cemetery, Watertown. Calling hours Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Chautauqua News
Thursday, January 26, 1984
Finley Lake
Richard Skuse Obituary
Richard B Skuse, 72, of Shadyside Rd, Findley Lake, died Sunday, Jan 22, 1984 in Hamot Medical Center in Erie, Pa.
He was born June 28, 1911 in Collins Center, NY, son of Isaac and Mercedes Shaw Skuse.
He was an employee of General Electric Co. in Erie, retiring in 1974. He was a member of Findley Lake United Methodist Churchl the Quarter Century Club at General Electric; and former member of the Findley Lake Fire Dept.
He is survived by his widow, the former Geneva Moore, whom he married October 12, 1940; a son, Alvin Skuse of Corry, two daughters, Wanda Seifert of Waterford, Pa, and Iyla Captman of West Seneca; seven grandchildren, Douglas and Diane Chapman of West Seneca, Mark and Lori Skuse of Corry, Jodi, Julie and Jill
Seifort of Waterford; three brothers, Harvey Skuse of Phoenix, Ariz., Arthur Skuse of Niagara Falls, Borden Skuse of Collins Center; and two sisters, Sue Johnson of Phoenix, Ariz, and Violet Skuse of Collins Center.
He wsa preceded in death by a daughter, Anita Skuse in 1969; two sisters, Coza Boseine and Barbara Skuse; and two brothers, Isaac and Harvey Skuse.
The funeral was held Wednesday in the Findley Lake United Methodist Church with the Rev Jerome Ward, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Mina Cemetery.
Famiyl members suggest that memborials be made to Findley Lake United Methodist Church.
Arrangements were by Spitzer Funeral Home in Sherman.
Pulaski (N.Y.) Democrat
Monday, September 10, 1984
Jacquelyn Haldane; Richard Clay Wed
Jacquelyn Carol Haldane of Sandy Creek and Richard Allan Clay of Pulaski exchanged marriage vows at St James Episcopal Church on July 21. The Rev Donald R J Read of Oswego officated.
The bridge is the daughter of Mr Harevey Ingraham Skuse of Mesa, Arizone, and the late Betty Jane Skuse. The groom is the son of the late Grover Cleveland Clay and Edith Thornton Clay, of Virginia.
TYhe maid of honor was Kimberly Ann Haldane, daughter of the bridge. The bridesmaids were Melissa, Melanie and Amy Clay, daughters of the groom.
The best man was Blaine Johnson, of Boylston, Mass. The ushers were John, Eric, and Andrew Haldane, sons of the bride.
The Old Testament Lesson was read by Mrs Wallace Mitchelll of Mexico, the psalm by Mr David Skuse of Mesa, Arizone, brother of the bride, and the Epistle by Mr Ralph Yandeay senior warden of St James Church.
Melissa, Melanie and May Clay were the soloists, and the musicians were Ted Yandeau, Mary Beth Fuller and Mae Hunt.
Receptions followed at the Parish Hall of St James Church and at the home of the bride.
The groom is the current Rector of St James Church and a teacher of gifted children in the Pulaski Academy and CEntral School System.
After a honeymoon trip to Lake Placid and Cap Cod, the couple are now resident at their home on Route 11.
Caledonia Advertiser
Thursday, November 1, 1984
Mrs Jessie E Skuse died October 24, 1984 in Village Green Nursing Home, LeRoy at the age of 92. Mrs Skuse lived in Caledonia from 1936 until 1964. She had been employed as an operator by New York Telephone Company and was a member of the Pioneer Club.
She leave her sister, Lola M Durney, LeRoy; a nephew, Cordyn Durney, LeRoy; several nieces, Ethel Ezard, Caledonia, Mrs Harold (Mildred) Morris, N Chili, Mrs Earl (Elinor) Montgomery, Rochester, Mrs Doris Baker, Va, Mrs Jack (Edna) Baker, Tex, and Mrs John (Helen) Dutton, Pavilion; several grandnieces and grandnephews.
Friends called Thursday at the Alhart Funeral Home on Main Street, Caledonia where services were held Friday at 11:00. Interment was in Irondequoit Cemetery.
Le Roy Gazette News
November 1, 1984
Mrs Jessie E Skuse, 92, died, Wednesday (Oct 24, 1984) at Village Green Nursing Home, where she had resided since 1979. She previously lived in Rochester, and in Caledonia for 28 years.
She was born MArch 3, 1892, in Rochester, a daughter of Oscar and Annie Bidlock Durney. She was a retired telephone operator for New York Telephone Co., and a member of its Pioneer Club. Her husband John Skuse, died several years ago.
Surviving are a sister, Lola M Durney of Le Roy; a nephew, Cordyn Durney of Le Roy; several neieces, Ethel Ezard of Caledonia, Mrs Harold (Mildred) Morris of North Chili, Mrs Earl (Elinor) Montgomery of Rochester, Mrs Doris Baker of Virginia, Mrs Jack (Edna) Baker of Texas, and Mrs John (Helen) Dutton of Pavilion; and several grandnieces and grandnephews.
Tonawanda News, NY
Thursday, November 22, 1984
Kimberly Lynn Randall, daughter of Mrs Lynda Lee Randall of North Tonawanda and Richard D Randall of Niagara Falls, second birthday on Nov 28. Grandparents are Howard Randall of Middleport, Pual E Shane of Buffalo, Mr and Mrs Clarence Copper, great-grandparents, the Rev and Mrs Joseph Skuce, all of North Tonawanda, and Mr and Mrs Gordon Martin of DeLand, Fla.
Florida Today
Friday, February 15, 1985
Lillian Skuce
Services for Lillian I Skuce, 71, 2845 Davis Lane, Rockledge, are schedule for 1 pm Monday at Florida Memorial Cemetery North of Melbourne.
An electrial machinist and a Brevard resident for 12 years. Mrs
Skuce died Wednesday at Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital in Rockledge.
Survivors include her sons, Albert Skuce Jr, of Aiken, SC, and Richard Skuce of West Warick RI; daughters, Lorraine Fitzgerald of Rockledge. Beatrice Martin of Cocoa and Barbara Sharp of Chandler Texas; 19 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Calling hours are 11 am-noonMonday at Wylie-Baxley Funeralhome in Rockledge.
Tonawanda News
Saturday, June 15, 1985
60th Anniversary: The Rev. Joseph Skuce and his wife, Lillian, will
celebrathe their 60th anniversary Sunday, which also is Mrs Skuce's
79th Birthday. The couple will attend church services and observe their
anniversary at home, 179 Edward St., North Tonawanda.
Aiken Standard
Monday, August 26, 1985
Graniteville—Tammy Skuce and Timothy R Head were married Saturday at Congregational Holiness Church in Graniteville. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and the Revs Denis Phillips and Audley W?? officiated.
The bride is a daughter of Albert and Helen Skuce of Aiken. She is a granddaughter of Lena Edward of St John, Canada , and the late Walter Edwards and the late Albert and Lillian Skuce.
The bridegroom is a son of Claude and Barbara Head of Gloverville. He is a grandson of Mr and Mrs J D Head of Scaly Mountain, N.C., and the late Mr and Mrs W R Carver.
JoAnn Mallory of Aiken, a sister of the bride, served as maid of honor. Sherrie Temples of Aiken served as bridesmaid.
The father of the bridegroom acted as best man. Groomsmen were Russ Head. Tim Proctor and Allen Holsenback.
Following a reception in the church hall, the couple left for awedding trip to Hilton Head. They will reside in Aiken.
The bride is a graduate of Aiken High. She is employed by Belk.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Rabun Gap Hugh in Scaley Mountain, N.C. He is employed by F.M.C.
Trenton Evening Times, New Jersey
Saturday, August 31, 1985
Titusville—Richard Skeuse, 88, died Friday in Franklin Convalescence Center, Franklin Park.
Born in Flushing NY, Mr Skeuse was a resident of Titusville for 17 years. He was a retired building ...
Orange County Register
Thursday, April 17, 1986 (Smaller version on Wednesday, April 16, 1986)
Floy R Hopper
Hopper, Floy R, of Buena Park, passed away April 12, 1986. She is survived by daughter Mary L Skuse, granddaughter Mrs Michael Boan (Conise); grandsons Michael Skuse and wife Gloria; Mark Skuse and wife Becky; great-grandchildren Cherrie and Kristopher Skuse; sister Cay Kline, brother William Duffie Null.
Chapel Service and Interment Thursday, 12 noon. Directed by Westminster Memorial Park and Mortuary and Cemetery.
Providence Journal
June 13, 1986
Arthur L. Skuce, 61, of Linbrook Drive, a machine operator for the Leviton Manufacturing Co. before retiring in 1965 because of illness, died Wednesday at home.Born in Cranston, a son of the late John N. and Ellen (Schofield) Skuce, he lived in Warwick for 10 years.
Mr. Skuce was an Army veteran of World War II, and a member of the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 10, Cranston.
He leaves two brothers, Thomas H. Skuce of East Providence, George A. Skuce of Warwick, and two...
Tonawanda News
Tuesday, 24 June 1986
Skuce Anniversary
Mr and Mrs Joseph Skuce Sr. of North Tonawanda observed their 61st wedding
anniversary on June 16 which also was Mrs. Skuce's birthday.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
6 Jan 1987
Skuce, Richard E
Jan 5, 1987. Survived by his wife, Erma; son and his wife, Darryl and Judith Skuce, of Inverness, FL; daughter and her husband, Anne and Jan Kastberg; grandaughter, Katrina Kastbery, all of Greece; 2 brothers; 3 sisters; several nieces and nephews.
No calling hours. Private Services at the convenience of the family with interment in Blossom Cemetery. Friends wishing may contribute to St. Paul Lutheran Church, East Ave., Hilton in memory of Mr Skuce. Arrangements Kandt Funeral Home Inc., Hilton.
Livonia Gazette
July 16, 1987
Golden Anniversary
Helen and Charles Skuse traveled from Ft Myers, Florida to visit their son, Michael Skuse of Lakeville and to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Over 100 friends and relatives attended this special celebration on July 3rd at the Sherwood Manor.
Providence Journal
August 22, 1987
Gertrude F. (Skuce) Wilcox, 78, of 99 Goldsmith Ave., died Thursday in the Jane Brown unit of Rhode Island Hospital. She was the wife of the late Herbert C. Wilcox.
Born in Providence, she was the daughter of the late Richard and Mabelle (Bidet) Skuce. She had lived most of her life in East Providence.
Mrs. Wilcox retired in 1973 from her last job as a maid in housing services for Brown University.
She was a member of Providence Chapter No. 1, Order of the Eastern Star; City...
Providence Journal
November 26, 1987
Loretta M. David, 81, of 21 Gallup Ave. died Tuesday at Rhode Island Hospital. She was the widow of John David.
Born in Providence, a daughter of the late William and Myra (Skuce) Ellison, she lived in Cranston most of her life.
Mrs. David was a communicant of St. Matthew's Church.
She leaves two daughters, June Colombo of Narragansett and Palmyra Improta of Cranston; a son, Everett Ellison of Cranston; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be...
Spokane Chronicle
Thursday, Jan 21, 1988
Billie Skuse
Service for Billie Skuse, a retired Spokane School District music teacher,
was Wednesday at Mills & Mills Funeral Home in Olympia.
Private burial service will be held later at Greenwood Memorial Terrace
Mrs. Skuse died Friday at Rest Haven Nursing Home in Olympia. She was
Born in South Dakota, she was a longtime Spokane resident and taught
music in Spokane School District 81 more than 40 years. She moved to
Olympia about 15 years ago.
Mrs. Skuse was a member of the Spokane Quota Club and the Musicians
Union here.
Survivors include one son, Bob Lotzenhiser of Olympia; one sister; two
half-sisters; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Providence Journal
July 16, 1988
William C. Skuce Sr., 74, formerly of Fischer Drive, died Thursday at the South County Nursing Center, North Kingstown. He was the husband of Harriet (Greene) Skuce.
Born in South Kingstown, he was employed by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation in the Highway Beautification Department for several years before retiring in 1976.
Besides his wife he leaves a son; William C. Skuce Jr. of Exeter; six daughters; Shirley Allen and Margo Snow, both of Exeter, Janice Snow of South...
Providence Journal
August 20, 1988
Joseph F. Seguin, 74, of 121 N. 5th St., a foreman for the Wrightsville Valve Co., Wrightsville, Pa., for 20 years, died Thursday at home. He was the husband of Eleanor (Skuce) Seguin.
Born in Providence, a son of the late Joseph and Eugenie Marie (Houde) Seguin, he had lived in Columbia 30 years. He previously resided in Providence.
He was a communicant of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church and a member of its choir, the Holy Name Society, Columbia Council 2294, KofC and Columbia...
Springfield Union-News, Massachusetts
August 23, 1988
Adolf Skuse, 64, of 7 Vernon St., a 19-year stationary engineer of the Holyoke Gas and Electric Co., died yesterday in Providence Hospital. A lifelong resident of Holyoke, he attended local schools and was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. He was a member of the Springfield Turn Verein and the National Association of Power Engineers. He leaves his wife, the former Alma Schielke; a brother, Martin E. of South Hadley;...
Providence Journal
October 6, 1988
Harriet I. Skuce, 78, formerly of Fischer Drive, a bus driver for the North Kingstown School Department for many years before retiring in 1968, died yesterday at South County Hospital. She was the widow of William C. Skuce Sr.
Born in North Kingstown, she was a daughter of the late James H. and Sarah (Mason) Greene.
She leaves a daughter, Audrey Posillo; a sister, Ruth Timpson, both of North Kingstown; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
A funeral service will be...
Press-Republican, Plattsburgh, NY
Sunday, October 18, 1988
Skuse—A daughter, Jenna Shea, born Oct 10 1998 to Dawn and Kenneth Skuse.
Chatauqua News
Thursday, February 23, 1989
Findley Lake News
Congratulation to Mark R Skuse son of Alvin and Sandy Skuse of Corry, and grandson of Findley Lake's Jean Skuse. Mark was named to the dean's list at Thiel College recently. He is a sophmore majoring in pre-engineering and math.
Providence Journal
April 21, 1989
Clara P. Skuce, 72, of 35 Blackbird Rd., West Kingston, died Wednesday in South County Hospital, Wakefield. She was the widow of Charles Skuce.
Born in Peace Dale, she was a daughter of the late Elias and Pheobe (Albro) Holland.
She leaves a son, William C. Skuce Jr. of Slocum; six daughters, Shirley Allen and Margo E. Snow, both of Slocum, Dianne Snow, with whom she lived, Gail E. Clark of West Kingston, Janice L. Snow of Peace Dale and Brenda J. Dailey of Narragansett; a brother,...
The Oklahoman
Tuesday, May 2, 1989; Page 6
Skuce, Archelle and Thomas, Midwest City, a boy.
May 22, 1989
Rose A. Skuce, 89, of 569 Child St. died Saturday at the Metacom Manor Health Center, Bristol, after a four-year illness. She was the widow of Charles L. Skuce.
Born in Warren, she was a daughter of the late Francois and Melina (Drainville) Parent.
Mrs. Skuce was a member of the VFW Auxiliary.
She leaves two daughters, Doris Charbonneau of East Providence and Claire Brown of Warren; a son, Joseph Heuberger; a brother, Roland Parent, both of Warren; four grandchildren and five...
Register Star, Rockford, Illinois
Tuesday, December 12, 1989
Florence Skuce, 87, gently claps her hands and inspect the small notebook she has created. "My book," she squeals. "Hooray."
San Jose Mercury News, California
April 24, 1990
Richard Skuse, a publicist in the San Francisco area for more than 30 years, died Saturday in a Fremont hospital while undergoing emergency heart surgery. He was 68. Mr. Skuse, a native of San Francisco, founded his own public relations firm, Dick Skuse & Associates, in 1951 and handled accounts that included the Squaw Valley ski resort, the Shrine East-West football game and the Cow Palace's Grand National Horse Show and Livestock Exhibition. He worked with...
The New York Times
October 28, 1990
Carol Lynn Skeuse, a daughter of Mrs Thomas J Skeuse and the late Mr Skeuse, was married yesterday to Dr Jon Durwood Frazier, a son of Mr and Mrs Graydon Frazier of Endicott, NY. The Rev Edward M. O'Neill, a Roman Catholic priest, officiated at St John the Evangelist Church in Lambertville, N.J.
Mrs. Frazier, 30 years old, graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is the president of Springwater Farm Arabians, an importer of Russian Arabian horses. Her father founded and headed Reagent Chemical & Research Inc. and was the president of White Flyer Targets, a target manufacturer, both in Middlesex, NJ. Her mother, Rita K Skeuse, is the chief executive of Reagent Chemical & Research.
The bridegroom, 31, graduated from the State University of New York at Binghamton, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and received an M.D. degree from the University of Chicago. He is a fellow in brachytherapy at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. His mother, Lucille S Frazier, is the secretary and the treasurer and his father is the president of Frazier & Son Inc., a real-estate investment and building company in Endicott. They also own Stony Ridge Farm, in Forest Lake, Pa, where they breed National Champion Arabian Horses.
The Sunday Telegraph, New Hampshire
Sunday, November 11, 1990
Pamela Skuse and Alan Boilard
Pamela Jean Skuse of Nashua and Alan Martin Boilard of Merrimack were married Sept. 29, 1990 at St Patrick Church in Nashua. Monsignor T Joseph MCDonough officiated at the afternoon ceremony.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George W Skuse of Nashua. The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs J Richard Boilard of Nashua.
Matron of honor was Elizabeth Humphrey. Bridesmaids were Colleen Donahue, cousin of the bride; and Sarah Boilard, sister of the groom.
Best man was Michael Morgan. Ushers were George Skuse, brother of the bride; and Christopher Boilard, brother of the groom.
The bride is a 1984 graduate of Nashua High School and attended Keene State College. She is senior rater/coder at Continental Insurance Co., Nashua.
The groom is a 1984 graduate of Nashua High School. He received an associate’s degree from New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College, Nashua. He received a bachelor of Science degree in 1988 from Plymouth State College. He is employed by Maine Bonding & Casualty Co, Bedford, N.H.
They are residing in Merrimack.
Suburban News, Spencerport, NY
August 13, 1991
Graupman, Alfred J., August 2, 1991, Alfred J Graupman, 82. He is survived
by his wife, Marion (MacGregor) Graupman; his daughters, Patricica Garrison
and Susan Steinmetz; his grandchildren, Vicki Staffenhagen, Kevin Garrison,
Janice Remillard, Dale Beehler, Shelly Remillard, Amy Flanagan and Karen
Steinmetz; his sisters, Iva Unterborn and Erma Skuce; eight great-grandchildren;
two great great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his grandson Keven
Steinmetz and son-in-law, Howard Garrison.
A Memorial Service was held August 4 at the Thomas E Berger Funeral
Home. Private Interment Blossom Cemetery. Those wishing may contribute
to St. Paul Lutheran Church or favorite charity in his memory.
The Buffalo News
August 18, 1992
Services were held in Langhorne, Pa., for Niagara Falls native Ronald A. Skuse, 55, of Yardley, Pa., who died last Tuesday (Aug. 11, 1992) in Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, after a long illness. Skuse, an executive with General Electric Co. in Valley Forge, Pa., moved to Yardley eight years ago from Mount Holly, N.J. He attended Niagara University and the Syracuse University Law School. Skuse was a member of St. John the Evangelist Church, Yardley..
Syracuse Herald-Journal, New York
January 5, 1993
Charles D. Skuse, 80, of Midline Road, Freeville, died Sunday at Tompkins. A son, David B. Skuse, died Aug. 25, 1992, and a daughter, Elizabeth Eudora Skuse, died April 12, 1960. Surviving are his wife of 51 years, the former Elizabeth M. Daniels; a granddaughter, Bonnie E. Skuse of Ithaca; and several nieces and nephews. Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Perkins Funeral Home, the Rev. Elaine S. White officiating. Burial will be in Tyrone Union Cemetery. Calling hours are 7 to 9...
Saturday, February 19, 1994
JoAnne Shultz of Houston announces the engagement of her daughter, Janine Marie, of Lansing, Mich., to Larry James Skuse, son of Larry L Skuse and Mary LaPratt, both of Lansing.
The bride-to-be is a 1978 graduate of Trinity High School and graduate of Western Area Vocational-Technical School. She is an LPN for Rivendell Psychiatric Hospital for Adolescents and Children,, St. Johns, Mich.
Her fiancé attended Everett High School and is self-employed at Larry’s Auto and Four Seasons Trucking Co.
Boston Globe
Monday, March 14, 1994
SKUSE—Of Watertown, March 13, Gertrude E. (O'Brien). Beloved wife of the late John G. Skuse. Devoted mother of George W. of NH, John Paul of Watertown and Patricia H. Lynch of Waltham. Dear sister of Matthew F. O'Brien of FL, Richard of CA and the late Paul R. O'Brien and Alice M. Parker. Also survived by 4 grandchildren and a great-grandson. Funeral from the Donald J. MacDonald & Son Funeral Home, 270 Main St., Rte. 20, Watertown, on Wednesday at 9 a.m. followed by a Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Patrick Church, 212 Main St. Interment Ridgelawn Cemetery. Calling hours Tuesday 7-9 p.m. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. Memorial contributions made to West Suburban Elder Service, 124 Watertown St, Watertown, 02172, would be appreciated.
Lakeland Ledger, Florida
24 April 1994
Anne White, 89
Lakeland - Mrs. Anne S. White of Lakeland died Friday, April 15, 1994,
at her home. She was 89.
Born in Mountain Township, Ontario, on Aug. 10, 1904, she came to Alexandra
Bay, N.Y., in 1980. She was a secretary.
She is survived by her brother Lorene Skuce, Canada; and sister, Rose
Campbell, Canada.
Glen Abby Funeral Home, Auburndale.
Post-Standard, NY
August 22, 1995
Former Auburn resident Helen C. Eberhardt, 66, died Sunday in Cuyler after a long illness. A native of Alexandria Bay, Mrs. Eberhardt lived most of her life in Auburn and six years in Florida before moving recently to Cuyler to live with her daughter. She retired in 1989 from Home Aides of Central New York. Surviving are her husband, Herman F. of Dunellon, Fla; a daughter, Helen Thompson of Cuyler; three sons, Howard Skuce and John Jencks, both of Syracuse, and Johnathan Skuce of...
Journal Star, Illinois
Auugst 23, 1995
GALESBURG— Lorraine L. Gregg, 78, of 454 E. Davis St. died at 11:34 p.m. Monday, Aug. 21, 1995, at Galesburg Cottage Hospital. Born March 17, 1917, in Wisner, Neb., to William and Elizabeth Skuse Adams, she married Lawrence I. Gregg on Jan. 31, 1948, in Phoenix. He survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Cynthia Russell of New Orleans and Vicki L. Wilcoxson of California, Md.; two grandchildren; and two sisters, Eunice Smith of Medford, Ore., and Ethel Dwitz of Wisner. She was...
Daily Camera, Boulder, Colorado
January 30, 1996
Esther Helen Furney of Boulder died Sunday, Jan. 28, 1996, in Boulder. She was 82. She was born on Aug. 25, 1913, in Kansas City, Kan., the daughter of Phillip Joseph Hammer and Cora Bessie Skuse. She married Eldon D. Furney on Jan. 1, 1933, in Council Grove, Kan. He died Jan. 6, 1979. She graduated from Wilson High School in Council Grove. She moved in 1942 from Alta Vista, Kan., to Longmont and in 1949 to Boulder.Mrs. Furney was a hostess...
Hamburg Sun
Thursday, March 7, 1996
Planning July Wedding
Mr and Mrs Hal Skuse of Eden announce the engagement of their daughter, Molly S to Erik J Eide, son of Mr and Mrs John Eide of Fincaslte, Va. Miss Skuse is a graduate of Eden High School and Geneseo State College with a BS in education. She is a sixth grade teacher for North Syracuse Central Schools and is studying for her master's in education at Oswego State College. Mr Eide was graduated from James River High School. He is the ervice manager for A-Z Computers and Services in Dewitt. The couple is planning a July wedding at SS. Peter and Paul Church.
Post-Standard, NY
August 2, 1996
Nellie Mereweather, 90, formerly of Branbury Court, Liverpool, died Thursday at Loretto. A native of Dekalb Junction, Mrs. Mereweather lived in the Syracuse area for 70 years. She was employed with Crouse Hinds Co. and Smith Corona Corp. Her husband, John, died in 1984. Surviving are a son, Melvin Skuce of Phoenix; a daughter, Betty Hart of Lodi, Calif.; three grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren and several cousins, nieces and nephews.Graveside services will be at 11:30...
Providence Journal
October 6, 1996
Weddings - Jennifer A Skuce and Alan E Spira
Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet, Cranston, was the setting Aug. 17 for the marriage of Jennifer A. Skuce to Alan E. Spira of Brighton, Mass. The bride is the daughter of Donald and Cynthia Skuce of Warwick. The bridegroom is the son of Albert and Alice Spira of Pompton Lakes, N.J.
Rebecca Skuce, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kelly Waples, Norma Whaley, sister of the bridegroom, and Nicole and Lauren Houle. The best man was Dave Lyons. Ushers were Todd Hutchinson,...
Providence Journal
October 27, 1996
Weddings - Erica A Doughty and Keith J Skuce
The wedding of Erica Anne Doughty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doughty of Warwick, to Keith Jospeh Skuce of Warwick, son of Virginia Skuce of Warwick and John Skuce of Gardner, North Carolina took place September 8 in Shawomet Baptist Church, Warwick.
Tessa Wheeler was matron of honor for her sister. Timothy Skuce, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Jason Doughty, brother of the bride and Jonathon Wheeler.
The bride and bridegroom are graduates of Warwick...
San Jose Mercury News, California
Dcember 30, 1996
Marie Pfeiffer Striegel O'Brien was 6 years old when her mother, Annie Skuse Pfeiffer, died in 1912. That meant she had to skip childhood on her father's fruit ranch. She was the youngest of nine siblings, but her older sisters, Anita and Nellie, had married and left their Almaden Valley orchard. Brothers Martin, Leo, Frank, Victor, Richard and Norbert had to be fed. Mrs. O'Brien always said she learned to cook fast, said her daughter...
Providence Journal
May 1, 1997
Woman in intensive care after falling from moving car
A Ten Rod Road woman suffered serious injuries after she accidently fell out of a car traveling on Route 4 yesterday afternoon, state police said.
Kristin Skuce, 24, of 600 Ten Rod Rd., fell out of the back seat of a car driven by her husband, Duane Skuce, 28, shortly after 3 p.m., police said. Their 2-year-old son was riding in the front passenger seat, strapped to a car seat and was not injured, police said.
Cpl. Frank Rohan said the accident is under investigation and criminal...
The Wilkes Barre Times Leader, Pennsylvania
April 14, 1997
Myrtle Skuse, April 13, 1997
Myrtle Skuse, 95, a guest at the Birchwood Nursing Home, Nanticoke, since 1993, and formerly of Sheatown, Newport Township, died Sunday at the Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Township. Born September 3, 1901, in Sheatown, she was the daughter of the late George and Mary Jane Harding Skuse. She attended Newport Township schools. She was a member of Newport United Methodist Church, Alden, Newport...
The Waukegan News-Sun, Illinois
August 19, 1997
Thomas S. Skuse, Sr., 82, of Green Oaks, Illinois, passed away Saturday, August 16, 1997 at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge. He was born August 4, 1915 in Chicago and had been a resident of the Libertyville-Mundelein area for the past 50 years.He was a veteran of the US Army, having served in the Pacific Theatre during WW II and was a member of the Libertyville VFW and American Legion Posts. He was a member of St. Joseph Parish in Libertyville and the Cardinal...
Hamburg Sun, NY
Thursday, December 4, 1997
Kitties galore
Anne, Joe and John Skuse hold three of their sealpoint Siamese kittens from the Triple S Siamese, the family cattery in Eden, as mom, Marcia Skuse, looks on at the 49th annual Buffalo Cat Fanciers Cat Show held last weekend at the Hamburg Fairgrounds.
Providence Journal
January 4, 1998
Weddings - Jannie M Skuce and James E Turner
St. Bernard Church, North Kingstown, was the setting Oct. 25 for the marriage of Jeannie Marie Skuce and James E. Turner. The bride is the daughter of Steve and Leah Skuce of Wakefield. The bridegroom is the son of Mary Ryan of Cranston and Kenneth Turner of Warwick.
The matron of honor was Heather Arnold. The bridesmaids were Tammy Buffery, sister of the bride, Toula Riveria and Tina Deschenes. The best man was Steve Swallow. The ushers were Michael and Raymond Turner, brothers of the Groom...
The Spokesman Review, Spokane, Washington
March 21, 1998
Katherine "Katie" Skuse
Service for Katherine M "Katie" Skuse, 12, will be at 11 a.m. today at Ball and Dodd Funeral Home - South. Graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Riverside (Wash.) Cemetery.
Katie, who was born in Seattle, died Wednesday while in treatment for leukemia.
She was a sixth-grade student at Roosevelt Elementary School and was a resident of Spokane for more than four years.
Katie was an honor roll student and was active in sports, especially volleyball. She also loved animals.
Survivors include her mother, Mickey Fevaleaki of Spokane; a borther, Michael Skuse of Phoenix; two sisters, Carrie and Monalise Fevaleaki, both of Seattle; her grandmothers, Katherine Davis of Omak, Wash., and Millicent Robbins of Spinrg Lake, Mich.
Memborial contributions may be made to the Candlelighters Spokane Chapter.
Providence Journal
January 19, 1998
Rites set for Kevin Skuce, 31, victim in drowning accident
Funeral services for Kevin M. Skuce, 31, of Mollusk Drive, who died Friday at Rhode Island Hospital after a drowning accident in Narragansett, will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Forbes Funeral Home, 28 Columbia St., Wakefield. Burial will be in St. Francis Cemetery in Peace Dale.
A lifelong resident of Narragansett, he was a son of Vernon N. and Margaret C. (Farrell) Skuce of Narragansett. He was a cook for the Champlin's Seafood Restaurant in Galilee for 12 years.
Besides his...
Buffalo News
27 to 28 June 1998
Lucille (Weber) Skuse
At age 89 of Collins, NY June 26, 1998; beloved wife of the late Borden; mother of Mrs. Charles (Charlotte) Cappellino of Salamanca, Mrs. Werner (Carlene) Flier of Port Byron, Hal (Alice) of Eden and Robert (Marcia) of Eden; sister of Ada Brant of Nebraska and the late Clayton Weber; also surviving 11 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Family will receive friends 2-4 and 7-9 Sunday from the MENTLEY FUNERAL HOME INC., 105 E. Main St., Gowanda, NY where funeral services will be held Monday at 11 AM. Memorials may be made to the Collins Center Volunteer Fire Dept. or the Collins Center United Methodist Church.
Providence Journal
November 26, 1998
DOROTHY G. FLECK, of Judy Ann Drive, formerly of Milford Road, Swansea, a former nurse, died Monday at Rhode Island Hospital. She was the wife of the late John W. Fleck.
Born in Swansea, a daughter of the late Frederick and Ethel (Skuce) Horton, she lived in Rehoboth during her early years, moving to Somerset and then to Swansea in 1957. She moved to Seekonk 14 years ago.
Mrs. Fleck was a licensed practical nurse and worked at the former Cliff Nursing Homes, Fall River, from 1969 to...
Daily Herald
Tuesday, June 15, 1999
Angel Skuse, May 27 to Larry and Sharon Skuse, Des Plaines. Sister of Larry IV. Grandparents Dave and Joan Johnson, Des Plaines; Lawrence and Beverly Skuse, Spring Hill, Fla.
Port Huron, Time Herald
Thursday, 24 June 1999
John E Skuce, 69, Shepherdstown, W.Va
E "Jack" Skuce, a pioneer of the National Endowment for the Arts, died Sunday at the age of 69.
He worked at the Smithsonian Institution and wrote for the Congressional Quarterly.
Spirit of Jefferson Farmer's Advocate, West Virginia
Thursday, 24 June 1999
John E Skuce
John Everly "Jack" Skuce, 69, of Shepherdstown, died Monday,
June 21, at his home.
Born June 28, 1929, in Morgantown, he was the son of the late Thomas
Wesley and Florence Onalee Smith Skuce.
He was a communicant of Trinity Episcopal Church.
A New Dealer and conservationist, he was a special envoy of President
Roosevelt in China.
He attended Nanking University in Nanking, China, in 1948. He finished
his undergraduate studies in political science at Goddard College, Plainfield,
Vt. He did graduate work at the London School of Economics in 1956.
He was a director of research and a reporter for the Congressional
Quarterly in Washington, D.C., from 1953 to 1968. He became program
officer, Division of Public Service for the Smithsonian Institution
in 1969; and was national affairs officer for the Drug Abuse Council
from 1972 to 1976. Active in Democratic politics, he produced 179 cultural
events and organized the prayer breakfast for President Jimmy Carter's
1976 inaugural.
He was a senior associate of the National Endowment for
the Arts from 1977-1981.
From 1981-1987, he was a management consultant to cultural organizations.
He programmed the Los Angeles Bicentennial; designed, directed and produced
a yearlong U.S./Korean centennial in 38 cities in the United States;
and produced and funded a 34-nation performing arts festival in Jamaica.
He was active in restoring the Opera House in Shepherdstown
and was a board member of Shepherdstown Public Library.
He was active in the Jefferson County Alliance for Arts and Humanities;
and was a member of Millbrook Orchestra, Shepherdstown.
A memorial service will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at Trinity
Episcopal Church in Shepherstown. Dr G.T. Schramm will officiate.
Burial will be private, and there will be no visitation.
Memorial donations may be made to Shepherdstown Public Library, P.O.
Box 278,Shepherdstown, WV 25443; or Trinity Episcopal Church, P.O. Box
308, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.
Arragements are by Melvin T. Strider Colonial Funeral Home.
The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland
June 25, 1999 (Same day, Toledo Blade, Ohio)
Deaths Elsewhere
John E. "Jack" Skuce, 69, a pioneer of the National Endowment for the Arts, died Sunday in Shepherdstown, W.Va. He traveled the country in 1965 urging communities to match funds with the federal program to offer home-grown arts programs.
Seattle Times
June 26, 1999
John "Jack" Skuce, a pioneer of the National Endowment for the Arts, Sunday in Shepherdstown, W.Va., of heart failure.
The Oregonian
December 19, 1999
Obituary Index **??
Carmelita Frances Skuse
Providence Journal
April 3, 2000
VERNON N. SKUCE JR., 56, of South County Trail, Exeter, who died Wednesday at South County Hospital, after an illness, was a son of Cecilia (Holland) Gordon of South Kingstown and the late Vernon N. Skuce Sr., and a stepson of Leonard G. Gordon.
He was the husband of Margaret C. (Ferrell) Skuce.
Worcester Telegram & Gazette, Massachusetts
October 8, 2000
HOLDEN— Nicholas Zook, 82, of Holden, author of five books, died Friday, Oct. 6, at home after an illness. He leaves his wife, Audrey T. (Skuse) Zook of Chestnut Hill, a son, Christoher J. Zook of Chestnut Hill; a daughter, Jennifer J. Stanovich of Holden; a sister, Mary Ford of Grafton; four grandchildren; and nieces and nephews. He was born in Worcester, son of William and Mary (Luksa) Zook, and moved to Holden 47 years ago. He graduated from Classical High School in Worcester and...
Hamburg Sun
Thursday, November 2, 2000
Son to Eides
Erik and Molly Eide of Balwinsville announce the birth of their son Evan John on Sept 27, 2000. Granparents are Hal and Alice Skuse of Eden and John and Pat Eide of Fincastle, Va.
Providence Journal
January 24, 2001
BEATRICE D. (PERRETTA) SKUCE, 83, of Centerville Road, a former cook, died Monday in Kent County Memorial Hospital.
She was the wife of George A. Skuce. They were married for 58 years. Born in East Greenwich, a daughter of the late Antonio and Maria (Franzone) Perretta, she lived in Warwick for 15 years, previously living in Wakefield and Florida.
She was employed as a cook at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, for 12 years before retiring in 1979.
Mrs. Skuce was a...
BEATRICE D. (PERRETTA) SKUCE, 83, of Centerville Road, Warwick, who died Monday in Kent County Memorial Hospital, Warwick, was the mother of Ellen M. Wulff.
??, Michigan
Tucker, Mrs INIS V.
Lakewood Club
Mrs. Inis Victoria Tucker, age 74, passed away Saturday, March 10, 2001. Mrs Tucker was born on February 3, 1927 to William and Inez (Doyle) Skuse in Lincoln, MI. On February 24, 1944 she married Clarence Tucker. Mrs Tucker worked as a Nurses Aid at Whitehall Manor for 26 years prior to her retirement. Inis was a member of VFW #8846 Don Rea Post Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband, Clarence; 3 sons, Clarence (Vicki) Tucker Jr., Thomas Tucker and Michael (Char) Tucker, all of Twin Lake; 5 daughters, Darlene (Dale) Sheehy of Twin Lake, Sandra (Doug) Selig of Twin Lake, Judith (Fiancee, Fred Smith) Pulaski of Whitehall, Jackie (Mark) Bates of Twin Lake and Cindy (fiancee, Ed Tomaras) Tucker of Twin Lake; 23 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; 3 brothers, Ernie Skuse of Muskegon, Victor (Leota) Skuse of Whitehall and Donald (Arlene) Skuse of Holton; 1 sister, Sharon (Keither) Eitniear and 1 sister-in-law, Ruth Skuse of Whitehall; Mrs Tucker was preceded in death by her brother, Elwood Skuse. In accordane with Mrs Tucker's wishes, there will be no services. Interment: Fruitland Township Cemetery.
Providence Journal
March 20, 2001
T. HENRY SKUCE, 90, of Apulia Street, a retired shipping and receiving clerk, died yesterday at Rhode Island Hospital, Providence.
He was the husband of Minnie (Troino) Skuce; they were married for 61 years. Born in Cranston, a son of the late John N. and Ellen (Schofield) Skuce, he had lived in East Providence for more than 60 years.
Mr. Skuce had worked as a shipper and receiver for Apex Tire, Pawtucket, for 34 years before retiring in 1976.
He was a communicant of Our Lady...
Providence Journal
May 15, 2001
MINNIE SKUCE, 86, of Apulia Street, a former packer, died Sunday at home.
She was wife of the late Thomas Henry Skuce. Born in Providence, a daughter of the late John and Theresa (Martini) Troino, she was a lifelong East Providence resident. Mrs. Skuce had worked as a packer for Flynn Towel for 13 years before retiring in 1977.
She was a communicant of Our Lady of Loreta Church, and a member of its St. Ann Society. She was a member of the Taunton Avenue Senior Citizens.
??, Michigan
Nov, 2001
Arlene Jean Skuse, 65, of Holton, passed away on Friday, Nov 2, 2001 at her home following a long illness.
She was born on July 6, 1936 in Ludington to Frank and Florence (Barry) Beeman and married Donald Skuse on Oct 15, 1981 in Muskegon and had been a homemaker.
She is survived by her husband, Donald of Holton; three daughters, Theresa (Bill) Becker of Florida, Cindy VanBlargan of Holton, and Lisa (Angel) Marrero of Muskegon; a son James (Mary) VanBlargan of Twin Lake; nine grandchildren; 10 greatgrandchildren; two brothers, Tom (Nancy) Beeman of twin Lake, and LaVern (Cathy) Beeman of Manistee.
Funeral services were held on Nov 6 at the Crandell Funeral Home Capel in Fremont with Elder Robert Finney of the Church of Christ in Spring Lake presiding
February 1, 2002
Betty J Skuce, 76, of Mesa Az, passed away January 27, 2002. No services are planned. Arrangements by Bunker's Desert View Chapel.
Juneau Empire, Alaska
Monday, June 17, 2002
Former Juneau resident Lilian C. Skuse died May 22, 2002 in Victoria, British Columbia.
She was born March 7, 1903, in Ontario, Canada. She became a nurse and worked at Toronto General Hospital until June 12, 1937, when she married Donald W. Skuse and moved to Juneau. They worked at the Charles W. Carter Mortuary, which they later purchased and operated until 1960 when they sold the business and retired to Victoria where Mr. Skuse died in 1986.
Services for Lilian Skuse were held in Victoria and she was interred beside her husband in Seattle, Wash.
Providence Journal
August 2, 2002
South County Births
South Kingstown
Son to Patrick and Lisa (Skuce) Bourque of West Kingston, July 14.
Union-News, Massachusetts
October 11, 2002
Alma (Schielke) Skuse, 82, of Holyoke, died Thursday at Holyoke Hospital. She was born in Germany, daughter of the late Julius and Wilhelmina Schielke, and was educated there. Alma was a retired bookbinder for an area company, and had lived here since 1950. She was an avid traveler and worshipped for many years at St. Peter's Lutheran Church of Holyoke. Her husband, Adolf Skuse, died in 1988. She is survived by several nieces and nephews, among them Horst...
Providence Journal
Thursday, December 19, 2002
GEORGE A. SKUCE SR., 94, (SEE ABOVE CORRECTION) of Magnolia Street, formerly of Warwick, a retired maintenance supervisor, died Tuesday at Rhode Island Hospital.
He was the husband of the late Beatrice D. (Perretta) Skuce. Born in Cranston, a son of the late John N. and Ellen L. (Schofield) Skuce, he had lived in Wakefield and Florida before moving to Warwick in 1985, and most recently, to Cranston.
He was a maintenance supervisor for the University of Rhode Island, Kingston campus,...
Providence Journal
Friday, December 20, 2002
GEORGE A. SKUCE SR., of Magnolia Street, Cranston, who died Tuesday at Rhode Island Hospital, retired as a maintenance supervisor in 1980. He was 84 years old.
Herald Tribune, Oakland, California
Dorothy Skuse, 87, Oakland, Calif., and formerly of Sarasota, died March 6, 2003. She was born May 5, 1915, and was a longtime resident of Sarasota before moving to Raleigh, N.C., and then to California two years ago. She was a teacher at Bay Haven and Philippi Shores schools and later served as first librarian of Cardinal Mooney High School. She was a member of the Sarasota County School Board from 1962 to 1966. She was a hospital volunteer "play lady" and a volunteer with FISH and Meals On Wheels. She was a member of St. Martha's Catholic Church. Survivors include a daughter, Ashley D. Nackley of Piedmont, Calif.; a son, Jeffrey Delp of Pullman, Mich.; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. No local services are scheduled. Grant Miller-John Cox Mortuary, Oakland, Calif., is in charge.
Roanoke Times, Virginia
March 19, 2003
SKUSE, Dorothy Elizabeth Wallner, May 5, 1915 - March 6, 2003. Dorothy Skuse passed away peacefully, surrounded by her loving family in Oakland, Calif., where she had resided for the last two years. She was the oldest and last surviving daughter of Thomas J. Wallner and Pearl Bosworth Wallner, and had lived in Pulaski from the age of one year until she moved her family to Sarasota, Florida in 1955. Her father, fondly known as T.J., was the founder and director of the Virginia Maid Hosiery Mills...
The Greenville News
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Doris R. Charbonneau, 80, of Central,S.C., passed away Monday, March 17. A native of Warren, R.I., she was the daughter of the late Charles L and Rose A Parent Skuce and was of the Catholic faith.
Survivory are her son, James, of Salem; a sister, Claire M Brown, of Warren, R.I.; grandchildren, Melissa, of Orlando, Fla., Michelle, Amy, Amanada, Jessica and Tara, of Seneca, and Darly, of Hartford, Conn.; two grat-grandchildren, Kyle and Michael; three niecesl and several grand-nephews and grand-nieces. She was a 62-year member of Stevens-LaRochePratte VFW Post
No 122 Ladies Auxiliary of Warren, R.I. Doris moved to Central in 1992. She enjoyed being actively employed at the Investment Center in Seneca since 1995.
Visitation will be Friday, March 21, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home in Central. The Funderal Mass will be celebrated Saturday, March 22, 11 a.m. at St Andrews Catholic Church, 200 Edgewood, Clemson. Cremation will follow.
Memborials may be made to American Cancer Society, 154 Milestone Way, Greenville, SC 29615; or to Special Olymics, Area 13, 1004 Dr John Road, Westminster, SC 29693.
Westerly Sun, Rhode Island
Febuary 9, 2003
Clara Louise (Perry) Skuce, 83, of Babcock Village, Westerly, R.I., died Feb. 8, 2002, at the Westerly Health Center. She was the wife of the late George W. Skuce. Mrs. Skuce was born in Westerly on Dec. 13, 1919. She was the daughter of the late Arthur E. and Jane (Reels) Perry. Clara was a member of the Narragansett Indian Tribe and made her home in Westerly all her life. Mrs. Skuce is survived by two brothers, Raymond Perry of South Kingstown, R.I. and Booker T....
Daily Oklahoman
23 Sep 2003
Carol Anne Coffey, 64, died Saturday, Sept. 20, at her daughter and son-
in-law's home in Norman due to small cell lung cancer. Committal will be
at Honeoye Lake in New York.
Ms. Coffey was born March 20, 1939, in Rochester, N.Y., to Charles and
Helen Skuse. She married William Coffey in 1963. They had two children.
They moved to Oklahoma in 1971. She worked in the personnel business for
many years in Oklahoma City and Norman.
Ms. Coffey was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Helen Skuse;
younger sister, Kathy Kenien; and younger brother, Michael Skuse.
Ms. Coffey is survived by her son, Sean Coffey; daughter, Mary and
husband, Leo Lacher; grandchildren, Adam, Alison and Mary Ellen Lacher;
sisters, Janet Goldenbogen-Self and husband, Cliff, and Sheila, all of
Port Townsend, Wash., and Jeanne Clement of Rochester; brother, Robert
Skuse and wife, Mary Ellen, of Dover, Del.; many nieces, nephews and
friends; and cat, Thor.
Star-Ledger, New Jersey
December 9, 2003
Mrs. Rita T. Skeuse, 80, of Stockton died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Carol Skeuse-Hart, in Stockton. A Mass will be at 10 a.m. Friday in St. John the Evangelist Church, 44 Bridge St., Lambertville. Arrangements are by the Van Horn-McDonough Funeral Home, Lambertville. Mrs. Skeuse was the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Reagent Chemical and Research Co. in Ringoes, which was established by her late...
The Trenton Times, New Jersey
December 9, 2003
Stockton—Rita T. Kane Skeuse, 80, died Monday at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hart.Born and raised in Bayonne, Mrs. Skeuse was a resident of Delaware Township since 1963. Earlier she had lived in Readington from 1960 to 1963, Wilmington, DE from 1948 to 1960 and in Fort Royal, VA.She was the CEO and chairman of the board of Reagent Chemical and Research Company in Ringoes, a privately held and family run company established by...
Cheboygan Daily Tribune, Michigan
August 31, 2004
Rebecca Ellen "Becky" Bonilla, 39, of Cheboygan, passed away on Friday, Aug. 27, 2004, at her home. She was born in Lansing on May 18, 1965, the daughter of Thomas M. and Cheren K. (Woodward) Skuse. Becky moved to Cheboygan four years ago from Potterville, Mich. She worked as a nurse's aid and caregiver. Becky's hobbies included reading, fishing, camping and gardening. Becky enjoyed her large collection of...
Herald-Sun, North Carolina
October 21, 2004
EGAN CHAPEL HILL —- Ruth Miriam Skeuse Egan, 86, died of respiratory failure on Monday, October 18, 2004. She was a native of Flushing, Long Island, NY, and attended Hunter College in NYC. She was preceded in death by her husband Colonel Wesley William Egan. She was a Chapel Hill resident for the past 33 years. During her husband's 32-year Air Force career, including his assignment as Air Force ROTC Commander and Professor of Aerospace Studies at UNC Chapel Hill, she was an active...
Star-Ledger, New Jersey
December 9, 2004
A service for Harland G. Skuse Sr., 89, of Toms River will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Costello-Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green St., Woodbridge. Mr. Skuse died Tuesday in Laurelton Village Rehabilitation Center, Brick. He taught electrical engineering at the Thomas A. Edison Vocational School in Elizabeth for 29 years before retiring 29 years ago. Mr. Skuse received a bachelor's degree in electrical...
Providence Journal
January 19, 2005
SKUCE, MARGARET M., 64 of State Street, North Kingstown, a homemaker, died Friday in Kent County Memorial Hospital, Warwick. She is survived by a son Duane Skuce; two daughters, Daren Rathbun and Penny Elsis; three brothers; a sister; and three grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited and may call Thursday 6-8 p.m. in the Cranston-Murphy Funeral Home of Wickford, 140 West Main St., Wickford Village, North Kingstown.
Patriot and Free Press
January 19-25, 2005
Jane M Fitzgerald
Wellsville— Jane Margaret
Fitzgerald Cook of 206 Stevens St.
died Tuesday (Jan. 4, 2005) at UNC
Hospital, Chapel Hill, N.C., following
a brief illness.
Born July 25, 1921, in Rochester,
she was a daughter of Garrett and
Beatrice Skuse Fitzgerald.
She was raised in Rochester and
lived most of her adult life in Wellsville.
She had a long and fulfilling life that
included raising her family as well as
being empłoyed as assistant director of
personnel at Alfred University prior to
her retirement in 1984.
Among her many accomplishments,
she was extremely proud of earning her
BA degree from Alfred University at
the age of 67. Her later years involved
spending time with her family and
friends and volunteering at area schools.
She was a life member of the First
Congregational Church in Wellsville
and continued a close relationship with
her church family. She remained very
active and enjoyed her daily walks, reading
and playing bridge.
Surviving are her former husband,
Michael Cook of Westfield; her children,
J. Michael (Gail) Cook, Brian
(Peggy) Cook, Kathy (Mark
Hamalainen) Cook and Alan (Jamie)
Cook, all of North Carolina; and six
wonderful grandchildren, Kevin, Kim,
Garrett, Julia, Margot and Ethan.
Friends called Friday at the J.W.
Embser Sons Funeral Home Inc., Wellsville.
A memorial service was held Saturday
(Jan. 8, 2005) at First Congregational
Church, 289 N. Main St., Wellsville,
the Rev. William Jones officiated.
Memoriał suggestions include the
David A. Howe Public Library or the
American Diabetes Association.
The Telegraph, North Hampshire
Sunday, January 23, 2005
George W. Skuse, 61, of Nashua, died Friday, Jan. 21, 2005, at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua. Born Aug. 6, 1943, in Watertown, Mass., he was the son of the late John and Gertrude (O'Brien) Skuse. He was the husband of Ellen (Donahue) Skuse of Nashua, with whom he celebrated 41 years of marriage. A complete obituary and death notice will run in Monday's edition of The Telegraph.The St. Laurent Funeral Home in Nashua is in charge of...
Boston Globe
Monday, January 24, 2005
George W. Skuse
Age 61 of Nashua, NH, died Jan. 21, 2005 in Nashua. Born and educated in Watertown. Former V.P. of Operations at Klien Assoc. in Salem, NH. Son of the late John and Gertrude (O'Brien) Skuse. Loving husband of Ellen (Donahue) Skuse of Nashua; adoring father of George Skuse and his wife Claire, William Skuse and Kenneth Skuse all of Nashua and Pamela Boilard and her husband Alan of Merrimack; caring brother of John Skuse of Orlando, FL and Patricia Lynch of Merrimack; beloved grandfather of Sean Skuse, Kelsey and Kate Boilard. Calling Hours are at the St. Laurent Funeral Home, 116 Elm St, Nashua NH today from 4:00 - 8:00PM. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Tuesday at 11:00 AM at St. John Neumann Church, Merrimack, NH. Burial will be at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made in his memory to the St. John Neumann Food Pantry, 708 Milford Rd., Merrimack, NH 03054
The Buffalo News
Jan 28, 2005
Chapman, Iyla J. (Hubbard)
January 26, 2005, of West Seneca, NY. Beloved wife of Donald B. Chapman;
dearest mother of Douglas and Diane Chapman; daughter of Geneva Skuse; sister
Alvin Skuse and Wanda (Edward) Seifert; also survived by nieces and nephews.
No prior visitation. Arrangements by Curtin Funeral Home Inc.
The Buffalo News
Feb 7, 2005
Cummer, Jane E. (Danat)
Of Amherst, February 6, 2005, mother of Noelle Skuse, William E. Cummer and
Jan (Joel) Re; sister of Hazel E. Marshall and Jeanne Lipthay; also survived
by seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. A Memorial Service will
be held at a later date. Arrangements by Schlager Funeral Home Inc.
Mountain Echo, California
August 9, 2005
In memory of Jennifer Skuce
Jennifer Bubier Skuce was born on July 7, 1965 at Stanford Hospital
in Palo Alto, California. She passed away peacefully in her sleep at
home in Frankenmuth, Michigan on July 28, after a courageous battle
with breast cancer. All her immediate family was at her side.
Jennifer attended Menlo Atherton High School in Atherton, California,
Hollins College in Virginia, and Arizona State University. She subsequently
lived in Cave Creek, Arizona where she met her true love, John Warack.
They moved to his home state, Michigan, in 1995.
Jennifer loved to travel, visiting Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand,
New Caledonia, Central and South America, as well as most of the United
States. But her true passion was animals of all kinds, and in particular
horses. She was an accomplished rider as well as a breeder of Arabians
and Thoroughbreds. Incon-gruous as it may sound, she was also an excellent
rifle shot, and life-time member of Safari Club Inter-national.
She will be remembered by family and friends for her contagious smile,
infectious laugh, and inner and outer beauty. Jennifer is survived by
John and their beautiful daughter, Hunter Amelia Warack, and Hunter's
half sisters Jennifer and Ashley, as well as her parents, Betsy and
Dave Skuce of Menlo Park and McArthur, and her sister Kendal and Brother
Arrangements were entrusted to the Cederberg Funeral Home of Frankenmuth.
The family has established the Jennifer Project to build an indoor riding
arena in the town of McArthur in her memory. Tax deductible donations
through the Intermountain Junior Rodeo Association, Jennifer Project,
P.O. Box 593, Fall River Mills, CA 96028.
The Springfield Rebuplican, Massachusetts
November 29, 2005
Martin E. Skuse, 77, of Lamb St., died Sunday, November 27, 2005 at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. He was born in Holyoke, son of the late Adolf and Martha (Kruger) Skuse. Educated in the Holyoke schools and graduated from Holyoke Trade, he was the former owner of Mid-Town Tire in South Hadley. He was a Korean War veteran serving in the U.S. Army. He was past commander of the American Legion Post 352 in Holyoke, member of the Mt. Tom Lodge of Masons and Melha Shriners....
The Union Democrat, Sonora, California
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Helen Ruth Skuce
Dec 10, 1915—Feb 28, 2006
Longtime Colubmia resident Helen Ruth Skuce died Feb 28 at Sonora hospital. She was 90.
She was born in Vancouver, Canada. Her family moved to california at an early age.
She danced professionally as a child and enjoyed dancing for the rest of her life. Dixieland and belly dancing were her favorites. When she was a teenager, she became a sharpshooter and won medals in several competitions.
In her later years, she took up art and collected blue ribbons for her artwork at various fairs including the Los Angeles County Fair and Mother Lode Fair.
She was a homemaker and had lived in Colubmia for 29 years. She also enjoyed traveling and made several trips to Europe during her life including London, Paris and South of France, though it was in Italy where she spent most of her time.
She was an avid baseball fan with the San Francisco Giants and San Diego Padres.
She is survived by her sons and daughter-in-law, Nick and Sharon Skuce, of Sonora, and Lou Skuce, of San Diego; a daughter Diane Surdam, of Los Angeles; and grandchildren, Nicole and Michael.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Nick Skuce.
Services were held.
Terzich and Wilson Funeral Home is handling arrangements.
Helen Skuce 1940s photo
Tulsa World, Oklahoma
May 9, 2006
HANSEN -- Catherine E. "Kay", 86, passed away Sunday, May 7, 2006, in Jenks, OK. Born March 10, 1920, in New York City, NY, to Thomas and Maude (Skeuse) Cleary. Active volunteer with Children's Medical Center Auxiliary for over 25 years. Preceded in death by: her parents; husband, Russell; 1 brother; 1 sister; great-grandson, Bryce Meyer. Survived by: daughter, Judy Holliday and husband, Jack of Tulsa; son, Russ Hansen and wife, Carole of Jenks; ...
Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Iowa
July 28, 2006
The Rev. John C. Brownlee (1916-2006)
WATERLOO - The Rev. John Collins Brownlee, 90, of Lakeland, Fla., formerly of Waterloo, died Tuesday, July 25, at Wedgewood Healthcare Center of congestive heart failure. He was born June 29, 1916, in Reading, Pa. He married Edna Grace Skuce, and she preceded him in death in 1971. He then married Evelyn Storey. He graduated from high school and also from Westminster College, both in New Wilmington, Pa., and from Pittsburgh Xenia Theological Seminary in 1942. Brownlee served as pastor...
Providence Journal
December 1, 2006
SKUCE, PATRICIA A. (RAMAGE), 67, of Kingsley Avenue, passed away Thursday at home surrounded by her loving family. She was the wife of William Skuce.
Born in Putnam, CT, she was a daughter of the late Earl and Helen (Young) Ramage.
Mrs. Skuce was a bus driver for the South Kingstown School Department and had worked as a CNA before retiring. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Besides her husband she leaves five daughters, Debra Rivera of North...
Cheboygan Daily Tribune, Michigan
December 15, 2006
SAGINAW, Mich.— William 'Will” Skuse, age 71 of Saginaw, Mich., passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006, at Southport AFC Home in Saginaw. The Chagnon Funeral Home of Onaway is caring for the...
Muskegon Chronicle, Michigan
January 31, 2007
Services set for victim of traffic accident
The funeral for a 20-year-old woman who died in a traffic accident on icy Whitehall Road Monday will be 11 a.m. Friday at Clock Chapel in Whitehall. Megan Skuse, who was employed at Blockbuster Video, was riding in a car driven by her fiancé, Andrew Cooke, 22, when the accident occurred. Cooke was driving in the 3500 block of Whitehall Road when his Pontiac slid across the centerline during heavy snowfall about 4:45 p.m. The car was struck on the passenger side by an oncoming car...
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
Friday, February 23, 2007
Skuse, Richard Henry
February 21, 2007. Predeceased by his parents, Richard N. and Mennetta Skuse. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Neel Skuse; children, Richard Neel Skuse (Nancy) of GA, Patricia Cadwallader (John) of OH, Jennifer Dixon Keyloun (Mark) of WA and Robert Skuse (Roxanne); 9 grandchildren. Richard was an Air Force veteran, a graduate of the U of R, a long-time member of the Monroe Golf Club and was an insurance professional for many years. A Memorial Service will be held Sunday, February 25th, 3 pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford, 25 Church Street, Pittsford. In lieu of flowers, memorials in his honor may be made to The Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607. To light a candle visit www.anthonychapels.com. Anthony Funeral & Cremation Chapels 2305 Monroe Ave. 244-0770
Petoskey News-Review, Michigan
July 13, 2007
Betty Jean (Skuse) Penfold, 82, of Onaway, died Wednesday, July 11, 2007, at home. She was born Feb. 6, 1925, in Onaway, the daughter of William and Leila (Dunn) Skuse. On April 27, 1946, she married Emerson T. Penfold Sr., in Onaway, at the home of elder Burt. Betty Jean had been a lifelong resident of the Onaway area. She was a homemaker and for a few years worked at Circuit Control of Harbor Springs and then for the wire factory in Atlanta. She was a member of...
The Oklahoman
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Coffey, William DeForest, 69, purchasing agent, died Thursday, Services 10:30am, Tuesday, St Joseph Catholic Church (John M Ireland, Moore).
The Oklahoman
Sunday, August 5, 2007
William DeForest Coffey, 69, died Thursday, August 2, of lung cancer. A Mass of Christian Burial will be Tuesday, August 7 at 10:30am at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Norman. John Ireland Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. The Knights of Columbus will serve as pallbearers. Bill was born December 11, 1937, in Rochester, New York, to Louis and Florence Coffey. He married Carol Skuse in 1963 and they had 2 children, Mary and Sean. In 1971, Bill and his family moved...
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin, NY
October 17, 2007
Lydia M. Skues, of Deposit, N.Y.
Lydia MacDonald Skues, 59, of Shaver Hill Road, Deposit, passed away
October 15, 2007 at her home. She was born April 24, 1948 in Calcutta,
India, the daughter of Vivian William Skues and Mollie MacDonald Skues.
After earning her B.S. and M.S. degrees, Lydia became a Certified Registered
Physician Assistant, working for hospitals and medical centers in the
area at Calicoon and Hancock and finally at the Deposit Family Care
Center. She is survived by her husband, James A. Hinkle, and his family.
A Memorial Service will be held Thursday, October 18, 2007, at 4 p.m.
at the Zacharias Funeral Home, 78 Second St., Deposit, N.Y., with Rev.
Nickolas Servetas officiating. Friends wishing may make donations to
the American Cancer Society in Lydia's memory.
Muskegon Chronicle, Michigan
November 25 2007
Jessica L Skuse, 30, of North Muskegon died on Wednesday. Arrangements by Clock, White...
Albany Times Union, NY
November 28, 2007
Raymond C. Skuse
Skuse, Raymond C. ALBANY Raymond C. Skuse, 87, entered into eternal
rest with his Lord on November 25, 2007 at St. Peters' Hospice. Ray
was the son of Charles and Genevieve Skuse. He was educated and graduated
with top honors from the Rochester, N.Y. school system. Early employment
was in the banking industry with Union Trust Co. of Rochester. Having
relocated to Albany, N.Y. in 1956, he became active in politics. He
served from 1968 to 1970 as a NYS Assemblyman for Albany, Delmar and
Rensselaer. In 1971, he joined the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)
as director of legislation, retiring in 1998. An active member of First
Lutheran Church in Albany, Ray taught Sunday school to teenagers and
was counselor for the youth group. He was a member of the church council
and served as chairman of the council. A devoted family man, Ray is
survived by Lois E. Skuse, his loving wife of 61 years; his son, Charles
R. Skuse; daughter-in-law, Judith A. Skuse; and his two granddaughters,
Amanda and Katherine of Guilderland, N.Y. He is also survived by Vern
and Beverly Eisenbraun; four nieces and their families of Rochester,
N.Y. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, November
29, 2007 at the First Lutheran Church, Albany. Relatives and friends
are also invited to call at the funeral home, Wednesday, 4 to 8 p.m.
Interment will be in Memory's Garden Cemetery, Colonie, N.Y. Contributions
in Ray's name may be made to The Abiding Memorial Fund at First Lutheran
Church, 646 State Street, Albany, NY 12203-1217.
Florida Today
December 7, 2007
Frank Skewes, Sr. Rockledge
Frank A. Skewes, Sr., 86,
passed away Wednesday, December 5, 2007. Frank was born in Hartford,
CT. He was a proud 30 year U.S. Navy veteran having served during World
War II, Korea and Vietnam. He served on the USS Nautilus from 1958
to 1961 where he participated in the first sub merged polar transit.
He retired in 1971. He was a life member of the DAV, Submarine Veterans
of World War II, Nautilus Alumni Association and the Military Officers
Association of America. Frank is survived by his wife, Mary Skewes;
daughters, Beverly (Martin) DeFord, Jackie (Ralph) Wright, Elaine (Tim)
Reeves and Jeneen (Jim) Lloyd; sons, Ian (Sally) Skewes, Frank A. (Susan)
Skewes Jr., Alan (Sharon) Skewes and Gary Skewes; 20 grandchildren and
24 great-grandchildren. Memorial Services with military honors will
be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, December 8th, at Wylie-Baxley Funeral Home
in Rockledge. Memorial donations may be made to the local DAV.
Frank A. Skewes Sr.
SKEWES, Sr. Frank A., 86, of Rockledge, died Wednesday, Dec. 5. Arrangements
by Wylie-Baxley Rockledge Funeral Home.
Narragansett Times, Rhode Island
April 4, 2008
Lifelong resident of South County Emma A. (Skuce) Cooke, 95, of Rose Court in Narragansett, died Monday March 31st in her home. Born in South Kingstown a daughter of the late William A. Skuce and the late Bertha L. (Caswell) Veeter, Emma was a lifelong resident of the South County area. For many years Mrs.Cooke worked as a prep cook at the Larchwood Inn in Wakefield.Mrs. Cooke is survived by four sons: John A. Silvia of Richmond, Warren D. Silvia of Ocala, Fla. Frederick...
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
February 24, 2008
Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman)
Greece: February 21, 2008, 94. The youngest of William and Emma Graupman's four children, she raised her family with husband, Richard E Skuce (predeceased) in Clarkson, NY. She is survived by her son, Darryl "Bud" (Judy), Skuce; daughter, Anne (Jan) Kastberg; granddaughter, Katrina Kastbery; and several nieces and nephews.
Private Internmet Clarkson-Union Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to St Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton.
Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Iowa
April 11, 2008
WATERLOO— Marvin F. Miller, 98, of Waterloo, died Tuesday, April 8, at Rosewood Estates of natural causes. He was born Nov. 10, 1909, in Mankato, Minn., son of George and Nettie Skuse Miller. He married Luella Wester on Dec. 22, 1936, in Mankato. Mr. Miller worked as a mechanic. Survived by: his wife; two sons, John (Terry) of Punta Gorda, Fla., and William (Carol) of Katy, Texas; a daughter, Janet Bahr of Weslaco, Texas; seven grandchildren and seven...
Cheboygan Daily Tribune, Michigan
September 25, 2008
CHEBOYGAN— Emerson T. Penfold Sr., age 87 of Onaway, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2008, at Cheboygan Memorial Hospital. He was born Sept. 6, 1921 in Onaway, the son of Valley and Violet (Werner) Penfold. He married Betty Jean Skuse on April 27, 1946, in the home of Elder Burt in Onaway. He was a lifelong resident of Waverly Township and a member of the Community of Christ Church in Onaway. Emerson spent most of his working years lumbering and farming. He also worked at the limestone...
Modesto Bee, California
October 3, 2008
Kali Shane Skewes
KALI SHANE SKEWES MARCH 21,1945-SEPT 20,2008 Kali Shane Skewes of Columbia
passed away on Sept. 20, 2008 at Doctors Medical Center in Modesto. She
is survived by her husband John Skewes. Private services. Evins Funeral
Home in Charge of Services.
Boston Globe, Massachusetts
October 10, 2008
John Paul Skuse
SKUSE, John Paul Of Orlando, FL, formerly of Watertown, Oct. 7. Loving
son of the late John G. & Gertrude E. (O'Brien) Skuse. Dear brother
of Patricia Lynch of Chelmsford and the late George W. Skuse. Longtime
friend of Anthony Casella of Orlando, FL. Brother in law of Ellen Skuse
of Nashua, NH. Loving Uncle of George, Kenneth & William Skuse and
Pamela Boilard. Great uncle of Sean, Kelsey & Kate all of NH. Funeral
from the MacDonald, Rockwell & MacDonald Funeral Home at 270 Main
St. on Rt. 20, WATERTOWN on Monday at 8:00 A.M. followed by a Funeral
Mass at 9:00 O'Clock in the Church of St. Patrick, 212 Main St.,Watertown.
Interment Ridgelawn Cemetery. Visiting Hours Sunday 2-5 P.M. Relatives
and friends kindly invited. Retired employee of Lucent Technologies.
Veteran U.S. Air Force.
Cheboygan Daily Tribune, Michigan
December 10, 2008
Peggy Ann Penfold, 61, Onaway, died Nov. 26, 2008 at home. Peggy was born May 18, 1947 in Cheboygan to Emerson T. Sr. and Betty Jean (Skuse) Penfold. Peggy was an active member of the Onaway Community of Christ Church. She taught Sunday School for many years and enjoyed working with the children on the Church Christmas Program. Peggy was a long-time member of the Waverly Friendship Club. She was head cook at Onaway Area Community Schools for 30 years until her retirement in...
Bakersfield Californian
December 18, 2008
Skuce, Ruth Ann - Ruth Ann Skuce 1917 - 2008 Ruth Ann Skuce passed away
December 13, 2008. Preceded in death by her parents, William F. and
Catherine (Sohn) Totzke and a brother, George W. Totzke. Ruth was the
remaining member of her family. She was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
on June 10, 1917. Ruth received a B.S. degree in Business Education
from the University of Pittsburgh in 1939 and taught at the secondary
level. While attending the University, she met and later married her
beloved husband, The Reverend Charles G. Skuce, on June 20, 1939. He
preceded her in death. She was a devoted wife and mother as well as
a loyal partner in the work of the ministry. Her survivors are two daughters,
who blessed their home, Janet Louise Cooper of Santa Rosa, CA and Marilyn
Ruth George of Atherton, CA; four grandchildren, Todd Cooper, Brent
Cooper, Jason George and Gretchen George survive her; ten great- grandchildren
complete the family. Other survivors include a niece, Kathryn T. Mackes
and husband, Paul of State College, PA; and a nephew, William E. Tatzke
and wife, Deborah of Erie, PA. In lieu of flowers, contributions may
be made to Hoffmann Hospice of Bakersfield, CA. A viewing will be conducted
on Saturday, December 20, 11:00 a.m. at Greenlawn Southwest Mortuary
in Bakersfield. Graveside services will follow at 1:00 p.m., followed
by a Family Memorial Service at 2:00 p.m., also at Greenlawn Southwest.
Greenlawn Southwest.
Kentucky Post
January 9, 2009
Beverly Hope Skuse, 66, Erlanger, died Saturday at St. Luke Hospital West, Florence. She was a retired clerk from Cincinnati Bell. There are no immediate survivors. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Allison and Rose Funeral Home, Covington. Visitation will be from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery, Fort Mitchell. Memorials are suggested to the Boone County Animal Shelter, 5643 Idlewild Road, Burlington, Ky....
Argus-Press, Michigan
February 4, 2009
Susan S. St. Gordon, age 70, of Chesaning, passed away Sunday Feb. 1, 2009, at Memorial Healthcare, Owosso. She was born March 21, 1938, in Detroit, the daughter of the late John H. and Helen Muriel (Skuse) Savage. Sue married Robert D. St. Gordon in 1958; he preceded her in death Feb. 27, 1997. She was a retired school teacher and was still active volunteering at Our Lady School and the Chesaning library. She was a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Sue was active in Twin Brooks Golf Club and...
The Meadville Tribune
February 5, 2009
Elizabeth (Betty) Almon Skuce Michaels
01/28/09 — HARBORCREEK — After a period of declining health, Elizabeth (Betty) Almon Skuce Michaels passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009, in Harborcreek at the home of her daughter, Juliet.
She was born Feb. 4, 1920, in Meadville, daughter of the late Jerome and Julia Mead Almon. Betty was a descendent of the Mead family that founded Meadville.
Betty attended Meadville schools until her family moved to Erie where she completed her senior year, graduating from Strong Vincent High School in 1938. She married Gerald Skuce, also of Meadville. Betty was especially fond of nature and the outdoors.
Jerry, her husband of 42 years, passed away in 1980 and her second husband, Michael Michaels, in 2001. A great-grandson, Bobby Skuce, also preceded her in death, as did a son-in-law, George Bird, and a brother, Selden Almon. Betty is survived by three children all living in Harborcreek, Sharon Bird, John Skuce and his wife, Judy, and Juliet Mead and her husband, Sami Ayoub. In addition, she leaves behind nine grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and a niece, Claudia Gilliand and nephew, Jerry Almon, in the Meadville area.
Interment was in St. Gregory Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to Presque Isle Audubon Society, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, 301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 8, Erie, Pa. 16505; or the American Cancer Society-Erie Unit, 2115 W. 38th St., Erie, Pa. 16508.
Cheboygan Daily Tribune, Michigan
February 23, 2009
Floyd A. Skuse, 69, Onaway, died at Northern Michigan Regional Hospital in Petoskey on Feb. 19, 2009. Cremation Arrangements are in care of the Chagnon Funeral...
Narragansett Times, Rhode Island
July 15, 2009
Longtime Narragansett resident, Retired Narragansett School Dept. bus driver Brenda J. Dailey (Skuce), 63, of Durkin Drive, Narragansett passed away on Thursday, July 9, 2009 at Newport Hospital. She was the wife of the late Martin G. Dailey. She was born in South Kingstown a daughter of the late Charles and Clara (Holland) Skuce and she had resided most of her life in Narragansett. Mrs. Dailey was a school bus driver employed by the Narragansett School Department until her...
The Springfield Republican, Massachusetts
July 29, 2009
HOLYOKE— Marlene Helen (Skuse) Holt, age 72, of Holyoke, died on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 in Holyoke. She was born in Holyoke, daughter of the late Adolf and Margaret (Klee) Skuse and was educated in the Holyoke Schools. A lifelong resident of Holyoke, Marlene had been employed at Riverdale Gardens Nursing Home in West Springfield from 1986 until her retirement on November 13, 2005, and prior to that had worked at Holyoke Hospital for six years. She worshipped at First Lutheran...
Asbury Park Press
22/23 December 2009
Mary E. Skeuse, 55, passed away at home Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009. Born December
8, 1953 in Jersey City to Edward J. Skeuse and Madelyn Hannon Skeuse.
Mary Beth attended Saint Vincent de Paul and St. Henry's Grammar Schools
in Bayonne. She graduated from St. Aloysius Academy in Jersey City.
She attended Cardinal Cushing College in Brookline, MA and was graduated
from Emmanuel College in Boston, MA. Mary Beth taught in both public
and private schools in New Jersey at all levels. She loved books and
reading and sharing her love of creative writing with her students.
She was an advocate for animals and supported many animal funds and
shelters. She was an intelligent, witty and articulate woman who championed
the causes of the disenfranchised.
She leaves one sister and many friends to celebrate her love of the
ocean, music, sharing life with her dogs and cats, and reading a good
Donations in Mary Beth's name may be made to The Fund for Animals, 200
W. 57th St., NYC, NY, 10019. Mary Beth was a personal friend of Cleveland
Amory, the founder, author and animal activist. Final disposition will
be private
March 30, 2010
SKUSE, Roberta A (Ciacchella) Age 61 of Watertown formerly of Newton,
March 30, 2010. Beloved wife of Donald Stanley Skuse. Loving mother
of George and Robert Skuse both of Watertown. Daughter of the late Bartolo
and Margaret (Ford) Ciacchella. Daughter in law of Belle Skuse and her
late husband Donald of Watertown. Sister-in-law of Jeanne Skuse-Peshin
of Waltham. Visiting hours will be held in the Nardone Funeral Home,
373 Main St. Watertown on Thursday 3 to 6 PM with a funeral service
at 5:00pm. Burial in Maine at a later date. In lieu of flowers please
make donations in Roberta's memory to the Island Food Pantry, P.O. Box
12, Deer Isle, ME 04627. Nardone Funeral Home 617-924-1113
Cheboygan Daily Tribune, Michigan
May 21, 2010
Bonnie J. (Skuse) Auger, 63, of Black Lake, died on May 19, 2010 at Cheboygan Memorial Hospital. Chagnon Funeral Home is caring for the...
The Advocate / The Times-Picayune
July 11, 2010
Mrs. Susan P. Skuse, 60, of Ponchatoula, died Thursday, July 8, 2010,
at West Jefferson Medical Center. She was born Aug. 4, 1949, in Chicago,
daughter of the late Paul P. and Adeline Younger Januszewski. Mrs. Skuse
became an avid bowler later in life, belonging to bowling leagues at
Tangi Lanes in Hammond and Tiffany Lanes in Mandeville. She was a past
secretary at the Belle Foret Civic Association. She was a tremendous
cook and baker and being very generous, she loved to share her cooking
creations with all her friends. Surviving are her husband of 40 years,
Edward J. Skuse; sisters, Felicia Hovorka and Celeste Simich; brother,
Paul J. Januszewski; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded
in death by her sisters, Roberta Storz and Christine Januszewski. Friends
will be received at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Ponchatoula, Wednesday,
July 14, from 10 a.m. until Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. In lieu
of flowers, donations may be made to your favorite charity. An online
guestbook is available at www.harrymckneely.com.
The Advocate
July 14, 2010
Susan P. Skuse, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Ponchatoula, at 11 a.m.
The Times / Chicago Sun-Times / Chicago Tribune
July 18, 2010
of Ponchatoula, LA, formerly of Munster, passed away July 8, 2010. She
was born August 4, 1949 in Chicago, IL. Susan is survived by her husband
of 40 years, Edward J. Skuse; sisters: Felicia (Robert) Hovorka and
Celeste (Nicholas) Simich; brother, Paul J. (Maryann) Januszewski; and
numerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by sisters: Roberta Storz
and Christine Januszewski. A Memorial Mass will be held Tuesday, July
20, 2010 at SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church, 5885 Harrison Street,
Merrillville, IN at 11:00 a.m. Visitation beginning at 10:00 a.m. at
the church. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to your favorite
charity. Family and friends may share an online condolence or memory
at: www.pruzinfuneralservice.com
September 22/23, 2010
Shirley Skuse, 69, a longtime Utica resident died on Monday, September
20, 2010, at St. Elizabeth Medical Center. She was born in Colchester,
VT the daughter of Alwyn and Emmeline Wilkins Button and came to Utica
area after graduating from Somerville High School in NJ. On April 18,
1970 she was married to Richard Skuse, a loving union shared for over
40 years. She was employed as a home health aide with the Upjohn Home
Care of Utica. Shirley enjoyed sewing, Quilting, cooking and will always
be remembered as a gentle and caring mother. Her survivors include her
loving husband, Richard of Utica; three daughters, Ruth Oravsky of Utica,
Emmeline and her husband Don Patterson of Ilion and Susan and her husband
Michael Fiore of New Hartford; two sons, Alwyn Oravsky of Utica and
Samuel Oravsky of Yorkville a sister, Carol Martin of Monmouth, IL and
a brother, Eugene Button of Colchester, VT and eight grand children.
Funeral services will be held on Friday at 11am at the Kowalczyk Funeral
Home, 1156 Lincoln Avenue, Utica. Relatives and Friends may call from
9am until the time of the service. Light a Candle at: www.kowalczykfuneralhomes.com
San Diego Union-Tribune
November 3, 2010
SKUCE, WILLIAM THOMAS June 20, 1947 to Oct. 14, 2010 William Thomas
Skuce died October 14, 2010. Bill was born June 20, 1947 in Sault St.
Marie, Michigan, to Flora Wickham Skuce of Sault St. Marie, Canada and
William Daniel Skuce, of County Cork, Ireland. The family moved to Pacific
Palisades, CA in 1960. William is survived by his wife of 28 years,
Linda, and his daughter, Shannon McCaney Skuce of San Diego, his sister
Colleen Wallin of Salem, Oregon and Golden, Colorado, his nephew, Steven
Wallin of Colorado, his nephew and niece-in-law, Robert Brewer Wallin
and Gaye Brewer Wallin of Salem, Oregon and their daughter, Emma, his
niece and nephew-in-Iaw, Jenniffer and Justin Penrod of Golden, Colorado
and their children, Joshua, Jonah and Jillian, and nephew Michael Debrotin
of Santa Barbara, CA, and his daughters, Nicole and Alyssa, and their
mother, Tammy Debrotin. He is survived by family through marriage all
along the Eastern Seaboard. William is preceded in death by his beloved
mother in 1961 and beloved father in 1965, and his much-admired brother-in-law,
Dr. Robert C. Wallin in 1996. William attended Palisades High School,
Class of '65. He graduated from SDSU in 1971. He accomplished an MA
at UC Berkeley and was awarded a Master of Divinity from SFTS in 1974.
William was a minister for the Pasadena Presbyterian Church for a year
before moving on to become a successful restaurant manager, supervisor
and consultant for thirty years. After college Bill went traveling through
Europe, Asia, Africa and India with his good friends, Irv and Allen.
He loved to tell stories and jokes and read Steinbeck and Hemmingway.
He loved his family and being an AYSO soccer coach. He was very proud
of his daughter's many accomplishments. He loved fishing, cooking, camping,
the water, walking his dogs by Lake Murray and music. He gardened, especially
flowers. He was playful, humorous and loved people. He will be missed
by friends and family. Services will be held Saturday, November 6th,
at 1:00 p.m. at EI Camino Memorial, 8390 Allison Avenue, La Mesa. Reception
will follow.
San Diego Union-Tribune
November 5, 2010
SKUCE, WILLIAM of La Mesa, June 6, 1947 — October 14, 2010 Memorial
Service Saturday 11/06 at 1:00 p.m. El Camino La Mesa Chapel 619-466-3297
Erie Times-News, Pennsylvania
February 20, 2011
John and Judy Skuce
John and Judy Skuce celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Their children hosted a celebration at Capers on Feb. 12. John married the former Judy Hall on Feb. 11, 1961, at Mount Calvary Catholic Church in...
Lodi News-Sentinel
February 26 to March 5, 2011
Betty Marie Hart (Skuce) passed away on February 21, 2011, at the age of 82, in Lodi. Mrs. Hart was born in Gouverneur, NY on December 22, 1928, to Howard Clarence and Ellen Catherine (Whitney) Skuce. She moved to Lodi in the early 1990's. Mrs. Hart enjoyed playing bingo and dominoes and being with her family. She is survived by her sons, William H. (Stephanie) Holden, Galt and Daniel L. (Jane Lea) Holden, Lodi; two daughters. Patricia A. Adams, Syracuse, NY and Marlene E. Balitz also of Syracuse, NY; grandchildren, Dawn M. (Adams) Andrews, Alicia A. (Adams) Manor, Patricia Holden, Christopher Balitz, Chad Balitz, Jeffrey Balitz, Bryan Balitz, Kimberly Balitz, Rhonda Balitz, Jeannie Lauro, Donna Chandler, Genny Smith, Hannah Holden, and Michael Holden; great-grandchildren, Donald R. Coryea, III, Darhen J. Coryea, Blayne E. Andrews, Caleb D. Creekmore, Catalina Arianna, Christian Michael Balitz, Don Balitz, Jr., Mercedez Lauro, Tibour Lauro, Jr., Ronald Chandler, Jr., Nora Chandler, Breton Chandler, Alicya Smith, Joe Smith, Alijah Smith and Damion Smith; and her brother, Melvin Skuce. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Clinton Lewis Holden; second husband, Benjamin Hart, Sr.; son, Michael J. Holden; and brother, Howard Douglas Skuce. There is no visitation, and committal will be private in Pine Plains Cemetery, Associates Incorporated, Henry Clay Blvd., Clay, NY, 13090.
Erie Times-News, Pennsylvannia
April 7, 2011
John William Samuels, of Hampstead, N.C. died Monday, April 4, 2011, at the Lower Cape Fear Hospice Care Center. He was born in Alliance, Ohio, December 12, 1934, the son of the late Adam Samuels and Rose Faber Samuels. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Nancy Skuse Samuels, his brother George Samuels, and his sister Jean Samuels. Jack served in the U.S. Navy and was a member of the American Legion. He had retired from Superior Printing in Warren, Ohio and had been...
Narragansett Times, Rhode Island
August 31, 2011
Diane F. (Skuce) Snow, 68, of Blackbird Rd. in West Kingston, passed away at the Rhode Island Hospital on Sunday after an unexpected illness. She was the loving wife of Raymond A. Snow for 52 years. She was the daughter of the late William and Clara Skuce. Besides her husband, Mrs. Snow leaves behind a daughter Jeannie M. Briggs and her husband Andrew, a grandson Andrew A. Briggs II and his wife Jennifer. She is also survived by her brother William C. Skuce, Jr. and sisters Margo Snow,...
Corning Leader, NY
Monday, November 21, 2011
Savona, N.Y. — Elizabeth (Betty) M. Skuse, 91, of Robie Road, Savona passed peacefully on Friday, November 18, 2011 at Fred & Harriett Taylor Health Center.
Betty was born November 7, 1920 in Avoca to Paul H. and Daisy (Albee) Daniels, Sr.
She married Charles Skuse, December 24, 1941 in Horseheads.
She worked at Cornell University in housekeeping for 23 years. Residing her married years in Freeville and the past eighteen near her family in Savona.
She is survived by her brothers Paul H. (Ruth) Daniels, Jr. of Georgia; Paul Herbert (Lois) Daniels of Bath; sister, Alice D. Rice of Savona; daughter in law, Charlotte Skuse, and granddaughter Bonnie (Chris) Bowman all of Arizona; and many nieces and nephews.
Predeceased by her husband of 52 years, Charles Skuse, January 3, 1993; daughter Elizabeth Skuse, 1960; and son, David Skuse, August 23, 1992; sister Esther Rudy October 6, 1991; and brother-in-law William Rice January 19, 2008.
The family extends much appreciation to the care givers at Fred & Harriett Taylor Health Center for the care extended to Betty during her stay there.
Betty loved her family, enjoyed music, nature, and creative hobbies. She had a gracious heart and was a giver to those less fortunate. “Memories of the one we love, still cast their gentle glow. To grace our days and light our paths, wherever we may go.” Unknown
Family graveside services, Saturday, December 3, 11:00 am at Tyrone Cemetery.
Arrangements with Fagan’s Funeral Home.
The Tonawanda News
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
NORTH TONAWANDA — Joseph T. Skuce, age 84, of North Tonawanda, Tuesday, December 6, 2011 in Niagara Hospice House, after a brief illness. Mr. Skuce was an Army veteran of World War II. He worked at Durez for 40 years, retiring in 1987 as supervisor of maintenance. He was a member of St. Matthew Lutheran Church.
Beloved husband of Freda (Ammerman) Skuce; dear father of Sheryl (Tom) Essenburg of Stuart, Florida, Tom (Kelly) Skuce of Fabius, NY and Michael (Laurel) Skuce, Nancy (Robert) Stewart and Joann (Dan) Dean, all of North Tonawanda. Grandfather of 19 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Brother of the late Paul Skuce. Also survived by many nieces and nephews.
Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc., 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Rd in North Tonawanda, on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM, where funeral services will be held on Friday at 11 AM. The Rev. Dr. A.W. Moldenhauer will officiate. Interment in Acacia Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Matthew Lutheran Church or Niagara Hospice
Aiken Standard, SC
Thursday, February 16, 2012
JACKSON, S.C. – Mrs. Tammy S. Skuce Chapman, 49, of Jackson, wife of Michael Chapman, entered into rest on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012.
Born in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, she was a daughter of Albert F and Helen Edwards Skuce, Aiken. She had been a resident of Aiken County since 1968. She was a Loan Officer with S.R.P. for over twenty-three years. Tammy proudly served her country in the Army National Guard. The needs of others were always put above her own. Tammy enjoyed gardening and had a special place in her heart for animals. For years the family vacationed on Edisto Island, where she was the “shark tooth hunting champion.”
In addition to her husband and parents, family members include her children, Kimberly Chapman, Aiken and Michael Chapman, Jr., Jackson; siblings, Jo Ann Pierce, Aiken, Tom Skuce, Washington, D.C., Krista Skuce, Aurora, CO and Laura Blaser, Aurora, CO; nieces and nephews, Christopher Pierce, Aiken, Stephanie Pierce, Aiken, Matthew Skuce and Zoe Skuce, both of Washington, D.C.; aunt, Carol Worden, Saint John, New Brunswick; uncles, Thomas Robinson, Saint John, New Brunswick and Walter Edwards, Smith Falls, Ontario; her mother and father-in-law, Andrew W. Jr. and Vesta Mae Chapman, Jackson and brothers-in-law, Mark Chapman, Augusta and Milton Chapman, Charlotte, NC.
In accordance with her wishes, Tammy will be cremated and her cremains will be scattered at her favorite place.
The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY
Friday, March 16, 2012
In Years Past
75 Years Ago
Two linemen indirectly employed by the Niagara-Hudson Power Company were electrocuted and five others were shocked when wires they were stringing on the Cattaraugus Indian reservation, about five miles east of Gowanda, came in contact with a high tension wire. The dead were: Lewis Putnam, 26 years old, of Lily Dale and Edwin K. Peters, 33, of Sherman. Power company workers revived Robert Skuse, Collins Center, one of the most seriously injured after two hours work with a pulmotor. Other victims suffered superficial burns. Their names were not learned by police.
Narragansett Times, Rhode Island
Self-Employed Handyman Norman Richard Mumford, 47, of Amos Street died peacefully at his home on Thursday, July 26, 2012. Born in South Kingstown, a son of George F. Mumford, Sr. of Charlestown and of Janice L. (Skuce) Snow of Narragansett, he worked as a self-employed handyman. In addition to his parents he is survived by his five siblings: George F. Mumford, Jr. of Washington, Lisa Handy of West Warwick, Karen Hogan, Jeanie Reed and John Snow, Jr. all of Narragansett and by...
Ludington Daily News, Michigan
April 12, 2012
Elwood H. Skuse III, of Cottage Grove, Tennessee, formerly of Whitehall, died April 10. Arrangements by Clock Funeral Home of Whitehall..
Chicago Suburban Daily Herald
April 25 to April 26, 2012
Joseph Lester Skuse, 52, of Rolling Meadows, passed away on Monday, April 23, 2012, in Skokie. He was born Nov. 19, 1959, in Libertyville, living at his Clearbrook home since 1992. He was a member of St. Joseph Parish in Libertyville. Surviving are his sister, Suzanne (Mark) Briskovich of Olivia, Minn., and brothers, Thomas (Linda) Skuse of Canton, Ill., Edward Skuse of Ponchatoula, La., and Michael Skuse. He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Anna Skuse. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. until the time of a funeral Mass at 11 a.m. Friday, April 27, at St. Joseph Church, 121 E. Maple, Libertyville. Interment will follow in Ascension Cemetery. Memorial contributions to Clearbrook Commons, 1835 W. Central Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005, would be appreciated. Arrangements are by the Burnett-Dane Funeral Home in Libertyville.
Florida Today
Saturday, July 9 / Sunday, July 8, 2012
Sandi E. Skuce, of Melbourne, FL, went to be with the Lord on Friday, June 29, 2012.
Survived by her parents, Jim and Joy; a sister, Jennifer; and many relatives. Sandi touched many lives and will be missed by all.
Memorial service will be held on Saturday, July 14th, at 11 AM, at First Church of the Nazarene.
Kent County Daily Times, Rhode Island
July 7, 2012
Richard A. Skuce, 69, of Benoit St., Coventry, passed away at home on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 surrounded by his loving family. He was the beloved husband of 47 years to Gail A. (Salisbury) Skuce.Born in Wakefield, RI, he was a son of the late Albert and Lillian (Coutu) Skuce.Richard worked for the Town of West Warwick for 25 years, retiring from the Highway Department. He was an avid motorcycle enthusiast.Besides his wife, he leaves his children, Richard M. Skuce of...
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
December 5, 2012
Area Births: Our Newest neighbors
Skuse, Ella Jean, Nov. 28.
The Republican, Massachusetts
January 2, 2013
South Hadley—Martha E. (Skuse) Keochareon, age 59 of Prospect St. died Saturday December 29, 2012 at home after a long courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. She was born in Holyoke. She is the daughter of Ruth A. (Nathken) Skuse of South Hadley and the late Martin E. Skuse. Martha graduated from Holyoke High School in 1971 and Holyoke Community College with a degree in nursing in 1993. She worked as a Registered Nurse specializing in neuro and orthopedic care. She is survived by her mother, her husband Joseph Keochareon, her daughter Barbara Dimauro and her husband Andy of Monson, her brother Martin Skuse and his wife Jeanne of Gill, and Michael Skuse of Holyoke, her sisters Ruth Woodard and her husband Jim of Manchester Center, VT, and Sheryl Bacon and her husband Bob of Rutherfordton, NC, her aunt, Peggy Casey of West Springfield, with whom she always had a special bond, her grandchildren Deegan Pluta, and Gigi Dimauro, her stepson Joey Ford, her sister-in-law Maria Letasz, brother-in-law Randy Letasz, and a niece Tesla Letasz. The funeral for Martha will be held Saturday morning at 10am from the Ryder Funeral Home in South Hadley followed by a service at 11 am in the St. Peters Lutheran Church in Holyoke with her burial to follow in Evergreen Cemetery. Calling hours will be held Friday evening from 7-9 pm in the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to The Lustgarten Foundation, 1111 Stewart Avenue, Bethpage, NY, 11714 or Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice, 50 Maple St., Springfield, MA, 01102.
The Oregonian
January 11, 2013
Skuse-Hauser, Michael Jay, 43, July 25, 1969 to Jan 02, 2013. Born in Oak Harbor, Wash., Mike was a Marine Corps combat veteran, serving in the Gulf War. He married Tina Seitz, his soul mate, Jan. 2, 2000. She died in 2005. We take comfort believing they are reunited. He was a loving, compassionate man with a sense of humor and spirit that carried him through many ups and downs. A memorial at the Oregon coast is being arranged. Notification pending. Donations in Mike and Tina's name can be made to feedamerica.org.
Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
January 16, 2013
Rochester— Died peacefully at age 64 on January 14, 2013 after a courageous battle with cancer. Predeceased by her parents Joseph and Eileen Lally. Jan is survived by her husband Ron, daughters Molly (Dominic Cabrera) Skuse, Tara (Craig Lewis) Skuse-Lewis and son Nathan (Heather) Skuse, her sisters Karen Koziol and Margaret Lally and her grandchildren, who were the joy of her life, Ella, Chloe, Nathan Jr. and Allison. She was our light and will be in our hearts forever.
A memorial gathering will be held Saturday January 19th at the American Association of University Women, 494 East Avenue at 11 AM. In lieu of flowers, donations in Jan's memory may be made to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, 840 University Ave., Rochester, NY 14607.
Shirley A. Allen (Skuce), 77, of North Kingstown passed away Sunday, April 14, 2013. She was the wife of the late William H. Allen, Sr.
Born in South Kingstown, she was a daughter of the late William C., Sr. and Clara (Holland) Skuce.
Mrs. Allen was a secretary for her husband at Allen's Seed Store for many years before retiring. She enjoyed travelling and camping.
She leaves six children, Sandra J. Williams of High Bridge, NJ, William H. Allen, Jr. of North Kingstown, Candace L. Burns of Providence, Timothy G. Allen of Charlestown, Jeffrey L. Allen of West Warwick and , Thomas J. Allen of Los Angeles, CA; a brother, William C. Skuce, Jr. of North Kingstown; two sisters, Margo and Janice Snow both of Narragansett; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was the grandmother of the late Joshua Allen; and sister of the late Diane Snow, Gail Skuce and Brenda Dailey.
Her funeral service will be held Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 10am in the FAGAN-QUINN Funeral Home, 825 Boston Neck Road, North Kingstown. Burial will be in Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Exeter. Visiting hours TODAY, Wednesday 5-8pm. Memorial contributions in her memory to the COPD Foundation, 2937 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 302, Miami, FL 33133 will be appreciated.
The Toledo Blade
Thursday, December 26, 2013 (Also published in the Columbus Dispatch)
Richard "Dick" Skuce, of Powell, Ohio, formerly of Toledo, Ohio, died unexpectedly at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday, December 22, 2013. He was born on November 25, 1933, in Schenectady, New York.
He was preceded in death by parents, Walter and Ruth Skuce. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Peggy Skuce, and his children, Dan (Amy) Skuce, Anne Skuce and Molly (Mike) Heit; grandchildren, Cameron, Sammi, Sandon Skuce and Mikayla and Mason Heit; many loving nieces and nephews and extended family.
He graduated from DeVilbiss High School in Toledo and Denison University in Granville, Ohio. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; served in the United States Army; retired after 35 years from Owens Corning; a founding member of Toledo Botanical Gardens; an active volunteer for Meals on Wheels; served on the Board of Directors on the Council of Older Adults in Delaware County and was an active member of Saint Peter's Episcopal Church.
Visitation will be from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Friday, December 27, 2013, at Rutherford Funeral Home at Powell, 450 West Olentangy St. (Powell Rd./St. Rt. 750/1/4 mile east of Sawmill Pkwy.), Powell, OH 43065. Celebration of Dick's life will be at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 28, 2013, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 45 West Winter St., Delaware, OH 43015. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Toledo Botanical Gardens, 5403 Elmer Dr., Toledo, OH 43615 or St. Peter's Episcopal Church.
Chambersburg Public Opinion
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Valerie Skuse Malmont
Valerie S. Malmont, 76, of Chambersburg, passed away Friday, November 14, 2014 at Gettysburg Lutheran Nursing and Retirement Village. She was born in Cambridge MA. Born on December 20, 1937, she was the daughter of the late Paul H. Skuse and the late Margaret Skuse.
Mrs. Malmont is survived by her three children, Paul Malmont and wife Audrey Herbst of Los Angeles, CA, Andrea Malmont and husband Jon Baughman of Chambersburg, PA, and Jason Malmont and wife Lara Brenckle of Carlisle, PA. Also surviving are her seven grandchildren. She was predeceased by one daughter, Roxanne Michelle and her husband Bruce Sigmond Malmont. Mrs. Malmont was a mystery author who published six books and a number of short stories. She was a resident of Lutheran Home of Gettysburg.
Mrs. Malmont was a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hagerstown and several writing organizations including Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and American Crime Writers League. She was also a member of the Franklin County Daughters of the American Revolution, the American Association of University Women, which she served as President, Vice President for membership, newsletter editor, and treasurer. She was also named twice as their "Woman of the Year".
She earned a B.A.in Anthropology at the University of New Mexico and a Masters in Library Science at the University of Washington.
Prior to becoming a mystery author, she spent her career working at the University of Washington, Children's librarian at the Arlington public library and as head librarian at Taipei Air Station in Taiwan Headquarters Support Activity. She also spent some time substituting in the Chambersburg School District libraries.
A memorial service will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at the chapel of the Thomas L. Geisel Funeral Home & Cremation Center, 333 Falling Spring Road, Chambersburg, with visitation one hour prior to the service. Rev. Adam Leeper will officiate. Interment will follow in Arlington National Cemetery at a later date.
Tyndall Funeral Home
July 30, 2016
John Richard Skuce Jr., 78, resident of Hatch's Hill, Mount Olive, died Saturday afternoon, July 30, 2016 at Kitty Askins Hospice Center. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016 at 4 p.m. at Tyndall Funeral Home with Dr. Bill Boyd officiating, and followed by burial in the Hatch Family Cemetery. Visitation will be at the funeral home during the hour before the service. Mr. Skuce was a native of Rhode Island. At the age of ....
The News & Observer
August 2, 2016
John R. Skuce, Jr., 78, Mount Olive, died 07-30-2016.
Arrangements: Tyndall F.H., Mount Olive.
Seattle Times
December 11, 2016
Hazel Ross Odom
Hazel Odom passed away November 21, 2016 in Lynnwood, Washington, surrounded by her loving family. She is survived by her three children: Leslie Bain (Bob) of Tacoma; William (Julie) of Tucson, AZ; and David (Carol) of Lynnwood, as well as seventeen grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, and niece Danielle Morehouse of Portland. She was preceded in death by her husband John Odom and her sister Joyce Morehouse of Portland.
Hazel was born Hester Hazel Ross on October 13, 1923, in Calgary, Alberta, to William and Mattie Ross who had immigrated from County Cork, Ireland to Portland, Oregon. Hazel attended OSU, modeled and worked as a receptionist before marrying John Odom on March 25, 1950. They raised their family in Kirkland while Hazel helped John with his dental practice. Hazel was active in Rose Hill Presbyterian Church and the Orthopedic Guild.
A memorial service celebrating Hazel's life will be held at Rose Hill Presbyterian Church in Kirkland on Saturday, December 17 at 1:00 pm.
Memorial contributions may be sent to Union Gospel Mission in Seattle in lieu of flowers.
The Providence Journal
March 4, 2017
101, of Warwick passed away on March 1, 2017 at Brentwood Nursing Home. She was the wife of the late John R. Skuce, Sr. Born in Brockton, MA, she was a daughter of the late Samuel R. and Edith (Gamble) Jones.
Mrs. Skuce was a Pharmacy Technician for the former Bay Shore Pharmacy in Warwick until her retirement in 1979. Her favorite pastimes were reading and singing and she enjoyed spending winters in St. Petersburg, FL for 12 years and playing Scrabble and Bingo. She was a Buttonwoods Senior Center member and served two terms as president of the Warwick Golden Agers.
She was the beloved mother of Judith E. Gorton (Wilfred) of Warwick, Dede M. Phelan (John) of Warwick, Donald S. Skuce (Cynthia) of Coventry, Nancy A. Chace (Stanley) of Kissimmee, FL, Stephen A. Skuce (Raymond Schmidt) of Cambridge, MA and the late John R. Skuce, Jr. USMC Ret. (Joyce Hatch Skuce). Loving grandmother of eleven and great grandmother of sixteen. She was the sister of the late Frederick S. Jones, Donald M. Jones and Violet McGehearty.
Relatives and friends are invited to Visitation on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 from 9:00-10:00 am followed by a Funeral Service at 10:00 am in THE URQUHART-MURPHY FUNERAL HOME, 800 Greenwich Avenue, Route 5, Warwick (Exit 12A on I-95). Burial in Glenwood Cemetery, East Greenwich.
Gifts in her memory to Brentwood Nursing Home Activities Fund, 4000 Post Rd., Warwick, RI 02886 would be appreciated.
The Gadsden Times, Alabama
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Lonna Elaine Skuce, 67, Fort Payne, died Monday, March 6, 2017.
A memorial service is at 2 p.m. Tuesday at W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel.
Hillsdale Daily News, Michigan
Aug 30, 1993
Alta Skuse, see Alta Lauder
Jackson Citizen Patriot
Friday, June 11, 195 (require proper date, likely either 1905 or 1915)
Mrs C M Grimes is visiting Douglas Skuse in Pittsford.
??, Allegany Co, NY
Wellsville Girl Weds Angelica Man Here.
Miss Clara Ackerman and Glen Skuse Married Quietly by the Rev. J. G.
Wellsville, July 2, The Baptist parsonage was the scene of a very quiet
wedding yesterday afternoon when Miss Clara Ackerman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Ackerman of Pine street and Glen Skuse of Angelica were
united in marriage, the Rev. J. G. York performing the ceremony. The
ring service was used.
The attendants were Miss Mildred Arnold and Carl Reuning, both of Wellsville.
Only immediate relative were present.
Mr. and Mrs. SKUSE left immediately for Lake Lamoka, where they will
spend a week in a cottage at the lake front.
Mrs. Skuse will continue as an employee of the Citizens National
bank here for the time being. Mr. Skuse is a licensed aviator, but is
at present employed in a garage at Angelica.
[Source: newspaper clipping] Likely the The Allegany County
Democrat or The Angelica Advocate. Bet 1930-1936
Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman) - Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman) Greece: February
21, 2008, 94. Interment to take place at Clarkson-Union Cemetery on
Sat., May 3, 2pm. Memorial donations may ....
Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
February 21, 2008
Erma M. (Graupman) Skuce
Interment to take place at Clarkson-Union Cemetery on Sat., May 3, 2pm. Memorial donations may be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton.
Greece: February 21, 2008, 94. The youngest of William and Emma Graupman's four children, she raised her family with husband, Richard E. Skuce (predeceased) in Clarkson, NY. She is survived by her son, Darryl "Bud" (Judy) Skuce; daughter, Anne (Jan) Kastberg; granddaughter, Katrina Kastberg; and several nieces and nephews.
Private Interment Clarkson-Union Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to St Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton.
Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman) - Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman) Greece: February
21, 2008, 94. The youngest of William and Emma Graupman's four children,
she raised her family with husband, ....
Bay City Times
Skuce, Jennifer - Skuce, Jennifer B. Frankenmuth, MI Jennifer Bubier
Skuce was born on July 7, 1965 at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, California.
She passed away peacefully ....
Saginaw News
Skuce, Jennifer B. - Skuce, Jennifer B., Frankenmuth, Michigan. Jennifer
Bubier Skuce was born on July 7, 1965 at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto,
California. She passed away peacefully ....
San Francisco Chronicle
August 14, 2005
SKUCE, Jennifer Bubier - Born July 7, 1965 at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, CA. She passed away peacefully in her sleep at home in Frankenmuth, Michigan, July 28, after a courageous battle with breast cancer. All her immediate family was at her side. Jennifer attended Menlo-Atherton High School in Atherton, CA, Hollins College in Virginia, and Arizona State University. She subsequently lived in Cave Creek, Arizona, where she met her true love, John Warack. They moved to his home state of Michigan in 1995. Jennifer loved to travel, visiting Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Central and South America, as well as most of the United States. But her true passion was animals of all kinds, and in particular horses. She was an accomplished rider as well as a breeder of Arabians and Thoroughbreds. Incongruous as it may sound, she was also an excellent rifle shot, and life time member of Safari Club International. She will be remembered by family and friends for her contagious smile, infectious laugh, and inner and outer beauty. Jennifer is survived by John, and their beautiful daughter Hunter Amelia Warack; and Hunter's half sisters, Jennifer and Ashley; as well as her parents, Betsy and Dave Skuce of Menlo Park and McArthur, California; and her sister Kendal and brother, Jake. The family has established the Jennifer Project to build an indoor riding arena in the town of McArthur in her memory. Tax deductible donations may be made through Intermountain Junior Rodeo Association, Jennifer Project, P.O. Box 593, Fall River Mills, CA 96028.
Published by TBO.com
Skuce, John - SKUCE, John, 94, of Avon Park, died Tuesday, January 5,
2005 at Lake Placid Health Care. A native of Wakefield, Rhode Island,
he had lived ....
The Providence Journal
Skuce, Margaret M. - SKUCE, MARGARET M., 64 of State Street, North Kingstown,
a homemaker, died Friday in Kent County Memorial Hospital, Warwick.
She is survived by a son ....
Modesto Bee
Skuce II, Nicholas Anthony - NICHOLAS ANTHONY SKUCE II AUG. 17, 1944
- DEC. 12, 2006 Age 62, passed away at home. Self employed ~ Columbia
Concrete Pumping & ....
The Providence Journal
Skuce, Patricia A. (Ramage) - SKUCE, PATRICIA A. (RAMAGE), 67, of Kingsley
Avenue, passed away Thursday at home surrounded by her loving family.
She was the wife of William ....
The Republican
Skuse, Alma - Alma Skuse 1920 - 2002 HOLYOKE - Alma (Schielke)
Skuse, 82, of Holyoke, died Thursday at Holyoke Hospital. She was born
in Germany, daughter of ....
Herald Tribune
Skuse, Dorothy - Dorothy Skuse, 87, Oakland, Calif., and
formerly of Sarasota, died March 6, 2003. She was born May 5, 1915,
and was a longtime resident ....
Boston Globe
Skuse, George W. - Age 61 of Nashua, NH, died Jan. 21, 2005
in Nashua. Born and educated in Watertown. Former V.P. of Operations
at Klien Assoc. in ....
Muskegon Chronicle
Skuse, Jessica L. - SKUSE, MRS. JESSICA L. North Muskegon
Mrs. Skuse, age 30, went to the Lord November 21, 2007, leaving behind
daughters, Summer Lea, Stephanie Joy, and
The Republican
11/29/2005 - 11/30/2005
Skuse, Martin E. - Martin E. Skuse 1928 - 2005 SOUTH HADLEY
- Martin E. Skuse, 77, of Lamb St., died Sunday, November 27, 2005 at
Cooley Dickinson ....
Muskegon Chronicle
Skuse, Megan F. - SKUSE, MEGAN F. Muskegon Megan Skuse, age
20, died January 29, 2007. Born December 8, 1986, in Muskegon, to David
and Debra (Selig) Skuse, a ....
Albany Times Union
Skuse, Raymond C. - Skuse, Raymond C. ALBANY Raymond C. Skuse,
87, entered into eternal rest with his Lord on November 25, 2007 at
St. Peters' Hospice. Ray ....
Herald Sun
Skuse, Winifred Kathleen (Kath) - SKUSE. _ Winifred Kathleen
(Kath) 07.04.1914 - 14.08.2008 At Emily Lenny Aged Care Facility An
irreplaceable and positive presence in so many lives. Kath ..
Boston Globe
Skuse, Roberta A. (Ciacchella) - SKUSE, Roberta A (Ciacchella) Age 61
of Watertown formerly of Newton, March 30, 2010. Beloved wife of Donald
Stanley Skuse. Loving mother of George ...
Sacramento Bee
Skuse, Maxine Safia Girson - SKUSE, Maxine Safia Girson Age 86 of Sacramento,
died in San Rafael Saturday, May 9, 2009. She was born February 10,
1923, in Missoula, Mont., ...
Muskegon Chronicle
Skuse, Eunice May - SKUSE, MRS. EUNICE MAY Fruitport Mrs. Eunice May
Skuse, precious Mother and Grandmother, age 76, passed into the loving
arms of Jesus surrounded by her ....
Herald Sun
Skuse, Elsie Edith Emily - SKUSE. - Elsie Edith Emily. On Dec. 13, 2009
Peacefully in her 100th year Dearly loved wife of Cyril (dec.). Much
loved mother of ...
Herald Sun
Skuse, Elsie Edith Emily - SKUSE. - The Funeral of Mrs Elsie Skuse will
leave the David W. Bull Funeral Home, 6 Brunt St, Cranbourne on MONDAY
(Dec. 21) ...
Daily Press
12/22/2002 - 12/23/2002
Scouse, Rachel C. - WILLIAMSBURG - Rachel C. Scouse died
Friday, Dec. 20, 2002. She is survived by her husband, Robert E. Scouse;
son, Robert and his wife, Robyn ...
The Gazette
2/13/2008 - 2/20/2008
Scouse, Ronald - - Ronald. (Edinburgh / Barrhead). Peacefully
at home on Thursday February 07, 2008, Ronald beloved husband of Patsy,
a wonderful and loving dad to ....
The Times, Trenton
Skeuse, Rita T. - SKEUSE, Rita T. Of Stockton. Calling hours:
2-4 & 6-8 p.m. Thursday, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hart,
35 Kingwood Stockton Rd., ..
The Times, Trenton
Skeuse, Rita T. - STOCKTON -- Rita T. Kane Skeuse, 80, died
Monday at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Donald
Hart. Born and raised ...
Skeuse, Rita T. Kane - SKEUSE - On Dec. 8, 2003, Rita T.
Kane Skeuse, of Stockton (Delaware Township), N.J., beloved wife of
the late Thomas J. Skeuse Sr., devoted ..
Kansas City Star
Skouse, Donald Gordon - Donald Gordon Skouse, 87 of Independence,
Mo, passed away May 12, 2007 at his home surrounded by his loved ones.
A celebration of his ....
*Above might be Skousen
12/2/2009 & 12/4/2009
Scuse Jr., Clarence T. - Clarence T. Scuse Jr., 76 SMYRNA - Clarence
T. Scuse Jr., of Smyrna, passed away Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009, in Bayhealth/Kent
General Hospital. He ..
The Times
Scuse, Joyce - Joyce, peacefully with her family on 19th December 2009,
aged 94. There will be a memorial gathering at Christchurch East Sheen
London in early ...
Herald Sun
Skues, Ethel Maude - SKUES. - Ethel Maude passed away on Nov. 13, 1999.
Dearly loved mother of Merv, mother- in-law of Sylvee. Nana of Denis,
Nicole, Mervyn ...
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin
Skues, Lydia M. - Lydia M. Skues of Deposit, N.Y. Lydia MacDonald Skues,
59, of Shaver Hill Road, Deposit, passed away October 15, 2007 at her
home. She ..
Penn Yan Democrat
?? April, 1929 (bet 15-23 Apr, top of page cutoff)
Mrs Alice Skuse, of Watkins Glen, visited her sister, Mrs. Ed Benham,
several days last week.
Watertown Times, Watertown, NY
6 May 1916
Several Ontario Men are Killed
Canadian Casualty List
Private Harry Drinkwater of Galt., Ont., Private Richard Skuce of Craigmont,
Ont., and Private Edward A. Webb of Stratford, Ont., have died of wounds.
Watertown Times, Watertown, NY
?? Oct 1922
Ottawa Man Touring North on a Bicycle
Cecil Skuce has ridden same machine 3000 miles
Hammond, Oct 12 - Cecil Skuce of 37 Primrose avenue, Ottawa, Can. stopped
here Sunday while on the way home from Watertown where he spent Saturday.
He left Watertown at 8:30 Sunday morning and arrived at this village
at 11:50 making the distance of 42 miles in three hours and 20 minutes
on a bicycle.He expected to make Ogdensburg in two hours from this place,
a distance of 22 miles where he expects to stop a day or so.
The young man has ridden this wheel 3,000 miles since April and has
played the piano in more than 500 different towns. He assures that by
another season he will save carfare enough by traveling on the wheel
to buy a motorcycle.
Mr. Skuce is an ex-service man, having served four years in the Canadian
army. He saw considerable service overseas, being in France the duration
of the war. He escaped injury with only a slight dose of gas in the
eyes which affected his eyesight to the extent that he has to wear the
strongest glasses obtainable.
Rochester Union Advertiser, NY
?? March 1882
That Detroit Medical College
Whether or not the "Medical College of the Detroit University"
will ever amount to much as an institution where reputable physicians
may be turned out it is certainly obtaining much free advertising, consequent
upon the Free Press' charges that it was a fraud. The result of the
investigations of the Free Press have already been mentioned in these
columns. Other discoveries, since made, are equally interesting. The
press of yesterday charges that the head of the institution, who goes
by the name of H.S.Thomas, M.D., "is Tom Skuce, a former Rochester
(N.Y.) barber, who came to Detroit to practice medicine some years since,
his office since being up stairs over the corner of Michigan avenue
and First street, and his sign bearing the name of H.S. Thomas, M.D."
Reference to a Rochester directory of 1869 reveals no name of Skuce,
but on page 213 is to be found the entry "Skuse, Thomas, hairdresser,
162 Buffalo h do." So much for the "venerand" president.
The "venerand" faculty and their institution are receiving
some hard blows from the reputable gentlemen whose names were placed
upon the prospectus as instructors, as witness the following letter
from Prof Frothingbam: ...
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
?? April 1972
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Cooper, who were married Saturday (April 22,
1972) at Niagara Unit Prebyterian Church, plan an August honeymoon in
The Rev. William J. Devine officated at the cermoney. The bride, the
former Mrs. Shirley H. Skuce, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
L. Martin, Deland, Fla., formerly of Niagara Falls. Mr. Cooper is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. McKee, 452 Woodward Ave, North Tonawanda,
also former residents of Niagara Falls, and the late Leonard T. Cooper
of Youngstown.
Arnold H. Martin gave his sister in marriage. She wore a blue satin
gown with white lace. A bow secured her floor legth veil and she carried
a banquet of blue carnations and white roses.
Mrs. William Rehar, Matron of honor, wore an aqua taffeta gown covered
with chiffon, Mrs. David Barton and Mrs. David Ababurka, bridesmaids,
chose gowns of shrimp colored chiffon over taffeta and wore matching
headpieces. Valerie Rebas, flower girl, was in white dotted Swiss.
John Universal was best man. Nunzio Rizzo and David S. Ababurka were
attendants, Robert Woolson and Martin Skuce were ushers and Ralph Marthin
was ring bearer.
A reception was held at F.O.E. 1411 Hall, North Tonawanda, immediately
after the ceremony. The newlyweds will make their home in Ward Road,
North Tonawanda.
Niagara Falls Gazette, NY
?? Jan 1958
County Transcripts
Deeds, 29 Jan 1958
Joseph T. and Freda Skuce to Frank D. and Eleanor R. Bielaski, Wheatfield
Norman E. and Harriet Krueger and William E. Kureer to Joseph T. and
Freda Skuce, North Tonawanda
Joseph T. and Freada Skuce, Wheatfield to Niagara Savings and Loan Assn.,
Utica Daily Press, NY
Monday, ?? November 1925
Father of Pastor of Brookfield M. E. Church Dies at Harris?? in Canada
Brookfield, Nov. 16 - William Sturgeon, 77, Shawville, Quebec, Canada.
father of Rev. Arthur A. Sturgeon, pastor of the local M. E. Church,
died at his home in that province October 7.
Mr. Sturgeon was born at Clarendon Front, March 24, 1848, and lived
77 years, 7 months and 12 days. While still an infant the family moved
to the Sturgeon homestead. In 1873 he married Melinda Kelly, who survives
him. To this union 11 children were born: two died in infancy, nine
are living namely: Rev. Arthur A. Sturgeon, Brookfield, NY; John T.,
Campbell's Ray, Que.; Ben and Silas, Calgary, Alta.; Mrs. R. D. Skuce
and Mrs. C. W. Daney, Stoughlon, Sask.; Louise Haryy and Eva Shawville;
25 granchildren and two sisters - Mrs. James Armstrong and Mrs. R. Glenn.
The Pittsburgh Press
11 Mar 1916
(?? Requires confirmation, use census)
John G Benzenhoefer
John G Benzenhoefer, aged 74, died recently at his home, Kilbuck st.,
Glenfield. He was was formerly a building contractor in the Sewickley
Valley. Mr. Benzenhoefer was born in Wittenberg, Germany, and located
in the Ohio Valley when he came to America. He was a member of the German
Evangelical Lutheran church of Glenfield. His widow, Mrs Catherine Basler
Benzenhoefer; two brothers, one in Ohio, and one in Germany; one son,
Robert of Glenfield, and three daughters, Mrs. Annie Lautenschlager,
Mrs. Emma Skeese and Miss Sophia, survive.
Nashua Telegraph, New Hampshire
Monday, June 5, 1967
(?? Requires confirmation, use census)
Tilton Crash Kills Man
Tilton, N.H. (AP) - James Skeese, 52, of Bristol was killed today when
his dump truck backed over the edge of a gravel stock pile. A medical
referee ruled the death was accidental.
Skeese was hauling gravel in his own truck when the accident happened
in the Tilton Sand and Gravel Co.'s main lot, Tilton police said.
Racine Journal- News, Wisconsin
1893, Eleanor C Skewes, Nee Collier, Born 1866, Widow
of Edwin
1919. Samuel Skewes, Age 72, Husband of Mary
1920, Alice Jessop Skewes, Born 1864 Racine County
Rochester Democrat And Chronicle, RI
April 20, 2008 (find original article)
Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman)
Greece: February 21, 2008, 94.
Interment to take place at Clarkson-Union Cemetery on Sat., May 3, 2pm.
Memorial donations may be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton.
Rochester Democrat And Chronicle, RI ??
February 24, 2008 (find original article)
Skuce, Erma M. (Graupman)
Greece: February 21, 2008, 94. The youngest of William and Emma Graupman's
four children, she raised her family with husband, Richard E. Skuce
(predeceased) in Clarkson, NY. She is survived by her son, Darryl "Bud"
(Judy) Skuce; daughter, Anne (Jan) Kastberg; granddaughter, Katrina
Kastberg; and several nieces and nephews.
Private Interment Clarkson-Union Cemetery. Memorial donations may be
made to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton.
Detroit News
September 1, 1956 (find article)
HUNTLEY, Hortense, of Detroit; husband: Charles ; son: Joseph, daughter:
Madelne Skuse; brother: Joseph VanHecke. Funeral: Verheyden-Mack Ave
Ontario County Marriages, from Newspaper listings (find article and
move to newspaper, usa)
Date of Paper: 17 Dec 1908
William B. Skuse to Katherine Flynn, Geneva NY
Date of Paper: 7 Nov 1931
William P. Brown to Ruth Eleanor Skuse
Ontario County Births, from Newspaper listings (move to newspaper,
Newspaper Obituary Dates (or Death Notices)
19 Feb 1873
Skuse, Charles S. Jr., Geneva, NY
18 Nov 1874
Skuce, Orville H. & M - son of, residing in Geneva
19 Nov 1879
Skuse, Frank P. & Mary A. - son of, residing in Geneva NY
Detroit Free Press
July 17, 1884
Judge Chipman Declines to Give Mrs. Skuce a Divorce.
(pay article)
Brockport Republic-Democrat
Feb 01 1945
M/M Richard Skuce
birth Jan 26 1945
Brockport Republic-Democrat
May 29 1952
M/M Richard Skuse
birth May 20 1952, Anne Elizabeth
Asbury Park Press
Dec 22, 2009
Mary E. Skeuse, 55, passed away at home Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009. Born December 8, 1953 in Jersey City to Edward J. Skeuse and Madelyn Hannon Skeuse. ...
Orlando Sentinel
Jun 3, 1986
Thomas Skeuse, 76, 1200 Eastland Rd., Mount Dora, died Monday. Born in Flushing, NY, he moved to Mount Dora from Purdys, NY, in 1971. ...
Asbury Park Press
May 16, 2007
Catherine M Frazier Binion, 82, of Middletown, ... Surviving are four daughters and two sons-in-law, Janet Binion of Woodstock, NY , Elaine B. and Jack Skeuse of Lambertville, Margaret Binion of Stockton, and ...
Feb 17, 1999
... He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Ruth Skeuse; sons Wesley William, Jr. of Washington, DC and Bruce David of Chapel Hill; nephew Robert Barnola Egan ...
Boston Daily Globe
July 30, 1925
DRISCOLL—In July 28, Ann A., beloved wife of Timothy H. Driscoll (nee Skuse), mother of the late Rev Cornellus S. Driscoll. C. SS. R., and Frater ...
San Jose Mercury News
Dec 30, 1996
Marie Pfeiffer Striegel O'Brien was 6 years old when her mother, Annie Skuse Pfeiffer, died in 1912. That meant she had to skip childhood on her father's fruit ranch. She was the youngest of nine siblings, but her older sisters, Anita and Nellie, had married and left their Almaden Valley orchard. Brothers Martin, Leo, Frank, Victor, Richard and Norbert had to be fed. Mrs. O'Brien always said she learned to cook fast, said her daughter...
Chicago Tribune
Mar 19, 1919
.... beloved wife of Fayette D. Skuse, mother of Marguerite ard James. Funeral ...
Erie Times-News
January 28, 2009
Elizabeth Michaels
Elizabeth "Betty" Almon Skuce Michaels After a period of declining health, Betty Michaels passed away on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in Harborcreek at the home of her daughter, Juliet. She was born February 4, 1920 in Meadville, Pa., daughter of the late Jerome and Julia Mead Almon. She attended Meadville schools until her family moved to Erie where she completed her senior year, graduating from Strong Vincent High School in 1938. She married Gerald Skuce, also of Meadville and they spent two years in James, NY before moving to Harborcreek to live with her parents for the remainder of ...
Rochester Daily Record
Tuesday, December 3, 1936 (check date, could be 1946)
Clark, Richard N and James A—Orders granting letters of guardianship to Richard G and Jessie A Skuse—Harry H Wickes for pets.
Watkins Express, Schuyler Co, NY
Next-of-Kin Death Notices, 1871 - 1900
SKUSE Philetus
SKUSE Charles
Newspaper Notices Monroe County, File Card Index (*Transcribed)[1862,63,65,66,68,70-73,75,77-80,83 available at Fulton History]
Skuse, Detective: Arrested for Malicious arrest of Hames Cornelius (2-1/2"), Rochester Union and Advertiser (UA), My 8, 1890, 5-6; JCM:SC
Skuse, Ann (Mrs Charles): Died, Union and Advertiser, My 17, 1884, 3-7; LG:RZ
Skuse, Charles: Drowns at junction of Erie and Genesee Valley Canal; Union and Advertiser, N 12, 1857, 3-2; PW:MC
Skuse, Charles: See Gay Charles; MHM:LM
Skuse, Daniel: Married Marie Louise Stecher (2"); Union and Advertiser, JL 21, 1897, 7-1
Skuse, Daniel Augustus: Married Louise Marie Stecher; Union and Advertiser, Jl 22, 1897, 8-2; EQ:JA
Skuse, Elizabeth: Died, Union and Advertiser, Ag 17, 1886, 2-4; LG:MB
*Skuse, Esther A: Granted a divorce from Thomas Skuse; Union and Advertiser, Mr 31, 1877, 2-2; JCM:HR
Skuse, Francis N: Died, Union and Advertiser, D19, 1892, 2-2; JA
Skuse, Francis N: Obituary (4"); Union and Advertiser, D19, 1892, 5-4; JA
Skuse, Francis N: Died, Union and Advertiser, D20, 1892, 2-3; JA
Skuse, Francis N: Will admitted to probate, Union and Advertiser, F21, 1893, 5-1; CCP:HR
Skuse, Frank: Home slightly damaged; work of incendiary; Union and Advertiser, D 13, 1861, 2-1; NT:MB
Skuse, Frank: Died, Union and Advertiser, Je 17, 1895, 3-5; CCP:EQ
Skuse, James: Rosanna McGuckan Case---examination commences; Union and Advertiser, Je 3, 1858, 3-2; FD:MB
Skuse, John: Suits for damages against New York Central Railroad, settled out of court; Union and Advertiser, D 16, 1897, 6-5; SC:EQ
Skuse, James: Application made to the Governor for his pardon form the Penitentiary (1/2"); Union and Advertiser, D 29, 1879, 2-2; CL:AB
Skuse, James: Shot in the back by William Mouyhan during an argument. (3"); Union and Advertiser O 16, 1882, 2-5; JD:LR
Skuse, Jennie: Died, Union and Advertiser, My 17, 1892, 2-3; AS:FAD
Skuse, John: Former Rochester resident died at Sibley, Ia; Union and Advertiser, Ag18, 1884, 2-2; SC:EQ
Skuse, Mary L (Mrs James); Died, Union and Advertiser, Mr 20, 1869, 3-8; GZ:ARO
Skuse, Thomas: Held as suspect in the McGuckan drowning case; Union and Advertiser, Je 1, 1858, 3-1; FD:MB
Skuse, Thomas: Injured when sleigh turns over; Union and Advertiser, Ja 28, 1891, 2-2; FD:?C
Skuse, Martha (Mrs Richard G): Died; Union and Advertiser, My 15, 1897, 7-4; CP:AA
Skuse, Thomas: Suffers undetermined loss in Buffalo Street Fire; Union and Advertiser, Mr 24, 1869; 2-4; PJW: RC
Skuse, Thomas: See Skuse, Esther A; FCM:HR
Skuse, William J (Willard): Obituary (1-1/2 in), Union and Advertiser F 19, 1894; 6-4; JS:JI
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Skuse, done to 1950
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